Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.
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October 30th Holy
Spirit Novena Scripture selection is Day 7 Period 1. |
The Novena Rosary Mystery for October 30th is Joyful. |
The Nursing Home #3 video is now on the internet.
It is so beautiful and the sound is excellent!
There will be a rosary in Sidney,
on October 30, 2001 at 6:20pm
will be a rosary in Clearwater, Florida
on November 5, 2001 at 6:20pm
These rosaries will be broadcast to
different locations,
call for details. Great grace can be released
when we pray as a body.
Excerpt from the Priestly Newsletter 1999 -
Issue 5
- Weaknesses in the Church must be properly attended to. Whatever means are used to strive to correct what should not be, these means must be permeated with a spirit of
compassion. Fr. Ladislas Orsy, S.J., says: "There are, there were, and there will be weaknesses in the Church. What should be the response of a Christian? It cannot be anything else than the Christian response that is compassion. Bitter criticism and aggressive accusation do not heal wounds. If anything, they aggravate the condition of the sick." 16
St. Clement, Pope, writes to the Corinthians: "Why are there strife and passion, schisms and even war among you? Do we not possess the same Spirit of grace which was given to us and the same calling in Christ? Why do we tear apart and divide the body of Christ? Why do we revolt against our own body? Why do we reach such a degree of insanity that we forget that we are members one of another?...
"We should put an end to this division immediately. Let us fall down before our master and implore his mercy with our tears. Then he will be reconciled to us and restore us to the practice of brotherly love that befits us ... A person may be faithful; he may have the power to utter hidden mysteries; he may be discriminating in the evaluation of what is said and pure in his actions. But the greater he seems to be, the more humbly he ought to act, and the more zealous he should be for the common good rather than his own interest." 17
Here are some thoughts regarding the basic nature of Christian prayer:
"Since the entire Christian life is centered in faith, hope, and love, so also, then, is the life of prayer. In faith, hope, and love, we are receptive to God’s indwelling presence. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are intimately present to us, and we to Them.
"Our presence to God in prayer is a receptive presence. We must be open to God, we must be willing to listen to Him. Our attitude should resemble Samuel’s: "
Yahweh then came and stood by, calling as he had done before, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ Samuel answered, ‘Speak, Yahweh; for your servant is listening’ ." (1 Sam 3:10)"Being open to God in prayer, listening to Him, asking Him what He would have us do, is based on the very basic truth that God is the One Who takes the initiative in the Christian life. God is granting His grace in abundance. The danger lies with us, with the possibility that we will be deaf to His call, that we will not listen properly, that our selfishness will blemish our openness.
"To be open to God in prayer means to make ourselves receptive to His love for us. It means a willingness to allow that love to direct our lives. It means, therefore, a desire to increasingly conform our wills to God’s will in love.
"In prayer, then, God desires our openness. He wants us to listen. He wants us to allow Him to reveal Himself to us in greater depth. He also desires that we allow Him more and more to reveal ourselves to us -- both the good and the bad. He desires that we allow Him in His love for us to reveal to us those hidden and unrecognized recesses of our being where we still resist Him. He wants to engrave His image upon us ever more deeply. He desires to possess us more completely so that we may more fully be ourselves. God’s possession of us in grace is oriented toward bringing our total being to fulfillment. Grace perfects nature, brings it to a maturity otherwise not possible. Our uniqueness, then, along with all the other aspects of our persons, finds fulfillment in grace. Prayer, in which we open ourselves to being more intimately possessed by God, is truly a special opportunity to fulfill our search for personal authenticity -- for becoming in greater depth our true, unique selves.
"Prayer’s dialogic love-presence, uniting the Christian with God, is centered in Christ. This fact flows from the mediatorship of Jesus: He draws us to the Father in the Holy Spirit.
"In prayer, the Father, in the Holy Spirit, speaks to us through Jesus. Through His incarnate Son the Father has revealed Himself and His plan for our salvation. The Father, under the delicate touches of the Spirit, enlightens us in Christ concerning life’s meaning. The Christian can understand his or her existence only in the light of Christ. Hans Urs Von Balthasar says: ‘Those who consider Christian contemplation outdated and turn to the values of the world to give them fresh force are victims of illusion. Only ‘in Christ’ do things attain their ultimate meaning and end ...’ 18
"We are imprinted with a Trinitarian, Christ-like image. Christ, through His life, death, and resurrection has shown us how to live a God-like, a Trinitarian type, existence. In the quiet of prayer the Father bids us to look at His Son and to assimilate the mysteries or events of His life, death, and resurrection more radically into our own lives. These mysteries possess a perennial reality, a perennial dynamism. As we variously experience Christ -- and prayer is one of the chief means through which we do so -- we also experience these mysteries. We are to incorporate them ever more dynamically into our lives. Because of the fundamental transcendency of Christ’s mysteries, they are always supremely relevant to each Christian of any age. They possess a perennial vitality to meet all exigencies.
"As we gaze upon Jesus, we deepen the understanding of our own lives in the light of His. In prayer we are deepening the conviction that Jesus has the meaning of life. We come to realize more in the depths of our hearts that without Him there is no consistent and meaningful unity to all our work and play, success and failure, happiness and joy, pain and sorrow. In prayer we achieve a deeper realization of what Jesus meant when He left us these words:
I am the Way; I am Truth and Life.
No one can come to the Father
except through me. (Jn 14:6) 19
- Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C., astutely observes: "There is an appalling dearth of thinking in our times even in the theological domain, where the strangest conclusions are sometimes drawn from the most tortured syllogisms. However, there is also what may be simply and accurately described as a lack of heart. When the powers of the mind have gone as far as they can go and concluded as much of truth as lies within their possibilities, then those powers must give humble heed to the heart. Is not, in fact, a humble mind one that has energetically exhausted all its potential in order to recognize its limitations?
" ‘All that I have written seems to me as a little straw,’ concluded St. Thomas Aquinas toward the end of his life. His humble assessment of himself and his works was accurate. For is not indeed everything that the mind can achieve really only ‘straw’ before the greatness of God and his incredible designs? He is a God, however, who is glorified by our gathering all the ‘straw’ we can for his service and the directing of our own free willed lives, while vigorously routing a temptation toward torpor of intellect.
"Yes, a mind is for using. Its sound conclusions call for the most serious pondering. And for the heart to claim absolute sovereignty whether over life itself or the decisions that make for life’s unfolding pattern is clearly an unjustified and perilous assumption. Yet, for the mind to insist on its supreme authority in decision making, including the decision to disregard the evidence of the heart, is a counter insistence fraught, if not always with peril, at least with frequent and sometimes very serious loss to the proprietors of mind and heart. Indeed, it is the mind that delivers to the will the evidence on which the will pronounces. Nonetheless, cerebral conclusions need enfleshing with what only the heart can contribute: the finding of love that can never, if the love is real and true, be at enmity with the mind but which can sometimes unseat the mind’s best justified decisions or even topple them. The mind of the father of the prodigal son in the Gospel must surely have rendered the father completely just conclusions: the son must be penanced. He must make reparation. He must become practiced in contrition. He must come to assess himself as a thorough-going rotter. It’s all for his own good, before there be any expression of such unduly swift and overly facile pardon as might leave the boy forever unaware of the heinousness of his crimes.
"The father might well have then had it in mind to show welcome, once the son’s state of soul had been made clear to him. It was good, clear thinking. But the father’s heart got the better of any sound conclusions of reasonableness. He just held out his arms to his returned renegade son. And threw a party. This is Jesus’ revelation of how the heavenly Father forgives ...
"It is a most wondrous partnership, that of the mind and heart." 20
- Here are words from a spiritual journal: "Jesus stood before the crowd when they condemned Him to death. He was surrounded by the hateful mob, and they agreed that our beloved Jesus, Who is love, deserved to be crucified. He had done nothing but give love, but, because of the hardness of their hearts, they cried out for His crucifixion.
"Jesus knew all those who persecuted Him, and He loved them. Jesus has a constant awareness of each person as the unique creation of the Father, including those who persecuted Him. And He loved them. Yes, He loved them, even to His brutal death on the cross.
"I have an awareness more and more that I love my brothers and sisters of the human family so much because I see them as created by my loving Father. He loves them so much. He is one with them. How can I not love them? I see less their faults and more their beauty as His creation. I know Jesus gave the last drop of His Blood for them. How could I hate anyone that He loves so much! To love Jesus is to love my brother. I cannot love Jesus and hate my brother. Jesus is one with him. I am one in Him and He is one in me. My brother is one in Him. If I am one with Jesus and I love Jesus, then I must love my brother because he is one with Jesus and we are all one, united in Jesus our Redeemer Who died and rose that we may live, Who died and rose that we may be all profoundly one in Him and one in each other."
- St. John of the Cross gets to the heart of the matter in these few words: "What does it profit you to give God one thing if He asks for another? Consider what it is God wants and then do it." 21
16. Ladislas Orsy, S.J., "On Being One With the Church Today",
Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits, Vol. VII, January.17. St. Clement, Pope, from a letter to the Corinthians,
as in The Liturgy of the Hours, Catholic Book Publishing Co., Vol. III, pp. 455-456.18. Hans Urs Von Balthasar, Prayer, Sheed and Ward, p. 53.
19. Edward Carter, S.J., Prayer Perspectives, Alba House, pp. 12-16.
20. Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C., Forth and Abroad, Ignatius Press, pp. 121-123
21. St. John of the Cross, "Sayings of Light and Love",
The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross,
translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D. and
Otilio Rodriguez, O.C.D., Doubleday and Co., No. 70.end of excerpt from Newsletter 1999 - Issue 5
October 29, 2001
Messenger: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
You are
everything to me.
I love Your presence I feel
after communion.
I want to be with You like
this all day.
I feel a deep presence.
God is so good to come to me.I wait and I long for the Eucharist.
I am His bride.He refreshes me.
He takes me to Himself.
God is in me.
My beloved Savior comes
to me a sinner.I am filled with
His life.The Eucharist is
so powerful.
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: We are
united more
deeply with everyone else.
I ponder the love
He has for me.He loves me despite
my sins
despite my ignorance.
He loves me even when I am not
loving others
as I should.He comes to me.
He fills me with
His life.My heart is quieted
like a baby at the breast.My thoughts are
only of Him.I love Him so deeply.
Oh my God, I love
my brothers
and sisters so much.At this time there
is a softness to my
heart.My love is more gentle,
many of my irritations
vanish and all
I feel is deep love
for all.I love to be united to
Him in the Eucharist.He loves us so very
very much.He loves us despite
our sins.He loves the sinners.
He wants them to repent.
He wants them to love,
to love God and love others.My love is so deep for
His souls,I know how much
He loves them and
I love them deeply.I am sorry for my sins
and the sins of the
people of this earth.I do not want to offend Him,
I do not want men to
offend God with
their sins.Sins!! There are many
things in magazines
and newspapers
that can lure people
into sinning.Look at how women
are portrayed in movies
and magazines.Look at Mary,
Queen of peace,
Our Lady of China
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: Look
at Mary in
all her beauty.
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: Ponder the
of this spotless virgin.
She is Mary,
Immaculately conceived
Mother of all her children.Mary, Mother of
God, the spotless virgin.We honor her in her virginity.
We honor her as Mother of God.
We honor her Immaculately conceived.
We honor her as the Mother of her children.
We love her beautiful statues and images.
Oh Mary we are sorry for the
blasphemies against you.Oh God we are sorry for
our sins,Here is a message from Mary
given to Jacinta before
she died.Mary said:
Excerpt from The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje
Besides the messages associated with the major Fatima apparitions, there were other revelations given by Our Lady. Before Jacinta died, she told of other messages given her (during her illness) by Mary:
More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason.
Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much. (19)
19. For background material on Fatima, I am
particularly indebted to
Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven
(Rockford: TAN
Books and Publishers, Inc., 1983). pp.9-10.
end of excerpt from The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: It
isn't okay to display our
bodies in such a way
that is immodest and
leads others into sin.
God wants us to be pure.
God wants us to model
our lives after Mary.
We may be aware of our immodest dress or not aware
of it but we should pray for grace to know how
to dress modestly.See Mary adorned in rainbow-gold
July 5, 2001
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: See Mary adorned in a golden garb.
May 5, 2001
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: She first appeared in rainbow color.
July 5, 2000
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: Remember
time of Noah when
God flooded the
Genesis 9: 11-17
And I shall maintain my covenant with you: that never again shall all living things be destroyed by the waters of a flood, nor shall there ever again be a flood to devastate the earth.’
‘And this’, God said, ‘is the sign of the covenant which I now make between myself and you and every living creature with you for all ages to come: I now set my bow in the clouds and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I gather the clouds over the earth and the bow appears in the clouds, I shall recall the covenant between myself and you and every living creature, in a word all living things, and never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all living things. When the bow is in the clouds I shall see it and call to mind the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth, that is, all living things.’ ‘That’, God told Noah, ‘is the sign of the covenant I have established between myself and all living things on earth.’
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: God wants us to obey the
10 commandments.
One person faithfully loving
God and praying can
make a difference.
We cannot underestimate
the importance of our
deep heartfelt prayer.
Deep heartfelt prayer is pleasing to God.
I quote from May 25, 1995
the Ascension.
Excerpt from May 25, 1995
Messenger: Prayer is a lifting up of our minds and hearts to God. Who am I that I can change any event that is occurring in the lives of another, that I can affect the outcome of any event? I am a child of my Father. My Father is the Almighty God. How I love my dear Father. He is God and He has created me in His own image and likeness. My beloved, dear Father, how I love You that You give me such gifts - that You allow me to share in Your life!
You are the Father of Jesus and You are My Father. Thank You, My Father, for all Your gifts and for Your life. Who am I that I can affect the life of any person?
I am a child of God. I call on my dear Father and He loves me so, He listens to me. I lift my heart to You, my dear beloved Father and You listen to little me and You care for me so much. I call upon God and the Almighty God cares for me with such love that He listens.
end of excerpt from May 25, 1995
October 29, 2001 message continues
I write day after day
as God directs me.
This is a teaching everyday
to help us stay focused
on the reality of
how truly personal God is.
God wants us to have Him
in our mind and heart
at all times.
God wants us to be as
St. Paul says
Galatians 2: 19-20
...I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me...
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: I am a messenger from God.
The message I deliver is about
His undaunted love.
Look at how Mary appears
and then think of the
centerfolds of some magazines.
The impure pictures,
the impurity of movies
offend our Lord.
Let us look at the 10 Commandments.
The Ten Commandments
I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.
Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not kill.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.
October 29, 2001 message continues
God tells us we must obey the
It is God's will, we obey the commandments.
How many do not obey the 1st commandment.
We must pray that people obey the
If people obeyed the commandments
we would not have so many problems
in the world.
We cannot write our own
The killing of little innocent
lives, offends our God.
How many little babies will
be killed today
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: Every life is sacred to Our Lord.
We are so shocked about some deaths,
but what about the death
of the innocent little babies
in the womb.
Oh God, tomorrow is healing night,
help us.
If you are reading this message
and you have Fr. Carter's
tape please unite with us
at 6:20 to pray for the
healing of all priests, and
the healing of the Church
and the world.
Please pray with us at 6:20.
If you do not have the tape
pray the
6:20 prayer format
yellow book - day 7, 1st period
red book
rosary - joyful
Our Lord wants us praying united
tomorrow at 6:20 for our
own healing healing in our
families, healing in the movement
and in general healing
for the souls of the earth.
Please unite with us.
You can use the Jiffy sheet (click
Also lets plan now for
November 5, 2001.
Find a place to pray together.
We can send you the 6:20 tape
and you can pray with us.
From beneath the image and
many before the tabernacle
we will connect with
at least 8 states and
pray united as a body for
our priests, the Church and
the world, Maybe you can go
to one of the sub-centers.
Praying to the Father, united to Jesus
in the Mass, in the Holy Spirit
united to all the angels and
saints, praying through
the intercession of Our Lady of Clearwater
and Fr. Carter, St. Joseph and
all the saints.
Our prayers can make a difference.
We must believe this.
We must have faith.
We must see that God wants us
praying united as a body.
Tomorrow night many places
will be connected with us.
At the end you can read a
powerful daily message
together, if you are
not in the church.
We always end with the
ten commandments.
We then read the daily message.
We pray both nights
tomorrow until about 10:00,
on the 5th until about 10:00 or
Please unite and pray with us
on these special dates and
every night you can at 6:20.
Write or call to get Fr. Carter's
tape of the 6:20 prayers.
Note: Think of all
the little innocent babies
that are victims
in this war.It is evil to kill a little,
innocent unborn for personal freedom.They are real casualties.
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: Think of
Mary's children who are
losing their souls
for all eternity.
October 29, 2001
Messenger: I write as a messenger of God.
have been told to account the following.
with the death of Father Carter has been
a process.
deeply know that he is alive and in a far
better place than here on earth.
At first I did not want to believe he would die.
I took this picture of Father Carter
August 8, 2000, it was my birthday
and I was crying to him.
"Father you have to do something, you
might die."
August 8, 2000
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: I
remember sitting on my bed one night
thinking he could die and I would
never be able to see him or talk to
him again, never go to the Mass he celebrates,
or have him hear my confession, or bless the water.
I called him, he would let it ring four
times, the answering machine would
turn on and then I would say
"It's me" and he would always be there
it seemed and he picked up.
It makes me cry to write this.
His commitment to all of us in the Shepherds of Christ was so deep.
strongly knew what God's plan was for
the Shepherd's of Christ Movement.
He was the founder.
I was trained.
He got the message to begin it.
gave him the vision of the Reign of
the Sacred Heart long before he was
told to found the Movement.
knew so much of the Plan and he
guided the Movement so it unfolded
the way Jesus had directed him.
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: Well
August 8, 2000 was 49 years since he entered
Jesuits on August 8, 1951. It was my 54th
Little did I know that what I was
about him dying would soon be a
and his once familiar voice on the phone
no longer be there.
But God provides us all with what we need to
out this mission. Some of us will move
sooner than others, but we are part of His
doing His will trying to help bring to
the mission Mary began at Fatima.
I guess I was not wanting to believe Father
would die so I really began dealing with his death
morning of December 18, 2000 at 3:00 A.M.
God told me he was going to die.
Then I knew it would happen. Then I wanted
to receive his eternal reward.
December 18, 2000, 3:00 a.m. Jesus said:
Would you wish to deprive Me of giving a holy soul their reward?
That is what they lived for, that some day they would be with Me in heaven.
end of December 18, 2000 message
Excerpt from July 21, 2001 message
Messenger: I saw Father Carter dressed in white and I
how much I have to struggle here below
doing God's work and I wanted
Fr. Carter to be in heaven.
end of excerpt from July 21, 2001
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: Well
I dreamt of Father last night and I got to
through the process of watching him die.
saw him very sick and it was so real like I was there
him die.
missed that. His bout with cancer was
revealed until September 22, 2000 and he was so
with cancer and chemo I did not get to
much about death to him, there was too
to cover with the future of the Movement
all the writings. Our Lord kept telling us what to do
I felt the urgency of it all, so did Father Carter and John.
As I look at it now, I was in shock
of". But the comfort from Jesus and the
Jesus gave to us made everything very
as the Movement moved on
according to God's plan.
I wish now I could have enjoyed more the
rides to China that year. Father Carter said
ride in 2000, "Oh look it is another sunny day" and it was.
were always insights to talk about and the
and running of the Movement.
I feel now as I ride to China, he is with
as I watch the seasons change in
very deep way helping all of us as he now
more deeply with Jesus. We have a lot
very special help now. God has really provided for us.
I believe connecting to him as a powerful
and to Our Lady of Clearwater
help us a lot.
I dreamt he was dying and he was slipping
This has helped me since I didn't
it happen. I saw him at Mass several times,
also saw him in his house twice after September 22, 2000
I saw how he was getting thinner and thinner and more
But he always smiled as he did in this picture.
December 14, 2000
December 14, 2000
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: I
was with him for a long time every day working with
praying with him and the last three
were mostly contact on the phone
fax after he left the hospital.
When I sat beneath his bed in late
in the hospital, I guess I really knew
in my heart he could go.
I felt like Mary under the cross of Jesus.
I wrote about this. Click
I write this as God directs me. I see the
prints on the wall in my own home, the untidy things
our children and yet the years go by so
and what was once an aggravation today
be a welcomed friend.
Sun rise, sunset, the days go by so fast
little ones grow to adults, the adults we love
old and move on and their love is felt
in our hearts. We plant seeds of love
all those we touch. We touch the earth
our love and our prayers for all the souls
the earth.
Mothers and fathers juggling children and
every move they make soon have to let
and watch them grow into adults making
strides, making mistakes. We must cut
umbilical cord.
The one Person that is always constant
with us is Our Lord. He loved us
much He gave His life for us.
Love is like this, when we love someone, we
them, despite their faults and weaknesses,
mother or father may know how deeply they
their son or daughter, they love them, they
them no matter what. They may not love the
they do, but they love them.
Jesus loves us so deeply He gave His life
us so we would be saved. He loves us.
wants us to do what is right, but
loves us even when we make mistakes
sin and He is there to forgive us if we
Him. We offend Him when we sin.
loves us so much. We move away from
Look at this picture.
Lucia's vision
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: This is the love He has for us.
I remember praying for my children when
were sick with high fevers. I would
so deeply many times their fevers
break and go away.
I know we can pray and God is listening
us. He may not help us the way we think
should, but He will help us.
We are given so many gifts from Our God.
is so important.
We are here such a short time.
The falling leaves fall to the ground.
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: The snow comes.
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: And
soon a blanket of fresh beautiful
blossoms cover the trees.
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: We
may move on but the seeds we plant can
live in the hearts of all we touch.
priests are so important to us. One priest can touch
so many souls, so deeply. Please
pray for them as Jesus asks.
Please pray with us.
God has given us our
priests. What
a gift!!
One season turns into another.
is joy, there is tears
is important is there is growth
our spiritual life.
our model, intercede for us to
God that we will be holy.
Mary Mother of the Universe, help Us
Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas, hear our prayer.
July 5, 2000
October 29, 2001 message continues
Messenger: This
picture was taken the
What is important is our spiritual growth.
It cannot be altered in any way.
the free software
to view and print the PDF files of the advertisements
Please allow a couple of minutes to download, thank you.
This cannot be altered in anyway.
Please allow a couple of minutes to download, thank you.
Messenger: A shorter ad may be as follows.
This cannot be altered in anyway.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
PO Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513) 932-4451
FAX: (513) 932-6791