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A Message from Florida
Message given through Rita Ring
Jesus: You are the leader. There will be no one in line behind you. You may be on the hill and look around and no one will appear to be near, but I am there in the silence of that moment. Know I am with you. The Father and the Holy Spirit are with you. You are one with My Mother and are surrounded by angels and saints.
The world is blind and they do not see. You must see with spiritual vision. See the world beyond. It is real. You are not alone. I am with you at every second, watching you and controlling your breath.
If you cease to believe, who will be the leader? All I have called through you must realize they are the leaders. No one may appear to be near, no one is in line behind you.
You must be constantly motivated by faith. It comes down to this--it is your belief. For, if I call you and you do not hear Me, then My work will not get done. For I am calling you and you can plug up your ears, but souls are being lost at this very moment that you can be helping through your faith. You must have fervor in your prayers.
Satan attacks you all day, in prayer and in work. Will you listen to him or to Me?
I am begging you to see Me alive before you as I came forth from the tomb, glistening and all white. I am here. I have called you by name. You are the apostles I am calling. If you say 'no' the work will not get done.
Read this letter over and over and when you are alone and feel as if you are standing on the hill by yourself see the heavens open up. See Me in celestial light as you saw Me transfigured on the altar. See the great vision of March 26, 1996. Read that message. See Me almost dead on the cross as I was on December 5, 1996 at Immaculata. See My lips move and hear Me speak. No one is listening. They will hear you speak. They will respond to you.
If you give into Satan, they will not hear and they will not know for his whole attempt is to silence you.
So you go to the hilltop. You are close to Me. You look around and you see no one. Below the hill is a throng of people. They have forgotten I exist. The heavens open and I appear and the sky is filled with saints and angels. They continue talking and laughing at the bottom of the hill. The celestial light falls upon them and they continue as in a fog and as blind men to focus on the rocks and the things of this earth.
And you speak. The voice they hear is your voice from the top of the mountain. You appear to be alone by these blind men, but the heavenly court has surrounded you and you see not with earthly vision but with the eyes of faith and you speak in My Name...
"Glory and Praise to God! Hear the words of your Savior. Listen from the mountain top for He has risen and we are His witnesses."
He calls you from the mountain and you say nay for your foolish whims. Come to the mountain top with Me and you will taste of milk sweeter than honey. You will run and not get weary, you will be His faithful witnesses. You will be the children of light shining from the mountain top on the dark world below.
Oh, do not say no, My chosen ones, you are My children of light. I have called and you have responded. Do not be discouraged, but encouraged for (she) appears, the Lady of Light, the Lady of Fatima, the Lady of the Holy Rosary. She appears Our Lady in Clearwater to bring about the completion of the Fatima message there. If you do not believe, who will I send to do the work for I have chosen you!
The Fatima mission will greatly unfold there through the Shepherds of Christ Movement. She appears Our Lady of Light in all the splendor to call her children to her Son, Jesus. She appears as Our Lady of Fatima, 80 years later, to call to the world, to deliver the same message she delivered then. Come to the water and drink and you will not be thirsty for God has visited His people. He has risen. He sends great gifts in the woman clothed as the sun on your building. Some look and they do not see. Some are touched for their hearts are open to the graces that are pouring out there.
Mary: I appear to you, the woman clothed as the sun, Our Lady of Fatima, in splendor and glory to lead a sick race to holiness, to lead them to healing in the Heart of my Son.
For His Heart will reign despite all the actions of men. I appear Our Lady of Fatima on the (former) bank in Florida to you this day. This is my message. This is my little Fatima in the Americas. A permanent sign I give to you this day on the building, a sign for the world and for you.
And you, my chosen one, have faith for it is faith that will save you. The devil wants you stopped. If you listen to him, who will lead the people to my Son? You have been called and chosen by me, Our Lady of Fatima, the woman clothed as the sun and there will be the weeping and gnashing of teeth for many will be lost forever. I send you in the darkness as a beacon light to the world.
I love you. I am your Mother Mary.
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Copyright © 1997 Shepherds of Christ
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Christ Publications
First Printing: August, 1997