Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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January 5, 2009
January 6th Holy
Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
We need your donations for postage —
Postage for 5,000 priests is about
$4,500 - please help us —
Retreat in China
January 10th - 13th
Mass on the 10th, 11th & 13th
Happy Birthday, Regina
Given December 26, 2008
Writing by Rita Ring
How would it be if after our life
was over we saw how we focused on details
for our own honor and glory and missed big
callings God gave to us to witness because
we are stuck in self-pity and self-
I have written your name in My Heart
My faithful friend of My Most Sacred Heart.
You must know how much I love you
and I am attentive to your every need —
I am your lover, I want this intimacy
with you — That you will be one in
Me and I am one in you —
Be so deeply united to Me — that you
rest in My Heart, that you let go and let
Me run your life —
Life in Me.
Love from the Holy Spirit.
Knowing more and more the existence of God —
My handprint is on all I created —
I created you, My precious child — to
love and serve Me —
I am so attentive to your needs.
I love you so much —
I am the bridegroom of your soul.
I am the King of heaven and earth —
I am your beloved Spouse —
Come to Me and know My peace —
You come pure as a new bride to
serve your bridegroom —
Go to confession.
Say — "Lord fill me, I want to be holy
I am Yours."
Make spiritual communions all through
the day —
Live your life united to the Mass —
Oh precious little one I love you
so much —
I love you, I love you, I love you.
My Heart is on fire for love of you —
Burning, Burning to be with you
when you come to receive
the Eucharist — I love you so much.
Ephesians 5: 1-4
As God's dear children, then, take him as your pattern, and follow Christ by loving as he loved you, giving himself up for us as an offering and a sweet-smelling sacrifice to God. Among you there must be not even a mention of sexual vice or impurity in any of its forms, or greed: this would scarcely become the holy people of God! There must be no foul or salacious talk or coarse jokes-all this is wrong for you; there should rather be thanksgiving.
Walk in love, as Christ loved us.
Jesus: Love is in this that you obey the
commandments of God —
Deuteronomy 5: 1-3, 6-7, 11-12, 16-21; 6: 4-6
Moses called all Israel together and said to them, "Listen, Israel, to the laws and customs that I proclaim to you today. Learn them and take care to observe them.
'Yahweh our God made a covenant with us at Horeb. Yahweh made this covenant not with our ancestors, but with us, with all of us alive here today. On the mountain, from the heart of the fire, Yahweh spoke to you face to face, while I stood between you and Yahweh to let you know what Yahweh was saying, since you were afraid of the fire and had not gone up the mountain. He said:
' "I am Yahweh your God who brought you out of Egypt, out of the place of slave-labour.
' "You will have no gods other than me.
' "You must not make yourselves any image or any likeness of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters under the earth; you must not bow down to these gods or serve them. For I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God and I punish the parents' fault in the children, the grandchildren and the great-grandchildren, among those who hate me; but I show faithful love to thousands, to those who love me and keep my commandments.
' "You must not misuse the name of Yahweh your God, for Yahweh will not leave unpunished anyone who uses his name for what is false.
' "Observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy, as Yahweh your God has commanded you. Labour for six days, doing all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath for Yahweh your God. You must not do any work that day, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servants 'male or female' nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your animals, nor the foreigner who has made his home with you; so that your servants, male and female, may rest, as you do. Remember that you were once a slave in Egypt, and that Yahweh your God brought you out of there with mighty hand and outstretched arm; this is why Yahweh your God has commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.
' "Honour your father and your mother, as Yahweh your God has commanded you, so that you may have long life and may prosper in the country which Yahweh your God is giving you.
' "You must not kill.
' "You must not commit adultery.
' "You must not steal.' "You must not give false evidence against your fellow.
' "You must not set your heart on your neighbour's spouse, you must not set your heart on your neighbour's house, or field, or servant - man or woman - or ox, or donkey or any of your neighbour's possessions."
Listen, Israel: Yahweh our God is the one, the only Yahweh. You must love Yahweh your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength. Let the words I enjoin on you today stay in your heart.
Jesus: Focus on My love — My intense longing
to be united with you —
I am the Almighty God —
Do not fear —
Stay rooted in My love —
Feel peace — even in turmoil —
I was at peace when I died on the cross.
Stand with Mary under My cross —
Unite so deeply in the Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass — going on around
the world —
Spread My Blue Books
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open anywhere —
I give these as gifts to you.
I give you Myself in the Eucharist.
Open anywhere
January 27, 1994
I Want You Holy (excerpt)
Jesus: Focus on My love, My intense longing to be united with you. I am God and I am truly in your breast. I am the King of Heaven and Earth and I come and dwell in your heart with burning love. What an event to behold! This is My union with you. God-made-man comes and dwells in your heart! Oh, My child, with what honor you are favored! Behold Him coming and being in your body. God comes into your body! What holiness you possess! Guard your temples for they hold the King of Glory.
I am your Savior. I am your King. I am Who am and I come to dwell in your body. Such honor for you. Guard your temple. You are the recipient of Jesus Christ, Son of God. Who are you that He humbles himself to enter into your body?
end of excerpt
Messenger: Jesus I love You
above all things and I
want You to come to me now in a spiritual
communion — I am so one with you my God
I love you so much —
I know the Father, Son and Holy Spirit always
dwelling so deeply in my graced baptized
soul —
I stay united to the Masses going on
around the world and I pray so deeply to
God — I want the world to be as God
wants it to be — I beg to be greater
one in Him — praying to the Holy Spirit —
always seeking greater wisdom — life
in the Holy Spirit — to be formed more
and more in the image and likeness of God —
to see myself as a little baby in
the spiritual womb (the Immaculate
Heart) of my Mother, Mary — The Holy
Spirit's action on me — The Incarnation
goes on in us —
The Church is in the state of becoming —
The world is in the state of becoming.
The individual Christian in the state
of becoming —
Oh God I want the world to be as You
want it to be.
Prayer of St Ignatius
Soul of Christ, sanctify me
Body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me
Water from the side of Christ wash me
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
O good Jesus, hear me
Within Thy wounds hide me
Permit me not to be separated from Thee
From the wicked foe defend me
at the hour of my death call me
and bid me come to Thee
That with Thy saints I may praise Thee
For ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, life.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness, joy.O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned.
It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Prayer to St. Michael
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
December 12, 2008
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
from China while Jesus and Mary appeared.
Joyful Mysteries
R. Let us pray in one mind and one heart for all of our intentions.
R. We consecrate our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
R. And Mary said as I walked across the back of the church
Mary: I pray with you here this day.
R. For faith, hope and charity.
Sing: Spirit Song
The Annunciation
1. Mary: And I come to you in the night and I ask you to come this night that you will pray, and that you will know that there is much sadness across the earth. And as you look at the darkness, you must envision, how you cannot see much — even though you may want to see, that your eyes are unable to see. The more that people give into sin, the more that they are unable to see, and they do not even realize, many times, how their choice to do evil, has led them into deeper and deeper sins.
My people, I am Mary your Mother, and I have called you here, on this Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, that you will pray, that you will have faith, that you will believe, that you will look at the pictures of my image as I appeared in Clearwater, and that you will know that you have been called as soldiers by Jesus, soldiers of His Sacred Heart. Little ones, little ones, I have not left the Clearwater building for I am there, every day and every minute. And because the crowds do not come does not mean that I am not with you. But it simply means, that many today, do not have much faith, that they have put their trust in their false gods and their idols, and they are living in a world of darkness.
2. R. And I pray to you our Blessed Mother, that you will please hear our prayer, and our cry for peace for the people of this world, that we will be able to help to bring this era of peace, that you promised at Fatima. And the message that Jesus gave to Fr. Carter, that there would be this era of love, of the Reign of His Sacred Heart and the Triumph of your Immaculate Heart, that we will not be waning in our faith, nor that we will lose hope. I believe, I believe, I believe. Oh Mary, help me, please.
3. R. And we meditate on the Annunciation for we see the 'yes' of Mary, and although, she was called to such a great honor, she did not wane in and out, but she said to Joseph, "But Joseph, you too were chosen." And an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, and he was strong in supporting Mary, and doing all that they had to do, in the flight into Egypt. Mary and Jesus were so united, as she carried Him within her womb. God wants this unity with us. And the devil will come and talk in our heads.
And we must believe how God loves us so much, in reading the Blue Books and reading the messages that God has given to us in the Shepherds of Christ, it brings the truth to us, that we live this reality, that we are witnesses in the world, that we are witnesses of hope, that we are not afraid. It baffles me to think, what we gain by holding back, or what any of us would gain in saying, "No, I'll take the safe route." For is what we deem safe, really safe at all, when we see in this world how high the gas prices even went, or how this or that went in political circles. We must rely on the Might of God, and believe and hope and love and be witnesses to the light, that is abundantly alive within us.
4. R. I cry for the little ones of this world that you told me over and over again, Mary, would lose their souls, in the Finding of the Temple, when you appeared in the Holy Spirit Center. And you said Mary, 'How do I reach you for you will not listen to me.' And Jesus appears at the point of death on the cross, and I am in the middle saying, "Oh I'm just a messenger, why won't you listen?" And the devil is fighting a battle, in the world today. And yet it is so simple — and it is obedience to God, it is the living in the Word, it is realizing the gift that God has given to us in the Church, and the priests and the sacraments, but because of the concupiscence of the flesh, people want to be in control. And over and over again, people say - "I must control" when God gives to us His plan, when God gives to us the sacraments in the Church. Writing our own laws is not pleasing to God. For this we pray for mercy and for grace, that people will see with the light of seven suns.
5. R. I plead and beg under you oh heavenly Mother, that you will ask God, through your powerful intercession to hear our prayers here, that we can help make reparation for the offenses against your heart, and the Heart of your Son Jesus, that more and more, the cardinals will listen to the letter, and will unite to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and help us to do what you have asked us to do, in spreading this consecration to the nursing homes, to the children, to the priests, to the schools. Oh God, hear us, for we have faith in Thee.
6. Hail Mary
7. Sing: Jesus, Oh Jesus - come and fill your lambs etc.
8. R. And Jesus says
Jesus: See Me as the little Child Jesus. I came in the stable in Bethlehem and I will strengthen you, but you must pray for humility. You must ask for the virtues, to live a virtuous life. You must not give into the bad habits that lead you astray. You must want the will of God, with your whole heart and your whole soul, loving the will, for it is the rule for you, My chosen ones.
9. R. And she carried the child Jesus within her womb, And God comes to us in the Eucharist, and He remains with us afterwards — Fr. Carter even said in that tape for 15 to 20 minutes. The Divine Almighty is truly present in His Divinity and humanity within us, no less present than the day that Mary carried Jesus in her womb. Awesome!
10. Hail Mary
The Visitation
Sing: Jesus Oh Jesus, come and fill your lambs
R. Holy Spirit fill us with this willing spirit, to be the soldiers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to help to bring this great era of peace, an era of love to this world, that we are not afraid, that we are not standing at the gate, like some old mare saying, "Come and get me", while the others go ahead and win the race. For satan is aggressive. Satan is not afraid. He's noisy and he goes there. He goes and he goes and he presses and he abuses, and he keeps it up and he keeps it up and he keeps it up. If we do not fight for what God wants in the world, we are letting the aggressiveness of the evil one move ahead. Why do we do this? Ask yourself - why do we fight for so many stupid things, to be right — I'll fight to be right. I'll fight, I'll fight, I'll fight.
And He (Jesus) says - Fight for Me. Fight because you love Me. Fight to tell the world of the love of My Heart. Fight because you wear My ring on your finger. Fight because I have called you to be the soldier of My Sacred Heart. Do not fight for the ways of satan. When will you turn to be loyal to Me, My spouse?
1. R. Help us, help us, help us, God. Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth.
2. R. I'm thinking of Mary's intercessory power and the fact that she prays with us. Mary went to her cousin Elizabeth.
3. R. And Jesus turned the water into wine, at the wedding feast of Cana. I don't know about you, I just love the Mass so much. If I love the Mass, when I wrote the Mass Book 13 years ago — do I love the Mass any less today? Do I know more and more how we as members of the body of Christ are united to the Mass? Do I want to spread this message to the hierarchy and to the world, that they will really, really, really pray united to the Mass, that they will live united to the Mass, that they will help us spread the Morning Offering, that they see that our lives are a sacrifice united to the pure and holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, united to the Sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present in the Mass. I believe because I know the power of God.
Jesus walked alone when He carried that cross, until Simon help Him carry the cross. Jesus has given to me this message, and I have fought and fought and fought and fought — not for one year or two years or 3 years or for 365 days — for 17 years, the message has been given to me, and some people in this Movement have been with me since 1992 - 16 years. Most of us have been here 12 years, 10 years.
We have given our lives. Now it is time to give God our hearts fully and entirely, in love, and that will make the burden so much easier. It will change from a burden for when He carried the cross — it was an active love, not something that was negative. This is not negative. This is being the spouse of God. This is saying yes to that vocation. This is being faithful to Him. This is answering Him with a willing spirit, as the Holy Spirit fills us like Mary, when she shouted out the Magnificat - "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord." Do you think those were words? Everything inside of her declared the beauty of that prayer.
Why do we walk many times, like stubborn mules, when it is just as easy to say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And in that lies our happiness and joy, but that devil comes and he says - "You really know you don't like anybody telling you what to do" — while he is telling you what to do when he says it.
4. Jesus: And so I say to you - whose side are you on? You are either with Me or against Me.
5. Jesus: The calling is from Me and the response is to Me.
6. Sing: Jesus Oh Jesus, come and fill your lambs
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary9. Jesus: I want you to be pure, My chosen ones. Let go of those bad habits that are hurting your soul and hurting others.
10. Hail Mary
The Birth of Jesus
1. Jesus: For joy is in the Savior! Yes! Yes! Yes! I came that you could be with Me forever in heaven. Let go of those things that drive you from Me. For you can be enslaved to the evil one and he tells you, "Oh, do it your way."
2. Jesus: And I have called you to teach order to the world, to be obedient, to live as a unit, a unit that is structured and operating in power to do the work that I have commanded you to do — Apostles of My Eucharistic Heart.
3. Jesus: You were born a baby because you had a lot to learn. Little babies learn how to walk, and how to talk, and how to dress themselves, and how to tie their shoes. Wouldn't it be silly for a little child to say to their Mother, "Oh I don't want you helping me to learn how to talk. I want to do it myself."
4. Jesus: You with your wounded human nature, who will teach you My ways?
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
The Presentation
R. Oh God, outpour Your healing graces to all those that are listening and want to be healed, and please help us to never lose the building, but healing grace to be granted for the use of the waters.
1. Hail Mary
2. Hail Mary
3. Hail Mary
4. Hail Mary
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
R. This mystery for me was not joyful, when Mary appeared over and over again. It just makes me want to cry. I will never ever get it out of my soul, how she would lament the little lost children of the world, and how they were going into hell, and begging and pleading that we do something, and this was like in 1994 and 1995. So it was 13 years ago and more, 13 and 1/2 in the summer of 1994 and1995. How do you look at the Mother of God, see her appearing to you in the most brilliant light and telling you about souls that are going to hell, and then not have emotions about that?
And then I'm fighting over whose right about what, and I'm just trying to do God's will. This is like crazy — combat. This message is so ardently expressed to the world, and it comes through the Shepherds of Christ. It was given to me all those years ago. And it's in the Red Rosary Book, and when that book was published, Mary appeared as Our Lady of Clearwater. And 12 days before she appeared, Jesus appeared on the cross at the point of death with His mouth moving, because they were not listening to Him - after she had already appeared for 2 1/2 years on the 5th. But after she appeared for 7 1/2 years and there was combat.
Why? Because the devil does not want this message to reach the world. The reality of hell — the reality that sin has a consequence. The blindness that goes with sin, the gift of the Mass, that at the beginning of the Mass, God is outpouring His grace to us, to help us to be pure to receive Him. The gift of confession, that a person dead in sin, and mortal sin, can come to confession, and that sin can be forgiven. Help me, that's all I say. Help me reach the school children, help me reach the little children.
Help me reach the people in the nursing homes, with those books that are just sitting in the Clearwater building. There are so many people in nursing homes down in Florida, who are sitting there miserable as can be by themselves, and they could have this deep intimacy with God and be praying the rosary. So then what are you going to do about it — focus on yourself? No, you are going to focus on the fact that we have been called to go out. This pity-pot stuff is just the devil.
Like when I went to do that rosary, and I would go in there and somebody came up and said "Boy, Rita you really don't look good. Are you feeling O.K.? Are you taking care of yourself?" Or I will run into people because I have been doing this for 17 years, saying that I get messages from God — and they will come up to me with this real big smile on their face and they'll say " Oh Rita how are you?" — like they are thinking I'm crazy. So am I going to give into that, stop doing what I'm suppose to be doing. Does it matter what they are thinking?
It matters if I let go, if I don't deliver the message. You saw what happened to Jonah, when He didn't deliver his message, he ended up in the belly of the whale. The message of Our Lady of Clearwater is clear and it happened the same time the Red Rosary Book went out. Mary is appearing in this Church. Mary is praying with us. Have faith with me. Believe in the power of these prayer services. Believe. Sometimes we are our own worse enemy. It is our resistance within us that wears us out. And then we project that resistance on others, that stops that willingness to do all we can do for the sake of souls.
Like I saw that one time, the reality of this was so great that I just cried because I hadn't done more. The second I came out, I told somebody, told somebody else, told somebody - got the same old stuff, like going up against a concrete wall. Let go! Let go of that stubborn spirit inside, like it says in that sequence of the Holy Spirit — Bend the stubborn heart and will melt the frozen warm the chill. Come Holy Spirit!
Give us order! That means that we recognize structure, because in order, we are most likened to Him. What is going on in the world is immense disorder, and God has called us to help renew the Church and the world. To spread the Novena to the Holy Spirit. That Novena is awesome. The Mass is awesome. And the way that we know it is awesome — God loves us so much. He says
Jesus: You know, I'm with you every second, you are never by yourself. Never! And I'm outpouring the very thing that your heart is crying out for. And you are blocking it.
R. I just look at the people that have little kids that are 5 years old, and I think well God took my mother away when I was 5. It made me tough. It made me tough for God. It made me tough to help souls to get to heaven. It made me know my mom was up there. And I see people just wallow around. What do they want of their mom and dad at 48 years old? We were given great gifts because we are where we are.
But like Jesus said in that October 5, 1992 message, you get the idea, "There's never enough." You do need to go through recovery. The recovery is sitting down and saying "If I got some unfinished business where I have been hurt in a relationship, I'm going to end up working that out with God's grace," where I forgive the person. I let go of it. I might have to cry and experience the feelings, but I'm not going to carry it around and try to finish that business or act out that unfinished business on another person, if I can get away with it.
We are going to be held accountable for our actions. We have this day to live today. When we go to bed tonight, it's gone. How we lived it, is how we lived it. And it's the record, the record that we carry with us every day. You say, "Well, they hurt me" — 15 - 20 years ago, so I'm going to go around with a chip on my shoulder, and I am going to expect somebody else to come and understand. Well, everybody in this world has been hurt. I'm sure I was hurt when my Mother died.
You let go and you accept God's will and you are free, not enslaved to the old memories, to the imagination. That's what in that song of St. Ignatius - how does that go — that song of St. Ignatius — Take Lord Receive all my memories — however it goes — anyway. They should say I'm letting go of all that stuff, so that you can live in the moment and be actors and not reactors, because satan will come, and he will pat you on the back and he'll say "remember when." Or you will even see a woman, and you are heaping on that woman's back all the stuff you have had with another woman — acting out that stuff.
You might as well put a blindfold on and stand there, and start screaming about what happened to you, because you can be that blind that you don't even know that you are not even dealing with that person, but you are effecting that person's life and everything else that they are doing, because you have all that unfinished business. Do you want healing? Then you got to act in the now, now, now, now — letting go of the past, not living in the future. Living in the reality of how great it really is, that God has called us in the Shepherds of Christ to know all this. It is great. Say thanks. LET ALL THOUGHTS BE POSITIVE - WINNING Thoughts to build God's Kingdom. Not getting more and more selfish — Renewal, Conversion, Transition, Change my Heart Oh God. Help me to empty myself of hate — People who give into hate can be filled with more and more hate — God help me to empty myself of anger, hated and fill me with Your love.
1. R. And we are so dumb because we act like He doesn't know it. He knows how He has gifted all of us in the Shepherds of Christ. He has gifted us, even this business with the Guadalupe down there. He is watching us, and we can go around, sit on our pity-pot and have a pity-pot feast, while God is blessing us and really taking care of us. We are held accountable for how we affect others. We cannot abuse others, use others, try to get control over others. Whatever it is. The devil does not want us doing the plain and simple work of the Shepherds of Christ. If we are working for God, we will say this may be my last day today - I'm working for You God. I want it to be a hum-dinger.
2. R. Make every day the greatest day we can have, so that when we go, we will have affected so many people of this earth, witnessing and loving!!We are attractive. We've got the light of Christ within us. We're living that spousal union. We have this intimacy that God has called us in the Shepherds of Christ to spread to the people, the intimacy that He wants in the Blue Books. After 17 years of this I can't whistle a different tune. And He has left me here as the spiritual director in this Movement, like Fr. Carter was, with the messages to help us to move this ship out into the water — a refuge to help people to lead them to that deeper union with God, and loving the Church and the priests with all their hearts, and obeying the priests and the Church. We can be so mighty, but we have to live in the moment. We have to let go of the vices and bad habits, and ask God to help us to have the fruits of the Holy Spirit, to live with a willing spirit — life in the Spirit — moving ahead like a ship that's just moving, on the waters in beauty and harmony, not one that's over there with an anchor stuck in the bottom of the sea, that's trying to move. The word that comes to my mind is a 'constipated' ship.
3. Hail Mary
4. Jesus: You are in the state of becoming, and the world is in the state of becoming, and the Church is in the state of becoming, and I have called you to help it to become more and more, formed in My image and likeness. The Church is the Bride of Christ. Do not be afraid, but let go. Let go to that purity, for a bride is pure and sweet and docile, loving her husband and bringing him good all the days of her life.
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
Hail Holy Queen
The Memorare
R. Healing - what does that say — that says, thank You God, for all You have done for me. Healing - what does that mean — living according to the Father's will in love. Healing — that means living as a unit, having the 3 loves - loving God and one another, and loving ourselves as the special person that God has created. Healing means being as God wants at every moment, loving His will and serving Him. Amen.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
R. Tomorrow we have a Mass at 12:00 and then we will have the prayer service until 4:00. Pray for us. We are trying to get this mailing out. We really do need money for the book that we are sending to the priests. It is my brother's homily book. But it is so awesome. A picture of that is on the internet. Is that right, Doris? Doris did you put the front page of the book on the Internet? The front cover is on the internet and you can call Kathleen and help us get it out. Jesus would like us to send it to all the priests in the United States. So we will see if we can do that or not. Help us. Amen.
Do you want the United States to change? This book can majorly help. Amen.
Fr. Joe's Homily Books
Guiding Light - $10.00 |
Guiding Light -
$10.00 |
Fr. Carter's Books
Priestly Newsletter Book I
12 Newsletters $12.00 |
17 Newsletters $12.00 |
Priestly Newsletter Book 3
4 Newsletters & Prayers $12.00 |
Spirituality Handbook |
Tell My People |
$10.00 |
Tell My People Spirituality Handbook
$10.00 |
$10.00 |
Call Kathleen
God’s Blue Books
God’s Blue Book 1 – $10.00 |
God’s Blue Book 4
$5.00 |
God’s Blue Book 2 –
$10.00 |
God’s Blue Book 5 –
$5.00 |
God’s Blue Book 3 –
God’s Blue Book 6
$10.00 |
Rosary Books
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Grace
Sorrowful Mother
Immaculate Heart - Ivory
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sacred Heart of Jesus -Blessing
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Infant of Prague
Divine Mercy
Holy Family
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Holy Family
St. Therese
St. Francis
St. Anthony
St. Claire |
St. Padre Pio |
St. Joseph |
Angel |
Philomena |
St. Rita - 18 |
Immaculate Heart of Mary - 18 ![]() |
Immaculate Heart - Ivory - 18 |
Sacred Heart of
Jesus - 18 ![]() |
Our Lady of Lourdes - 18 |
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel - 18 ![]() |
Our Lady of Grace - 18 ![]() |
St. Francis - 18 |
St. Anthony - 18 |
St. Joseph - 18![]() |
St. Therese - 18 |
Our Lady of Guadalupe - 12 |
St. Clare - 12![]() |
St. Padre Pio - 12![]()
St. Rita - 12
Divine Mercy - 12
Pieta - Color |
Pieta - Marble ![]() |
Limpias - 8![]() |
Fatima w/glass - 11 |
Pilgrim Virgin
w/glass - 12 |
Pilgrim Virgin
w/glass - 15 |
Fatima w/glass - 18 |
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 18 |
Pilgrim Virgin
w/glass - 27 |
Toll free - 1-888-211-3041 |
Size | Price | Quantity | |
Holy Family |
24" |
$180 |
Immaculate Heart of Mary |
24" |
$125 |
Immaculate Heart - Ivory |
24" |
$125 |
Infant of Prague |
24" |
$125 |
Limpias |
24" |
$125 |
Our Lady of Grace |
24" |
$125 |
Our Lady of Guadalupe |
24" |
$125 |
Our Lady of Lourdes |
24" |
$125 |
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel |
24" |
$125 |
Sacred Heart of Jesus |
24" |
$125 |
Sacred Heart of Jesus -Blessing |
24" |
$125 |
Sorrowful Mother |
24" |
$125 |
St. Anthony |
24" |
$125 |
St. Claire |
24" |
$125 |
St. Francis |
24" |
$125 |
St. Joseph |
24" |
$125 |
St. Jude |
24" |
$125 |
St. Padre Pio |
24" |
$125 |
St. Therese |
24" |
$125 |
Angel |
22" |
$100 | |
Divine Mercy |
22" |
$100 | |
St. Philomena |
20" |
$100 | |
St. Philomena |
16" |
$65 | |
Immaculate Heart of Mary |
18" |
$65 | |
Immaculate Heart - Ivory |
18" |
$65 | |
Sacred Heart of Jesus |
18" |
$65 | |
Our Lady of Lourdes |
18" |
$65 | |
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel |
18" |
$65 | |
Our Lady of Grace |
18" |
$65 | |
St. Joseph |
18" |
$65 | |
St. Francis |
18" |
$65 | |
St. Anthony |
18" |
$65 | |
St. Rita |
18" |
$65 | |
St. Therese |
18" |
$65 | |
Pieta - Color | 15" | $75 | |
Pieta - Marble | 15" | $75 | |
Holy Family |
12" |
$60 | |
Our Lady of Guadalupe |
12" |
$40 | |
St. Padre Pio |
12" |
$40 | |
St. Rita |
12" |
$40 | |
Divine Mercy |
12" |
$40 | |
St. Claire |
12" |
$40 | |
Limpias |
8" |
$25 | |
Fatima w/glass |
11" |
$150 | |
Fatima w/glass |
18" |
$250 | |
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass |
12" |
$160 | |
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass | 15" | $200.00 | |
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass | 18" | $250.00 | |
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass |
27" |
$450.00 |
Name |
Sub-Total |
Address |
IN Tax (7%) |
City |
Shipping |
Zip |
Donation |
Telephone |
Order Total |
Available for $750.00
Fatima/Clearwater Glass Statues available.Call or go to China
6015 N. State Rd 62
China, IN 47250
or call Clearwater
21649 US 19 N
Clearwater, FL 337651-888-321-7671
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