Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the
world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater,
Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish
this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A. We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages
rests |
![]() |
November 13th, Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 8 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mystery
for November 13th is Sorrowful.
Come get your Christmas
presents on the 13th
in China, Indiana
Sacred Heart Pictures
Immaculate Heart Pictures
Image Rosaries
Consecration Packets
Little Favors
prayer service begins at 12 noon on the 13th
The Sidney Rosary will be broadcast
live on the Internet on
November 19, 2002
It will be Tuesday Healing Night.
The prayers will begin as usual
with the 6:20 tape
which is led by Father Carter.
Please click on the live audio
and the image of Mary
with a live picture of this from Clearwater.
It is a most powerful prayer when
we all pray united from all over the world.
Please pray with us all united
from every corner of the earth.
Every day we are broadcasting
the Mass all over the
world at 4:00.
Messenger: Every
day at 6:20PM we are
broadcasting Fr. Carter
praying the prayers
on tape at 6:20.
You can click on for this
and also for the live
picture of the images.
Please come to China, Indiana
November 13, 2002
Special prayer service at 12:00 PM on the 13th.
Retreat starts with Mass at 1:00 PM on the 12th
until Mass on the 14th.
November 12, 2002
Mysteries of Light
Baptism of Jesus
1. Jesus is God.
2. Matthew 3: 13-15
Then Jesus appeared: he came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptised by John. John tried to dissuade him, with the words, ‘It is I who need baptism from you, and yet you come to me!’ But Jesus replied, ‘Leave it like this for the time being; it is fitting that we should, in this way, do all that uprightness demands.’ Then John gave in to him.
3. Matthew 3: 16-17
And when Jesus had been baptised he at once came up from the water, and suddenly the heavens opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming down on him. And suddenly there was a voice from heaven, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on him.’
4. There are 3 Divine Persons in One God.
5. Ephesians 4: 3-5
Take every care to preserve the unity of the Spirit by the peace that binds you together. There is one Body, one Spirit, just as one hope is the goal of your calling by God. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
6. Luke 24: 47
and that, in his name, repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be preached to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
7. Let us say the Creed and think of every word --
let us say it and profess our faith.The Apostles Creed
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day he arose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven; sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead. * I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
8. Oh God thank You for the sacrament of baptism.
9. Oh God thank You for forgiving our sins.
10. Oh God we are sinners thank You for
the waters of baptism.
Marriage at Cana
1. John 2: 3-10
And they ran out of wine, since the wine provided for the feast had all been used, and the mother of Jesus said to him, ‘They have no wine.’ Jesus said, ‘Woman, what do you want from me? My hour has not come yet.’ His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ There were six stone water jars standing there, meant for the ablutions that are customary among the Jews: each could hold twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus said to the servants, ‘Fill the jars with water,’ and they filled them to the brim. Then he said to them, ‘Draw some out now and take it to the president of the feast.’ They did this; the president tasted the water, and it had turned into wine. Having no idea where it came from—though the servants who had drawn the water knew—the president of the feast called the bridegroom and said, ‘Everyone serves good wine first and the worse wine when the guests are well wined; but you have kept the best wine till now.’
2. Mary told Jesus that they had no wine.
3. Jesus changed water into wine.
4. At Mass the priest changes wine into
the Blood of Jesus.5. Mary has powerful intercession.
6. I know whenever we pray we should pray
through Mary's powerful intercession.7. At Fatima
Tell everybody that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tell them to ask grace from her, and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Ask them to plead for peace from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Lord has confided the peace of the world to her. 19
Note: 19. Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan, op. cit., p. 9-10.
8. Look at Lucia's vision June 13, 1929.
See Mary by the altar.
9. What a gift God gives us at Mass!
10. What a gift God gives us in giving
us Mary as our Mother.
John 19: 25-27
Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. Seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, ‘Woman, this is your son.’ Then to the disciple he said, ‘This is your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.
Kingdom of God
1. Matthew 13: 14-15
So in their case what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah is being fulfilled:
Listen and listen, but never understand!
Look and look, but never perceive!
This people’s heart has grown coarse,
their ears dulled,
they have shut their eyes tight
to avoid using their eyes to see,
their ears to hear,
their heart to understand,
changing their ways
and being healed by me.2. Matthew 13: 14-15
‘But blessed are your eyes because they see, your ears because they hear! In truth I tell you, many prophets and upright people longed to see what you see, and never saw it; to hear what you hear, and never heard it.
3. Mary speaks: I appear and my Son
Jesus appears on the building in Clearwater.
April 5, 2002
July 5, 2000
July 5, 2000
February 5, 2001
4. Revelation 2: 7
Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches: those who prove victorious I will feed from the tree of life set in God’s paradise."
5. Revelation 2: 11
Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches: for those who prove victorious will come to no harm from the second death."
6. Revelation 2: 17
Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches: to those who prove victorious I will give some hidden manna and a white stone, with a new name written on it, known only to the person who receives it."
7. Revelation 2: 26-29
To anyone who proves victorious, and keeps working for me until the end, I will give the authority over the nations which I myself have been given by my Father, to rule them with an iron sceptre and shatter them like so many pots. And I will give such a person the Morning Star. Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches."
8. Revelation 3: 5-6
Anyone who proves victorious will be dressed, like these, in white robes; I shall not blot that name out of the book of life, but acknowledge it in the presence of my Father and his angels.
July 4, 1996
This message was received before a live statue of the Sorrowful Mother after Communion.
Message from Jesus: "Peace will abound when nations, churches, families and individuals are consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
"Fr. Carter is a pillar of light to the dark world. This is the explanation of the photo. It is through him, I will turn darkness to light. Circulate this message with the picture. Encourage all to consecrate their hearts to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to join the Shepherds of Christ Chapters, and the Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Movement to pray for your Church and your world. This is My Movement for renewal of the Church and the world, based in consecration, joining your every act to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, praying the rosary, and making reparation to Our Hearts, especially on First Fridays and First Saturdays. It is through your prayers and sacrifices many souls will be helped to be saved. Grace will flow from those whose hearts are consecrated to Our Hearts and the fire of My Love will light up this darkened world."
As you look at the picture, you see Fr. Carter's arm and hand on your left. This picture of Fr. Carter was taken July 2, 1996 at the Tuesday Shepherds of Christ Meeting at Tom Arlinghaus' Farm.
Excerpt January 17, 2000
Messenger: Before the 17th meeting in January of 1995, I had received the following vision when at Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Chains. It was either late December, 1994 or early January, 1995. I drew the picture in the notebook.
It looks as follows:
The face was a flesh colored, but I could not see the features. The gown was white with a square neck.
The next day Jesus told me it was Father Carter.
9. Revelation 3: 12-13
Anyone who proves victorious I will make into a pillar in the sanctuary of my God, and it will stay there for ever; I will inscribe on it the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which is coming down from my God in heaven, and my own new name as well. Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches."
10. Revelation 3: 20-22
Look, I am standing at the door, knocking. If one of you hears me calling and opens the door, I will come in to share a meal at that person’s side. Anyone who proves victorious I will allow to share my throne, just as I have myself overcome and have taken my seat with my Father on his throne. Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches." ’
Messenger: I saw a vision of an open door, the light within it resembled the light of the vision of March 26, 1996.
The open door was glistening with this reflective golden color mirror-like light. I cannot describe, as I could not describe concerning the 3 main visions, the first being March 26, 1996.
The closest light I can describe to this is the sun reflecting on the water at Tom's Farm but this too leaves an emptiness to its description.
There was a little white sheep at the bottom of the open, glistening door and the little sheep hobbled over a small threshold and went in.
The door was rounded on the top, no corners, like a semi-circle on the top, and the wall surrounding this door was black. The light I describe was within this door and peered out to me in the vision.
I heard our Lord over and over again cry out during this period, "Come out of your tombs, dead, dead, dead, you are dead...
John 10: 2-4
He who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the flock; the gatekeeper lets him in, the sheep hear his voice, one by one he calls his own sheep and leads them out. When he has brought out all those that are his, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow because they know his voice.
1. God is light.
2. Jesus took Peter, James and John
up the mountain.3. Jesus was transfigured before them.
4. It says in the scriptures 17: 2 ...
"His face shone like the sun."5. I am in awe that God loves us, his
creatures, so very much.
6. God has shown us His love. God the Father
sent His only begotten Son into the
world. Jesus is our Savior.
7. Meditate on the words of the Father.
‘This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him.’ Mark 9: 78. Jesus is Lord.
9. Jesus is the Son of God.
10. There are 3 Persons in One God.
The Last Supper
1. Jesus died and Jesus rose on the third day.
2. We live out the Paschal mystery in our lives.
3. Jesus gives us Himself in the Holy Eucharist.
4. Luke 22:17-20
Then, taking a cup, he gave thanks and said, ‘Take this and share it among you, because from now on, I tell you, I shall never again drink wine until the kingdom of God comes.’
Then he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ He did the same with the cup after supper, and said, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood poured out for you.
The Eucharist is our chief source for growth in trust. We should pray for a deepened awareness of this magnificent Gift.
- St. Peter Julian Eymard: “It is true also that the world does all in its power to prevent us from loving Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament with a real and practical love, to prevent us from visiting Him, and to cripple the effects of this love.
“The world engrosses the attention of souls; it finds and enslaves them with external occupations in order to deter them from dwelling too long on the love of Jesus.
“It even fights directly against this practical love and represents it as optional, as practicable at most only in a convent.
“And the devil wages incessant warfare on our love for Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
“He knows that Jesus is there, living and substantially present; that by Himself He is drawing souls and taking direct possession of them. The devil tries to efface the thought of the Eucharist in us, and the good impression made by it; for in his mind, that should decide the issue of the struggle.
“And yet God is all love.
“This gentle Savior pleads with us from the Host: ‘Love Me as I have loved you; abide in My love! I came to cast the fire of love on the earth, and My most ardent desire is that it should set your hearts on fire.’”6Excerpt from Priestly Newsletter, September-October 1995
6. St. Peter Julian Eymard, “The Most Blessed Sacrament Is Not Loved!,” as in The Treasury of Catholic Wisdom, Fr. John Hardon, S.J., ed., Ignatius Press, p.584.
The Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests offers us this vivid reminder concerning the connection between the Eucharist and the priest’s identity: “The sacramental memorial of the Death and Resurrection of Christ, the true and efficacious representative of the singular redemptive sacrifice, source and apex of Christian life in the whole of evangelization, the Eucharist is the beginning, means, and end of the priestly ministry, since all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate are bound up with the Eucharist and are directed towards it. Consecrated in order to perpetuate the Holy Sacrifice, the priest thus manifests, in the most evident manner, his identity.”2
Excerpt from Priestly Newsletter, July-August 1995
Note: 2. Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests, as in special supplement, Inside the Vatican, p. 181.
St. Peter Julian Eymard, founder of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers, gives us these bold words concerning Eucharistic devotion: “How is it that our Lord is so little loved in the Eucharist?
“One reason is that we do not speak enough of it and that we insist only on faith in the presence of Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament instead of speaking about His life and His love therein…in a word, instead of showing Jesus Eucharistic with the personal and special love He has for each one of us.
“Another reason is our behavior, which denotes little love in us. From the way we pray, adore, and visit Him, no one would suspect the presence of Jesus Christ in our churches.
“How many among the best Catholics never pay a visit of devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament to speak with Him from the Heart, to tell Him their love! They do not love our Lord in the Eucharist because they do not know Him well enough.
“But if, in spite of knowing Him and His love and the sacrifices and desires of His Heart, they still do not love Him, what an insult! Yes, an insult!
“For it amounts to telling Jesus Christ that He is not beautiful enough, not good enough, not lovable enough to be preferred to what they love.
“What ingratitude!
“After having received so many graces from this good Savior, made so many promises to love Him, and offered themselves so often to His service, such a treatment of Him is a mockery of His love.
“What cowardice!
“For if they do not want to know Him too well, to see Him at close quarters, to receive Him, to have a heart-to-heart talk with Him, the reason is they are afraid of being caught by His love. They fear being unable to resist His kindness; they fear being obliged to give in, to sacrifice their heart unreservedly, and their mind and life unconditionally.
“They are afraid of the love of Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and they avoid Him.
“They are disturbed in His presence; they are afraid of yielding. Like Pilate and Herod they avoid His presence.”4
Excerpt from Priestly Newsletter, July-August 1995
Note: 4. The Treasury of Catholic Wisdom, ed., John Hardon, S.J., Ignatius Press, p. 582.
One of our readers, Fr. Maynard Kolodziej, O.F.M., in his booklet, Understanding the Mass, reminds us of the connection between the Eucharist and the Old Testament Passover. “As the Israelites belonged to the People of God through circumcision, so we belong to the People of God through baptism. As the Israelites shared in the benefits of the old covenant by participating in the Passover celebration, so we share in the benefits of the new covenant by participating in the new Passover celebration, the Eucharist.”3Excerpt from Priestly Newsletter, July-August 1995
3. Maynard Kolodziej, O.F.M., Understanding the Mass, Franciscan Publishers, p. 31.
The Eucharist is not only a very special contact with God in Christ. In Christ we also relate to the other members of the Church. In receiving the Eucharist we pledge ourselves to deepen our love-union with all members of the Body which is the Church. We pledge to use these means which foster union. We determine to avoid that which causes selfish divisiveness.The Eucharist also reminds us of our relationship with the entire human family. Jesus died and rose for all. The Eucharistic making-present of this paschal mystery nourishes our determination to assist in the work of ongoing redemption. The light of the Eucharist points to what we should be doing. The strength of the Eucharist assists us to so act in behalf of all.
The Eucharist, then, possesses the richest capacity to help us maintain and develop our personal relationship with God, the members of the Church, and all other members of the human family. And it will do just this if we surrender to its love, its power, its beauty.
Excerpt from Priestly Newsletter, July-August 1995
Henri Nouwen observes: “Jesus is God-for-us. Jesus is God giving himself completely, pouring himself out for us without reserve. Jesus doesn’t hold back or cling to his own possessions…He gives all this to us…‘Eat, drink, this is My body, this is My blood…this is Me for you!’”5Excerpt from Priestly Newsletter, July-August 1995
Note: 5. Henri Nouwen, With Burning Hearts, Orbis Books, p. 67.
Christmas cards available
To order cards on the internet click here
call Morrow 1-513-932-4451
Suggested Donation of at least $2.00
inside of card
Rosary Books for sale
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152-0193
USAto use a credit card call Morrow at 1-513-932-4451
Red Rosary Book
$10 + shipping
Blue Rosary Book
$10 + shipping
Parents and Children's
Rosary Book
$10 + shipping
Little People and Elderly
Rosary Book
$10 + shipping
(Spanish)Rosary Coloring Books
$5 each book + shipping
From September 5, 2002
during the special prayer service
in Clearwater, Florida
during the 6:20 prayers.The images looked exactly like this.
This was taken without a flash.
There have been physical healings
on the 5ths and at other times.
Excerpt from September 17, 2002
I wish the store to carry the Christmas
materials immediately, coloring
books, Blue Books, Spanish Coloring
Books.I wish image rosaries be made available in
the store and on Tom's farm.These must also be ordered, it takes
months for their delivery, the requirement
has been made the materials are covered
before the order.I ask you to have Christmas presents that
reflect Mary's image.What a gift I give to the earth, you
should tell people about this especially at
Christmas.end of excerpt from September 17, 2002
Please pray for the Cardinal
Our Lord has asked us to pray for.
We desperately need funds.
We need funds desperately.
We need funds to send out
the retired Bishop's mailing.
Please pray for the Cardinal
Our Lord has asked us to pray for.
It is difficult for us every month to make the
Virgin Mary payment.We cannot keep the store stocked
because of the shortage of money.Our Lord has asked us to stock the store
for Christmas.He has asked all to come and buy
Christmas presents from the store.Can you help us in any way?
Credit card donations accepted.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152
Copyright © 2002 Shepherds of Christ.
Rights for non-commercial reproduction
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re-typed nor edited.
Translations are welcome but they must be reviewed for moral and
theological accuracy by a source approved by Shepherds of Christ Ministries
before any distribution takes place. Please contact us for more information.
All scripture quotes are from
the New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: November 12, 2002
Contact Information for Shepherds of Christ
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513) 932-4451
FAX: (513) 932-6791