Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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October 25, 2006
October 26th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 2 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for October 26th are Joyful.
October 25, 2006
My love for God beckons me to
give myself completely and to
let go of inordinate attachments.
Any time we give into the devil in
pride, anger, jealousy, envy
and let hatred in our hearts
anger, jealousy toward another —
we open a door to satan.
There is one thing
— trying
to do God's will in love — wanting
something for dominance, comfort
not according to God's will that
is hurting us from having deeper
oneness with God and allowing sin
into our lives.
What is our god? What is
our focus? Do I want dominance
for dominance sake to be over
the authority.
In surrender to God's will lies
my might! I give myself entirely
to His will and His Might runs
things for me.
I pray for unity, I pray for
purity, for all involved in this mission,
I pray for mercy from God
to help us to be strong, other focused
not act out our past sins, wounds
on others.
If one was abused as a child
one may try to work out that unfinished
business one more time by creating
the same scenario and then having
a happy ending for them.
Adults cannot expect other
adults to be put in situations so
they can solve abusive, neglective
patterns from childhood.
Why do many divorce
— unmet
needs from childhood —
"Now my husband will love me
and I will be satisfied." they think.
Only God can help us to fill
the craving in our soul we
were given that can only be
satisfied in heaven.
No person can ever satisfy this
craving, that can be satisfied by
God in heaven.
When a problem is a problem it
must be addressed or we cannot go
to greater oneness.
A person in sin, that is blinded
by their sin can live an isolated life
oh it isn't me — then they want a relationship
and they say — I will try again — every
intimate relationship may end in
disaster because no one can get
close to them — they see themselves as perfect.
Their way is the only way. They may
marry another dysfunctional person
and they try to work it out in dysfunction.
But dysfunction
— even though it
may function usually gets sicker and
produces - dysfunctional, sick children —
then they grow up and since we live in
society — the mask can be revealed.
There is one way
— it is to recognize
we are imperfect and quit acting out
unmet needs, wounded hurts on
Only God can satisfy the desire
for the real love we all desire.
We will never find satisfaction in
love here below
— we will
not be satisfied on earth.
Every imperfection is a means
that the devil can get in.
People engaging in sin have
opened a door to satan and he comes
in and he aggressively tries
to move - like a worm in an
apple rotting the soul.
The best way to have a
nice apple is to get rid of
the worm.
I asked God for forgiveness
of my sins, I ask God to help my
heart to be humble
— truthful —
the proud person — does things
wrong and wants to prove they are
right — they hurt others — they
sin — they hide the sin and lie trying
to say they have not sinned.
The abuse that hurt the Church
was because of lies and
cover up and the sin gets
deeper and deeper
Committing a sin and trying to
lie and cover it up
- hurts ourselves
first and it keeps us stuck in a sin
that is a wound that can grow and
grow as the devil sticks a wedge
in to widen the wound.
How many lies can we tell
to cover-up a sin
— How does
lying make us feel?
I watched a girl
— lie and lie and
when everyone around her was
hurt — she was still lying to
make herself look perfect.
Her god was being perfect
a deck of cards (people) fell
wounded because of her lies and
her main focus was looking spotless.
She never said she was sorry — her
lies got greater — her closeness
to God diminished and she was black
and miserable inside.
How do you make friends? When
it is somebody's birthday I have
watched new beginnings
— like sin
get unveiled —
confession — rebirth
a newness
A kid lying to their parents is
committing a sin.
Disobedience is wrong.
Respect is to be given to parents,
Saying you are sorry when you sin
is good for the soul.
Staying stuck in the sin is
devastating because we are not
here for earthly pleasures, for
earthly gain.
Adam and Eve sinned, but it
hurt generations after them.
How big is a sin and a lie
it doesn't end with that person.
Sing: Pardon Your People
Sing: Loving and Forgiving
The Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
John 17: 20-23
I pray not only for these
but also for those
who through their teaching
will come to believe in me.
May they all be one,
just as, Father, you are in me
and I am in you,
so that they also may be in us,
so that the world may believe
it was you who sent me.
I have given them the glory
you gave to me,
that they may be one as we are one.
With me in them and you in me,
may they be so perfected in unity
that the world will recognise
that it was you who sent me
and that you have loved them
as you have loved me.
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