Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding
these messages |
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October 12th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 1 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries for October 12th are Luminous.
Pray for Jim who had heart surgery.
The Retreat will begin at 9:00 China time
On Sunday it will begin at 1:00 China time
October retreat will be
a special Fatima retreat -
October 16th is the
feast of St. Margaret Mary
The retreat will begin
October 13th until October 17th
and the retreat will be an extra day,
October 17th
due to the Fatima nature.
Pray for urgent intention and all involved.
October 11, 2005
11 Years Ago
From God's Blue Book 5
October 11, 1994
Surrender to Me
I call you to love. I call you to love as I have loved. To grow in the life I have given you, you must be open to receive My grace and you must comply with the will of the Father.I pour out to you such gifts of My love. I want to share My life with you. I love you so dearly. Each one of you here is so precious to Me.
Know that I never leave you. satan will constantly tell you that what you feel when you are close to Me is not so. What you feel, this drawing to be ever closer to Me, is real!
I am Jesus, your Savor. I truly died for you. I would die for you this very day. I gave My flesh! I gave My Blood! I give Myself to you - no less present this day as the day I died on the cross.
I am Jesus. I am your Savior. I am in your midst this very day. I come to you and ask you to trust in Me. I ask you to surrender yourselves entirely. Surrender yourselves entirely to the Father at every Mass. Offer yourselves with My precious Body and Blood to the Father.
My song,
A Song From Jesus was given 4 days before this message.
A Song From JesusMessenger:
Hold not back. He loves you so much. He created you. He molded each of you as a special work of art into the beautiful creation you each are. There is not another person like you. There is not another person that can love God as you do. There is not another person that can give to this world what He created you to do. If you hold back yourself, your love from Him and this world, the world will suffer from the loss of your gifts.Jesus:
You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill will shine with the light of God's love through you. You will reflect the love of My burning Heart from your being.Song: Let your light shine for all the world to see. All will see the good you do and give your Father praise.
October 11, 1994
Take Shelter from the Rain in My Heart
Messenger: I saw a vision in my heart of a little wet child standing by a tree in the storm in a dark night. Just a little light, enough to see the child.)Jesus:
You are this little child. You are in the storm. The wind and the rain are beating down on you. You are cold. You are wet, as wet as you can be. You stand by a tree and the wind beats against you and the rain pounds harder.My child, My child, there is such shelter in My most Sacred Heart. Come into My Heart, child. You will be protected from the wind that blows so hard on you. You will be out of the rain. It may pound down all around you, but your refuge is found in My Heart. My Heart is a burning furnace of love. See yourself, little child, stand by the tree and whimper and you want to go it alone? Let My Mother lead you by the hand. You, little child, come with Mary, your Mother. Let her take you to the shelter of My Heart.
John 14:6
I am the Way; I am Truth and Life....
There is not life without Me. My life I give to you that you will have life and have it abundantly. Today I give you My very own Heart on fire for love of you. Come to Me through Mary's pure and tender Heart. We will shelter you in the darkest storm.
When I am filled up with Your love, Lord, I do not whimper as a little child. I am filled with love and peace and joy. Take me, Mary, to the Heart of your very dear Son and place me there forever in a little pocket surrounded by His ardent love. I want to be lost deeply in the recesses of this Heart. How deep do you place me in His Heart? I want to be surrounded by the immense love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and know, Mary, you are so closely united in this Heart!This is the comfort in the dark, windy, wet night. This is my refuge. This is my life. This is the closest I can come to heaven on earth - to be united in such love with the Trinity and Mary!
Help me to let go of it all and come as a little child, running from the rain to the warmest shelter. A roaring fire, warmth, dry clothes and light - the light radiated by the Heart of Jesus. In the darkness I find my light in You. Alleluia. Praise God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Love to my beloved Mother. This is bliss.
Song: I am Your Sacred Heart
October 11, 1994
Father Forgive Them, They Know Not What They Do
When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, He fills you with the fire of God's love. Do not be angered at any man. To be angry destroys your peace, your love. You cannot love and be angry. Put your problems at the foot of the cross and offer them to the Father with My precious Body and Blood. Stand there with Mary. Offer up your troubles to the Father with love. Let Him dissolve your problems.Love mends. I loved those who crucified Me. Is your anger more justified? I loved them. Love is forgiveness and caring for the other. Forgive your brother. Pray for him and his needs.
It is in giving that we receive. We are raised to deeper life in Him. We must love God and love one another.Jesus:
Come to Me. Sit with Me in front of the tabernacle and let Me mend your hurt heart. Receive Me in the Eucharist and be healed. It is only in Me that you find peace, love and joy. I give you a new commandment — love one another as I have loved you. Do you fight with your brothers or do you think thoughts of how they have wronged you? Do you not hear Me say, "To enter heaven, you must love. Love God above all things and love your neighbors as yourself?"Oh, listen, My little ones. Peace in your heart is found only in love. Listen to Me. Pray for your brothers. Pray to the Father through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Pray to the Spirit to help you silence satan. Pray united to the Mass. Cast satan into hell, bind him up and send him away. Pray the rosary. It is a weapon against him. He hates the rosary. He will try to stop you from praying.
Your brothers need love. I want to love through you. Will you answer My call to love the unloving? Will you see beyond the exterior of your brother to the person created by God the Father?
Why, children, do I tell you over and over again? You are like little children that need to learn. I am your teacher. You are going to My school to learn My lessons of love. Are you realizing what I am calling you to? Do you try to act as I showed you? To My death, I loved those who crucified Me. I came, I showed you the way. Meditate on My life. It is through Me that you will be led to happiness.
I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life. I am Jesus, the Son of God. I love you with the deepest love. I came to call you to love your brothers. Will you answer My call?
Come to the endless furnace of love found in My Heart. I love you so much!
October 13 - October 17
Retreat is dedicated to the Rosary
October 14, 2005 Joyful
October 15, 2005 Light
October 16, 2005 Sorrowful
October 17, 2005 Glorious
Mass - October 13 - 12:00 noon China time
October 14 - 1:00 China time
October 15 - 12:00 noon China time
October 17 - 9:30 a.m. China time
Special day of prayer
October 17 also
please come -- Eucharist
exposed - Mass