Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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October 7, 2008 - Feast of the Holy Rosary
October 8th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 3 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for October 8th are Joyful.
Retreat in China
October 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th
Mass 10th, 11th, 13th
October 13th - Mass 12 noon
91st Anniversary of
Mary's 6th apparition at Fatima!
Please come!
October 7, 2008 - Today is the Feast of the Holy Rosary.
Joyful Mysteries
(1) The incarnation goes on in us —
we are to be molded more and more into the
image and likeness of God —
as we die to our selfish ways.
(2) God help the leaders of our country to be holy.
(3) God please help us to trust You.
(4) Outpour Your grace to the voters of the United States and
help us to be obedient to God's law.
(5) God we do not want to become more secular.
(6) God help us.
(7) God outpour Your grace to the United States and the world.
(8) God help our hierarchy — give them abundant grace.
(9) God help our priests.
(10) God help people to love the Church and pray
for the priests, the Church and the world.
(1) Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth.
(2) Elizabeth was considered barren.
(3) God is almighty.
(4) In the barrenness - the almighty God can
outpour His grace so we can see.
(5) God help us — outpour Your grace —
(6) Help us fight the sin of abortion.
(7) God help our leaders to promote obedience
to Your law.
(8) God we beg — we are sorry for our sins in
the United States.
(9) God cast the devil out.
(10) Spread Your Blood on us, Jesus.
Birth of Jesus
(1) Jesus came in poverty — a baby.
(2) The murder of innocent babies in the
womb, must be stopped —
God help us have holy leaders obeying
God's law.
(3) There was not room for Jesus in the Inn.
(4) We do not want a secular society - that
disobeys God's laws.
(5) God we are sorry for the disobedience to
Your law.
(6) Help us in the Shepherds of Christ to spread the message
of Our Lady of Fatima.
(7) Help us to be holy.
(8) Outpour Your grace.
(9) Jesus showed us how important a
baby was
Jesus came as a baby.
(10) God gives life to babies.
Presentation in the Temple
(1) The Holy Family —
Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
(2) Jesus was taken to the temple.
(3) Simeon told Mary of the sufferings to
(4) "And a sword too will pierce your heart, O Mary."
(5) We must pray for the United States and the
world and our leaders.
(6) We spread the Blood of Jesus on all
(7) We spread the Blood of Jesus on all leaders.
(8) Mary conceived without sin —
pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
(9) Our Lady of Fatima beg God
for mercy for us —
we are sorry for our sins.
(10) A child is a gift from God —
Jesus came a baby.
Finding in the Temple
(1) Jesus lived a quiet life for 30 years.
(2) Mary's children are being taught untruths
by the movies the media, people
of the world!
(3) We must obey the 10 Commandments.
(4) God created all the creatures —
(5) We must be obedient to God's will.
(6) God is Our Father —
(7) Jesus obeyed His Father to His
death on the cross.
(8) John 14: 6
I am the Way; I am Truth and Life.
(9) Holy Spirit come renew the face of
the earth.
(10) Nicene Creed
We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is seen and unseen.We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven:by the power of the Holy Spirit
he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered, died, and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in fulfillment of the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.
He has spoken through the prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen.
Luminous Mysteries
Baptism of Jesus
(1) John 3: 16
For this is how God loved the world:
he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him
may not perish
but may have eternal life.
(2) John 14: 16-17
I shall ask the Father,
and he will give you another Paraclete
to be with you for ever,
the Spirit of truth
whom the world can never accept
since it neither sees nor know him;
but you know him,
because he is with you, he is in you.
(3) John 14: 26
but the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you everything
and remind you of all I have said to you.
(4) John 15: 26
When the Paraclete comes,
whom I shall send to you from the Father,
the Spirit of truth
who issues from the Father,
he will be my witness.
(5) Hebrews 1: 3
He is the reflection of God's glory and bears the impress of God's own being, sustaining all things by his powerful command; and now that he has purged sins away, he has taken his seat at the right hand of the divine Majesty on high.
(6) John 15: 8-10
It is to the glory of my Father
that you should bear much fruit
and be my disciples.
I have loved you
just as the Father has loved me.
Remain in my love.
If you keep my commandments
you will remain in my love,
just as I have kept
my Father’s commandments
and remain in his love.
(7) John 3: 16
For this is how God loved the world:
he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him
may not perish
but may have eternal life.
(8) John 17: 1-5
After saying this, Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said:
Father, the hour has come:
glorify your Son
so that your Son may glorify you;
so that, just as you have given him
power over all humanity,
he may give eternal life
to all those you have entrusted to him.
And eternal life is this:
to know you,
the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
I have glorified you on earth
by finishing the work
that you gave me to do.
Now, Father, glorify me
with that glory I had with you
before ever the world existed.
(9) John 16: 15
Everything the Father has is mine;
that is why I said:
all he reveals to you
will be taken from what is mine.
(10) John 1: 1-3
In the beginning was the Word:
the Word was with God
and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.
Through Him all things came into being,
not one thing came into being except through him.
Marriage at Cana
(1) God is a God of miracles.
(2) We must pray.
(3) We praise You God.
(4) We love You God.
(5) God help us.
(6) Jesus spread Your Blood on us.
(7) God help our country to be holy.
(8) We need You God.
(9) Help us God.
(10) We are sorry we have sinned.
Kingdom of God
(1) From the Spirituality of Fatima
Tell everybody that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tell them to ask grace from her, and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Ask them to plead for peace from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Lord has confided the peace of the world to her. 19 (Our Lady's Peace Plan, op cit., p.9-10.)
(2) From the Spirituality of Fatima
I am the Lady of the Rosary. I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and to ask pardon for their sins. They must not offend Our Lord any more, for He is already too grievously offended by the sins of men. People must say the Rosary. Let them continue saying it every day. 17 (Our Lady's Peace Plan, op cit., p.7.)
(3) July 13, 1917
"During her appearance in July, Our Lady, in answer to Lucia's plea, promised that in October she would work a great miracle so that all might believe and know who she was. Again, the Mother of God told the children to sacrifice themselves for sinners and to say many times, especially when making a sacrifice, this prayer: "O my Jesus, I offer this for love of Thee, for the conversion of poor sinners, and in reparation for all the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." (11)
"During this same July apparition, Mary showed the three children a vision of Hell. She told them:
"You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish, in the world, devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If people do what I tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.
"The war (World War I, then raging) is going to end. But if people do not stop offending God, another and worse one will begin in the reign of Pius XI. When you shall see a night illuminated by an unknown light [January 2, 1938], know that this is the great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its many crimes by means of war, hunger, and persecution of the Church and the Holy Father. (12)
"To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation on the five first Saturdays. If my requests are granted, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will scatter her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, and various nations will be destroyed....
"But in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, Russia will be converted, and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world." (13)
11. For background material on Fatima, I am particularly indebted to
Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven (Rockford: TAN
Books and Publishers, Inc., 1983). pp.3-4.
12. Ibid., pp.4-5.
13. Ibid., p.5.
(4) Psalm 23
Psalm Of David
Yahweh is my
shepherd, I lack nothing.
In grassy meadows he lets me lie
By tranquil
streams he leads me
to restore my spirit.
He guides me in paths of saving justice
as befits his name.
Even were I
to walk in a ravine as dark as death
I should fear no danger, for you are at my
Your staff and your crook are there to
soothe me.
You prepare a
table for me
under the eyes of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup brims over.
Kindness and
faithful love pursue me
every day of my life.
I make my home in the house of Yahweh
for all time to come.
(5) From the Spirituality of Fatima - Message of the Angel in Spring
"Do not be afraid! I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me."
Kneeling on the ground, he bowed down until his forehead touched the ground and made us repeat these words three times: "My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You! I ask pardon of You for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You."
Then, rising he said: "Pray thus. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of your supplications."
His words engraved themselves so deeply on our minds that we could never forget them (3)
3. Louis Kondar, SVD, editor, Fatima in Lucia's Own Words (Fatima: Postulation Center, 1976), p.62. Distributed in the U.S.A. by the Ravengate Press, Cambridge, MA.
(6) From the Spirituality of Fatima - Message of the Angel in Summer
Pray! Pray a great deal. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have merciful designs on you. Offer prayers and sacrifices continually to the Most High. Make everything you do a sacrifice, and offer it as an act of reparation for the sins by which God is offended, and as a petition for the conversion of sinners. Bring peace to our country in this way.... I am the Guardian Angel of Portugal Accept and bear with submission all the sufferings the Lord will send you. (4)
4. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op cit., pp.1-2.
(7) From the Spirituality of Fatima - Message of the Angel in Fall
"Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly. I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and [the intercession of] the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners." (5)
"Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men! Make reparation for their crimes and console your God." (6)
5. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op cit., p.2. (The words in brackets are my own-added for clarification).
6. Fatima in Lucia's Own Words, op cit., pp.64-65.
(8) Luke 1: 46-55
And Mary said:
My soul proclaims
the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices
in God my Saviour;
because he has looked upon
the humiliation of his servant.
Yes, from now onwards
all generations will call me blessed,
for the Almighty
has done great things for me.
Holy is his name,
and his faithful love extends age after age
to those who fear him.
He has used the power of his arm,
he has routed the arrogant of heart.
He has pulled down princes
from their thrones
and raised high the lowly.
He has filled the starving with good things,
sent the rich away empty.
He has come to the help
of Israel his servant,
mindful of his faithful love
—according to the promise
he made to our ancestors—
of his mercy to Abraham
and to his descendants for ever.
(9) Act of consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
"Lord Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock, I consecrate myself to Your most Sacred Heart. From Your pierced Heart the Church was born, the Church You have called me, as a member of Shepherds of Christ Associates, to serve in a most special way. You reveal Your Heart as a symbol of Your love in all its aspects, including Your most special love for me, whom You have chosen as Your companion in this most important work. Help me to always love You in return. Help me to give myself entirely to You. Help me always to pour out my life in love of God and neighbor! Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You!
(10) Act of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
"Dear Blessed Virgin Mary, I consecrate myself to your maternal and Immaculate Heart, this Heart which is symbol of your life of love. You are the Mother of my Savior. You are also my Mother. You love me with a most special love as a member of Shepherds of Christ Associates, a movement created by your Son as a powerful instrument for the renewal of the Church and the world. In a return of love, I give myself entirely to your motherly love and protection. You followed Jesus perfectly. You are His first and perfect disciple. Teach me to imitate you in the putting on of Christ. Be my motherly intercessor so that, through your Immaculate Heart, I may be guided to an ever closer union with the pierced Heart of Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock."
(1) Matthew 17: 5 ...‘This is my Son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour. Listen to him.’
(2) Every prayer in these rosaries
we unite to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
(3) We pray to the Father, in the name
of Jesus — united to the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass — in the Holy Spirit
with all the angels and saints and souls in purgatory.
(4) Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
(5) Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
(6) Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
(7) Sing: Come Holy Ghost
(8) Sing: Come Holy Spirit fill our
hearts enkindle in us the
fire of God's love —
(9) Sing: A Song from Jesus
(10) Sing: I Love You Jesus
Institution of the Holy Eucharist
(1) Sing: I Love You Jesus
(2) Sing: The Rosary Song
(3) Sing: Your Presence Pervades My Soul
(4) Sing: I Am your Sacred Heart
(5) Sing: A Priest is a Gift from God
(6) Sing: Come to My Heart
(7) Sing: God's Love
(8) Sing: Little Child
(9) Sing: Teach Me to Love with Your Heart
(10) Sing: A Song from Jesus
Sorrowful Mysteries
A Healing Rosary for Healing in the United States.
On one Hail Mary bead or as many as you desire, say: (this is given for Fr. Carter, you can replace your loved one's name).
May God heal _______ through the intercession of Our Lady of Clearwater in union with the Mass and all the Masses being celebrated around the world.
Pray the Hail Mary or Hail Mary's then pray this after the Hail Mary.
May the cancer be uprooted and thrown into the sea.
We believe with all our hearts.
After the Glory Be—pray the following petition.
May _______ be healed through the intercession of Our Lady of Clearwater if it be the holy will of God.
Glorious Mysteries
From October 5, 2008
This is a Patriotic Rosary.
On the first 3 Hail Marys we pray for the District of Columbia,
the priests, the Church and the world.We pray for the state of _____.
We Consecrate the hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
We cast the devil out, we ask for a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
We spread the Blood of Jesus on the families,
the voters, all those in office, all those running for office,
the hierarchy, and the priests,
and we ask for prayer chapters from the state of _____.
And we say — Amen.
1st Decade 1. Alabama
2. Alaska
3. Arizona
4. Arkansas
5. California
6. Colorado
7. Connecticut
8. Delaware
9. Florida
10. Georgia2nd Decade
11. Hawaii
12. Idaho
13. Illinois
14. Indiana
15. Iowa
16. Kansas
17. Kentucky
18. Louisiana
19. Maine
20. Maryland3rd Decade
21. Massachusetts
22. Michigan
23. Minnesota
24. Mississippi
25. Missouri
26. Montana
27. Nebraska
28. Nevada
29. New Hampshire
30. New Jersey4th Decade
31. New Mexico
32. New York
33. North Carolina
34. North Dakota
35. Ohio
36. Oklahoma
37. Oregon
38. Pennsylvania
39. Rhode Island
40. South Carolina5th Decade
41. South Dakota
42. Tennessee
43. Texas
44. Utah
45. Vermont
46. Virginia
47. Washington
48. West Virginia
49. Wisconsin
50. Wyoming
Daily Message - Feast of the Holy Rosary
Think of this:
God created vegetation - fruit —
all the different kinds —
Life propagates
God created the sun and the moon and put the
stars in place
God created birds and swimming creatures with
the ability to propagate themselves
The mystery of creation —
God tells us to bear fruit —
God created Adam in His image and likeness.
God gave men and women the ability to have
God created us out of love —
We are to love.
The world is in God's hands —
God is all powerful.
God created a harmonious, good, orderly
world without sin — without disease
and death —
Man sinned.
Look at the beauty of the waters and all the
life below the waters — fish of the
sea, corals, plant life —
So awesomely beautiful —
We may not even think about how God keeps
all this growing and in such beauty —
Now envision a black sea — where everything
has died — contaminated
God made a covenant with man after the flood
of Noah —
Genesis 9: 8-17
God spoke as follows to Noah and his sons, ‘I am now establishing my covenant with you and with your descendants to come, and with every living creature that was with you: birds, cattle and every wild animal with you; everything that came out of the ark, every living thing on earth. And I shall maintain my covenant with you: that never again shall all living things be destroyed by the waters of a flood, nor shall there ever again be a flood to devastate the earth.’
‘And this’, God said, ‘is the sign of the covenant which I now make between myself and you and every living creature with you for all ages to come: I now set my bow in the clouds and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I gather the clouds over the earth and the bow appears in the clouds, I shall recall the covenant between myself and you and every living creature, in a word all living things, and never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all living things. When the bow is in the clouds I shall see it and call to mind the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth, that is, all living things.’
‘That’, God told Noah, ‘is the sign of the covenant I have established between myself and all living things on earth.’
Excerpts from The Spirituality of Fatima
by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.
I am the Lady of the Rosary. I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and to ask pardon for their sins. They must not offend Our Lord any more, for He is already too grievously offended by the sins of men. People must say the Rosary. Let them continue saying it every day. 17
Tell everybody that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tell them to ask grace from her, and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Ask them to plead for peace from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Lord has confided the peace of the world to her. 19
17. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op cit., p.7.
19. Ibid., pp.9-10.
On Monday October 13, 2008 we will celebrate the
91st anniversary of Mary's 6th visit
at Fatima.
Excerpt from the Spirituality of Fatima
by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.
October 13, 1917
On October 13, 1917, there were more than 70,000 people gathered in the Cova da Iria in Fatima, Portugal. They had come to observe a miracle which had been foretold by the Blessed Virgin to three young visionaries: Lucia dos Santos, and her two cousins, Jacinta and Francisco Marto. (1) Shortly after noon, Our Lady appeared to the three visionaries:
As the Lady was about to leave, she pointed to the sun. Lucy excitedly repeated the gesture, and the people looked into the sky. The rain had ceased, the clouds parted, and the sun shone forth, but not in its usual brilliance. Instead, it appeared like a silver disc, pale as the moon, at which all could gaze without straining their eyes. Suddenly, impelled by some mysterious force, the disc began to whirl in the sky, casting off great shafts of multicolored light. Red, green, blue, yellow, violet—the enormous rays shot across the sky at all angles, lighting up the entire countryside for many miles around, but particularly the upturned faces of those 70,000 spellbound people.
After a few moments the wonder stopped, but resumed again a second and a third time—three times in all—within about 12 minutes. It seemed that the whole world was on fire, with the sun spinning at a greater speed each time.
Then a gasp of terror rose from the crowd, for the sun seemed to tear itself from the heavens and come crashing down upon the horrified multitude.... Just when it seemed that the ball of fire would fall upon and destroy them, the miracle ceased, and the sun resumed its normal place in the sky, shining forth as peacefully as ever.
When the people arose from the ground, cries of astonishment were heard on all sides. Their clothes, which had been soaking wet and muddy, now were clean and dry. Many of the sick and crippled had been cured of their afflictions. (2)
2. For background material on Fatima, I am particularly indebted to
Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven (Rockford:
TAN Books and Publishers, Inc., 1983). pp.7-8.
Excerpt from the Spirituality of Fatima
by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.
October 13, 1917
I am the Lady of the Rosary. I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and to ask pardon for their sins. They must not offend Our Lord any more, for He is already too grievously offended by the sins of men. People must say the Rosary. Let them continue saying it every day.(17)
While the people in attendance were beholding the great Miracle of the Sun, the three young visionaries, and they alone, were privileged to see striking visions in the heavens:
As Our Lady had promised, St. Joseph had come with the Holy Family and had blessed the world. Then, Our Lady appeared as the Mother of Sorrows, accompanied by her Divine Son, Who also blessed the world. Finally, Lucy had seen the Blessed Virgin, dressed in the brown robes of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth, holding a brown Scapular in her hand, with her infant Son upon her knee. However, in none of these visions had any of the figures spoken to the children. (18)
17. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op cit., p.7.
18. Ibid., p.8.
Excerpt from Mother at Our Side, by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
Fatima: Call of The Immaculate Heart
God wishes you to remain in the world for some time because He wants to use you to establish in the world the devotion to my Immaculate Heart. I promise salvation to those who embrace it, and their souls will be loved by God as flowers placed by myself to adorn His throne.
(Our Lady of Fatima to Lucia.)1...Among the requests of Our Lady of Fatima is the call for consecration to her Immaculate Heart. This is her key request—all her other requests are contained in this central one. This is obvious from a reflection on what consecration to the Immaculate Heart means. It means that we completely entrust ourselves to Mary so that we may completely belong to Christ. If we thus give ourselves completely to Mary, it is obvious we are willing to fulfill the other requests she has made at Fatima.
Michael Gasnier, O.P., Joseph the Silent (New York:
Kennedy & Sons, 1962), p.9.
Excerpts from Mother at Our Side by Rev. Edward Carter, S.J.
At Fatima, Our Lady asked that we consecrate ourselves to her Immaculate Heart. Mary shows us her heart as a symbol of her love for God and us. She asks us to make a return of love to her—to consecrate ourselves to her. She wants us to entrust ourselves to her completely so that she may help us love God and neighbor. Her heart, symbol of her own great love of God and the human race, is a model for us in our own strivings to love God and neighbor.
As stated above, consecration to Mary is an aspect of our consecration to God in Christ and she has asked for consecration to her Heart so that she may assist us. Christ, in turn, invites us to live out this consecration to Him through consecration to His Heart. We see the divine symmetry—consecration to the Immaculate Heart helps us to live out consecration to Christ Who reveals His Heart to us as symbol of His love. We see, then, the most intimate link between consecration to the Immaculate Heart and consecration to the Sacred Heart.
Pope Pius XII reminds us of this union: "That grace for the Christian family and for the whole human race may flow more abundantly from devotion to the Sacred Heart, let the faithful strive to join it closely with devotion to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God."9
Archbishop R. Arulappa, one very much interested in devotion to Mary's Immaculate Heart, reminds us that Our Lord Himself has let it be known that He wishes devotion to the Immaculate Heart to be united with devotion to His Sacred Heart.
The Archbishop says:
"In connection with the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima, Sister Lucia, one of the seers, still alive, has been saying that on the 13th June 1929, Our Lady requested (as sister herself records in 'Memoirs and Letters of Sister Lucia', published in 1973), as follows: "The Good Lord promises to end the persecution in Russia, if the Holy Father will himself make a solemn act of reparation and consecration of Russia... as well as ordering all the Bishops of the Catholic world to do the same.'
"On March 21, 1982, Sister Lucia further explained to the Apostolic Nuncio, and two other witnesses, that the Pope must select a date on which to order the bishops of the whole world to make a solemn act of reparation and consecration of Russia to the most Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, each in his own cathedral and at the same time as the act effected by the Pope.
"There are actually two versions of the vision of Our Lady on 13th June 1929, but they are essentially the same. In the better known version, Our Lady says: 'The moment has come for God to ask the Holy Father to make, in union with all the Bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart. He promises to save Russia by these means.' The special mention of 'Russia' in this Act of Consecration is to be noted.
"When Sister Lucia asked Our Lord why He would not convert Russia without such an act of consecration, He replied:
'Because I want my whole Church to recognize this consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so as to extend its cult later on, and to place devotion to this Immaculate Heart beside the devotion to My Sacred Heart.'" 10
9. Pope Pius XII, Haurietis Aquas (New York: Paulist Press), No.139.
10. Archbishop R. Arulappa, The Two Hearts, in The Fatima Crusader, Summer, 1992, p.3.
God intends us to see ourselves as
members united — in love
God wants the human race to obey their
heavenly Father
Our Father loves us so much.
Luke 2: 48-50
They were overcome when they saw him, and his mother said to him, ‘My child, why have you done this to us? See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you.’ He replied, ‘Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?’ But they did not understand what he meant.
Excerpt from Mother at Our Side, by Father Edward Carter, S. J.
Mary And Our Personal Uniqueness
"Of the essence of motherhood is the fact that it concerns the person. Motherhood always establishes a unique and unrepeatable relationship between two people: between mother and child and between child and mother. Even when the same woman is the mother of many children, her personal relationship with each one of them is of the very essence of motherhood. . .
"It can be said that motherhood 'in the order of grace' preserves the analogy with what 'in the order of nature' characterizes the union between mother and child." (Pope John Paul II).6
And as Pope John Paul tells us, we each have a unique relationship with Mary. She loves each one of us very dearly, each in his or her own uniqueness. She knows each of us has the awesome privilege and responsibility of allowing Christ to live in and through this personal uniqueness. As Mary cooperates with the Holy Spirit in forming Christ in us, she works with the Spirit in assisting us to accomplish our personal mission in life.
Each day we can strive to accomplish our mission under Mary's maternal mantle. Let us each day entrust ourselves to Mary's Immaculate Heart and dwell within this most pure haven. Here we feel loved, safe, confident, courageous in our efforts to act that day as the Father wills. Dwelling within Mary's Heart, we face our daily challenge of working with Christ to lessen the world's evil and to promote its goodness. Aware of Mary's special and unique love for each of us, we are strengthened in our attempt to accomplish our God-given mission in all the various circumstances of life within the human condition. Amidst joy and sorrow, success and failure, acceptance and rejection, laughter and tears—amidst whatever comprises each day's existence—we should rest secure knowing Mary is Mother at our side.
We should not waste time bemoaning the fact that we do not possess this or that gift which another has in abundance. We have the gifts God intends for us. We have the gifts we need to accomplish our mission in life. Concentrate to develop these gifts for love of God and neighbor because how we use these gifts is what we will be judged on—not on the fact that we lacked this or that talent.
I cannot accomplish your mission in life. You cannot accomplish mine. Each of us has something to give to Christ, His Church, and His world which no other can contribute. Again, this is an awesome privilege and responsibility.
God has given us Mary so that she may assist us in living out this privilege and responsibility and we should daily ask her for wisdom to grow in the understanding of all that our mission involves. We should also petition her for the courage not to shirk the responsibility, but joyously to embrace it for the greater glory of God. With her mother's sense of pride, she wants us to succeed in fulfilling God's plan for us. The more we entrust ourselves to her, the more she places us with Christ so that He may live in and through us to further Christianize the world.
Yes, the more we entrust ourselves to Mary our Mother, the more we will be able to live out the truth Cardinal Newman puts before us: "We are not sent into this world for nothing; we are not born at random. . . God sees every one of us; He creates every soul, He lodges it in a body, one by one, for a purpose."
6. Pope John Paul II, The Mother of the Redeemer (Redemptoris Mater) (Washington: United States Catholic Conference, 1987), No. 45.
7. John Cardinal Newman, Discourses Addressed to Mixed Congregations (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1906), pp. 111-12.
14 years ago I got this Song from Jesus
October 7, 1994
Mother At Our Side
Standing by the cross of Jesus were His mother and His mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw His mother and the disciple there whom He loved, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold, your son." Then He said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother." (Jn. 19:25-27).
"In an utterly singular way she cooperated by her obedience, faith, hope, and burning charity in the Savior's work of restoring supernatural life to souls. For this reason she is a mother to us in the order of grace." (Vatican II).2
Mary is the Mother of Jesus. She is also our Mother. The above words of Scripture and of the Second Vatican Council attest to this.Jesus has given us Mary as our spiritual mother. As He hung upon the cross, Jesus told John to look upon Mary as his mother, this John who represents all of us. In His moment of deepest anguish and suffering, Jesus was thinking of us. As the indescribable physical pain racked His body from head to toe, as the unfathomable spiritual anguish penetrated to the depths of His Heart, Jesus was thinking of us. If we allow this scene to penetrate into our hearts, if we take the time to contemplate the depth of Jesus' and Mary's love for us as Their Hearts were pierced with grief, we are truly overwhelmed with the magnificent greatness and tenderness of the scene. Jesus was proclaiming Mary to be Mother of the Redemption. He was telling us that Mary is Mother to all peoples.
The fact that Mary is our mother, the fact that she has such a powerful role to play in our salvation in no way detracts from the mediatorship of Christ. Vatican II states:
"We have but one Mediator, as we know from the words of the Apostle: "For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, himself man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself as ransom for all." (1 Tim. 2:5-6). The maternal duty of Mary toward men in no way obscures or diminishes this unique mediation of Christ, but rather shows its power. For all the saving influences of the Blessed Virgin on men originate, not from some inner necessity, but from the divine pleasure. They flow forth from the superabundance of the merits of Christ, rest on His mediation, depend entirely on it, and draw all their power from it. In no way do they impede the immediate union of the faithful with Christ. Rather they foster this union."3
In saying that Mary is our spiritual mother, we are saying that Mary is the mother of our Christ-life. What is this life? Can we define it?
At Baptism the Persons of the Trinity communicate so intimately to us that, as a result, they leave their imprint or image upon us. This Trinitarian image is our life of sanctifying grace. This life of grace is a created participation in God's life, and since this gift of grace is mediated by Christ in His humanity, this Trinitarian image also has a Christic aspect. Christ as man has shown us how to live a God-like existence. He has shown us how to live the life of grace. This life of grace we possess allows us to enjoy the special presence of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Truly, the divine Persons dwell within us.
Whether we refer to this life as the Christ-life, the life of grace, life in the Holy Spirit, or by other names, we are referring to one and the same reality. This reality, again, is the Christic, Trinitarian image given us through the Trinitarian communication.
St. Paul speaks of our life of grace in terms of our being baptized into the death and resurrection of Jesus (Rom. 6:1-11). Again, Jesus mediates our life of grace. He has shown us how to live a Christ-like existence. Since Jesus' paschal mystery of death-resurrection sums up His own human existence, so it sums up our own. This is what St. Paul is telling us. Paul tells us that we live our life of Baptism, our life of grace, by continually dying and rising with Jesus—rising to a greater share in Christ's resurrection. Indeed, we live resurrection now and hereafter. Living death-resurrection involves all of our Christian activities. While not giving an all-inclusive list, we do include the following: the reading of Scripture, prayer, the performance of daily duties, the doing of penance, making sacrifices, our jobs, periods of rest and relaxation, sharing meals with loved ones, reception of the sacraments, and, especially, participation in the Eucharist which is both sacrifice and sacrament.This is our glorious existence made possible by God's great love for us and a major truth of this glorious existence is the fact that Jesus has given us Mary as our spiritual mother. Mary is the Mother of our Christ-life. In her loving, maternal role, she cooperates with the Holy Spirit in forming Christ in us. Pope John Paul II tells us:
"The Church knows and teaches that all the saving influences of the Blessed Virgin on mankind originate from the divine pleasure. . .This saving influence is sustained by the Holy Spirit, Who, just as He overshadowed the Virgin Mary when He began in her the divine motherhood, in a similar way constantly sustains her solicitude for the brothers and sisters of her Son.''4
Mary our mother is ever with us, guiding us, teaching us, caring for us, protecting us, loving us. With her maternal assistance we go to the Father through and with Christ in the Holy Spirit.
Mary nourishes our growth in Christ with a very tender and specialized love for each of us. She regards each of us as a precious, unique individual. John Paul II again speaks to us:
"Of the essence of motherhood is the fact that it concerns the person. Motherhood always establishes a unique and unrepeatable relationship between two people: between mother and child and between child and mother. Even when the same woman is the mother of many children, her personal relationship with each one of them is of the very essence of motherhood. For each child is generated in a unique and unrepeatable way, and this is true both for the mother and for the child."4
The Holy Father then applies these ideas to Mary and us:
"It can be said that motherhood in the order of grace preserves the analogy with what in the order of nature characterizes the union between mother and child. In the light of this fact it becomes easier to understand why in Christ's testament on Golgotha, His Mother's new motherhood is expressed in the singular, in reference to one man. Behold, your son."5
This is the awesome and consoling truth—you and I are very precious to Mary. She loves us much more than we can ever fathom. It is our great privilege and responsibility to love her in return. She asks for this love, she asks for our trust. As we give our love and trust to our mother, she wants us to come to her at all times and in all circumstances.
Are we sorrowful, anxious, troubled? Let us go to Mary our mother and ask her to console us. Let us ask her for the grace to handle our sorrow, our anxieties, our troubles properly—according to God's will. In this way our suffering will bring us closer to Christ as it simultaneously allows us to contribute to the ongoing Christianization of the world.
Are we joyful, happy, basking in the glow of a goal successfully accomplished? Let us go to Mary and ask her to help us handle our joy, our happiness, our success as God intends. Let us petition her not to allow our joy to make us forgetful of God, our God Who is the source of all true joy, success, and happiness.
Are we finding it particularly difficult to follow Christ in the here-and-now? In child-like trust we can approach our mother. Let us ask her for the grace to realize that the following of Christ is not always easy—that at times being a follower of Christ challenges our courage in a special way. We can also ask Mary to help us realize that even at such difficult times, Christ's grace makes our burden relatively light. Jesus has told us:
Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light. (Mt.11:28-30).
Are we finding it is particularly easy to follow Christ in the here-and-now? Let us go to Mary and ask her for the grace to remain humble. Let us beseech Mary to keep us from being inflated with pride, and ask her to help us realize that without Jesus we can do nothing.
Mary, then, asks for our complete trust. She wants us always to seek shelter under her maternal mantle. She invites us to come to her in all circumstances—whether it be in joy or sorrow, success or failure, laughter or tears. Mary wants us to share in her maternal wisdom so that we may understand how to use our various experiences to come closer to God in Christ. Sharing our lives with Mary in this fashion, and on a consistent basis, requires that we love her, that we trust her, that we surrender ourselves to her maternal love.
Help us, Mother Mary, to probe ever more deeply into the depths of your love for us. Help us to realize more and more that to be loved by you is to experience a sweetness, a warmth, a tenderness, a serenity, a security, which makes us cry out, "O Mother, how good and loving you are!"
2. The Documents of Vatican II (New York: The America Press, 1966), Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, No. 62.
3. Ibid., No. 60.
4. Pope John Paul II, The Mother of the Redeemer (Redemptoris Mater) (Washington: United States Catholic Conference, 1987), No. 38.
5. Ibid., No. 45.
Luke 1: 46-55
And Mary said:
My soul proclaims
the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices
in God my Saviour;
because he has looked upon
the humiliation of his servant.
Yes, from now onwards
all generations will call me blessed,
for the Almighty
has done great things for me.
Holy is his name,
and his faithful love extends age after age
to those who fear him.
He has used the power of his arm,
he has routed the arrogant of heart.
He has pulled down princes
from their thrones
and raised high the lowly.
He has filled the starving with good things,
sent the rich away empty.
He has come to the help
of Israel his servant,
mindful of his faithful love
—according to the promise
he made to our ancestors—
of his mercy to Abraham
and to his descendants for ever.
Sing song: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
The world needs peace. Individual
nations need peace and families need
Mary said:
"The family that prays together stays
From Mother at Our Side by Father Edward J. Carter
Mary At Cana
On the third day there was a wedding in Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding. When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, "They have no wine." [And] Jesus said to her, "Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come." His mother said to the servers, "Do whatever he tells you." Now there were six stone water jars there for Jewish ceremonial washings, each holding twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus told them, "Fill the jars with water." So they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, "Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter." So they took it. And when the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine, without knowing where it came from (although the servers who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter called the bridegroom and said to him, "Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one, but you have kept the good wine until now." Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs in Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him. (Jn. 2:1-11).
This enigmatic scene gives rise to numerous possible explanations. It is not our intention to play the part of Scripture scholars on this passage. Our goal is to make a few focused remarks as we consider this event in Jesus' and Mary's life.
First, Fr. Raymond Brown, the Scripture scholar, says that Jesus' use of the word woman to address His Mother is unusual. His explanation includes the following:
In calling His mother "woman," Jesus may well be identifying her with the new Eve who will be the mother of His disciples as the old Eve was the "mother of all the living." She can play her role of intercession, however, only when her offspring on the Cross has crushed the serpent.37
It is interesting to note that at Calvary Jesus also refers to His Mother as "woman": Woman, behold, your son. (Jn. 19:26). The "woman" at Cana and the "woman" at the foot of the cross is indeed the New Eve, our spiritual mother.
38On Calvary, Mary, in deep anguish, sees her Son's side pierced with a lance, from which the Church is born. Mary becomes Mother of this Church, Mother of its members. St. Bonaventure, a doctor of the Church, describes this birth of the Church:
"Then, in order that the Church might be formed out of the side of Christ sleeping on the cross. . the divine plan permitted that one of the soldiers should pierce open His sacred side with a lance. While blood mixed with water flowed, the price of our salvation was poured forth, which gushing forth from the sacred fountain of the heart gave power to the sacraments of the Church…"
As Brown points out above, the intercessory power of Mary reaches a definitive stage at the foot of the cross as Jesus gives birth to the Church. However, Mary's act of intercession at Cana should not be taken lightly. It is a foreshadowing of her full intercessory power which would flower later on. The power of her intercession with Jesus at Cana is evident. She does not request a miracle. Jesus, nonetheless, using the occasion of her request, performs a miracle as He changes water into wine.
There are those who think that Mary is some sort of obstacle relative to their relationship with Jesus. They falsely think that Mary "gets in the way" as they strive for union with Christ. What a mistaken idea! As Mary's request at Cana brought the attendants into contact with Jesus, so does her intercession on our behalf bring us into contact with Christ. Mary is always eager to bring us closer to Jesus. "Do whatever he tells you," Mary says to the attendants at Cana. She says the same to us. She tells us to follow the teaching and example of Christ, this Christ Who is the way, the truth, and the life.
Mary, as the mother of our Christ-life, is ever eager for us to grow in Christ. As we grow in our consecration to her Immaculate Heart—in entrustment of our total being to her—she helps us grow in our consecration to the Heart of Jesus. Through her maternal activity she aids us in growing in our discipleship, this woman who was Jesus' first and perfect disciple.
39St. John Eudes, a great apostle of devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, says:
"you are one with Jesus as the body is one with the head. You must, then, have one breath with him, one soul, one will, one mind, one heart. And he must be your breath, heart, love, life, your all. These great gifts in the follower of Christ originate from Baptism. They are increased and strengthened through Confirmation and by making good use of other graces that are given by God. Through the Holy Eucharist they are brought to perfection."
37. Raymond Brown, S.S., The Gospel of St. John and
The Johannine Epistles in New Testament Reading Guide
(Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1960), Vol. 13, p. 23.
38. Bonaventure, translated
by Evert Cousins (New York: Paulist Press, 1978), pp. 154-55.
39. St. John
Eudes, in The Liturgy of the Hours (New York: Catholic
Book Publishing Co., 1975) Vol. IV, p. 1332.
Excerpt from Mother at Our Side
by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.
Lourdes—And My Own
Marian Experience
Since my first pilgrimage to Lourdes marked a very definitive stage in Mary's dealings with me—in her call to me—I am going to utilize this entry on Lourdes to share with you certain aspects of my Marian experience. In none of my previous books have I shared my spiritual experience in such a direct fashion. I am doing so now only because I believe it is Mary's wish that I do so. May my sharing of Mary's maternal love manifested to me be an occasion for your own reflection on Mary's goodness to you.
I have always been blessed with a strong devotion to Mary. I feel this gift is one of God's greatest graces given to me. I remember at an early age often repeating the Hail Mary. Later, I was very much attracted to Our Lady's requests at Fatima. I made the five first Saturdays and practiced what I was told were the other aspects of Mary's Fatima message.
After graduating from college I entered the Jesuits. Our first phase of training consists of two years of novitiate—a period in which one is introduced into the spiritual life according to the Jesuit tradition. This first period of Jesuit training marked a very significant growth in my devotion to Mary.
As I progressed in my Jesuit life over the years, Mary was always a loving, caring mother. I always felt, among other things, that she was a lifeline—always there in a special way at particularly difficult stages of the spiritual journey, not only then, but certainly then. I was not always as loyal a child of Mary as I should have been, but she always kept me aware of her very important role in our lives.
In early 1989 I was in Europe—destination Rome. As I was traveling toward Italy from Northern Europe, I made plans to stop at Lourdes. I considered this a very special stop on my itinerary.
As I left Toulouse on the train for Lourdes, it was raining. Not very far from Toulouse, the rain stopped and the sun appeared. I considered this a gift from Mary.
I walked from the Lourdes train station to the Shrine. It was a day in January, sunny and pleasant, but, as would be expected at that time of the year, there were less than 25 pilgrims at the grotto site. The atmosphere was very special. One realized this was a very holy place. I sat on one of the benches and began to pray. All of a sudden, I was deeply impressed with this thought: "I have finally come home." The thought seemed to come from outside of me, similar to an infused idea. I did not fully understand what this idea meant. I had not seriously strayed from God, so the idea of "coming home" did not mean I was returning as a prodigal son. Nor did the idea mean that I had finally found Mary, since, as I have stated above, I have always been blessed with a strong devotion to her. I was, then, somewhat puzzled at what the words "I have finally come home" meant. My experience, however, was a very profound one as I sat there before the grotto of Mary. I wept tears of peace and consolation. This was to be my first experience of the gift of tears at a Marian shrine. Later I would also experience this gift at Fatima, Guadalupe, and Medjugorje. The gift of tears on these occasions would always be in confirmation of a special interior enlightenment.
In the months that followed, whenever I recalled these words impressed upon me at Lourdes, I was still not sure of their meaning. I did, though, decide to write this book on Mary. I had long wanted to write such a book, but did not feel prepared to do so until now.
I was privileged to be at Fatima for the 75th anniversary of the October 13 apparition of Mary to the three young visionaries—Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco. I had a conviction that Mary wanted me there at that particular time. (October 13, 1992) That I was able to be present for this momentous occasion was another special gift of Mary to me.
On October 12, 1992 the eve of the anniversary day, I was praying in the basilica at Fatima. I was close to the altar. In the sanctuary was a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. I prayed that Mary would draw me closer than ever to the Heart of Jesus and to her own Immaculate Heart. I also prayed that I would be able, as never before, to work for the spread of devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
As I prayed I would often glance at Mary's statue, and when I did, I was often given the gift of tears—I know it was a special gift because I myself had no control over when this would or would not take place. The same thing happened the next day. It was a most profound spiritual experience—even more so than the one at Lourdes.
On the 13th itself, there were about one million pilgrims present for the anniversary occasion. At communion time of the outdoor Mass I felt a special confirmation of the above-mentioned experience.
From Fatima I went to Lourdes. This time, unlike my first visit, I was present along with thousands of other pilgrims. It is indeed a special experience to be at Lourdes with so many others for the impressive candlelight rosary procession at night and for other activities. Being personally present amidst all this gives one a sense of why Lourdes has been such an attraction for millions and millions of pilgrims over the years. Again, my experience at the grotto of Our Lady was very special, as was the making of the Way of the Cross on the hill high above the basilicas and the grotto.
A few months after my visits to Fatima and Lourdes I was at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. It was another special gift to be able to be there for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12. What an inspiration it is to be there on this most special day—to see the Mexican people come from miles and miles away for this feast which is so dear to their hearts. Their devotion to Our Lady is most remarkable. Regarding myself, the entire pilgrimage prior to the feast day was rather subdued—peaceful, but no special experience. I remained in such a state on the feast itself up to and including most of the Mass at the Shrine. Then at communion time I was gifted with the same type of deep experience which had occurred at Lourdes and Fatima. I was rather suddenly struck with a deep conviction that I am protected by Mary's mantle and that I should not be afraid or worry. Again, this interior enlightenment was accompanied by the gift of tears.
My final pilgrimage was to Medjugorje—December 28, 1992, to January 4, 1993. Again, after prayer, I had developed the conviction that Mary wanted me there for her great feast of January 1st—which, of course, is the feast of Mary, Mother of God. I thought something special would happen on that day, although I did not know precisely what.
As was the case at Guadalupe, nothing out of the ordinary happened to me on the days previous to January 1. I did not see any phenomena concerning the sun which many pilgrims have observed over the years at Medjugorje. The chain on my rosary did not change to gold—as has occurred with many of the Medjugorje pilgrims. But Mary did have her gift for me. Just as I had hoped, something special did occur on the feast of January 1. At Mass, after receiving communion, I received a profound experience of Mary's motherhood toward me and also a profound conviction of Jesus' love for me. This conviction of Jesus' love for me may be the most special I have ever experienced. Again, these interior enlightenments were accompanied by the gift of tears.
Later that day I had the great privilege of being present in the choir loft for the daily apparition of Our Lady. Ivan was the only visionary present in Church this particular day. Although I felt extremely blessed to be present for the apparition—which, of course, only Ivan himself could see—I had no special inner experience at this time. Others in our group said they did have a special personal experience at the time of the apparition. My special experience of the day had indeed occurred earlier at Mass.
Since that first visit to Lourdes when I was suddenly struck with the thought, "I have finally come home," much has happened regarding my relationship with Mary. I now believe I know the meaning of those words impressed upon me at Lourdes in January, 1989. More than three years later Mary began to instruct me regarding the precise meaning of those words. She has, in her maternal love for me, entered my life as never before. She has led me to consecrate myself to the Heart of Christ and to her Immaculate Heart in a very meaningful manner. In an extraordinary fashion she has given me a mission to fulfill in the service of Jesus. As she cooperates with the Holy Spirit in my ongoing transformation in Christ, she is leading me along paths which I have never traveled before. I can never thank her adequately for her goodness to me.
The above constitutes some of the main aspects of my personal Marian pilgrimage over the years. You also have your own Marian experience, and I am sure you have shed your own tears of joy and peace along the way.
If you have not yet done so, I strongly encourage you to consecrate yourself to the Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In consecrating yourself to Mary—in entrusting yourself entirely to her—you will be enabling her to lead you ever closer to the Heart of Christ. She will accomplish marvels in you as she aids you, in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, in living out your consecration to the Sacred Heart. Indeed, she will ever be Mother at your side as you come closer to the Father through Christ and in the Holy Spirit.
I have never been happier, never more at peace, than I presently am. Since Mary has drawn me to consecrate myself to her Immaculate Heart, marvelous changes have taken place within me. She has brought me to the Heart of Jesus in a way I had not experienced before.
If you have given yourself totally to Mary—and this is what consecration to her Immaculate Heart means—you have had similar experiences.
Having consecrated ourselves to Mary, we feel secure as we rest in her loving, maternal Heart. There she comforts us when we are sad—there she wipes away our tears. There she rejoices with us when we rejoice. There she smiles as we share with her our accomplishments for Christ. There she encourages us when we are fearful. There she strengthens us for the most difficult tasks.
What a great gift Jesus has bestowed upon us in giving Mary to us as our mother! Let us thank Him each day for this Mother who loves us with an unfathomable love. We must try to grow in the appreciation of this love. The more we do so, the more we want to cry out, "O Mother, how loving, caring, and tender you are! Draw us ever closer to your Immaculate Heart where you accomplish your marvels within us."
end of excerpt from Mother at Our Side
4 days before his death
16 years ago on October 12, 1992 Fr. Carter felt he was especially called at the Basilica at Fatima for the 75th anniversary for the October 13th apparition of Mary at Fatima. Monday will be the 91st anniversary of Mary’s apparition at Fatima (October 13, 1992).
From the October 12, 1992 recount of Fr. Carter, eve of the anniversary day Fr. Carter states in the book, Mother at Our Side, p. 117.
On October 12, 1992 the eve of the anniversary day, I was praying in the basilica at Fatima. I was close to the altar. In the sanctuary was a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. I prayed that Mary would draw me closer than ever to the Heart of Jesus and to her own Immaculate Heart. I also prayed that I would be able, as never before, to work for the spread of devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
I did not know Fr. Carter, but 7 days before this, on October 5th, 1992 I asked Jesus if He were to write a book for the world, would He use my hand and received the message that follows and all the messages that followed after that.
October 5, 1992 - 3:30am
Messenger: Dear Jesus, Give me Your hand to write this book for you. I am your servant. I want to be Your hand to this world. If you, Lord Jesus, would write a book, what would you say?
Jesus: My dear children,
Today I come to deliver a message to each of you. I want to tell you of each person's dignity, of their beauty and their self-worth. Each child is, oh, so uniquely precious to My Most Sacred Heart. Each child is full of the talents I have given to them. Each person is divinely created by God and given all these gifts to be happy and love one another.
The problem comes when you feel you will be left out. That you will be left by another who has trodden on you and will do it again. I see you all as My most precious children. I watch your every move and know all pain and anguish in your heart. My Heart aches, you have insecure feelings about yourself. I came to this earth I died for you. I felt cold, hungry, lonely on this earth. You need not worry that no one knows the pain and anguish in your heart. God created you with such special gifts and talents. It is important for you to raise above your wound and forgive those who hurt you.
You need only turn your will and your life over to Me and I will guide you in all your ways. I have all the Power. Many are not of My ways. The key to life is to recognize your faults, but still know you are this precious gift of My Father a gift to this world. This world is in need of your strength. Running yourself down, blaming others hurting them can cause you misery and pain. At this very moment, you are the precious creation of God!! You must operate with Me in your heart.
You need not run yourself down. I am with you every day guiding your ways, lest your foot stumble and you lose your way. You will not wander far from your path if every day you keep bringing your focus back to Me. If you dare let Me be at the helm, if you dare to really let Me run your life, I will do with you such wonders that you yourself would be amazed. But you will know with such ease when you did these things that you did not do them alone. You will know My power, moving the mountain, My power chipping at the stone, My power working on your hardest problem and you will be set free.
Oh yes, you will be set free and know a serenity that only comes from letting go and letting Me run your life. To you, My child, I have given all that is good. I made you My holy soldier, My warrior in a world of pain and hatred. You are the light that shines in the darkness, you are the coat to a cold child, you are the smile that warms a troubled and lonely heart. You are the comfort for everyone you meet, because My most precious Heart powers you, smiles through you, understands and loves through you.
Love your fellows for Me. There are so many troubled hearts that need to know My love. I can love through you if you let Me, I can be their friend through you if you let Me. I am He who comforts you and you are he who comforts them. My power is endless, it never runs out, there is not a power failure EVER. In your darkest hour, My light shines in the darkness and I say to you, "Oh blessed of My Father, look at yourself with awe, you are My creation, you are indeed so precious to Me, you are My light to this world, you are My hands and My feet and most of all My Heart."
Oh, you are My loving Heart, to those who are bowed down, to those who are lost in the darkness, you carry My smile and wear My armor in a world that is trying to tear one another down with hate and ugliness. There is gentleness, there is love, there is hope in you, if you open yourself up to Me. Be My knight to the world, wear My armor. I am your God and I will protect you from the darkness. Plug into My power, be not afraid, I go before you always and you can rest in My arms when you feel weary. You can put your head in My lap and weep, you will know, I am truly with you and you are My light to this world. I created you so special - to cast out fear in the darkness, to clothe the naked, to give hope to the oppressed, to be as I live in you and love through you and you are My smile and I touch My hurting ones through your love.
You are he who loves this world. You must stay plugged into My power-source. This world is hungry for My love. It needs My love, I give to them through you. I am your God and I made you as a gift to the world. You are filled.
Focus on Me and your life will be abundant and whole, joy in suffering, freedom — but you can take the knocks because you will know you do not go it alone, but with Me. I love you My precious child.
end of October 5, 1992
On July 5, 1994 Mary appeared to me at the old seminary like fire and on July 10, 1994 Fr, Carter came daily for her apparitions to me which lasted 14 months. He came for 4 ½ months. Fr. Carter began the newsletter from messages from Jesus the same month Mary’s daily apparitions began.
On December 5th, 1996 Jesus appeared at the point of death. On December 12th, we were told to put together Mary’s Message tape. On December 17th, 1996 Mary appeared on the building in rainbow color the same day the Red Rosary Book came out in rainbow color.
It is an honor to be called to such intimacy to spread unity to the body of Christ.
Mary warned at Fatima July 13th, 1917 that we must listen to her message or there would be a terrible war (World War II).
When Mary appeared at Fatima, World War I was raging.
The chastisement that we suffered because of World War II was far worse than the casualties and destruction to the lives left and the destruction to the land — today we suffer the affects of secularism reaching as fingers through the media, the papers, many teaching things that tell us to live our lives as we want disobeying God's laws as if God is not in control and has all the power.
The destruction is far worse to the spiritual lives of the survivors when one decides to disobey God to ignore that He is the all Powerful, Almighty God the Creator of us all, Maker of heaven and earth that keeps the sun and the moon in its place and watches over the earth that life continues and the world does not annihilate. The example of a black sea should pick the mind into recognizing how God tends to the tiniest details of the precious life below the sea. Is it not any wonder that the hurricanes and tumultuous waters, the elements that draw our attention can be gifts indeed to some who have forgotten God.
When we recall the flood at the time of Noah we see how God promised never to destroy the earth again by the waters of such a flood.
Oh God have mercy on us, for we have sinned and many ignored Your precepts. We have fought for folly. We have stood naked before you, yet we saw ourselves clothed in the robes of glory. Are we not always naked before You Oh precious God for no flaw indeed is ever hidden from Your sight, no savory remark without Your knowing, no deed under the table ever hidden from Your eyes, no slyness, no hatred of heart, no bitterness acted out on innocent others hidden from You. Forgive our sins of pride and jealousy, of lust, of murder, those that have left us empty when You were ready to fill us with the precious gift of Yourself and Your Word.
Oh God wipe away our offense, lest we fall into a everlasting pit of gnashing teeth and sounds of screaming.
Where the harps of heaven play the harmony of the unity of the saints, where the angels know the embrace of God's love there will be those whose deeds lingered too long for their everlasting destiny.
Oh God as we pray to You have mercy on us, let people hear the message of Our Lady of Fatima, the message of the Shepherds of Christ, the message that Mary delivered almost a century ago of an era of peace to the world.
Help us to be heard with the message of the Shepherds of Christ and Our Lady of Clearwater.
May 31, 1994
Fr. Carter got a message to began the Priestly Newsletter.
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
October 13, 1994
The Birth of the Full Ministries
of the Shepherds of Christ
"I wish to share with you part of a message which Jesus gave us on October 13, 1994. The message tells us about the expansion of the Shepherds of Christ movement:
'My beloved priest-companion, today I come to you with another mission. I am asking you to establish Shepherds of Christ Ministries. At My request you have already begun the priestly newsletter, "Shepherds of Christ", and the prayer chapters, Shepherds of Christ Associates...
'I am giving you this message on this day, the 77th Anniversary of the Great Apparition at Fatima, because of the close connection between the Shepherds of Christ movement and the Fatima message. The Fatima message is centered in devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart, especially in consecration to Our Hearts. Shepherds of Christ Ministries is also centered in devotion to Our Hearts. I will use Shepherds of Christ Ministries as a great instrument in helping to bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. When this occurs, My Church and the world will be experiencing the great era of peace promised by My Mother at Fatima.
'Today, then, October 13, 1994, the 77th Anniversary of the Great Apparition at Fatima, marks the birth of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I pour forth the great love of My Sacred Heart to all. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.'
"Jesus has told us that Shepherds of Christ Ministries includes: the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, Shepherds of Christ Associates prayer chapters, various publications, including books, whatever else Our Lord directs us to undertake.
"As members of Shepherds of Christ Associates, you are an extremely important part of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. You have given great joy to the Heart of Jesus by responding to His invitation to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. As He draws you closer to His Heart and to His Mother's Heart as Associates members, He will fill you with an ever-increasing experience of His love, peace, and joy."
- From In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Newsletter of Shepherds of Christ Associates
by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J., Volume 1, No. 1, 1995. p. 2.
Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
My dear fellow Associate Members,
Jesus is calling special apostles to join a new division of the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Here is a message from Jesus given to Father Carter:
My beloved priest-companion, I am requesting that a new prayer movement be started under the direction of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I am asking for volunteers who are willing to pray before the Blessed Sacrament for one hour, twice-weekly. Members of the Shepherds of Christ prayer chapters, as well as others, are to be invited to join this movement.
These apostles are to pray for the intentions I am giving you. For part of the hour they are to use the prayers of the Shepherds of Christ Associates Handbook. They may spend the rest of the hour as they so choose.
I will use this new prayer movement within My Shepherds of Christ Ministries in a powerful way to help in the renewal of My Church and the world. I will give great graces to those who join this movement. The name, Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, is to be given to this movement.
I am inviting My beloved Rita Ring to be coordinator for this activity.
I pour out the great love of My Sacred Heart to all. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.
This is indeed a special calling for us to unite in one heart with His Eucharistic Heart and pray for the following intentions:
- For the spread of the devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary culminating in the reign of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
- For the Pope.
- For all bishops of the world.
- For all priests.
- For all sisters and brothers in the religious life.
- For all members of the Shepherds of Christ Movement, and for the spread of this movement to the world.
- For all members of the Catholic Church.
- For all members of the human family.
- For all souls in purgatory.
end of Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart message
July 5, 1994 6:30 p.m.
I was told to go to Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center to pray the rosary with my children. There were people in the front of the church, so we decided to pray the rosary in the back before the Sorrowful Mother statue. I had the following vision at the end of the rosary.
The statue of the Sorrowful Mother was lit up as if she had fire around her. The light was very bright. Her whole gown was all-white, but the statue's gown is blue and pink. She was all aglow. It looked like the glow that comes off of a fire. Her face kept changing but remained totally sorrowful-the sorrow of an older woman. She was in such pain and sorrow! (It was hard to explain how she looked-extremely pained!) Her face looked as though she was in such pain that she could hardly bear it.
The vision remained like this for about ten minutes, having begun during the last Hail Mary of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary. She was holding something-it was all bright white-the brightest light ever!
- From Blue Book IV
Mary continued to appear to me every
day for 14 months at the old
I was told to put out this book with the
rainbow and messages for the
rosary meditations by Christmas
December 17, 1996.
On December 17, 1996 this book with
rainbow left the printer and
Mary appeared on the building
in Clearwater the same day in
rainbow color —
![]() shipped from the printers |
![]() Mary appeared |
Fr. Carter began the Shepherds of Christ Movement with
the Newsletter from the May 31, 1994
message —
We have circulated to date over 6,000,000
in 14 years to hierarchy and priests.
![]() Mary by day |
![]() by night |
I received this message 2 days after Mary's
image appeared on the Clearwater
December 19, 1996
Mary: My dear children, I give to you, my Son, Jesus, born in a stable in Bethlehem on Christmas morn. He is the Almighty God, the Light of the World.
I appear to you, my children, on a (former) bank in Florida. You have made money your god! Do you know how cold are your hearts? You turn away from my Son, Jesus, for your money. Your money is your god.
I am Mary, your Mother. I do not appear as I once appeared to you. I am asking you today to circulate my message given on a tape on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 1996. Please circulate this tape now. Give it to as many people as you can. I am Mary, your Mother. Please circulate my Rosary Book.
end of December 19, 1996
Help Me
Reach the world with the Consecration
to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and the
Pray United With Us
Come to China before the exposed
October 13, 2008 — 91st anniversary
of Fatima
Mass 12:00 Fr. Berny
Pray for our priests, hierarchy, Church and the world.
Please pray for our country.
From October 5, 2008
This is a Patriotic Rosary.
On the first 3 Hail Marys we pray for the District of Columbia,
the priests, the Church and the world.We are praying for the state of _____.
We Consecrate the hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
We cast the devil out, we ask for a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
We spread the Blood of Jesus on the families,
the voters, all those in office, all those running for office,
the hierarchy, and the priests,
and we ask for prayer chapters from the state of _____.
And we say — Amen.
1st Decade 1. Alabama
2. Alaska
3. Arizona
4. Arkansas
5. California
6. Colorado
7. Connecticut
8. Delaware
9. Florida
10. Georgia2nd Decade
11. Hawaii
12. Idaho
13. Illinois
14. Indiana
15. Iowa
16. Kansas
17. Kentucky
18. Louisiana
19. Maine
20. Maryland3rd Decade
21. Massachusetts
22. Michigan
23. Minnesota
24. Mississippi
25. Missouri
26. Montana
27. Nebraska
28. Nevada
29. New Hampshire
30. New Jersey4th Decade
31. New Mexico
32. New York
33. North Carolina
34. North Dakota
35. Ohio
36. Oklahoma
37. Oregon
38. Pennsylvania
39. Rhode Island
40. South Carolina5th Decade
41. South Dakota
42. Tennessee
43. Texas
44. Utah
45. Vermont
46. Virginia
47. Washington
48. West Virginia
49. Wisconsin
50. Wyoming
God has all the power
Jesus died for our sins
We must Believe
From the Apostles Manual
December 19, 1996
Message given through Rita Ring
Received in a few minutes after Communion
St. Gertrude ChurchJesus: My Beloved Ones,
You will know a great time of trial and darkness. I have written to you of the great sufferings to come. The sinfulness of this world greatly displeases Me. I beg you to pray for forgiveness and turn your hearts to love.
And darkness covered the earth and the light was cast in little corners of the earth. Those who were willful remained in intense darkness, those who were rooted in God, and giving themselves to consecration, were the children of the light.
And the light shown in the darkness and the darkness grasped it not, but to as many as responded, they became the children of the light and from them His life flowed into the hearts that were cold and dark and slowly, very slowly, the light began to steal across the darkened sky and the moon was covered with blood. The blood was the blood of the Lamb. The blood represented the blood He shed to give us life. But the blind just saw ordinary blood and were scared to death. They responded with the greatest fright and lacked peace, but those rooted in God, those whose hearts were consecrated to Mary and Jesus, knew the sign was from God—that the time of reckoning was at hand. Many were punished and suffered a great chastisement. Many were left to death, but the children of light prayed the rosary and trusted in God.
And the night was no more for the light of day came stealing across the sky and myriads of angels filled the sky and the heavens. Sing Alleluia, Praise the Lord, you saints and angels, show yourselves to the survivors for they walked in darkness and could not see, but the light was alive in their hearts and they dwelt within the furnace of His Heart.
Have no fear now, My people, for you are the children of the light and My hand is forever upon you. You may suffer now a little, but it is nothing compared to the splendor to come.
R. Oh, reign of peace, reign of the Sacred Heart, triumph of her Immaculate Heart, we wait for you anxiously for the nights have been cold and dark and we cried a bitter cry in the darkness but we knew of the glories to come for we forever trusted in You and Your mighty hand.
Your hand is struck with power. The Virgin Mary warned the poor children that died an eternal death to mind their ways and they cried out, "Not me, oh, no, God — your ways are stiff necked and cruel. I want for foolish pleasure now and tomorrow will care for itself."
And the Lord called and called and they marched into the darkness with cold hearts, telling the Almighty God, 'no'.
Mary: Oh, my children, my little children of light, the time is nigh and many will be lost forever. I appeared and warned and told all to mind their ways and come to the Heart of my Son and they said "No, my Lady, not for you or any mother. We are children of darkness and that we remain, for we seek our pleasure by day and feast on sin all night and when you called, mother, we laughed at your Son and ignored Him and His ways." And He called and His call fell on deaf ears.
Please, my children of light, come to my heart now for although you walked next to the children of darkness. I smite the dragon that whirled around you and protected you in my heart and you will now feast on the glories of His Kingdom, my little children of light.
end of December 19, 1996
Excerpt from December 29, 1996
Jesus: I am the teacher, it is through Fr. Carter and Rita I am revealing the secrets of My Heart that will bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart and greatly renew the Church and the world. I beg, beg you to study these messages in their entirety, I am revealing your directions in these messages for the completion of the Fatima message. My hand is struck with power. The more you spread the Movement, the more souls will be saved and I will give to this world My mercy. I beg you to circulate the tape, Mary's Message, and the messages of December 19, 1996 and December 22, 1996 together. I am Jesus. You must focus on what I am telling you.
I am counting on you, Fr. Carter. I have chosen you and I will guard you. It is through you I will greatly renew the Church and the world. My directions are given here to spread the consecration to the world. You must obey or souls will be lost. I am calling My apostles to days of instruction to spread the consecration. Please emphasize the tapes and the importance of the 13th.
I love you with the tenderest love. I am ONE with you. I operate through you.
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