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Shepherds of Christ Associates

Frequently Asked Questions about forming a Shepherds of Christ Associates Prayer Chapter:

1.) How many people need to be in a chapter?
The minimum number of people required to form a chapter is two. Our Lord has promised us that whenever two or more are gathered in His name, He is in our midst.

2.) I do not have any one to pray with, what should I do?
In this situation, consider becoming an Apostle of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. This ministry is for individuals who can commit to spending one hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament twice a week. The first part of the hour is spent praying the Shepherds of Christ Prayers. The remaining time can be spent in silent meditation or praying/reading other materials. For more information about this ministry, call or write us using the information on the front of this form.

3.) Do we have to meet in Church?
There is no requirement to meet in Church. It would be a great blessing to be able to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament, but this is not a requirement. A simple shrine at home with a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary can help us be close to their hearts. Also appropriate are any religious statues you may have, especially the Infant Jesus of Prague. We have materials which can help create a prayerful environment, please contact us.

4.) How often should we meet?
Chapters should meet at least monthly. Many chapters meet weekly. In special situations where there is a community which is together everyday for mass or due to their living situation, it would be very beneficial for the Church and our priests to say the prayers everyday.

5.) Why is it important that we return our membership form?
It is important that you return your membership form so that we (the core group in Cincinnati) can be in close contact by phone and through the mail with you. This ministry is an important work of the Lord, and we need to support each other against the distractions of the world and the assaults of the evil one.

Also, additional SofC Spirituality Handbooks and Prayer Manuals will be sent to you based on the number of members in your chapter. You will also receive mailings with important information on the direction of the movement.

Here are the steps for forming a SofC Associates Prayer chapter:

  1. Bring together family, friends, or parish members to answer this call to strengthen the Church by praying for our priests.
  2. Designate a coordinator for the chapter.
  3. Have everyone fill out the membership form then mail or fax it to the destination marked on the form.
  4. Choose a regular time and place to meet (at church or in the home).
  5. Give everyone a SofC Prayer Manual.
  6. Follow the format in the Shepherds of Christ Associates Prayer Manual.
  7. Along with the rosary, say the Holy Spirit prayer and make the act of consecration daily. You are also strongly encouraged to say daily the other prayers in the prayer manual. These daily prayers will help keep you close to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

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All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. For information contact Shepherds of Christ Publications
First Printing: August, 1997