Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these
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January 19th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 1 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for January 19th are Joyful.
January 8, 2006
Nursing Home Rosary Video
Feast of the Epiphany
Please click to view and listen!
Concerning the Leadership of the Shepherds of Christ Movement
Rita Ring is the Superior and Spiritual Director under Jesus with the guidance of a priest.
John Weickert is the President and head Servant of the Good Shepherd.
Doris Jones is the new head Handmaid of the Good Shepherd.
January 8, 2006
January 8, 2006
January 8, 2006
January 8, 2006
January 8, 2006
January 8, 2006
January 8, 2006
January 8, 2006
January 8, 2006
January 8, 2006
January 8, 2006
January 8, 2006
January 8, 2006
A Rosary on the Feast of the Epiphany
Transcribed from the Nursing Home video tape under Mary's Image,
a tremendous gift was given, a beautiful star above Jesus' head.
Song: A Song from Jesus
Messenger: Today we're going to do a Nursing Home Rosary on the Feast of the Epiphany, and we're going to do this rosary so that you could take it to the nursing home, and in the rosary tell them how much Mary wants us to pray the rosary and how much Jesus loves them. And they'll be really glad for you to do that, and you just got to really tell them how much Jesus loves them because that's the message of this rosary, and how neat it is to pray the rosary.
This is the rosary my mom died with, it needs a little repair, but I buried her with one of our rosaries and I took this one off. So I'm going to pray my rosary today with the rosary my mom had in her hands when she died just a couple months ago. So I know my mom's up there and she's united with us today and she's praying with us all the time. And Mother Mary is praying with us all the time and everything that we do is so important for the sake of souls. And I'm Rita Ring, this is the Feast of the Epiphany, and it is January 8, 2006.
This is a song that Mary really likes and so I'm going to play this, and it's a song that you probably know, and if you can sing with me, sing with me because she really likes this song.
Song: Battle Hymn of the Republic
Messenger: So we pray for all your needs and all of your sicknesses but we pray mostly for the priests, the Church and the world, and from this video you will know more the love of God. And so we're going to pray a pretty quick rosary but you could play this anytime you want because we'll have it on a disk for you.
Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony of Our Lord in the Garden
Messenger: We have to think in this mystery about our beloved Lord, and how much He loved us that He sweat Blood in the garden. We have to realize that God is a God of love, that He goes out of Himself giving so much love. And that the devil wants to come and he wants to get us to feel bowed down, but God is saying, "I come to you to fill you with My grace. Let your hearts be filled with joy. I am with you today and always and I want you with Me forever in heaven."
1. Hail Mary...
2. Hail Mary...
3. Messenger: See Jesus in the garden. See Him. He is in such anguish and He knows all the souls, despite His suffering, that will be lost because of their sin. His anguish was so great that He sweat Blood and it fell to the ground.
4. Hail Mary...
5. Hail Mary...
6. Hail Mary...
7. Hail Mary...
8. Hail Mary...
9. Messenger: And His Blood became as great drops of Blood on the ground. He remains with us this day truly present in the Eucharist, He loves us and He gives us Himself in the Eucharist. Dear God, thank You for the gift of the Eucharist, the gift of Yourself given to us, thank You for our priests and the Church. Please help them, dear God, help us to have more priests, help the people to realize how great it is to have these priests, and help us to be holy.
10. Hail Mary...
Song: A Song from Jesus
Jesus is Scourged at the Pillar
1. Messenger: Think of how they came at Jesus with their angry hearts and their hatred, and Jesus didn't do anything, and they took their whips and they beat Him and they tore His unblemished back, they tore His flesh and He bled for love of us. We should, in meditating on this mystery of the rosary, realize more what love is all about because God is teaching us that love is GIVING. He gave Himself to His death on the cross. Satan wants people to get bowed down. We have to take the importance of our life to heart. Somebody can come and say something and we can get bent out of shape. How many days do we want to live like that? Forgive and love, and that brings the peace and the joy. Forgive and love, pray for the grace to forgive and to love.
2. Song: Loving and Forgiving
Messenger: Inside of our minds we can end up getting our thoughts trapped. We must ask God to help us to be able to discipline our thoughts that we are thankful, that we stay rooted in God, that we look for the light on this Feast of the Epiphany, for it is an act of the will. If it depends what somebody said to us how we are going to be today, that ought to tell us that who's in control of me. God gives us a special sharing in His life in Baptism and He dwells within us in a special way when we are in the state of grace. Let us focus on our own graced soul and the gift of God's life within us.
3. Messenger: And we sing, even in the Sorrowful Mystery:
Song: Joy to the World
Messenger: Joy to us for Christ, Who stood at the pillar and allowed them to beat His flesh for our sins. Let us say, thank You God, and give Him our love.
4. Messenger: God is Savior, we should sing to Him and thank Him.
Song: Joy to the World
5. Messenger: And they beat Him at the pillar, they tore His flesh, the King, the King of Glory was beaten at the pillar for our sins. And He gave, and He gave, and He gave till He last gave the last drop of His Blood and the last beat of His Heart. What does God teach us about love but that it is giving, and He forgave us all.
6. Messenger: The devil wants us trapped like in a box. Let's all get in our box and just sit there and be miserable. Psst! And Jesus says:
Jesus: I give you Myself in the Eucharist, I gave Myself on the cross, I was beaten, whipped. Today, spread the good news to the people that are hurting and crying out in pain. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Messenger: The Son of God loved us so much He died on the cross for our sins. The sky is blue and the sun is out, but we may not see it if we do not look.
7. Messenger: How can we spread the good news if we feel that we have to be perfect? Adam and Eve sinned and we all sin, and when we sin we say we're sorry, but if we think we're perfect, we don't say we're sorry and we just sit around and mope.
8. Messenger: Day after day after day, and the few days that we have on this earth can all be spent the same way, and we don't even see that they're all the same. Unless we really look at ourselves and say, "Day after day after day I did this, when day after day after day after day I could have changed the patterns, and made it a day as the sun shines here on the window where the head of Mary once appeared. God gives us our breath, and Mary remains here in a special way, even though somebody knocked her head off.
9. Hail Mary...
10. Messenger: And we count the little scuffs that people say to us, the little things that are just not nice. Do we see God, the Son of God, His flesh torn, His Blood spent? And they crowned Him with a crown of thorns that pierced His Head. God suffered and He gave Himself to the end. What is the lesson that God teaches us in these mysteries of the rosary? Is it not the lesson of love that the Son of God came, He took on a human nature and He gave Himself to His death on the cross?
Jesus is Crowned with a Crown of Thorns
1. Messenger: And we can really sing --
Sing: All the ends of the earth, have seen the glory of God...
Messenger: Or we don't have to look if we don't want to, but we need to look because God is really with us. He is truly present in His divinity and His humanity and that is something to shout with joy about.
2. Hail Mary...
3. Messenger: And they crowned Him with a crown of thorns, and they poked at Him and they spit on Him, and they put a purple cloak on Him, a dirty one. How we look at our little aches and pains or something that we think somebody said to us. Do we miss the message of the mystery, this mystery, that God who is the King of heaven and earth came, was beaten, crowned and hung on a tree? That is the message of what love is all about.
4. Messenger: In an angry fit a man said, as he hollered, "I am not angry!". And yet he did not hear the words that everyone else heard. Christ heard the angry men that crowned Him and beat Him, and they were our words. And He said yes and He hung on the cross for three agonizing hours for our sins, for our angry words, for our lies to ourselves, when we should have been loving, when we should have forgiven, when we shouldn't have wasted one more day of the precious days that God the Father has given to us to bring flowers in the bouquet to Him when we die. Loving and forgiving: God has taught us this lesson. They crowned Him with a crown of thorns, they whipped His back, He bled, the Blood went down His eyes and into His ears and His mouth bled, and He said, "This is love! It is GIVING. I gave My life for YOU and your sins."
5. Song: Loving and Forgiving
Messenger: I am asked by God to sing praise to His holy name, to thank Him for the gifts that He has given to me, and the greatest commandment of all: to love God and to love one another. That is a command from God - to love, and He showed us what love is. They crowned Him with thorns, they beat Him, they gave Him a heavy cross with the weight of our sins, and He was God, He could have stopped it at any moment but He did not, He went all the way to the cross and to His death to show us the lesson that loving is giving of ourselves, GIVING, and to this day He gives Himself to us in the Eucharist through the hands of consecrated priests, and how do we treat the Eucharist? God, help us to love the Eucharist.
Song: Loving and Forgiving
Messenger: Every person that is a human person on this earth today, must struggle with the evil one who wants us to be bowed down, who wants us to give into the evil one. God, give us strength, please, to be holy and joyful, and to do Your will.
6. Messenger: My son is 21 years old and he told me yesterday, called me up and he says, "Oh Mom, I'm going to a funeral at 12:00," and I said, "Oh you are?", because he's had other friends that have died of cancer at their young ages, which I can't believe. But Fr. Mike who was a chaplain at Children's Hospital can tell you of all the different children that died, and he says, "Oh yeah, do you remember..." and he tells me his name, and I remember him at the first grade birthday party in our house, and he went all the way with him through high school. And he said, "Yeah Mom," he said, "He got cancer about 5 months ago," and he said, "There was just nothing they could do about it and his funeral is today at 12:00."
Life is not promised to any of us. We don't know the hour or the day, but we do know this, that today is the day that God has given to us right now. And we can make the decision to live it, to praise Him, to honor Him, to be joyful, to love and to forgive, or we can take that day and give it away because it won't be back tomorrow.
7. Messenger: We can never live the moments of this day again. This moment, as soon as it is over, is gone. How did we form that bouquet for God the Father when He gave us the Body and Blood of His Son, for love of us, to teach us about giving? How did we give to the souls when He called us - to smile. Is that much? To smile? Who is in charge of me? Who is in charge of my thoughts? Who do I want to be in charge of me, and why do I not choose joy when it is my option?
8. Hail Mary...
9. Messenger: God loved us so much, He died for us.
10. Hail Mary...
Jesus Carries His Cross
1. Messenger: And He gave us these little trials. But if we look at Jesus and we see Him carrying the cross, the Son of God, the All Perfect, All Loving, Pure God - laden with our sins, and when He fell under it the Son of God got back up and carried it again. This is love. The Son of God loves us so much He carried our sins. God the Father loved us so much He gave us our beloved Jesus to come to this earth and to die for us, and to arise on the third day. God loves us so much today that He gives to us Himself in the Eucharist. How can we not be happy when we have been given the gift of the Eucharist?
2. Messenger: "I give you Myself," He says, "I give you Myself, one more day - this is the day I have given to you."
3. Song: This is the Day
4. Messenger: I thought of this. I opened up that Blue Book V and then it said, "This will be the best day of your life," and I had a whole lot of testing that day, and then I read the second sentence, and the second sentence says, from Jesus, "I will draw you into a closer love union with Me." And any day that Jesus takes us into a deeper love union with Him, it is a better day of our life.
5. Song: This is the Day
6. Hail Mary...
7. Messenger: And He fell under the cross, and His chin went into the ground. And the cross fell on top of Him, and they poked at Him as He was under the cross and said, "Get up! Get up! Move it!". This is giving.
8. Messenger: And we are so prideful and we think, "Oh, I have to look so perfect," and yet we know our own lives. And sometimes we don't even see it, that's why I love the fifth Blue Book, I'm seeing more and more and more the ways of love, and how God is, and I want to be like that, and I see that I have lots of work to do and that book needs to get out to the people, that they can see more and more how it is to love as God wants us to, love Him and love each other.
9. Messenger: And the divine God left them poke at Him under the cross and they beat Him, and they crowned Him with thorns and He took it all and then they said to Him, "Get up! Get up! Move it!", and He was the divine Almighty God, and we think that we should not be treated in any way, except as a king ourselves sometimes.
10. Messenger: We pray for the fruit of obedience in this mystery, that we will learn from this mystery the Crucifixion, how God gave Himself on the cross in obedience to the Father's will. We pray that we will learn how to love more and that love is giving, that we will share with one another, that we will tell the truth, when it is important that we do not lie to ourselves and others, that we will live a life of peace and joy as God desires us to.
Jesus Dies on the Cross
1. Hail Mary...
2. Messenger: I don't know if Kathleen can get this, but the sun is just like spinning right in front of me in the top corner of the Face of Jesus window, and it's like so awesome because it just keeps going around but it isn't hurting my eyes. On this Feast of the Epiphany we ask God to help us to see with a greater light, to be lights ourselves that when we have been in a room, and when we have been around others, they remember the light of Christ as it shines out of me, the light of God alive in me, the sweetness and the kindness of Jesus, the giving that God teaches us in the mysteries of the rosary. And He hung on the cross for three agonizing hours, He shed all His Blood, and He hung there for three hours till He died. This is the gift that God teaches us, that love is GIVING, and satan comes and he wants us to think about ourselves and not be joyful, and Jesus is saying, "How can you not be joyful? I have given you this promise that if you love and serve Me, I'll take you to heaven with Me for all eternity, so while you're down here just do My work and quit whining."
3. Messenger: And the devil is the accuser. He comes and he just wants us to feel miserable. Who gives us our directions anyway? Are we going to sit and listen to those negative thoughts all day so we can have another bad day? How many days do we have left? Tomorrow is promised to no man, today may be the last day of your life, and you cannot relive the moment that you just threw away if you chose to be miserable now.
4. Messenger: And He enjoyed, the suffering, He gave us His life. In perfect peace He gave the last drop of His Blood and the last beat of His Heart, in perfect peace. Have you ever had anybody run into you just a little bit in the parking lot? Or a grocery cart go down there, man, and it just barely touched the car, and they're jumping up and down, "Aaah! This is a new car!...aiaiai!...hmmph!!!". And here's this little girl standing there that was right by the cart, that's just taking it all in and then she says to her mommy, "Mommy, why was that person so angry? They were scaaary!".
Song: This is the Day
Messenger: And He hung on the cross for three agonizing hours to teach us about love and giving, and what He did, and He was the Son of God and He could have come down and stopped it all. And He gives us Himself this day in the Eucharist, and He is truly present and look at the way that HE is treated. Look at how the gift of the priest is treated. And He still keeps giving, He gives, and He gives, and He gives, and Mary appeared here and Jesus appears here. Don't you think we should say thanks to God for this gift here?
Song: This is the Day
Messenger: And we take, and we take, and we take, and we take - and complain. And God keeps giving and giving and giving, and then we walk around and say, "We're loving! We're loving! ...riririragh!.... We're loving! ...riririrgh!..pppppt!!!..We're loving!". And we go to church and we pray. Now what do you think is going to happen when we go up to be judged? He's going to say to you:
"How loving were you? Did you forgive others? Did you carry things forever and ever? Did you show the world the light that I gave to you? Or did you show them the dark countenance of the black night, when I shone before you in glorious light like the star here, and to you the universe and its beauty was not even enough to know how close I am that I give you such gifts, how close I am that I give you Myself in the Eucharist, how I guard you and watch you and hold you close to My Heart, and I ask you to smile My smiles to My beloved ones, and you say '...aiaiaiai!...'. As you look at Me as I hung on the cross, I want you to learn the lesson that love, is giving, and from this day forward to smile to others and to give My love through your gentleness and care. For what is it if you live your whole life and never learn to love? The days are short, they will be ended, like the batting of an eye and the dropping of a pin, and this day was the day that you just could not give."
5. Messenger: And when one came and said the sky is blue and the sun is out, did you see it? You said, "Don't tell me nothing!" It's like going down the hole every day, the same hole, and just jumping on in. After awhile why fall in the hole, you know right where you're going to go! You might as well start running because you're going to end up in that same old hole. Get up, jump out the window, run down the street, don't bother falling in the hole, just get right on in there yourself!
6. Messenger: That's what the fifth Blue Book has done. It has this beautiful pure love that God wants to give us, as He describes it to us in the way He wants us to love each other. And He's empowering us by telling us how much He loves us in such words that really do penetrate our heart, and then that helps us to want to be the way God wants. For what is our lives lived for if it is not to love? God is love, and if we are likened to Him we must love.
7. Hail Mary...
8. Hail Mary...
9. Hail Mary...
10. Hail Mary...
Messenger: Sing: "God is love, God is love." And there's that song and it's called The Wedding Song, because in our old age we really realize that God is with us every moment. We're never alone, He's our Spouse! And the Blessed Mother is by our side, and we sing:
Song: The Wedding Song
Messenger: And we're not all going to have it together, so we'd better be ready with our pockets full of little cards that we pull out and say, "I'm sorry!". And then the other guy better be ready to pull his pocket and say, "That's okay!", and then we say, "I love you!"
Sing: "God is love."
Messenger: Or we can mope around all day and say, "I'm never gonna forgive nobody!". And our hearts are tight and we're upset.
Do we want peace and joy? Then we have to build the mountain. And if they don't look like they like it, that's their problem. We have to pray for them and say we love you and forgive them and know that they need our prayers. That is the peace that God gives to us, when we act like Him. When we pray, God gives us a NEW solution, not the selfish one that we may have pulled out of our back pocket that says, "Give it to 'em, peeow!", but the one out of the front pocket that says, "I'm sorry!".
Sing: God is love...
Messenger: How many years do we have left here? I can never live the moments of this day again. How do you want to do it?
We got two things here. We can bring out an old black garbage can and stick our day in there, ppppt! Or we can bring out a nice white cloud, and let the sun of this afternoon on the Epiphany show the light of Christ that dwells within us. And it's not like as easy as it sounds you say, Rita. No it is not. It's like even though we may say the loving thing, inside we may wish we didn't have to. But we do it anyway and then we keep going, if we can, to the Eucharist, and to Mass and praying for grace wherever we are if we can't go to the Mass and the Eucharist, because God will give us that grace to be loving. We only have a few years left here, and every day is a day that we have to learn to love, because God is love. Amen.
Song: All I Ask of You
Messenger: Now look at the crucifix and think of those words as Jesus hangs there, giving us Himself to His death on the cross. We can never say that we are not loved, for we are loved far more than we'll ever know. And Jesus says:
Song: All I Ask of You