Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding
these messages |
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November 2nd Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 4 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries for November 2nd are Sorrowful.
Please pray for Rita's Mom really hard.
Pray for Jim who had heart surgery.
Pray for Andrew who has cancer.
Pray for urgent intention and all involved.
July 14, 1994
Jesus Died That We All Might Live
Messenger: He has created us in His own image and likeness. He loved us before we were born. Who are we that He cares for us? We are His creation, the creation of Him Who loved us first. Ought we not love Him with all our heart and love one another, who are ALL His children?
Jesus died that we all might live. He shed the last drop of His Blood. He gave the last beat of His Heart for each and every person. Help us to unite as brothers in Christ. God is my Father. He is your Father. He is Jesus’ Father. He is THE FATHER.
Mary is our Mother. We are His blessed children and He loves what He creates.
The rosary tells the lives of Christ and Mary. How can I be Christ-like if I do not meditate on His life? My life is to be modeled after Christ's life. How can I model myself after "how He loved" if I am not intimately involved in a love relationship with Him?
Through the sorrowful death of Jesus, we are raised to new life. His Resurrection and Ascension is that by which we are given this life. The descending of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles gives us the Spirit so alive within us!
To stop at the Crucifixion is to miss the glory. The glory is found in the Resurrection and Ascension. That is why these mysteries are called the Glorious Mysteries. This is Glory!
July 14, 1994
The Rosary
Messenger: The rosary tells us much about Christ and Mary.
How can I be Christ-like if I do not meditate on His Life? My life is to be a model after Christ's life. How can I model myself after how He loved if I am not intimately involved in a love relationship with Him?
Christ shows us the way. Jesus went through His Passion and death for our salvation and for love of us.
The more I meditate on the rosary, the more I see the oneness of Christ and His Mother. They are one in Their Hearts. They shared each Other's pains, sorrows, joys, suffering. They were so connected to each Other.
This is shown all through the Passion, her sorrows, presentation in the temple, finding in the temple, her journey into Egypt, her watching during the scourging, her journey during the Passion when Their eyes met, (this alone could be meditated on to tell Their union and suffering) putting the nails in His hands, standing under the cross, beholding His lifeless body under the cross, and after His death, laying Him in the tomb.
Their Hearts beat as one, as she suffered so silently with Him, always by His side. No mother was ever so connected with her Son.
Sorrow increases intimacy. When I suffer and give it to Christ, I am admitting how much He is truly a Person I depend on. I want to depend on Him, to be so intimate that it is He to Whom I run when my heart is torn.
He loves us so, He knows our every thought and feeling. He loves us with such attentiveness and care, and He waits for us to run to His arms and share ourselves with Him.
He longs for our love, He longs for our time. He wants us to go to Him as our best Friend, a real Person, but what a Person and what He can do for us!
You are my Savior Lord, You saved me from my sins by Your brutal death. You give me life in Your Resurrection. I am born into Your life in Baptism and You live in my heart. God lives within me. Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell within my breast in a most special way when I am in the state of grace. Mary is one with Jesus.
Oh, God, I love You so. I want to know You and love You and serve You.
Spirit, open me to know my precious Lord. I am Yours to possess and I live to do Your holy will.
Father, fashion me, mold me more into the image of Jesus, Your precious Son. "...yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me...(Ga 2:20). I want to be one in You, so that You live and dwell in my heart.
Meditating on the rosary is meditating on much of Christ's Life. How can I be molded more into His image if I do not meditate on Him and His Life?
The First Commandment commands that I love God above all things. What is love? Is it lip service or is it a fire that burns within the soul?
May my love of God be this flame that burns for love of each Person in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and for Mary also. May I grow in intimacy with each Person and Mary, and may Joseph be close by her side as he stood close to Jesus and guarded Him.
July 15, 1994
Where Are You Going?
Messenger: Where are you going? Did you see the accident, the woman on the stretcher? She was very pretty and young. How is her soul? Is she still alive? Did she think only of her hair, her shape, her clothes or did she have a relationship with God? Where is she going?
Jesus speaks: I am the Way, I am Truth and Life. (Jn 14:6). It is only through Me that you will gain eternal salvation.
Are you busy for your earthly lives? Where do you go when you are called so suddenly? I come, you know not the hour nor the day. A continuation of life is promised to no man here. You will be called, you will have no choice. All that goes with you is how you were in your heart.
Did you put God first and love Him with all your heart, did you love your brother as yourself?
Where are you going, if you are called this day?
Live My life with Me, be united with Me in My suffering and death on the cross. Live Our lives in the rosary. Make the rosary a prayer that is so alive in your hearts that you grow in such love of Mary and Jesus from praying it.
Re-enact Our lives in the rosary, feel Our sorrow and Our joy. Be united to Our lives in the rosary.
The rosary is not just a prayer to say, it is a prayer to live. Live your life as We lived Ours.
There are so many distractions in this world. Be totally lost in the life of Jesus and Mary when you pray the rosary.
July 15, 1994
Title: Resurrection
I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am your all. I come before you and give you My life.
I rose from the dead to give you a special sharing in My life. Sweet one, feel My wounds, feel My side, I am God. I am the one, true, magnificent God. I want you with Me forever in heaven. You must die to yourself to live in Me. Suffer, sweet one, for this is My life. It was not a life of pleasure, it was rooted in the cross. My teachings have been passed on for all generations. I am Mighty. I am God. I can do all things, in My way, in My time. You will rise to new life in Me. You will be raised from the dead. You will enter into My kingdom if you love and serve Me and keep My commands. Continue your journey toward Me. My precious ones, come to Me and I will give you all you need. You will rise to new life. The passion has meaning. I rose triumphant on the third day. Suffer with Me, My precious one.
The Ascension:
Jesus: My ascension into heaven, My days were past and the time had come for Me to go to My Father. I raised My arms and ascended toward heaven and a cloud took Me out of sight.
This is My might, as I died such a brutal death, I, in all My splendor, left in such glory! I am God. You will die in this world, but you will be carried to the home of My Father.
The apostles were afraid as they watched from below. I promised to send them the Spirit to dwell in their hearts and give them strength. Rita, meditate on this mystery. It is in the resurrection and ascension into heaven you experience such joy. You will go to the Father. You will see the result of all your labors. To stop at the crucifixion is to miss the glory. The glory is found in the resurrection and ascension. That is why these are called the glorious mysteries.
Oh, sweet one, such glory for those who love and serve the Lord! You may die what seems to be a million slow deaths, but your glory awaits you. Do not stop at the Passion. With your children, pray all three mysteries, they all teach about My life. I will teach you the glory of the Lord.
R. And He ascended into heaven and a cloud took Him from their sight, but He never left them, He lives and dwells in our hearts this very day!
Jesus: I am truly present in the Eucharist. My body ascended into heaven, but My Body and My Blood, under the appearance of bread and wine, remains with you this very day.
Weep no more, My children, I go to the Father, but I remain in your midst this very day. Come and be with Me in front of the tabernacle. This is the act of greatest love, the Eucharist, My true presence with you this very day!
Descent of the Holy Spirit
Jesus: The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and Mary: As I promised, the Holy Spirit came upon them in the form of tongues into the room. They had been so afraid. They became fearless. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and they went into the world to preach My gospel.
Fear not for I am with you this day. The Spirit dwells within your soul. You have been baptized into new life through the Spirit.
You will preach My gospel as you allow the Spirit to operate from your soul. I am the Lord, your God, sweet one. You open yourself up to the fire of God's love. Enkindled in your heart will be the fire of the love of God.
It is in this realization of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you realize the immensity of the love of God. This is what warms the troubled soul. The more you are rooted in all three Persons, the more you are steadfast in the love of God.
God will never abandon you, though the world is cold. His love is a burning flame that roars in your heart. You are protected from the cold night. The glory is found in this mystery when you realize the fire of God's love. There are many cold hearts in this world. You will experience such warmth in your chest from the fire that burns within you from His love. This flame within you does not flicker, it does not wince about, it burns and protects you from any cold on the outside. It is a roaring furnace, a bright flame and it is alive in you when you are in the state of grace.
Keep your hearts pure and go often to the sacrament of Penance. Be pure of heart and full of My love. I will light your heart on fire with the love of God and the cold world will not harm you. You will operate from the fire that burns within your chest. My love, the love of God is this burning flame.
You will not be afraid. You will be fixed so in My love, you will run and not get weary because your God dwells within your soul. I am on fire for love of you. This is your strength. I am your true love.
The Assumption
Jesus speaks:
Mary was taken up into heaven. My beautiful Mother lived many years after My death. She complied, always, willingly to My Father.
You wander this barren desert in search of water to quench your thirst, but you find none to suffice.
Your strength is found in the interior union you have with God in your soul.
You search in vain, you wander. My child, you were created for the love of God and your neighbor.
You seek, you wander, you roam, but only this interior flame burning within your breast gives you the glow you wear on your face.
Glory, child, the glory of the God who dwells within your very soul! His fire is a burning ember, burning deeply in your breast. Your union is constant. You never go from the flame. It is the source of His love, deep within your soul.
Oh, what you feel when you know Our love! It truly is life that radiates from your being, a burning endless flame that goes on despite anything that surrounds you in this world.
I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am your all, My beautiful one. I burn for love of you, in all your precious uniqueness.
My Mother was taken up to heaven in such happiness. Her days were completed. She lived here to accomplish the work of the Father. Now she lives in your hearts as your beloved Mother.
She did not leave you, she forever is your loving Mother Mary! Oh, child, if you knew her motherly, undying love for you! You have the ardent love of the sweetest Mother. She is always with you. She was taken into heaven, but remains forever with you as your Mother. Sweet one, you are so loved. One of your greatest glories is the love your great mother has for you. She was assumed into heaven to be with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What joy for her to see the face of God.
Mary is Crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth
Jesus: Mary was taken up into heaven and she was crowned the Queen of Heaven. What glory for her and for you to have your mother the Queen of Heaven!
R. Mary is our heavenly Queen. She reins in such splendor in the courts of heaven. It is through her that we receive such graces from God.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with you,
blessed are you among women
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.Visions from Our Lady:
A parade of faces, old and young, joyful and sorrowful, always behind her - the cross of Jesus.
She lived her life, Jesus lived His. The rosary is the many faces from young to old that They wore. She stood by and silently her face showed her life.
We wear many faces in our journey toward Christ. We are never the same, constantly evolving. Some joy, some sorrow, with the cross of Christ and Him hanging on it, always in the background.
He is our pillar of strength. He poured out His love for us on the cross. He is our Savior. He is love and He gives us a special sharing in His life through Baptism.
I saw Mary alive. She wore a parade of faces from young and beautiful to very, very old. I saw her face filled with sorrow and filled with joy. Behind her I saw a cross, it remained there all through the rosary.
July 16, 1994
Be Grateful My Child, for the Blessings I Send You
Messenger: God is giving me everything I need.
Jesus speaks: The very hairs of your head are numbered, I allow all that is happening to you. Do you look for that which you do not have? Look for that which I am giving you. Do you seek love and miss the love that is given? Do you want things given the way you want, or are you accepting the way they are? This is willfulness. You think things should be this way, yet they are that way and you become frustrated. I give you all you need. It is in your acceptance of all things that you grow in your relationship with Me. Do not be willful and expect things the way you think they should be. You are receiving so much love in your life today from others, and you are looking for love the way you want it. I love you and I love you through others. Look at the love I am sending you. Accept all others the way they are. I give to you according to your needs. Do you love Me?
I give you so much love in your world and in all those around you. Take the blinders off of your eyes and see the gifts I am pouring out to you this day. Pray to the Holy Spirit for vision. God loves you so. God is caring for your needs this day. In your willfulness you want things your way. Accept the love I pour out to you. Accept all others as they are. Strive to give love as I give to you. I am your God and I love you with an undying love. You are Mine, child, I love you so.
July 16, 1994
Our Father Loves What He has Created
Messenger: The soul thirsts after love. I have a loving Father Who created me. I am hungry for the love of God.
Jesus speaks: Do you stalk this barren world in search of love and find none? The Father is ever vigilant in His love for you. He created you and loves you as the most loving Father.
Come, My children, come and sit and pray. Pray in silence, pray to your Father. "Our Father, Who art in heaven..." Sit and focus on His love for you. He loves what He has created. You are so precious to Him.
Come and be with your Father.
July 16, 1994
Love All Persons
Jesus speaks: Do you have trouble with your brothers? Do you know they are as they are? Love all of God's creatures as persons created by God. Genuinely love all persons. I would die for them this very day. Can you offer less to your loving brothers?
Pray to love, children, as I have loved you. Pray to know how to love. Be humble, see your faults, admit your failings. This will lead you to correction of these faults. If you hide your faults, you will never correct them.
Pray to the Spirit to see what needs correcting. Pray to the Spirit to open yourself to the faults that are blocking your relationship with God. Pray to be open to the faults that constantly trip you up and allow you to be caught in Satan's snare. Know your faults child. Know your weaknesses and pray for help to overcome them.
I am Jesus, I love you so. In your pride you overlook your weaknesses, in humility you accept them and try to correct them.
Pray for vision, little one.
July 16, 1994
Title: Live Our Lives In the Rosary
Mary: My blessed daughter, I do not ever abandon you. I am your loving Mother, your other mother is in heaven with me. Come and know I mother you constantly, my child. No one will give you the motherly love you crave but me. Your mother in all her holiness could not mother you this day as I mother you.
Come to me, my child and know I am truly by your side. I love you so, my dear, sweet one.
Jesus speaks: Live to love Me. I know how far you are from being perfect and I love you anyway.
When you see your faults beg to be given the graces to overcome them.
Messenger: When I speak of my love for You Lord, let me come from a place of love and not pride, ever, ever.
Teach me Your ways.
Jesus speaks: Strive to be Christ-like My child. All your actions should be rooted in love.
Messenger: The bare skin, being beaten, the bare skin when He was stripped, the bare skin on the cross and taken down in His Mother's arms.
He comes to us as He was born, no coverings, He comes and gives us His all, they beat His precious skin, they pierced His tender skull, they pounded nails through His body. They tore His flesh and it hung.
He gave the last beat of His Heart, He gave the last drop of His Blood, no coverings, He gave Himself.
Jesus gives us Himself in the Eucharist, He gives Himself to you, His Body, His Blood.
What more do we want from this beautiful God to give His all for love of us.
Yet we do not even know what He is giving us, we are so blind, we run after foolish things and He, the Son of God, waits for us to be with Him, out of deepest love for us.
His head was pierced, His back was torn, He was beaten down to His ribs, His flesh hung from His body.
Jesus speaks: I GIVE you My BODY and BLOOD for love of you and you cry for love.
God gives His very own Body and Blood to you.
I am the Savior of this world, I come to save you from your sins the price I paid is My life, given for each of you. I held nothing back.
Will you love your brothers this way for Me?
I am the Alpha, I am the Omega, I am God, yet I give you Myself because I love you.
Do not ever go from My love.
Messenger: How can I be likened to Christ and model myself after His actions, if I do not pray the rosary. This is Christ and Mary's life from His beginning to end and the Ascension into heaven. It is her life from the Annunciation to her crowning in heaven.
The love They had for us, the love we need to have for one another. We are truly brothers in Christ.
Jesus speaks: I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the Life. I am Jesus come to love you this day with My ardent love.
July 16, 1994
My Mother
Messenger: My mother died when I was five and I missed her all throughout my life. I will now be 48 in a couple of weeks, the age she was when she died. My birthday present was and is the gift I received from her: her old, worn prayer book. The pages torn and yellow where she wore them out from her prayers. She prayed so much they were all torn. I have her crucifix from her rosary, which has her name, Alice, attached to it. I received her prayer book and the cross from the rosary.
Nothing is an accident. She gave me the greatest gift of all, she gave me my life at birth and I have her prayer book and crucifix from her rosary as her love for me. This is one of the most precious gifts a child could ever have - her mother's prayers! Early on she shared with me her deep love of God.
I want to lead others to meditate on Jesus' life - His life at birth and Mary's life, lived in the rosary. From the youthful face to the old woman she became, from her joy to her deep sorrow. I see Mary's face alive in the statues. A parade of faces, all the emotions of the heart, for us, relived in every rosary! This is our call: to be likened to Christ. I must meditate on Christ and His life. This will help me grow in my love relationship with Jesus and Mary in the rosary. I love the rosary because it is their lives. His life was given for love of us. He gives Himself to us this day in the Eucharist. We must live their lives to put on Christ. A Christian is one who acts like Christ. They will know we are Christians by our love. To love like Christ, we must meditate on His life with Mary.
I am called by Mary to lead others to the love of her precious Son. When I live as Christ and Mary did, then I will preach the gospel in my life. Do I act like Christ? Look at our lives and see if we are acting like Him today. Study Him in the rosary. Learn about His love, poured out for us in the Eucharist. Sit with Him in front of the tabernacle and pray the rosary, slowly, from the heart, and meditate on His life and the life of His Mother.
Sit alone with Him and learn of His love for us, this day. Be silent in front of the tabernacle. He will speak in the silence. We are given such gifts of His love. We should live Jesus' and Mary's lives in the rosary!
July 16, 1994
Meditation on His Agony
Messenger: He was pressed on, from all sides, His head crowned with thorns and bleedings, His face open wounds from being hit, His shoulders so hurt from carrying the cross and His flesh torn on His back, His hands pierced all the way through with nails, His head and neck ached, His feet pierced all the way through with nails.
Think of a pin prick in your fingers, His head was pierced and His hands had big nails in them, likewise His feet.
Live the rosary, meditate on the mysteries during the day.
If one little sore hurts we complain, think of these things, thorns and nails piercing His body.
It wasn't enough they beat up His exterior flesh, they pierced His insides.
Did He give His all?
We wonder how we are violated, how someone hurts our feelings with words.
He underwent such torture to show us the way to surrender.
Jesus speaks: They went inside My body Rita, I gave My insides for love of you. I gave the blood in My veins.
Do you want more proof of My love?
Messenger: Agony: His greatest agony was the suffering He experienced to His loving Heart. He, who loved each soul so dearly and they would reject Him and treat Him indifferently! He saw before Him all the souls that would go to hell, despite His sufferings.