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Rosary Meditations
From Junior Shepherds of Christ Associate Meetings
NOVEMBER 2, 1995
The Agony in the Garden
- Let us put ourselves in the presence of God and put aside all the
distractions that are in our minds and think only of Jesus.
- Kneel with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane and feel the pain that He
suffered, the pain and the anguish that He suffered for all of the sins of all men for all
- Jesus and Mary are calling us to come to Their Hearts. Their Hearts are
filled with love for us.
- Buckled over in pain in the garden, we cannot even imagine the anguish in
the Heart of Jesus. God is Love.
- Look at your world this day. See the murder of the little babies in the
womb of their mothers. See how many in America have forgotten that God even exists. Our
every breath and our every heartbeat depend on Him.
- Out of greatest love for man, Jesus came into this world a little baby in
the womb of Mary. He suffered so, all through His Passion. He loves man so much.
- Think of how it is when you love someone so much and you are rejected by
the person you love. Jesus loved us so much that He came into this world. He suffered all
through the Passion. He gave His life on the cross. He is rejected by many of the souls
that He came to save.
- He is alive this day and He gives Himself to us with such love. He is
treated with such indifference and such hatred.
- Let us ask God for the grace to know and love Him more. For to know God
is to love Him.
- Let us pray for the youth of this world, the little children whose hearts
have turned to stone at such an early age. Jesus loves them. Even in this dark world, His
love is present. He is always with us.
The Scourging at the Pillar
- They led Him away as a common criminal and they tied Him securely to the
- They took harsh instruments and they began to beat His body with such
instruments that tore His flesh.
- See as vividly as you can at the scourged body of Jesus. See Him with the
big patches of skin that have been torn from His body. Think of the love that He has for
us. He withstood this treatment for love of us.
- He loves the children of this world. Let the little children come to Him.
He wants them to come to Mass, to the Eucharist, and to be so close to Him.
- We go to the Eucharist and we receive Jesus. Let us open up our hearts
and tell Him how much we love Him. We need Him in this world that is so dark. We need His
light to shine in our hearts and to shine in our world today.
- We will be the children of light that shine in this dark world today if
we live in Him.
- Look into the eyes of the scourged Jesus. See His body covered with
wounds and blood. See His face covered with scratches and deep wounds. As we look into His
beloved, tender eyes, surrounded by the wounds, do we know a little more of His immense
love that He has for us?
- Mary loves the little children of this world. She wants us to come to
her. She will lead us closer to her beloved Son.
- It is in meditating on these Sorrowful Mysteries and thinking about the
love that Jesus has for us, that we will realize more and more, how much He truly loves
- We must come to Him and He will give us His abundant love.
The Crowning with Thorns
- Jesus sat on a mock throne and they pounded into His head a sharp crown
of piercing thorns.
- Think of the wounds of Jesus, all over His body. Now they have wounded
His most precious head. Blood ran down His face and into His eyes and into His ears.
- The blood ran from His mouth from the blows they gave Him to His head.
- It is hard to be in this world today. Many in the world have turned to
- Children are laughed at for praying and for saying grace. Many children
showing kindness and being nice to each other are made fun of. God wants us to be loving.
- Jesus wants us to be tender, kind, and loving. The only way to heaven is
to love God and to love one another.
- How cold the world is this day. In order to survive, children are being
taught to be cold in their hearts. Children's prayers are so powerful. We join together as
children in the Shepherds of Christ Movement. We are praying for special graces from God.
We want to be closer to Him. We want to be children of the light. We want to shine in the
darkness in the schools. We want to tell the children of America about the God we love.
- Let us look at the crowned head of Jesus and the face covered with
wounds. See His blood. Look at His body, bloodied and bruised. When we are ridiculed and
treated unkindly, we must go to His Heart. We must pray for the person that is treating us
with cruelty.
- We have a loving Mother that is forever with us. We are never alone, not
for one moment. Jesus is with us. He is guarding our ways and Mary is guarding her little
children of light.
- Song: Little Child
Jesus Carries His Cross
- A good way to meditate on the Passion is to make the Stations of the
Cross. As we stand at the first station, we see how the men around Jesus shouted ugly
words at Jesus. They cried out, "'Crucify him!'" (Mk. 15:13) We are ridiculed
today for being close to Jesus. Jesus stood. He took all the torture. He is the Almighty
God. He suffered for love of us.
- Jesus is God. He is love. They gave Him a heavy cross that they put on
His back.
- He fell to the ground. His head hit the ground. The cross was on His
back. Many times we have to suffer. It is in suffering that we are drawn closer to Jesus.
- See Jesus and Mary as They look into each other's faces on the way to
Calvary. His eyes met her eyes. He saw her sad face covered with tears. She saw His
bruised face covered with blood. Jesus and Mary love us so much. They walked this brutal
walk to the Crucifixion. They walk with us today. We are never alone. They are always with
us. Their Hearts are filled with love.
- When we are ridiculed, let us remember how Jesus was treated.
- The world tells us that we should look for pleasure. They tell us to put
down our crosses. The world says we should not suffer, that we should get rid of our
suffering. Jesus came and He walked the walk on the way to Calvary. It is in the
sufferings that we receive greater life in Him.
- Let us carry the crosses that we are given this day and offer them up to
the Father. Many souls will be lost and condemned forever to hell. Jesus and Mary want us
to pray very hard for all of our brothers that are suffering and in sin.
- Jesus walked the way to Calvary. The women wept over Him. He said to
them, "...Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep rather for yourselves
and for your children." (Lk. 23:28) Today we should weep for the children of
this world, for they are suffering so much. They are not being told about how much God
really loves them.
- Our prayers as youth are so powerful. Our prayers in this movement are so
powerful. Jesus will give us graces when we pray. Jesus loves the children. Jesus and Mary
want children to pray. Mary told us at Fatima we must pray the rosary.
- Let us thank Jesus for the great gift that He gives to us. He has given
us a sharing in His life. He gives Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist. We must treasure
each moment that we spend with Him after Communion at Mass.
Jesus Is Crucified and Dies on the
- The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are the Two Hearts of greatest love. Mary's
heart was invisibly pierced with a sword as she watched them nail her Son's hands and feet
to the cross.
- Think of how it would be to have your whole body covered with wounds, and
your head crowned with thorns, and then to have nails pounded all the way through your
hands and your feet.
- Jesus held nothing back. He spread His arms. He gave His all that we
would know how much He loves us.
- As He gave Himself on the cross, He gave His all. He gives Himself to us
this day in the Eucharist. The Son of God comes to us and enters our bodies. He is as
present as He was the day Mary carried Him in her womb.
- Do we realize how much God loves us, that He gives Himself to us in the
Holy Eucharist?
- Mary stood beneath the cross and watched her Son. He died before her
eyes. She saw Him covered with blood and wounded. She stands by us this day and watches us
when we are ridiculed for loving God. She wants us to be the children of the light. She
wants us to pray to her Spouse, the Holy Spirit. We must pray for the strength to stand up
for our belief in God. So many in the world today have forgotten God exists.
- At every Mass, let us pray for the grace to unite with Jesus and offer
ourselves to the Father. We must try to do whatever He wants us to do. It is in doing His
will that we will be happy in our lives today.
- Jesus hung on the cross. His body was withered. He gave the last beat of
His Heart for love of us.
- His last thoughts were for us. He gave us His loving Mother. She is our
Mother. She will help us to follow the way of Jesus. She will help us to get to heaven.
- He gave Himself. He gives us Himself this day and He gives us His Mother
to guide us on our way to everlasting happiness.
Thoughts before the Hail Holy Queen:
Mary loves us with the tenderest motherly love. Many children this day
are suffering and are in sin. Some children may go to hell if they continue sinning.
Children are being taught such vileness at such an early age. We must pray as we have
never prayed before for the children of America. Many do not know of the love of Jesus,
her Son. She wants the children to pray. So many children could go to hell if they die
today. At Fatima on July 13, 1917, she showed the three children a vision of hell. She
told them:
You have seen Hell, where the
souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish, in the world, devotion to
my Immaculate Heart. If people do what I tell you, many souls will be saved and there will
be peace.22
We must realize that hell is forever. Some children are sinning and do
not even care that they sin. Some children's hearts have turned to stone. She wants us, as
our Mother, to pray. Children of America, we must pray. On October 13, 1917, Mary appeared
to the children, and she said:
I am the Lady of the Rosary. I
have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and to ask pardon for their sins. They
must not offend Our Lord any more, for He is already too grievously offended by the sins
of men. People must say the Rosary. Let them continue saying it every day.23
Please help us circulate these rosaries to the schools. We must reach
the children with the rosary and the consecration.
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First Printing: November, 1998