How Did I Treat You Today?
April 15, 1994 12:50p.m.
R. How did I treat you this day, you, very special soul, created by God? You are God's precious child. Were you treated harshly when you were little, or has someone wronged you this very day, or are you sick and suffering? I do not know all the details of your life, but I do know you are a precious child of God and you are my brother.
How did I treat you this day? Did I think how much God loves you and wants you with Him forever in heaven? Did I think about your soul when I saw you hurting? I want to go to heaven and I want to be there with you. You are my brother and I love you.
I knew you were hurting today and I didn't see your soul. I only listened to your angry words and tolerated you and walked away. I made myself right and thought about you with anger. I told others and felt more right and knew you were definitely wrong. I didn't feel good inside. I knew you were suffering. Could I not have smiled and forgotten your anger and prayed for your aching heart? I know you are my brother. I want to be in heaven with you. You needed God's love today. Did I love you for Him or did I walk away?
I want to love like you. The more I know what You are asking me to do, the more I know how truly beautiful a Person You are. Jesus, it is hard to love our brothers when they wrong us. Jesus, it is hard to forgive their misdeeds. Jesus, You forgave those who tore Your flesh. The way to You, Lord, is love and forgiveness!
Jesus: My child, you do not do anything alone. When you come to Me in the Eucharist and in front of the tabernacle, I give you special graces to help you love. I shower you with My love. I fill you with such gifts you cannot receive anywhere on the face of this earth.
Do you, My beloved ones, want to love your brothers? Do you want to know My ways and live in harmony with Me? Come to Me in My Blessed Sacrament and let Me minister to you. The time you spend after Communion is your dearest treasure. Do not run from My altar to get to your world. Stay and let Me bathe you in My beautiful love! I bathe you. You leave with such beautiful love to share with your beloved ones.
I call you to give My love to My hurting brothers. I call you to love them for Me. I call you to minister love to them.
R. How did I treat you this day? Did I treat you with His love? Do I really want to touch you so you will go to heaven? Did I miss a golden opportunity to share God's love with you when you needed it so badly?
How did I preach the gospel to you this day? Do I really love you, my brother?