October 15, 2015
October 16th Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
Pray for special intentions.
Pray for Dan & Melanie, Jimmy,
Fr. Joe, Sonny & family, Blue Book 16.
Please pray for funds & grace.
Blue Book 15 Available
Introductory Price $5.00 plus postage
Given October 5, 2015
October 5, 2015 Rosary
Clearwater, Florida
Song: The Rosary Song
R. I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love. October 7th is the Feast of the Holy Rosary. The rosary is really, really important. I remember Mary saying when I got the first Daily Message Book, which was in 1998, when we first got the building in 1998, she said that when times would be tough, that we would really use the rosaries, that are in the God's Blue Book and the Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and they would really help you. And I have been trying to really do a rosary a day, out of one of those books, and there are so many in there, but I noticed all through the day, from doing one rosary a day, out of any of those Rosary Books, or Blue Book I, II or III, that you are in God's world, when you do those meditations. Instead of getting caught up down on the earthy matter, where you end up getting caught in fear, and other kinds of things that we can think about all day, it helps us to focus in seeing through God's eyes.
So from that stand point, we can see how majorly important those books are, with all those rosaries in them. The second gift that from those rosaries that I received, a lot of those rosaries that I received, Mary appeared while I received them, sometimes Jesus appeared, and especially like in Blue Book 6A, B, & C, He appeared every day when I got that, along with Mary, at the Holy Spirit Center in 1995. And the promise was that, when we pray those rosaries, that He will give to us the same grace that He gave during the delivery of those rosaries.
So that's the other thing, like the message today, and I am not going to read it, but the message today, is that, guess this, and this is old news for everybody, but we have a guardian angel. God gives every person a personal guardian angel, and that guardian angel is with them 24/7 and they are there to guard us, to help us, to guide us, so that we don't go into temptation, and we can ignore our guardian angel or the promptings where they are trying to take us out of those things, that could lead us into temptation. But from the moment that we are born until we die, we are in a spiritual battle, and the devil would like to take us his way, and of course, God created us to be with Him eternally in heaven. But it is a reward that is promised to those who love and serve the Lord.
A lot of times, God will allow satan to tempt us, and it can be to help us to be stronger virtuously in our lives, and so we are always doing what Mary told me last September the 5th, when she appeared in this room, and it was to focus on Jesus. And the words that Mary and Jesus gave last September the 5th, when she prayed with us, through the whole rosaries that we prayed in this room, are on the internet, so you can pull them up on the daily message, sometime during the month, they went out there. But the two messages that she kept saying all through those rosaries was to focus on Jesus, and that is really hard, because satan wants us to focus on ourselves. Satan wants us to go away from Jesus, satan wants us to be instrumental in helping him to hurt things for ourselves, for others, to build his kingdom.
And so focusing on Jesus, which is, the message of Mary from September the 5th, just a month ago, is really, really important. The second message that I got from Mary and Jesus last month, when I was in here, is that the Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of our supplication, and that to me is a real message of hope. In the world today, there is so much of it turned upside down, with so much evil that is going on, and here comes the Mother of God appearing in this building, and this is the building where the Blessed Mother appeared on, for 7 and 1/2 years, never has she ever appeared in the history of the world.
That is a tremendous gift to realize that of course, God will give special graces from this place, graces of healing, graces of healing and drawing us closer to Him, graces of healing in body, mind and soul, graces that we are praying for, for those we promised to pray for, and those who asked us to pray for them. And we have to have that faith, but we have to pray to God for that faith, to have an open mind and to believe. And so I want to pray for that tonight, that we really do receive that special grace that we need to hear all that Mary and Jesus want to tell us, to be able to pray fervently and united, that there isn't division.
The word devil comes from the word division, and that's what the devil wants. He wants division, he wants us to feel divided with one another, and God is teaching us in our lives to be united, to end up living more and more in that love where we work with those He has called us to work with, and that we are joyous, because the more that we have God in us, the more that we have this joy. So anyway, it's great that you are all here, and this is always special to God that you are here. We can receive a lot of blessings from these prayers. We are praying, of course, for everything that is going on in Syria, and with Russia, and all the other things.
I want to pray with all my heart with you, praying to the Father, in the name of Jesus, united to the Mass, and we know the Mass is the sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present. So we are united to that sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary and the Resurrection, we are praying united to that, and we are praying in the Holy Spirit, through the powerful intercession of the Virgin Mary, with all the angels and saints. We are praying for a tremendous grace from here for the whole world.
And you know, I remember in the beginning when I got the message like 20 some years ago, and the message says that we were going to go to the far ends of the earth, and I say to myself, well we sent all this stuff to the Vatican and all over the world, and we have been doing it since 1994, but what did Jesus mean when He told me in the beginning, and Mary was appearing every day, that we would reach the far ends of the earth. And what Jesus meant, was that our prayers, like right now, tonight, as we unite in the deepest unity, as members of the mystical body of Christ, as we unite, united to the Mass, and praying to the Father, can bring down this tremendous grace, that can reach to the far ends of the earth.
Because in the spiritual order of God, outpouring His grace, He doesn't have to worry, how wide or how deep is the ocean, He can pour it over to Syria, He can pour it over to Russia, He can pour it down to Cuba, He can pour it all over the whole earth. But it is up to us to pray with all of our hearts, knowing that there is not this, measuring like we would think, with our limited minds, that if I want something to go over to the other side of the world, maybe I can do it by the internet, or I can do it by a phone call, or I can do it by a letter or a package like when we send the books over there.
But with God's grace, there isn't that limited way in which His grace is outpoured. He is outpouring His grace because we are praying, and the Blessed Mother appeared last month. I don't know if she will appear this month. She comes, but usually she is always praying with us, when we are praying here on the 5th. I have been called to pray on the 5th, since 1994, which is 21 years, and on the Feast of the Holy Rosary, 21 years ago, October the 7th, of 1994, Jesus gave me this song.
Song: A Song from Jesus
R. So, let's think just for a moment about our guardian angels. God gave us a guardian angel, isn't that something, that we are never alone, that this angel, and even though the guardian angels are of the lower of the angels, we know that they can still have this power, that is above the angels that disobeyed God, the fallen angels. And so, I don't know, yesterday I just felt like I just had to name my guardian angel, and so I picked a real good name for her. My name was Margaret, my middle name, Rita Margaret, and I thought that was kind of providential, because Jesus showed me His Heart in 1991, and I have been getting these messages from Jesus to lead people to the Heart of Jesus, which is what He told me in 1991, when He showed me His Heart. And He appeared to St. Margaret Mary, who had this great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and so I thought it was kind of providential, that my mother gave me the middle name of Margaret.
And so, I think that all of us should think about this a minute. Just close your eyes for a minute, and just think you are never alone, but your guardian angel is with you, and it doesn't depend on whether you are good or whether you are bad or whatever it is, whether you get a guardian angel. Everybody gets a guardian angel. Hitler had a guardian angel. Everybody has a guardian angel, because God assigns a personal guardian angel to every person to guard them, day and night from the beginning of their life, until they die. And they are to guard us, and so I thought well, my guardian angel deserves a name, so after 69 years, I gave my guardian angel a name. Thank you for being my guardian angel.
So from the very beginning of our birth, until our death, we are in a spiritual battle. And the devil wants to take us to his place, and he is a trickster and he is a liar, and he tempts, and he tries to get people to just get into habits of not being kind and not loving. And we know on the other side that God has commanded us, commanded us to love Him with our whole heart, our whole soul and our whole being, and to love our neighbor as our self. And that doesn't sound like much, and you can say that in a sentence if you want. Is that hard? Is that really hard to love God with our whole heart, our whole soul and our whole being, and to love our neighbor as our self? Except we have this guardian angel to help us in our lives, that stays with us, a personal guardian angel, 24/7, while we sleep, while we are awake, to guard us and to help us to be led to doing what God wants us to do. What a gift.
I think that we should really sing this song since the anniversary is coming up, 21 years ago, that I got it, the Song from Jesus, and sing the verses too. Because He gave this to me, and He gave it to me in a few minutes, and I didn't even know how to write music, and He says well, I'm the one giving you the song, so here it is. Let's all do this again.
Song: A Song from Jesus
R. Then He says, you are My precious little one. Doesn't every body like to hear that somebody says they love them, you know, sometimes we just haven't heard that too often from somebody when we really need it and we think, ah gee, that was so nice of them, or somebody shows us some love. It can be going through McDonalds and getting a coffee, I don't want to talk about coffee at McDonalds, but anyway, it can be going through and seeing a person there and their just kind. They have Jesus in them. You can tell by the way that they act, that they are going out to others, and it can be the very thing. Now if we really think that in 1994 that Jesus gave me this song on the Feast of the Holy Rosary, and we think about this, how all that's happened, we have reached the far ends of the earth. We have sent 17,000,000 Priestly Newsletters from Fr. Carter, 300,000 books from Fr. Joe to priests and hierarchy in the Catholic Church over 21 years, focused on the scriptures and on the Eucharist, and on the love of Jesus, on loving our brothers, focusing on these great truths that God has given to us, and God has called us to a great mission. And then after Fr. Carter got the message – received the prayers that we just prayed the Shepherds of Christ prayers, then after that, 2 1/2 years then Mary appeared on the building here, in the way she did for 7 1/2 years outside in such beauty.
You know, there is something about the beauty of God, like the light. You know, when you wake up in the morning, and you can see that light coming through, if you got shades, I say like slated venetian blind, and you see that light coming through there, in the cracks, it's like, man, is that ever bright. That's how it was with me whenever I would see like the transfigured Jesus or I would see Mary appearing. It is in such a light and I think it was June the 5th, that I saw Mary in here, in a way I never saw her before, even though I have been seeing her appearing to me for 21 years. It was just such a light. It's just so hard for me to describe these mystical gifts in the apparitions of light, and yet man can make all kinds of lights, from Edison on to where we are today, trying to make lights.
But, doesn't just seeing the light that God gives to us, give us an indication of the power of God. You know, I was thinking about nature, you know, as being something that is kind of natural and I am thinking and nature is like so beautiful. Can you imagine how beautiful it is to have the supernatural, the gifts that God wants to give us in heaven? If nature can look this beautiful, if an ocean can look as beautiful as it is, if the sun that He lets us see, our Blessed Mother as she appeared on this building, and she changed forever and ever and ever, can look so beautiful, as she did, and man could not, I don't think anybody could ever paint the picture of Mary on the window the the way that she appeared out here. You know, when I would come down here on the 5ths, and she would appear, and it would turn gold, there is no way that I believe, that a human person could reproduce that beauty.
If a person is trying to paint, even nature, there is just something that is missing. No matter how good that actual painting is, of the nature, there is some element that is there, you know that it is God that puts life into the baby, the husband and the wife are co-creators, but it is God the Creator, that puts that life, and so I want to start out this night, and I want to pray the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary and think about, that we are always responding to God. If we want to be loving, then it has to be because of God's grace that we are loving, and we cooperated with it. Everything is coming from the fact that if we are good, it is because God gave us the grace and we cooperated with it. And the more that we learn that dependency upon God, the more that we become like a little child that is dependent on their father or mother, the more that we are really living in reality, and the more peace that we can have, because the world really does seem like it is passing away. It's like I was thinking today of this light and how fantastic the light that God gives to us is and it's like man can never produce the intensity of that light, the light of the sun, the light of the moon. He is a human being.
God is Divine. God is the Supreme being. The more that we recognize the reality that God is the Creator and He created us creatures, and that He gave us laws to live by, and that He is the authority and that we need to obey God because He is the Creator and we are His creatures, the more that we have peace, love and joy. And the more that we listen to satan, who wants us to tell us like Eve in the garden, that she could be equal to God, the more that we have misery. Satan was just a fallen angel. God is the Divine Almighty God, a Supreme being. And even though there is this spiritual battle, because sin entered the world with Adam and Eve, and then with that, disturbed the order that God put into the world, so that there was disorder, and then because of concupiscence, we have a tendency, because we have a wounded human nature, tendencies toward pride and anger and envy and jealousy and lust.
So from the day we are born until we die, we are in a spiritual battle, and God has given to us a guardian angel to help us. And God is with us and the Blessed Mother is appearing to us to spread the Blue Books, to tell the world how Jesus showed me His Sacred Heart when I saw His Sacred Heart 24 years ago, December 17th, 1991 and this was the message I was given, "you don't know what this heart will do to lead so many people, through what I give you, to My Heart." I didn't know what was going to happen, but I can't even imagine how many books we printed and circulated.
Let's all try to get those rosaries out there so people know how much God loves us, and they can pray a rosary a day, have that feeling all through the day of seeing things through God's eyes rather than their own, like Mary told me in the very beginning, "You do not know what these rosaries will do, when times get tough, and you need to have these published to circulate them." I remember one time she appeared, it was in 1995, March the 30th, it is in the Red Rosary Book, and she said "tell people to pray this rosary every day." It's not that long, but she appeared for 2 hours, in the most glorious light. But you try that, try to pray the rosary in the Blue Books and the Rosary Books, and see if it doesn't change your whole day.
When times are tough, I believe, I believe that God is with us, I believe that the Mother of God appeared in this room here, last month, telling us that the Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of our supplication. And for the last month I have cried a lot to know the message that Mary has, but being unable to deliver it, in a world that really needs that message. But that's like how it was with the rosaries in 1995, I would cry hanging over the pew in Immaculata, knowing Mary appearing to me every day, not being able to deliver the message, telling me to get that Red Rosary Book out, and when I finally got the Red Rosary Book out, and it left the printer on December 17th of 1996, she appeared on the building here, the same day the Red Rosary Book went out with the rainbow on it, she appeared here in rainbow color.
This is a special place. Let us unite our hearts and believe, believe that our prayers here, are not limited by time and space, that they don't have to go down US 19, and then they have to go over the ocean to get to Syria, or that we have to go back in time to when Jesus died on the cross, to unite to the Mass, but we can be one with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the sacrifice of Calvary, sacramentally made present at this very moment and grace can be outpoured, from His death, Resurrection and His life, all over this world, in a building where the Mother of God appeared, where God the Father allowed her to appear, where she has never appeared like this, in salvation history. Believe! Believe! Believe!
Song: A Song from Jesus
R. So I want to pray, Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus, in the Holy Spirit, with all the angels and all the saints and the souls in purgatory, praying united to the Mass, going on around the world, praying for this grace, for all of our needs, for everybody that asked us to pray for them, and everybody we promised to pray for. Praying for our families, spreading on the Blood of Jesus on all these people, and all that we continue to pray for, consecrating their hearts in as far as we are able, to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, casting the devil into the fires of hell, and asking for a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, that He really comes upon us, and that we are transformed, more and more into that image that God wants us to be transformed into, in to His image and likeness. Dear Holy Spirit, come to us, fill our hearts with the fire of God's love, beautify us, bring to us life, that we can unite in these prayers, and that the world will receive tremendous grace. Dear Heavenly Mother, we pray in a special way, on these couple days before the feast of the Holy Rosary, united, and we think of all the rosaries that we have prayed in all of these years, and we thank you for the rosary. We pray to you dear Heavenly Mother, that you will come to this rosary in a special way tonight, that you will pray, intercessory prayers to heaven with us, every prayer that we pray to Jesus and the Holy Spirit and God the Father, and we believe.
We believe that God will hear these prayers, and send His grace out to the far ends of the earth praying for the priests, the Church and the world, for all of our hierarchy, for the pope, for the election that is coming up in the United States, for all leaders. We pray for all those things on Sheila's list and Jerry's list, and we pray for healing, healing for Dan. I would like to pray for healing for myself, healing needs for yourselves, that those things that cause us to fear many times, because you just end up having health issues, knowing that as we get older. This is really weird, I was saying this to them before, as I get older, it's like I couldn't even be doing the prayer services, or playing the piano, or anything, if Regina hadn't got me all these Ott lites, because it's like you just can't see. And that is kind of like how it is, with God, that we need the light of the Holy Spirit, the counsel of the Holy Spirit, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. If we want to know about God, and His will for us, only God can tell us that. We need to go to God the Holy Spirit and ask Him that. We need to ask God for His light, so we are not blind and we go around like blind bats, doing our own will. We need to have that goal which is eternal happiness, and the serving of God, in our lives, according to His will. Come Holy Spirit, Come! Come to us now!
Sing: Come Holy Spirit
R. And I want to pray for Fr. Ken and for Monsignor. Pray for my brother and Fr. Mike and all the priests, Fr. Cyprian that go to China and help us. I want to pray for them, and just pray for everything that is on your list and our list and have faith. Believe! Believe! Believe!
Apostles Creed
R. We pray for the Holy Father and Fr. Joe's book, especially for the cover, and we would like to reprint Blue Books 1, 2 and 3, because people just really keep asking for those and also for Blue Book 16, and the other Blue Books that we can spread them and people will pray the rosaries and their lives will change. Pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis, which we dedicate our books to.
Our Father
And Mary says, I am with you now, my children.
R. We want to pray in this rosary, especially in our own lives, for that increase of faith, hope and love, that great gift that we received in baptism, those virtues, that are theological virtues, to have greater vision, the Father's vision. That's what faith is, seeing through the eyes of God, seeing the Father's will. Believing, having faith, and hope that we hope for our own eternal salvation as the goal for ourselves, and the goal for our brothers, that we clearly want souls to go to heaven, because this is the Divine plan. This is why Jesus came and died on the cross, so that souls could be with Him in eternal happiness forever in heaven. And of course, we want to pray for increase of the virtue of love, for the more that we love, the more that we are like Jesus, the more that we can operate in the world, to make this world more and more, like what He wants it to be. We have a mission. God has called us to this mission, a unique mission, each and every one of us, to love uniquely because God can make each one of our hearts of love, unique, and when we do not give in love, this world is hurting, because no one else has a heart like ours. 3 Hail Marys
R. We pray for all of our families and all of our needs, all the things that are in our heart, all those things that are really close to us. I want to pray for the rosary makers too, because we fall really short in this month of the rosary, we fall really short with our rosaries. Think of what a rosary can mean to a grade school student, later in life when they are suffering difficulties, and what it would mean to you to never have been given a rosary. So we used to put out 250,000 rosaries in the months of May and October, and now we are like not putting out any, and they are so few of us. God didn't give us this mission so that there would be this few of us. If God is calling you in a special way, say 'yes' to that and you will be blessed.
R. You know how it is in your lives sometimes, that you find out that you're different than somebody else, but you just can't stand pickles, you love them, but they give you some kind of a pickle reaction, that is really bad for you. And so the very desire that you love so much, which is a pickle, you have to end up giving up that pickle. Isn't sin kind of like that, where sometimes we are just too prideful, or sometimes we are just focused on ourselves. Sometimes we have been trained in our own houses about fear, always afraid. Maybe our moms and our dads were always afraid, and that is how we ended up to think about everything under the sun, that never could happen, and then are you really actors or reactors to your own status of fear in your own minds. Whatever it is, the Holy Spirit can get inside all of us and help us, to be healed of these things that hold us back, that can be survival tactics from our old childhood, that can be bad habits that we developed, but we need God. We need to respond to God. We need to be soft and supple, docile.
The devil says, "you can do it, they shouldn't have said that to you, oh no, you are above everybody, you will feel better when you have ... " – and he works on all those past things, where we lost power, it can be 20, 30, 40 years ago, and those bad tapes that run in our head, that we can hear from long ago, can be a bad school teacher, it can be what we grew up with, "oh you will never amount to nothing" "you never did this good", "you are too weak" whatever it is, all this stuff, let's take all of it and drop it, at the altar of the Lord, at the foot of the cross. And then all of our health needs that we start to fear, ah this is going to start to happen, ah and this –- and the world does not help us, which if you turn on the T.V., you can hear stuff about health, for about 7 minutes in between every 5 minutes that the T.V. is broadcasting. That does not help us to take our focus off of ourselves, or to be fear addicts. Can we be a fear addict? Can we be trained by our family to make us fear addicts?
This is something that He said in the messages, I think it was 2 days ago, I thought it was really profound. And it was authority is a friend. God works in authority. He is Supreme and we are human creatures, and we have been given directions by God. He loves us more than we could even imagine, or any human person could imagine. He loves us and He gave us the direction, the command that we have to love Him first, with our whole heart, our whole soul and our whole mind, and love our neighbor as ourselves. And He gave us that, so that we could live in peace, love and joy and that we could be with Him eternally in heaven, in a way that we can't even imagine the lights of heaven, the gifts of heaven, the rapture of being rapped in the Divine embrace of the Divine Almighty God, of knowing unity. We can't even imagine it. What a gift God has given to us, to even want to be here to pray this rosary.
But you know the devil can keep working and the more that he works – it's kind of like, did you ever have to like drill a hole to put a screw in, and it can be in something that is really hard, and the drill bit is not the right kind, and it's almost like you can't even get it in there – and you keep working at it, and working at it, and working at it, the devil is like that. The devil wants to get in there, and he works like that, but he can only works as far as God is allowing him to work on us. The more that we go to the Mass and to the sacraments and stay in front of the Blessed Sacrament, the more that we pray for this grace to be protected, so that we don't give into temptation, which is what we even say in the Our Father, the more that he cannot break through that barrier, and get to us.
But he's tried, he tried the greatest saints, that's how it will be our whole life. And this is a fact, there is a spiritual battle in our lives, from the time we are born until we die. And the way to win is to be really close to Jesus, to listen to the commands of the Father, that's telling us to love God first, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. He loves us more than we could ever even imagine, because God is love. He is Divine love. He is the source of love and Jesus loved us so much that He died for us on the cross. The first mystery of the rosary that we are going to pray is the Annunciation.
Sing: Glory Be to the Father
The Annunciation
Fear, fear is something that can play in your mind Jesus says, and can work to almost paralyze you. And the evil one works in fear, but I call you to love.
1. R. Dear God, we drop all of our cares, and fears and our things that need to be healed at the foot of the cross, and we thank You for the Waters that You have given to us here, and for the glass in the statues, and we know that You promise lots of graces when we read the rosaries in the Blue Books, and to help us through the day to control our thoughts, so that they are a lot better when we do a rosary a day, and that You will outpour Your grace. And we pray dear God that You will please help us, so that we understand more and more things about the Divine Mysteries and we are excited about it. Dear Holy Spirit come inside of us and fill us with this excitement, the fire of God's love.
2. R. And the devil comes and he wants us to control everything. He keeps working in that, like that drill going in and in, trying to get us to think about this, you have to think about that, you have to control this, you have to try to control him and her and it, and whatever else. But he will work as much as he can, in our mind to try to get us in these old tapes, to not be where God wants us to be, which is, dependent on Him, and connected to Him, having faith in Him, listening to the counsel of the Holy Spirit. You know, you are not going to have them both in there. You are going to end up having the counsel of the Holy Spirit, know the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, have greater faith – and then have the devil in there too, with his foot in the door, trying to get you. When God comes knocking on our door, let us think about the Annunciation, and the Virgin Mary, that when the angel came to Mary, that she said 'yes' to the Angel. God called and Mary said 'yes' to the Angel. A little 3 year old can say 'yes'. Don't you like it, if you are doing something with a 3 year old and they say 'yes'! And it's like wow! That's really good. God is looking down at us today, and He is saying, "wow, I wish they would say 'yes' to what I am telling them to do."
3. R. It can be such a thing as telling us, we should try to go to some morning Masses or a daily Mass or spending that time, every day, alone with God. And we could say I can do it myself, without having to spend any time alone with God, that don't work in today's world. There is so much stuff out there, that is opposed to what God is saying. If we don't take that time every day, to be alone with God, so that the Holy Spirit can work, and sort out those fragmented things that are coming at us. Some of them are right and some of them are wrong. We get ourselves all messed up, and if you can't go to the tabernacle and be alone with Jesus, then make sure you are doing it in your house every day, but we got to spend that time, keeping our focus on Jesus. What the scriptures tell us, what the Blue Books are telling us is really going to help us. But keeping our focus on absolute truth, and what God is telling us, and when we keep our focus on that, then we are going to go down the right road. What good does it do us to travel down a road that's the wrong road? Isn't that the worst thing, if you are on a trip, and you get on the wrong road, and you travel like 4 hours in the wrong direction, wouldn't that be terrible?
We only have so many days here from the beginning until we die. How many of those days are we spending going down the wrong road, because we didn't take that time every day. The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person that wants to work in us. The Persons of the Trinity, He wants to tell us about the plan that the Father had for us when He created us, and gave us this heart that only we have that can love only the way that we love, and He wants to counsel us and tell us about God's plan for us. How are we going to learn about God's plan for us, if we don't know that the Holy Spirit is on duty 24/7.
4. Sing: Come Holy Spirit
5. Sing: Come Holy Ghost
6. And you can be gripped by fear Jesus speaks, and you listen to that, and you give into that, and the fear inside incites you to some kind of action that is not an action that is even necessary, but is coming from the fear that you gave into inside of your own mind, that ties you up, just like someone can be tied to a tree. And satan knows that, and he will work in fear. Not that you do not have to watch and be on guard about certain things. But the run-on thinking, the habitual thinking of being in fear, letting fear be the decision for why you operate, and not seeking the will of God or the plan of God for you, but your life is really run on the fear that goes on in your mind. And who is fueling the fear that is going on in your own mind? You want whatever goes on in your mind to be in the counsel of the Holy Spirit, and that is not to say that you will not suffer, that you may not go through trials and traumas and things in your health or whatever it is. It is saying that God the Holy Spirit wants to come and to counsel you, to give you wisdom, to help you to do the right thing in your lives. But if you never take the time to be alone with God, to let those fragmented pieces be sorted out with the Divine wisdom, you can very well be going down the wrong road, day after day, that can lead to misery, and hurt for yourselves and others.
7. Jesus: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. And you can listen to those negative tapes inside of your head. You can live a life of negative behavior, that the way that you always respond is negatively. This is not coming from the Divine wisdom of the Holy Spirit that wants you to be a person to act as God wants you to act. Let go now. Let go and ask the Holy Spirit to come into your heart to be more united with the people God has put in your life, to pray more united with others, with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to pray the Morning Offering, to live your life and to believe in the power of God, and pray for greater faith, hope and love.
8. Jesus: I am God. I am counseling you so that you will have greater peace and love in your lives. You were created by God, to be His instrument, to love and to give love, to not operate in fear and then make your actions and choices, based on negative thinking, where satan can work in the mind to manipulate and get you to act so fearfully.
9. R. I pray for healing for all of us in body, mind and soul. Dear God outpour Your grace to us right at this moment, and for those people, if it is doctors or whoever it is, that come into our lives and help us, that the Holy Spirit will be in them when they are working on us, so that we can be Your instruments of light and love and peace, and building the Kingdom of God in this world. God is good and He is wanting to give us the grace right now, for us to live, to be good and kind. Fear cripples people when they let it dominate their thoughts, their actions in their lives. Dear God release us from the snares of the evil ones, to manipulate us in any way to deviate from the tremendous plan that You have for our lives. Amen.
10. Jesus: Are you afraid? I am here dear ones. But it has become a habit, in many of you, to just nurture your fear, like watering a plant outside, and watching it grow. What you want to grow, are fruits of the Holy Spirit, of joy, of peace. I am with you and I love you to My death, I love you My precious child.
Jesus: I died for you, what more do you want?
Glory Be
R. This mystery is the Visitation. In the visitation we meditate on Mary who went to visit her cousin Elizabeth. And the Holy Spirit filled her, and she said the Magnificat, with such joy, proclaiming the greatness of God. My soul proclaims the greatness of God. My spirit rejoices in God my Savior. Come dear God! Come Spirit of God! Fill us all in this rosary that we can let go of that slavish, dependence that satan wants to keep trying to impose upon us, and that we can be lifted like the hot air balloon, on the first Blue Book, to know that God is always there.
The Visitation
1. R. My soul rejoices in God my Savior.
2. R. Come Holy Spirit come, heal our hearts, heal our minds and our souls and our bodies. Help us to be freed at this point to focus on Jesus. We love You so much God. We are so filled with gratitude for the gift that You have given to us here in this building, and the apparitions of the Virgin Mary. Please help us this day to let go, to realize more and more, how You are there and to know that we are little children, dependent upon our God. Holy Spirit Come! My soul proclaims the greatest of the Lord.
3. R. And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. God is our Savior. God is our Savior. God is our Savior. God is Divine. God is our Savior.
4. R. Heal us in body, mind and soul, and fill us with Your gifts, dear Holy Spirit.
5. R. Counsel us according to the Father's will. Help us to love the Father's will as Mary did, and to seek it, and to live it, and to be docile to the touch of the Holy Spirit. Oh God, work in our hearts now.
6. Song: Healer of Our Every Ill
7. Jesus: I am outpouring My abundant grace to you at this moment, My little chosen one. Let go and do not fear, for it is in fear that satan tries to manipulate you, to actions that are not according to the Father's will, hasty actions, actions that may be to relieve a certain situation that I have allowed you to experience, to draw you to a new place of intimacy and depth with Me. Let go of control. Go to the Holy Spirit. Beg God for His counsel.
8. R. Dear Jesus, I want to make a Spiritual Communion, because I know that whenever I receive the Eucharist, I just feel Your presence so strong within me. It is such a gift. I love it. I love to go to the Eucharist and to receive You God. I want to receive You now, in a Spiritual Communion. Let us all ask God to let us receive Him in a Spiritual Communion, because we love Him.
9. Sing: Come Holy Spirit
10. Hail Mary
Mary says lift up your hearts my children, let the Holy Spirit fill you with His fire and His love.
The Birth of Jesus
R. Think about the words of this Our Father. Say it kind of slow and think about it.
1. R. So we know that in less than 3 months, we get to celebrate Christmas, and we know that Fr. Joe's book, is not quite there. I want to pray for the cover, so we can get it soon, and we can send it out to the pope and the cardinals, and all the bishops and the priests. So I want to pray for that really, really hard. But I want to focus on Advent right now, because we go through the rest of this Liturgical year and then we celebrate that great feast of Christ the King at the end of November, usually is the last Sunday in November. Then we go into Advent, and Advent is a time to prepare. And I remember my brother giving some of his homilies, and I like his homilies. He is so humble and holy, and he got up there and he talked about how he had to prepare with all of his classes, and how he had to prepare in the seminary, and that we prepare for all these things in our lives. How are we preparing for the coming of Our Savior? This wonderful feast, this feast of Christmas, how do we prepare for that, really knowing that what we are saying here is reality, that the Divine Almighty God, the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, took flesh and came into this world, to teach us how to live to prepare for our eternal salvation, to prepare to live forever in our Heavenly home. How are we preparing?
And the rosary is a big thing, because the rosary helps us meditate on the lives of Jesus and Mary, on how Jesus came down here and He took on flesh, and He was born in a stable and how He worked all these miracles, and how He taught us and then how He suffered because He loves us so much, and how He rose from the dead, and how He ascended into heaven, and sent His Holy Spirit down here to help us, and how we really have to go to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to really help us, and we don't want to get into the fear from the evil spirit, that's for darn sure. But He is teaching us so many things, and when we meditate on the mysteries of the rosary, we meditate on all those wonderful mysteries, that God wants us to meditate on, to help us to have our lives lived in how reality really is, which is how God is.
Let us meditate on this mystery of the Nativity of Jesus, and thank God. We can ponder this forever, that the Divine Almighty God took flesh and came down here and took on a human nature. But the Incarnation goes on in us, where we are to be formed more and more into the image and likeness of Jesus. Like Jesus was formed in the womb of the Virgin Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit, the more we go to the spiritual womb, our spiritual womb, which is the heart of the Virgin Mary, the more that the Holy Spirit works in union with the Virgin Mary, and there is this spiritual birth in us, where we are being formed into these children of God that He wants us to be.
Because we have this wounded human nature, and so we need the Blessed Mother and her Immaculate Heart, and we need the Holy Spirit to keep outpouring His grace and counseling us and helping us to know God's will and filling us with wisdom and understanding and fortitude to make us strong. So in this mystery of the rosary, let us not only meditate about how great it is going to be that we can celebrate Christmas again Liturgically, one more time, and that Fr. Joe's book is going to go out, and hopeful that will help, more and more people know about the teachings and the miracles of Jesus, the Word and the Eucharist, but that in our own lives, that this spiritual birthing goes on from this rosary tonight, that the Holy Spirit works, and He helps, leading us more and more, into these Divine mysteries that will prepare us for our heavenly reward.
2. Sing: Silent Night
Mary: I am Mary your Mother, and I appear to you here in this building, to tell you the great gifts that God is giving to you and my Spouse the Holy Spirit, to tell you of the love of my Son Jesus, inviting you to come to my Immaculate Heart. I ask you to come now, to my Immaculate Heart and I will place you in the Heart of Jesus, and my Spouse the Holy Spouse will work more and more in forming you into the image and likeness of Jesus. But you must let go. You must be willing to be transformed more and more into what the Heavenly Father intended for you. God has given you hearts of love, hearts of love. My children, my children, let go. Let go. Let the Plan of the Father unfold in your lives. Recognize your dependence upon God, your desire, spend the time every day, alone reading the rosaries that we have given to you, that you will focus on Jesus.
3. Sing: Sleep in heavenly peace
4. Mary: My children, this is the day to celebrate the feast of St. Francis. How does a saint become a saint? Their eyes are on Jesus. Their heart is a heart of love. They seek the will of God. They allow the Holy Spirit to take possession of their souls. Come to me Lord and Possess my Soul.
5. Jesus: Surrender, surrender, surrender, My child. Surrender to the will of My Father.
6. R. Oh my Divine God, I thank You for the gift of this building, for the gift of all of the writings, the Holy Spirit Novena, the Shepherds of Christ prayers, all the writings on the Mass. Please help us to be able to spread the rosary more and more in these troubled times, and for people to believe in the Shepherds of Christ Prayers, that as we pray them, especially prayers prayed from this building, and China on the 5ths and the 13ths, and the retreats, that great grace will be outpoured upon the priests, and the Church and the world.
7. R. Come Holy Spirit, soften our hearts, that our hearts are hearts of sincerity and love, that we are not afraid of letting go of that control in realizing, that it is in the heartfelt love that we are one with God. Dear God we beg for this grace now, that our prayers will be those that are united in heartfelt love. Hear our prayer God and help us.
8. Mary: I am Mary your Mother, and I ask you now to come with me and to envision Bethlehem. It was warm even though it was so cold, because of the animals that gave the breath to warm us. But the stars shone above the bed of the little King.
9. Mary: And my eyes beheld the Son of God.
10. Mary: Focus on your heart now. Is your heart soft? Are you in your minds and you never go there? You control everything and tell yourself that you don't need heartfelt love, unity with God and others. There is not long and it will be Christmas again. Will your heart be a little bed for the Child Jesus, with tenderness and love that you have filled with the straw, from your acts of love for the days ahead? Do you realize that your prayers can make the big difference in this world? If God gave to the world this building to call people here, to spread this word for this is truth? I want to tell you a story, my children. If a man has all the seeds in a big bag, and nobody plants them, how many plants will come up?
Sing: Glory Be
Sing: Oh Lord hear our prayer, oh Lord hear our prayer, when we call answer us. Oh Lord hear our prayer, oh Lord hear our prayer, come and harken to us.
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
R. So we want to meditate on the Fourth Joyful Mystery, the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.
1. Sing: Come Holy Spirit
R. Mary and Joseph took the Child Jesus into the temple and Simeon had been waiting, and Simeon told Mary and Jesus, that a sword too would pierce Mary's heart, and from that point on, Mary knew that she would suffer. Her little baby was so beautiful, of course, it was the Child Jesus. And Simeon held the baby in his arms, this was a gift that he knew that he would have. God wants to give us a gift here tonight, but we must have faith, we must believe, we must know that God can use us in a powerful way to touch many hearts with the Blue Books, and with the rosaries. But if a man has a big bag, like Mary said, full of seeds and nobody puts them into the ground, there will not be any plants. God is calling and it is up to us to respond in the vocation in our lives, in a way that nobody else can do, and when we do not answer God, that love and that gift that God has called us to, does not happen, like all the seeds just stay right in the bag.
2. And Mary says: Come, come my children and I will show you the ways of the Lord.
3. Mary: Come, come my children and I will show you the ways of the Lord.
4. Mary: Come, come my children and I will show you the ways of the Lord.
5. Song: A Song from Jesus
6. Mary: Come, come my children and I will show you the ways of the Lord.
7. R. Jesus asked that everybody receive a Blue Book 15 and one of Fr. Joe's books. Blue Book 15 has a picture on it which is really the picture – the Mass is the sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present. You will have to look at this later, but if you turn it upside down you will see Jesus' face in the chalice, on the front and the back. It's really hidden. So many times in our lives, so much of what God has given to us, in the great gift of the Body and Blood of Jesus, is hidden, because we are not praying for that wisdom that we need, to know more and more what it even means, to know the Divine presence of God, truly present, in His Divinity and humanity in the Eucharist. But the Mass is the sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present, and the picture on the Blue Book really depicts this, most ardently and it is for our study. On the back of the Blue Book 15 is a quote from inside, and it is worth reading over and over and over again. And inside from Mystici Corporis in the Introduction, from Pope Pius XII, is an excerpt that Fr. Carter loved to use in his Priestly Newsletters on the Mass.
If you read Blue Book 15 with all your heart opening and reading rosaries out of it, soon your desire and your love for the Mass, for the Eucharist will grow ever deeper, Jesus says. It is a great gift for those who have advanced more and more in the spiritual life. It is a great gift Jesus says for our priests, to give the Blue Book 15 to the priest, to tell them that Fr. Carter wrote the Priestly Newsletter and that the writings on the Mass are so important in that book.
Let us pray that we will be able to spread these Blue Books in these troubled times, that we can really reach the soldiers God is calling and wants to respond with their heartfelt prayers, to help the world. We know from what Jesus and Mary have told us, how important our prayers are, here in this building, united as we go home, all through the month, to the Masses, united to the people in Shepherds of Christ as you pray the prayers, united in our Morning Offerings and believing, that God will outpour that grace, to the far ends of the earth, believing that with our whole heart.
8. Song: A Song from Jesus
9. Mary: Come, come my children, I will show you the ways of the Lord.
10. Hail Mary
Sing: Ava, Ava Maria, Ava, Ava Maria
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
1. R. And Mary and Jesus said don't forget to take Fr. Joe's book and to read the scriptures for Sunday, it tells you which ones it is. I think it's the 27th Sunday, and then after you do that, read the homily before you go to church on Sunday. That's why Jesus wanted all of you to have that book, so that you would do that.
2. R. And to do it for the rest of the Sundays for the rest of the year. We send that to the priests, the cardinals and the pope and the bishops in the United States, and a ton of those priests use that every Sunday because it is so important. So keep using that, and keep coming back here on the 5ths, so we can pray like this. And I want to pray again for the cover for the book, because that's kind of like what has to happen right now. Then we can get it printed and start sending it out, for the new Cycle that starts with Advent. Prepare, prepare, prepare. That's what we do, when we read this before we go to Church, we read the scripture, we read the homily and the Mass is just so powerful. It becomes so powerful to us when we go then.
3. R. And remember to spread the Prayer Before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and say it yourself before Mass, and the Morning Offering.
4. R. When Mary appeared in 1994 and 1995 and that's where that rosary came from, it's in the Red Rosary Book, and it went along with the apparitions here, and the Blue Books that went along with it up to 7, 8. I don't know. She appeared all the way to September, so it came all the way up to Blue Book 8, those rosaries are in there, that we can spread and tell people to pray them every day and they will get a lot of grace to help them in their lives, the same grace that Jesus and Mary gave when They appeared. And it is really powerful, if you like, I don't know, just going to Costco, and you can buy those candles that you can just turn on, just a light on the bottom, they are really nice, you can pray in your prayer group with those rosaries. It's really powerful when a lot of people are praying, I mean by a lot it can be 2 or 3 or 4. It's just really powerful.
5. R. And Mary says that you can give those books to people for gifts, for their birthday, for Christmas, for Thanksgiving, if you are going to dinner, find a book that you think might be good for them, that might be one of Fr. Joe's homily books, it might be the Tell My People messages, especially Blue Book 15, Jesus wants that to go to the priests, and the Mass Book. And we have cards too, you can put a little card in there, and give it to them, and that can help to change their life. Think about that for Christmas. Think about the things that you could give that Jesus and Mary are telling us to do, that is really the message that is coming for why Mary appeared on the building here. And please come back, come back on the 5ths, come back on the nightly prayers. Sheila prays them every night out of China, at 6:20 and Jesus usually gives me a message every day, a lot of this stuff that I am saying. So your life will change. You get a lot of grace from coming to these centers for your prayers.
6. R. When Mary appeared to me during that period in 1994 and 1995, it was not a fun time for me, when they gave me the Joyful Mysteries, and we got to this mystery, because she would lament about her lost children, and begging us to please do this. And I still have what feels like a sword in my heart from what she put me through to know during this mystery of the rosary. And a lot of those rosaries, like I said, are in the Blue Books up to the end of 8, the Red Rosary Book, some of them are longer, some of them are shorter. There is a Blue Rosary Book, but those particular rosaries go up to the end of Blue Book 8, and they are really powerful.
7. Mary: And so I speak to you today and I have prayed with you my children. Pray for all those places in the world, that are suffering. You do not know the power of a heartfelt prayer. As your heavenly Mother, I want you to know, that I have appeared here for 19 years, to spread this message, that your Heavenly Father has allowed me to appear here to you. Please spread the message, I beg you, for my children are suffering this day, and many souls will be lost. You do not know the power of a heartfelt prayer. I am Our Lady of Clearwater, Queen of Peace.
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary10. Jesus: I am Jesus, your Beloved Savior, and I have outpoured to you this night, My richest graces of healing. Do you believe? Will you let go of the negative tapes of fear that hold so many of you bound, and keep you from the actions that the Holy Spirit wants you to do in your lives? Pray to the Holy Spirit, to know the will of My Father, to form you more and more in My image and likeness. Go to the heart of the Blessed Mother and pray for that spiritual birthing, where you will be what the Father wants you to be in this world. For the devil is strong, he is the lion, that prowls the earth looking for someone to devour, and he does not want to give up. I am Jesus, your Savior. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Jesus: I am with you now.
R. Dear God, we pray for this healing grace, and thank You. Thank You for answering our prayers. Thank You for all You have done for us, and we want to, through this prayer from this building, make reparation for our sins and the sins of the world.
Sing: Oh Lord hear my prayer, oh Lord hear my prayer, when I call answer me. Oh Lord hear my prayer, oh Lord hear my prayer, come and harken to me.
Hail Holy Queen
The Memorare
R. I just want to say we put out Fr. Joe's book and that's what Jesus wants, out of China, and Betty died and we need adorers really bad in China, so I want to pray for adorers, especially from that Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana area, that people just come and commit themselves to like 2 hours every other week, or 2 hours every week, where they will just come to the Church, and give the people there a chance or they can help with the volunteering as we try to send out this book to all the bishops in the United States, all the cardinals in the world, the pope, and all the priests in the United States. So we really need to build this up, so please keep this in your prayers. We have 24 hour adoration, in China, and we have had it for many, many, many, many, many years. We have had the Eucharist in China since 1997, and so we are just majorly praying for you too from down there, it's a lot. We pray a lot for all of our members and our donors, and for their families. I want to pray for Catherine, she's from Singapore, and she is a part of this Movement and she has helped us a lot. Pray for her healing, I know she has trouble with dizziness, I want to pray for her and her family. Pray for Dan, pray for myself, I have had some issues. Pray for this trip, because John and I are going to drive back there like right now. So, please pray for us tonight. Thank you. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Give the gift that keeps giving.
6 different Blue Books for $30.00 including postage
Books available in limited supply for this sale.
The more you use the Blue Books and
become one with Jesus – more
intimate with Jesus –
the more your lives are a blessing and
everything you do in life can help
to bring down great grace for the world
because of your being so
one with Jesus.
Guiding Light Homily Book Series
Fr. Joe’s Books
4 for $20 plus postage of $5.95
These books can be given to:
1) All Priests
2) Good for Music Ministers
3) Good for DRE's
Good for Deacons
5) Good
for Principals of Schools
6) Good for Teachers
Good for Mom and Dads
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
6) People going to Florida and China.
7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
9) Pray for pope helping us.
10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
11) Blue Book 16 and cover and all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
15) Donors and members and their families.
16) Healing of the Family tree.
17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
18) All who asked us to pray for them.
19) All we promised to pray for.
20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
21) 2 babies and moms.
22) Funds and insurance.
23) Jerry's garage.
24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
26) Consecrate all hearts.
27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
The Wedding Rosary
Crystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box$40 plus shipping
Give the gift that counts.
Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.
Tell My People $5.00
Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
$2.00 plus postage
New Mass Book with Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
Give to your priest.
Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627 China, Indiana 47250
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