Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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June 5, 2002
June 6th Holy Spirit Novena Scripture selection is Day 1 Period II. |
The Novena Rosary Mystery for June 6th is Joyful. |
A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb,
the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
Pray for three very, very urgent
and all involved.
We absolutely, urgently need
funds. We don't have money
for the building payment
which is due on the 1st.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
PO Box 193 Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
(toll free) 1-888-211-3041
We don't have funds for the
building payment.
Excerpt from June 4, 2002 message
Jesus speaks:
I beg you to join and sing and pray June 5, 2002 at 6:20.
Beg God for mercy. Pray for the coming of the Reign of
the Sacred Heart and the Triumph of Mary's heart
in the hearts of the people of the earth.
Make a special prayer vigil 6:20 June 5, 2002
June 6, 2002,
ending with
special prayer service on June 7, 2002,
the Feast of the Sacred Heart at 6:20.
Pray for the above intentions..
Praise your God, honor Him, sing from the bottom of
your heart and praise your God with all your
hearts, praying for the priests, the Church and the
world. Offer these prayers as a sacrifice united to
the Masses going on around the world.
Centers and Sub-Centers please connect and pray
each evening. Pray with all your heart
for the Reign of the Sacred Heart and triumph
of Mary's heart.
June 4, 2002 message continues
Jesus speaks:
June 4, 2002 message continues
JESUS, I come to you today.
end of excerpt from June 4, 2002 message
June 5, 2002
This night and the nights that follow pray for healing
in your heart and the hearts of the people of the earth.
2 Peter 3: 12-15, 17-18
while you wait for the Day of God to come, and try to hasten its coming: on that Day the sky will dissolve in flames and the elements melt in the heat. What we are waiting for, relying on his promises, is the new heavens and new earth, where uprightness will be at home. So then, my dear friends, while you are waiting, do your best to live blameless and unsullied lives so that he will find you at peace. Think of our Lord’s patience as your opportunity to be saved; our brother Paul, who is so dear to us, told you this when he wrote to you with the wisdom that he was given.
Since you have been forewarned about this, my dear friends, be careful that you do not come to the point of losing the firm ground that you are standing on, carried away by the errors of unprincipled people. Instead, continue to grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory, in time and eternity. Amen.
Psalm 90: 2-4, 10, 14, 16
Before the mountains were born,
before the earth and the world came to birth,
from eternity to eternity you are God.You bring human beings to the dust,
by saying, ‘Return, children of Adam.’
A thousand years are to you
like a yesterday which has passed,
like a watch of the night.The span of our life is seventy years—
eighty for those who are strong—
but their whole extent is anxiety and trouble,
they are over in a moment and we are gone.Each morning fill us with your faithful love,
we shall sing and be happy all our days;Show your servants the deeds you do,
let their children enjoy your splendour!
Psalm 132: 11-14, 17-18
Yahweh has sworn to David,
and will always remain true to his word,
‘I promise that I will set
a son of yours upon your throne.
If your sons observe my covenant
and the instructions I have taught them,
their sons too for evermore
will occupy your throne.’For Yahweh has chosen Zion,
he has desired it as a home.
‘Here shall I rest for evermore,
here shall I make my home as I have wished.‘There I shall raise up a line of descendants for David,
light a lamp for my anointed;
I shall clothe his enemies with shame,
while his own crown shall flourish.’
Matthew 6: 19-32
True treasures
‘Do not store up treasures for yourselves on earth, where moth and woodworm destroy them and thieves can break in and steal. But store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where neither moth nor woodworm destroys them and thieves cannot break in and steal. For wherever your treasure is, there will your heart be too.
The eye, the lamp of the body
‘The lamp of the body is the eye. It follows that if your eye is clear, your whole body will be filled with light. But if your eye is diseased, your whole body will be darkness. If then, the light inside you is darkened, what darkness that will be!
God and money
‘No one can be the slave of two masters: he will either hate the first and love the second, or be attached to the first and despise the second. You cannot be the slave both of God and of money.
Trust in Providence
‘That is why I am telling
you not to worry about your life and what you are to eat, nor about your body
and what you are to wear. Surely life is more than food, and the body more
than clothing! Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or
reap or gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not
worth much more than they are? Can any of you, however much you
worry, add one single cubit to your span of life? And why worry
about clothing? Think of the flowers growing in the fields; they never have to
work or spin; yet I assure you that not even Solomon in all his
royal robes was clothed like one of these. Now if that is how God
clothes the wild flowers growing in the field which are there today and thrown
into the furnace tomorrow, will he not much more look after you, you who have
so little faith? So do not worry; do not say, "What are we to
eat? What are we to drink? What are we to wear?" It is the
gentiles who set their hearts on all these things. Your heavenly Father knows
you need them all.
Play and Pray with Your Children
November 30, 1993 (excerpt)
Jesus:...Be attentive to My commands for you. This is My will! Do as I say. You want to do My will. Then do it! Don't ask, and I tell you, then do what you want. Oh, such willfulness in My people! I tell you, "Pray with Me. Be with Me." Then you are too busy. But you say, "I want to do the will of God." My will for My people is to turn back to God. Make Him first in your life. Spend time with Me, alone. Then you are doing My will and all else will work out.
Oh, beloved of My Father, I do love thee. Listen and harken to My commands: Mass, Communion, adoration and your family. Pray together. This is My wish for you.
Alleluia. God has spoken and you must harken to the call. It is His call to make ready your hearts for the coming Christmas is the coming of Christ to your hearts. Your children come first. Presents and business are not of God. They are commercial and divide you. Parties are not fun when the little ones are left out or thrown in front of a TV or sitter. Children are God's gifts to this earth. Recognize all the value they are to you and to Me.
R. Alleluia. Praise the Lord. I accept the crosses You send me because You alone know that which I need.
end of excerpt from November 30, 1993 message
Focus Only on the Love of Jesus
February 20, 1994 6:30 a.m. (excerpt)
Jesus:...Your actions must always be focused on your love for Me. Constantly tell yourself, "I act only for the love of Jesus. I do this for love of Jesus. I want to do God's will. I do not want to promote myself or feed myself. I do not want to give in to selfish interests, I want to act every moment only for the love of Jesus. I act for the glory of God. I pray for this, to be selfless in God."
I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am all there is. When you feed yourself, your glory lasts a moment. When you act for the love of Jesus, your love is given to your brothers and your actions are forever imprinted in the journal of heavenly treasures.
Do you act for love of Me and Me alone or does the devil tell you that you need recognition for yourself, that you need to be loved by all? I tell you to love God above all things. Do all for the glory of God and all falls into line.
Remain selfless and unattached to all things here. Do not be attached to anyone or anything. To do so takes you from Me. Your relationships should be out of love of Me. Love does not seek its own way. It loves the other for the love it can give them. You give My love to others. You should not, therefore, be attached to anyone. I am the beginning. I am the end. He who truly loves Me can let go of every single person or thing and still accept this as the will of God and not lose his peace.
Time is so short! Your practice of selflessness will help you for the days ahead. You must pray the Prayer for Union with Me.
I am so loving and so good to you! All I send you is from a good and loving God. Accept all you are given from Him Who loved you to His death.
I love you, child. Look how those in Medjugorje had to give up all their attachments. Some lost their children. They lost all their clothes and homes. They didn't have clothes to make themselves warm. They did not have food and went hungry! Oh, you don't even know what you are attached to! You think it is little things. It is big things: food, clothes, water, air, children, houses, cars, hot water, cold water--all your comforts. In one second they could be taken from you as they were taken from those in Bosnia. Are you this strong, that you would turn to love of Me rather than despair?
I ask you to give up little things, attachments-to-your-comfort things. You will know days of struggle and you will be put to many tests. All the struggles you suffer now will strengthen you for the tough road ahead.
Be unattached to any worldly possessions. Be unattached to people. Your top concern is your union with Me and Me alone. You love others only to bring them to Jesus, not to get things for yourself.
Do not give in to selfishness. Be totally selfless. Carry the little crosses I give you. They are nothing compared to what is to come. Comfort? Think of doing without water or electricity. Are you attached? Think of wanting food and not having any and watching your children suffer and being unable to give to them. You are so comfortable! You do not have any idea of what you possess. You are so attached and so self-centered. I say to you, die to yourself and to the little things you are so attached to. Give up that cup of tea you so ardently crave. This is to die to self. Do it with great love of Me. Do not share your sacrifice with others.
When your mind wants to worry and try to figure things out, give it up to Jesus and continue to do as I ask. Pray and play with your children. You do not need to talk so much. Give up the conversation which pads your ego and play cards with your children even when you want to do your own will. This is to die to oneself, to want so much to check it out, when I am making My way very clear. Check it out in silence with Him Who has all the answers. Why not go to God directly yourself?
These jobs I have given you require you to act only for love of Jesus. They require time with Me alone in front of the tabernacle. They require time alone with Me at home. Stop, go to a room, close the door and plug your phone into My Sacred Heart. This will create your dependency on Me. I know all things. I am almighty. I am all powerful. I am loving you every moment and everything you learn from Me is exactly right.
Practice this trust in Me. Trust is developed as a staircase to Me. You practice trust, then you turn the next one over and practice trust again, then you, when you are tempted to think and go to others, practice trust and, oh, how our union grows!
Pray the Prayer for Union with Me. Oh, I am your support. I am your love. I am the best friend. I have all the answers. I know you. I know your past, your future. I know your heart in ways that you do not know yourself.
Turn to Me and Me Alone. Give it all over. Refuse to worry. Refuse to give in to the ego. You need to focus on Me and My love. All things fall into line when you do this. I am God and I am working in your life. You mess it up. Quit working and let Me do as I want. You focus on My love and being My light in the dark world.
Satan wants you distracted. He wants you absorbed in everything else and not doing My job for you. Your job is love of God, love of others.
Practice letting go. Keep constant union with Me. Oh, how I love thee! If you could only comprehend, you would take your feeble hearts to Me! I am your all. I am your ardent lover. I have all the answers for your life. Oh, little one, I love--LOVE--you! Focus on Me. I can give you the love you are looking for. I can give you your answers. I can give you peace. You will never on this earth have what your soul craves, but you know that I am He Whom you seek. I am the God of your souls. No false gods give you any peace. Come to Me, My beloved. I want you to come to Me.
I love you. Jesus Christ.
end of excerpt from February 20, 1994 message
I Walk By Your Side
January 3, 1994 6:00 a.m. (excerpt)
Jesus: ...Do not be troubled about anything. If you feel you have wronged your brother in any way, say you are sorry and move on. Satan wants to constantly taunt you and make you full of fear. He has no power in a heart that is wed to Me.
Little one, I am constantly by your side. Listen and be taught by Me. I know the inner workings of the soul and I know all you need at every moment. Lay your cares at My feet. Tell Me your problems as you would a trusted friend and then know that I am working on the solution. You do not have to fret about anything in your life. I am like a good mother who cares for the needs of her infant. Remember, you are My baby and I am hyper-vigilant and by your side. I pick you up and hold your little, scared body. I give you warmth in your heart and your doubts and troubles fade away. Trust and faith are the answers! Do not belabor any points in your head. If Satan can find anything to taunt you with, he will, and will keep taunting you.
This is My ship and I am at the helm. You are My servant. You do as I command you to do. You try your best and then go your way. If you see room for improvement, you learn your lesson and go on. You cannot ever re-live one moment of your life.
To fret over the past is an entirely useless action. If you can learn the lesson, the experience was not all bad. Every day you are in school learning lessons on how to be Christ-like. It is a school you never graduate from on this earth. It is a battle every day to do as I would do. Sometimes you lose your focus and your ways are not the best ways. Whatever you learn today about My life is a good lesson.
I am the tenderest and kindest of hearts. Ask yourself, "What would Jesus do? What do I think He wants me to do?" Do not busy yourself doing a useless task I would not do. My focus is on showing love. You must love the Lord your God with your whole heart and love your brother as yourself. This is My way. Pray at every moment during the day to do the acts I want you to do.
I love you, little ones. Do not spend your time looking back, but look forward to this day that you will live as I most want you to. Forget the past and how you were wronged. Forget your past deeds if you have repented. Forget the ways you could have and didn't! Just focus on the job at hand, which is to love your God and your brothers this moment of this day.
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I give you from My bounty. You receive life from My precious heart. Come to Me and let Me fill you with the gifts for your soul. I am eager to give to you this day. You do not want when I am with you!
I love you, little baby. Let Me care for you constantly. I am here at every moment. I am watching your little steps. As a loving mother guards her child, so I guard you. Now make yourself totally empty and place yourself in My care. Be selfless and unattached to any of the cares of this world. I will go with you on your way and you will know peace in your hearts.
end of excerpt from January 3, 1994
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
PO Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513) 932-4451
FAX: (513) 932-6791