Picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Be A Baby

God's Blue Book I Cover

October 22, 1993

Jesus speaks: Wait on the Lord and He will grant your heart's request. For I was hungry and you gave Me to eat. I was naked and you clothed Me. For I am the God of all nations, the Father of all justice. I make the winding roads open and My ways are straight and clear. Have no fear, My child, for I go before you to open the way. Your anxiety is useless. You worry and fret when I never leave your side. Oh, little one, how, indeed, I love you! Do not let your mind wander and focus on other things. I am God and I am talking to you. Little one, little one, you are not a baby. Babies do not worry. They do not let themselves get so full of fear. Babies just have fun. They know all they need and they simply ask for it. You are so afraid to ask for what you need. You are so afraid to let go. You are just afraid, child. Do you not listen to Me? You don't do anything anyway. You are fooling yourself. I am working when you don't even know it. I have a plan. I want it carried out. You are part of My plan. Your surrender is all you need to do. Making it work out is not your business. Surrender to the God Who loves you intently. I will use you. Don't get anxious about anything. I am going to make all things work for My glory.

The victory is already won. You will be okay. Surrender to Me, My little baby. Be as an infant at the breast. They wait and they are fed. They wait and they are changed. They wait and they are taken care of. I, My child, will take care of you. I need you to do My work. I want your total submission. That is your job-to surrender to Me. Take the weights off your shoulders. Go about your day in service of Me. I love you so, little one. I will take care of you. You are My baby. You I love. You will be provided for. I am your Savior. Harken to My commands, to surrender. That is your job. Pray and let go. Watch miracles grow in your life. My miracles unfold about you. "And they called and they were filled. Every minute was His to give. They only waited for His direction and life was no longer drudgery but a song-a song to sing in praise of Him Who loved them so much." Alleluia, Alleluia.

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