Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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October 22, 2007
October 23rd Holy
Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
Sidney Rosary
October 23, 2007 at 6:20pm
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Retreat in Florida
First Friday Nov. 2nd
through the 5th
October 22, 2007
I can never live the moments
of this day again.
When I go to bed tonight they
will be gone forever.
I must treasure each moment —
I have right now because I
can never have it back again.
Song: Live for Today
People acting out from the past —
What they are reacting to is
not going on
Negative tapes
They have the power to change —
They may try to force others to
put up with their acting out —
there is an interdependence
there is structure —
a person not healed of past
hurts can pick a person to
act out unfinished
business on
If it is at a job — when an
important day arrives —
they may try to force another's behavior
fill their sick needs if
the other is dependent on
them for the big event.
Jealousy is an impurity —
Satan presses on people sometimes
who want to possess
another for their slavish
need to control, be admired
All acts are to be based on a
greater love for purity
All acts done for the honor and
glory of God —
April 17, 1992 - Good Friday
Dear Jesus,I am sorry for my sins. I am sorry You had
to suffer for my sins. Thank You for coming to
earth and taking on a little baby body to save
me and my family.
Thank You for Your pain and Your sorrow
and Your tears, Jesus. Thank You my God.
Oh Jesus, my Savior –
Thank You for giving me the gift of faith –
I am Your child, God!
I give my will and my life to You.
I want You to talk to me.
I want to know how You want
me to act.
Dear Father, thank You for creating me.
Dear Jesus, give me Your gentleness and
Your love, Your compassion and help me to
give myself for others.
I love You Jesus, I love You with my whole
The age old problem of some men is
to get power over another for
what they think is normal behavior,
that which is familiar to them —
they will try every trick to try
to force others to do their
dance and if this is dysfunctional —
they would turn the whole community
to dysfunction rather than try to change
People have jobs to do — so they
should do it — trying to use passive-
aggressive behavior to hurt others
and manipulate others is wrong —
Why stay if you don't want to help
the program —
These people are looking for
a scare crow to act out their
bulging unfinished business
Being attached to anything
inordinately hurts ones own
spiritual life and intimacy with
others for the way I feel.
If we want to change how
we feel — we must change
what we say to ourselves.
Live in the Moment
From a Lenten Homily, March 24, 2000
Live in the Moment
Today’s Gospel in its story certainly points ahead to Jesus in His Passion and death. And as we read passages such as this during the Lenten season, we are reminded once again that the Church in her Liturgy of the Word gives us an opportunity to undergo a purification, an ever deepening cleansing of ourselves so that we may be a more fit instrument for receiving the great graces which are to be given to us at the time of the Resurrection memorial on Easter. And so all in all, Lent is a time of purification to prepare us for ever-greater gifts of the Lord. It’s a time of self-discipline, a time to renew our efforts to be self-disciplined in the service of the Lord. Self-discipline is an aspect of purification. And I suggest that one of the most difficult acts of self-discipline in the spiritual journey is to concentrate on the present moment. We have a very strong tendency to disregard the importance of the present moment by focusing in a wrong way on the past or in a wrong way on the future. There are proper occasions for thinking of the past and the future. For example, we have to learn from the past and we have to prepare for the future, but our great emphasis has to be upon the present. There is a Latin axiom which says, age quod agis, age quod agis, which means: do what you are doing, concentrate on the present. And of course we are familiar with that term in the history of spirituality: the sacrament of the present moment. And so the discipline of Lent certainly encourages us to include in a deeper self-discipline a greater determination to get as much as we can out of the present moment. People with a terminal illness have an opportunity as they prepare for death for increased prayer, contrition, love of God. However, some are taken very, very quickly. But for those who have the opportunity of knowing with some certainty the time of their death, I’m sure as they look back on their lives, they are saddened by the many times they did not use time and opportunities for the service of the Lord properly, and are overjoyed at those times in which they did use the present opportunity properly. A great means we have of living in the present properly is a greater focus upon our Lord. For if I have that awareness of the fact I am united with Jesus here and now, why should I be concerned so much about the future or the past? Yes, a great help in living in the present and deriving all the good we can from it for ourselves and others is an ever greater focus upon Jesus, because the more I focus upon Jesus and the more I live with Him in the present moment, the more I am satisfied with the present moment. And so let us in our Lenten activity resolve to grow in that self-discipline - which is very difficult at times - to really live in the presence with the fullness of our being as much as is possible, with the help of God’s grace. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the day of salvation.
end of Father Carter's homily
An untrained mind is like a monkey.
We have to chose to wait and not
act — we pray — we are not
like monkeys.
We strive to get rid of negative
behavior patterns —
We can carry a bag of garbage —
We can know men as unavailable.
Mothers can be problems for children.
Taught to be caregivers
Taught to have low self-esteem
Taught to be insecure
The attitude
"I have no faults "
"I was taught perfectly — everybody
should follow me"
The attitude of some men —
if a woman gets stronger — it
is their job to push her down —
they think
she needs to be disempowered
A male may want no woman telling him
anything —
This can extend over for a male to having a weak
relationship with Mary our
spiritual mother —
Wounds may be deep from birth —
Look at the blind man in the Gospel of John
that talks about
'man blind from birth'
Jesus heals him —
We were blinded from the garden
Some people work out their unfinished
relationship problems every where
they go
Why carry around your mother and father's
dysfunction in you
Look at these things that keep you stuck
Parents show us how to relate
Brown - outs
Some people "check-out"
for a while —
like alcoholic without booze
Some people focus so much on
relationships they never
get much work done —
they just keep working out
old mom, dad, sibling
problems to no avail on
innocent others —
trying to right a wounded childhood —
Turn your scars into stars —
We can do the good dance
with others
healthy relationships —
A woman wanted someone to cry
on her lap so she could
be an empowered care-giver —
the other had to have a problem —
In some relationships —
it goes back and forth for unhealthy
people like a teeter - totter
Addictive Thinking
How do you view the world?
Some create a crisis for an
adrenalin rush
Self-destructive cycles
Old tapes
learned when small - maybe 4 years old
layers and layers of negative tapes
Negative past
We can have low self-esteem
OLD HURTS - unhealed
PAIN - so deep
ADDICTION — all different types
Parents weren't there loving
us — focused on themselves —
We can have red hot buttons from
unfinished wounds —
wounded controlling people
wound others
disharmonious people hurt others
argumentative, angry people wound
All devil has to do is press the buttons
Some women after years of marriage —
seeking a husband to understand
their feelings - feel they must
leave because he hurts them
by never saying simple —
"Oh, I understand"
Challenging her
hurting the sensitivity of her
woman hood
We can put aside
We can fight low self-
esteem with positive tapes
Some of us have layers and layers of
self-destructive patterns —
stuffed feelings —
We must seek to be more and
more in the image of
SEEK to be like Jesus and Mary
We must love the truth and
seek it
We must love
We must learn to Trust others
and Trust God
Jesus I trust in you.
We should not act in desolation
St. Ignatius says
from The Spiritual Exercises
317. 4. SPIRITUAL DESOLATION. I call desolation what is entirely the opposite of what is described in the third rule, as darkness of soul, turmoil of spirit, inclination to what is low and earthly, restlessness rising from many disturbances and temptations which lead to want of faith, want of hope, want of love. The soul is wholly slothful, tepid, sad, and separated, as it were, from its Creator and Lord. For just as consolation is the opposite of desolation, so the thoughts that spring from consolation are the opposite of those that spring from desolation.
318. 5. In time of desolation we should never make any change, but remain firm and constant in the resolution and decision which guided us the day before the desolation, or in the decision to which we adhered in the preceding consolation. For just as in consolation the good spirit guides and counsels us, so in desolation the evil spirit guides and counsels. Following his counsels we can never find the way to a right decision.
319. 6. Though in desolation we must never change our former resolutions, it will be very advantageous to intensify our activity against the desolation. We can insist more upon prayer, upon meditation, and on much examination of ourselves. We can make an effort in a suitable way to do some penance.
320. 7. When one is in desolation, he should be mindful that God has left him to his natural powers to resist the different agitations and temptations of the enemy in order to try him. He can resist with the help of God, which always remains, though he may not clearly perceive it. For though God has taken from him the abundance of fervor and overflowing love and the intensity of His favors, nevertheless, he has sufficient grace for eternal salvation.
321. 8. When one is in desolation, he should strive to persevere in patience. This reacts against the vexations that have overtaken him. Let him consider, too, that consolation will soon return, and in the meantime, he must diligently use the means against desolation which have been given in the sixth rule.
end of excerpt
Do God's will
Not seek approval for selfishness
We can want immediate gratification
or get mad
We must forgive
Say Our Father
The Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Some children are taught from
angry parents —
leave those old lessons behind —
they don't bring happiness
Parents full of fear
Parents who hated some
Don't punish others for your anger —
If we lie we can't heal
An alcoholic who uses alcohol to
numb the pain - must quit
and look at pain
We can isolate
tell ourselves we are right
Or we can find
Peace and Happiness
Doing God's will
Not too much one way or the other
Not black and white —
some things are gray
We want to be happy —
have humor
May 19, 1992
I must treasure each moment I have right
now because I can never have it back again.I love You Jesus
I love You Holy Spirit
I love You God the Father
People are important they should
be treated at all times with
dignity and respect —
May 2, 1992 - Saturday
My Dearest Jesus,
Please help me to do Your will – fill me
with Your love and goodness so I can give to
others what You want me to give them.
You are My precious child, I love you every minute of the day. I am in you and I love you, I am in your heart – teach your children to love Me – teach them about the Eucharist – I am blessing you each in a special way. I love you and I will take care of you – I am there for you. I am your God, ever present in your life, guarding you, watching out for you. I neither slumber or sleep. I am your God. I constantly watch out for you. I love you.
Some people may always want
conflict —
if you say green, they say yellow —
if you say do this - they argue
Do surprising things you don't want —
Add to what you say - detract —
change the procedure
Some may want to be always up
because of training
male dominance from
May 27, 1992
My ways are simple My child – You
must realize this. My child I know how afraid
you are I am with you now!!
May 27. 1992
My dear child, I love you, pray to
Me, surrender.R.
I surrender my God with all my heart.
Work Bulimia
Food Bulimia
Compulsive Busyness
Being late
Pumping adrenalin
Need to Control
Constant Relationship Problems
How do you dance?
(in relationships)How do you obey structure?
Can you wait?
Focused externally - inside is too painful
Some people close down —
They are not in touch with
their feelings
Like a stuffed onion —
layers and layers of
stuffed feelings —
Can't get to core of heart —
like a stone Mountain
Shut down — not to feel anything —
only a big argument may
make them feel
They start one
They want to feel
They want life
To feel sensitive
To be heartfelt
We have a choice to stay
bound up like a mummy
Some parents were controlling —
Never let spontaneity
Or Laughing only if using —
alcohol —
food etc.
RUSH When controlling another
Anger can be addiction
We must admit there is a real
Problem — trauma, denial — to
get over childhood pain
deprived of living
enjoying life
It will set you free
Family wants you to think you must
obey them — do what they
Healthy is doing God's will
ADULT children —
Children that are adults, but
not free —
stuck in wounded childhood
acting out
wanting someone to heal their
unable to have intimate
relationships MUTUAL
Keep wanting someone to heal
their wounds —
can act like a little
pouty child —
When somebody shows them love —
they have trouble going
in and out of doors
- they can be critical
- incapable of loving
- stone hearted
- stuffed feelings
- may not feel safe
scan place
see why they should leave
sit like on a spring - launching
Pain inside — may try to store their
pain and shame in another
innocent adult other —
they don't want their pain —
provoke you to dump monkey
on your back
Some are so closed they think
its really unsafe to share
themselves with anybody
Live like a locked cement
room —
Jesus went in the tomb 3 days
His life in us —
The sharing of His life in baptism
is the gift
A person who is wounded can
keep wounding an innocent
other and
the site or
position from such wounding
can be a trigger —
for they are about to burst from
the others mean manipulation
Some people feel crazy because of
trauma and want somebody
to normalize them
Because of trauma they became
They are like a person coming
back from a war
Stress - tension - argumentation
Wanting to win —
Suppressed anger - comes out in
confrontation —
trying to get someone else to
take in their pain
Watch them act it out from their
passive-aggressive measures—
they do not feel — LOCKED OFF —
so they provoke another until
they will scream their pain —
they become like a stone —
Other needs something from
the abuser
Some people lose big blocks
of time
Persons with trauma can be
workaholic to not feel —
then they get enraged
because they are locked up —
they can project their rage on others —
It is intended by the Father for us
to feel - love - be happy —
sing - have joy - trust
each other — love each other
They, because of trauma, feel they must
control everything to not
be wounded again
they may trust no one
They may use open anger to express
rage, but usually anger
is hidden in stone form —
using passive-aggressive
ways to get another to express
their anger and rage —
It is wrong to do this
God intends us to love
Survivor tactics —
suppressed anger
seeing if the place is safe
inability to stay peaceably in a
They can feel crazy if memory
comes up
So they stay outside themselves
In today's world —
the stimulation becomes
greater and greater from
What happens to interior life and meditation —
Connecting in ones heart in love
to God and others comes
from inside the man
The devil doesn't want people
in their heart
Children who have become
numb —
Adults because of divorce and
pain —
May seek argumentation
fighting for feeling —
they are numb
Where others are sensitive —
For me watching television is
next to impossible because
I am so deep and empty inside —
so sensitive —
I take everything so deeply in me
I live life deeply in Him.
Saturated to a deeper life in Him
every day.
My interior life is me
I live in Him
Galatians 2: 19-20
...I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me.
I die to myself
I learn to selflessly give
I am growing in greater joy in Him.
Work out anger
punch pillows
admit your hurts
forgive your parents, but
recognize your hidden
Be More Whole
If you overreact it is because
you are wounded and acting
Some women feel they can
hardly stay with some
men who are stone-hearted —
acting out their hurt on them
in passive-aggressive
provoking ways —
until the women feel they will
burst from the continuous
manipulation, anger abuse and
lack of love from a man
driven by anger and a stone heart
God intends us to be good
God intends us to be heartfelt
Having a locked heart is like being
deprived of enough breath
We can be a light
We must be in touch with our
We have an interior life
We know God the Father lives
in the graced soul
No one can really control
my heart — my love —
Jesus is my strength
Feel your feelings
They can't hurt you
Want to change for the better
See extreme behavior too little
things as worthy to look at.
Use the Blue Books
Have time to meditation
about the reading
People who are numb have
no feeling
Men are taught to be men
from their father figure
Men may have been taught
it is right men control —
not right for women to
be in an authority position
Interior conflict for a male with
a female boss
If dad was distant - little
girls may have a problem
relating to men
If father wasn't there he
taught a mighty lesson
Power struggles —
If men think they are over and have
a female boss
What about priest and Mary
Man may be afraid of woman
getting stronger —
when she is strong
push her down —
He has been trained, possibly,
it is wrong for her to be
over him —
so he wants to do the right
thing and push her down —
emotionally control —
If we do what parents did —
we will be like our parents.
How do we talk to ourselves
Love ourselves
Be cheerful
Get free of old wounds
Get free of bricked in walls
Listen to yourself
Tell yourself good things
Early Writings 1991 - 1993
November 17, 1991
You are precious in My sight – I have
carved you in the palm of My hand –By name I have called you –
Unto you I lift up my voice, Lord.
Lord hear my prayer and be attentive to
my voice and my pleadings. Counsel me
and teach me Your ways that I might
dwell in Your house forever.
Be with me God my God.
September 14, 1991
I dreamed Jesus put His arm around me
and I felt so secure.Feed the hungry, I have been getting this for
the last 6 weeks.
October 28, 1991
Letter to Jesus
I played at Mass yesterday and I heard
everyone singing and praising God - I was
thrilled at all of them praising You. I kept
playing from the heart. I felt Your presence
and I felt it last week in Communion -
like a pressure on my chest knowing You are
this close to me. I know You are with me.Jesus, help me to find Your light deep inside
me, a light only You can give. I can flounder
around inside for years in darkness, but
You can turn the light on and fill me
with your peace, only You can fill me with
Your peace.God speaks:
Peace, I leave My peace, I give
peace to you.R.
Peace for me? Lamb of God, You take
away the sins of the world, grant us peace.Breathe in the richness, the fullness
of God, the richness, the fullness of God.Psalm 91: 2
saying to Yahweh, ‘My refuge, my
fortress, my God in whom I trust!’R.
Jesus, here is my heart, please put on Your
spiritual bandages. And as You place a
spiritual bandage on each scar, the scar
is healed by the power of Your grace and the
bandage disappears.Psalm 91: 2
saying to Yahweh, ‘My refuge, my
fortress, my God in whom I trust!’R.
And You are here, Lord. You stand
across the room from me and You come
close to me clothed in white. Your body
is surrounded by a beautiful light
and You come near me with Your power
and Your love. Your strong but gentle
hand You place on my head and through
my body is a feeling of warmth,
joy and peace, and I know I am
touched by Your ever present love.
October 29, 1991
I have sent a shower of grace healing and nourishing you.You are My child and you are precious in My eyes, I love you.
Breathe in the goodness, the richness of God.
I will not cease praising Him, my God.Matthew 11: 28-30
‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’
Glory and praise to You, Oh Lord Jesus Christ.Psalm 66: 1-2
Acclaim God, all the earth,
sing psalms to the glory of his name,
glorify him with your praises,
You have touched our hearts and now we listen to Your word.My heart is on fire with Your love deep within me.
Fill me, LORD.
Oh, Spirit of God, guide my going out and my coming in - for You have touched my heart and You will show me the way of the Lord.
With a contrite heart for my sins I beg of You to shower Your grace deep in my soul.
I don’t want to leave, I want this peace and love to linger and be there with me all day, I want this warmth inside to continue with You Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit and God the Father. My Father, Who made me special, my Father, You created me as Your child.
I have a divine lineage. My Father is God. I am His precious child.
God speaks:
I have healed you and you will be set free - go in the mercy of God.R.
Permeate my heart with Your love so I may know You more and more.As a child of God, I have dignity, I am somebody - what would God not do for His child?
November 8, 1991 - 4:00 a.m.
From this day forward, you will have love, peace and joy.You are drawn to Me like a magnet - come home to Me and feel the inner joy in your heart.
I am with you always to the ends of the earth.
I am your God and you shall not have other gods besides Me.
I will be with you - that is My promise. I will be with you forever more. Cling to Me for I am strong.
Do not be afraid, for I will gently show you the way of the Lord.
Matthew 11: 28-30
‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’
Jesus, save me from the snare of the devil, from his seed. Plant me on solid ground so I can prosper and be full and follow the ways of the Lord.For You have gently touched my heart and I am warm and cuddly inside.
Your wish is my command. I must follow the ways of the Lord in all things and follow His path, doing His will.
You will show me this path, if I am open to You. All I need do is ask, and I will be answered.
Open my heart and my will to Your direction, Lord Jesus. You are with me in the night, in the rising of the sun and during the day. In all my trials, You are there. Open up my heart to Your word.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Give me Your direction so I might know what path You want me to take.
If I open my heart and listen, all will be revealed to me in His time. For the honor and glory of You Jesus Christ I ask these things in Your name and open my heart to Your
direction.Please help me to put aside the ways of the flesh and follow Your direction, Lord Jesus, this day and always to dwell in the house of the Lord.
All My DaysR.
Today is one of those days. Sing praise to God our Father, Jesus, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Honor and glory to You, GOD.Thanks for this letter, You wake me from my sleep. I thought I heard a noise, but it was You waking me to talk to me. All honor be Yours for Your direction. It came from God and I
must heed these words.God speaks:
Put your anger aside, and make room in your heart for Jesus’ love I pour into you right now. Replenish yourself with My love and My grace and be still, for I am with you this day. I will watch over you, and comfort you, and bring you into the land flowing with milk and honey. Listen to My word and be glad so that all might see your good works and praise your Father Who is in heaven.I bless you and keep you ever in My Heart. Be ready to do My will and be blessed by Me. Listen and be glad, for I am with you.
Go now and live My word, My child. I love you.
In the midst of confusion, be the light shining in the darkness, be life to those who are down-hearted. I have the power to do all things and I am within you, so you have the power to be My light to the world.You are plugged into an undying source. I am there. I want to love, I want to give, I want to comfort and strengthen. I will do these things to My brethren through you, if you let Me.
Love your family, I have given them as gifts to you, to love and care for.
November 8, 1991
Fight a good fight: wage a good war,
for God will bless you in the days of battle.
November 17, 1991
Special Day of Your Life
You are precious in My sight. I carved you in the palm of My hand. By name, I have called you.R.
Unto You, I lift up my voice, Lord. Lord, hear my prayer and be attentive to my voice. In my pleading I embark upon this special day of my life. Console me and teach me Your ways that I might dwell in Your house forever.Be with me, God, my God.
From the Day You Were Born
On December 17, 1991, I saw a vision of Jesus’ Heart on fire after communion. He said – I didn’t know how this Heart would lead people to His Sacred Heart.
December 17, 1991
I am Jesus. I have spoken as never before, you will spread My love to all souls on this earth.R.
The vision of Jesus’ Heart on fire I had in the same pew at All Saints Church, December 17, 1991. The heart that is on the Second Blue Book. March 26, 1996, I had in the same pew on the other end of the pew toward the center aisle, the first pew on the right side of the church as I faced the altar.
I was alone in All Saints Church after Mass and Communion, in front of the tabernacle, when I saw the Sacred Heart. It was red around the outside, then a layer of yellow and then the brightest light in the center. I felt heat and it looked like an open furnace.I thought about it all day and it instantly gave me peace and warmth in my heart. This is the purpose of these letters – to draw hearts to the ardent on-fire love of Jesus. I received the following message that day:
“Open your heart to the fire of God’s love. He is ablaze in your heart. He wants to dwell in you and love you and others through you. Love God, yourself and one another and experience the fire set aglow in your heart and experience the warmth of His love.”
Dear Jesus
Keep my heart pure and free to love,
and show light to others.
I am knowing Your light in me.I know Your love Jesus –
I am washed clean –
Bathed in Your precious Blood.
Fill me with love, God –
Fill me with grace.Let me know the warmth of Your love.
Bathe me –
Let the Holy Spirit move in me.Jesus is the real spiritual doctor –
Jesus takes away our pain –
Jesus helps us forgive and let go –
Jesus fills us with His truth –
Jesus gives us His healing –Jesus can remove the hurts if I let the lid off –
so His grace and healing pour inside.God I thank You for Your healing hand –
You can do all things –
I thank You for what You are
doing in my life today –All praise and honor to my God
Love, RitaSing:
Spirit SongSing Song:
Healer of our Every IllBeg for grace to be healed, purified.
Beg for grace to forgive.Beg to know the truth about
ourselves and not project
our past hurts on others –
Dear Jesus
I put my head on Your lap
I ask for Your presence
I ask for Your peace
I ask for Your loveMatthew 11: 28
‘Come to me, all you who labour and are
overburdened, and I will give you rest.
I put my head on Your lap –
Jesus my Lord and my GodPray to those who have died and we
think are in heaven and love
us very much –Litany of those I love who I think are
in heavenMom pray to Jesus for me.
Catherine intercede to Jesus for me|
|Jesus You know my problems help me –
Jesus You know this problem –
help me –I called on the Lord and He heard me –
He sent me a blessing
God loves me so muchI rest in the Lord
God dwells in me
God has all the power –
Men cannot harm me
Jesus fill me with Your blessings
Jesus fill me with lightGOD:
I plug into God’s unending powerSong:
A Song from JesusSong: I Love You Jesus
Jesus says
Forgive others as you wish Me
to forgive youYou are a human person –
You sin –
You are imperfect
Ask for forgiveness for your
sins from God –Move on
Go to confession and tell God you
are sorry for your sins –
not your brothersFocus on your imperfections
in confession
not your brothers
Trouble yourself not for the
wrongs of yesterday
forgiveBusy yourself for the joys of today
Every moment is golden in My eyesMany are wrapped in shame
Your moments are goldenDo what God intends you to do
todayRender to others their just due
Make recompense for your
sins –Take responsibilities for past
offencesMatthew 18: 1-5
At this time the disciples came to Jesusand said, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?’ So he called a little child to him whom he set among them. Then he said, ‘In truth I tell you, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. And so, the one who makes himself as little as this little
child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.‘Anyone who welcomes one little child like this in my name welcomes me.
I love you –
I forgive your sins when you ask.
Come to me,
I died for your sins.
You are precious to Me
You are wounded
You are broken
You are still My love
You were created in My image and likeness
Be transformed -
Seek purity of heart -
Die to your sins
Rise to new life in MeR.
We need to see the whole picture
of life – what is important
what is notGod give me the gift of wisdom.
Wisdom 14: 1
Wisdom builds herself a house; with her
own hands Folly pulls it down.
Mary is our model.
My child – I come and I harken
to your call – I can protect you
pray for My graceI give you a land flowing
with milk and honey. I send the
Holy Spirit to fill you –I stand before you clothed in
white and beams of light are
flowing from My hands –
I have all the Power
I am there, Rita, I am here –
I am your God – I have outpoured
My light, My love, My grace to you.I fill you with My life
You will have trials.
You will be My light in the
world.You will see My light brighter
and brighter than ever before –
I have all the power –
I wrap you in the arms of
your Mother –
Be not afraid –
You should not be frightened, child
I love you, I will be there
in your every trial –
I am all powerful –
I am your lightPsalm 27: 1
Yahweh is my light and my salvation,
whom should I fear?You cried unto me and I heard your
pleading and your cries –Others may be blind
Others may be deafYou suffer for their deaf ears –
their blind eyes –
I speak to you –Those closed in heart have a
trial – and much unhappiness –Open your heart wide to My love
A person with a cold heart can be
closed like a wall –A person who has closed off their
heart can be locked in a cave of
darkness, they can lack spontaneity –
their hearts can become hard and cold.Those whose hearts are open –
know life and spontaneity inside –Your heart is red with the fire
of My love – your heart is
warm, your touch gentle
to know My letters of love –Satan will attack to block My letters
of love – through jealous others
working for himYou are open - to My golden light –
I pour My light on each one
of your hearts –You are surrounded by My halo
of light – You know the
miracle of God’s love –
you are open to receive healing –My strength is upon you.
Rays of light and warmth penetrate
your troubled souls and
the fire of the Holy Spirit
fills you –I come to heal your wounded
heart.Soak in My warmth, My
love,You will know My power –
This healing is the real
healing that will help you –I want you to know I heal
you and fill you –
You are dependent on Me
Soak in the light –
Breathe in Peace.Know that Jesus loves you
so much –Live in My love –
I give you your special
children to serve Me
I have gifted them.I love them
I bless you in all your trials –
I love you
I am your God and I live
in you
I am with you every minute
Be not afraid
Cast out satan
You are blessed
You are the apple of My eye.
I stand at your bed
I watch you day and night
I never sleep
I am there
I love all of you
Love JesusHow do you feel?
anxiousGet in touch with your
feelingsDon’t let them rule you –
Satan can work in feelings
(1) Love and Forgive
(2) Live in truth - not deception
(3) Don’t judge things in
extremes when they can
be gray - don’t judge
all white or black(4) Don’t manipulate
(5) Don’t try to control others,
put God first(6) Don’t sit on a pity-pot
and be SELFISH
Prayer for Union with Jesus
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.
I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.
When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.
-God’s Blue Book, January 17, 1994
(7) See the big picture
(8) God will fight our fight
if we ask Him(9) God will heal our wounds
if we pray to Him.(10) Rely on God’s grace
ask for it(11) Don’t get addicted to
excitement or misery(12) Get unstuck from
stuffed feelings –(13) Look at traumas that may
have you stuck(14) Be truthful
(15) Gratitude
February 21, 1992
He told me - let go, relax, and let Him run
the show. My most important job is being a
light to the world - no tension, no anxiety.
May 2, 1992 - Saturday
My Dearest Jesus,
Please help me to do Your will – fill me
with Your love and goodness so I can give to
others what You want me to give them.
You are My precious child, I love you every minute of the day. I am in you and I love you, I am in your heart – teach your children to love Me – teach them about the Eucharist – I am blessing you each in a special way. I love you and I will take care of you – I am there for you. I am your God, ever present in your life, guarding you, watching out for you. I neither slumber or sleep. I am your God. I constantly watch out for you. I love you.
September 24, 2007
Shepherds of Christ Family and
all who touch the Shepherds of Christ Family
May 18, 1992 - Monday
My child listen to My voice,R.
Dear Jesus
I can never live the moments
of this life again.
I ask you Mary my sweet Mother
to help me to be as you
want – a good mother.
The Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed
be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy
will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive
those who trespass against us. And lead
us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. Amen.
Dear Jesus –
Serenity Prayer
God grant me the Serenity to accept the
things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can
and Wisdom to know the difference.
October 5, 1992 - 3:30am
Messenger: Dear Jesus, Give me Your hand to write this book for you. I am your servant. I want to be Your hand to this world. If you, Lord Jesus, would write a book, what would you say?
Jesus: My dear children,
Today I come to deliver a message to each of you. I want to tell you of each person's dignity, of their beauty and their self-worth. Each child is, oh, so uniquely precious to My Most Sacred Heart. Each child is full of the talents I have given to them. Each person is divinely created by God and given all these gifts to be happy and love one another.
The problem comes when you feel you will be left out. That you will be left by another who has trodden on you and will do it again. I see you all as My most precious children. I watch your every move and know all pain and anguish in your heart. My Heart aches, you have insecure feelings about yourself. I came to this earth I died for you. I felt cold, hungry, lonely on this earth. You need not worry that no one knows the pain and anguish in your heart. God created you with such special gifts and talents. It is important for you to raise above your wound and forgive those who hurt you.
You need only turn your will and your life over to Me and I will guide you in all your ways. I have all the Power. Many are not of My ways. The key to life is to recognize your faults, but still know you are this precious gift of My Father a gift to this world. This world is in need of your strength. Running yourself down, blaming others hurting them can cause you misery and pain. At this very moment, you are the precious creation of God!! You must operate with Me in your heart.
You need not run yourself down. I am with you every day guiding your ways, lest your foot stumble and you lose your way. You will not wander far from your path if every day you keep bringing your focus back to Me. If you dare let Me be at the helm, if you dare to really let Me run your life, I will do with you such wonders that you yourself would be amazed. But you will know with such ease when you did these things that you did not do them alone. You will know My power, moving the mountain, My power chipping at the stone, My power working on your hardest problem and you will be set free.
Oh yes, you will be set free and know a serenity that only comes from letting go and letting Me run your life. To you, My child, I have given all that is good. I made you My holy soldier, My warrior in a world of pain and hatred. You are the light that shines in the darkness, you are the coat to a cold child, you are the smile that warms a troubled and lonely heart. You are the comfort for everyone you meet, because My most precious Heart powers you, smiles through you, understands and loves through you.
Love your fellows for Me. There are so many troubled hearts that need to know My love. I can love through you if you let Me, I can be their friend through you if you let Me. I am He who comforts you and you are he who comforts them. My power is endless, it never runs out, there is not a power failure EVER. In your darkest hour, My light shines in the darkness and I say to you, "Oh blessed of My Father, look at yourself with awe, you are My creation, you are indeed so precious to Me, you are My light to this world, you are My hands and My feet and most of all My Heart."
Oh, you are My loving Heart, to those who are bowed down, to those who are lost in the darkness, you carry My smile and wear My armor in a world that is trying to tear one another down with hate and ugliness. There is gentleness, there is love, there is hope in you, if you open yourself up to Me. Be My knight to the world, wear My armor. I am your God and I will protect you from the darkness. Plug into My power, be not afraid, I go before you always and you can rest in My arms when you feel weary. You can put your head in My lap and weep, you will know, I am truly with you and you are My light to this world. I created you so special - to cast out fear in the darkness, to clothe the naked, to give hope to the oppressed, to be as I live in you and love through you and you are My smile and I touch My hurting ones through your love.
You are he who loves this world. You must stay plugged into My power-source. This world is hungry for My love. It needs My love, I give to them through you. I am your God and I made you as a gift to the world. You are filled.
Focus on Me and your life will be abundant and whole, joy in suffering, freedom -- but you can take the knocks because you will know you do not go it alone, but with Me. I love you My precious child.
July 17, 1993
You Are Carried By Angels
Jesus: I am your God and I am not far from you ever. You have moved from Me as you become busy. Each day you need to be alone with Me. Just as you eat food, you need to be close to Me or you will have a wanting and longing in your heart.
I am waiting for you to come to Me, each day, and I am always here. Nothing should be more important than this private union with Me. You are very distracted by things I do not want.
I want you to spread My work, but I will guide you. I will do My own work; you can go at a slow pace. I will work in you if you let Me. Calm yourself; soak in My presence; be alone with Me in your heart. Let the distractions of this world pass you by; let go.
Sing: Little Child
Jesus: Just stay close to Me and you will know how to act.
The devil creates your confusion. I want you calm, present to your children, having fun and private prayer with them. You can do more work this way. Be there for your children -- be ready for them; be available - pray with them, pray to Me. Be calm, My child, be calm. Time is short. You spend time with your children - treasure each moment as a special gift you have been given. Savor its quality -- do not be busy and not there for them. Be there, talk to them and be close to them. Your job is with them praying to Me, with them and by yourself.
Be calm, My child; soak in My presence. I am peace. I am love. I work in My peace -- it is all easy -- no need to fret and fume and feel tight inside. Lose yourself inside; let go. You aren't going anywhere any faster for being all keyed up. You get no more done for walking around keeping yourself busy. Work is accomplished when you are not busy. There is always something that ought to be done. You need to focus on Me; write to Me; take time for Me; be with Me; love Me; make Me the Center of your Life and all those other things fall into line. You have three jobs: Me, your children and praying with them.
I don't want you busy, I want you at peace. Calm yourself. Calm your heart, soak your heart in a bath of white clouds, it is soothing, it is restful. My clouds are full of light; My burden is light. Place your yoke on Me; walk away free, really free. This is not lip service, it is walking on air. Feel your steps as you lift yourself up from the valley of darkness. You have transcended into the air and the light. You travel lightly; you are engulfed in a sea of peace and you run and not grow weary; you walk and your path is green; you have no cares as a child who just goes their way and lives in the moment.
The Kingdom of God is within you; soak in My light, My lightness -- let Me fill you with My grace and let yourself go. Let go of drudgery. Every minute is planned by Me; live it to the fullest. Worry not about the past or what will come in the future. Place YOUR TRUST IN ME. Come unto Me all who are weary and I will comfort you. Your burdens have been made light and your love is restored in My sea of love. Let Me fill you; lift yourself and be carried by the angels and you are anew, full of light, full of lightness, full of My grace, full of Me.
Why do you worry? Does it add even one second to this life? This life is not why you are here. You are here to do My work for Me; My work is not busy work, it is peace and love and joy. It is Trust in He who put you there. I have put you on this earth to love, honor and obey Me. All else is not of Me. You honor and love and obey Me when you love those around you and spread My light. That is your job -- being Me to a world in which many have forgotten Me.
I love you Jesus - Love, Rita!!
July 19, 1993
Let Go and Let Me Run Your Life
Jesus: I am your God and I am with you. Let go and let Me run your life. I am with you now in your confusion and your doubt. I will be by your side to guide you in all that you do. Be attentive to all that I tell you. Listen to My words. Do not discount anything that you hear. I am guarding your life and watching out for you. Soak in My presence. Know My hand is in everything you do. I am Jesus, your loving God and I love you so much. Do you believe, My child, that I will really watch out for you? Concentrate on My love for you, soak in My presence, see My face. My hand is in your life. You must know that in your heart. I love you.
I am truly this close to you. What you feel is My presence. From this day forward, put doubts away and confidence must abide in your head. This is very offensive to Me after all I have written to you. Believe -- you are My precious child. Believe and enjoy the love of the One, True God. A Heart on fire with love for each of you, My heart is ablaze with infinite love and it is endless. Know that all Power comes from Me and I am by your side, watching, guarding and loving you. Oh, why do you doubt Me and look for assurance in these earthly people and possessions? Listen to Me; I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. All life comes from Me, through Me, with Me and in Me. You must turn all your cares to Me and let go of these earthy obsessions.
Throw your doubts out the window, focus on Me: My words, My voice, My presence, My truth, the will of My Father, and Love! All these lead to the peace and joy of the heart, other things can lead you away from Me and therefore be to your detriment. My ways are right; many other ways are not of Me. I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. Anything that leads you away from Me you should not follow. My paths are direct and sure. Open your heart up, to let Me light your way. Take the blinders from your eyes. What good does it do a blind man to walk the wrong road -- he goes nowhere that leads him anywhere. He must follow the right path or he is lost. You do not want to be a lost child -- take the blinders off your eyes, follow only My path, open your heart and let Me lead the way. You don't want to be lost. I lead you down the right path to everlasting life. You will never lose your way if you open yourself up to Me and surrender to all that I have planned for you.
I am God, the God of Jacob, Joseph, Abraham and all your Fathers.
Song: Little Child
I was on a plane on the way to California and I received this message.
Dear Jesus, Please come to me and write to me now, I really need to be alone with You and hear Your words, please talk to me.August 16, 1993
Jesus: My dear child, put your fear and anxiety aside. You are coming for My truth. I am the Truth. I live in you and you are watered by My words of truth. Deception is very troublesome to you when you live in My truth. On any scale deception is not at all funny. I know you cannot watch a movie anymore, it is not of God. Do not give in to the ways of this world. Feed yourself with only that which is of Me. Turn your entire life over to Me, trust in My ways and make them your own. Read and reread each letter, go back to your old letters, know them by heart so My words and thinking will become engraved in you. You must speak from My truth. You must be filled with My wisdom. You must not falter or wonder, but be confident in these words I write to you. My work for you is to speak My truths. You must study them and know all I have taught you. Those are your lessons. All that is not of Me will become so foreign, you will want only to choose My way, but you must teach yourself with My letters. I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE and he who abides in Me will have the light of life. The life I give you is not of this world. It is rooted in My words and My truth. Only I can teach you My truths. This world is so full of error. Unless you keep constant in My teachings by reading My words, you will go astray. My words are the food by which you are nourished and fed. My words are your drink, they are your food, they are your all. You will run and not grow weary, you will fly like an eagle. Joy will abound in your heart and you will know that true joy comes only from Me. All other joy is momentary. My joy is everlasting and full to the brim, You, My child, can have this joy if you stay fixed in My words. Savor them and decipher all their meanings for you, this is your truth, this is your victory over Satan’s lies. This is how you will help others to know Me. Your instructions are very clear, My child. STUDY each letter and try to understand all of its contents. They are words meant for you so you can speak these truths to others. It is not by chance you were chosen by Me, My child. You are a teacher, you are convincing in all you believe in. Believe in these letters and memorize My teachings until they flow from you as from your very soul. You must put aside your doubts now. Keep these letters by your side. Your life here will be always put into perspective. You will not get caught up in foolishness, or worry for any reason. I AM HE, I AM here. Your work is clear, study and learn My words so they become engraved in you. Speak of My words to all. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and you are My messenger. I speak the truth to you that you will speak the truth to all. No time to wait, time is so short. Be busy studying My teachings now. Keep them in your purse, underline and read them again and again. These are not just for you, they are teachings of My love for all My children. Each child needs to be told about My love. Reach as many as possible through your speech. I am by your side, giving you what you need. The crooked ways are made straight, the weary are sent away in rest. Your voice will be My tool to reach many. Make yourself like jello. I will form you into what I want you to be. You must remain formless and be molded by Me. I am this close to you, My child. You will take some knocks, but you will be the key to unlock many doors. Use you I will, let all busy things behind. Focus on Me at every moment. This is My desire for you to speak My truth. I will be with you, little one, do not be afraid. I will tell you the way.
Messenger: Oh my Jesus, how You want me to do this I do not know. Show me how it is to come about or put me somewhere and I will now study Your words for me. For He made me humble and taught me His ways, which are the only ways to go. All other ways are not of any account. His way is the way to victory, the cross that leads us to glory, joy and peace in this life and glory and salvation in the world to come. He bound up my foolish ways and taught me His truths. My tongue was made clean, and my heart was full of His love. He cast away my doubts and fears and filled me with the gifts of the Spirit. His light He shined deep into my soul and He washed me in His Blood and I was made ready to do His work, an honor that I do not deserve, but long to fulfill for Him, my God, my All, my Jesus. Him I love and He has bestowed on me a great dignity. With love and respect He clothed me and made my broken heart and soul whole in Him. I am the fortunate one to know this one, true magnificent God. I bow in awe at all His greatness.
I am in awe at His love for us all. In our lowliness and sin He reached out and clothed us with dignity and showered us with His love and we were like the flowers after the rain, blessed by Him in His greatness. We are His children, Alleluia, Alleluia. Praise the Lord. Amen.
August 23, 1993
On His Passion
Jesus: My dear child,
I was condemned to death, death on a cross. They gave Me a big cross and made Me carry it. They stood around and glared at Me. It weighed on My shoulder and I pulled at it until it finally moved. Every step was almost impossible as I dragged it, weighing so heavily on My shoulders.My shoulder felt as if the bones inside would crack and the cross would fall through to the ground. I couldn’t drag it any more. I tried, I fell. I fell and its weight fell on Me. A guard hit Me with something sharp. It really hurt because he wanted Me to move, and fast! People were watching—on with the show! How dare I fall in the middle of the show! He hit Me again and the blow really stung Me. I got up because it hurt so badly. I tried to walk on.
My Mother was in the crowd. She looked at Me and her face looked red and hurt. Tears rolled down her cheeks like rain and as her eyes met Mine, I was hurt so by her sorrow! She was always by My side, silent and loving. She was My mother of love! She is always there next to you when you suffer.
I fell again and he (the guard) really hit Me. It (the cross) was so heavy that he and I together could barely move it. It seemed as I walked, heavier with the sins of the world heaped on it. My hands were bleeding. Blood ran from the wounds of My thorns and My head throbbed, seeming to make the wounds in My head bleed even more. Some of the Blood was dried, some of it running all over My Body. I had so many cuts and bruises—and people watched and laughed!
I am Jesus, Son of the Living God, and they laughed and mimicked Me! Oh, such hardened hearts! How vile can men’s heart become? The devil’s grip is paralyzing and crippling.
The walk was so long up a hill and over rocks—the cross had to be lifted over the rocks. My Body was bleeding so badly! My heart was pounding. I knew that the salvation of all men depended on My love. Therefore, I went through such agony.
I thought of My intense love for you—that many would go to heaven because of My suffering—and I continued to the top of the hill. At the top they laid Me on the cross and with a big hammer nailed My hands to it. It was the worst (suffering) yet. My hands were nailed with big nails and the big hammer. Oh, it was unbelievable! Then, as if that weren’t enough, with a big nail they nailed through both feet.
Then they lifted the cross and banged it into (a hole in) the ground. My shoulders ached from how I hung. My head bobbed and My neck ached and they laughed and said, "Now save Yourself." I hurt so much! I suffered this way for hours—which seemed like forever—and they glared at Me and laughed! My Mother watched in such agony.
For love of you, to My death I gave you My Body. My child, I shed My Blood and gave you My life that you might be with Me forever in heaven -- not for a day, a month or a year, but forever with Me in heaven.
I am the true Bread come down from heaven. He who eats My Flesh will have life forever. For the drink I give you is My Blood and food you eat is My Body. Who would lay down his life for a friend? I did, for you. I love you this much, child. Forget about those who reject you. You have My life that I gave you and I give you life eternal.
I am the One true God. I am the Light of life. He who abides in Me will have life eternal, for the drink I give is My Blood and the food I give is My Body. Drink and eat and have everlasting life.
My child, that is all you need to know. Love one another and be good that you may enter into My kingdom.
December 26, 1993 - Sunday
Whatsoever You Do to Your Brother, You Have Done unto Me
Jesus: My child,
It is with a bleeding heart I come to you this day — the day after My special day! I know all about the trials and you withstood them very well. When you are suffering, I am the closest. Try to feel Me right with you always. If someone is being smart to you, know, My little one, they are being smart to Me. Whatever others do to you they do it first to Me. It is easy for satan to use someone to attack you and for them to think you are weak and I can do anything to push this one's buttons. No, little ones, you may think I can do whatever I want and get away with it because this person doesn't fight and forgives. I say to you, "Woe to you who push your brothers with your ugly speech. You do it to Me first. Woe to he whose tongue is as a rattlesnake: you rattle roll to your brother, but you rattle to Me. All those who sit and watch such an episode or hear are affected."
"Woe to you who have given ugly example to children: I will personally hold you accountable for every word you speak in front of innocent children. You speak not to the person, but to all whose ears hear. Woe to you, your snake-like ways will come to haunt you, My child. Your tongues are that by which you receive My body; your tongue should be kept so holy.
Guard your tongue against foul talk, abusive language and scourging your brother. You will be held accountable for every misdeed you performed against your precious brother and in front of any bystanders. All will be made known in the end. Every deed will be brought into light. Guard your body. Do not use any abusive talk or ugly words. You are My precious one, in communion you receive the Son of Man. Respect Me, My little ones. He is your brother. Whatsoever you do to your brother, you have done to Me and you will answer for all your misdeeds."
It is so silly to think that no one will hear what you do and you will not be found out. All will know the snake-like ways you so carefully hid. All will be brought into light and you will be held accountable for doing them to Me because I give you your brother to love. Guard your speech. Guard your ways. See the whole picture. What you are doing to little ones who hear. You will be judged also for giving bad example. Just as you expect Me to account all those good deeds you performed. You are accountable for your bad deeds against others.
I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I came to show you how to live. I am gentle. I am kind in Heart. I love you, My little ones, many have evil ways and I still love you. I did not fight and argue back. I was silent. A person who taunts you wants you to fight. Be of a pure heart and do not answer them back. This is satan who is out to taunt you. Do not disrespect your brother even when he disrespects you. All he says, he says to me first and he will truly answer for his deed. If you have wronged your brother, tell him of the wrong and ask for forgiveness, then beg forgiveness from Me. It is in your sorrow and the recognition of it to your brother that God forgives you.
You are the light of the world; see that your works are a light to your brothers. Guard against dark ways. Example is the best teacher, to constantly teach ugliness is to teach the biggest lesson of all. Just as a parent who is loving teaches love to his little ones, by his actions, a parent who is selfish and angered teaches children such lessons.
Woe to you who perform vile acts in front of others, especially My little innocent ones! I will call you on your unrepented acts. To pray the "Our Father" you must repent your sins. Pray this prayer often. My Father is so pleased with the recitation of this prayer. He listens attentively as His little children address Him. He loves you to call Him Father. He is a Father Who loves His children and loves them to come to Him in prayer.
What you do in the dark will be made know in the light. All your deeds to your brothers will be brought to light. Guard your ways and strive to be holy. Be of a light heart. What is of account here is doing it for the honor and glory of God. It must be for God's glory. God is watching you like on a silent stage.
Think of all your actions being brought to light; guard against evil speech. The tongue is a party to much sin and then it is the way you receive Me, Jesus, Lord. Make your tongues so holy. Remember the snide remarks you make to your brother are snide remarks you make to Me. See Me standing there when you speak to your brothers. Even in his ugliness, see Me standing there in your brothers. Respect each other as a creation of the Father. When one is being cruel to you, pray for them and drive away satan, he is influencing their tongue. See your brother with a snake around him and struggling. Would you go and fight with the snake? Cast out the devil in My Name; don't argue with the devil. See your brother as being attacked and unable to help himself — do not listen to his utterances from his tongue when being attacked. It is not he who is out to trip you up, it is the evil one who has attacked your brother. See him in his struggle.
A person who taunts you is anything but a figure of strength; he is a figure of weakness. Look at him as coming from a bad place and needing your prayers. Do not listen to vile and nasty remarks. You are as I see you. You are as I see you in your holiness and goodness. Guard yourself. I will be your fore guard and your rear guard, I will help your brother if you pray for him. Pray he does not continue down his dark road. He usually is not praying for himself at such a moment, so you need to pray for him.
Do not allow yourself to be attacked by others. It is satan who uses your brothers to get to you. Cast him out and ask for My strength. You will be judged — how you respond to your brother. Strive to be Christ-like. Realize he is a figure of weakness, not strength and pray for him and strength for yourself.
I am He Who is forever by your side guarding you. Do not go it alone. Turn to Me and I will give you strength. It is no myth, little one. I am this close and this personal with you. Treat Me like a person who is right there. Do not overlook My presence. In love and in adversity, I stand by to be your guide. I am He who never leaves you — you are never alone.
I am such a good God. Your life will become so much easier when you realize I am right by your side. No one can hurt you and get away with it. They will answer to Me if they do not repent. Repented sins will be forgiven and unrepented sins will be brought to light.
You must be truthful in your examination of self. As soon as you realize that you have offended your brother, and it is prudent to do so, go and beg his forgiveness and then pray to be forgiven. I love you even when you sin. I love the truth. I want the truth. Deception is the work of the devil. All evil ways will be made known in the light and woe to he who has accused his brother of his own sin. Such deception is indeed the work of the evil one and will not go unpunished.
Review your sins often during the day, clear away the rubbish. Confessing your sins is cleaning for the heart. It is freeing for you. Denying the truth keeps you stuck to the sin. Examine your consciences, ask for guidance on how you have offended others by your words, thoughts and example, and beg to be forgiven. Tell your brothers of your wrong and ask for forgiveness. If he does not forgive you, he will have to deal with Me. Do not feel guilty; go to confession and do as the priest directs and free yourself of guilt. Satan wants you to wallow in your guilt. Move out of your sin with resolution with God's help to try not to sin again.
Oh, little ones, it is not the sin as much as the unrepented arrogance of an act. This displeases Me so. This is so rooted in the devil, to offend another and then to act innocent or blame another for your sins. Such vileness is from satan. Repent, I tell you — go to confession and confess your wrongs be freed of your sin, unrepented sins will be punished. Listen to Me and follow the words of the Master. Follow My example to love your brothers at all times and respect them as the temple they are. Kindness and love for one another — this is paramount. Strive to be Godly; strive to be as He expects you to be. Guard your tongue, little ones; it is by this tongue you receive God, the Savior. Do not give in to abusive talk and snide remarks; speak with love to your brother.
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