Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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October 22nd Holy
Spirit Novena Scripture selection is Day 8 Period 2. |
The Novena Rosary Mystery for October 22nd is Sorrowful. |
The Nursing Home #3 video is now on the internet.
It is so beautiful and the sound is excellent!
There will be a rosary
around Jasper, Indiana There will be a rosary in
Sidney, Ohio
on October 30, 2001 at 6:20pm
There will be a rosary in Clearwater, Florida
These rosaries will be
broadcast to different locations,
call for details. Great grace can be released
when we pray as a body.
Jesus speaks: I
love you, I love you, I love you.
I give you Myself in the Eucharist.
October 21, 2001 message continues
My dear Jesus,
It is another day and a day in which I am
closer to my eternal life.
Jesus I long for You.
Today I have so many thoughts of being
with You in the Holy Eucharist.
I long to be with You every day. I long
for the Mass more and more.
I connect with the Mass every moment.
My desire in the Mass is so deeply united
to You.
I want grace to be outpoured on the earth.
I long for a deeper union with You.
I want so deeply to plead to You at Mass
and ask for grace.
At times I want You so much
and I want to express my love so deeply—
I feel everything to do with You and
heaven so deep in my soul.
I love more deeply.
I love all others so deep in my heart.
I experience things with such depth.
Even the beauty in a single leaf
is so dear to me.
I read the scriptures You gave me
for this message.
Psalm 118: 1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 21, 29
Processional hymn for the feast of Shelters
Give thanks to Yahweh for he is good,
for his faithful love endures for ever.It is better to take refuge in Yahweh
than to rely on human beings;
better to take refuge in Yahweh
than to rely on princes.I thank you for hearing me,
and making yourself my Saviour.The stone which the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
This is Yahweh’s doing,
and we marvel at it.Blessed in the name of Yahweh is he who is coming!
We bless you from the house of Yahweh.I thank you for hearing me,
and making yourself my Saviour.Give thanks to Yahweh for he is good,
for his faithful love endures for ever.
1 John 3: 1-2
You must see what great love
the Father has lavished on us
by letting us be called God’s children—
which is what we are!
The reason why the world
does not acknowledge us
is that it did not acknowledge him.
My dear friends,
we are already God’s children,
but what we shall be in the future
has not yet been revealed.
We are well aware that when he appears
we shall be like him,
because we shall see him as he really is.
October 21, 2001 message continues
Messenger: We must realize how much God loves us.
He can heal us.
Think of the times you have been
really hurt by someone.
Ask God for healing.
Realize that even though people in
authority have been mean or
mistreated us, we are the
beautiful creation of God.
Ask God for healing from anyone who
has hurt us.
Close your eyes—think of the times
we were hurt by others and
ask God to help us see how
much He loves us and heals
us from our wounds.
We must be strong soldiers.
We must come from a place of strength.
We should focus on how much God loves us.
He does not abandon us.
He loves us always.
He always wants us to come to Him.
He wants us to tell Him we are
sorry for our sins.
He wants us to love Him.
He wants us to realize how very
much He loves us.
I long for the Eucharist,
I long to be with Him, Jesus,
truly present in the Eucharist.
God loves us so ———————— much.
Oh God I love You so much.
Jesus speaks: The power is in the Eucharist.
Messenger: God is kind and loving.
Jesus speaks: Please
circulate My letters
of love given in God's Blue Book.
Please help Me to get the Priestly
Newsletter II Book in the hands
of the priest by Christmas.
Saturday - October 29, 1994 2:15 a.m.
I scarce can breathe when You come into me, Lord. Help me to be drawn into a closer union with You, to let go of the perishable things of this world and be only as You want me to be, Lord. I am so weak and attached to many things. I want to please You and do Your will.Messenger:
"I come to you with greatest love. I am your loving Savior. Reach out to Me and do not fear, I love you tenderly."
Oh, the ways of the heart, Lord. How You suffered so in the garden for all Your beloved ones that You loved so greatly and who treated You with such coldness. To be perfect love and be rejected by so many beloved souls, what agony You endured! I want to console your Most precious Heart and tell You how I love You. Oh, Jesus, You are so sweet to me. Who am I that You care for me and come to me and live in me?
Jesus speaks: I give to priests the power to forgive sins - many take this so lightly. I give them this power - do they thank Me for My great gifts to them? Such power I give - to change bread and wine into My precious Body and Blood, everyday at Mass. Such a gift from My Most loving Heart. From the Father, in the Spirit, such a gift and how many even think of how I favor them with this gift?
I am Jesus Christ, their beloved Savior. My special anointed ones do not know how it offends My Heart to be neglected by them. They are given such power and they do not even come and be with Me. Such love I have for them! Agonies of the heart, such agonies to love so dearly, to give so much and be rejected by My anointed ones! Oh, if they only came to Me, I would shower them with such love for their hearts and souls.
I am your special love. I come to you and give you Myself, no less present than the day I walked the earth, and who comes and spends time with Me? I am your beloved Savior. I gave My life for you, My beloved priests. I give you such gifts from the Father, in the Spirit, and you take God's gifts so lightly. How I suffered for your neglect and indifference.
Oh, beloved children of My Father, do you know this love I have for you? I come and give you Myself this very day and you treat Me so very coldly. Come to My Heart in the Blessed Sacrament and be with Me. Come and spend time in your home, alone with Me. Come from your sleep and be with Me.
Such sweet moments - our time together in the night! Do you remember My dear love I poured out to you in these most sacred hours? I want you to come, Rita, and be with Me. Such special moments with Me, your beloved One. I am forever with you with such love. I pour Myself out to you in the night. Come and be alone with Me in our hearts. I love you so much. Nothing sustains the aching soul but My love. I long for you to come and be alone with Me. In the night you are totally attentive to Me. Come to Me and be with Me. Comfort My aching Heart. No one knows how My Heart suffered for love of My beloved ones. I am so neglected and forgotten. You see what makes you sad, the hours I sit alone in the tabernacle and no one comes, the way people are too busy to even think of Me. My holiest ones who have turned My Mass into such coldness and I, Who love with such fervent love, love their most cold hearts. Cold hearts surround Me. I remain with greatest love for you, My beloved souls, and who comes and gives Me a heart of real love? Very few hearts come and pour their love out to Me. I long for this, your love. I long for your time with Me. Console My aching Heart, My child. Come and give Me your deepest love. I want your love as I say in the song. I want you to come with such love you scarce can breathe.
Rita, Rita, do you know yet I speak to you? You are such a cold heart. I speak to you and you are ready to run back to your world for your love. I want to be so close to you. You do not comprehend what is transpiring here, My beloved one. I pour out such love to you and you are this little frightened child out in the rain looking for that which only I can give you. Come out of the rain and into My Heart. Totally surrender and let your life unfold as I make Myself known more and more to you. I want to take you to the inner sanctuaries of My Heart. I want you to dwell there in such union. You keep yourself at a distance from Me.
Your world is not the answer. My Heart is your answer. Let go, let go, let go. Be so wrapped in My love. You stand on the outskirts, looking in. I give you My grace. With Me, you are not alone. I never ever leave you. Be attentive at every second to My most intimate presence within you. You offend My Heart. You, whom I talk to, you doubt and run to others for what I want to give you. My child, I love you so much. Do you hear Me? Don’t check out My story here any more. Be lost in My deepest love. I give this to you. Come and dwell deeply in My Heart through Mary’s Heart. It is in this dwelling that your peace lies. Say the prayer for union with Me.
end of October 29, 2001 message
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Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
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FAX: (513) 932-6791