August 10, 1994 After Mass, Fr. Smith’s Chapel
And Their Eyes Peered Into One Another's Eyes
R. See Mary as she beholds the baby in her arms. She looks at Him so tenderly. His sweet baby eyes look up at the eyes of His loving Mother. Such tenderness between Mother and Son, such oneness to hold her infant Son so lovingly in her arms. Oh, do we ever know the tenderness between a baby and his loving mother?
A life of close union between this Mother and this Son, a life of her looking into His loving eyes. Such silent, but strong and loving communication! Such a strong bond-Their eyes meeting-from one soul to the other soul.
Song: See the Eyes That Look at Mary (Verse l)…
Deep, deep communication, a deep bond, indescribable in words, a touching of the souls! And the peering look between Son and Mother on the road to the crucifixion. What a peering look, what communication between this Son and Mother. Seeing the other suffer was as agonizing as each's very own suffering-suffering and oneness between a Son and His Mother. A peering look, deep into the very souls. Such an intimacy between Them!
How can one describe in words this oneness, this union between the Son and His Mother? The perfect love between Him and her. Total giving of each person in such love to the other. To see the suffering of the other was as agonizing as-if not more than-each's own suffering.
How His passion and crucifixion were intensified by the sufferings of His dear Mother! How her sufferings were such a sharing in our redemption, the swords that pierced her Heart! The eyes of Mary that invisibly bled as she watched such brutality to the beloved Baby she once carried in her womb and held in her arms!
Song: Little Baby Hands and Feet…
Mary held the Child Jesus when He was a baby; she watched Him and cared for Him as a little boy; she was so attentive to the needs of her little Son. Will we ever know this connectedness between Their loving Hearts? Do we know this oneness? The peering eyes on the way to Calvary tell the story. They tell the story of this oneness. They tell the story of her watching this horrid event of her beautiful baby Son and His horrible passion and death.
Her eyes! Oh, Mary, help me to see the love of Jesus through your eyes! You watched Him as a baby, you watched Him as a child. You watched Him grow into the beautiful Man He became and you, Mary, watched Him all through this bitter passion and death. Your eyes saw the love that He gave for us. Now you come, Mary. You appear to tell us to go to this Son. You knew more than anyone His love to suffer so for us. You come and appear with blood in your eyes and tears running down your cheeks. You show me your sorrowful face, your young face, your old face, your joyful face. This was the face Jesus peered at as He walked His walk to Calvary. This was the face that appears now to tell us the story of His love this very day. I see your parade of faces, Mary, old and young, sorrowful and joyful. I see these faces that Jesus beheld. Your face tells the story of His love for us.
Mary: This is my beloved Son. This is my Baby. This is the Child I bore in my womb. He came to give you love. He came to be God-made-Man among you this very day. He is, my children, no less present in the Eucharist than He was at Calvary and you go after such incidental things. My Son loves you. I show you my face so you can tell the world of our love. Live our lives in the rosary. Let our lives live in your day. The way to eternal happiness is to be likened to my beautiful Son.
I watched my Son. I lead you to the ardent love of my Son, Jesus. His Heart burns for love of you. Come to Him this day. Give Him your love. Spend time with Him. He is alive and in your midst in the Eucharist.
R. Note: I smelled roses very strongly throughout this message.
Song: See the Eyes That Look at Mary (Verse 2)…
This is the Son of the Father, the Son of God, born of Mary through the Holy Spirit, and He lives this day in your hearts. Share His love for you. Go to Him through Mary's Heart. She who is so closely united to Jesus! Their Hearts are so close to one another! As their eyes were joined in such oneness, Their Hearts are joined in such intimacy. Go to Jesus' Heart through His beloved Mother, through her who bore Him in her womb, her who watched Him give Himself for love of you.