Shepherds of Christ  
       Daily Writing        

December 2, 2007

December 3rd Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 9 Period II.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries  
for December 3rd are Glorious.


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December 2, 2007


Isaiah 2: 1-5

The vision of Isaiah son of Amoz, concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 

It will happen in the final days 
that the mountain of Yahweh’s house 
will rise higher than the mountains 
and tower above the heights. 
Then all the nations will stream to it, 
many peoples will come to it and say, 
‘Come, let us go up 
    to the mountain of Yahweh, 
to the house of the God of Jacob 
that he may teach us his ways 
so that we may walk in his paths.’ 
For the Law will issue from Zion 
and the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem. 

Then he will judge between the nations 
and arbitrate between many peoples. 
They will hammer their swords 
    into ploughshares 
and their spears into sickles. 
Nation will not lift sword against nation, 
no longer will they learn how to make war.  

House of Jacob, come, 
    let us walk in Yahweh’s light.


Excerpt from November 29, 2007

                    A man went out with a life long
                desire to climb the highest mountain —
                on the way he met a smooth talker
                who tried to convince him to climb
                a lesser mountain. The first man became
                very tired from the journey to the high
                mountain of his dreams and thought
                "what the heck, it is easier and not
                so hard, closer and, the other man
                said just as good"

                    When he started up the mountain
                it was so much easier than the high
                mountain would have been —

                    He ascended it and there were
                trees, flowers, benches — even
                a food stand — there were water falls,
                games and men had turned the smaller mountain
                into a travelers attraction. As he
                went higher there were even lodging
                places and he stopped and said —
                "this wasn't my dream, but what
                the heck, I will abandon my life
                long dream for this because now I
                am frustrated and confused and this
                is how things are now, where once
                I had a vision of the high mountain
                now I have settled for this man-made
                attraction and the fun filled days"
                I trained for I knew it would be
                rigorous, now I live a life of ease,
                tasting allurements and bathing in
                sexual pleasures 'What a life!!'

                          End of excerpt from November 29, 2007



My dear children, I love you.
Thank you for helping me

mother my children.
I am Mary your Mother.


                God help me to be
                    holy like the
                    Virgin Mary

                The whole key to
                    the Spiritual life —
                The Spiritual Mother's
                    role to teach
                    us to be brought
                    forth to be more the
                    reflection of Jesus.

                The Holy Spirit
                    working in her Immaculate
                    Heart — bringing us
                    forth more in the image of Jesus.

                Crushing the head of
                    the evil spirit —
                    Mary acts as our Mother.

                Deep in the recesses
                    of our tainted heart —
                    the Holy Spirit works
                    on our imperfect
                    vision of ourselves,
                    imperfect vision of others,
                    imperfect vision of God.

                We see with tainted
                    vision — our reality inside
                    needs to be tuned at the knee
                    of our Mother.

                The New Eve
                The Singular Vessel of Devotion —
                Acting on our tainted vision —
                    impaired reality —
                The more we go to Eucharist and
                    dwell in Their Hearts —
                    More true is our perception

                    His life is in us —
                We are more one with God —
                Jesus is the way, the truth
                    the life —

                He gives us the bread
                    of life to nourish and fill
                    us — We are not starved like
                    one who is starved — physically
                    We are fed by the Eucharist spiritually.

                When we starve ourselves with food for
                    our bodies we do not think so clearly.
                We need sugar for our brains
                We may be hungering for nourishment
                We cannot think too good
                When we fill ourselves with the bread of life
                When we go to the Eucharist
                    the Eucharist nourishes us spiritually

                The Medicine of Immortality
                His Word that feeds us TRUTH
                Truth for our tainted
                    reality —
                Vision of God —
                In the end
                    the beatific vision
                (If we go to heaven)

                Saturated with His grace
                    we see clearly —

                If I miss my hour before the
                    tabernacle — one day  —my
                    vision is not one filled with
                    grace — it becomes impaired
                    I get caught in the muck —  
                    This is the message of the blue book

                A Blue Book - teaches us about
                    having greater life in Him —
                    It helps us to have more pure vision — living
                    in the truth —

                Our perception is tainted —
                The Medicine of Immortality is
                    the key to clear vision

                His grace helps us to see
                    with more His vision —

                Going to the Eucharist heals
                    the wounded human nature —
                that sees with jealousy, pride, lust,
                    envy, anger - not pure sinless
                    like Mary —
                Being a handmaid of the Good
                    Shepherd like Mary —
                    being like Mary — what an honor —

                Reflective glass — Clearwater

                The devil will press down
                more and more with his lies and
                it becomes a battle with
                our tainted reality —
                to see the truth —

                lies verses truth with
                the culmination in
                the beatific vision
                in heaven (hopefully) —

                So much grace is given
                    by the reception of the
                    Eucharist and Adoration —
                    to be abundantly filled
                    with His life to be where
                    Saint Paul says —
                "I have been crucified with
                Christ — it is no longer I
                who live, but He who
                lives in me"

                    So to have an inordinate
                attachment one way
                too much or the other
                way too much against
                God's will — opens up a
                doorway to satan and
                taints our reality with
                satan's lies —

                Where Jesus is truth and
                His life abundantly alive
                in us — We have a more
                pure vision and act in this
                reality of greater truth
                IN HIM —

                The Eucharist is the
                Medicine of Immortality —
                The Blue Book writings
                    the Mighty Medicine
                    to lead us to greater
                    vision in Him —

                I am hungry Lord for
                    your truth alive
                    in me —
                    when my vision
                    became tainted — my
                    heart was made more clean when
                    You outpoured Your
                    grace to me before the
                    Blessed Sacrament and
                    gave me Your Body and Blood —
                        You healed my wounded
                        human nature

                    The whole secret is being
                able to get along with others.
                If somebody says that they
                    can be alone, but                   
                    cannot get along or
                    be comfortable with
                    others — without having
                    mostly isolating thoughts — they
                    need to develop social
                    skills to live in harmony
                    with others —  


Matthew 22:36-40

'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too.'


                A person can say they have
                perfected their life living
                alone — eating alone — being
                alone and if God has not called
                    them to be a hermit —
                    they are to be able to
                    work with others in love —

                It is God's will even for
                    the hermit to be living
                    mindful of others, praying
                    for others —

                    God gives moms and dads and
                they take care of children —
                when mom carries and nurses
                the baby — they sacrifice

                    Parents sacrifice a lot
                when a baby is born —
                husbands and wives have to
                learn to love and live together —
                God intends us to walk
                hand-in-hand —

                    Wanting things selfishly
                our way when it is really
                not loving is hard for
                someone else to live with —

                    Learning to share at
                2 is vital —
                some brothers and sisters
                learned —
                others were mean —
                maybe mom and dad focused
                on themselves

                A person can be thinking only of
                themselves — nurses, doctors,
                teachers, priests must focus on
                others — a first grade teacher
                or nursery school teacher
                may go the other extreme —
                she wants to wipe everybody's
                nose —

                In adults this can be co-dependent —
                where the enabling wife for
                example follows an alcoholic
                husband around —
                It is balance — being united in
                love, properly — no co-dependent —
                slavishly dependent — not
                selfish — thinking only of self —
                those co-dependent might want
                to fix everybody else and
                forget they exist — they
                see themselves as perfect
                not need of any help —

                Balance —

                    Everything according to God's will
                Relationships that lead to
                greater love that are not selfish
                or possessive or controlling or
                walking as God intends
                purely loving
                living in harmony
                living for the honor and glory
                    of God

                A selfish person when compared
                    to Christ on the cross
                    should see how they must improve
                    in becoming selfless and dying
                    to their selfish imperfections


Galatians 2: 19-20

...I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me.


                Mary is the perfect handmaid
                    of the Lord.

                Jesus showed us how he
                    washed their feet.

                Jesus was the suffering servant
                We are to walk in the footsteps
                    of Jesus.

                Be like Mary

                Alcoholics can lead others

                A person who is dysfunctional,
                    not communal — that wants
                    to isolate and be selfish —
                    hurts others who are
                    communal —

                The dysfunctional ones want the
                    people around them to
                    understand their isolating —
                    argumentative ways —
                    sometimes —
                    combatal - like building a
                        wall around them

                A normal person
                Talks — the other responds —
                There is interaction —

                One who is isolating will be
                    absolutely silent when
                    somebody opens a door to talk —
                    they may show — no response

                They may not answer — show any
                    facial expression — be
                    absolutely not interactive

                LIKE a closed door —
                Or they start an argument to
                    shut the other up —
                    or to be in control and
                    have the other on the defensive

                They may act like they don't
                    understand — causing
                    tremendous, repeated
                    frustration — to block


Romans 13: 11-14

Besides, you know the time has come; the moment is here for you to stop sleeping and wake up, because by now our salvation is nearer than when we first began to believe. The night is nearly over, daylight is on the way; so let us throw off everything that belongs to the darkness and equip ourselves for the light. Let us live decently, as in the light of day; with no orgies or drunkenness, no promiscuity or licentiousness, and no wrangling or jealousy. Let your armour be the Lord Jesus Christ, and stop worrying about how your disordered natural inclinations may be fulfilled.


Matthew 24: 37-44

'As it was in Noah’s day, so will it be when the Son of man comes. For in those days before the Flood people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up to the day Noah went into the ark, and they suspected nothing till the Flood came and swept them all away. This is what it will be like when the Son of man comes. Then of two men in the fields, one is taken, one left; of two women grinding at the mill, one is taken, one left.

    'So stay awake, because you do not know the day when your master is coming. You may be quite sure of this, that if the householder had known at what time of the night the burglar would come, he would have stayed awake and would not have allowed anyone to break through the wall of his house. Therefore, you too must stand ready because the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.



Work in us Lord

                Work in us Lord —

                Give us the Medicine of Immortality

                Let the people locked in
                    pain be made free

                Let hardened hearts go to
                    the healing, loving
                    Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

                Oh Blessed Trinity You show
                    us perfection.

                    Three Persons in one God.

                Oh Blessed Trinity — help us.

                Oh Blessed Trinity outpour
                    Your healing grace —

                Give us grace to know Your love

                Help us not to be prideful.








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