The Good News
June 1, 1994
Fasting must come from a joyful heart. What good does it do you to fast and wear sack cloth and ashes? You must fast for love of Me and My mother. You are fasting for penance, for the intentions of Our Hearts. What good does it do you to fast and look glum.
Everything you do must come from a joyful heart. Be glad you are My chosen race. You know the good news. You are favored. Your heavenly Father loves you, I love you, the Holy Spirit loves you, you are mothered by My very own mother! I am Jesus Christ and I am in your midst this very day. You have an everlasting reward, paid for with My blood.
Think of having a friend that loved you so that He died for you! I am God and I was born a mere human and died a brutal death that you might have life eternal. Hearken to Me. I am by your side this day with such love for you. Spread the good news. Jesus Christ is Lord. He has died and He is risen that you might have life eternal. Alleluia.