October 11, 2012
October 12th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 2 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for October 12th are Sorrowful.
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October 11, 2012
R. The Christian life is centered
in Christ
Christian Existence!
God is the ultimate mystery —
Mystery means hidden —
Hidden in His interior life
unless He chooses to
reveal Himself
Excerpt from Response to God's Love by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.
... In reference to Christianity, God himself is the ultimate mystery. Radically, God is completely other and transcendent, hidden from man in his inner life, unless he chooses to reveal himself. Let us briefly look at this inner life of God.
The Father, in a perfect act of self-expression, in a perfect act of knowing, generates his son. The Son, the Word, is, then, the immanent expression of God's fullness, the reflection of the Father. Likewise, from all eternity, the Father and the Son bring forth the Holy Spirit in a perfect act of loving.
At the destined moment in human history, God's self-expression, the Word, immersed himself into man's world. God's inner self-expression now had also become God's outer self-expression. Consequently, the mystery of God becomes the mystery of Christ. In Christ, God tells us about himself, about his inner life, about his plan of creation and redemption. He tells us how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit desire to dwell within us in the most intimate fashion, how they wish to share with us their own life through grace. All this he has accomplished and does accomplish through Christ.
The Mystery of God becomes
the Mystery of Christ!
In Christ, God tells us about
Himself, about His inner
life, about the plan of
creation and redemption —
Father, Son and Holy Spirit want to
dwell in us in intimate fashion
The Eucharist is the most
intimate act when
God gives Himself to man.
God gives us a sharing in
His Divine life in
Through Christ we share
in God's life —
The life of grace and we say
Through Him, With Him and In Him
We offer ourselves united
to Jesus to the Father —
in the Holy Spirit
Paul says:
This mystery is shared with
us His holy ones —
Hidden from generations
past —
Our Hope of Gory —
As we share in the Mystery of
Christ — it is our hope
of Glory —
The Mystery of the Christian life
is rooted in the Incarnation —
The Mystery of His Life in us
is summed up in Christ.
The inner life of God becomes
the outer life of God in
The Mystery of Christ IN us
The Christian life is rooted in
the Incarnation
Everything the Father wishes
to tell us is summed up
in the life of Jesus of Nazareth.
Hebrews 1: 1-6
At many moments in the past and by many means, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets; but in our time, the final days, he has spoken to us in the person of his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things and through whom he made the ages. He is the reflection of God's glory and bears the impress of God's own being, sustaining all things by his powerful command; and now that he has purged sins away, he has taken his seat at the right hand of the divine Majesty on high. So he is now as far above the angels as the title which he has inherited is higher than their own name.
To which of the angels, then, has God ever said:
You are my Son, today I have fathered you,
I shall be a father to him and he a son to me?
Again, when he brings the First-born into the world, he says:
Let all the angels of God pay him homage.
He would (1) Release us from the dominion
of sin
(2) Elevate us to a new
level of existence
Grace permeates Nature
The Christian is meant to be an
expression of the Christ-life.
Christ has come to perfect
the human nature and
lead it to graced fulfillment.
We can be perfected in Christ more
and more or
we can go with our wounded
human nature with bad
habits and do ill deeds.
We can give in with our will to do
the evil thing —
Or we choose, with God's
grace to do good.
We can use sex righteously or
we can be perverted to grossness.
We can desire perfection in Christ
or we can turn ourselves
into rebelling in evil ways
against God who created us
in His image and likeness.
God gives us a free will —
Sing: Choose Life
Deuteronomy 30: 19-20
Today, I call heaven and earth to witness against you: I am offering you life or death, blessing or curse. Choose life, then, so that you and your descendants may live, in the love of Yahweh your God, obeying his voice, holding fast to him; for in this your life consists, and on this depends the length of time that you stay in the country which Yahweh swore to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that he would give them.’
We can give as God desires
doing His will — becoming
more and more holy, sanctified
or we can give into the tyrant
of the wounded human nature
that can see things exaggerated, with
distorted vision and sin against
Compulsive behavior is
1) we give into the temptation
2) we act on the temptation
3) it becomes a habit
As we act over and over
again the same evil way —
giving into the wounded human
nature we develop that habit.
We give into evil things, that can
become habitual
by repeated acts and act
in vices we have.
Our actions are based on good
habits —
tying one's shoes —
once we learn we do it
automatically —
We know words — we can read —
We know how to drive —
These are based on good habits —
We can use our habits also to do evil
things —
Where once we were disciplined
with eating, drinking —
we choose bad habits —
ie. alcoholism
We can become compulsive in
behavior —
drinking alcohol
using drugs
misusing our time
overworking —
Good acts help us to act
Faith, hope and love are
theological virtues —
Evil acts make vice
easier —
Christ has come to perfect the
human nature and lead
men in graced fulfillment
This is the meaning of Incarnation.
To put on Christ —
More God-like
We live IN Christ
We have been incorporated into
the mystery of Christ in
baptism —
The Mystery of Christ is
the Christ-event —
His life, death and resurrection
Life IN Him
The Pascal Mystery of Death and Resurrection
We die to those ways not
like Him
We rise IN Him
These events of Jesus' historical
existence endure eternally
in the glorified Christ.
The incarnation goes on
for all time —
We live out the mystery
of Christ in our lives.
His death and resurrection.
We make Christ (1) visible
(2) tangible
Christ is our source of
We, who have been baptized,
are the Body of Christ —
Romans 6: 3-11
You cannot have forgotten that all of us, when we were baptised into Christ Jesus, were baptised into his death. So by our baptism into his death we were buried with him, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father’s glorious power, we too should begin living a new life. If we have been joined to him by dying a death like his, so we shall be by a resurrection like his: realising that our former self was crucified with him, so that the self which belonged to sin should be destroyed and we should be freed from the slavery of sin. Someone who has died, of course, no longer has to answer for sin.
But we believe that, if we died with Christ, then we shall live with him too. We know that Christ has been raised from the dead and will never die again. Death has no power over him any more. For by dying, he is dead to sin once and for all, and now the life that he lives is life with God. In the same way, you must see yourselves as being dead to sin but alive for God in Christ Jesus.
We contact Christ in the
(1) In the Eucharist we become
more deeply incorporated
into Christ and His
(2) In the scripture
Not to know the Scripture
is to not know Christ
Jesus is the chief spokesman
for the Father —
Jesus offers Himself to
give life to the world.
Genesis 2: 18
Yahweh God said, "It is not right that the man should be alone. I shall make him a helper."
The bride of Adam came
from his side
The Bride, the Church,
comes from the
pierced side of Christ
water for baptism
blood for Eucharist
We offer ourselves interiorly
in the Mass —
our whole being
We want a perfected attitude —
Christ the Victim
We unite with a pure heart —
We make reparation — want
to come clean —
Admit our sins
Say we are sorry
Christ died for our sins
We say we are sorry!!
Christian life considered as
Response to God's Love
John 3: 16
For this is how God loved the world:
he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him
may not perish
but may have eternal life.
Jesus shows us His Heart as
symbol of His love
R. Our Response to God's Love
Matthew 22: 36-40
'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too.'
R. The 3 Loves
(1) Love of God
(2) Love of Others
(3) Love of Self
Genesis 1: 26-27
God said, ‘Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and let them be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven, the cattle, all the wild animals and all the creatures that creep along the ground.’
God created man in the image of himself,
in the image of God he created him,
male and female he created them.
1 John 4: 19-21
Let us love, then, because he first loved us. Anyone who says 'I love God' and hates his brother, is a liar, since whoever does not love the brother whom he can see cannot love God whom he has not seen. Indeed this is the commandment we have received from him, that whoever loves God, must also love his brother.
We are made in the image and
likeness of God —
All 3 loves go together
Our neighbor is made in
the image and likeness
of God
We are loved —
God first loved us
The more we are one in God
the more we share in
His capacity of loving.
We must see the person at
their core as
created by God —
The Christian life is
considered as a
participation in God's life.