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February 28, 1997
Message given through Rita Ring
A Love Letter to Jesus
My Beloved Jesus,
How tenderly I love Thee. I love Thee to the greatest heights. I love You in the Eucharist. I want You now, my God. I want You to love me and I want to be wise and loving like You.
My whole life is to be like You, but I am so imperfect. Dying to myself is such a struggle because I want to get down from the cross and hold on to my old ways.
I see You on the cross, Jesus, with Your hands opened wide and the way You hung. You endured it until the end. Three agonizing hours. You did not get down and You gave Your all. In humbleness, I will admit my faults and grow to be more like You. Oh, God, I can't get down from the cross and put the old imperfections back on.
When You light the way and show me how evil I am, I have to go all the way to the death of the imperfections as much as possible. I cannot get off the cross and keep any of them. I want to be like You, but I fall so short of true holiness. I only know I really, really love You and I want to be like You. When You were beaten raw, You loved those who hated You. Oh, our way is so hard. I don't want to open myself up to those who have hurt me, but I know I should.
Jesus: I tell you, you must die to your selfish ways and love. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Admit your failings so you can die to them.
R. I talked about a friend and I was so sorry. I was sorry I demanded perfection. We are all imperfect in our ways. No matter how holy we think we are, we must admit our faults. To become more like Jesus we must die to ourselves. Division with others closes up our relationship with them. In order to open myself up to them, I must be willing to admit my faults to them and tell them I am sorry. I cannot change you. I can only change myself. My way must be love. I must give myself in love to you and others.
Division is the poison of the soul for it separates not only friends but far worse than any separation between human persons, it hurts our relationship with God.
I cannot have a divided heart and love God as I should. I cannot be condemning and hateful. I cannot create division with others because I hurt them and others.
There are two kinds of holes in the heart. Both cause bleeding and pain. One hole is caused from wounds of rejection when we are genuinely loving. The other is the wounds we inflict on our own hearts by giving in to division. We wound our own heart when we are divided and we make ourselves bleed, for it hurts our relationship with Jesus.
January message from Jesus: Bleed little heart. I am teaching you the most intimate secrets of My Heart, never taught before. In order to have intimacy with Me and others, you must die to imperfections.
R. Pure hearts are the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The more we grow in purity, the more our hearts will be one with Theirs. To be one in our hearts, we must die to imperfections.
My Jesus, this is my love letter to You, but You have instead answered my letter with the secret of a pure heart. I thank You, Jesus, for Your love and I beg You to forgive me and help me to be like You.
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First Printing: August, 1997