Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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November 1, 1999 - the Feast of All Saints
A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
Messenger: Include Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in 6:20 prayers.
Mary speaks: FEED THE HUNGRY
A Message from Mary
Mary speaks: I wish a video made, a professional video which will be made available at all sites. On this video my Son and I request that excerpts be taken from the video of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center where the sun is pulsating. I wish the Mary mist be included. I wish excerpts from the video of May 13, 1997, at Tom's farm, I wish some explanation. I wish pictures of Holy Cross-Immaculata Church and the events that occurred there be filmed and read from the daily message. I wish all sites be filmed as by my direction. I wish the exposed Eucharist of June 13, 1999, be placed on this tape, the moving lips of May 13, 1998. I wish the information concerning this video be made public on the Internet and circulated by any means possible. It will be called A Video from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for Circulation.
My children, I wish a phone line be made to play the messages of my Son and my messages continually. This is an answer to the cry of one in need as in yesterday's happenings.
It will be called the help line. This should be begun as soon as possible and cards circulated and advertised in any way possible.
You have held back the hand of my Son.
Jesus speaks: I gave a message earlier. I give this message today. I wish a radio and/or television program on which messages are played continuously.
This is my current direction to you. I wish these messages be made available to all in audio dimensions and visually in any means possible. I will help you secure whatever is necessary to do this. You must pray for this.
I want continuous airing of these messages.
The suicide was a sign to you that you must feed the hungry, feed the hungry, they are out there.
There are so many hungry souls out there that are crying out to you.
Yesterday morning I told you of the woman on a busy corner hit by the bus.
On a busy corner a man took his life through suicide yesterday.
The souls need this airing, I want you to run the messages this way by any means possible and quickly. I want A Song from Jesus to play around the world. I am the Savior, I have come to you today.
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Messenger: Jesus sings this song for nursing homes and all others.
November 1, 1999 - Second Message
Genesis 4:6-7
Yahweh asked Cain, 'Why are you angry and downcast? If you are doing right, surely you ought to hold your head high! But if you are not doing right, Sin is crouching at the door hungry to get you. You can still master him.'
Jesus speaks: My dear ones,
I love you so much.
The devil is real and he attacks you. I do not like to see you fighting. I want to look down and I want you to know My Heart filled with burning love on fire for love of you and I want you to not be so concerned with so many little details. See the big picture. It is your hearts I want changed to hearts likened to Mine. I am unveiling the workings of Satan in your lives. He is real, he works in the emotions and you feel sometimes you must give in and "angrily" confront someone you love and then it becomes a horrible mess. I am looking down, see My picture, I am pointing to My Heart consumed with My divine love and you are missing your focus. Holy ones that keep doing My work, but are not being loving to each other. You are to lead the world into greater oneness. Do you not know how real Satan is? He talks in your heads, he gets you in a state in which you feel paralyzed and you give in to emotional attacks from him. I am not saying to hide real problems and put them under the rug, this is not good. Discuss the problem humbly with each other, not in an attack mode. Look at yourself. Seek the TRUTH in love and fight, fight the attacks of Satan when he is trying to cripple you . You must do what is God's will, even when emotionally it seems you cannot do it. I act in love. Don't get caught in attacks from Satan to divide you especially before prayers, at Mass, important times. He is real. He gets a grip on you, sometimes emotionally, and you give in.
Just as he is real, more powerful than any attack by Satan is My love and I stand by you giving you My grace and strength. My Heart is afire with burning love.
I AM LOVE. I look down and see the fighting and the hatred caused by so many little things because you give in to an emotional attack from Satan and My work is not done. Satan wants you to waste time arguing. You must force yourselves to be strong and not give in to emotional attacks.
I love you so much, Jesus.
I am with you, I am on fire for love of you. You must keep saying and believing:
"Jesus loves me, He is with me, He died for me.
Jesus loves me, He is with me, He died for me.
"My Father loves me so much. I am His little child.
The Holy Spirit is with me. The Holy Spirit will fill me with the fire of God's love if I
ask Him."
November 1, 1999 - Third Message
Message given October 31, 1999 - Halloween
Jesus speaks: Satan can attack from inside or outside, he can attack by somebody telling you something, he can attack from within by planting an idea in your mind.
If a person is in one mood or disposition and another passes by or tells you something and your mood is changed drastically to being irritated, upset, and your emotions becomes erratic, you may be being attacked by Satan through another person.
If you are in one mind slot and a thought goes through your mind and your whole disposition is changed erratically and you are upset with another and feel you must act, this could be an attack of Satan.
Satan knows what will make you feel insecure.
Satan attacks through others to get you to respond and act irrationally, to hate and cause problems with the people you love.
Satan wants you, My shepherds, divided. He will use anything to divide you.
He can get in if you are insecure and not rooted in My love.
Babies cry, babies need love, babies want to be told that Mama is there. You cannot control or attempt to control others to get them to satisfy you.
Unless you are so rooted in My love, you will not survive. Satan will attack through relationships.
Satan wants you to be needy, Satan wants you to think another person is supposed to fill your emotional needs.
Satan wants hollering babies to demand affection, to expect another to come and fill all their needs so that then they will feel better. Like a diaper change, one moment wet and dirty, Mama comes with the dry one.
My little whimpering babies, your love relationships cannot be like little babies needing to answer each other's screaming cries for love.
When will you wake up? You are at war and Satan uses the emotions to get to you and you expect some other to make you "warm and cuddly.''
The world has taught this lesson, oh, the beautiful one will come on a white horse and you will ride gaily off into the sunset. That is crazy My children, it is not as God's intends.
Life is difficult, do you see Me walk the Passion?
You live in a world where men tell themselves untruths.
You must embrace the truth. Everyone must look inside and not be a baby that cries for the instant cure. You are ADULTS in the world. Children can be needy. Adults do not need to be fed like babies, they need a deep relationship dependent on Me.
Quit looking for a quick fix for your pain. It is pain that you have, endure it according to My will so it will lead you to new life.
You are not babies, but adults, soldiers marching in My army, living with the light of Jesus inside powering you.
You are under serious attack now.
Only love will survive. Love of God, love of one another.
Selfishness won't work.
My little babies, come to Me. You are allowed to come whimpering to Me. I want you to come. The Father is your Father, say, "Papa, help me, please."
Sing Abba Father.
There will be a new earth, the old earth will pass away.
All have to look inside themselves.
Examine your conscience, see when you went off, analyze your moods, your feelings, get them under control, see how Satan worked to get you divided. In the Movement apostles must trust each other, you must work the program, you must come in love, not selfishness.
Love goes out of self.
Response in Christ - pp. 43, 44-47
The Heavenly Father has put each of us upon this earth because of His singular love for us as individuals. There is a countless number of merely possible human persons existing in the divine knowledge. Why has the Father given existence to me rather than to these "possibles" who will never exist? The ultimate answer lies in the mysterious free will of the Father. He has chosen to love me, to give me existence, to give me a grace-life.
In His love for me the Father has entrusted me with a great purpose. I have a loving service to give to God, to the Church, and to the world - a service which no one else can render. Each of us has been put here to fulfill a mission, to use our lives, not only for ourselves, but to labor through these lives for the glory of the Father and the benefit of men.
We tend to underestimate the value of our lives. Perhaps this is so because our faith is not what it should be. We would be astounded if we could see the potential of our lives as does our heavenly Father. We are great, not because of what we are in ourselves, but because of what our Father, has already done for us, and because of what He wants to do for us - if only we allow Him.
Perhaps we would not be constantly tempted to underestimate the worth of our lives if we more often reflected upon some of the great examples of what God can accomplish through the life of one person. There has been a St. Augustine, a St. Dominic, a St. Francis of Assisi, a St. Thomas Aquinas, a St. Elizabeth, a St. Ignatius Loyola, a St. Thomas More, a St. John Vianney and many others. In and through their various vocations they have contributed profoundly to the work of Christ. Coming closer to our own day we have the examp1e of Pope John XXIII and Dr. Thomas Dooley. These two lives, have they not left an indelible imprint upon the world of men? Can one life make a great difference to Church and world? The answer is obvious.
And yet, you might object, the examples just cited are lives of outstanding men and women. After all, how many are destined to walk across the stage of life in such dominant display before the eyes of men? We acknowledge, not very many. But there could well be numberless lives, almost completely hidden to the world, which have also contributed greatly to the cause of Christ. Perhaps, even, these hidden lives have at times given more to Christ and the world than have the lives of the canonized saints. God's ways are not always our ways, nor are His thoughts always our thoughts. Our heavenly Father can make use of the most obscure and insignificant life to accomplish great things.
Each Christian must strive to grow in the realization that the Father calls him to greatness. He accomplishes this purpose by the gradual development of his Christ-life. What ever our particular purpose or mission in life may be, it will be authentically accomplished in proportion to the development of our grace-life in Christ. For our destiny in Christ includes all else. Our life of grace, in turn, develops around the all-embracive theme of the Father's will. The Father's will for me is what gives unity to my life. If I embrace this will, it holds together all the multitudinous threads of my existence, weaving them into a meaningful pattern - the achievement of my life's purpose.
Consequently, to grow in Christian holiness and to achieve my mission in life are supremely possible for me. Why? Because growth in the realization of my life's task is always commensurate with my Father's will for me here and now. His will for me is always proportionate to my present weakness on the one hand, and, on the other, to my present degree of spiritual maturity. Finally, His will for me always carries with it the necessary graces for accomplishing what He here and now asks.
As I reach out for my Father's will in love day after day, I am thereby - dynamically developing my Christ-life, achieving my destiny, making my very important contribution to the evolving redemptive work of Christ.
The Father's will touches everything in my life. It wants to make all contribute to my growing maturity in Christ. Joy and sorrow, success and failure, work and play, ecstatic happiness and deep suffering, all of these are to be related to my Father's will. If I correspond to God's grace, His will as it permeates my total being and existence will unfailingly transform me.
As the Father's will transforms me, it thereby makes my life a success for myself and others. The only true measure of a successful life, despite possible appearances to the contrary, is whether or not it is conformed in love to the Father's will. The degree of success depends Upon the degree of conformity. " 'It is not those who say to me, "Lord, Lord", who will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven. When the day comes many will say to me, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, cast out demons in your name, work many miracles in your name?" Then I shall tell them to their faces: I have never known you; away from me, you evil men! '" (Mt 7:21-23).
The above described Christian life is certainly impossible without God's grace. We must be deeply aware that grace is a gratuitous gift which we cannot achieve by our natural efforts. But God offers grace in abundance. Our problem is that we do not respond to grace as we should. We tend to minimize the Father's great designs for us. We are tempted not to take His words at face value, those which tell us of the fathomless love He has for each one of us, and what that love can accomplish in us. To help ourselves maintain the proper perspective in these matters, we should often remind ourselves of these words of St. Paul: "We were still helpless when at his appointed moment Christ died for sinful men. It is not easy to die even for a good man - though of course for someone really worthy, a man might be prepared to die - but what proves that God loves us is that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Having died to make us righteous, is it likely he would now fail to save us from God's anger?" (Rm 5:6-9).
We have, therefore, an irrevocable and overwhelming testimony of the Father's love for us. Because of this love, the Christian can increasingly assimilate the Father's will in his own response of love. Through this mutual self-giving, God and the Christian are meant to be united in the deepest possible love.
The above passage from St. Paul not only tells us of the Father's great love for us, but it also tells us that this love has come to us through Christ and continues to do so. There is no other way. This is the eternal design of the Father. Our grace-life as well as all creation takes its meaning from Christ: "He has let us know the mystery of his purpose, the hidden plan he so kindly made in Christ from the beginning to act upon when the times had run their course to the end: that he would bring everything together under Christ, as head, everything in the heavens and everything on earth." (Ep 1:9-10)
"Savior". |
"He sets the captives free." |
"Christ is Savior".
November 1, 1999 - Nursing Home Message - Fourth Message
Jesus speaks: My dear nursing home loved ones,
I am an endless vat of divine LOVE. My Heart is consumed with LOVE for you.
I wish you to say all day:
"Jesus loves me, He is with me, He died for Me.
Jesus loves me, He is with me, He died for Me.
My Father loves me so much. I am His little Child.
The Holy Spirit will fill me with the fire of God's love if I ask Him. The Holy Spirit is with me.
Mary is my Mother. She loves me and is with me now."
Jesus speaks: I love you so much. I want you to know this. Satan tells you negative things in your heads. I want you to say this over and over again. It is your truth.
I love you so, so much, I died for you. Think about My face on the cross. My thoughts were of you. Look at My Picture. I point to My Heart consumed with love.
Messenger: When visiting a nursing home this is a plan you can follow to pray a little part of the rosary with the elderly or sick residents.
What is usually done and tolerated by the elderly folks is one Our Father, five Hail Mary's and another Our Father. The song, A Song from Jesus, can be sung before and after these prayers.
It is desirable to have a big picture of The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple when doing these meditations. Also it is recommended that you have pictures of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Question for married couples and others in intimate relationships:
Q:How do I feel when you shut me out of your life and I cannot share your burden?
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