Shepherds of Christ  
       Daily Writing        


January 18, 2007

January 19th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 6 Period I.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries  
for January 19th are Luminous.


There will be a big Apostle Retreat in February

10th thru the 13th.

The Priestly Newsletter mailing 

will take place then.



January 18, 2007


Hebrews 7: 25 - 8: 6

It follows, then, that his power to save those who come to God through him is absolute, since he lives for ever to intercede for them.

Such is the high priest that met our need, holy, innocent and uncontaminated, set apart from sinners, and raised up above the heavens; he has no need to offer sacrifices every day, as the high priests do, first for their own sins and only then for those of the people; this he did once and for all by offering himself. The Law appoints high priests who are men subject to weakness; but the promise on oath, which came after the Law, appointed the Son who is made perfect for ever.

   The principal point of all that we have said is that we have a high priest of exactly this kind. He has taken his seat at the right of the throne of divine Majesty in the heavens, and he is the minister of the sanctuary and of the true Tent which the Lord, and not any man, set up. Every high priest is constituted to offer gifts and sacrifices, and so this one too must have something to offer. In fact, if he were on earth, he would not be a priest at all, since there are others who make the offerings laid down by the Law, though these maintain the service only of a model or a reflection of the heavenly realities; just as Moses, when he had the Tent to build, was warned by God who said: See that you work to the design that was shown you on the mountain.

   As it is, he has been given a ministry as far superior as is the covenant of which he is the mediator, which is founded on better promises.


Psalm 40: 7-10, 17 

I said, *Here I am, I am coming.*

In the scroll of the book it is written of me,
    my delight is to do your will;
your law, my God,
    is deep in my heart.

I proclaimed the saving justice of Yahweh
    in the great assembly.
See, I will not hold my tongue,
    as you well know.

I have not kept your saving justice locked in the depths of my heart,
    but have spoken of your constancy and saving help.
I have made no secret of your faithful and steadfast love,
    in the great assembly.

Poor and needy as I am,
    the Lord has me in mind.
You, my helper, my Saviour,
    my God, do not delay.


Mark 3: 7-12

Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the lakeside, and great crowds from Galilee followed him. From Judaea, and from Jerusalem, and from Idumaea and Transjordan and the region of Tyre and Sidon, great numbers who had heard of all he was doing came to him. And he asked his disciples to have a boat ready for him because of the crowd, to keep him from being crushed. For he had cured so many that all who were afflicted in any way were crowding forward to touch him. And the unclean spirits, whenever they saw him, would fall down before him and shout, 'You are the Son of God!' But he warned them strongly not to make him known.



From January 3, 2007

Messenger:               Life is lived as a response
                            to God's love —
                            Living deeper life in Him. Life
                            a journey saturated with His grace —
                            we contemplate everyday to
                            live more directly
                            according to God's will.
                                Living according to God's will is
                            a process whereby we are taught in
                            the instruction and wisdom of the Holy
                            Spirit —
                                   dwelling deeply in God:
                                   Father, Son and Holy Spirit in such oneness.

                                We are to reach to live in the reality —
                            heaven is real and we are preparing for the
                            beatific vision —

                                God's life in us — the life of grace
                            IS OUR JOURNEY HERE BELOW.

                                Beginning at baptism — we receive
                            a special sharing in His life — our knowing
                            and loving capacity is elevated — we are
                            raised to such heights in Him.
                            For me this is reality —
                                God lives in me —
                                I communicate in
                                deep oneness
                                with the Divine God.

                            My life a journey of deeper live in Him.
                            I am deeply aware of His presence
                            within me. I study my life lived
                            in Him as one going to school — I
                            am living in the school of life in
                            Him — according to His Plan — experiencing
                            deeper life in Him always is my journey
                            of life.

                                Fr. John J. Pasquini states

                                "Life needs purpose and meaning, a purpose
                            and meaning that transcends the here and

                                "We recognize that we must be more than
                            some complex organism that is born,
                            lives, struggles and dies in emptiness."

                                The Priestly Newsletter is the voice of the Good
                            Shepherd. The Bishops and Cardinals are recognizing
                            the voice of the Good Shepherd and following

                                In this oneness of consecrating our hearts
                            to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary — in living
                            deeply IN — Him — IN being united so deeply
                            in the Mass — I see the oneness grow
                            ever deeper — as the Church a pilgrim
                            Church grows to greater maturity — living
                            more according to God's will — The Father's
                            Plan for the Church and the world.

                                The priests are called Father — they are
                            to help to lead the flock as a deeply
                            united family following the Good Shepherd.

                                Truth is in Him — the more we live
                            in the truth — know the truth — the truth
                            of Jesus Christ — the more we are united.

                                Living in truth, being one in Him is
                            not to confuse the issue with our
                            individual uniqueness. Every person has
                            been given such talents to serve God uniquely,
                            love God and others uniquely and build God's
                            Kingdom helping to lead souls to heaven.

                                We shout the joy of the resurrection —
                            singing Alleluia for the Victory has been
                            won — Our lives are lived according to God's
                            will — in the Plan of the Father living the
                            Pascal Mystery of death/resurrection —

                                The purple book "Light, Happiness and Peace"
                            by Fr. John J. Pasquini
                            is a gift and a very strong companion to
                            the prayers "Authenticity" a book of prayers
                            by Fr. John.

                                Our lives are but a simple breath
                            when compared to eternity — let us focus
                            vision of life in Him —

                                As St. Paul says
                                "It is no longer I who live, but He
                            who lives in me."

                                Yes — LIFE IN HIM IS LIFE   
                                lived in Light, Happiness and Peace —

                            This book Light, Happiness and Peace is
                                a journey into the spiritual life —
                                an awakening of deeper life IN HIM.

                                This book will be published under
                            Shepherds of Christ Publications and sent to the
                            hierarchy in the Church with the
                            Newsletter as Authenticity was in August.

                                Here are some of the comments we received
                            from bishops and cardinals about the book
                            Authenticity — a book of prayers and meditations
                            that can help lead the soul
                                to the unitive life —


“Thus all those who are in active ministry will be able to get a copy each. But please do not consider this as an obligation. You may send the copies only if you can, or whatever number is possible.” (Bishop – India  9-2006) 

“I will be happy and thankful to you if you will send me extra copies for the Priests. We have 45 priests working here, and I will be glad if each one of them gets a copy.”  (Bishop – India  10-2006) 

“I will appreciate if you send us more materials to give to my priests so that they to may be united with you in prayer.”  (Bishop – India  10-2006) 

“I read a portion of the book and am greatly impressed by the contents that Fr. John J. Pasquini has gathered to present this collection of prayers and meditations. I am sure it is a wonderful gift to the whole Church.”  (VG – India  11-2006) 

“Thank you for the great work done and especially for the powerful book for priests. It will be a valuable reference book for our priest.”  (Bishop – 10-2006) 

“May I request you to send us enough copies of any prayer aids to our priests and I will be happy to distribute them. I wish you success and God’s abundant blessings and success.”  (Bishop – India  11-2006) 

“I liked very much the icon of our Lady (l’Innocence) and of course I shall be glad to receive, at the same address, some extra copies, for our priests, especially the new ordained.”  (Aux. Bishop – Liban  11-2006)


January 3, 2007 message continues

Messenger:               Now there were so many requests for this
                            book of prayers by Archbishops and Bishops
                            for their priests.

                                Here are some of these requests — so
                            we sent the book to them for their priests —



                                                                        11 September 2006

Dear Mr. Weickert:

This is to gratefully acknowledge receipt of your letter enclosed with a copy of Shepherds of Christ newsletter and a prayer book. I deeply appreciate your thoughtful gesture. 

I would appreciate it very much if you could provide for us copies of the newsletter ad prayer book for the clergy of the Archdiocese of  ______, hopefully, free of charge. 

As I encourage you to continue with your noble mission, I wish to assure you of my prayers and blessings for you and your companions in the movement, I remain 

Sincerely in the Lord 

Archbishop of _______




                                                                        August 31, 2006

Dear Mr. Weickert, 

I send you greetings from _____. 

Thank you very much for your letter (undated), informing me of the continuation of the publication of the Shepherds of Christ Priestly Newsletter. 

I congratulate you on the wonderful apostolate you are undertaking. I am grateful for the copy of the Newsletter and book of prayers you sent me. We would be grateful if you could send us 10 copies of each of the Newsletter and the book of prayers. 

May God bless you and your work. 

With every good wish, 

Yours sincerely, 

Archbishop of ________




                                                                        August 29, 2006

Dear Fr. Weickert, 

Thank you very much for sending me the ‘Shepherds of Christ’ Newsletter and also the book by John J. Pasquini. 

I have gone through both and find them very interesting and helpful. 

I have 65 priests in the Archdiocese and I will be happy if you could send me copies of Pasquini’s book so that I can distribute them to my clergy. 

With kind regards and best wishes, 

                                                                        Yours sincerely in Christ,

                                                                        Archbishop of _______




                                                                        11 September 2006

Dear Father, 

With gratitude I acknowledge receipt of a most powerful book of prayers published by Rev. Father John Pasquini, a red Prayer Manual and a Priestly Newsletter. I thank you very much for these devotional and spiritual gifts. 

Indeed, I would be very grateful to receive more copies of these books and newsletters. I think they are very helpful for my Priests. 

With prayers and every good wish, I remain. 

Yours gratefully in Christ, 

Archbishop of _________




                                                                        October 23, 2006

Dear Mr. Weickert,


     I have received the two packets you sent with the Shepherds of Christ Priestly Newsletter. Thank you so much. 

     Your ministry is deeply appreciated and I am interested in distributing the prayer manuals, Newsletter and the book, Authenticity, to our priests here in the Archdiocese of ____. 

     You indicated that you would supply copies of the prayer manual, newsletters and the book free of charge. I would, therefore, need sixty (60) copies to distribute to our priests. 

     I am most grateful for the prayers that accompany these publications. Be assured of my prayers for you and your ministry. May God’s grace enhance your efforts and enable us to become holy priests. God bless you! 


Vicar General





Dear Fr. John Weickert, 

     Thank you for continuing to send us your literature. 

     I was particularly impressed by “Authenticity” by Fr. Pasquini. If you are able to send us 50 (fifty) copies of the same, we would greatly benefit. Thank you for your kindness. 

                                                                        With good wishes and prayers,
                                                                        Yours in Christ, 

                                                                        Archbishop of ________




                                                                        16 November 2006

Dear Mr. Weickert, 

This is to gratefully acknowledge receipt of your letter enclosed with a copy of Shepherds of Christ Priestly Newsletter and a prayer book. I deeply appreciate your kind gesture. 

My priests in the Archdiocese of _____ would truly benefit spiritually from your generosity. 

With the assurance of my prayers and blessings for you, for Fr. John Pasquini and your companions in the movement, I remain 

Sincerely in the Lord, 

Archbishop of ______






Dear Rev. President, 

     I am very grateful to you for the Newsletter as well as for the book of prayers by Fr. John Pasquini and Red Prayer Manuel by Fr. Carter. It was very thoughtful of you to spread this precious literature and to help numerous bishops and priests all over the world. It is a great service that you are rendering through this apostolate. If the shepherds of Christ Jesus are renewed in their spiritual life, the service that they can render is beyond all expression. May God bless all those who are involved in this useful and noble ministry. 

     Since you have said in your letter that you would be glad to send extra copies of this very useful literature for the benefit of my priests, permit me to request you to send me fifty five copies of the same. Thus all those who are in active ministry will be able to get a copy each. But please do not consider this as an obligation. You may send the copies only if you can, or whatever number is possible. 

     I would gladly give you some donation for this noble cause, if I could send money from here. Unfortunately we are not allowed to send money outside the country. Hope you will understand my predicament. 

     Once again permit me to tell you that you may take my request into consideration only if you can do so easily. 

     Thanking you in anticipation and invoking God’s choicest blessings on you, 

                                                                        I remain,
                                                            Yours sincerely in Our Lord, 

                                                            Bishop of ______




                                                            October 23, 2006

Dear Sir, 

Application for Copies of Fr. John Pasquini’s Book: Authenticity 

I thank Almighty God for the good works done through the Shepherds of Christ Ministries, which include primarily the circulation of priestly Newsletter to Bishops and priests as well as have a Network of prayer chapters for priests, the church and the world. I deeply appreciate this selfless mission you have undertaken by which you not only continue the work Fr. Carter started twelve (12) years ago, but also spread devotion to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart. 

I thank you as well for having made it possible for priests all over the world to participate in this devotion through the use of Fr. J. Pasquini’s book, and I hereby apply for a hundred (100) copies of it. 

May Almighty God continue to bless you as you carry on this apostolate. 

Sincerely yours, 

Bishop of _____




                                                                        November 21, 2006

My dear Rev. Father John, 

Thank you for your kind letter of October 08, 2006, which arrived here today. I have been receiving from you letters and the Priestly Newsletter Shepherds of Christ. Perhaps once or twice I corresponded with you or the office. 

I am very much interested in your Apostolate. Priests are the key persons in the Church, in her efforts to evangelize, in her efforts to renewal, in her efforts to sanctify people, in her efforts to convert people, in her efforts to lead and guide every human being to the Father in the way of Jesus the High Priest. Their sanctification, their holiness, their commitment, their dedication, their services matter much in the Church, much more and far above any others, even the Bishop, even the Pope. These can only inspire, only exhort, show the way. Priests are in constant contact with the people. Therefore I have great interest in your work. 

Please send me several copies of the Newsletter, prayer book (may be a hundred. I shall distribute among our priests and exhort them to pray with you and all of us for the priests around the globe. I will be grateful if you send me these regularly. I wonder what other way we can collaborate and cooperate and work together! 

                                                                        With warm regards and prayers.

                                                                        Yours in Our Lord, 

                                                                        Bishop of ______





6 October 2006

Dear Mr. Weickert, 

Greetings to you from _________India! 

Thank you very much for your kind letter and the Newsletter which you have so kindly sent me. You have also enclosed a copy of the book by Fr. John J. Pasquini, and a copy of the Prayer Manual. I am, indeed, very grateful to you. 

Let me mention, however, that I have received only one copy of the Newsletter and the Book, although you said that you are sending extra copies of the Newsletter and the prayer book for the priests. I will be happy and thankful to you if you will send me extra copies for the Priests. We have 45 priests working here, and I will be glad if each one of them gets a copy. 

I thank The Lord for the good work you are doing to continue the work of Fr. Carter, and to spread the devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart. May The Lord and Our Mother Mary bless you and your ministry abundantly. 

With my prayerful wishes and regards. 

Yours in Christ, 

Bishop of _________




                                                                        August 25, 2006

Dear Mr. Weickert: 

I am grateful for your work of promoting prayer chapters for the perseverance and sanctification of priests. This is an intention that is certainly close to the heart of the Church. 

The Diocese of ______ is a small diocese in the Philippines with more than half a million Catholics. We have only forty eight priests serving thirty five parishes. 

May I respectfully request you to send us fifty copies of the red prayer manual and fifty copies of the book “Authenticity” for the priests of our diocese. I promise you my full support for this worthy apostolate. 

I will lift you up to the Lord when I lift the host and chalice in my Masses at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph. 

Sincerely yours, 

Bishop of ______




August 28, 2006                                                      

Dear Father John Pasquini,

Please send me a copy of your book: AUTHENTICITY. Thank you for the copy of Shepherds of Christ 2006 Issue No. 1.                                                                






Dear John Weickert, 

Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ and Mother Mary! 

It was joy to receive your news letter. You are welcome to send fifty of them for my priests also fifty of the prayer Manual. Thanks. 

I have been rejuvenating the Apostolic Union of the Diocesan Clergy in the whole Nation. This small leaflet enclosed will give you all information in a nutshell. In our country we have 157 dioceses, Diocesan Priests are 13,067 and Religious Priests are 10,097. 

In your apostolate you must encourage people to offer Masses and consequently also Mass Stipends, however small stipend. Here our stipend is a dollar and a half or 2 dollars generally. They can thus help the missions. Of course not to individual priests but to their Bishop who stands responsible for disbursements. 

God bless you. 

Yours in Christ,




                                                                        August 31, 2006

My dear Father John, 

I thank you for your letter. 

I thank you for the devotion with which you are working for the Shepherds of Christ. 

You say you can send more copies of the book of Fr. John Pasquini. Please send me 30 copies. 

Yours in Our Lord, 

Bishop of ______



                                                                        August 30, 2006

Dear Fr. John, 

Thank you very much for sending me Shepherds of Christ Newsletter and a copy of Fr. John Pasquini’s book, “Authenticity”. In your letter, you have written that you would be happy to send extra copies of the newsletter and the prayer book for our priests. I have 50 Priests incardinated in my Diocese and I would be happy if you could send me 50 copies of ‘Authenticity’ free of charge, which I could distribute to my Priests. 

Thanking you for this kind favour and assuring you and all your associates in Shepherds of Christ Ministries our humble prayers.

Yours sincerely in Christ,
Bishop of _______



                                                                        September 5, 2006

My dear Rev. Father John, 

Thank you for your communication recently sent to me along with copies of the Book of Prayers published by Fr. John Pasquini and the red Prayer Manuel compiled by the Founder of the News Letter. I appreciate the work you are doing. Priestly Sanctification is THE need of the day. The present times and the ways of the Priests remind me of the times in Israel, when the Lord through the Prophets clearly said: Against you, Priests, is my anger. Well the Priests, not only in the Catholic Church, but also in every Religious set up, are the cause of good growth and bad growth. They can destroy the Church and history tells us there had been incidents of that sort. At the same a holy group of Priests can do wonders for the growth of the Faithful and of the church. Please continue the work. I am happy that you have decided to continue the good work initiated by Father Carter. 

I would like to have more books to be given to my priests, hoping that they will make use of them. Unfortunately today priests are after all kinds of worldly please, very few are in the real spiritual line. But I am not able to send you any donation. Ours is a new missionary diocese, which I started a few years ago from nothing. Even today I depend on outside help for every thing, including the support of my Priests. If Mass intentions were available, I could support my priests with Mass stipends. Even that has become very rare and as such I under grave financial constraints. Hope you will send me books and several copies of your News Letter. I will appreciate it. If ever you come across people offering Mass intentions, please think of me. 

With warm regards and prayers, 

Yours in Our Lord,

 Bishop of ________



30 August 2006

Dear John Weickert,
Greetings of joy and peace!
Thank you for the newsletter, prayer book and Prayer Manual.  I have 59 priests – diocesan, religious and guest – in the Diocese of Kalookan. We have 26 parishes.
We can make use of additional copies of the newsletter, prayer book and Prayer Manual.  They may help in establishing prayer chapters
In Jesus and Mary,

Bishop of ______




Date:  Sun, 3 Sep 2006 07:30:34 +0530 

Dear and Rev. Fr. Weickert,
Thank you for your kind letter that you sent recently with the Authenticity by Fr. Pasquini. Yes, we had been receiving the newsletter for sometime and we send them to the priests in the diocese. I know of many priests who used the same for their meditation and prayer. I would like to continue getting the same. It was sent in the name of my Vicar General, Rev. Fr.________, Bishop's House, ________ , India. Now that he is transferred and has gone to a parish, please send the same to my address to the new residence of the bishop which is 75 km away from Dimapur. I am giving below the new address:

Bishop ______


I would also like to get 200 (two hundred) copies of the book Authenticity by Fr. Pasquini. It is a very useful book for us. Ours is a missionary diocese in the north eastern part of India with 35 parishes catering to 55,000 catholics. Our state is predominently a christian state. The rest are all baptists who were evangelized by the American Baptists about 130 years ago. Hence, the vast majority are Christians.

Wishing you all the best and praying for you,
I remain,
Yours in Christ Jesus,

Bishop of _______




                                                                        31 October 2006

Dear Weickert, 

I gratefully acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 8th October 2006 together with the accompanying newsletter and prayer manual. I was delighted by the fact that you choose to send this copy to the Diocese of ______. 

Since the receipt of that letter I keep on encouraging my priests to join you in praying for Priests and the World. My community members took this activity of prayer very seriously. It is encouraging and I am sure God will hear us as we join hands with a common aim of presenting to God our intentions. 

I will appreciate if you send us more materials to give to my priests so that they to may be united with you in prayer. 

Thank you once again and may God bless you. 

Yours sincerely in Jesus Christ, 

Bishop of ______




November 1, 2006


Dear and Reverend Father John, 

Cordial greetings from the Diocese of _______ India! 

This letter is to thank you for sending me a copy of “AUTHENTICITY” Prayers and Meditations. I read a portion of the book and am greatly impressed by the contents that Fr. John J. Pasquini has gathered to present this collection of prayers and meditations. I am sure it is a wonderful gift to the whole Church. 

I desire to give a copy of this book to the Priests and Seminarians of our diocese. I would greatly appreciate it if you would send me 100 copies of “Authenticity”. 

With warm regards and best wishes to your ministry and you, I remain in prayer, 

Yours in Jesus and Mary 

Vicar General




                                                                        24 October 2006

Dear John Weickert, 

Thank you for the great work done and especially for the powerful book for priests. 

It will be a valuable reference book for our priest. 

Please send us 25 copies. 

With all my best wishes and prayers. 

Yours in Christ, 

Bishop of ________




                                                                        3 November 2006

Dear John Weickert, 

     Prayerful greetings to you from Bishop _______ of the Diocese of ______ India. 

     Thank you very much for your kind letter and a copy of the prayer manual. I am extremely happy to have it. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and great interest in praying for the priests around the world. I will encourage my priests to pray for your intentions and for the Shepherds of Christ ministries. 

     May I request you to send us enough copies of any prayer aids to our priests and I will be happy to distribute them. I wish you success and God’s abundant blessings and success. 

     With my best regards and prayerful wishes, 

                                                                        Yours in Christ, 

                                                                        Bishop of _______




                                                                        November 7, 2006 

Rev. John,


I sincerely thank you for your letter dated October 8, 2006. I thank you also for the “Prayer Manual” and ‘Shepherds of Christ’ Newsletter. Both are excellent in order to enhance the spiritual life of the ‘Shepherds of Christ—Priests.  

I will be grateful if you send to us 70 copies of the ‘Prayer Manual’ and 40 copies of the ‘Newsletter’. The Manual will be given to each priest and ‘Newsletter’ to each parish and community of diocesan priests. 

I will be happy to have the yellow book of ‘Authenticity’. 

May the Lord bless you for the wonderful spiritual ministry you are doing. 

Sincerely yours, 

Bishop of _______




                                                                        4 November 2006 

Dear Mr. John Weickert

     I am very pleased receiving regularly your ‘Shepherds of Christ Priestly Newsletter’ which I read with great interest. With more interest and delight I am reading now the marvelous book of Rev. Fr. John Pasquini “Authenticity” you sent me. I liked very much the icon of our Lady (l’Innocence) and of course I shall be glad to receive, at the same address, some extra copies, for our priests, especially the new ordained. 

     I thank you for all, and will be more and more united spiritually with you all in the hearts of Jesus and Mary. God be with you. 


Auxiliary Bishop



                                                                        23 November 2006

 Most Reverend: 

In behalf of my Bishop Reverend Mons. _______ I’m writing this letter requesting you to mail 100 prayer manual in Spanish to share to our priests, Newsletters and the yellow book Authenticity in Spanish also. 

We promise our prayers for Fr. John Pasquini. 

We thank you for this 

Sincerely yours

Bishop of _______



January 3, 2007 message continues

Messenger:               Both of these books by Fr. John J. Pasquini,
                            editor of the Shepherds of Christ Priestly Newsletter can
                            help lead to deeper oneness in the hearts of
                            priests as they go deeper and deeper into oneness with
                            the Divine God.

                                The Church is "one", "holy", "Catholic" and
                            Apostolic — The Church is the body of
                            Christ and Jesus is the head.

                            A quote from the book
                                Light Happiness and Peace by
                                    Fr. John J. Pasquini
                                    page 4

                            A Hardened Heart

                                "I felt at the time that religion would impede my work. I
                                wanted to have nothing to do with the religion of those I
                                saw all around me. I felt that I must turn from it as from a
                                drug. I felt it indeed to be an opiate of the people and not
                                a very attractive one, so I hardened my heart. It was a
                                conscious and deliberate process.               
Dorothy Day"

                                Fr. John says
                                "Dorothy Day would eventually respond to
                            God and soften her heart and become
                            a world leader in the Church's work
                            for the poor and the disenfranchised." 

                                page 5

                                "When we examine the lives of atheists, it is astonishingly
                            common to find these people lacking in good fatherly figures. It
                            is difficult to pray "Our Father who art in heaven" when our only
                            experience of a father has been that of one who was evil, mean-
                            spirited, or non-existent. When looking at the lives of the world's
                            major atheists, such as men like Nietzsche, we are struck by this
                            lack of fatherly guidance. For people such as this, nothing short
                            of a miracle is necessary to soften their hearts.

                                It is here where the communion of saints becomes so
                            significant (cf. Jn 2:1-14; Rv 5:8). The communion of the faithful
                            here on earth and in heaven has a profound effect on the softening
                            of hearts throughout the world, for by themselves people with
                            hardened hearts are much too weak to respond to the grace that
                            is being showered upon them. A tragic event or the power of the
                            prayers of the saints is often the only way these people soften their
                            hearts. In many ways, they are very much like addicts. They often
                            need to hit rock bottom before they can acknowledge the need of
                            another. It is through the prayers of others, known and unknown,
                            that the world's hearts are softened."

January 3, 2007 message continues

Messenger:                 In living more deeply the Unitive life —
                            being one with God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
                            and being deeply united to Mary —
                            we will be one in truth — one
                            in Spirit — one in love in the pure
                            and holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

                                The Shepherds of Christ Movement is a Movement
                            of hope.

                                As we circulate the Priestly Newsletter
                            and these books centered in God's love —
                            deeply uniting to the Trinity — we will
                            spread a light of love and live in unity
                            in this world.

                                The prayer chapters can help bring down
                            this grace as we pray for the priests, the
                            Church and the world.

                                I have seen God's grace change hearts
                            overnight, but the instruction — the
                            instrument to lead was there accompanied
                            with God's grace for the person to open their
                            heart to the working of the Spirit's healing
                            touch — changing hearts with grace
                            to bring a person lukewarm to deeper

                                This is the voice of the Good Shepherd
                            in the Priestly Newsletter and the book —
                            opening the door for God's grace to work
                            for an awakening of souls to the unitive
                            life — deeper life IN Him.

                                The Priestly Newsletter can enormously
                            help to strengthen the priests, the Church and
                            the world. The Newsletter is reaching 78,000
                            priests — every 2 months — accompanied by these
                            very important books on Catholic spirituality
                            that can lead to the response of living more
                            deeply united to and in God and unity
                            amongst all others.

                                I want the world to be as God wants
                            it to be — God is all Powerful — God
                            can work in grace to move the heart   
                            set in their ways to thirsting after Him —
                            God's grace to change the fervent to being
                            more fervent in their response to God's love.

                                The Priestly Newsletter and prayer chapters
                            are a pair — the instrument — the Newsletter
                            to nourish and lead, the prayer chapters —
                            the fervent prayers of the associates so
                            great grace will be released for the priests,
                            the Church and the world.

                            Fr. John —
                                Light Happiness and Peace
                                page 5

                                 "We must thus, never underestimate the
                                   power of praying for others. St. Monica
                                   prayed for thirty years for the conversion
                                   of her son, Augustine. Her prayers
                                   were successful in softening his
                                   heart and he became the great
                                   St. Augustine."

                            From Fr. John's book
                                Light Happiness and Peace
                                the Introduction

                                "The first stage of the spiritual life involves
                                the purgative stage, a stage of purification.
                                It is followed by the illuminative stage,
                                a stage of great enlightenment and integration.
                                The third and final stage is the unitive stage.
                                This is the stage of the mystics. It is the
                                stage when one's will and God's will are united
                                to such an extent that one may say,
                                without much reservation, that every
                                action performed is an
                                action of God."

                                In writing here I cannot give this book
                            justice in my feeble attempts to describe
                            the framework and gifts of the entire texts
                            in its brevity and profound insight
                            stated so succinctly —

                                This is a book that can help enliven   
                            the love for God, the Church and the world
                            and lead to greater unity of all who read

                                I pray that you will help us circulate
                            it right away with the Priestly Newsletter to
                            the hierarchy in the Church.

                                This book is very much linked in
                            expression to the works of Fr. Carter,
                            but has a depth that can lead any
                            Christian into greater unity with God,
                            the Church and one another. It is
                            instructive, clearly expressed in
                            a framework of clarity and moving to a
                            new place of life in Him — especially when
                            accompanied with the Newsletter and
                            prayers of the yellow Authenticity Book
                            and the daily, if possible, prayers of
                            the Shepherds of Christ Prayer manual.




January 3, 2007 message continues

Messenger:           Fr. John Pasquini  from Light Happiness and Peace
                            page 12

                                "Grace provides the person with the
                                 possibility of entering into the Paschal
                                 mystery — Jesus' life, death,
                                 resurrection and ascension. Consequently,
                                 grace justifies a person. It makes
                                 one a "new creation" in God."

                                For me the reality of this all is overwhelming —
                            that God is and shares His Mystery with us —
                            my joy is found in living more deeply my
                            life in Him and understanding more fully
                            God's precepts.



  end of January 3, 2007



My dear friends,

Here are a few quotes we have received from around the world -- concerning -- the newsletters edited by Fr. John J. Pasquini 2006.

I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love.

1) "May the Lord abundantly bless you in your important ministry of the renewal of the spiritual life and prayer for priests, the church and the world." (This came from the Vatican. letter dated 8-24-06.)

2) "I am grateful for your work of promoting prayer chapters for the perseverance and sanctification of priests. This is certainly close to the heart of the church."

"I will lift you up to the Lord when I lift the host and chalice in my Masses at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph." ( Bishop -  Philippines., dated 8-25-06) 

3) "Please be assured of my continued prayers for you and the work of Shepherds of Christ Ministries in spreading devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary."  (Archbishop - New Jersey   8-22-06) 

4) "I sincerely appreciate your efforts to deepen the spirituality of priests." (Monsignor of  Illinois   8-23-06)

5) "God's blessings on your endeavors to support the priests of the United States." (Bishop - Minnesota   8-22-06)

6) "Please keep up the good work of spreading the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart  and prayer for priests." (Auxiliary Bishop - California  9-1-06)

7) "Giving my best wishes for your work, so important because prayer is the heart of the church, I invoke upon you God's blessings of joy and peace." (This is from Rome. 8-25-06)

8) "I look forward to an in depth reading of the same. All too often our faithful, and priests for that matter, tend to "get into a rut" and need that renewal of the spiritual lives." (Msgr from Ukraine  8-31-06)

9) "I commend you for the work you do for the clergy, the Church and the world. Much  is gained in prayer, and much is accomplished through prayer. More especially if prayer is directed to God in behalf of the church." (Archbishop - Philippines  8-25-06.)

10) "Please convey my heart felt gratitude to the Author and continue praying for the priests around the world who are in great needs of your helps now."  (Cardinal - Japan  8-30-06)

11) "I thank you for the devotion which you are working for the Shepherds of Christ ." (Bishop - India - 8-31-06) 

12) "I thank God for inspiring you and your team for the fantastic job you are doing for us priests, it is a pity that I cannot do more than pray for your much needed apostolate today. May he who has begun this great work in you bring it to completion."
(Bishop - South Africa  8-30-06) 

12) "Thanking you for this kind favour and assuring you and all your associates in Shepherds of Christ Ministries our humble prayers." (Bishop - India  8-30-06)

13) "I am grateful for your continuing support of our priests who faithfully serve our church." (Archbishop - Wisconsin  9-7-06)

14) "I appreciate the noble purpose of circulating this newsletter to all the bishops and priests in order to have a network of prayer and to have devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary."  (Bishop - India  9-1-06)

15) "I take this opportunity to wish you all the best and pray that the good Lord may Bless in your apostolate. God bless you all." (Archbishop - India  8-30-06)

16) "The network of prayer chapters in the world because of Father Carter's work is a tremendous gift, and I am pleased to see this work continuing."

"With assurance of my prayers for you and I appreciate your prayers for me as well, I am."  (Bishop - South Carolina 8-29-06)  

17) "Wishing you permanent God's assistance while you carry on the great mission of the renewal of the spiritual life in our world, I warmly greet you and assure you of my prayers."  (Bishop - Vatican City  9-7-06)

8) "Be assured that on my part I will do my best to share these spiritual riches with my 16 diocesan priests in the diocese of Embidir." "We count much on your prayers." (Bishop - Ethiopia  9-16-06)

19) "Thank you for your thoughtful kindness. I am sincerely grateful. May the Lord and His Mother bless and be with you and your loved ones." (Bishop - Massachusetts)

20) "I commend you for your efforts in promoting prayer and solidarity with priests and Bishops worldwide. May Almighty God continually bless your ministry as you continue to serve His Church here on earth."  (Bishop - Texas  9-12-06)

21) "With every good wish and prayer that the Good Shepherd continue to bless you and your staff with every good and perfect gift, I remain in Jesus and Mary." (Archbishop - Philippines  8-31-06)

22) "It was very thoughtful of you to spread this precious literature and to help numerous Bishops and priests all over the world. It is a great service that you are rendering though this apostolate. If the Shepherds of Christ  are renewed in their spiritual life, the service that they can render is beyond all expression. May God bless all those who are involved in this useful and noble ministry."  (Bishop - India  9-5-06)

23) "May the devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart be spread all over the world especially between the priests."   "I avail myself this opportunity to renew my sentiments of deep esteem in the Lord" (Bishop - El Salvador  9-7-06) 

24) Please continue the work. I am happy that you decided to continue the good work initiated by Father Carter." (Bishop 9-5-06)

25) "It is very encouraging and a cause for gratitude to know that our daily prayers for priests are part of a much bigger wave and that, the Shepherds of Christ Ministries participates so deeply in and foster the development of this wave of prayers." (Bishop,  7.11.06)

26) "I am sending my Blessings to you. May the Shepherds of Christ bless you and give you all the necessary graces that you need in your daily work." (Bishop)

27) "Since the receipt of the letter I keep on encouraging my priests to join you in praying for the priests and the world. My Community members took this activity of prayer very seriously. It is encouraging and I am sure God will hear us as we join hands with a common aim of presenting to God our intentions." (Bishop - Kenya, 10.31.06)

28) "John, Thank you very much for all of you in the Movement who are working for the renewal of the priesthood spirituality.   (Bishop - Argentina, 10.26.06)

29) "With Salutation, I would like sincerely to thank you for all you sent to me. Know that you can count on my prayers and with these I can collaborate in my possibilities." (Bishop - Chile, 10.20.06)

30) "Thank you so much. I am wishing you well in all your endeavors as you continue to spread the devotion to the Sacred heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary." (Bishop - Philippines, 10.18.06)

31) "I am praying to Our Lord, especially in the Holy Mass, for the fruits of the apostolate of the Shepherds of Christ Ministries." (Msgr - Rome, 10.28.06)

32) "I wish to assure you of my appreciation for the movement's efforts to contribute to the spiritual formation and ongoing renewal of priests, something very much required in our days." (Bishop - Benin, 10.06.06)

33) "I am pleased that a priest from our Diocese, Father John Pasquini, is performing this service as editor of the Shepherds of Christ Newsletter. I intend to inform our priests of its availability and give them your contact information if they want to be included in your mailings. If you wish to directly send the Newsletter to the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, their addresses can be found on our website." (Bishop - USA, 10.30.06)

34) "I want to congratulate you for your efforts and prayers on behalf of the priests, the church and the  world. All of us, indeed, we need prayers." (Bishop - Jerusalem,10.02.06)

35) "May the Good Shepherd bless your movement dedicated to the renewal of the spiritual life." (Msgr - Slovenia, 10.27.06)

36 "Unity in prayer is our hope for the future. Fr. Pasquini and all of you will be in my prayers, please keep me in yours."(Bishop - USA, 10.27.06)

37) "Your proposal to us from all the people of your Ministry is a favorable echo for us." ( Bishop - Ivory Coast)

38) "I will support the association "Shepherds of Christ" with my prayers as I am confident that all its members will pray also for me. God Bless you!" (Msgr - Rome)

39) "Thank you for the "Shepherds of Christ" and the prayers. It is essential for the future of  the Church and faith that we increase our prayer practice. Thank you for praying with us and for insisting on prayers." (Bishop - Belgium, 10.26.06)

40) "May you all remain healthy in mind, heart, soul and spirit, and may your work and society flourish through daily prayers and meditation." (Bishop - South Africa,10.20.06)

41) "I am most grateful for the prayers that accompany these publications. Be assured of my prayers for you and your ministry. May God's Grace enhance your efforts and enable us to become holy priests. God Bless you!" (Msgr - Guam, 10.23.06)

42) "I Thank you for these publications and for all that the Shepherds of Christ Ministries is doing for the renewal of the spiritual life and in spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary." (Bishop - Vatican City, 10.18.06)

43) "Prayer for Priests is indeed very important today, not only because they are so few but also because they are so precious in the church today." (Msgr - Malaysia, 10.23.06)

44) "Assuring you of the prayerful best wishes of this Pontifical Representation for the fruitfulness of your responsibility and religious commitment, I remain, with cordial greetings." (Msgr - Madagascar,  09.22.06)

45) "Please be assured of my prayers in your continued work of encouraging prayer for the clergy and the Church throughout the world." (Archbishop - Canada, 10.11.06)

46) "Thank you very much for including us in the good work you are doing for the spiritual benefit of priests throughout the world." (Bishop - Pakistan, 10.05.06)

47) "Let me thank and congratulate you for the concern you are showing for holiness in the lives of the Shepherds of Christ." (Bishop - Sri Lanka, 09.26.06)

48) "Greetings and thanks immensely for your letter informing me of the continuation of the work of Fr. Carter. We are grateful." (Cardinal - Nigeria, 09.27.06)

49) "While I wish you and all those involved in the Movement "Shepherds of Christ Ministries" every God's blessing and praying for the success of the Movement's activities, I remain." (Bishop - Taiwan, 09.26.06)

50) "With all warm wishes for the continued success of the work of the Ministries." (Archbishop - New Zealand, 09.27.06)

51) "Thank you for sharing your material and for what you are doing to bring us all priests, bishops and people - closer to God." (Bishop - Australia, 09.22.06)

52) "I shall be grateful for the prayers of members of "Shepherds of Christ Ministries" for their support of our missionary diocese in a land, whose main religion is Islam. Asking the Lord to bless you and your important apostolate of spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I remain." (Bishop.- Kazakhstan, 09.18.06)

53) "Reiterating to you my gratefulness for these gifts and for your thoughtfulness, I convey to you my sentiments of warm esteem and fraternal regards, as I remain." (Archbishop - Philippines 08.25.06)

54) "Only in unity can we have the strength and perseverance in prayer for this intention will help each one of us to be an Alter Christus. May the Lord bless you and the work that you do in His vineyard." ( Bishop - Slovakia, 10.31.06)

55) "We thank you for your good work in your ministry and pray that our Lord will continue to guide and bless you always." (Bishop - Malaysia.11.06.06)

56) "It is very encouraging to hear that you have a network of prayer praying for the priests, the church and the world; there really is a great need for this kind of initiative. Be assured of my prayers for your intentions; that the Holy Spirit may inspire all your initiatives!" (Bishop - Netherlands, 11.13.06)

57) "Thank you for the work that you do. You have been persevering in it and I am sure it will bear fruit." (Bishop - India, 11.06.06)

58) "I will continue to support this noble apostolate in the Church of God, especially through prayers and invocation of God's graces upon all who devote their efforts in publishing it. Thank you very much and may God bless you abundantly." (Priest - Kenya, 11.08.06)

59) "I appreciate your thoughtfulness and great interest in praying for the priests around the world. I will encourage my priests to pray for your intentions and for the Shepherds of Christ Ministries." (Bishop - India, 11.03.06)

60) "I commend you on your excellent work in promoting a network of prayers for priests and the Church. This is a splendid apostolate. know of my supportive companionship with you in prayer." (Bishop -Canada, 11.09.06)

61) "We are grateful to you. Please, continue to keep us in your prayers and know that we continue to pray for Fr. Pasquini and the entire staff of the Shepherds of Christ Ministries." (Bishop - West Africa, 11.11.06)

62) "I thank you most sincerely for the prayers offered for me and my priests and I assure you and the Shepherds of Christ Ministries a place in my own prayers." (Bishop - Ireland, 11.17.06)

63) "I thank the Lord for the good work you are doing to continue the work of Fr. Carter, and to spread the devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart. May the Lord and Our Mother Mary bless you and your Ministry abundantly." (Bishop - India, 10.06.06)

64) "I sincerely thank you for the same and extend my appreciation and best wishes for your ministries. I also extend my gratitude to all of you as you are dedicated to this ministry, praying for the priests, the church and the world, and wish to assure you of my prayers for your fruitful ministry." (Archbishop Pedro - India, 11.03.06 )

65) "I am glad to know about your prayer campaign for priests and your prayer manual and newsletters. I wish you all the best in your ministry. With warm regards and God bless and assuring you of my prayers." (Archbishop - India, 11.01.06)

66) "Thank you very much for the beautiful message and the celebration of fellowship as priests. You can rest assured of the prayers of all of us for you and for the success of all your efforts to foster the fellowship of priests all over the world." (Bishop -India, 11.13.06)

67) "It is lovable to pray with supplications to Our Lord for the Ministries He has chosen to shepherd His Church." (Bishop -Brazil, 11.17.06)

68) "Through the intercession of Our Blessed Lady, may your ministry be graced with many blessings. Allow me to wish you well in this noble endeavor." (Bishop - Vatican City, 11.20.06)

69) "I am very pleased to learn of your Movement and thank you for all the prayers you and your members offer for our priests. I need not emphasize the fact that our priests need a lot of prayers these days with all that is happening around them in the world. Please be assure of our prayers for your Movement in return." (Archbishop - Sri Lanka, 11.15.06)

70) "I assure you of my prayers for your apostolate to enable us priests to be more like the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ." (Bishop-India 11.06.06)

71) "I pray that God may continue to guide you and grant you wisdom and good health to continue this ministry for priests that is very needed in our day." (Bishop - Sri Lanka, 11.14.06)

72) "With assurance of prayers for God's abundant favors and blessings through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary." (Bishop - Nigeria, 11.09.06)

73) "I am grateful, and wish you the best spiritual fruits in your labor and work, for the santification of the priests. Count on my prayers to Our Lord for the fruits multiplication, for the good of the priests, all the church and for the good of all men." (Cardinal - Spain, 11.17.06)

74) "I thank you for these publications and I pray for the success of your important efforts in promoting the renewal of priestly spirituality through your newsletter and prayer network." (Cardinal -Vatican City, 11.10.06)

75) "Congratulations on your excellent publication. I wish you every good wish and God's blessings in your good work." (Archbishop - Ireland,11.07.06)

76) "May the Lord bless you for the wonderful spiritual ministry you are doing." (Bishop - India, 11.07.06)

77) "Wishing you all the best in your ministry and with God's speed in all your activities." (Bishop - India, 11.08.08)

78) "I wish to thank you for having been on your correspondence list with all your spiritual information. Keep up the good work." (Msgr - Brazil, 11.15.06)

79) "I thank you for all, and will be more and more united spiritually with you all in the hearts of Jesus and Mary. God be with you." (Bishop - Lebanon, 11.04.06)

80) "I ask God Our Father and The Most Virgin Mother to illuminate your works." (Archbishop - Peru, 11.10.06)

There has been a steady stream of great letters of appreciation daily since we circulated the newsletter on the Feast of the Assumption, august 15, 2006. These are only a few comments.

Thanks for helping us reach the world.





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        Jesus, Teach Me to Pray

O Jesus, Splendor of the Father, pray for me, in me, and
with me.
O Jesus, Brightness of Eternal Light, pray for me as my
Priest, my Head, and my God.
Teach me to convert my heart,
to seek reconciliation,
to love my enemies,
to pray for my persecutors,
to be attentive,
to be pure,
And to seek the kingdom.
O Jesus, Teacher of Teachers, teach me to struggle, to be
patient, and to persevere.
Lead me, O Lord, to pray in faith,
to seek and knock,
for You are the door and the way.
O Jesus, Breastplate of Hope, help me to recognize that all
things are possible to those who believe.
Embody in me a heart to do Your will.
O Jesus, Joy of Angels, teach me to pray.



                 Internal Changes
In You, O Lord, my external situation may not change, but
my internal being shall;
If only I can abandon my fears and trust, You will console
me, sustain me, and grant me the gift of perseverance.
If only I can cast my cares upon You, O Lord, upon Your
providence, upon Your divine plan for me, then all things
will be just fine.
May I realize that all, absolutely all, is in Your hands!
Bless me with trust!



              Healing of Memories

O Lord, release my memories.
Open the flood gates.
Bless me with the grace to work through my rational and
irrational feelings.
Eliminate my evasiveness, my facades and make-believe
Get me out of my negative emotional patterns and
recurring cycles of destruction.
O Great Physician, heal the wounds that torment me, the
abuse, the losses, the overwhelming mental and
emotional pains.
Heal what time cannot heal.
Heal the sensitive spots, emotions, and traumas.
Soothe my damaged body, soul, and spirit.
Console me in Your healing arms.




Start a Prayer Chapter.


Pray for the Priests,

the Church and the world.




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