Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.
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February 27, 2002
February 28th Holy
Spirit Novena Scripture selection is Day 2 Period I. |
The Novena Rosary Mystery for February 28th is Sorrowful. |
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February 27, 2002 Messenger: The story of my soul.
The pain inside of me seems to mount to |
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I have heard God speak not once but, over and
over again, I have seen the transfigured Lord
several times and my soul was in such awe I cannot
describe, nor can I describe the joy of that moment
of being taken to such heights in Him.
I have heard the Father say
"This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him." (Mark
9: 7)
and when I hear this spoken, I am in that place
once again and the words are embedded so
deeply in my heart and soul, never to be
erased or eradicated and every time I hear it,
it takes me to such depths, I cry so deeply
inside being wrapped in that reality that God
truly is and loves me so deeply. I suffer so
for the blindness of those who have no
ideas of the things I've seen and experienced.
In my dealing with the Lord in these experiences
there is a form of selflessness, a place of
losing one's self that I cannot describe.
I reach such heights of existing in
Him and that place is so real to me.
At times I was taken to such heights I could
scarcely move my body and yet in that
place I was so connected to God and
lifted up I was less aware of my body.
Walking to and from the altar for communion
was exerting the physical body which
I just didn't want to move. So I walked
slowly to communion to try to remain as
deeply as possible in that place.
For me to be in those places it is going beyond
the self and so one that calls attention
to the self where they have imposed
upon me a self consciousness is
truly an enemy to me arriving at
heights of existing in Him in ecstatic
The very things I talk about I know so very
very well, the places of highest union
where I touch Him and I know things
so very deep in my soul and He exists so
deeply in me, the reality of God's love and
existence is what is so intently real to me
and there is so much satisfaction from
this deep union in Him. I truly know I
was created for this.
It is a state of pleasure so far beyond
anything here and the want of that
state leaves me in a desert-land of
longing for this place of ecstatic union
of existing in Him.
And Fr. Carter understood so much of this.
From the very beginning when I began to
describe the experiences of intense suffering
I had undergone with Mary in 1994,
where I knew the sorrows of her heart,
knew that place as she stood beneath
the cross, as He acted on my soul with
graces, not because I sat and thought
about it, or formulated thoughts,
but because in an instant when in
deep prayer He took me to places,
not initiated by me in any way
and gave me deep knowledge within
my being of her and her sorrows.
I was in her heart under the cross,
holding her Son after He was taken
down from the cross, experiencing
the many facets of the heart of Mary
and she spoke inside of me as
she delivered the message.
Mary's Message from the Rosary of August 27, 1996
Mary speaks: I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my Heart was in such pain for I saw Him before my eyes. I saw Him covered with blood. I saw Him die. My Heart, my children, my Heart to watch my Son, but my Heart, my Heart, how I suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and give up the love of my Son. O my little children of light, I give you this message. Carry this light into the darkness for your Mother Mary, for I stood beneath the cross and I cried. I cried for the little ones. I cried for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls. How do I make you see for you will not listen to me? What can I do? I come. I appear. I beg. I plead. I give you these gifts from my Son, and you reject me. I do not deliver messages very often anymore for I have been ignored. The message is the same. You do not read the messages I have given to you. Please help me. Help the little children. I appear. I appear. I appear, and I am ignored. I stood beneath the cross, and I cried. I cried, and my Heart was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this day as I searched for the Child Jesus. Please, please help me. I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any longer. I am Mary, your Mother. I ask you to help my children. You are my children of light.
end of Mary's Message, August 27, 1996
February 27, 2002 message continues
I felt the words come from within, without
thoughts of my own as They used my
mouth to say what she said and
the emotions of my heart were
not from my emotions, but the
emotions of Mary that filled me
as she spoke.
And I know the places and the heart of
Mary as in the batting of an eye, They
possess my soul and fill me with
knowledge of Themselves.
This is what happens to me when I do a
rosary from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
The person too close to me can be an
irritation or distraction next to me if
they answer loudly or are leading
the rosary. They can keep me thinking
of what they will do.
In these states, I am not really thinking
like we do every day,
the opening to this place is opened
and I am operated on from God.
They speak to me, They speak
through me, I let go and I am
directed by God or Mary
what to do.
The words come from a place
deep within, not formulated
by my thoughts.
The messages I write are given to
I never stop writing to think, formulate,
work on sentence structure,
I don't look for words, there
is a knowing inside of me
at times I gleefully write with
the joy of hearing the formation
of the words from Him as one
revels at a company of musicians
playing a symphony.
He delivers: I am soft, open, supple,
selfless and He acts on my soul.
I am His messenger.
What is the Mass to me?
There were so many, many Masses I
attended in the little chapel at
Fr. Carter's Jesuit residence house.
February 27, 2002 message continues
Messenger: Before each Mass I knew I might be able
to be taken in that ecstatic place.
The devil would work on every earthly
distraction he could to keep me
from being able to be so selfless
and unattached. Before Mass I would
be distracted by problems and the
peoples of the world.
Our Lord told me to restrict my conversation
before Mass for the devil would seem to
work in this to keep me focused
on problems and issues.
There was terrible anxiety for me many
times before Mass because I longed
so deeply to be in those ecstatic
experiences of existing in Him
in such a heighten degree where
He would implant such deep
knowledge of Himself on my soul.
At times everything seemed as a distraction
and I would never get to the altar
of sacrifice where I could lose
myself in Him and enter into
these ecstatic unions with Him
in which He acted on my soul.
On the way to Church the devil would work
in feelings inside of me that seemed
to be so strong to make me
cry and keep me focused on
myself and things that happened.
I felt many times as if I was fighting a
lot of devils to get to the altar.
And lots of times I gave in and
then didn't experience the joy
that, that Mass may have brought
The devil works in trying to create thoughts
of division between us and others,
he works in emotions where we
begin to think others may be thinking
this about us or sometimes we may think
others are not acting in very nice ways
because of their imperfections.
The bottom line is, if God is about to
take you in an ecstatic union
that gives such pleasure to the
soul, why give into the little
distraction to focus on the faults
of others and what they are thinking
of you.
To reach a plateau of perfection and
ecstatic union in the Mass
I had to fight off the interferences
of temptations by the devil to get me
focused on myself or others. I had to
focus on God and my desire to be
so intimately united to Him.
My love affair with God waits.
The union of the soul with the bridegroom.
He escorts His bride to His chambers
and there He lavishly outpours
His love in a deep way in which
the soul can know the presence
of Father, Son and Holy Spirit so
deeply. He can enlighten the soul
and give grace that lifts the soul
into heights of a deep experience
of existing in Him.
I connect with My Father, (God the Father)
He is real to me.
My greatest desire is to be possessed
by God and completely possessed by
Him for all eternity.
My soul is satisfied by God.
I know this place of ecstatic union.
It would be like trying to describe in words
what goes on in a heart when there is love.
Words do not exist to describe the deep
love I have in my heart for others.
But words surely do not exist for me to
describe ecstatic union with God,
but the reality of it and knowing
that I seek deeper completeness
in Him is what I live for.
I shout to Him, oh my God, more, more
more, the knowledge You impart
to me of Yourself is that which
feeds my soul and satisfies me.
This is how it will be in the Church
during the Reign of the Sacred Heart
when we reach a greater maturity
in our relationship with Him.
This is a soul living as the bride of Christ.
Mary is our model. The Spirit floods the
soul with lights or consolations that help
us know greater insights into the hidden
mysteries of God's love.
A busy body, must stop and take time to be
in the presence of God.
It was a battle for me to get to the altar
many times and put aside the distractions
the devil would help me to create to
take me from those heights of
existing in Him.
There is a place I know, filled with
light and warmth and joy and
it is found as He takes the
initiative and outpours His
grace and acts on my soul.
I am the soul waiting His favor!!
It's called communication with God.
It's called letting go and letting
Him consume the soul.
It's called being soft and supple.
It's called getting rid of division
and envy, jealousy in the
heart and focusing only on
Him and that moment of
I remember in early January of
1996, I saw Him transfigured
several times in the front
of Holy Cross-Immaculata.
The first time, the devil seemed he
put before me every irritation
and focus to try to get me
irritated or focused on some
irritating issue.
The phone seems to be a way the devil
can work, but with our children
many times we can't ignore their call
and the needs they have, but we have
to remain loving and handling
the problems with love
even though the issues may
be very difficult and seem
to test our patience at great
I know there were many times I gave
into the distractions, the divisions
and missed the opportunity
for great grace to be so deeply
wrapped in God's love in the
We must respond with love in our heart,
love for God and love for others
when I am acting on something.
But at times I had to fight the emotions
inside like on a battle line to remain
connected to another person if I
wanted myself to be taken to a place
of being able to even pray deeply
at Mass and other times of prayer.
The devil is real and he doesn't
want deep prayer, he doesn't
want the soul receiving lights
and favors from God.
The devil doesn't want us loving God.
God wants a loving union.
Intellectual measures may be used by
God to trigger a deep experience
with Him, but many times when
a priest got up and talked so deeply
about intellectual things, it
acted as a big distraction to my
loving union with God when I
felt God carrying me away
in His loving embrace.
The devil is the enemy.
The devil is real.
The devil tries to get us to focus on ourselves.
How would it be if a husband and
wife go to a romantic encounter
and he pulls out his deep scientific
studies and goes into a deep
scientific discussion of how
the cells divide or something?
It may be interesting and God can
use intellectual things to act on
a soul,
but the Mass is the gift of love
where the Divine God give Himself
in the most loving union to
the soul.
It is the place, in the Mass, where
God outpours His grace on the
soul ready and waiting His
He is the initiator, He is the
bridegroom, He is the one who
leads, we are the bride,
the one waiting His favor.
He acts on the soul.
And thus on the first days of Lent
in 1998 He gave me this prayer
A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb,
the Bridegroom of the SoulOh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
February 27, 2002 message continues
Messenger: and
during Lent, daily the
writings called The Spouse of the
It was so wonderful, when
I received these writings
these days of Lent.
I saw Him, He was dressed as a bridegroom,
as I went to communion in
Light of Christ Church in
I had visions of myself as His
bride, I experienced the deepest union
with the lights He imparted
on my soul. The light of knowing
His love. The light of knowing Him as the Divine
Bridegroom I remember
so deeply in my soul these experiences
when He acted on my soul. I
crave this deep ecstatic union with
Him. I want to be possessed by
God. I want completeness in Him.
I love it. He acts on my soul.
A song in church can touch me
so deeply, because it is a
love union I have with Him and the
songs can touch my heart.
For many Masses, He would outpour
His grace and touch my soul
so deeply in the Word and
impart to me the deepest
knowledge in the reading
of Scripture.
He feeds the soul with His
Fr. Carter wrote in the Priestly
Newsletter about the
Bread of life, it is
His Word and the Eucharist.
John 6: 35-59
Jesus answered them:
I am the bread of life.
No one who comes to me will ever hunger;
no one who believes in me will ever thirst.
But, as I have told you,
you can see me and still you do not believe.
Everyone whom the Father gives me
will come to me;
I will certainly not reject
anyone who comes to me,
because I have come from heaven,
not to do my own will,
but to do the will of him who sent me.
Now the will of him who sent me
is that I should lose nothing
of all that he has given to me,
but that I should raise it up
on the last day.
It is my Father’s will
that whoever sees the Son
and believes in him
should have eternal life,
and that I should raise that person up
on the last day.Meanwhile the Jews were complaining to each other about him, because he had said, ‘I am the bread that has come down from heaven.’ They were saying, ‘Surely this is Jesus son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know. How can he now say, “I have come down from heaven?” ’ Jesus said in reply to them, ‘Stop complaining to each other.
‘No one can come to me
unless drawn by the Father who sent me,
and I will raise that person up
on the last day.
It is written in the prophets:
They will all be taught by God;
everyone who has listened to the Father,
and learnt from him,
comes to me.
Not that anybody has seen the Father,
except him who has his being from God:
he has seen the Father.
In all truth I tell you,
everyone who believes has eternal life.
I am the bread of life.
Your fathers ate manna in the desert
and they are dead;
but this is the bread
which comes down from heaven,
so that a person may eat it and not die.
I am the living bread
which has come down from heaven.
Anyone who eats this bread
will live for ever;
and the bread that I shall give
is my flesh, for the life of the world.’Then the Jews started arguing among themselves, ‘How can this man give us his flesh to eat?’ Jesus replied to them:
In all truth I tell you,
if you do not eat
the flesh of the Son of man
and drink his blood,
you have no life in you.
Anyone who does eat my flesh
and drink my blood
has eternal life,
and I shall raise that person up
on the last day.
For my flesh is real food
and my blood is real drink.
Whoever eats my flesh
and drinks my blood
lives in me
and I live in that person.
As the living Father sent me
and I draw life from the Father,
so whoever eats me
will also draw life from me.
This is the bread
which has come down from heaven;
it is not like the bread our ancestors ate:
they are dead,
but anyone who eats this bread
will live for ever.This is what he taught at Capernaum in the synagogue.
Excerpt from Priestly Newsletter 1996 November/December,
edited by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.
"I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd is one who lays down his life for his sheep. The hired man, since he is not the shepherd and the sheep do not belong to him, abandons the sheep and runs away as soon as he sees a wolf coming, and then the wolf attacks and scatters the sheep; this is because he is only a hired man and has no concern for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for my sheep." (Jn 10:11-151)
A faithful shepherd takes care of his sheep in all their needs. This includes providing them with the proper food. Jesus, the perfect Shepherd, abundantly provides for the nourishment of His flock. In the Eucharist, He gives Himself in His body, blood, soul, and divinity, for our spiritual growth. He also feeds us through His word, through His teaching. The gospel of John, in Chapter 6:35-59, combines both of these ways, Christ nourishing us through His teaching and through the Eucharist. This particular section of John's gospel gives us Jesus' great discourse on the Bread of Life. The first part, verses 35-50, speaks of the teaching of Jesus as nourishment. This first part contains, therefore, the so-called sapiential theme. The second part, versus 51-59, speaks of the Eucharist as our heavenly nourishment. This part, therefore, contains the sacramental theme.
Concerning the teaching of Jesus which has been left to His Church, the Second Vatican Council states: "But in order to keep the gospel forever whole and alive within the Church, the apostles left bishops as their successors, 'handing over their own teaching role' to them. This sacred tradition, therefore, and sacred Scripture of both the Old and the New Testament are like a mirror in which the pilgrim Church on earth looks at God, from whom she has received everything, until she is brought finally to see Him as He is, face to face."2
We priests have a special privilege and responsibility to nourish ourselves with the teachings of Jesus. The more we meditate on this teaching, the more we love it, the more we ourselves live it, the more apt instruments we become in assisting the Good Shepherd in the feeding of His flock.
- Scriptural quotations are taken from The Jerusalem Bible, Doubleday & Co.
- The Documents of Vatican II, "Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation," No. 7, American Press Edition
February 27, 2002 message continues
Messenger: He
feeds us with both His Word and
Himself in the Eucharist.
The devil wants us focused on
ourselves at Mass.
The soul wants oneness. We feel happy
when we are deeply united to others in
great oneness.
The Mass can unite us in deep oneness
with each other.
The devil wants people to feel
divided at Mass, the devil
wants people to think
think about what other
people are thinking about
them, the devil wants us
looking at others and ourselves
and measuring things.
The Mass is to unite us.
We must see ourselves as one.
We need to feel union in our hearts.
We have to fight distractions of the
devil to divide us, be
competitive, worry what
others think of us
giving into dividing thoughts are blocks to
ecstatic union with God in
the Mass and being in that
place where we can deeply touch our God.
I am not saying we have complete control
over this.
God may allow us to be tested, and tried
and tempted by the devil and we
may feel such a temptation to be
divided with another He wants us
to be united to, to do His work, that
we almost feel we can't make
peace with them.
When the stakes are high, when God
has called people to do His work
to help save many souls, the
devil can press down with
his tactics to divide souls that
need deeply to unite for the
sake of the Kingdom.
Faith, we must have faith. We must
focus on His Might no matter how
hopeless some things may feel
sometimes. We must see with His eyes.
We stay focused on His Plan.
We know the Victory has been won.
See Moses and all the opposition he had.
God is a God of might.
Look how He tested Abraham.
This is God!!
Why do we not think He would test us
when we come to the altar.
And oh the rewards of being
embraced by God, of existing
so deeply in Him.
I went into these deep places of existing
in Him when Fr. Carter was alive.
I saw lights.
I knew the burning fire of His Heart.
I knew the place He took me
when I existed so deeply in God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit December 15, 1995.
Now Fr. Carter is gone.
He experiences the fullness of life, he told
me I could never be completely satisfied here below.
I am here and that which my heart craves
so deeply seems so far away,
the cross seems so heavy on my back,
I suffer so with the blindness of the earth,
I want so deeply those moments I
receive after Communion and in
the Mass.
I love it when He speaks to me and
touches my soul and gives
me His light.
I love the blinding light of
the knowledge of Himself
He imparts to me.
I love the warmth of the place I
know deep within His Heart.
What seemed so far away for Father
some day is now here.
I see myself and in the realm of the unknown
I wonder how He will take me
or how much I will suffer or
could I get cancer like my mom
or Fr. Carter or Fr. Jim Willig
How good would I handle the physical
pain if He gave it to me before
I died.
So much of my pain now is so
very real, but it is
emotional pain, suffering
to not have Him so completely,
longing for Him, deep suffering
for sin in the world, suffering
for the untruth taught to
children, sin of men that
really offends God...
Oh I do miss the daily visits of Mary and the places
I have been taken in live rosaries...
In these days of lent we may experience tremendous
suffering, we have to let go and let Him
take us through lent, the way He
wants to act on our soul.
He has lessons to teach us as we carry our
cross identifying with Him on the way
to Calvary, but we should never
forgetHe is the teacher, let
go and let Him teach us during
Sometimes we become so controlling to
do our own program during lent we
forget about the underlying issue
for everythingWhat pleases God
is lovedeeper love of Him and
love of each other.
If whatever program I put myself on makes
me unloving I am not doing what
I should do when I am unloving.
God wants love. That is the bottom line.
Every day can be lived simply if we quit
getting so many things that are unnecessary
and our agenda that makes us
irritable and unloving.
Who is running the show?
Jesus speaks: Do you
throw Me little crumbs, when I want
a heart consumed with love for Me?
How do you treat each other?
Do you give yourself an agenda of things to
do to please Me and when you do
them you really hurt others.
Let Me be the lead on your journey this lent.
I may give you a heavy cross to carry and
it is to teach you a mighty lesson,
why do you do everything you can
to avoid it?
Do I have to give it to you over and over
Your soul must be more perfected to
be with Me for all eternity in heaven.
Do you want to learn it here below?
Do you fight the lessons I give you to
help you grow in holiness.
Are you doing a Lenten practice
that is making you unloving and
actually dividing you from Me?
I want love.
I want your soul perfected.
I want you to be united to Me.
I want you to operate on My agenda,
not one you make up that really
conflicts with the Father's will for you.
Every moment you should live to love
and serve your God and do
His will.
I am the bridegroom, you are the bride,
the bride serves her husband.
Let go, you and your agendas, oh
you make it so complicated
your little duties you give yourself
that eat up lots of your time
I want your love.
Some of you never sit still and spend
a moment alone with Me all day.
What a bride!
You are really busynever stopping to
be embraced by the bridegroom of
your soul.
The Church is My bride.
How are you teaching others to be
a bride?
How are you teaching them about being
the Spouse of the Lamb.
Oh my priestsWhy don't you shout it
to the world about the True
Presence and
Why don't you tell the children
about how I feed them
with My Body and Blood and
My Word.
Your children in the Church are
starving and you have
the Eucharist!! You have
My Word.
Parents tell your children about
the Eucharist. Show them how
you treasure this gift!!
Day Father died December 18, 2000
Take Up Your Cross
December 18, 1993
Jesus speaks: Pain? Oh, how I suffered! The pain was so intense, I could hardly bear it. I was so wounded and so covered with blood. Think of a little gash and how it hurts when it begins to bleed. I bled and I bled all over. Such intense pain. Every time you experience pain, think of Me and how minute your little pain is. There was not a place on My body that was not covered with blood. There were deep wounds all over Me. My head throbbed from the crown they had placed on Me and I was forced to carry a big cross so heavy, I scarce could move it on My shoulder. My shoulder ached so badly I felt as if it was constantly breaking by the weight of the cross. But I carried it and pushed on My way. If I stopped, I was poked and pushed and hit. The crowd jeered and they forced Me on My way. What crime had I committed? Why was I forced to endure such torture? It was out of love of you that I continued that journey. I was God. I could have stopped at any moment. I was obedient to death to the demands of My Father.
Pain, child? I suffered so much for love of you! This is how I love you at this moment. In all that befalls you you must know at every moment that I know exactly what you are suffering. There is nothing that happens in your life without My consent and it comes from Him Who loves you.
Take your crosses and truly endure them. Accept them. Know that everything that happens in your life I have allowed. Accept it with the love with which I give it. You are being taught in that pain. You are suffering for yourselves and others. I endured all that pain. Did I once say, "Father, take it away?" I am your model. I showed you the way. I took it all, every last wound, every kick and smack and vileness. I took My cross and I carried it without a word. This is what I ask of you. Know that when you are experiencing pain or suffering, or being taunted by those around you, look to the Master for your course of action. I took it all, every last wound, and accepted it to My death. I did not say, "Oh, how awful." I did not complain. I walked in silence that bumpy road with a heavy cross, with My mother suffering by My side and I never complained. I accepted it all for love of you.
Carry your crosses, little ones. They are gifts from Me. Do not look for an explanation or a way to get rid of them. I will take them when I think you have had enough. It is in suffering that you experience My life more fully. It is in suffering that I speak to you in a special way. Endure it. I know every ache and pain you are experiencing. I am this close to you! Your pain may save a soul dead in sin or get a soul from purgatory. Accept all I send you and don't complain. A lot of the pain is enhanced by your rejection. A lot of your lessons are lost by your refusal to see that crosses come from Me. I give you crosses to share in My suffering. I love you so much, little ones. Know how personal I am with you: the very hairs of your head are numbered. Come close to Me and look into My eyes. I am truly here with you at every single moment. Think of Me as a person, but I am closer than any person could ever be! I am there and I know your every breath and I care about your every breath. Who could even do this for another? Others would have to sometimes think of themselves.
I am God and I can think of you at every instant. I am so close to you you do not have any comprehension. It is not a myth. I am truly present to you at every instant. Feel My presence. Make Me alive to you. Experience all I have to give you. You will know Me as your personal Jesus the more you read and re-read these letters. I write them to each of you. Only God could love you each this way. Focus on Me and you and how close I am to you. I love you so, little one. Whence you go you never walk alone. I walked a road of torture that led to My death for love of you! When will you realize what I say is true? When will you know how close I am to you and embrace Me as I so desire? You hold yourself back because you do not focus on My love for you. I would walk that path this day for you. I love you the same this moment as I did then. Oh, little one, you want to put your little crosses down so fast. Hold them and walk awhile with Me down the road to Calvary. Be by My side and share a little in how intently I trod out of love of you.
I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I am alive in this room with you. I am by your side. A toothache, you say-what pain! Accept your pain. I want you to feel that pain now. It will go away.* It is so little. Heartache I know, heartache to love each of My children so much and be ignored or put at arm's length! Do you know how it is to love another and not have their love? I long for your love with Me, but you are busy. You do not have the time to be with Me while I await thee. I am an ardent lover Who waits for each of My children to come and experience this great love. You stay away from Me Who is always waiting and you search this barren desert for that which I have to give you. I watch you in this search and want you to come home to My heart. I am waiting for you, little one. Don't keep yourself from Me. Remember how I suffered for love of you. When you feel a pain, remember the pain I suffered for love of you. That is how I love you this very day. Take your cross and walk with Me. Come and be with Me. I have that which your hungry soul craves.
I am your loving Jesus. I love you, child. You do not know. I wait to be closer to you. You must see Me as this personal and this alive in your life! Oh, sweet one, I love you to My death and I love you this way today. I lament My children lost in darkness. I want to be united to you. Come and make Me the center of your life. I wait for you!
R. *My toothache is gone!
end of December 18, 1993 message
Excerpt from the Mass Book
The place Jesus took me was into the deepest recesses of His Heart. I was enveloped in His burning love. It was a red room with heat and an intense glow. I was swept away in this embrace, and I only existed in Him. The power of the Almighty God enveloped me, and I only existed in Him. There was no fear, for I was existent in this Almighty Being. My heart was wrapped in the eternal embrace of this Supreme Being. The security, the power I know was His deep presence in which I existed.
I knew the room was red and warm. I knew His immenseness, but I felt my own completeness in Him. I did not feel little, as a speck, but elevated and empowered for I existed then in Him in a most special way.
I was overtaken by the love of God. The fire of the Holy Spirit filled me. I was absorbed by the love of the Father, and I existed IN Him and in the deepest recesses of the Heart of Jesus. Our heaven on earth is these inner chambers of His magnificent Heart - the Heart of the Almighty God, with all the power, with omnipotence, with the fire of the love of God. He took me to the deepest chamber of this fiery Heart, and in that moment, I touched eternity, for I knew what it was to be enveloped in the deep furnace of His love. I now want to exist in this chamber of His Heart, swept away in His burning love, absorbed in my every cell with His love.
We do not understand the fire of His love. We do not understand what it is to be absorbed by love itself. He took me to the inner, deepest chamber of His Heart, and I felt the heat and knew the presence of love itself, and there was no fear, only a feeling of completeness, omnipotence, all-embracing, penetrating love - a power indescribable in words, a saturation of my being in the presence of God, and I was as I was created to be - living in Him!
This is how I will forever live my life, saturated with His divine life and love deep within this inner chamber of His burning Heart, living in Him as He possesses my being, and I operate with His power in me.
Little creatures though we are, we are His, His power, His life, flowing through us. In Him, we are as the Father intended: one in Him, each one of us, dwelling in this fiery furnace of His love. With our fears quieted and our hearts empowered by His life, we live forever in Him - in the Heart of Jesus.
Let no man separate what God has joined together. I am wed in the deepest love with my beloved Spouse, wed to the Heart of Jesus. As I am, I am one in Him. I live and I breathe in Him. He, Who is love, He Who is our all, He Who is mighty and without limits, He Who is, He Who is God and as I live, He lives in me in this world.
I am wed to Him, and I shall not fear for He is God - one, complete, loving, God. Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee. As I live, I live in Your most adorable Heart, the furnace of God's love!
end of December 18, 1995 writing
December 18, 2000, 3:00 a.m. Jesus said:
Would you wish to deprive Me of giving a holy soul their reward?
That is what they lived for, that some day they would be with Me in heaven.
end of December 18, 2000
Excerpt from July 21, 2001 messageMessenger: I saw Father Carter dressed in white and I saw
how much I have to struggle here below
doing God's work and I wanted
Fr. Carter to be in heaven.end of excerp
February 27, 2002 message continues
Jesus speaks: I am the Son of God.
I give you these writings to take you
to such heights and you who
know it all won't listen to
You are cold lovers!!
I am on fire for love of you.
You with all your teachings miss
telling the hungry souls about
My love poured out to them. You miss telling
them about a deep intimate union
with God.
Here is a message I gave
Fr. Carter
July 31, 1994
~ July 31, 1994 ~
Words of Jesus to Members
of Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
February 27, 2002 message continues
Jesus speaks: I promise
13th Promise
Jesus speaks: "I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
July 31, 1994
February 27, 2002 message continues
Jesus speaks: 1) Pray My prayers
February 27, 2002 message continues
Jesus speaks: 2) Go to the Eucharist
3) Read My Word
lead all men to consecrate
their hearts to Our 2 hearts
lead all men to consecrate their
places to our 2 hearts
April 12, 1999
Jesus speaks: I wish a card to be circulated extensively. All that is necessary to consecrate a place to My Heart and My Mother's Heart is that the people wish to do so and say that they consecrate the place and the people that dwell there to Our Hearts. It is understood that you are entrusting people who live or come there to the care of Our Two Hearts. Pictures or statues of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart should be displayed somewhere in the dwelling. Some persons, if not all, should spend time in devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart before the pictures, daily if possible. This consecration should be renewed daily if possible. I wish all who receive this message to circulate this material so that the whole world will be consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Shepherds of Christ Ministries Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513)
932-4451 |
![]() |
February 27, 2002 message continues
Jesus speaks: I am the Alpha and the Omega.
The beginning
and the end.
Matthew 11: 28-30
‘Come to me, all you who labour and are
overburdened, and I will give you rest.
February 27, 2002 message continues
Jesus speaks: I am God
Come to Me.
I want a love affair with you.
Who ever talks about this anyway?
You are stiff lovers and the appetites
of your children that crave God
are filled with sexual urges
and other appetites.
You can miss your deep relationship
with God
You can look every place else
for that which only
God can fill.
Excerpt from February 15, 2002 message
Jesus speaks: Make
a list of things that are needed so people
can help if they so desire.
A small list is this
1) Priestly Newsletter Book II Foreign Mailing Postage
2) Mass Book II
3) Rosary Meditations for Little People and Elderly
4) Blue Book I printing
5) Prayer Manuals printing
6) Holy Spirit Novena Booklet printing
7) Rosary beads
8) Image rosaries to sell
9) Pictures (photo's) to make available
10) Blankets of Mary's image
11) Videos for nursing home program
12) Little People's Mass Book
Little People's |
13) Little People's Coloring Book of the Mass
February 15, 2002 message continues
Mary speaks:
I ask you to pray for these needs on the list. Those
who can, can pray hourly.
end of excerpt from February 15, 2002
The Priestly Newsletter Book II was released to
the production floor at the printer
today - Valentine's Day.It is a special gift of God's love to the Church.
February 7, 2002
To whom it may concern,
We circulate the Priestly Newsletter that goes to 75,000 priests in the world. This has been circulated since 1994 at the direction of Fr. Edward Carter, S.J. who had a doctorate in Theology and taught at Xavier University for over thirty years and author of eighteen books on the spiritual life and many other various publications.
Our primary purpose is to circulate this Newsletter. We are now sending three years of Newsletters in a book of 342 pages to 75,000 priests in the United States and 90 foreign countries. A special Newsletter is enclosed with Father Carter's powerful writing on Grace (2001 issue 1). This writing is also available on tape and on disc.
Our coequal purpose is to circulate prayer manuals Father Carter compiled for prayer chapters praying for the priests, the Church and
the world.All of our printing and postage costs so much money.
We operate from the Virgin Mary building in Clearwater, Florida, pictures are enclosed. We use the building to spread materials and rosaries
to encourage people to pray for the priests, the Church and the world.We also have a church we received from the diocese in China, Indiana where we distribute our materials and pray before the Blessed Sacrament hourly and about two hours or more at 6:20 every day. Monthly adoration before the exposed Eucharist is held for our members for 48 hours on the 12th of each month to the 14th.
We have a third center in Morrow, Ohio which is our communication center and mailing address.
We circulate rosaries handmade to Catholic schools all over the United States and meditation sheets and consecration cards. We try to send scapulars too when we have them. We supply many beads to our rosary makers for this.
We had difficulty all last summer securing funds for beads for our rosary makers. We were not able to send the 100,000 or more rosaries we usually send in October and May because of funds.
We need $10,000 every month for the loan on the Virgin Mary building. We pray nightly there usually for about two hours or more at 6:20. We pray all through the day there, hourly, many times before the image. A big prayer meeting is held on the 5th of the month. Prayers are prayed for about 4 hours for the priests, the Church and the world. We broadcast to at least 8 states and all join in the prayers, including Morrow and China.
We have a nursing home ministry and a prison ministry. We supply coloring books of the rosary mysteries and the Mass to children.
We desperately need funds for the printing and the rosary making operation and all the postage. Bishops from foreign countries beg for rosaries and prayer sheets with the Shepherds of Christ Prayers.
Now we are struggling with the monthly rent on the building and the postage for the foreign mailing of the Priestly Newsletter Book II.
We always need money for the rosary beads for the schools and the Virgin Mary building.
We also do a Holy Spirit Novena, but the little book has been out of print for some time because of lack of funds. Teachers like to use it for confirmation. We have prayer chapters using it daily all over the world.
We want to circulate pictures of the crucifix and Mary's image on the building, we are unable to do this because of lack of funds. Enclosed are pictures of the crucifix and the Virgin Mary building.
A very important part of our Movement is trying to get people to say the Morning Offering. Here is a card we distribute extensively, especially to Nursing Homes and school children.
Here is a short form of consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary that we circulate extensively.
Can you help us. It is a real shame to not even have rent on the building Mary appears on.We need to tell the world about the Mass. This is another important aspect of our ministry. We have so many writings about the Mass. Mass Book I with the Imprimatur—and all Fr. Carter's writings and many other writings discerned by Fr Carter before his death.
It is a shame with all the money in the world not to be able to get the rosary beads to the rosary makers for school children who want them to pray the rosary.
Our movement is trying to do what Our Lady told us to do at Fatima for peace in the world.
Can you help us?
Rita Ring
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
Messenger: Jesus wishes that we give our hearts to Him and Mary.
The following Valentine can be given to Jesus and Mary any day of the year. It is an act of love that would greatly please Him.
Use the following Valentine to fill in your name and the date you gave it to Him.
AND THE WORLDI _________________ give my heart to
You Jesus and Mary on this day
I promise to help spread the devotion to
the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
The Story of the Crucifix Video
If you have a good dialup connection, you should be able to watch the movie live.
Click Here for help with Videos
here to download The Story of the Crucifix video
Nursing Home Mass Video
We updated the Nursing videos so that if you have a good
connection, you should be able to watch the movie live.
Click Here for help with Videos
here to download the Nursing Home and Homebound Mass video (12.3 MB)
This cannot be altered in anyway.
Please allow a couple of minutes to download, thank you.
Messenger: A shorter ad may be as follows.
This cannot be altered in anyway.
Shepherds of Christ
PO Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513) 932-4451
FAX: (513) 932-6791