Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
Messenger: Include Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in 6:20 prayers.
Messenger: Our Lord asks all that can to come to The Virgin Mary Building in Clearwater, Florida, on February 5th, to please be present for the opening of the Rosary Factory.
Oh, I see the gold building, since Saturday night, in all the struggles which sometimes have sent me into so great sorrow inside. I turn the corner of the building and see the wonder I saw. (Refer to message January 22, 2000). I am in that golden glow of the Heart of Jesus. Golden indeed is the glow, the warmth of the red-tinged night, but it was not a night at all, but an opening into the heavenly glorious light. And the building, from beneath the Sorrowful Mother statue where I stood, gleamed in heavenly light. I stood there, and I stand there now in awe of the reality of the truth that this is indeed real and all my soul seeks. To be possessed by God, taken to such realms of oneness in Him, my Bridegroom, where my heart pants to embrace this moment in this great grandeur forever more. This is my desire, my wish, to be existent in Him to the fullest degree, tasting the pleasures of being in my God, feeling the fullness of life, knowing the great gift God gives to us in Himself. Oh, I cry to Him to help me reach the souls with the splendor of what it is to be possessed by God. A golden building, a city set on a hill, shining its light to the world. And in such intensity of that moment He deeply unites my soul to Himself, and the heightened level of my loving and knowing capacity can only be explained through the presence of God within me. Words are feeble and words do not exist to explain this ecstatic state.
But, my brothers, it is true, and in its reality He commissions me to write to you and explain further the gifts of this day given in such fruitfulness in the Mass. My brothers, I approach the altar of my Bridegroom and He deeply unites my soul to Himself as He unites in this act of giving Himself so completely to me, His bride. I walk the aisle a bride, to receive Jesus the Divine Bridegroom, my beloved Spouse, the Lamb of God.
I am so aware of my undying love I have for Him. I want only Him and to serve Him and my heart is overwhelmed for love of His body, the Church. My heart cries for mercy and grace for us and the children of the Father that are suffering because of the evils in the world. Oh, my God, I unite in this sacrifice offered to the Father and I plead and beg for grace for our children. I am so one in Him, the Chief Priest, offering sacrifice, and the emotion of my heart and soul is one of unity with His pleading and begging for His body the Church. I plead and beg for our priests, His precious anointed ones, for conversion of all souls to reach this heightened level of knowing Him, loving Him, embracing Him, living as in the Holy City talked about in Revelation 21: 1 - 4
Revelation 21: 1 - 4
The heavenly Jerusalem
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; the first heaven and the first earth had disappeared now, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride dressed for her husband. Then I heard a loud voice call from the throne, Look, here God lives among human beings. He will make his home among them; they will be his people, and he will be their God, God-with-them. He will wipe away all tears from their eyes; there will be no more death, and no more mourning or sadness or pain. The world of the past has gone.
Messenger: Oh I live for this, that the body of Christ will live more as His spouse, His bride, and know Him more.
And what of our children? For I want the priests to model this life as a spouse of Jesus. I want our priests to swoon with love for their Divine Master and Maker and lead the children to a life filled with the Spirit and knowing Gods love.
Oh, my men, I cry to you to help me.
Make the city shine as a golden light here on earth.
The temple is the inner chambers of the Heart of Christ.
Revelation 21: 22-27
I could not see any temple in the city since the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb were themselves the temple, and the city did not need the sun or the moon for light, since it was lit by the radiant glory of God, and the Lamb was a lighted torch for it. The nations will come to its light and the kings of the earth will bring it their treasures. Its gates will never be closed by day - and there will be no night there - and the nations will come, bringing their treasure and their wealth. Nothing unclean may come into it: no one who does what is loathsome or false, but only those who are listed in the Lambs book of life.
Messenger: Oh, I saw this glorious light of His Heart, the golden light with the red tinge, and a glimmering city golden in color to my right, massive and beautiful in a sky that was no longer a night sky, but a sky painted by the light beaming from His Heart.
And so He, my Jesus, sent me there that July 17, 1993, to deliver a message of His love. Love letters from His Sacred Heart to His beloved souls.
And He cried out on February 23, 1994.
February 23, 1994 5:30 a.m.
Jesus speaks: I am the light of the world. A city on a hill will shine to the world. You at the Center will be this city when you are filled to the brim with the love of Jesus. What power, what might, to have each person a personal spouse of Jesus Christ! This is the light to the darkened world. The love of Jesus radiates from the very being of those who love Him. What light when all together are lifted by His love abounding deep within their breasts!
Messenger: And I never knew what it meant then to be a personal spouse of Jesus, but through His revelations and His promise to those who recite these prayers, the heavenly gates of knowing Him more and more have opened to me.
Messenger: The last vision I had of a door was between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost, 1998. It was then I saw the golden door filled with the most glorious reflective light against a very dark wall. Then I saw a little sheep that hobbled over the threshold and went in.
I saw this golden door that year between Ascension Thursday, 1998, and Pentecost, 1998, and then the next month the Shepherds of Christ received the building, (Virgin Mary Building, Clearwater, Florida) July 5, 1998, to operate out of. The daily messages began July 8, 1998. There was also a promise from our Lady to teach us to pray. We were to be fervent intercessors, led into the Heart of Christ, giving ourselves more and more in consecration to Their two Hearts.
Oh Mary my Mother, you appeared on the window, in golden light on that 3 year anniversary December 17, 1999. You are a doorway for all the children of the Father to have this deep union with their God. Consecration to Their Hearts is the key to this little heaven on earth.
Oh, come and dwell in Their Hearts with me and we will be one in Him as God intends.
Listen to the prayer of Jesus before He went to the bitter Passion.
John 17: 20 - 26
I pray not only for these
but also for those
who through their teaching
will come to believe in me.
May they all be one,
just as, Father, you are in me
and I am in you,
so that they also may be in us,
so that the world may believe
it was you who sent me.
I have given them the glory
you gave to me,
that they may be one as we are one.
With me in them and you in me,
may they be so perfected in unity
that the world will recognise
that it was you who sent me
and that you have loved them
as you have loved me.
I want those you have given me
to be with me where I am,
so that they may always see my glory
which you have given me
because you loved me
before the foundation of the world.
Father, Upright One,
the world has not known you,
but I have known you,
and these have known
that you have sent me.
I have made your name known to them
and will continue to make it known,
so that the love with which you loved me
may be in them,
and so that I may be in them.
Jesus speaks: John 17: 14 - 19
I passed your word on to them,
and the world hated them,
because they belong to the world
no more than I belong to the world.
I am not asking you
to remove them from the world,
but to protect them from the Evil One.
They do not belong to the world
any more than I belong to the world.
Consecrate them in the truth;
your word is truth.
As you sent me into the world,
I have sent them into the world,
and for their sake I consecrate myself
so that they too
may be consecrated in truth.
Messenger: And so we have been persecuted for delivering His Word.
In June 1994, I received a message from Jesus for someone who was to help me. He told me to give it to him and not tell anyone about it. I only told my spiritual director.
The message was this: "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"
He cried it out so deep and He said it again and again.
The Gospel of todays Mass:
Acts 9:1-22
The conversion of Saul
Meanwhile Saul was still breathing threats to slaughter the Lord's disciples. He went to the high priest and asked for letters addressed to the synagogues in Damascus, that would authorise him to arrest and take to Jerusalem any followers of the Way, men or women, that he might find.
It happened that while he was travelling to Damascus and approaching the city, suddenly a light from heaven shone all round him. He fell to the ground, and then he heard a voice saying, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?' 'Who are you, Lord?' he asked, and the answer came, 'I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you are to do.' The men travelling with Saul stood there speechless, for though they heard the voice they could see no one. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing at all, and they had to lead him into Damascus by the hand. For three days he was without his sight and took neither food nor drink.
There was a disciple in Damascus called Ananias, and he had a vision in which the Lord said to him, 'Ananias!' When he replied, 'Here I am, Lord,' the Lord said, 'Get up and go to Straight Street and ask at the house of Judas for someone called Saul, who comes from Tarsus. At this moment he is praying, and has seen a man called Ananias coming in and laying hands on him to give him back his sight.'
But in response, Ananias said, 'Lord, I have heard from many people about this man and all the harm he has been doing to your holy people in Jerusalem. He has come here with a warrant from the chief priests to arrest everybody who invokes your name.' The Lord replied, 'Go, for this man is my chosen instrument to bring my name before gentiles and kings and before the people of Israel; I myself will show him how much he must suffer for my name.' Then Ananias went. He entered the house, and laid his hands on Saul and said, 'Brother Saul, I have been sent by the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on your way here, so that you may recover your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.' It was as though scales fell away from his eyes and immediately he was able to see again. So he got up and was baptised, and after taking some food he regained his strength.
Saul's preaching at Damascus
After he had spent only a few days with the disciples in Damascus, he began preaching in the synagogues, 'Jesus is the Son of God.' All his hearers were amazed, and said, 'Surely, this is the man who did such damage in Jerusalem to the people who invoke this name, and who came here for the sole purpose of arresting them to have them tried by the cheif priests? Saul's power increased steadily, and he was able to throw the Jewish colony at Damascus into complete confusion by the way he demonstrated that Jesus was the Christ.
Messenger: At the same time I received the following message:
Your Direction Comes from God and God Alone
June 15, 1994
Jesus speaks: Dear little, scared ones, do not fret. Do you not know I never leave you? You worry, you are afraid. I am guarding you. Think of a blind man coming down the street. He may walk in front of cars and lose his life. What is to become of him if he continues to walk around blindly and do as he pleases?
(Messenger: I had a vision of many cars parked on the street but not moving).
Jesus speaks: Many of My children are blind and in darkness. They continue to walk around and do as they please. Is it fair that they do this? Every man has a free will. The blind man can take precautions and he will not be harmed. He can't do as he pleases. He is blind.
You are blind men. You can't do as you please. You must get the direction of one who will lead you safely to your destination. Pray to the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the truth. This world is full of falsities. Well-intentioned children are falling into disaster because they wander aimlessly around, like the blind man, with no direction.
Your direction comes from God and God alone. Come and sit with Me in front of My tabernacle. Oh, I love you so much, My little ones. Do not worry. I will take good care of you.
Pray and let go of your anxiety. I never leave you. Believe Me, I am truly by your side guarding you. I love you.
Messenger: The whole month of June, 1994, Jesus told me about blindness and light. Some of this can be seen from Blue Book III, the writings for the month of June.
On June 16, 1994, I saw little white lights on my notebook and He said:
I Am by Your Side Always (Excerpt)
June 16, 1994 3:15a.m.
Jesus speaks: Soon your burden will be lifted and you will feel some relief. You must be in constant prayer. Being with your children is a prayer for you. Come to the Center. You feel Real Presence there. I will give you miracles there. Pray in the chapel with your children. They will become closer to Me through prayers as you spend time playing with them. You need simplicity in your life. Live only for love of Me.
Messenger: He told me to take my two children to the Center to pray.
On July 5, 1994, I went to the Center and Mary began to appear.
I account here from the red Rosary Book.
Excerpt from Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
July 5, 1994 6:30 p.m.
Messenger: I was told to go to Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center to pray the rosary with my children. There were people in the front of the church, so we decided to pray the rosary in the back before the Sorrowful Mother statue. I had the following vision at the end of the rosary.
The statue of the Sorrowful Mother was lit up as if she had fire around her. The light was very bright. Her whole gown was all-white, but the statue's gown is blue and pink. She was all aglow. It looked like the glow that comes off of a fire. Her face kept changing but remained totally sorrowful-the sorrow of an older woman. She was in such pain and sorrow! (It was hard to explain how she looked-extremely pained!) Her face looked as though she was in such pain that she could hardly bear it.
The vision remained like this for about ten minutes, having begun during the last Hail Mary of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary. She was holding something-it was all bright white-the brightest light ever!
Messenger: Mary then appeared every day for 14 months until September 5, 1995.
On July 5, 1998, we began the evening prayer meetings before the image, and we were operating from the Image Building.
It was as if history repeated itself as the handmaids and servants and apostles and people began to pray at the same time, 6:20 and 6:30, from beneath Marys image.
I had prayed beneath Mary as she appeared in the Sorrowful Mother Chapel at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, July 5, 1994 - September 5, 1995.
They now prayed beneath her image in Florida.
I quote Marys Message I was to put on a tape 5 days before Mary appeared in Clearwater, Florida.
December 19, 1996 Excerpt from the Apostles' Manual, p. 70
Mary speaks: I am Mary, your Mother. I do not appear as I once appeared to you. I am asking you today to circulate my message given on a tape on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 1996. Please circulate this tape now. Give it to as many people as you can. I am Mary, your Mother. Please circulate my Rosary Book.
Messenger: Yes, Mary who once appeared to me at a place where I saw her every night, now appeared permanently on the building in Florida, not as she once appeared.
Help me, please! Help me to bring this city of light to the world.
Jesus gave this message February 23, 1994.
February 23, 1994 5:30 a.m.
Jesus speaks: I am the light of the world. A city on a hill will shine to the world. You at the Center will be this city when you are filled to the brim with the love of Jesus. What power, what might, to have each person a personal spouse of Jesus Christ! This is the light to the darkened world. The love of Jesus radiates from the very being of those who love Him. What light when all together are lifted by His love abounding deep within their breasts!
February 23, 1994
Jesus speaks: Listen and preach My love and emotion here. Priests will create little cities, little cities in each church to spread the light of Christ to this sick world. Each priest can create his own little city, a powerhouse of God's love. God has all the power. His power is endless. It never runs out. It is might. You have no power except through Him. Churches filled with the intimate love of Jesus will be powerhouses.
Mary speaks: Oh help me, my little children of light, I cry to you and my Son weeps, for you will not listen to His call.
I am Mary your Mother.
Your city will be lighted by my Son Jesus love beaming from your hearts.
The Church is the body of Christ.
The Church is His Bride.
I love you, Mary. Please Help Me. Please Help Me.
Mary speaks: These are the messages We give to you.
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Mary speaks: Please listen to Us.
Please pray the rosary.
I am Mary your Mother, your spiritual Mother.
Praying the rosary will lead you deeper into the spiritual life as you meditate on the mysteries of Our lives.
A message for the Earth from Jesus
January 22, 1998
I am the Good Shepherd, these are My prayers, the prayers I give to help renew the Church and the world, all prayer chapters are asked to include these prayers (found in the Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual). As My Apostles and Shepherds I ask you to encourage all existing Chapters to try to encourage all existing prayer groups to pray the Shepherds of Christ prayers. Encourage all Churches to pray these prayers. It is most urgent that the people of this earth concur with the Father's wishes to begin Prayer Chapters. This is an urgent request from the Good Shepherd. The flock will become one when they have given their hearts to Jesus and Mary. Encourage all priests to pray the Shepherds of Christ prayers. Your world will be lighted with great light as the people of this earth pray these prayers.
My promise is this to you My beloved earth: When you give your heart to Me and spread the devotion to My Sacred Heart, I will write your name In My Heart. I promise to give the greatest graces when you pray these prayers for renewal of the Church and the world and take all who pray them deeply into My Heart. The prayers I give will bring about the reign of My Sacred Heart and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart. I am Jesus Christ, this is My message of January 22, 1998, Please circulate this message to your world. I am the Good Shepherd, I know Mine and Mine know Me and they follow Me. Grace My Shepherds, I will give you the greatest graces for spreading these words to this earth and to your Church. I love you, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, it is the Plan of the Father that Prayer Chapters are begun immediately and the Priestly Newsletter is given to all priests. The Voice of the Good Shepherd speaks through it.
January 22, 2000
Daniel N.
What has the Shepherds of Christ done for my life?
In Luke 24:13-35 we are given the beautiful account of the two disciples on their way to Emmaus. It was evident that they "knew" of Jesus, but they were unable to recognize Him when He joined them on their journey. As they walked, Jesus interpreted all the scriptures concerning Himself. Upon arriving near the village they begged Him to stay. Jesus complied with their request. At table, Jesus blessed and broke the bread and gave it to them. Their eyes were opened and they "recognized" Him. Jesus immediately vanished from their site and they hurriedly returned to Jerusalem to tell the Apostles what had happened.
I see myself as one of those disciples on my journey to the Kingdom. I "know" Jesus, but do not always recognize Him. Through my involvement in the Shepherds of Christ Ministries, Jesus joins me on my journey. As we walk, Jesus teaches me about Himself through the Priestly Newsletter, the Blue Books, the Daily Messages and all of the various publications of the ministry. When I receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, I recognize His presence in me and I in Him. Thank You, Jesus, for opening my eyes and allowing me to come closer to You.
I realize my relationship with Jesus is not a one way street. I must respond to His love for me and be willing to serve Him. My connection with the Shepherds of Christ allows me to serve in a most special way. Eucharistic Adoration, praying the Prayer Manual prayers and the Holy Spirit Novena, spreading devotion to His Sacred Heart and complying with Mary's request at Fatima, enable me to demonstrate my love for the Most Blessed Trinity. In a marvelous way, the more willing I am to serve Jesus, the closer I come to Him through increased knowledge and love.
I want to thank all of the Shepherds of Christ Associates whom I have come to know since joining the ministry in 1996. The love and concern for one another is truly Christ-like. Finally, I want to thank my wife Melanie for leading me into the Movement. Our love for Jesus and each other has grown immensely. Praise Jesus!
Q: How do you feel when we have prayed and prayed, patiently, and after a long time, God answers our prayers?
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
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Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
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