Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.

We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome.

I appear my children on this former bank building in Florida, Our Lady Clothed with the Sun.

October 10, 2001 

October 11th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 6 Period 1.
The Novena Rosary Mystery
for October 11th is Glorious.


The Nursing Home #3 video is now on the internet.

It is so beautiful and the sound is excellent!



    October 12, 2001 will be a special day in China, Indiana.
                Mass - 12 PM
(China time)
At night there will be a special service for 
                    the apostles, handmaids, and servants  
                    after the 6:20 prayers.

    Rosary October 13, 2001 China, Indiana 
Rosary - 12:00 PM
China time
                    Exposition -
October 12, 2001 thru
October 14, 2001 (noon China time)

    October 16, 2001 is the feast day of St. Margaret Mary

    Social on October 17, 2001 in Morrow, Ohio
            6:20 prayers and then social



October 10, 2001

Jesus speaks:        I give you Myself in the Eucharist.

                              I give you My Body.

Messenger:           Oh Jesus I love You so much.

                              I see how Your grace is so important.

                              When we pray great grace can be released.

                              Everything depends on an outpouring of Your

                              We prayed so deeply on September 5, 2001, united
                                    praying as a body for grace to be
                                    released to all the souls on the

                              We were united to at least six places
                                    where people were gathered praying
                                    with us.

                              We prayed for mercy, we prayed to God for grace
                                    for the world.

                              The disaster of September 11, 2001
                                    could have been worse. Our prayers
                                    may have helped the situation.
                                    We were so deeply united praying as
                                    a body.
                                    Our prayers are so important.

                              The world is talking a lot about praying now.

                              I believe more and more people are open to
                                    praying for the world.

                              Jesus gave us these prayers in the prayer
                                    manual to pray for the priests,
                                    the Church and the world.

                              After a certain point on October 5, 2001 what
                                    was golden in the image window
                                    was the image of Jesus.

                              This is how it was in September on the
                                    5th also when I did the rosary
                                    in Florida.

                              Here are the last 8 pictures Emily
                                    took at the end of the rosary.





October 10, 2001 message continues

Messenger:           See how Jesus stands out in gold
                                    and Mary can barely be seen.

                              Here is the message I received at the
                                    the very end of the rosary.

                              It is the only message I received during
                                    the rosary



This was given during the live rosary - it was transcribed from a tape.

Excerpt from October 5, 2001 Live Rosary

Jesus speaks:   From the day you were born, 
                             I have guarded you and I have watched you, 
                             and I have held you close to My Heart.

                          And I wanted to take you to the depth
                              of My Heart and you held yourself
                              far from Me.

                          And I tapped on your shoulder
                              and I prodded you
                              and I came closer and closer
                              and you ran away.

                          It was for you,
                              it was for you that I came
                              to give you My undaunted love.

                          I wanted to shower My love on you,
                              and you ran away and in the struggles
                              that I gave to you to teach you so many
                              things, you did not accept many of them,
                              and I tried again and again.

                          And so many of you do not understand
                              that suffering is a part of your life.
                          And when you are given suffering,
                              rather than cooperating with the little
                              trials and the suffering that you are given,
                              you fight the trial and you make it so hard
                              for yourself.

                              You give up the opportunity for the grace
                                  to be released, for you whine and complain
                                  and fight the very thing that I send to you.

                          There will be many trials
                              and there will be much suffering
                              and the more you learn to pray,
                              the more you will have peace in your heart
                              and true joy in the time of great suffering
                              and trial.
                          And you will not be afraid,
                              for you will know Me
                              and you will know truth in your heart,
                              and you will have peace.
                          You will be filled with My love.
                          You will have strength and be empowered.

                          When others may seem as if they are crumbling
                              before you, your strength will be in Me,
                              for I give you My strength,
                              and you can count on My might,
                              and I will live deeply in your heart,

                          But you must give Me
                             yourselves in consecration,
                              and you cannot be afraid,
                                  for I am with you.

                          I am with you, and I love you so.
                              I love you, I love you, I love you.

                          But you must be strong and not be afraid,
                              and you must realize that it is for love
                              that you live, and many times the devil
                              may get you caught up in little things,

                              But you must remember My way is peace,
                                  My way is truth,
                                  My way is harmony,
                                  My way is love.   

                          Pray the Holy Spirit prayers everyday
                              if you can,
                              for help
                              in so many ways.



Excerpt from October 5, 2001 Live Rosary continues

Jesus speaks:   They will help you,
                              and I will draw you closer to My Heart
                              the more you pray the prayers
                              in the Prayer Manual
                              given to your founder, Father Carter.



Excerpt from October 5, 2001 Live Rosary continues

Jesus speaks:   Oh, I love you so.                         

                          You cannot be afraid,
                              you are My soldier.

                          How would it look for the soldier
                              to lay flat on the ground
                              in the midst of battle?

                          And who will My soldiers be
                              if you lay flat and hide behind the bush
                              when the enemy attacks?

                          But you can be a strong soldier,
                              for your strength comes from within,
                              and it is rooted in Me.

                          I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,
                              and the more you dwell in My Heart,
                              it is there that you will find the true treasures
                              that you seek, that you will be saturated
                              with My love, that you will know peace.

                              And so you must see yourself
                                  as a peaceful person,
                                  because your life is rooted
                                  in Me.

                          You must pray the mysteries of the rosary
                              that you will know more and more My love,
                              that you will be filled with love and be
                              strengthened and empowered
                              to do the tasks that are at hand,
                              those of teaching the world to pray,
                              of being an intercessor,
                              praying through the intercession
                              of Our Lady of Clearwater
                              and your founder, Father Carter,
                              the angels and the saints.

                          Will you pray?
                          Will you be strong?
                          Will you focus on My might?
                          Will you meditate on My life? 
                          Will you think of My undaunted love for you?

                             LOVE for YOU.

                          How I love you so.

                          Think of thatthe Son of God
                              loved YOU so
                              that He died for you.



Excerpt from October 5, 2001 Live Rosary continues

Jesus speaks:   Think of that
                              that God died for you.

                          Look at Me on the cross.
                              See My face.

                          I love you so.

                          I love you, I love you, I love you.

                              I am Jesus, your Savior.

                          And My Mother gives to you
                              the videos to circulate to all
                              that they will see the image in Florida
                              and know how truly close We are to them.

                          Will you help, My child?
                          Will you lay down your life for the flock
                              everyday in the morning offering?
                          Will you live the life of consecration?
                          Will you tell others to offer up their days
                              as a sacrifice united to the Mass?

                          I am Jesus, I am the Light of the world.

                          And the light shone in the darkness.

                          Today, I give you this light.
                              A light, to light your heart,
                                  on-fire with the fire of My love.

                          I am Jesus, the Almighty God,
                              come to Me all you who labor
                              and are burdened
                              and I will refresh you.




October 10, 2001 message continues

Messenger:           The message from yesterday is very
                                    important so we put it here again.




October 9, 2001

Messenger:        Jesus I love You so much.

                            Jesus I love You so much.

                            Jesus I love You so much.

Jesus speaks:      Rita, the power is in the Eucharist.

                            You love to see others praying for the priests,
                                the Church and the world.

                            I love to see you praying.

                            I love to see you doing all your activities united
                                to Me.

                            The gentle touches of one in love, the
                                gentle touches of a mother or father
                                    for their child,
                                the sweet dew on the most delicate flower,
                                the peace that soft music brings,
                                the excitement of a son for a special event,
                                the love of men for their God, worshipping
                                    and honoring God with reverence and
                                    obedience to God's law,
                                I love to see these things.

                            I love to see the children at play,
                                playing gentle games of love,
                                running in the meadow with joy,
                                discovering a new street on their bicycle,

                                I love to see the love between husband
                                    and wife as they work together to
                                    raise their children, helping
                                    each other, loving each other,
                                    looking out for each other.

                                Your friends are gifts I give you,
                                    your policemen, the lawmen, the
                                    lawyer, your banker,... 

                                    the priest that consecrates the
                                        bread and wine into My Body and My Blood,

                                    I love to see harmony,

                                    I want a nation to pray for peace,
                                    I want men to work together to bring love to the land

                                    I want families to help each other to do God's will,

                                    I want you all to see yourselves as one holy, happy
                                        family of the Father where fathers of families
                                        teach the children about God and realize
                                        they are acting in God's name.

                                    I want people in authority to realize that they
                                        act in My Name to serve My people.

                                    I want to be the King and Center of all men's hearts.

                                    I want priests to act to serve Me.

                                    I do not want pride and men acting for their
                                        own selfish gain

                                    I want men that live to serve Me, the 

                                    I want men that give their lives to Me and
                                        live this life of Consecration

                                    There will be this great era of peace as
                                        Mary promised at Fatima

                                    You are now in the beginning stages
                                        of this mission

                                    You did not listen to her requests to pray 
                                        the rosary in 1917



Excerpt from The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje

by Father Carter, S.J.

October 13, 1917

    I am the Lady of the Rosary. I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and to ask pardon for their sins. They must not offend Our Lord any more, for He is already too grievously offended by the sins of men. People must say the Rosary. Let them continue saying it every day.(17)


17. For background material on Fatima, I am particularly indebted to 
    Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven
(Rockford: TAN 
    Books and Publishers, Inc., 1983). p.7.

end of excerpt from The Spirituality of Fatima



October 9, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:            Now today I come, Jesus Christ, Chief Shepherd
                                        of the Flock

                                     I come to address My People

                                    You must pledge your loyalty to your God

                                    You must love your God with your whole heart,
                                        your whole soul and your whole being

                                    You must love your neighbor as yourself

                                    This means, you lay down your lives praying
                                        for them, you offer your lives as 
                                        a sacrifice and you offer it as a 

                                    You love the souls and you want to help to
                                        save them and save your own

                                    You realize you are all brothers and 

                                    You want oneness amongst all My people

                                    And My Heart will Reign

                                    You are in the beginning stages of the great
                                        era of peace

                                    A nation that prays will stand



October 9, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:            A nation that has love and compassion
                                        in their hearts will win

                                    You must pray for all in authority

                                     Pray for leaders

                                     Pray for policemen, firemen,

                                    Pray for your priests

                                    Pray for your teachers

                                    Pray for mothers and fathers

                                    Pray for those broadcasting shows
                                        on television

                                Show My Mother's image on television and
                                    tell them about the image on radio,
                                    put the image in Newspapers and
                                    Magazines, help to circulate the
                                    image picture, use the ads



Excerpt from September 25, 2001 message

Messenger:      Here is a new ad.    

                            This can be put in the paper.
                            Jesus desires this.

                            It cannot be altered in any way.



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This cannot be altered in anyway.

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Messenger:  A shorter ad may be as follows.

This cannot be altered in anyway.

Advertisement #2

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Advertisement #3

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October 9, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:         Please put the big picture of Mary in your

                                Please help Me get My Priestly Newsletter
                                    Book II
to My Priests.

                                My apostles, you need to spend one hour
                                    daily in prayer, before the tabernacle
                                    if at all possible, go to daily Mass,

                                    the grace given will help you,
                                    it is so difficult to do what you are
                                    being asked to do as a Shepherds of
                                    Christ apostle, it will be more and more
                                    difficult for you to live as an apostle,
                                    if you do not do these two things.



October 9, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:         The prayers given in the Shepherds of Christ
will help you to grow in deeper intimacy  
                                    with Me. Your life will change when you
                                    pray them daily.
                                    I have attached great grace to them.

                                    As you pray them I will release special
                                        graces for the priests, the Church
                                        and the world.

                                    You will receive special lights of
                                        knowing God more deeply from
                                        praying the litanies.

                                    Oh My sweet Shepherds, My beloved
                                        people, I love you so much.



October 9, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:         A Shepherd is one who helps to lead
                                        the strayed sheep home.

                                    The home for My People is in My
                                        Eucharistic Heart, burning with
                                        the deepest love for men.

                                    My Heart is a Heart on FIRE for love of them,
                                    The embers of My Heart glow a golden,
                                        white light you cannot even fathom

                                    It comes from the fire of My love.

                                    Be at peace, love one another as brothers and
                                        sisters, help each other.

                                    This is what I want to see

                                    A nation united in prayer
                                        giving their heart to Me as their King.

                                        Little babies will find comfort
                                            knowing about God.

                                        Teach them at an early age to pray.
                                        Teach them about Me, tell them
                                            how much Jesus loves them.

                                        Tell your children about God.

                                        Tell your children about Mary your

                                        It is so sad to Me that Mary appears,
                                            she has appeared for 5 years and
                                            you do not recognize her on the
                                            building or even that this is
                                            a great gift.

                                        I want My rosary books given for Christmas

                                        In this month of the rosary circulate the 
                                            rosary coloring books.
                                            No person has even offered to help finance
                                                these sweet coloring books, books
                                                of love from the Hearts of Jesus
                                                and Mary.

                                        All the money in the world.

                                        When will you believe the message of
                                            your Mother at Fatima and
                                            observe it.

Messenger:            Here is a picture from the coloring book and




October 9, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:         The Mass video is very important.
                                Circulate this to nursing home and
                                    homebound people.

Mary speaks:         Please circulate My videos from the
                                    nursing homes to all.
                                (The third video is finished and the sound is
                                        so good)

                                Little babies listen.
                                I want all to see My image.

                                I want you to do as I asked for
                                    at Fatima, this will
                                    help to bring peace when
                                    families and individuals
                                    pray the rosary.



October 9, 2001 message continues

Mary speaks:         The days of October 11, 12, 13, 14 will
                                    be days of deep prayer for the
                                    Church and the world and
                                    the priests.

                                The deepest concentration of prayer
                                    being October 12th and 13th.

                                Stay united in prayer.

                                Live rosaries can be broadcasted

                                    In these rosaries there is prayer,
                                    songs and praying deeply for the
                                        priests, the Church and the

                                It can only be broadcasted when approved
                                    by Shepherds of Christ with an apostle

                                    Live rosaries are not to be taped.

                                All gathered are praying fervently for the priests
                                    the Church and the world united as a body,
                                    united in their hearts to the Holy Sacrifice of
                                    the Mass going on around the world.

                                All materials published are discerned
                                    very carefully by a Catholic priest.





The pictures from October 5, 2001

pictures during the prayer service and rosary



October 9, 2001 message continues

Messenger:  This is how Jesus looked during 
                        the message at the end of the rosary.

                      Mostly what showed during the 
                        message was Jesus' face.


end of October 9, 2001 message



October 10, 2001 message continues

Messenger:           Notice in the pictures of September 5, and
                                    July 5 how there is a little light that
                                    looks like a fire in the bottom left window.

                              It has been there. It starts out little
                                    and the gold comes from there and
                                    spreads upward over Jesus' face.

                              It got really big last month at the
                                    end of the rosary.

                              The window was so dark, I could see Jesus

                                    faintly and then not see Mary at all.

                                    The fire was bigger and bigger in that

                                    corner. It ended looking like a perfect


                                    On October 5, 2001, the light was little
                              and moved to the center bottom window.

                              After months of it being in the far left bottom
                                    picture, it moved to the center
                                    bottom pictures.

                              Here are pictures and dates when they appeared.

                              In the early pictures the light wasn't
                                    there at all.


May 5, 2001 June 5, 2001 July 5, 2001


August 5, 2001 September 5, 2001 October 5, 2001


October 10, 2001 message continues

Messenger:           It is a special time for us celebrating the
                                    84th anniversary of Our Lady's
                                    appearance at Fatima October 13, 1917.

                              We will be praying so fervently for the

                                    priests, the Church and the world-

                                    tomorrow at 3:45 until about 7:30,

                                    Friday we will have Mass at 12:00

                                    noon and prayers at 6:20 followed

                                    by the renewal of the commitment of

                                    apostles, servants and handmaids.

                                    Saturday is the important day beginning

                                    at 12:00 noon China Time and the

                                    prayers and rosary are said.

                                    We have the Eucharist exposed from

                                    Friday after Mass until Sunday

                                    about 12:00 noon.

                                    Please pray with us for mercy and grace

                              for the world.

                                    Please pray with us united as

                                    a body, united to the Holy Sacrifice

                                    of the Mass for our world.

                                    This can be such a great opportunity

                              for grace to be released over this

                              special anniversary at Fatima.

                                    We must pray people listen to

                              the message of Mary and pray the


                                    With great joy we unite all day

                              in the morning offering and pray.

                                    God is so good to us.

                                    We are so blessed.

                                    God gives us His grace.

                              Let our hearts be filled with joy

                                    and thanksgiving and hope.

                              The prayer service will be broadcast

                                    in Florida 12:00 China time,

                                    1:00-Florida time on October 13, 2001.

                              Which will include the Mass at 1:00.

                                    Also on October 12, 2001, the Mass at 1:00, 

                                        will be broadcasted in Florida and

                                        the 6:20 prayers and apostle ceremony.

                              It is grace that will change men's 


                              We must pray.

                              Mary is appearing to tell us we must

                                    obey her message of Fatima.

                              We need to live the life of consecration.

                              Say "I give my heart to Jesus and Mary 
                                    with you in love."

                              Let our hearts be filled with hope.

                              God is with us and He is so good.

                              We must pray the rosary.

                              In meditating on the mysteries we

                                    see how much He loves us.

                              He loved us so much He came to this

                                    world a little baby and He

                                    gave His life for us dying on

                                    the cross.        

                              Oh Jesus help us to do what You have

                                    asked us to do to spread this

                                    Fatima mission.

                              Please outpour Your grace on the world.

                              Have mercy and forgive our sins.

                              Help us reach the nursing homes

                                    and the children.

                              Help us reach the priests.

                              Help us spread the prayers Jesus
                                    gave to us so people will

                                    pray for the priests, the

                                    Church and the world as

                                    Jesus told Fr. Carter.

                              Oh God we love You so much.

                                    Thank you.

                              Please bless us and help us.

                              Please outpour Your grace and

                                    grant us Your mercy.


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All scripture quotes are from the New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
October 10, 2001
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