Picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Do God's Will--Surrender

God's Blue Book II Cover

February 7, 1994 8:30 a.m.
Before Funeral Mass at St. Philip

R. Surrender all through the Passion! Surrender! Tied to a pole, beaten, led away, He sat without any comment and they put a dirty robe on Him. He sat in surrender while they hammered the crown of thorns onto His head. Surrender--while they taunted Him and laughed at Him. Surrender--gave Him a cross, hit Him, kicked Him, spat on Him, struck Him with a stick to make Him get up, treated Him so awfully. Surrender--they led Him away, with Him totally complying to His death on the cross. How He hung there in total surrender!

Jesus: When they persecute you for My sake, great will be your reward! Stand your trials. I was as the innocent lamb led to the slaughter. In the act of total submission to the will of The Father, I gave My life for His will. Say the Our Father. Thy will be done, Father. This, doing His will, is worth more than a thousand prayers. This pleases Me, The Father and the Holy Spirit.

Surrender your lives. Make your lives an act of total submission to God. Be as the little lamb being led to the slaughter. You will suffer persecution for My sake. My way is not to take up the sword. My way is in submission.

Do you see Me hanging in the act of total submission? Follow Me. This is My way for you. You want your own way. Follow My will. This weighs far more than any mortification. This pleases Me. I call you to total surrender. See Me dying on the cross in compliance with The Father's will. You surrender your lives to The Father's will. This is your guide: your inner promptings on what tells you His will.

You must be before Me in the tabernacle. In a million years you will not acquire the knowledge you obtain there. I am God, My chosen ones, I want to guide you. You cannot find your way without the silence daily in front of Me. All will work when you obey Me now and listen to Me and spend time with Me in silence. Do not read prayers and say prayers only. This is not sitting with Me in union! You need to be in front of Me and not busy. This is how you will acquire your knowledge.

R. I love You, Jesus.

There are as many hearts as personalities. The more I love God, the more I am able to love. He is all love. All love is rooted in Him.

If I am mortifying myself and praying and doing the sacrifices I want, but God is telling me to do something else, I am not doing His will. I am picking and choosing and deciding I must do this prayer, that one. I am not doing His will.

He is calling you in front of the tabernacle, "Can you not wait one hour with Me?" No. I want to do this sacrifice. I am doing my will, my good acts. Performing good acts is not necessarily doing God's will.

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