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January 4, 2009 - Epiphany
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January 4, 2009 - Epiphany
Writing by Rita Ring
If we love Jesus, we seek Him — we want to
know secrets into the mystery of God's love
this is our desire —
God calls us to love Him above all things —
What are we doing, if we aren't loving
God first — we become miserable — we were
created for God —
Light — we want to be a light to others, but
we pray to God to enlighten us — knowing the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell in our graced baptized soul —
really knowing our Loved One lives in us and that
the Divine Almighty God lives in us — if we
believe it - it would give us great joy.
God wants to dwell in us, God wants to be one
in us — it is our pride that can stop us from being
open to let God abundantly fill us with His love —
God wants to generously give His love to us and transform
us to be more and more pure — more and more likened to Him.
God is with us, but we can shut the door to Him.
The more we seek perishable things and leave
God out of our lives — the more miserable we
become because we were created for Him —
Today people who become more and more self
focused become like Fr. Mike's example of the
frog — if you throw a frog in boiling water
it will jump out, but if you put him in
warm water and heat it up to boiling he will
stay in the water and die —
A person who gives in to self —
will be opposed to God and
not working with others they live with —
is practicing being more and more willful and
they just work harder and harder in disharmony
with others — Being willful against God's
plan brings pain — A whole community of
willful people, against authority is a
real set up for collapse —
It goes against the will of God — this is not
freedom — it is enslavement to selfishness
and it takes a person further and further into
isolation and seeking dominance for dominance
sake, a fault from the garden. The more one
goes into darkness — the darker it becomes —
Working against God's will — having
passions for others in relationships
against God's will — or hatred for those
God calls us to live with — is not love and our
hearts are aching for we were created to
Hate inside eats YOU AWAY
Song: Why do We Hurt the ones we Love
A person living in a community called by God
with others being disobedient to superiors
and rules and divided with the people
God calls them to work with — goes deeper
and deeper into darkness — they prevent
themselves of growing in love and may
seek relationships to fill them — that are
not God's will — they bump their own
lives — bucking a bull against God's will —
seeking relationship to fill their rebellious
heart or deeper HATRED that makes
them miserable, angry, meaner for
we were created to do God's will —
being kind and loving to those God
called us to live with — And it's like the
frog in warm water — more and more where
we were to work on loving relationships
growing to be more perfected like
Jesus — we grew in deeper and deeper
hate, division, selfishness, hating
where we live, who we live with —
God wants us to be an empty
vessel ready to be filled with His love —
the devil wants us to hate
Like a little child choosing a big
dirty mud puddle diving in with
hate wings and then saying why do I
feel miserable, unsettled, dirty, full
of hate —
Then we can expect someone else to
make us happy while we made our
own bed of hate and disharmony and
darkness — so we sit on a dark
pity-pot —
instead of a bed of peace and love
doing God's will —
We seek peace where we aren't
even supposed to be
Jesus sends us a life saver
After years of division, darkness,
disharmony we chose —
who can fix our will —
We have taught ourselves to
be willful —
Rebelling against God's will —
Choosing anger, division and
Now we wake up every day and
we act this way
Like a full bottle of salt —
who could put anything
in it
We must empty ourselves of hate —
to be filled with God's love
We made a bed of hate and
now we are angry
We shot torpedoes at the life savors
God sent to bail us out and
Now we are miserable
We sit on a pity-pot of 40, 60
years of dark days
whose choice |
{ | discord seeking dominance for dominance sake pride anger |
Emptying ourselves of hate, pride, anger —
begging the Holy Spirit to heal us
and fill us with God's love —
We are loving because
we love
Hate never made anyone
a lover
A lover with peace comes from
one who chooses peace and love
and practices it and lives a
virtuous life
Do we want God to fill us —
then we can not be full
of anger and hate —
We are open and acting in
love —
So God can fill us
Wisdom 2: 1, 12-22
And this is the false argument they use,
‘Our life is short and dreary,
there is no remedy when our end comes,
no one is known to have come back from Hades.Let us lay traps for the upright man, since he annoys us
and opposes our way of life,
reproaches us for our sins against the Law,
and accuses us of sins against our upbringing.
He claims to have knowledge of God,
and calls himself a child of the Lord.
We see him as a reproof to our way of thinking,
the very sight of him weighs our spirits down;
for his kind of life is not like other people’s,
and his ways are quite different.
In his opinion we are counterfeit;
he avoids our ways as he would filth;
he proclaims the final end of the upright as blessed
and boasts of having God for his father.
Let us see if what he says is true,
and test him to see what sort of end he will have.
For if the upright man is God’s son, God will help him
and rescue him from the clutches of his enemies.
Let us test him with cruelty and with torture,
and thus explore this gentleness of his
and put his patience to the test.
Let us condemn him to a shameful death
since God will rescue him—or so he claims.’This is the way they reason, but they are misled,
since their malice makes them blind.
They do not know the hidden things of God,
they do not hope for the reward of holiness,
they do not believe in a reward for blameless souls.
John 7: 1-2, 10, 25-30
After this Jesus travelled round Galilee; he could not travel round Judaea, because the Jews were seeking to kill him.
As the Jewish feast of Shelters drew near,
However, after his brothers had left for the festival, he went up as well, not publicly but secretly.
Meanwhile some of the people of Jerusalem were saying, ‘Isn’t this the man they want to kill? And here he is, speaking openly, and they have nothing to say to him! Can it be true the authorities have recognised that he is the Christ? Yet we all know where he comes from, but when the Christ appears no one will know where he comes from.’
Then, as Jesus was teaching in the Temple, he cried out:
You know me
and you know where I came from.
Yet I have not come of my own accord:
but he who sent me is true;
You do not know him,
but I know him
because I have my being from him
and it was he who sent me.They wanted to arrest him then, but because his hour had not yet come no one laid a hand on him.
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Holy Family
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St. Anthony
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St. Joseph |
Angel |
Philomena |
St. Rita - 18 |
Immaculate Heart of Mary - 18 ![]() |
Immaculate Heart - Ivory - 18 |
Sacred Heart of
Jesus - 18 ![]() |
Our Lady of Lourdes - 18 |
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel - 18 ![]() |
Our Lady of Grace - 18 ![]() |
St. Francis - 18 |
St. Anthony - 18 |
St. Joseph - 18![]() |
St. Therese - 18 |
Our Lady of Guadalupe - 12 |
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St. Padre Pio - 12![]()
St. Rita - 12
Divine Mercy - 12
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Limpias - 8![]() |
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