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Five First Saturdays
Mary speaks of the five first Saturdays. Here is what the practice involves:
1) |
Go to confession, which may be done from eight days before to eight days after the first Saturday. Of course, if a person is in the state of serious sin, the confession must be made before receiving Communion. |
2) |
Receive Holy Communion. |
3) |
Recite five decades of the rosary. |
4) |
Meditate for 15 minutes on the mysteries of the rosary.32 |
All of the above (except confession) must be done on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart. For those who make the five first Saturdays, Our Lady of Fatima has promised to assist them at the hour of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation.33
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Copyright © 1997 Shepherds of Christ
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Christ Publications
First Printing: August, 1997