Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing        

 October 13, 2021

October 14th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is 
Day 4 Period II.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries 
for October 14th are Sorrowful. 

Pray the Rosary for the World

Please Pray for Fr. Joe & Bob, Sanja

Prayer for Grace for our Country

Dear Father united to Jesus in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present, celebrated around the world, in the Holy Spirit. We offer up all we do united to the Mass. We unite in one mind and one heart as members of the mystical body of Christ, with Christ our head in the pure and holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, through the powerful intercession of Mary with all the angels and saints and souls in purgatory, and we beg for the saving grace, for our country, the United States. Please help us. We further pray for unity to always do the will of God in love. We spread the Blood of Jesus on the leaders and people of the United States and cast the devil into hell. We consecrate our country to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart and all our dioceses, and beg for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. God help us. We pray for our families, the priests, the Church and the world. In the Name of Jesus please hear us, we pray. We pray for our president and leaders. We pray that we are united as one nation under God to work together in love as God wants.  


October 12, 2021

R. Live in the moment.

We can only live one day at
at time –

    We worry so much about
things we may think may
happen because fear from
past experiences. We can
worry all day about what
will happen next. This robs
us of enjoying what IS going
on right this moment.

Only we can control what we
decide to think about –
pleasant things – worrying –
I have a duty, a talent, a
responsibility in my life -
incessant worrying stops
enjoyment of living right

Only I can control my thoughts.

    To grow, I cannot remain
the same. If I plant a seed
it takes a while for it to
take root and grow. It
needs water and sunlight.
In a message Jesus gave me
October 8, 1997 Jesus said "Seedless
Barren, no fruit on the vine."
I determine how and what
I think.

Dear God –

    Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.

R. I must choose to live in the
moment if I want peace.

From a Lenten Homily, March 24, 2000

Live in the Moment

    Today’s Gospel in its story certainly points ahead to Jesus in His Passion and death. And as we read passages such as this during the Lenten season, we are reminded once again that the Church in her Liturgy of the Word gives us an opportunity to undergo a purification, an ever deepening cleansing of ourselves so that we may be a more fit instrument for receiving the great graces which are to be given to us at the time of the Resurrection memorial on Easter. And so all in all, Lent is a time of purification to prepare us for ever-greater gifts of the Lord. It’s a time of self-discipline, a time to renew our efforts to be self-disciplined in the service of the Lord. Self-discipline is an aspect of purification. And I suggest that one of the most difficult acts of self-discipline in the spiritual journey is to concentrate on the present moment. We have a very strong tendency to disregard the importance of the present moment by focusing in a wrong way on the past or in a wrong way on the future. There are proper occasions for thinking of the past and the future. For example, we have to learn from the past and we have to prepare for the future, but our great emphasis has to be upon the present. There is a Latin axiom which says, age quod agis, age quod agis, which means: do what you are doing, concentrate on the present. And of course we are familiar with that term in the history of spirituality: the sacrament of the present moment. And so the discipline of Lent certainly encourages us to include in a deeper self-discipline a greater determination to get as much as we can out of the present moment. People with a terminal illness have an opportunity as they prepare for death for increased prayer, contrition, love of God. However, some are taken very, very quickly. But for those who have the opportunity of knowing with some certainty the time of their death, I’m sure as they look back on their lives, they are saddened by the many times they did not use time and opportunities for the service of the Lord properly, and are overjoyed at those times in which they did use the present opportunity properly. A great means we have of living in the present properly is a greater focus upon our Lord. For if I have that awareness of the fact I am united with Jesus here and now, why should I be concerned so much about the future or the past? Yes, a great help in living in the present and deriving all the good we can from it for ourselves and others is an ever greater focus upon Jesus, because the more I focus upon Jesus and the more I live with Him in the present moment, the more I am satisfied with the present moment. And so let us in our Lenten activity resolve to grow in that self-discipline - which is very difficult at times - to really live in the presence with the fullness of our being as much as is possible, with the help of God’s grace. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the day of salvation.   end of Father Carter's homily


Song: Live This Day

R. Only God knows the future.
We can think positively or

We can live to unite and
    enjoy the company of
    our family, friends –
    it's an attitude ...

We will not do our duty,
    if we keep spinning
    our wheels focused
    on past dysfunction
    all day.

I can choose to have a nice day.

Who controls my thoughts?

Dear God,

    Please give me the
grace I need most today.
I pray to the Father in the Holy Spirit,
in the name of Jesus,
with Mary at my side.
I love You God: Father, Son
and Holy Spirit.
I love you Mary, my beloved Mother.

God is the best parent.
Let go and Let God.


Glorious Mysteries

The Resurrection

1) Matthew 28: 1-10

The empty tomb. The angel's message

After the Sabbath, and towards dawn on the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala and the other Mary went to visit the sepulchre. And suddenly there was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord, descending from heaven, came and rolled away the stone and sat on it. His face was like lightning, his robe white as snow. The guards were so shaken by fear of him that they were like dead men. But the angel spoke; and he said to the women, ‘There is no need for you to be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said he would. Come and see the place where he lay, then go quickly and tell his disciples, "He has risen from the dead and now he is going ahead of you to Galilee; that is where you will see him." Look! I have told you.’ Filled with awe and great joy the women came quickly away from the tomb and ran to tell his disciples.

Appearance to the women

And suddenly, coming to meet them, was Jesus. ‘Greetings,’ he said. And the women came up to him and, clasping his feet, they did him homage. Then Jesus said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers that they must leave for Galilee; there they will see me.’

2) When we are baptized we are
    incorporated into Christ's
    pascal mystery of death and

3) Romans 6: 3-4

You cannot have forgotten that all of us, when we were baptised into Christ Jesus, were baptised into his death. So by our baptism into his death we were buried with him, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father’s glorious power, we too should begin living a new life.

4) We continually die in Christ
    so we can continually
    rise in Him.

5) Our participation in Christ's
    resurrection will reach it's
    completion only in eternal

6) We begin the life of resurrection
    here upon earth, in the here
    and now of human life,
    in the midst of joy and pain.

7) Dying to the defects of character
    in myself is important to
    live the life of resurrection
    in our lives.

8) Live a life of being lifted
    up and leaving others
    where we light a
    candle in the lives of
    others we touch.

9) Co-operate with our
    brothers in love –
    strive for unity – not
    selfish – self-promotion.

10) Dear God help me to live
    more and more the life of
    resurrection in my life
    dying to the ways, not like you.


The Ascension

1) Jesus: I'm alive, I'm alive,
    I'm alive –
    Some treat Me as a
        dead object.

2) Acts 1: 6-11

Now having met together, they asked him, 'Lord, has the time come for you to restore the kingdom to Israel?' He replied, 'It is not for you to know times or dates that the Father has decided by his own authority, but you will receive the power of the Holy Spirit which will come on you, and then you will be my witnesses not only in Jerusalem but throughout Judaea and Samaria, and indeed to earth's remotest end.'

As he said this he was lifted up while they looked on, and a cloud took him from their sight.
They were still staring into the sky as he went, when suddenly two men in white were standing beside them, and they said, ‘Why are you Galileans standing here looking into the sky? This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will come back in the same way as you have seen him go to heaven.’

3) The devil wants to tear
    apart, divide the house,
    take people down.

4) God, we pray for new light in
    our lives, to help us be
    lifted up and live in holiness.

5) Praise God, Praise Father, Son and
    Holy Spirit. We love You, God. We
    sing Your praise.

6) Song: Teach Me to Love with Your Heart

7) Song: Little Child

8) Song: God's Love

9) Song: Come to My Heart

10) Let go – Let go –
        Let go - surrender.

    Sing: Glory, Glory, Glory Lord


The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles

1)  Acts 2: 1-4

When Pentecost day came round, they had all met together, when suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of a violent wind which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and there appeared to them tongues as of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak different languages as the Spirit gave them power to express themselves. 

2) Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus

3) Sing: Pentecost Sequence

4) Sing: Come Holy Ghost

5) Sing: Come Holy Spirit

6) Mass Book - December 29, 1995


Written at 3:45 p.m. at Holy Cross-Immaculata Church:

I now know how I can dwell in her heart. It was in this moment I experienced eternity. The embrace of the divine love of God. I was enclosed in the heart of my loving Mother.

I experience the presence of the Father.

The Holy Spirit is so alive in this action, filling me with the fire of God's love, sanctifying me. The more I am made holy, the more I unite to Jesus and the Father.

It is the breath of His divine love, acting on me. He breathed His love into my soul, and my soul was made clean. I was purified more and more in the heart of my loving Mother. I go more and more deeply into the endless cavern of the fire of God's love. It is the Heart of Jesus, the great abyss of love, an abyss that is endless. It is there, I unite deeply to the Father and all at once. I experience the presence of God as I exist in the heart of Mary. I am in God and in Mary's heart, but there are no lines, no beginnings, no endings. The action is all at once, simultaneously. It is the state of being in God, in the heart of Mary. There is nothing but a feeling of presence, a completeness, a fullness, to embrace love itself and have no fear.

On December 13th, He plunged me into the deepest sufferings of Their Hearts for the injustices done to children and the pain suffered from the neglect and sins of the religious. Then, two days later, He took me to the great abyss of His love. I existed in Him, and I touched eternity.

This is the love He wants to share with us. He loves the religious with the deepest love. This is what wounded His Heart so much during His Passion. When we love another so much, our heart is wounded the most by that person's indifference.

I will forever see the fiery abyss of His love and dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. This is our little heaven on earth.

The Kingdom of God is within us. We go to our interior dwelling place, and we dwell in the endless abyss of the love of God.

In the deepest chamber I am embraced by the Almighty God, and there is no fear, for in that moment, I am united with Love itself.

Mary is, indeed, the vehicle. Her heart - the way we go to the deepest chambers is through her pure and tender heart.

The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are our gateway to heaven on earth.

7) Acceptance to the will
    of God is essential
    to our lives.

    The Holy Spirit inspires our
        hearts to know God's

8) From the Prayer Manual

Prayer for Holy Spirit

We pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on us, to be baptized by the Holy Spirit, that He will descend mightily on us as He did on the Apostles at Pentecost. That the Holy Spirit will transform us from fear to fearlessness and that He will give us courage to do all the Father is asking of us to help bring about the Reign of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart. We pray for the Holy Spirit to descend mightily on the Jesuits and the Poor Clares on the Shepherds of Christ leaders and members and on the whole Body of Christ and the world.

9) Mass Book - October 23, 1995


We must pray with the heart, pray in one heart - Sing "Come Holy Ghost".

The Holy Spirit is the love of the Father and the Son.

The Holy Spirit is the gift - God's gift to us.

He is the dispenser of every grace.

The Holy Spirit is a Paraclete and advocate. He is our Helper, Counselor, Consoler, Comforter, Guide, and Friend.

"…the Fathers of the Church liken the Holy Ghost to an artist who works to bring out the full beauty of God's image on the canvas of the individual soul by the brush-strokes of grace."42

Christ is the Head of the Mystical Body.

We are given the Holy Spirit at Baptism and increasingly so at Confirmation. He is present in a special way in a soul in sanctifying grace.

The Apostles saw all the miracles performed by Christ, but they wanted the first seats. They were changed when the Holy Spirit descended on them in the upper room.

Peter told Jesus he would be with Him, yet he denied Him three times. Jesus is love. Someone didn't obey Jesus, and James and John thought He should bring fire on them. Jesus said He came not to destroy, but to save. Peter, James, and John saw the transfiguration yet they slept in the garden. When they came to apprehend Jesus, the Apostles ran away in fear. After the Resurrection, the Apostles were afraid. They shut themselves off in fear. The Holy Spirit descended upon them, and they were changed from fear to fearlessness. They were new men. Thousands were converted and baptized. The Holy Spirit worked in the Apostles. We must open ourselves to the Spirit and allow Him to work in us. We must let go and let God do the work through us. Spirit, come and work in us.

10) Mass Book - October 24, 1995


I am composed of body and soul. Let us go within ourselves and focus on our graced soul. Man was created with a mortal body and an immortal soul.

Let me see within myself the great gift I am given, a divine soul. Let me join with God in my spirit, forget all that is pressing on my mind, and experience the presence of the Almighty God within me.

Let me realize more the great gifts given to me. God shares His divine life with me. Let me feel such dignity and honor within myself that I have been created in the image and likeness of God.

Let the Spirit move within me to mold me more and more into a likeness of God. As the Spirit formed Jesus in the womb of Mary, let the Spirit form me in the spiritual womb of my Mother more into the image and likeness of God.

God sent His only Son that I would be saved and share in this life. God took the nature of a man. I can communicate with God. He took on flesh, conceived in the spotless womb of Mary. God enters this world in a mortal body, but death has no power over Him. Jesus showed us that on the third day, even though He was crucified and died, even though He was locked in the tomb for three days, that He rose to new life on the third day!

We, too, have a body that is mortal, that will die and be buried, but our life continues. We have an immortal soul. Our soul will never die.

All through the day, we suffer so many little deaths in our lives, but our strength lies in connecting to our spirit. Death has no power over Jesus. Death has no power over me. My body may be burned, I may be handed over, whipped and scourged, as they did to Jesus, but no one can ever kill my soul. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit live in me. Why do I fret and fume when I realize that the Almighty God lives in me!

I pray to the Spirit to enlighten me to know God. My heart sings for, even when I am pressed on, I feel the burning love of God radiating in my weak body. I pray that I will never offend my God. I love Him so much!

I have, within myself, the Almighty God. That which I crave is the Almighty God. I know this presence within. I possess the true treasure! I pray to the Spirit to help me to realize more and more the Almighty God alive within me.

Sin takes us away from God. My biggest fear is that I lose my God through sin. I pray for the grace to resist temptation to sin. I beg God for grace. I long. I thirst. I want to be saturated with His divine life.


The Assumption of Mary

1) Sing: Immaculate Mary

2) Mary is our Mother –
    She was taken body and
    soul to heaven.
    Mary loves us so much.

3) Mary has powerful

4) Mary spreads her mantle
    over us.
    Mary crushes the head of satan.

5) Genesis 3: 15

...I shall put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
it will bruise your head
and you will strike its heel.'

6) Mary's Immaculate Heart is her spiritual
    womb –
    We go to the Heart of Mary,
    the Holy Spirit molds us more and
    more in Jesus' image
    and likeness.

7) The 5 Blasphemies against
    Mary are:

They are against her Immaculate Conception, against her virginity, against her as the Mother of God, against her images and statues, against her as mother of her children.

8) Mary was conceived
    without sin –
    I do the rosaries on
    the 5ths because of
    the 5 wounds of Christ and
    5 blasphemies against Mary.

9) Mass Book December 5, 1995

Mary Our Mother excerpt

    Mary knows the great gift given from God to His creatures. She is our spiritual Mother. She experiences the pain of her lost children. She sees before her, her Son covered with blood.

10) Excerpt from January 18, 1997      

God the Father: ... I warn you through My beloved daughter, Mary. You did not heed her warnings. Disobedience against the Mother I gave you displeases Me greatly. Mary is the Mother of all children. Mary is a gift from Me, but you are willful and abuse the gift I send you.

You do not make reparation to her Immaculate Heart; you continue to offend her. I will not tolerate the deeds of evil men any longer...


Mary Queen of Heaven and Earth

1) Mary is Queen –

    From Mass Book  - December 5, 1995  Mary Our Mother excerpt

Mary says it is because of pride they do not accept her. It is because of pride, some think Mary cannot be any higher than them. They do not recognize election.

2) Sing: Hail Holy Queen

3) From Mass Book  - December 5, 1995 excerpt

We reach a deeper level in the spiritual life only in the heart of Mary. It is His will. She was chosen, sinless, the spouse of the Holy Spirit, and the Mother of God.

4) From Mass Book  - December 5, 1995 excerpt

We can only go to the deepest chambers of the Heart of Christ through the pure and sinless heart of Mary. We are sinners. She is immaculate.

Besides the messages associated with the major Fatima apparitions, there were other revelations given by Our Lady. Before Jacinta died, she told of other messages given her [during her illness] by Mary:

"Tell them to ask grace from her, and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary…"47

This last message offers us an excellent opportunity to summarize the Fatima message. It tells us "that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary."48

47. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op. cit., pp. 9-10.
The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, op. cit., pp. 17-18.

5) From Mass Book  - December 5, 1995 excerpt

Deep spiritual maturity cannot be achieved without going through the heart of Mary. Jesus came into the world in Mary's womb.

6) From Mass Book  - December 5, 1995 excerpt

This is the Father's will: for His Son to come into this world, for His Son to be formed in her womb. God wants us to be formed more and more into the image and likeness of Jesus in the spiritual womb of Mary. Jesus wants us to grow in Mary's heart through the Holy Spirit to deepest maturity.

7) From Mass Book  - December 5, 1995 excerpt

Many, in their willfulness and pride, deny the Mother of God, her Immaculate Conception, and the virgin birth. It is pride, for they do not want to recognize how much God loves Mary. They are proud and/or ignorant and will not recognize another creature higher than they are.

8) From Mass Book  - December 5, 1995 excerpt

This is how it is: the Child Jesus, God-made-Man, was conceived in the womb of Mary. He was formed in her womb. To reach higher levels of spiritual maturity, we must dwell in the heart of Mary. We are formed there through the power of the Holy Spirit to be more like Jesus. We achieve depth in our relationship with God through Mary.

9) From Mass Book  - December 5, 1995 excerpt

"And Mary said: 'My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord" (Lk. 1:46) All of us children unite in the heart of Mary. I see such oneness between all of us as we join in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We unite in the heart of Mary. She places us in the Heart of Jesus. There we are united with all Mary's children. He is the Light of the World. His Heart burns - a yellow glow with hot embers. Many are the children of the light. Mary is our Mother. She is calling us to be children of the light. She is Our Lady of Light.

10) From Mass Book  - December 5, 1995 excerpt

It starts with you and me and with all His holy priests. As we consecrate our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we are one in Their Hearts. I give Jesus and Mary my heart, you give them your heart, we are one in Their Hearts. As the Shepherds of Christ Movement spreads throughout the world, we become one with each other as we give our hearts to Jesus and Mary. There will be one flock and one Shepherd. Father Carter is reaching the priests with the consecration in the priestly newsletter. He is reaching the sisters and religious with the consecration in the religious newsletter. He is reaching the lay people with the Shepherds of Christ Associates prayer chapters for adults and youth centered in consecration of our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.



Shepherds of Christ Book Store
Books written by the cofounder of Shepherds of Christ Ministries
Rita Ring
Mass Book
A Journey Into the Heart of Jesus - Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 12.00

  Mass Book, by Rita Ring: Many of the entries in the Priestly Newsletter Volume II from a spiritual journal came from this book. These entries
  are to help people to be more deeply united to God in the Mass. This book is available in English and Spanish with the Church’s


Rosary Meditations for Parents and Children
From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 10.00

  Rosary Meditations for Parents and Children, by Rita Ring, Short Meditations for both parents and children to be used when praying the
  rosary. These meditations will help all to know the lives of Jesus and Mary alive in their Hearts. Available in both English and Spanish with
  the Church’s

God's Blue Book 4
The Love of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Author: Rita Ring
$ 5.00

God's Blue Book IV by Rita Ring. This book is about the love Jesus has for Mary and Mary has for Jesus and Jesus and Mary have for us    It is truly the Love of the Two Hearts. Mary appeared every day at the Holy Spirit Center    Fr. Carter was there. Mary's first apparition July 5, 1994. $5

God's Blue Book 5
So Deep Is the Love of His Heart. Author: Rita Ring.
$ 5.00

God's Blue Book V by Rita Ring. Jesus wants to be the bridegroom of our soul    He is our beloved    Jesus tells us about pure love    how we are to be pure of heart and love God and love others. It is a must, to hear about love from Jesus    Jesus is love    $5

God's Blue Book 6A
He Calls Us to Action Author: Rita Ring.
$ 5.00

God's Blue Book 6A by Rita Ring. Rosaries from Their Hearts during apparitions. Jesus and Mary appeared every day and I received rosaries from Them and They were transcribed from a tape. Also messages of love from Jesus on days of January, 1995    About Baptism    writings from Fr. Carter and the Scriptures. $10

God's Blue Book 6B
He Calls Us to Action - The Sixth Book, Part B Author: Rita Ring.
$ 5.00

God's Blue Book 6B by Rita Ring. Jesus and Mary appeared every day in February, 1995    So beautiful    transcribed from a tape    the Stations, 7 Sorrows, prayers in the Prayer Manual, the Holy Spirit Novena Book and the Song Book. Pure love    loving and forgiving    a book about Jesus' love, baptism, grace and Fr. Carter's Newsletter. $10

God's Blue Book 6C
He Calls Us to Action - The Sixth Book, Part C Author: Rita Ring.
$ 5.00
God's Blue Book 7
Intimacy with God by Rita Ring
$ 5.00
God's Blue Book 8
See thru the Eyes of Mary. Author: Rita Ring and Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 5.00
God's Blue Book 9
The Mass and the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
$ 5.00
God's Blue Book 10
God's Blue Book 10 - This is My Body
$ 5.00
God's Blue Book 11
God's Blue Book 11 - Showers of His Grace
$ 5.00
God's Blue Book 12
Solidarity In Chirst
$ 5.00
God's Blue Book 13
$ 5.00
God's Blue Book 14
God the Father Speaks After Clearwater
$ 5.00
God's Blue Book 15
$ 5.00
Blue Book 16
Mary Mother of the Eucharist
$ 5.00
Apostle's Manual
Shepherds of Christ Overview: Very carefully discerned by Fr. Edward J. Carter S. J.
$ 20.00

Apostles Manual. About the Movement — the structure of the Movement    All Ministries — from the time 3 months before Mary appeared in Clearwater and 3 months after. Rosaries of the 13ths, Fr. Carter's Newsletters. Messages from God the Father    Reaching the priests, the Church, the schools and the world. $20

Rosaries From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Volume I
Red Rosary Book - Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00

Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Book 1. Mary appeared in Clearwater December 17, 1996 in rainbow color and these rosaries left the printer the same day from Apparitions of Jesus and Mary    transcribed from a tape. $10

Blue Rosary Book
Rosaries From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Volume II
$ 12.00

Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Book 2. This is a book of so many rosaries — transcribed from a tape. So many beautiful rosaries.   pages  $12

Messages From Jesus
Messages From Jesus for the Ederly, Ill, and Homebound Given by Jesus to His Messenger - Author: Rita Ring Discerned by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00

Messages for the Elderly, Ill and Homebound. This is a big book of loving messages for nursing home people and homebound from Jesus and Mary    Their lives are so important    united to the Mass offering up their suffering, their lives for the souls of this earth. $10

Short Rosary Meditations for the Ederly, Ill, and Homebound
From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 10.00

Short Rosary Meditations for the Elderly, Ill and Homebound. This book is so important with pictures they can open it and lay it on their laps and pray the rosary. $10

Songs From Jesus
Given by Jesus to His Messenger Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 5.00

Songs from Jesus Songbook. These loving songs were given from Jesus. So beautiful    Love Songs from Jesus of His love — helping us have pure and loving hearts. $3

Daily Messages From Heaven
From the Florida Apparition Site Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00
Rosary Meditations for Little People and Elderly
Short Meditations for the Rosary
$ 3.00
Meditaciones del Rosario
para Pequenos y Ancianos
$ 10.00
Fr. Joe Robinson
Inspiring Homilist & Author
Fr. Joseph Robinson has dedicated his life to serving Christ and the Church for over 40 years.
Guiding Light - Bread of Life

Guiding Light - Bread of Life, Cycle A for 2019/2020
$ 10.00

Guiding Light - Walk in the Light

Guiding Light - Walk in the Light, Cycle C for 2018/2019
$ 10.00

Guiding Light - The Word Alive in Our Hearts

Guiding Light - The Word Alive in Our Hearts Cycle B 2017/2018


Guiding Light — The Word Alive in Our Hearts. Cycle B    Homilies by the Reverend Joe Robinson given at St. Boniface Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is a tremendous honor Fr. Joe has allowed us to share these great gifts with you – for greater holiness and knowing more and more about God. $10

Guiding Light - The Soul Who Could

Guiding Light - The Soul Who Could Cycle A 2016/2017


Guiding Light — The Soul Who Could. Cycle A    Homilies by the Reverend Joe Robinson given at St. Boniface Church in Cincinnati, Ohio.  $10

Guiding Light - Trust and Transform
Guiding Light - Trust and Transform, Cycle C for 2015/2016
$ 10.00
Guiding Light - By God Through Me
Guiding Light - By God Through Me, Cycle B for 2014/2015
$ 10.00
Guiding Light - Inspired To Be Genuine
Guiding Light - Inspired To Be Genuine, Cycle A for 2013/2014
$ 10.00
Guiding Light - Centered In Christ
Fr. Joe Robinson's latest homilies for Cycle C for 2012/2013.
$ 10.00
Guiding Light - Reflect on the Word
Inspiring Homilies Covering Cycle B of the Litugical Year (2011/2012)
$ 10.00

Guiding Light homily series — Reflect on the Word — Cycle B     The Word leaves an impression on our souls. In my thoughts and reflections are born a more tangible understanding of these eternal concepts presented in the Gospels and the readings. Anyone can read a sentence, but not anyone can absorb it's true meaning. Truth, in this day and age, is almost a matter of opinion or individual entitlement. We believe that Christ's truth is our Roman Catholic Church. We, as priests, champion it's teachings; we are ambassadors for the Pope and Christ to those faces looking at us. We are the light by which our congregation reads to reflect upon real truth and we do it hand in hand. $10

Guiding Light - Steadfast to the Son
Inspiring Homilies Covering Cycle A of the Litugical Year
$ 10.00

Guiding Light homily series — Steadfast to the Son — Cycle A    The sunflower is a great example of how we should be steadfastly guided by light. What a powerful thought that this exceptional plant is not stuck in one pose day in and day out, yet adaptable and magnetized to the sun. We feel the same about our Son. Our heads turns to face Christ as each day presents its challenges to find light. We join together like plants in a field and soak up the Son through the pulpit. We are a warm circle of strength using the wind of our breath to carry our priests' words, Christ's words, to new rich soil. $10

Guiding Light - Focusing on the Word
Inspiring Homilies Covering Cycle B of the Litugical Year
$ 10.00

Guiding Light — Focusing on the Word — Cycle B    At times we may feel that our path to Christ is a bit "out of focus". Like the disciples in the Book of Mark, this ordinary life clouds our vision of Christ's Divinity. We may doubt the practicality or possibility of applying His teachings and example to our modern life. Cycle B's homilies are a "guiding light" to help us realize Jesus' Messianic greatness and His promise of better things to come. $10

Guiding Light - Feed My Soul
Inspiring Homilies Covering Cycle C of the Litugical Year
$ 10.00

Guiding Light — Feed My Soul — Cycle C    In a world rapidly advancing and encouraging personal gain, we are faced with modern problems. There is a challenge to find time in our busy schedules for Sunday Mass or a family meal. We are able to research, shop, bank and even work without hearing one human voice. It is no wonder that we may often feel disconnected and famished at our week's end. In Fr. Joe's third book of homilies from Cycle C, we are reminded of the charity that Christ intended us to show each other. We have a calling to turn the other cheek and be the Good Samaritan to others. We are rewarded with the Father's kingdom and love when we are not worthy. We are not left alone or hungry. $10



Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.

Here are all the products in this category:

Books written by the founder of Shepherds of Christ Ministries

Response in Christ
Fr. Edward J. Carter gives to the modern Christian a message that will sustain him.
$ 10.00
Response to God's Love
...God Himself is the Ultimate Mystery
$ 10.00

Response to God’s Love by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J. In this book Fr. Carter speaks of God as the ultimate mystery. We can meditate on the interior life of the Trinity. Fr. Carter tells us about our uniqueness in the Father's Plan for us, how the individual Christian, the Church and the world are in the state of becoming. Imprimatur. $10

Shepherds of Christ Spirituality Newsletters 1
Selected Writings on Spirituality—for All People Editor: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 10.00

Shepherds of Christ — Selected Writings on Spirituality for all People as Published in Shepherds of Christ Newsletter for Priests. Contains 12 issues of the newsletter from July/August 1994 to May/June 1996. $15

Spirituality Newsletters 2
Selected Writings on Spirituality — for All People Editor: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 12.00

Shepherds of Christ — Volume 2: by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J. Contains issues 13—29 of the newsletter (September/October 1996 — Issue 5, 1999) $15

Shepherds of Christ Spirituality Newsletters 3
Selected Writings on Spirituality — for All People Editor: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00

Shepherds of Christ — Volume 3 by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J. Contains Newsletter Issues 1 through 4 of 2000 including Fr. Carter’s tremendous Overview of the Spiritual Life $10

Tell My People
Messages from Jesus and Mary Author: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimi Potest
$ 10.00

Tell My People. Messages from Jesus and Mary (As given to Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.)    One of Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.'s Synopsis of the Spiritual Life    From Jesus to Fr. Carter "On Holy Saturday, 1994, Jesus told me that on the following day, Easter, I would also begin to receive messages for others. Our Lord also told me that some of these were eventually to be published in a book  and here is that book." $10

Spirituality Handbook
Shepherds of Christ Associates Spirituality Handbook - A Way of Spiritual Life
Author: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimi Potest

$ 3.00

Spirituality Handbook. Fr. Edward Carter, S.J. did 3 synopsis of the spiritual life. The Spirituality Handbook, the Priestly Newsletter 20he Tell My People book. The way of spiritual life proposed to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates is centered in consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. All aspects of the spiritual life discussed below should be viewed as means to help members develop their lives in consecration to Christ, the Sacred Heart, and to Mary, the Immaculate Heart. $3

The Spirituality of Fatima
Fatima: The Setting, The Message, The Spirituality of Consecration
$ 5.00

The Spirituality of Fatima by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J. The Fatima apparitions and messages received official Church approval in 1930. In giving her official approval to the Fatima event, the Church tells us that what took place at Fatima involving the three young visionaries is worthy of our belief. $5

  Shepherds of Christ Holy Spirit Novena CD
  Holy Spirit Novena Read by: Rita Ring
  $ 10.00 
plus postage

  Holy Spirit Novena CD. Prayers and scripture readings from the Holy Spirit Novena Booklet read by Rita Ring. $10


Statues/Religious Items

Blue Crystal Rosary
  Rosary with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
  8mm - $ 40.00
plus shipping


  Red Crystal Rosary
  Rosary with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
  8mm - $ 40.00 plus shipping



  Clear Crystal Rosary
  Rosary with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
8mm - $ 40.00 plus shipping





R. Pray for These Things

                1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
                2) Pray for Special people.
                3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
                4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
                    also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
                5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
                6) People going to Florida and China.
                7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
                8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
                9) Pray for pope helping us.
               10) Pray for Jeff.
               11) Pray for the country
               12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
               13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
               14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
               15) Donors and members and their families.
               16) Healing of the Family tree.
               17) Pray for the Corona Virus to go away
               18) All who asked us to pray for them.
               19) All we promised to pray for.
               20) Rita, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Sanja, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
                    Fr. Joe, all priests helping us, Ed, Jimmy, Mary,
                    Carol R., a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
               21) All of our families.
               22) Funds and insurance.
               23) All of our houses.
               24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
               25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
               26) Consecrate all hearts.
               27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.


Shepherds of Christ Ministries  
P.O. Box 627  China, Indiana 47250

Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405  
FAX: (812) 273-3182

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