January 13, 2016
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January 13, 2016
R. Fear that I do not want to be separated from
I can feel fear of abandonment which is
a dysfunction – the fear of being abandoned,
alone, because of suffering in, perhaps,
some traumatic way in which I was left
in such pain from one leaving.
When a person knows God, which happens
by seeking it, the desire for His grace
to know Him and by God showering upon
us knowledge of Himself – the person is
more and more fixed in oneness with God
and does not succumb to the emptiness
of fear of abandonment.
Fear of abandonment is dysfunctional,
it is, to me, the exact opposite of knowing
God and being one with Him.
We want unity with God we want to know
His presence with us, in us.
Presence is the key – We know God –
God is a Supreme Being. God comes to the
soul and inhabits the soul more and
more - the more we seek this, but there
must be purity in the soul for God to
come and dwell, like this, in us.
God gives us a sharing in His life in baptism
and He can fill us more and more abundantly
with His life in us, outpouring His grace
to us and taking more and more possession
in our soul.
The songs Jesus gave to me indicate
our desire for this presence. As simple as
they are they are the expression of this
Presence – especially after the reception
of the Eucharist –
Song: Your Presence Pervades My Soul
R. The other song, Jesus told me He wants us to sing
to Him is "I love You, Jesus" –
Where we ask Him "Come give me life –
abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee"
God loves us so very much – God is love –
He wants us to be the most attentive person
to call ourselves the Spouse of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit wants to come and possess our soul.
This is presence, this is the interior life –
When we pray the prayer
Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the
Bridegroom of my Soul – we say
November 4, 2013
Prayer for
with the
Lamb, the
of the
Oh Lamb
of God,
sins of
and act
on my
as I
ask for
to let
go, to
just be
as I
in You
and You
on my
You are
I am
as You
act in
me. I
You. I
You. I
my soul
as I
R. Again we see the desire to love God, which
is our duty, but the consuming desire of
our hearts to know Him so intimately,
to want to give love to our beloved and
in seeking to give love to God – we
realize how insufficient our love is
so we pray for Him to fill us more and
to give love to Himself in giving us
a greater, supernatural ability to love –
to love Him more –
Being consumed with the desire to love Him
in the Mass before communion, I
was made so aware of my insufficient
love and how I wanted to love Him –
so I abandoned myself more to Him
begging Him to love through me in
a supernatural way – so to give Him the
greatest love I could.
It is this realization which is a gift
with which God gave me to write these
songs and prayers, but which help us
in relationship to so deeply be one with
God and give Him great love for it is
His due and it is our duty – our life
is to be lived to learn to love – more
and more likened to God –
The Holy Spirit wants us to surrender – to
desire His Presence in us – teaching us,
counseling us, giving us wisdom and understanding
but we must want to be more and more
The deadly sins are sins. To live our
lives – teaching ourselves habits of pride
and jealousy, envy and anger become
a way of life to those giving into the
deadly sins.
When one acts for anger and jealousy
directed at the brother they hasten to drive
themselves further and further from having
this place of deep seated spousal union
with God. And the living in deadly sins
can become so deep seated – like on the
other hand –
Love in the soul – takes its place – so
the person is loving – their way of life
is the way that leads to greater union
with God.
God opens the hearts seeking union with Him,
with His love – more and more and
the soul is like the most fertile soil
for the Holy Spirit to outpour His
gifts, but the person is more and more
pure in their actions – knowing this
place of union with God and seeking
it with all their actions.
A person must have a goal in all their
actions to perform them with the goal
of eternal life at hand, with right reasoning,
with the desire of one's heart to live according
to the Father's Plan and do His will in
Doing God's will is paramount in their
lives, living under God, like the child
of the Father obeying Him in all their
Actions are not performed because
we want approval of others or we
would seek to punish another to
manipulate them into giving into our
demanding ways, to feed our slavishly
dependent sick abandonment needs.
A person can succumb to this evil of
manipulating even things given for the
building of the Kingdom of God to feed
on unmet evil desire, like anger or
jealousy, pride and envy.
To seek possession in our souls
by the Holy Spirit we must quit
sinning in these ways and seek out
the vices that are like thick weeds
choking out the plant that wants to grow
as God intends in the most fertile
soil – free of the weeds of evil.
The more one seeks God to fill them
with love – to live the virtuous life –
to live in justice and have the courage
to live the Father's will – the more
one is open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Come Holy Spirit fill my soul – enlighten me
to see through the eyes of my heavenly
Father His plan for me –
Oh God I love You – Come and fill me
with Your gifts – Your gifts of –
gifts of the Holy Spirit –
Come to me, Lord, and possess my
soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul.
Help me to sit in silence
with You and let You work in my heart.
A City on a Hill Shines to the World (excerpt)
February 23, 1994 5:30 a.m.
Jesus: I am the light of the world. A city on a hill will shine to the world. You at the Center will be this city when you are filled to the brim with the love of Jesus. What power, what might, to have each person a personal spouse of Jesus Christ! This is the light to the darkened world. The love of Jesus radiates from the very being of those who love Him. What light when all together are lifted by His love abounding deep within their breasts! end of excerpt
Your Bridegroom Waits for You
February 11, 1994 4:00 a.m.
Note: This letter was given by Jesus for a talk at St. Clare Convent
You are being tested in fire. What comes forth is a sinner or a saint. I want you holy like saints, untainted. Even the smallest sin offends My aching heart.
R. He is calling us to holiness and sainthood.
Jesus: I am the Alpha, the Omega. I am your All. You worry for such needless tasks when I am Jesus and I am in your midst.
The world is being led away from God. It has become a godless society.
Satan gets in in little things and you forget how holy I want you to be in Me. I want you to be saints. I call you to commitment to sainthood. Every action should be seen as "how will this action enhance my love of Jesus and the love of Jesus in others?"
R. I am being called every moment to preach the gospel. I preach His words in my very being. How am I in my life today? When I stand in the presence of others, does my love of God shine from my very soul? I am the preacher of the God Who lives within. Do I preach the word of God in the love I give to all of my brothers? Is God truly shining from me?
Jesus: I, My children, call you to be Me to this world. This world has deceived itself in every way to all sin. They have watched television and movies turn right to wrong and wrong to right.
I preach to you this day: what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong! The world preaches deception and untruth. To be in the world is to become very sick. You can no longer straddle the fence and be of Me. You are either Godly or worldly. To remain fixed to this world, to try to make sense of a sick, godless society, is to become sick and godless yourself.
Yes, My little ones, I call you to sainthood. I call you every waking moment of your day to preach the word of God. My love within you should be a force mightier than any explosion. It is a force that can never be contained.
As you, through the Holy Eucharist and adoration, sit with Me, you bake as in an oven. You receive My power in your baking. You store up, as in a battery, a power that is emitted from your very being. I, little ones, have all the power. In one second I could snatch you from your comfort and take your breath away. What, little ones, is keeping you from your sainthood?
Is it the way you treat your brothers? Do you say, "Oh, it doesn't matter that I am cold"? Is it a hidden sin that you keep ever so slight, but tell yourself it doesn't matter? Do you talk about others and fail to see Me inside of their hearts?
Remember, My little ones, you are My chosen ones. I love you with a burning, ardent love. I never ever leave your side for one second. You are My workers in this cold world. Your brothers may never be touched except as you preach My gospel. Their souls may depend on how you emit My love from your heart.
"But," you say, "Lord, Lord, I don't want to be nice to that nasty person. I will just be tolerant and not nasty back."
I, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, say I call you, My chosen ones, to a life of sainthood and holiness. You are the preachers of My gospel. You are My hands. You are My heart. You are Me, dwelling and living in this world.
Those in darkness may never be touched unless you, My special ones, choose first the kingdom of God and choose to love the unloving.
Yes, I say, love the unloving! I call you to sainthood, My little ones. I call you to let Me possess your soul and operate from your very being.
When I died on the cross, My arms were open wide. My whole position on the cross was that of greatest surrender. I call you to this surrender. Hold not back your feeble hearts. Open wide the gates and let My love pour from your very souls. Do not come to Me with your arms closed or open halfway. Come as I came to you. The way to Me is the Way of the Cross.
Feel the love of Jesus deep in your breast. Meditate on Me, hanging so selflessly on the cross for love of you. I am Jesus, Son of God, I loved you to My death. I love you this same way this very day. Sweet one, if you were the only one, I would die for you alone this very day.
I am this same Jesus. I am in your midst. I live and dwell in your brothers. I come to you, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in Holy Communion and in the tabernacle. I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God! I am alive in your hearts.
You come to Me in Holy Communion. I wait, I long for your union with Me. I am your ardent lover. I pour out to you the same love I had for you the day I died on the cross.
You come and I shower you with My love. Stay with Me after Communion. Sit with Me. These are My most golden moments to shower My love on you.
You, My little ones, busy yourself with such senseless tasks. I am Jesus, the King of Glory! I am the King of the Kingdom of Heaven and I come to you, My little sweet ones. I humble Myself and come to you. What do you receive? You, in Holy Communion, receive Jesus, God-made-man.
Oh, how are you today? The tongue is the doorway to the soul. How is your tongue? Is it worthy for such a King?
Who are you that Jesus, Son of God, comes to you? You, My child, are My beloved. You are he who is unworthy to tie My bootstraps, but I come to you with such love and longing and give Myself to you. Is your tongue pure? Have you been holy in your speech about others? Have you used your tongue to preach My love? Is your tongue worthy for the King of Heaven?
I give you such honor, such dignity. I, God, long to be united to you in Holy Communion. I came to earth and died a brutal death for you, for love of you. I, in total surrender, holding nothing back, chose to spread My arms in total submission and die for you. Do I love you any less today? I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I love you today the same as the day I died for you. I spread My arms in total surrender and gave My all for love of you.
Can you refuse Me when I ask you to love one another? How did you preach My gospel today? How was My love given to your brothers?
My sweet ones, My life I gave that you might live and have life eternal. Life here is but a fleeting moment. It is like a billowing smoke, black and thick, and then, poof, it is gone and there is no trace! Such a few years here for such a great reward!
The Kingdom of God waits for you. What a treasure! You possess the keys to the Kingdom. They are found in the love in your hearts. You will inherit a reward far beyond any comprehension. You will be escorted by a heavenly court into My kingdom. You will see the face of God and you will live. This is but a test--a fleeting moment--for such glory!
R. You are being called. This is the school of learning to be Christ-like. You go to school every day. You are given tests all day. The test in Christ's school are hard. Did He do any less for you? He modeled His life for us.
You take the tests, you receive the divine reward, graduation into the kingdom of God.
Jesus: Will you, My little ones, be My soldiers in this cold world? I call you to two things: love of God and love of one another. Will you come to Me with all the great acts of love you gave to your brothers? Will you be My hands to the sick world?
I do not call you to mighty feats. I call you to love one another. Too simple you say? Too hard for too many! The way to Me is hard, but rewarding. Walk My path, follow My direction. To My death I loved you, My little ones. I am the author of love. I showed you the way. When they persecuted Me and hit Me, beat Me, bruised Me, bloodied Me, I loved them. To My death My thoughts were of you when I gave you My sweet mother. I showed you the way to love. Will you follow in My path?
Your job is to love not the nice ones only, but to love all your brothers. Your love will be the seeds that you plant today. Smile the biggest smiles. You possess the life of Jesus within you. You possess the true treasure. You will see the face of God and live!
Your job is clear. Love God and one another. Do not busy yourself with needless tasks. Come to Me. Come to Me in Communion. Come in Adoration. Let Me shower you with My love. You are filled to the brim and you come from a place of giving love rather than needing love.
Oh, My sweet ones, My chosen ones, I wait for you with My love in the tabernacle. I wait for you with your arms for this cold world. Your arms in this cold war are your hearts filled with My love. You cannot be My soldiers of love in this world if you do not first seek your union with Me. It is in the silence before the tabernacle that I minister to you. Come and do not be busy. Let Me fill you with My love.
My Heart is on fire with love of you. I give this to you in the Eucharist and in front of the tabernacle. I am there, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. Come and get your arms, get your supplies. You are going into battle in this world. You are battling evil and hate. You need your ammunition and it is found in Me. Come and I will give you your arms--My love.
Oh, how I love you. I ache in My heart for your love. You do not know how I ache to behold each of you. Please come. It is in the greatest love that I am locked up in the tabernacle. Come, please, I beg you. I love you. I want you to come. I am Jesus, Son of God and I am waiting for you this very day.
Come to Me and I will give you all you need. I love you. Jesus.
Do you know that I have all the power? Look at the earth, covered with ice. Do you control such things? Stopped dead in your tracks, are you? Do you still think you have control in your immobility?
What does it take to shake you in your comfort zone? Who will get the message to you? I am Jesus. I am God. God has all the power. Do you pray now in your idleness with this weather or do you busy your mind with more senseless tasks?
Oh, what do you need to turn you from your ways? I come and dwell in your midst and you ignore Me and look for other things to fill the weary soul.
Man, nothing fills your soul. I and I alone am what you seek. You look in all the wrong places and I wait for you in the tabernacle. If you knew of this unseen world! But you are blind and dumb and stay centered as if in a tunnel.
Pray for your sick brothers. They have been blinded by the world and numbed by the TV. Their hearts are cold and their heads are hot. Oh, what a sad state! Pray for them lest they lose their souls. This world is full of evil. Come to Me. Sit in silence and know My love. I am your refuge.
In My church, in front of My tabernacle, there is such peace and joy. I am your King. I am your God. I am your Lord. I am Who am. I am your all. Little ones, little ones, I lament the loss of your love. Come to Me and be wrapped in My arms. I love you. Alleluia
Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, what God has ready for those who Love Him.
Promote yourself? Where do you go when your life is done? You flunk the test when you see yourself as the end. Die to yourself and you will possess life eternal.
I love you so. Such pride, such arrogance! Who do they think they are? They think they are their own gods. This is against the First Commandment.
In all things, turn your lives to God. Give Him full reign. You possess the choice to inherit a kingdom! Oh, such blindness! I love you in all your blindness, just the same. Pray for your brothers that the light of Christ might shine through you and touch their cold hearts.
Be as My saints, holy and untainted. Hold tight to My kingdom. It is at hand and you are its rightful heirs. Alleluia.
R. Jesus, tuck me into the recesses of Your heart and let me live in there with You in Your heart. Swallow me up in a little pocket. I love You so!
I give You my mind. I give You my body. I give You my soul. I am wed to You, my entirety to be Your spouse. I want to be the bride of Jesus Christ. My soul must be as white as the brightest white for such a king. I give myself to You, body and soul. I want to be Your saint. I want to do Your will and Your will alone. I want to be totally united with You in all my thoughts. I want to be pure just for You. Bless me and all those I touch.
I remain in You, ever to do Your work. I am Your temple and You dwell within me with such holiness! I approach the altar of Jesus and behold my beloved. I say to You, "Lord, Thy will be done," yet, when the going gets rough, I do my own will. Let me constantly be connected to You, Jesus, that with every beat of my heart I may never shame You in my thoughts or actions, that I do Thy will directly as I am prompted to do. I love You and You are my beloved. Alleluia.
I have committed myself to the King and I am an heir to the kingdom. It is in this constant walk of faith that I come into His presence, constantly committing my will to do His so only that which is of Him will flow from my soul.
Alleluia. Praise Him, holiest in the heights, for He is all powerful and He sets my feet on solid ground. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened unto you. Make ready your hearts for Him, the King of Glory. He is worthy of such honor. He is God. Alleluia.
end of excerpt
The Bridegroom Awaits
December 27, 1993 - 4:00a.m.
Jesus: Dear child, the Son of Man waits and you sleep in the night. I wait for you and you sleep. You know I am waiting and you are dead in your bed. Awake, My little one, when I call. You must not give in to the desires of the body. I care for your needs. Your strength comes from Me. Jump from your bed, sound the trumpet and arise, for your Savior comes in the night to bring you a message for all His children. Ready yourself, for I do not like to wait. Get up and come, child. I am God.
I am He Who made the world, He Who makes the sun shine and the baby in the womb! You make Me wait while you sleep. Rise and run, for the Lord is at hand. God awaits you and beckons you to be attentive to your calling. Sound the trumpet! Arise in the night. I am He Who comes to you. You must harken to the call. Come pronto to My request and do not tarry. I wait and I wait and I eagerly want to talk to you.
I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. Oh, child, I want these messages to reach the ends of this earth. I deliver each with such love. Will you deliver My messages to all My loved ones? They eagerly need to hear My words of love. They need to know how I feel about each one of them. They need to know that I am God. I love each child uniquely and My love is the love of God. What can you get on this earth that can compare to the love of God? You have a message declaring My love for each of My children. They are My love letters to them. Please see that they receive this letter. This is your top priority. It is a love letter to My beloved ones.
I am your Savior. I am not a myth. I am alive and I come to you. I wait in the tabernacle every day as a prisoner. Waiting and waiting in the tabernacle and who comes to be with Me? I await you, My children, to come and realize that God is in the tabernacle. I am Jesus, the Son of God, and I wait for you every day. Come to Me in your busy day. Come to Mass. Make ready your hearts and receive Me in Communion. I am there awaiting you as a groom awaiting his bride. I want to be with you, united in Holy Communion. I am truly present there, but which of you come? I wait for each of you. I am God. I can love you each so intently you do not understand. Your brother does not make up your love to Me. I wait, you little ones. Will you come and receive your love this day?
Ready your hearts and keep them holy. God will enter there. Prepare the way for Me. Do not sin. Do not lie to yourselves and tell yourself that some sins are of no account. Every sin is wrong. I tell you what is right and wrong in your hearts. You know the Ten Commandments. Satan tells you "but in this case, you are exempt", "this is out of date, you are allowed here." No, little ones, sin is sin and your heart knows what is wrong! Keep it pure. The more you lie to yourself about evil, the more right it becomes. Oh, how sad to numb your beautiful heart and accept the things of this world that are evil as okay. Evil is evil and you must guard against any evil the world tells you is okay.
I am the way, the truth and the life. When you abide in My ways, you possess the light of life. Do not be pulled into the world and its evil ways. Ready yourself for My love. I am as a bridegroom awaiting his bride. So pure, so white, so untainted she appears, just for her loved one. Her ways are gentle and kind and she is a picture of holiness, dressed in a white gown. Dress your soul in a white gown for Me. Keep your soul clothed in a cloth of dignity, a white cloth untainted by any sin, pure as the bride who meets her groom. Our meeting is with such love.
You enter My church, you walk My aisle. Your bridegroom awaits you in Communion. I am the bridegroom of your hearts. I come with such love to enter your soul. I am He Who walks with you to be united in Communion. I am Jesus. I am your true Love. I wait for you, My child. Please clean yourself up for My arrival! Think of My coming the day before and eagerly await our union. This is the greatest event of your life, union with God. Anticipate it with such eagerness, as the wedding of our hearts. I await you, little ones. I am God. What could this world ever give you that can be likened to God's entering your soul?
I am God and I come to you in Communion. Do you wait for Me, the bridegroom of your soul? Do you wait as one who is going to one's own wedding? This event far surpasses any wedding. It is you who are missing the significance here. I am here every Mass waiting, just for you. Get dressed, purify yourself, see the priest, go to confession, guard your tongue as the opening to your soul. I enter therein and you receive God, my child. Do you not comprehend this a little?
Read My words here. They are as real as the eyes you use to read them. It is you who blind yourself to all I have to give you. You do not reach with the things of the soul. You look for explanations in bodily things. To see the soul and the things of God you must reach with the eyes of God. You must be opened by the faith I eagerly want to give you. Beg to be open to Me so I can give you all you need to know Me. This world is blurring your Godly vision. It is hard to see through the mask of evil it has created. Every day the mask becomes more dense.
I am here, little one. You must die to this world to see Me. You don't need more of the world. You need less of the world. As the world decreases, your knowledge of Me increases. Take the mask off your face. Make your hearts pure. Pray to the Holy Spirit for His gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fear of God-all gifts that only He can give! Fill your hearts with the gifts of the Spirit. He will remove the blinders from your eyes and dwell in your soul. You will know a new life and I will become so much more alive to you. You, child, need the Spirit!
The way to God is through Jesus. You need the Spirit. You need the Father. You need all three. Pray to be made whole in the Holy Trinity. Pray for union with God. Pray for the things of the soul. When your soul is in order, all else falls into order. You needn't pray for things of the world. Pray to know Me more fully. Pray for unity with God. Pray for opening in your hearts. Pray for holiness. Pray for faith, hope, charity. Pray for knowledge of how to please God. These are the true treasures. All else is of no account. Don't recite prayers for worldly things. Pray for your union with God. This is what it is all about!
I am so eager to make Myself known to you. Our love affair awaits and it depends on you. I am here loving you. It is you who keep us apart. What could you find on this earth that could compare with a love affair with God, child? Your soul was created to know love and serve Me. It craves this union with Me. This appetite is stronger than any other you possess. You hold it back and make light of it because this world has taken God out. This world is messed up. I am God and you are a creature of God. You cannot take God from you or you remain only a creature. What dignity you sacrifice to remove God from yourself!
Prepare for the wedding of our souls. Your bridegroom awaits you. I am Jesus, Son of the one, true, God. I await your union with Me. Child, nothing you ever do on this earth can compare with Communion with God. If you do not behold this as something, you need to pray to know Me more. Go to the Spirit and beg Him for understanding and wisdom. Beg Him for all his gifts to enhance your knowledge of God. Beg the Spirit for His baptism. Let Him shower you with His life and you will become alive and on fire in your heart.
Your bridegroom awaits you. Prepare yourself for the wedding. Come, pure and white, and anticipate this union with eagerness. I love you so, My child. You will never find a speck on this earth that can compare with the love of God. Search, you feeble creature, for worldly satisfaction and you will never satisfy one little part of your soul. Your soul can only be satisfied by the love of God. It stalks your restless heart and is only satisfied in God. It craves God like an appetite except that it is much stronger. What is in your heart that is never satisfied by your worldly way? It is the soul that craves union with God. It constantly keeps you in a state of unrest, of searching, of seeking, of looking for more. The more is found in the Eucharist. It is the answer to the empty heart. It is the love you seek, but cannot find anywhere else. It is Jesus, child. It is your Bridegroom. Come and be in Communion with Him. He awaits you and bids you to come, pure in your heart, to the wedding-the wedding of your soul.
R. I felt as if there was so much I just did not understand and I was overwhelmed by the mystery of God. I opened the Blue Book to this:
Nov. 21, 1993:
Jesus: Oh, what glories I have in store for you when you finally see it all, see all there is to Me! Little glimpses I will give you. These are special treats of My love, but you, in your earthly form, cannot even handle it. My power, My light, My fire would blow you off your feet and you would be out cold.
That is how I am at your side, with a power pack like this, and you worry about a power failure? Oh, how silly, when I am with you. Trust, trust. I am here.
end of excerpt
R. Don't miss this great gift given to
us all to have more and more life in
living as the Spouse of Jesus –
Thank God for His gift to desire to
come and possess our soul –
To be the Spouse of the Lamb –
We want to unite ourselves so closely
with God – nothing can lead us
away from Him, but ourselves –
Jesus has laid open His Heart in love
to us –
The Holy Spirit desires to come into
our soul –
Consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
lead us to this place of knowing
God and loving God on a supernatural
level –
Unless we ignore His invitation to us Jesus: I am
Jesus. I have spoken as never before, you will spread My love to all souls on
this earth. His Burning Heart R. I was alone
in All Saints Church after Mass and Communion, in front of the tabernacle,
when I saw the Sacred Heart. It was red around the outside, then a layer of
yellow and then the brightest light in the center. I felt heat and it looked
like an open furnace. end of writing
given over all these years since
1991 – December 17th –
I thought about it all day and it instantly gave me peace
and warmth in my heart. This is the purpose of these letters—to
draw hearts to the ardent on-fire love of Jesus. I received the following
message that day:
"Open your heart to the fire of God's love. He is
ablaze in your heart. He wants to dwell in you and love you and others
through you. Love God, yourself and one another and experience the fire set
aglow in your heart and experience the warmth of His love."
R. We must pray for the increase in the
virtues of faith, hope and love –
We must let go of anger and jealousy,
envy, bitterness, hatred, unforgiveness
and open our hearts to be the
Handmaid of the Lord, the ones who
go through Mary's pure and sinless
heart to union with God.
Mary's Heart is the pure soil –
She is the intercessor
She is the spiritual Mother –
You never stay the same in the spiritual
life –
If you close your heart to the gifts
and guides He sends and
keep in the deadly sins, like
a way of life –
You will miss the sunset –
I Want Both Feet Off the Ground
January 18, 1994 4:40 a.m. (excerpt)
Jesus: I sail your balloon to heights you never dreamed possible. Let go. I run the balloon. There may be a little wind, but the freedom of sailing, of knowing you will never lose your way because Jesus is holding you up, what power Jesus has over all and He holds you up! If you go out on a limb for Him, He supports the limb. "Scary," you say? "Freedom," I say! When you trust your interior promptings this much, when you know God is this close that you will do whatever He calls you to, despite the world, that is freedom. You are My special messengers. The world is teaching some awfully sick messages. People are getting literally sick. Become selfless, let Me possess you so I can do what I need to through you. end of excerpt
R. God is over and we are under –
Eve because of pride wanted to be
equal to God –
To be in the proper place with God and
with others. Pride puts us in the wrong place –
like Eve in the Garden –
Pride sees our brothers as enemies –
Envy sees our brothers as gaining too much
ground and we need to put them down.
Jealousy sees through eyes of distain toward
our brothers of righteousness.
The real place for a man is to see himself
under God and see his brothers not
as a challenge to put down or getting
in our way –
But to rejoice when they are living God's
Plan for them and to unite in the
victory to win the race for God –
There is a quote in Joe's homilies
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time January 31, 2010 (excerpt) HOMILY – Our second reading from St. Paul is
one of the most beautiful passages written by him. It is especially
popular at weddings, and rightly so. It may sound romantic, and
indeed a couple who loves one another in the way Paul describes love
would surely not lose the romance in their relationship. But the
love Paul talks about does not happen easily or without effort. It
demands discipline, unselfishness and self-sacrifice. As Paul says,
love is not self-seeking; he insists that without love we are
nothing. Paul means this literally. His argument for this statement
comes one chapter earlier in his letter when he compares the
Christian Community to the body of Christ. We are all a part of that
body and none of us can say we can get along without the other
members of the body. It’s like our own body. It has many parts, and
each part functions because it is part of the whole. If our arm were
cut off it may have the appearance of an arm, but literally it would
not be an arm. It would be a mass of bone and skin and flesh. It’s
only an arm when it is connected to the body, which gives it its
life and it’s ability to function. Without its connection to the
body, it is nothing. What connects us with one another and makes us
one body is love. Without love we are separate individuals, no
longer one with our head, which is Christ, and no longer one with
each other. Thus he argues that even if any of us were miracle
workers and had all kinds of spiritual gifts, without love we are
nothing. The word Paul uses for love (agape) is not the kind of love
that seeks some kind of reward from the one we love (i.e., it
is not based on what we can get out of a relationship). Agape is a
giving kind of love, the kind of love that Jesus has for us. St.
John tells us: “God is love (agape),” (1 John 4:8) so if we’re
without love we’re without God and vice versa. Without being
connected with God, we’re not connected to the head or to the rest
of the body.
about being an arm and a
part of the body –
R. We are to see ourselves as members of the
mystical body of Christ – with Christ
the head –
Being jealous and envious and angry and
prideful is being in the wrong place –
punishing our brothers to manipulate
a sick relationship of our controlling
for, our dysfunction will make us
walk in further and further darkness
away from the springs of love God
wants to give us.
God is love –
He is wanting us to come to Him –
to run the race for Victory
to build a Kingdom of Love
on this earth and
to live with Him eternally
in heaven –
God is love –
God is calling us to open ourselves
to love –
to seek His presence
to Consecrate our hearts to Jesus
and Mary and to feast at the
table of the Lamb
Jesus comes to us –
We are so blessed by Him –
Song: A Song from Jesus
R. In love a person goes out to meet the
lover –
They are not embedded in quicksand
19 Years Ago From Blue Book 14 January 5,
1997 Bare Baby, Laid Bare R. On January 5, 1997, I was wakened by Our Lord and He was mumbling as
He was around my bed as He did on October 8, 1997, when He delivered
the "Seedless, Barren, No Fruit on the Vine" message. I heard
Him and He repeated the words over and over again. I had a copy of
the all-night message on the floor, I jumped from the bed and began
to write around the message, for it was the only paper available and
He was speaking very plainly and direct. I wrote this message in the
margins of the paper. He kept repeating "BABY, BARE BABY, LAID
BARE". Jesus:
Open yourself, Oh Jerusalem, your time is come you will be a light
to the people in darkness, many will walk whence you come and the
earth will be shakened and the light will come across a dark sky and
enlighten their minds. Oh
stiff-necked people, you are so stiff in your ways, let the spirit
envelope you and lead you on your way. A country
of stiffs, a people of planning and prodding, of deliberating and
wondering—you lack faith, Jerusalem,
you lack faith in God. Oh walk
naked into the cold night, you are cold in your hearts and naked in
your clothing—I cloth you with glory, I
light your face with light, but you turn your cheeks to the darkness
and stay stiff-necked in your hearts. Oh cold and dark hearts, reach
for the light that you may know the glory that awaits the sinners
and enlightens their minds.
end of excerpt
Song: Come to My Heart
Song: Teach Me to Love With Your Heart
January 2, 2016 Rosary
Clearwater, Florida
Song: A Song from Jesus
R. We want to pray for the Holy Father and for all the hierarchy that we sent the packages to, that they will help us spread the devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart. Our Father
R. In talking about love, and thinking about the Holy Spirit, we want to realize that the Holy Spirit wants to fill us with His love, but we have to have hearts that are open, and want love, ourselves. So we pray to the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with love, and to help us to have the other virtues, and to give us His gifts. 3 Hail Marys
Joyful Mysteries
Song: The Rosary Song
The Annunciation
1. R. "Be it done unto me according to Thy word." Luke 1: 38
2. R. It seems like to me that the more that I grow in the spiritual life, the more that I understand how it is God has all the power, and it is our response to God. And when I wrote the letters in Fr. Joe's homily book, it was just like so deeply engrained inside of me, how we are so dependent on God, and how we are responding to the grace that He gives to us. We are responding to the vocation that He has called us to, that in meditating on this mystery of the rosary, how it opens up that big door of the message that God is teaching us, how Mary just gave herself in loving surrender to God, because she loved the Father so much, and she wanted to do the will of God. She loved the will of God, and so she was responding wholeheartedly, all the time, as a handmaid should respond, if we are going to call ourselves handmaids of the Lord.
And that's why I thought too, the calling that Jesus gave Fr. Carter in calling Handmaids and Servants of the Good Shepherd is such an absolutely beautiful title, not just even a sister or a brother, but calling them Handmaids of the Good Shepherd, because in seeing Mary and how she responded always in such perfection, to the will of God, to the love of God. It is just so good what God has given to us here, and seeing how He really loves us. And a lot of times we even see ourselves, and we don't love ourselves, because of ideas that we have put in our own mind, with how we talk to ourselves, or with how other people in our past have treated us, and so in combination of what has gone before us and what we could have continued ourselves, in how we see ourselves as lovable, we can fail and fall short of understanding how God loves us so much, and that we are lovable, that He created us.
Since He created us we really have to be something else, because God created us. Even though we have our imperfection, a tainted human nature, that with baptism we still have those tendencies toward the deadly sins, but God is always lifting us up. He's lifting us up in this tremendous love and that's what happens in love. When we really love the other, we are always trying to lift them up. We are not trying to drag them down through jealousy or possession or anger, or envy, but we are always trying to help them to be more the person that God wants them to be. And so we have got a lot of lessons to learn how to love supernaturally, and in praying to the Holy Sprit, like we have been doing, since we started this rosary tonight, we are praying to the Holy Spirit to teach us, about love through the eyes of God.
3. R. And Mary's and Jesus' Hearts are the Hearts of pure and perfect love, and this Movement is so beautiful because it is telling the world that message that she delivered at Fatima, that we need to go to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, to be more docile and open to the touch of the Holy Spirit, to be more those instruments of love, and the Holy Spirit can come and possess us more and more, as we go to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the Hearts of greatest love. We are preparing ourselves to be those loving, beautiful creatures that God has created us to be.
4. R. And that is really what the Blue Books are all about, because I remember in Blue Book II, Him saying at one of the prayer service that I was at the Holy Spirit Center, He said if you go out of here, He says tell everybody you see that I would die for them this day, I love them so much. And because of the way we may look at ourselves, we may not even see ourselves as lovable to realize how much God really does love us, because we have so much to learn about love. And so the message that I put out there tonight, is one that talks about the Holy Spirit and we really do need the Holy Spirit to come with His gifts and to help us to grow in the virtues, so that we can learn on a supernatural level about love, to love on that supernatural level, because that is what God wants for us. But as long as we don't love ourselves, we hold ourselves back. We see that Mary when she said the Magnificat, "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord". In humility she recognized what was true, that God had chosen her and that from generation to generation, she would be called blessed. She didn't say oh no, God doesn't love me because she didn't love herself. She said the truth, from generation to generation they will call me blessed. So we have to see ourselves as being so loved by God, and that is really what the Blue Books are to teach us.
5. R. And He says it over and over again in the Blue Books, 'I love you, I love you, I love you'. What does that mean to us? You know if somebody else says something nice, or does something nice to us, we think, oh boy they did this nice for us, and it can mean a whole lot to us. But we can overlook the fact of this personal love relationship that God wants with us, and when we over look that, that is really missing the source of love.
6. R. So if we had a daisy here and somebody says a penny for your thoughts, how many thoughts during the day are we really thinking about how much God really loves us, that God the Father sent His only begotten Son into this world, because of His love for us, because He loved us first, and then realizing that Jesus really did die on the cross for us, because He loves us. So would we be the person that is going to sit there, and maybe once in a while, think we are loving or do we just go through life and don't really think how precious we are to God, as He says in the song, I loved you to My death. He loves me, He loves me not. We can choose. That's what life is. We can choose evil or we can choose good. We can choose to think the way God wants us to think, or we can not even pay attention to those guides that He may send in our lives, that is constantly trying to bombard us with the truth, that says He loves me, He loves me, He loves me, He loves me, and listen instead to the dragging down, not the lifting up, but the dragging down, which is, not realizing how precious we are to God.
Song: A Song from Jesus
R. You know - and I really like that, that we realize that Jesus came into the world and that He says in this song – I come to you, because there is that action where He is going out. When you love somebody you go out. It's when you are wounded and you are holding back, and then finally you can just go so far back that you don't want to give anything to anybody at all. And then instead of growing in loving, what we end up doing, is we grow up going backwards. Like Fr. Carter says in that definition of love, love is going out, for the sake of the other as God desires, it's giving and receiving. So God is telling us today to think about how much He really loves us. That's why He has called us in this Movement. That's why He has given us the Blue Book writings, that's why Mary has appeared on this building, because we are lovable.
Sing: I come to you
R. And He comes to us, God, God comes to us, because He loves us so much.
Sing: A Song from Jesus - refrain
7. Sing: A Song from Jesus - verse 1
8. Sing: A Song from Jesus - verse 2
9. R. You know I can remember like crossing the street with a couple of my grandkids, and the second you are going to go across the street, they give you their hand like so willingly. And it's like, oh that little hand, and it's like, oh man, doesn't this feel good, this little hand. And they gave it so willingly, but they were little. And then as kids get older, they get more and more wounds, and they don't give of this freely as they use to. And we are kinds of like that, as we get wounded, as we know that some people are not nice to us in the human condition, then we can hold back and if somebody really gets hurt bad, then they can decide, well, I am just going to shut down, I am just not going to give at all. And the thing of it is, is the person that is shutting down, just can become more and more frozen, because you don't stay the same in the spiritual life. And they are really hurting themselves, besides hurting everybody else that they need to be giving themselves to.
So thinking about that, that image, I remember Jesus told me that one day, when I was going down to China. It's all positive imaging. What are you putting in your head. You know, do you see the beauty of the sky? Do you see the ocean? Do you see this, that is so beautiful? Are you trying to put this positive imaging into your head, because this is reality. God is giving us all this beauty, the baby's ear, our own eyes and eyelashes. It's like, if you don't believe that there is a higher power than us here, you are just – looking at the body, seeing through God the Father's eyes is wow! You know how all the body works. What God has given us in the Shepherds of Christ is such a gift. But we need that positive imaging and we need the Holy Spirit to really fill us with His love, but we have to be open. We can't be like this, if we say, give me your hand, to cross the street, we wouldn't answer, well I am not going to give you my hand. That little child-like attitude, putting our hand in the hand of the one that we can trust, like a little child. Jesus loves us so much.
Sing: A Song from Jesus - verse 2
10. R. And the angel said to Mary, Be not afraid. Let's sing that.
Song: Be Not Afraid
R. And you know every night that Sheila does the rosary there, she will pray every mystery of the rosary for all our intentions. She mentions us all by name, praying for our healing. I want to pray for all of us and all of our special intentions, for healing for ourselves, for Dan and Melanie, for all of you, all of our needs, and everything that is on Sheila's list and Jerry's list and my list and your list and for a special couple. I want to pray for that through this whole rosary, just that we can all just be united, have that harmony that God wants us to have, and to thank Him for our gifts that He gives to us, here today and in this mission, and with a hope with what we have been given, that it is really going to help so many people in the world, so many of the hierarchy, because we send out that mailing, so many of the people that come here to the building, or get the water, or the statues with the glass. I want to pray for all those people that have asked for the help from the Shepherds of Christ, that they receive a special blessing here tonight to help them, and then to be ever closer to God, ourselves, and to know how much He loves us, and to let the Holy Spirit come into our hearts, and not to be controlling, but to surrender and to let Him touch us, to help us to grow more and more in this elevated knowing and loving capacity, to know and love on a supernatural level. I also want to pray for some special intentions and Blue Book 16.
The Visitation
R. And Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, she shows her humility in that, Mary has been called by God, to be the Mother of God, and she is carrying Jesus inside of her, and when she went to her cousin, Elizabeth, she wasn't puffed up and thinking about, 'wow, I'm really big and neat' or whatever else. But she was so humble and the Holy Spirit spoke through Mary and Elizabeth and gave us so many beautiful words.
1. Sing: Ava Ava Ava Maria, Ava Ava Ava Maria
R. And God is telling us to let go of those fearful things and those things where we stay focused on ourselves, and to let the Holy Spirit really come in and fill our hearts with love and touch us in the way where we are realizing how close God is to us, and His Might at work in us.
2. R. Mary said my soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
3. R. And the child in Elizabeth's womb leapt for joy.
4. R. And the angel said to Mary "for nothing is impossible with God".
5. R. Can you think of how much the Heavenly Father loves us right now, that He created us and gave us our breath and our existence, that out of all the people that He could have created, He picked us, and that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell in our graced, baptized soul. And all the negative things that we can pipe into our minds and our hearts, let us really focus on these rich truths, that they can seep into our hearts as God gives us a special grace from this building. We can leave here and be more and more His instruments like Mary was the perfect Handmaid of the Lord.
6. R. Let's think about that God put us on this earth, at exactly the right time, when He wanted us here. He created us and put us here, gave us the parents He wanted us to have, let us suffer at lot, maybe in different circumstances, to help us to be wounded healers, to help other people, and to really, maybe get closer to Him in the suffering that we had to go through. But we think like human men a lot of times, and we don't know the reason that God is allowing something to happen in our life, where He has allowed it to happen, and we can be like a fighting bull, that we can tell ourselves that we should feel sorry for ourselves, when those may be the very diamonds that He put in our crown that could help us to grow in what really matters. Like St. Augustine did all that stuff, and then he gave so much when he was converted, or St. Paul who had Stephen murdered. God put us here and His plan was not 'willy-nilly', that's all I got to say. And a lot of times, we do a lot of stuff that makes our own problems, by how we say 'no' to Him. Mary was the perfect Handmaid of the Lord.
7. Jesus: I come to you with greatest love, I am your loving Savior. I am your God, I died for you. I come to you this day.
8. R. When you love, you go out, that's what happens. That's what Jesus teaches us. He says 'I come to you', and He sure went out and He died for us. 'I come to you.'
9. R. When we look at our lives as a book, like Fr. Joe said, 365 pages, how many of those pages should we be sitting on our pity-pots and feeling sorry for ourselves, when God has work for us to do. God has work for us to go out and to be 'men for others' in the world.
10. R. Jesus sure showed us how He was a man for others.
Before the Glory Be
R. And God shows us how He gives to us so much today, that Jesus gives Himself to us in the Eucharist, that we received all these blessings in baptism. God has elevated our knowing and loving capacity, that we can receive so much grace, by going to Mass, by receiving the sacraments. God has really gone out in giving to us.
Sing: What Child Is This
The Birth of Jesus
R. What a gift! We can meditate on this for the rest of our life, that the Son of God took flesh and came down to this earth, born of Mary and the Holy Spirit. Mary was a human person. God loved us so much. Jesus came down and He gave Himself and He lived here and taught us and worked miracles, and died and rose to teach us about Himself. Wow!
1. And Jesus says: I love you, I love you, I love you. Do you believe Me?
2. Jesus: Do you believe that you are lovable?
3. Jesus: Would you trust someone to love you, to give and to receive love?
4. R. We all understand little babies, they come into the world and they really grow fast, I mean like by a year and a half, they can show you so many things that they can do. It is just phenomenal. So we can see that, in the physical life of these little babies. God has given to us the sacrament of Baptism, and a lot of times that is administered to little babies. And we can see ourselves growing more and more spiritually, becoming more mature in the spiritual life, more filled with the Spirit, more likened to Christ, more preparing ourselves for the forever.
5. R. A lot of people go to communion every day. How should we be if we are receiving the Divine Almighty God truly present inside of us, every day in the Eucharist?
6. R. Dear Holy Spirit help us to put on Christ. Help us to grow more and more in that life in the Holy Spirit. Help us to be instruments of love, we pray. Amen.
7. R. And Jesus came not as a high and mighty King, but He came in a stable in Bethlehem, surrounded by the beasts of the earth, and He was warmed by their beastly breath, the Divine Almighty God, the King of Heaven and Earth, the King of the Jews.
8. Song: I Love You Jesus
9. Sing: Glo o o o o o o ria in excelsis Deo, Glo o o o o o o ria in excelsis Deo
10. Song: We Three Kings
The Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple
1. R. So we know that Mary and Joseph took the baby Jesus to the temple and they ran into Simeon, and Simeon told Mary and Jesus of the sufferings that were to come. "And a sword too shall pierce your heart oh Mary".
2. R. I love Blue Book 7, Jesus told me to open this any place. That Blue Book 7 has kind of small print and it's really light, but it is so beautiful, I could not wait for this to get out, because it is so beautiful. So I am just going to, during this mystery of the rosary, open up to different places and read from Blue Book 7.
From Blue Book 7 - May 17, 1995 (excerpt)
I cannot exist without a solid hour of time alone with Him, it is in this hour I receive my strength to handle my problems. This week, I have not faithfully done this. I cannot operate without this. I have fallen so low into problems. My lack of trust and faith has reached a low ebb all because I did not spend this time with Him.Sing: Little Child
3. R. This is a message. It is entitled God Takes Care of Us, and it starts with a message from Jesus, but what I saw was this.
June 17, 1995 (excerpt)
In each suffering, feel His presence inside of you. We become one in Him, He is one in us. How can I fear when I am one with the Almighty God? In You, Lord, I have found my peace. In You Lord, I have joy. To suffer means to have the opportunity to unite more closely to Him. We go to Him inside ourselves. He is the Almighty God. He can make a difference. God listens to us. He is God and He is listening to us and helping us. He truly listens. He is present. He takes care of our every need. He wants us with Him forever in heaven. He is constantly leading us to our goal, everlasting happiness in heaven.4. Excerpt from June 26, 1995
R. Mary leads us to her Son, and there is a picture of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.
5. Excerpt from April 16, 1995 - Easter: Pascal Joy
The Jews celebrated Passover with a lamb in memory of their release from bondage in Egypt.Jesus was the Pascal lamb — He gave Himself as a sacrifice to lead us out of the bondage of sin.
Jesus paid the price with His blood. The Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary, Sacramentally made present.
Look at the gift Jesus gave to the Apostles —
6. Excerpt from April 9, 1995
R. Satan wants this stopped — go to these groups and bring the rosary meditations.
Spread of the Devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Pray for priests the world over.
Pray for the success of the Priestly Newsletter, Chapters and Finances.
Spread and publication of the
Blue Books, Rosary Books, tapes etc.Nursing Home Ministry
Children the world over
Souls in purgatory
Intentions deep in our hearts
- family friends, those who asked us to pray for them.Are you like Christ?
7. Sing: Ava, Ava, Ava Maria Ava, Ava, Ava Maria
8. R. This is a message from April 20, 1995. This is from the end of a rosary.
Mary: This is a rosary from my Most Immaculate Heart for my beloved children. I ask you to circulate this rosary to my dear children, for they are being taught lies in this world. If they are being taught lies, is it not your duty to teach them the truth? If you have received this rosary, I ask you to spread it to the children. For my little children are my dear, dear little ones. They need to pray. Children are not praying. Please, I beg you. (This is 20 years ago, she said this) Spread this rosary to all little children for I love them so much. How powerful are the prayers of little children! I am Mary, your Mother. Thank you for responding to my call.
9. Excerpt from Interior Places – May 18, 1995
R. And He reached down and turned my sufferings into immense joy, for I was joined in such depth to Him in the suffering.
10. A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
R. Excerpt from April 16, 1995
Jesus: Speak with Fr. Carter, I am speaking to you both. While you wait others are speaking lies that are poisoning many souls. I beg you, beg you to speak, to spread My love, to tell all how I talk to you. I will tend to all other earthly cares. If you and all involved focus on spreading this message, if your main concern is to help the hurting souls, to forget other distractions satan is making, confusion, and Focus on spreading My messages to all, many will be brought to My Heart. Do not worry what others think, you are living to please Me, you are living to love God. If you live to love God all else will work out. Your main concern is uniting ever closer to God, in living every moment in the Father’s will, to realize I am working in you at every moment, you must stay so united to Me and My Mother. The plan of the Father is unfolding. I am begging you to speak, do not hold back, I will provide the places. I am sending those to you that will be very important to promoting this plan.
Song: Teach Me to Love With Your Heart
Excerpt from April 21, 1995
Jesus: Do not hold back, I send you into the world, armed with love from the pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
- Go - Go and I will give the grace to those attending to carry out this message.
The Finding in the Temple
R. And this was the message where Mary, when she appeared every day, would just cry out about reaching the children, her children that she loved so much. And to Mary we are all her children, so it didn't matter if they were 80 or if they were little. She just said that so many souls were dropping into hell like rain.
1. Jesus: I come to you with greatest love, I am your loving Savior, I am your God. I died for you. I come to you this day.
R. We are apostles of His Sacred Heart.
2. R. Souls are being lost right now, this very night, that will be lost forever to the fires of hell. Dear God we pray for them.
3. R. We ask you heavenly Mother to pray with us for this mission that we can do what Jesus and You have asked us to do, to spread the consecration and all these messages to the world. Please help us. Help us with the pope. Help us with the mailing. Help us in everything we do. Help the donors and the people that need to help us spread this and start prayer chapters and pray. Help them all. Spread the Blood of Jesus on them, consecrate their hearts, cast the devil out and ask for a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
4. Hail Mary
5. R. And He gives us our lives and He is asking us to do this, and He can stop us dead in our tracks if He wants to. Dear God we pray for healing, for ourselves and for all the people in our families, and all the people we love and everything on our list. We pray for Blue Book 16, that we can get that printed. Pray for all the funds that we need, and especially for all the grace for the people that should be helping us and need to be reached. We just pray and we pray for all of us that are here, and all those people that are listening. Please help us all God. We need You. Tomorrow is the Feast of the Epiphany and we want to just really celebrate.
6. Hail Mary
7. Mary: I am Mary your Mother. I am asking you to please, please, please, spread this rosary. Please.
8. Mary: Don't be afraid. God has asked you to do this. Do not be afraid. Know that my Son Jesus loves you so much. Tell yourself all through the day, how much Jesus loves you. Focus on this. Focus on this gift, the gift of God's love.
9. Mary: I am Mary, your Mother. I am with you now. I love you.
10. Mary: Open your heart, my spouse, the Holy Spirit is filling you now with His love.
Hail Holy Queen
R. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
R. We will be back tomorrow night at 6:20. Tomorrow afternoon we are going to do the Epiphany outside, and Sheila is going to play the 13th at 1:30. And tonight we are all going to watch the War Room. If you don't have that movie, make sure you get that movie, it is so good. Amen.
January 13, 2016
R. We are to reverence God. We must see the
Church, the Eucharist, the priest as
sacred – The Holy Spirit gives us the
gift of fear of God so we don't want
to offend God with the slightest sin.
The more a person decides their
actions by envy, jealousy, lustfulness,
anger, pride, slothfulness the more
they make their own life a life of darkness.
How dark is the darkness with constant
habits of the deadly sins. To act pridefully
is the way the person of that bad habit
acts, one can turn ones thoughts to
jealous, envious and angry thoughts
from giving into this year after year
after year.
When we work with others we can
mirror more and more what we should
be doing.
Working in relationships with others
can help us to be as God wants us to be.
Jesus gave me this message to put Jesus: My dear child, if
you stay close to Me, then I live in you and you live in Me. I am He Who
created you and I love you with such an intensity that you will never know. My
words are your truth. You must abide in My heart in all things. There is no
room for doubt. My ways are steadfast, direct, and without error. You must stay rooted in Me to ward off
the power of the evil one. His grip is paralyzing and crippling. His power is
stronger every day. When you live in Me, I am in your heart
and he has no power over Me. I am your God. I am your true lover. I want to
protect you. I want to guard you from this force. Stay rooted firmly in Me and
he will have no power. I am He Who comforts you. My hand is upon
you. Hold tight to Me, My child. My eyes are fixed right on you. You are My
most precious child. I love you as no other can. My arms are about you. My
tenderness surrounds you. My love is in your heart. You go not alone. I walk
with you. I share every aspect of your life with
you. Cling to Me, feel My presence. It is warm and secure within your chest.
There is no room for fear, for I cast out fear and bring you comfort and joy. end of May 13, 1993
as the first Blue Book message from Blue Book 1,
May 13, 1993.
Cling to Me
13, 1993
R. We have a duty to love God and Matthew 22: 36-40
'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus
said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your
heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the
greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You
must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments
hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too.'
in loving others as God wants we are
loving God.
R. God is all good and all loving and He
loves us so much. We must lift ourselves
up – for we are imperfect and God
is all good – God loves us despite
our lowliness and we should seek
to be lifted up by Him.
God's love is perfect – God's love
is beyond anything we can imagine –
God's love is real! God loves us
even in our imperfections – God
wants us to go to Him. If we are good
it is because of God's grace.
God increases in the soul greater
faith, hope and love when we ask Him.
God showers us with His love –
He gives us gifts – We must seek Him!
Come to us Holy Spirit Possess our 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13 Though I command languages both human and angelic—if I speak
without love, I am no more than a gong booming or a cymbal clashing.
And though I have the power of prophecy, to penetrate all mysteries
and knowledge, and though I have all the faith necessary to move
mountains—if I am without love, I am nothing. Though I should give
away to the poor all that I possess, and even give up my body to be
burned—if I am without love, it will do me no good whatever. Love is always patient and kind; love is never jealous; love
is not boastful or conceited, it is never rude and never seeks its
own advantage, it does not take offence or store up grievances. Love
does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but finds its joy in the truth. It
is always ready to make allowances, to trust, to hope and to endure
whatever comes. Love never comes to an end. But if there are prophecies, they
will be done away with; if tongues, they will fall silent; and if
knowledge, it will be done away with. For we know only imperfectly,
and we prophesy imperfectly; but once perfection comes, all
imperfect things will be done away with. When I was a child, I used
to talk like a child, and see things as a child does, and think like
a child; but now that I have become an adult, I have finished with
all childish ways. Now we see only reflections in a mirror, mere
riddles, but then we shall be seeing face to face. Now I can know
only imperfectly; but then I shall know just as fully as I am myself
known. As it is, these remain: faith, hope and love, the three of
them; and the greatest of them is love.
soul with Your love and Your grace –
R. St. Francis was the saint of happiness.
St. Francis was detached from things.
When a person is attached to passions
they need the chains broken.
These things do not bring
true happiness.
When we see death –
we know we will have to give up
earthly possessions.
Some people value themselves
by things of the earth.
At death we give it up.
1 Corinthians 6: 17
But anyone who attaches himself to the Lord is one spirit with him.
Ephesians 1: 13-14
Now you too, in him,
have heard the message of the truth
and the gospel of your salvation,
and having put your trust in it
you have been stamped with the seal
of the Holy Spirit of the Promise,
who is the pledge of our inheritance,
for the freedom of the people
whom God has taken for his own,
for the praise of his glory.
Given January 12, 2016
Excerpts from Blue Book 3
You Need the Holy Spirit
May 31, 1994 3:00a.m.
R. Spirit, pour Yourself into me. Give me Your life. I am on fire with the love of God. The more You give me, the more I see. Where I was blind, I now can see! See with the eyes of God. Take my blinders from my eyes, impart to me wisdom to know as only God knows, knowledge to know God, understanding to grasp the meaning of Your truths, love, enkindled and burning so brightly deep within my breast. You are the one, true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Give me the life and love of God that flows from the Spirit alive in me. Enkindle in me fire for my God! end of excerpt
Be with Me in Communion
April 14, 1994 After Communion
Jesus: My tenderness, My love, My goodness, My presence I pour out to you in the Eucharist. You run from My altar to be about your busyness. I am God. I yearn and long for you so! Oh, if you only knew how I want you to sit and wait with Me. I cry for your love. I ache so in My Heart to give you My ardent love.
You receive Me, you leave, and I write in these letters to you, My beloved ones. What more can I tell you? I want you to know Me intimately. I am truly present in the Eucharist you receive. It wounds Me so to watch you run from Me, when I, God, want so much for you to stay and be with Me.
Oh, little ones, I love you, I love you, I love you. I am sorrowful for your neglect and indifference. This is so painful to My aching Heart, to be neglected and treated so indifferently. I am so tender in My love for you. Sit with Me. Do not be busy for such useless tasks. I am suffering from your indifference. I love you this day. end of excerpt
In Suffering We Gain Life
April 3, 1994
Jesus: It is in your suffering that you are given life. It was through My suffering and death that I rose on the third day. You suffer and you have been raised up with your life in Me. It is in the cross that you are given My life. Your love for Me developed from much suffering.
You are given suffering. Die to your self and be alive in Me. I died that you might live. Die to yourself! Do not ever hate. Do not make your brother wrong or right. Have faith in Me and Me alone that you might live!
You are human. You suffer. You say things. Say you are sorry and be loving. It is in your humbleness to be sorry that I forgive you.
end of excerpt
R. Dear Heavenly Father – You are my God
I love You so much –
Dear Jesus You are the Bread of Life
You are the Lord of Love
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
I place my trust in Thee
Dear Holy Spirit come, fill me with Your light –
We adore You now, Jesus, in the
Blessed Sacrament!!
We are called to be so intimate with Jesus –
Jesus is Spouse of the Church.
A City on a Hill Shines to the World (excerpt)
February 23, 1994 5:30 a.m.
Jesus: I am the light of the world. A city on a hill will shine to the world. You at the Center will be this city when you are filled to the brim with the love of Jesus. What power, what might, to have each person a personal spouse of Jesus Christ! This is the light to the darkened world. The love of Jesus radiates from the very being of those who love Him. What light when all together are lifted by His love abounding deep within their breasts! end of excerpt
Sing: Glory Be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
R. Sing for joy because God is in our midst –
To lift our spirits we must want
to be lifted up –
not give into things that rob
our joy –
We were created to be with God for all
eternity –
God wants us with Him –
God's Kingdom is a Kingdom of joy –
We see the wedding in Sunday's Gospel –
God wants us to love Him so much –
Loving Jesus can be seen as a Spousal
relationship –
We can see how the first miracle of Jesus'
public ministry was at a wedding –
changing water into wine –
We see the Miracle of the Mass –
Bread becomes the Body of Christ
Wine becomes the Blood of Christ
We receive the Body and Blood of Jesus –
Fr. Joe says:
"The image of Israel as God's spouse is an
important biblical image, found in
several of the prophets, and is
the best symbol from our human
experience that can be used to describe
the affection God has for us."
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 20, 2013 INTRODUCTION –
(Isaiah 62:1-5; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; John 2:1-11) For almost fifty
years, the Jews were captives and exiles in Babylon (modern day Iraq).
Then the Persians (modern day Iran) conquered the Babylonians, and they
allowed God’s people to return home. The Persians were even willing to
give them financial aid to rebuild their Temple, their homes, their
cities and their farms. The prophet in today’s first reading announces
this wonderful event that God would bring his people back home. During
their exile, God had not forgotten his people and would take his people
back to himself as his bride. The image of Israel as God’s spouse is an
important biblical image, found in several of the prophets, and is the
best symbol from our human experience that can be used to describe the
affection God has for us. This wedding image prepares the way for the
gospel account of Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding feast of Cana.
A man was just getting ready to step into the shower and his wife came into the bathroom to get her medicine. The husband asked her this off the wall question (maybe he was expecting some kind of a compliment as an answer): “what do you think the neighbors would say if I cut the grass dressed like this?” Giving him a casual glance, she replied, “They’d say I married you for your money.” (Reader’s Digest: Laughter, the Best Medicine, pg 178) Our gospel reading is about marriage and Jesus’ first miracle at a wedding celebration (which I understand went on for several days in the culture of that time - not surprisingly the wine ran out.)I want to connect this Sunday’s gospel with two feasts we’ve just celebrated. Two weeks ago we celebrated the feast of the Epiphany. As I said the last two Sundays, the word Epiphany means appearance or manifestation. On Epiphany we reflected on God’s manifesting his Son to all the nations through the coming of the Magi. Last Sunday, the feast of the Baptism of our Lord, God manifested his Son at Jesus’ baptism when the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus and a voice came from the heavens that said: “You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased.” Today’s miracle of changing water into wine fits into this theme. Jesus is manifest as a wonder worker in his first miracle, and his disciples began to believe in him. This is one theme we can see in today’s gospel. When one reads from John’s gospel, however, there are various levels of meaning we can find in one passage.
I would like to reflect on another theme that is central to today’s gospel: the idea of “change.” Jesus’ life was all about change. He came to change the world, to teach us how to do a better job of loving God and loving one another. He changed people who were sick and made them well. He changed sinners by forgiving them and telling them to live good lives (sin no more). He changed people who were possessed and set them free from the demons that controlled them. In his first miracle, he changed water into wine and changed what would have been a failed celebration into a great party.
He continues to call us to change. When he began to preach, he called people to change their lives, to get their priorities straight, and to put God first. He continues to work miracles of change in the special meal he gave us the night before he died. He took bread and turned it into his body and changed wine into his blood.
When Jesus called people to change their lives, it didn’t always happen. We have a free will to accept what God has spoken to us or to reject it. Every other time Jesus told something to change, however, it always happened, whether he was changing a blind person into a person with sight, or a lame person into one who was ambulatory, or whether it was a storm on the sea that he told to calm down. Why do many people then not believe in the Eucharist? Because he said at the Last Supper as he handed the apostles bread: “this is my body,” and likewise with the cup of wine: “this is my blood.” We can believe that the bread and wine were truly changed when he said those sacred words. We just can’t see it. I might add, we can’t always believe what we see, but we can always believe what Jesus said.
This changed bread and wine that becomes Jesus’ body and blood will change us. We will become more like him and grow closer to him. Our faith is not a static thing, it is dynamic because the power of Jesus is at work. Later on in John’s gospel he tells us, “I came that they may have life, and have it to the full.” I think this is one of the most powerful lines in the gospel. If we believe in him and if we let him, Jesus will keep changing us until we come to the fullness of life. Amen
R. Fr. Joe points out how the Holy Spirit was
there when Jesus was baptized –
But the Spirit led Jesus out of the
desert to be tempted by satan –
Fr. Joe says this helps us to think
we will have good times and
very difficult times –
We see in the weeks of ordinary time
how Jesus was treated with
enthusiasm that turned to
Jeremiah's life shows us how he
Fr. Joe says
"Without love we are separate individuals,
no longer one with our head, which is Christ,
and no longer one with each other."
1st Sunday of Lent February 17, 2013 INTRODUCTION –
(Deut. 26:4-10; Romans 10:8-13; Luke 4:1-13) In our first reading from
Deuteronomy, we hear Moses instructing the people in the proper way to
worship God. They were to bring to the priest one tenth of the fruits of
their land (aka: “tithing”). Along with their offering, they would
acknowledge they were once a people without freedom or land. They were
now to bring their offering in gratitude for all the ways God has
blessed them. The reading prepares us for the gospel where the devil
tries to tempt Jesus into worshipping him. The devil promises he in
return would give Jesus power over all earthly kingdoms. Jesus quotes
another part of Deuteronomy which says, “You shall worship the Lord your
God and him alone shall you serve.” (Deut. 6:13)
Five weeks ago we celebrated the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist at the Jordan river. Since then we’ve heard about events that happened early on in Jesus’ ministry, such as his first miracle at the wedding feast at Cana. Today we back track a little, to hear what happened right after Jesus’ baptism. When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit came down upon him and God proclaimed that he was well pleased with Jesus, his Son. Suddenly, as we just heard in the gospel, the scene changed dramatically. The Spirit that came down on Jesus at his baptism led him into the desert. This dramatic shift tells us a lot about the dramatic ups and downs in our own spiritual journey. I trust most of you can remember times when you felt close to God as a loving Father, or you felt some special consolation. Without warning you felt as if you were in a spiritual desert. Suddenly God seemed far away, he seemed to be ignoring you and, as it were, hiding his face from you. Many saints I’ve read about have had experiences like this. In this desert a person often feels they’ve done something wrong, and God is angry. They don’t realize these ups and downs are part of everyone’s spiritual journey, including Jesus himself, and that it’s during those desert periods our faith will be growing deeper and stronger if we don’t give up or get discouraged. Thinking about the experience of Jesus has always been comforting to me when I feel as if I’m in a desert. Those desert times make us more vulnerable to temptation too. It’s easy to pray and to love God when we feel that he’s close to us and it’s harder when he feels far away. Luke tells us in today’s gospel that it was only after Jesus had fasted those 40 days that the devil showed up. In other words, Jesus was at his most vulnerable point, at least physically. So the devil suggested Jesus turn stones into bread to satisfy his hunger; he offered Jesus power and control over all earthly kingdoms; and, finally, the devil told him that he should come floating down from the peak of the Temple and the Jewish people would instantly recognize him as their messiah. These temptations, at first, seem so strange. They appear to be quite different from the run of the mill temptations most of us have to deal with: pride, lust, greed, envy, anger, etc., but in some ways our temptations are similar to those of Jesus. Basically, Jesus’ temptations involved the possibility of his using his divine powers for his own benefit. I would suspect temptations like these continued to suggest themselves to Jesus throughout his entire life. For example, we might remember how after he had fed the people miraculously, they wanted to make him their king. He may have found that tempting, but we know he turned away from that possibility. Remember too how when he was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane, he said: “don’t you know that I could call on my Father for help and at once he would send me more than twelve armies of angels?” (Mt. 26:53) Yet he would not call on his supernatural powers to save himself. Jesus came to serve and we see him time and time again using his unique powers to serve others, not himself. In this, the temptations of Jesus are similar to some of our own. Jesus has given us an example that when God has blessed us, we should not be greedy and selfish with what we’ve been given in terms of time, talent and treasure, but we should be willing to help others. Now, my last thought, I do not say to those who are already perfect. If you are already perfect you can tune me out, but if there is some room in your spiritual life for improvement, then I have one last word about temptation. During Lent we are encouraged to do something that will bring us closer to Christ or to give up doing something that may keep us from serving Christ more wholeheartedly. Whenever I decide to do something special for Lent, after a couple of weeks I discover that 40 days is a long time, and I begin to let my good intentions slip by the wayside. That’s one of my temptations during Lent. I think it’s true of others, that many people begin Lent with good intentions, but then get tired of doing what they promised themselves they would try to do better. You will be blessed greatly if you persevere. I say this not just to encourage you, but I say this to myself as well: “don’t quit the good work you planned on doing for Lent.” Amen.
R. Give joy to your servant, Lord –
I shall praise You, my God, life long –
Sing: Come Holy Ghost
Sing: Glory be to God
Jesus: Blessed are you who are upright
and speaking the truth –
The man of deception fools himself
R. The Spirit of the Lord rests upon
me, I am called to preach
the message of God to this world.
Dear God help me to do Your will – From Blue Book 14 January 5,
1997 R.
On January 5, 1997, I was wakened by Our Lord and He was mumbling as
He was around my bed as He did on October 8, 1997, when He delivered
the "Seedless, Barren, No Fruit on the Vine" message. I heard
Him and He repeated the words over and over again. I had a copy of
the all-night message on the floor, I jumped from the bed and began
to write around the message, for it was the only paper available and
He was speaking very plainly and direct. I wrote this message in the
margins of the paper. He kept repeating "BABY, BARE BABY, LAID
Open yourself, Oh Jerusalem, your time is come you will be a light
to the people in darkness, many will walk whence you come and the
earth will be shakened and the light will come across a dark sky and
enlighten their minds. Oh
stiff-necked people, you are so stiff in your ways, let the spirit
envelope you and lead you on your way. A country
of stiffs, a people of planning and prodding, of deliberating and
wondering—you lack faith, Jerusalem,
you lack faith in God. Oh walk
naked into the cold night, you are cold in your hearts and naked in
your clothing—I cloth you with glory, I
light your face with light, but you turn your cheeks to the darkness
and stay stiff-necked in your hearts. Oh cold and dark hearts, reach
for the light that you may know the glory that awaits the sinners
and enlightens their minds.
end of excerpt
Excerpt from February 15, 2001
Jesus speaks:
Message from Jesus:
My dear world
(about to go to 75,000 priests across the world)
This is My Valentine to you
I love you Jesus
Mary speaks:
These Newsletters and Prayer Manuals
were given to help bring about the
Reign of my Son's Heart and the
Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
This is a Valentine from Our Two Hearts
February 14, 2001
I am but a little speck on this earth,
but with His might He can use me
to spread the devotion to His
Most Sacred Heart.Oh dear and precious Heart of Jesus
I give myself as completely as
possible to Thee so you will use
me to spread the devotion to the
ends of the earth for Your most
precious Heart.I am Rita your precious soul.
Use me to help to spread this burning
devotion to the souls of this earth.I am yours, take me, use me as you
will.I surrender myself to you.
It is your might behind me, your power
that sends me. I am an Apostle of
the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I give
myself as completely as possible to
Thee.Sacred Heart of Jesus I place my
trust in Thee.Father hear us please. We beg through
the intercession of Father Carter
and Our Lady of Clearwater that
prayer chapters are started all over
the world and the Priestly Newsletter
gets there immediately with the
Prayer Manual.
Jesus speaks:
My message effects souls all over the
world. The devil does not want my
message to reach you.I am your Sacred Heart and I love you
so much.On this Valentine Day, I want you to
know how much I love you. I am
your spouse, I am your bridegroom
I am all.So many people are so happy to receive
this message.Know that Satan wants it stopped.
Give the gift that keeps giving.
6 different Blue Books for $30.00 including postage
$5.00 $5.00Books available in limited supply for this sale.
The more you use the Blue Books and
become one with Jesus – more
intimate with Jesus –
the more your lives are a blessing and
everything you do in life can help
to bring down great grace for the world
because of your being so
one with Jesus.
Guiding Light Homily Book Series
Fr. Joe’s Books
Cycle A –
Steadfast to the Son
Cycle B –
Focusing on the Word
Cycle C –
Feed My Soul
Cycle A –
Inspired to be Genuine4 for $20 plus postage of $5.95
These books can be given to:
1) All Priests
2) Good for Music Ministers
3) Good for DRE's
4) Good for Deacons
5) Good for Principals of Schools
6) Good for Teachers
7) Good for Mom and Dads
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
6) People going to Florida and China.
7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
9) Pray for pope helping us.
10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
11) Blue Book 16 and cover and all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
15) Donors and members and their families.
16) Healing of the Family tree.
17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
18) All who asked us to pray for them.
19) All we promised to pray for.
20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
21) 2 babies and moms.
22) Funds and insurance.
23) Jerry's garage.
24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
26) Consecrate all hearts.
27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
The Wedding Rosary
Crystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box$40 plus shipping
Give the gift that counts.
Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.
Tell My People $5.00
Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
$2.00 plus postage
New Mass Book with Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
Give to your priest.
Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage
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