Shepherds of Christ  
       Daily Writing        

January 14, 2008

January 15th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 7 Period I.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries  
for January 15th are Sorrowful.


Sidney Rosary Tuesday

January 15th - 6:20 pm

Fr. Carter's Birthday.

Please tune in or come

to the Healing Rosary in China!

Rita will be there.



Mary Appeared



During the Prayer Service and

all saw it change positions


January 13, 2008 Rosary - Glorious Mysteries

The Assumption

Mary's messages as she appeared

7.  Mary:  I am Mary your Mother and I have called you here that you will help to spread the devotion to my Immaculate Heart throughout the world. For many of my children are suffering so and they do not come to me. I am their spiritual Mother, the more that they come to my heart the more that the Holy Spirit will work in my heart and will show them the light that they will not be afraid in the darkness of this world. For they are confused and they are turning, many of them, to others that are leading them down the roads of greater and greater darkness. The devil is very strong this day, bring them to me and I will crush his head with my heel. Oh my children do not be afraid, be empowered. Come to Our Hearts to the Heart of my Son Jesus and my Immaculate Heart.

8.  Mary:  And I have given to you my Peace Plan in the rosary of January 5, 2008 but it is so important that you understand that the rosaries are placed in the hands of the little ones in the schools for you can never under estimate this importance to their lives. I am their spiritual Mother and it is important that they are praying the rosary. I will protect them with my mantle. I will take them to my heart and I will teach them of the love of my Son. Spread the consecration to Our Two Hearts in the homes and the families and the schools.

    Do not think this is a little mission for I have appeared now for 14 years with this message to this messenger and you are part of this mission called by my Son to help me in these efforts that the world will know greater peace as they give their hearts to my heart and the Heart of my Son and pray the rosary as they are led to the gifts given to them in the Eucharist. Do not be afraid, my precious ones. Know that I will be by your side strengthening you in trials and difficulties but you must endure. Do not give up. For the sake of the children do not give up.

9.  Mary:  Satan comes as a roaring lion looking for one to devour and in one second you can be turned in a way that is not favorable to the work of Jesus. Why do you stay there wallowing in your discomfort? Come to the Eucharist and my Son will give you His love, outpour grace and strength to you. Do not stay stuck in a trap that satan sets. For this is his way through some form he twists something and you give in. You are then in his trap. Let go! Come out! Come out I tell you! Come to the light. You are engulfed, many times, in a darkness of your own making, in misery he leads you as one being pulled by a string on the nose, and you say, "Okay, okay" and my Son stands by and watches as His Heart bleeds for you.

10.  Mary:  Oh discomfort you will have, for he will take you down the darkest road as far as he can take you. He will never turn to the road of light. Listen to me, Mother of the Eucharist, my Son is giving Himself to you. Why do you come with a dark heart rather than one open to soak in the gifts given. How it offends Him when His way is love and He wants to shower you with His love and you are stubborn in turning away. My Son gave the last drop of His blood for you my precious one.


Song:  Hail Holy Queen


Mary is Crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth

1.  Mary:  Oh my children, if you knew even a small amount the beauty that God has waiting for you, the gifts of the heavenly embrace, you would be so happy in your hearts and joyous to serve Him, but you walk now in the valley of darkness and you think and you ponder. But your vision is not clear and you must listen to me as your heavenly Mother for there is such a gift ahead for those who love and serve God.

2.  Mary:  Many have made this world their end and they are discouraged. They do not know why they are so unhappy. It is only in reaching for God as your goal will you attain the happiness that your heart desires. And even then you will not be satisfied. You are here for a short time and eternity lasts forever. Oh precious ones if I could give to you a picture of what the heavenly Father has planned for you, your joy would be enormous. You would say "Yes Father, Master, gladly I serve You for I know that some day my home will be with You in heaven."

3.  Song:  May the angels lead you into paradise. May the martyrs greet you on your way. May you see the face of God this day Alleluia! Alleluia!

4.  Mary:  Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, my children, what the Father has planned for those who love and serve Him. Do not be discouraged, but encouraged for I am Mary your Mother and I appear and I speak to you that you will be strengthened in this battle against the evil one who wants souls for hell. But you must say "I will not give in for I know my heavenly Father is with me at every moment, that Jesus is in me and the Holy Spirit counseling me in the ways of God."

5.  Jesus:  A little boy 10 years old went out one day and he walked down the street. But his mother had told him, "Son do not go wandering around, I have told you to stay in your yard." But he said to himself "Who does she think she is? I will go when she is not watching." And so the little boy went down the street not far from his home. There was an evil man and he grabbed the young man and he suffered for he was kidnapped. Oh no! Such a tragedy you say.

    Oh my children, you do not see, the tragedy of your own spiritual life as you wander down the little roads, like the 10 year old little boy, whose mother says, "Don't go there now." And you go and there you are. He entices you, the evil one. He tempts you with his fallacious reasoning and his ways and you stand there and you look as Eve in the garden and Adam. Hisss-sss — come — hisss-sss. It doesn't matter - hisss-sss

    Mary: It is in obedience to the Father's will and obeying the structure and living as God intends you to in following the magesterium of the Church that you will have the happiness that your heart desires. And the devil takes you from holiness to rebelliousness, for seeking dominance for dominance sake, for giving in and being more miserable than you ever were in your life. When you operate against the will of the Father, there is misery my child. There is lack of harmony, there is anguishing suffering that you want removed and you have dug your own hole and crawled in. Children, there is but one way, it is the way of the Father. It is to follow His vision. It is to seek it with all of your heart, to love with all of your heart. To be like my Son, you must love. He is love. To be flippant, abusive, argumentative, seeking vain glory will lead you to a life of misery.

6.  R. Oh lights of heaven, how beautiful indeed you are — and the birds that obey the rule of the Father. And yes the trees grow when they are suppose to — and the stars shine in the sky and the sun comes and goes as it is suppose to, run by the hand of God. And yet man with all of his gifts and his free will thinks he is free, when in fact, he has chosen enslavement from the evil one. Oh God counsel us in the way that we will be children of the light giving our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, that the Holy Spirit will work transforming us more and more from our blindness to vision, the vision of the Father, the one and only way that our lives are to be.

7.  Song:  Hail Holy Queen

8.  Song:  Ave Maria

9.  R. She crushes the head of the serpent and wherever Mary appears the devil will try to press down with His evil grip, fallaciously working through reasoning that one will stray from their path. And yet it is in realizing more and more the power in the Eucharist and how important to the peace of the world is the consecration to her Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus that we will be able to withstand this but we must be committed always striving for greater holiness.

Song:  Holy Is His Name

10. Song:  Immaculate Mary

Mary:  I am Mary your Mother, Our Lady of Light, Our Lady of the Eucharist. You must come to my heart and I will protect you with my precious mantle of love.

Song:  Be Not Afraid

Mary:  Do not be afraid my children for He is with you, but pray united as a family, as the great gifted family. God has called each and every one of you, the Shepherds of Christ family, but you must support and love one another and support this mission. Be united and pray for protection with the Blood of Jesus always on the mission, for wherever I am satan will be pressing down around you. I am Mary your Mother. Pray my children and do not give up for my Son is with you now.

Hail Holy Queen

R. Oh heavenly Mother, oh Sacred Heart of Jesus — how truly we love You and we desire to serve our beloved God. We give ourselves this day, the Shepherds of Christ Movement and we believe that you are with us in a special way in this church here and that You will outpour Your grace and help us. Please dear God give us all that we need for the sake of souls, for the love of the priests and the Church and the world. Oh precious Jesus, spread Your blood, consecrate these hearts, cast the devil far away and we ask for a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all in the Shepherds of Christ Movement and all that touch them and our families in healing in body, mind and soul, for all of those special intentions that I have and for the people in this room to do this work, for the funds that we need.

    Oh Jesus how beautiful indeed You are and so very, very, very good to us. With all of our hearts we love You as a body, as this Movement and we give ourselves in commitment to the service with this love. We love You, we love You, we love You our beloved God. Thank You and for all the years we have in this church and for all the years in the Movement and for all the things that we've been able to do. And through our prayer we want to make reparation to Your precious Sacred Heart and the heart of Your Mother, for the offenses against You. Help us God with all of our hearts to spread this devotion to the whole world for we are ready.

Song:  Here I Am Lord

R. I love you, I love you, I love you. Amen.



Second Message - January 14, 2008


        Evil                        Good

        Power                    Being under God


       Revenge                 Living by God's will

        What can bring power

        Power for men over others does not
                bring happiness

        God is all powerful

God gave us talents to do His work
Doing all things for the honor and glory of God
    brings us happiness.
Jealousy - not doing God's will brings us
Power for earthly recognition will not bring
    us happiness
Only doing God's will, will bring us happiness.

Wounded hearts from others imperfections
    and anger, abuse, criticism as
    children, must be healed - parents
Taking responsibility for our anger and
    admitting our faults can help us
    to move out of stuffed anger, 
    from childhood, like a can of anger, ready
    to spray - from stuffed anger
Angry parents teach children to be angry
    from birth - they were taught by
    their parents.
People cannot spray others with life long
    anger without bringing unhappiness
    to themselves and others -
People who were abused by parents - who
    were taught to be angry -have life
    long patterned behaviors being angry
    and many negative tapes - unless they are in
    recovery and praying for healing.
Angry people need to remove the negative tapes
    they constantly play in their heads - As
    hard as it is they can quit playing
    negative tapes projecting age old stuffed
    anger on others who are innocent and now
    become the victim of this generational
    anger. A person can hurt
    their spouse and
    children and pass it down
    to their children.

Greed is another weakness of the
    fallen human nature - one seeks
    dominance for dominance sake over
    those in authority - all of these fallen
    tendencies when acted out bring great
    unhappiness -    

How could giving into imperfections -
    causing hurt for oneself and hurt for
    others - actions against God's will
    bring happiness.

Some people are so wounded they do not
    even recognize the truth of childhood
    abuse and constantly project anger on others
    leaving them shaking - because they will
    not recognize how they are hurting others,
    isolating, focused on self to make
    themselves "okay" they think -

They continue hurting others deeply
    wounding them when their anger is
    triggered - or the stuffed anger and
    depression comes up and is sprayed
    on innocent others -
If their anger, like hungry dogs in
    the basement gives vent - then they
    explode because of how long and how much
    anger is stuffed over peas and
    carrots instead of green beans -
They tell themselves - "I have no anger -
    people provoke me ". They continue
    their negative tapes blaming others
    that are innocent for their life long
    anger and getting more and more filled
    with fury and hate.

    The way of God is the way of the
greatest commandment

Matthew 22: 36-40

'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too.'


    We were created to love
    God is love
A person cannot be angry and hateful -
    and loving and selfless at the 
    same time

Satan works in secrets
What keeps angry people undetected
    abusive people swear all to
    secrecy - so they will not be detected -
People living with angry, unpredictable   
    persons can live a life of fear,
    insecurity and when the anger of
    the abusive person swells they can 
    become frozen and shaking.

All the angry person has to do is
    stand in position, because of
    previous, exploding anger - peoples
    hearts begin beating fast when the
    angry person is agitated. The
    body of those offended becomes tense -
    ready for the attack of the
    other -

A person who takes no responsibility for
    exploding anger -stays stuck - they
    play negative tapes - they need to break
    to get out of this horrible life they
    live - They see themselves as the
    victim while they are the offender
    and abuser themselves - It is
    wrong to make others live in fear

Anger is power

 The angry person wants power

The angry person may not like
    any authority figure over them
When I received the messages - Jesus
    said He had all the power -
    satan wants power so he tries to get
    power from others
God is love

Heaven is for loving

God wants unity and harmony

A person who is an abuser blames
    others for their abuse - they can
    switch the table and the other
    stands innocent and mouth open.

A person in a dysfunctional house
    thinks the dysfunction is normal -
    In an alcoholic home because of secrecy and
    denial - the dysfunction continues - one
    becomes an enabler and
    the alcoholic has all dancing
    to his dysfunctional
    tune -

The whole family can be sick in a dysfunctional
    home - One can control similarly with
    anger and abuse and others live the unpredictable
    behavior of the alcoholic, abuser, or
    rageful person.

People are not free - for they are
    controlled by someone who is full of
    anger, stuffed anger and their agitation
    usually ends in a bad end -
    arguments before others because they
    are blinded by their stuffed rage.
This dysfunctional behavior is
    NOT Normal - denial and secrecy keeps
    it stuck - In alcoholics anonymous it
    is called - the Merry -Go - Round called
    DENIAL - All dance to the unpredictable
    alcoholic -another enables them and keeps
    everyone in line because they both
    grew up in co-dependent dysfunctional
    homes - the dysfunction is "normal
    to them" and it ends in such pain -
    nobody can barely take it.

Soon someone may go to Alynon in a 
    cry for help -
And the secret, sick life is unveiled -
    everybody else tries to get the person trying to recover to
    do the old dysfunctional dance of
    pain and sorrow -
    doing a dysfunctional dance leads to
    pain and heartache and sick families
    on down the line.

Passive - aggressive measures are
    used by one who provokes and denies their
    actions - to control another in authority over
    them, they may have had such a wounded
    childhood that they have hidden
    rage from the treatment which
    caused them to deny and stuff
    feelings and be angry.

When a person has blocked feelings
    and their heart is hard - they provoke
    others to get others to express their
    painful suppressed feelings - they may have
    joy when others suffer - they
    provoke to make others angry then
    they walk away in a white shirt or dress.




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