Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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November 10, 2004
November 11th Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary Mysteries |
The retreat in China, IN
will begin with a healing rosary
on the night of the 9th
and continue the 10th thru 13th.
Mass every day.
April 5, 2004
We accept credit card donations.
Shepherds of Christ
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152
November 10, 2004
Revelation 22: 1-2
Then the angel showed me the river of life, rising from the throne of God and of the Lamb and flowing crystalclear. Down the middle of the city street, on either bank of the river were the trees of life, which bear twelve crops of fruit in a year, one in each month, and the leaves of which are the cure for the nations.
Excerpt from June 8, 2001 message
Messenger: On June 8, 1995, I had two visions at the Falmouth farm in Kentucky...
Saw flame as bright brilliant, heard it go puff then it came out of a square box sitting on a hardwood floor that looked like the floor in the Sorrowful Mother Chapel. The Chapel was empty, some things on the floor in the distance. Room was bright. Floor was the center.
I saw a river and the riverbanks on both sides were lined with trees. Slowly the water began to rise in the river and the banks were flooded. And then I saw the water was pouring over the treetops (like a waterfall) into the river. The rough sketch enclosed is from my notebook on June 8, 1995...
end of excerpt from June 8, 2001
Psalm 1: 1-6
How blessed is anyone who rejects the advice of the wicked
and does not take a stand in the path that sinners tread,
nor a seat in company with cynics,
but who delights in the law of Yahweh
and murmurs his law day and night.Such a one is like a tree planted near streams;
it bears fruit in season
and its leaves never wither,
and every project succeeds.
How different the wicked, how different!Just like chaff blown around by the wind
the wicked will not stand firm at the Judgement
nor sinners in the gathering of the upright.
For Yahweh watches over the path of the upright,
but the path of the wicked is doomed.
Excerpt from October 18, 2003 message
Messenger: God wants these prayer services
to help bring down great grace
for the world.
God likes how we pray.
Lots of grace is released when prayers
are prayed.
On the 13th of each month we meet in
China, Indiana -
China, Indiana
November 10, 2004 message continues
Mary speaks:
I am a Mother and I thank
you for praying for my children.
Please help me.
Please do not give into jealousy,
and pride, debauchery, why
do you do evil when Jesus
calls you to do good.
Take this journey into your own
soul do not judge your brother
only love
What Movement have you created for
My Son with your selfish ways
It is not Shepherds of Christ
His Movement is to help renew the
It is a Movement of purity and love
Why do you begin your own Movement
of selfishness, greed, hatred
under His Name
In the Name of Jesus cast out satan
cast out fear be loving
be loving be loving
Our Movement is a Movement of love
a family of trust
All pulling together to be as
Jesus wants you to be
Working as one despite the
attempts of satan to divide you.
I am our Lady of the Spiritual
Exercises, I am Our Lady of Peace and
Love I am Our Lady of Light
who brings the hope of the love of
Jesus to the hearts
If you are to tell the words of
Jesus and myself to the world why
do you not tell them exactly as we
say, as you live in earnest like
John the Baptist preparing the way for
this great Reign of love.
Have you lived to show the world
about love. This is your purpose
to let go of inordinate attachments that
keep you stuck and take you away
from living holy lives rooted in God
Look at the trees uprooted in
November 10, 2004 message continues
Mary speaks:
When I appeared in Clearwater
I came to lead you to a life rooted
in Jesus
I was ignored For the Mother of God
to appear as I did and be ignored it has
not pleased your Father in heaven.
See the trees uprooted
November 10, 2004 message continues
Mary speaks:
gives you, the beautiful blue
water reminds you of the blue
of my mantle that I have shown
My Sons garment had no seams
you are like old wine skins and
you don't care about renewal
A paradise was given to Adam and Eve and they
were cast from the garden
God destroyed the vegetation at the
time of Noah with the flood
Now picture the barren land
Where is your fruit in sunny Florida?
After the Mother appeared the
Queen of Peace, the Immaculate
Mother to bring forth the
children of light.
My garment was the rainbow my
colors soft and full of beauty glimmering
in the sun
The sun shown on my mantle by
day and the Father clothed me in
a golden garb of light at night
January 5, 2003
![]() Mary by day |
![]() by night |
Revelation 12: 1-2
Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant, and in labour, crying aloud in the pangs of childbirth.
November 10, 2004 message continues
Mary speaks:
Oh you of little faith your vision
is tainted you stuff a rag in
the mouth of the messenger He sends.
Oh sweet and dearly loved children of God the
Father where do you think you are
going oh children where are you
going in your busy lives
I am the Virgin Mary and I bring you News
that you will have hope in your
hearts and not give into the weaknesses
of jealousy oh little ones you are
blind to your own faults
Little children play together, but they
are taught to share and to help each
other some are never taught such
things and act mean and selfish, prideful
when they are little and never change
much at all, carrying selfish ways
Do you act like Jesus?
Are you so prideful you think you have
arrived at a level of purity and you need
not change any of your ways
My little people
Why do you act prideful?
The very fact you deny your competition
and lie about your faults not
acting in docility displeases God
when you leave no room to change
your arrogant ways and fail to
even look at them.
I wrote the Spiritual Exercises on the
heart of Ignatius I wrote my
letters of love about our lives on their
I give you the rosary to pray.
From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary We
gave you these rosary meditations
for the world
November 10, 2004 message continues
Mary speaks: Water is necessary for life
The waters of the ocean and gulf were
the angry waters of the sea surrounding
They rose up at the beheading of me
the Mother of the Father's children
Winds blew and water beat down the
golden gardens of the state
have your fruit trees been ravaged?
Like the hand of God reaching down
some were picked and went dead and
others seemed undisturbed.
Like a knife they cut off my head
November 10, 2004 message continues
Mary speaks:
like a metal strip the state of
Florida was wrapped in a belt
from West Palm Beach to the
place of my appearance in
![]() |
2 times a belt cut the state once up the side |
Oh children the Father sent me as a
messenger to the children of Eve
many who lie and never admit they
Oh raging waters surrounded the state
where once a blanket of peace protected
them like the rainbows of the sky
sent to Noah
A lady of the rainbow a lady clothed
with the sun was no more
she was beheaded and
who paid respects to God when she
was at the wake
people quit coming few telling
God the Father they were sorry for
their sins or making recompense
for the horrendous deed done
ignoring me their mother.
The rubble of the once fancy chairs
was as high as the fancy hotels that
lined the beautiful water
$1200 desk lined the streets like
old beer bottles thrown to the
ground after the night before
How does God get the attention of the
human race
I appeared at what was an old seminary
500 times and no one has yet
listened to the message I
delivered 10 years ago.
I appeared in Clearwater 7 years
and you focus on my messenger
and ignored Fr. Carter and
they threw first acid on
my face and then broke the
panes of my image that made up my head
Oh will you take notice
September 11, 2001 was a day
3 years later September 5, 2004, September 26, 2004
two hurricanes make a path
across Florida
like the slice that removed my
When so much of the power goes out in
Florida do you take note of
the darkness?
do you notice the lack of power?
I appeared in Sunny Florida for
7 years to tell the children
I am the Lady Clothed with the Sun
I am the Spiritual Mother of the Church
You ignored me and the message God the
Father sent with me for over
7 years
My children are falling into hell
they are there forever
I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my Heart was in such pain for I saw Him before my eyes. I saw Him covered with blood. I saw Him die. My Heart, my children, my Heart to watch my Son, but my Heart, my Heart, how I suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and give up the love of my Son. O my little children of light, I give you this message. Carry this light into the darkness for your Mother Mary, for I stood beneath the cross and I cried. I cried for the little ones. I cried for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls. How do I make you see for you will not listen to me? What can I do? I come. I appear. I beg. I plead. I give you these gifts from my Son, and you reject me. I do not deliver messages very often anymore for I have been ignored. The message is the same. You do not read the messages I have given to you. Please help me. Help the little children. I appear. I appear. I appear, and I am ignored. I stood beneath the cross, and I cried. I cried, and my Heart was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this day as I searched for the Child Jesus. Please, please help me. I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any longer. I am Mary, your Mother. I ask you to help my children. You are my children of light.Mary's Message
from the Rosary of August 27, 1996
Mary speaks:
end of Mary's Message, August 27, 1996
November 10, 2004 message continues
Mary speaks:
I am Our Lady of the Eucharist
My Son wants a Spousal union
with His people
My Son has told you how He
is treated by some in
the Holy Eucharist.
Excerpt from the Spirituality of Fatima
The angel came...bearing a golden chalice in one hand and a Host above it in the other. The amazed children noticed that drops of blood were falling from the Host into the chalice. Presently, the angel left both suspended in mid-air and prostrated himself on the ground, saying this beautiful prayer: Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly. I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and [the intercession of] the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners. 5
Sr. Lucia relates how the angel gave them Communion:
Then, rising, he took the chalice and the Host in his hand. He gave the Sacred Host to me and shared the Blood from the chalice between Jacinta and Francisco, saying as he did so:
Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men! Make reparation for their crimes and console your God. 6
end of excerpt
November 10, 2004 message continues
Mary speaks:
My Son gave His people the Blue Books
letters of His love to lead them
to the Eucharist there to have
a personal love union
with His people.
I am Mary your Mother
this is an important
message I deliver
to you a
message from God the Father.
Psalm 72: 1-4
God, endow the king with your own fair judgement,
the son of the king with your own saving justice,
that he may rule your people with justice,
and your poor with fair judgement.Mountains and hills,
bring peace to the people!
With justice he will judge the poor of the people,
he will save the children of the needy
and crush their oppressors.
Song: Let Heaven Rejoice
Song: Remember Your Love
Psalm 95: 1-2, 6-7
Come, let us cry out with joy to Yahweh,
acclaim the rock of our salvation.
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving,
acclaim him with music.For Yahweh is a great God,
a king greater than all the gods.
In his power are the depths of the earth,
the peaks of the mountains are his;
the sea belongs to him, for he made it,
and the dry land, moulded by his hands.Come, let us bow low and do reverence;
kneel before Yahweh who made us!
For he is our God,
and we the people of his sheepfold,
the flock of his hand.If only you would listen to him today!
Psalm 103: 1-11, 13-14
Bless Yahweh, my soul,
from the depths of my being, his holy name;
bless Yahweh, my soul,
never forget all his acts of kindness.He forgives all your offences,
cures all your diseases,
he redeems your life from the abyss,
crowns you with faithful love and tenderness;
he contents you with good things all your life,
renews your youth like an eagles.Yahweh acts with uprightness,
with justice to all who are oppressed;
he revealed to Moses his ways,
his great deeds to the children of Israel.Yahweh is tenderness and pity,
slow to anger and rich in faithful love;
his indignation does not last for ever,
nor his resentment remain for all time;
he does not treat us as our sins deserve,
nor repay us as befits our offences.As the height of heaven above earth,
As tenderly as a father treats his children,
so strong is his faithful love for those who fear him.
so Yahweh treats those who fear him;
he knows of what we are made,
he remembers that we are dust.
Ezekiel 47: 12
Along the river, on either bank, will grow every kind of fruit tree with leaves that never wither and fruit that never fails; they will bear new fruit every month, because this water comes from the sanctuary. And their fruit will be good to eat and the leaves medicinal.
Matthew 12: 42
On Judgement Day the Queen of the South will appear against this generation and be its condemnation, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and look, there is something greater than Solomon here.
Genesis 1: 26-27
God said, Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and let them be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven, the cattle, all the wild animals and all the creatures that creep along the ground.
God created man in the image of himself,
in the image of God he created him,
male and female he created them.
Genesis Chapter 3
Now, the snake was the most subtle of all the wild animals that Yahweh God had made. It asked the woman, Did God really say you were not to eat from any of the trees in the garden? The woman answered the snake, We may eat the fruit of the trees in the garden. But of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden God said, "You must not eat it, nor touch it, under pain of death." Then the snake said to the woman, No! You will not die! God knows in fact that the day you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good from evil. The woman saw that the tree was good to eat and pleasing to the eye, and that it was enticing for the wisdom that it could give. So she took some of its fruit and ate it. She also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened and they realised that they were naked. So they sewed figleaves together to make themselves loincloths.
The man and his wife heard the sound of Yahweh God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from Yahweh God among the trees of the garden. But Yahweh God called to the man. Where are you? he asked. I heard the sound of you in the garden, he replied. I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid. Who told you that you were naked? he asked. Have you been eating from the tree I forbade you to eat? The man replied, It was the woman you put with me; she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it. Then Yahweh God said to the woman, Why did you do that? The woman replied, The snake tempted me and I ate.
Then Yahweh God said to the snake, Because you have done this,
Accursed be you of
all animals wild and tame!
On your belly you will go
and on dust you will feed
as long as you live.
I shall put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
it will bruise your head
and you will strike its heel.To the woman he said:
I shall give you intense pain
in childbearing,
you will give birth to your children
in pain.
Your yearning will be for your husband,
and he will dominate you.To the man he said, Because you listened to the voice of your wife and ate from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat,
Accursed be the soil because of you!
Painfully will you get your food from it
as long as you live.
It will yield you brambles and thistles,
as you eat the produce of the land.
By the sweat of your face
will you earn your food,
until you return to the ground,
as you were taken from it.
For dust you are
and to dust you shall return.The man named his wife Eve because she was the mother of all those who live. Yahweh God made tunics of skins for the man and his wife and clothed them. Then Yahweh God said, Now that the man has become like one of us in knowing good from evil, he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and pick from the tree of life too, and eat and live for ever! So Yahweh God expelled him from the garden of Eden, to till the soil from which he had been taken. He banished the man, and in front of the garden of Eden he posted the great winged creatures and the fiery flashing sword, to guard the way to the tree of life.
Revelation Chapter 12
Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant, and in labour, crying aloud in the pangs of childbirth. Then a second sign appeared in the sky: there was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and each of the seven heads crowned with a coronet. Its tail swept a third of the stars from the sky and hurled them to the ground, and the dragon stopped in front of the woman as she was at the point of giving birth, so that it could eat the child as soon as it was born. The woman was delivered of a boy, the son who was to rule all the nations with an iron scepter, and the child was taken straight up to God and to his throne, while the woman escaped into the desert, where God had prepared a place for her to be looked after for twelve hundred and sixty days.
And now war broke out in heaven, when Michael with his angels attacked the dragon. The dragon fought back with his angels, but they were defeated and driven out of heaven. The great dragon, the primeval serpent, known as the devil or Satan, who had led all the world astray, was hurled down to the earth and his angels were hurled down with him. Then I heard a voice shout from heaven, 'Salvation and power and empire for ever have been won by our God, and all authority for his Christ, now that the accuser, who accused our brothers day and night before our God, has been brought down. They have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word to which they bore witness, because even in the face of death they did not cling to life. So let the heavens rejoice and all who live there; but for you, earth and sea, disaster is coming-- because the devil has gone down to you in a rage, knowing that he has little time left.'
As soon as the dragon found himself hurled down to the earth, he sprang in pursuit of the woman, the mother of the male child, but she was given a pair of the great eagle's wings to fly away from the serpent into the desert, to the place where she was to be looked after for a time, two times and half a time. So the serpent vomited water from his mouth, like a river, after the woman, to sweep her away in the current, but the earth came to her rescue; it opened its mouth and swallowed the river spewed from the dragon's mouth. Then the dragon was enraged with the woman and went away to make war on the rest of her children, who obey God's commandments and have in themselves the witness of Jesus.
Sing: Pardon Your People
Given to Father Carter
on the Feast of St. Ignatius
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)end of July 31, 1994 message given to Fr. Carter
I am the Good Shepherd, these are My prayers, the prayers I give to help renew the Church and the world, all prayer chapters are asked to include these prayers (found in the Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual). As My Apostles and Shepherds I ask you to encourage all existing Chapters to try to encourage all existing prayer groups to pray the Shepherds of Christ prayers. Encourage all Churches to pray these prayers. It is most urgent that the people of this earth concur with the Father's wishes to begin Prayer Chapters. This is an urgent request from the Good Shepherd. The flock will become one when they have given their hearts to Jesus and Mary. Encourage all priests to pray the Shepherds of Christ prayers. Your world will be lighted with great light as the people of this earth pray these prayers.
My promise is this to you My beloved earth: When you give your heart to Me and spread the devotion to My Sacred Heart, I will write your name In My Heart. I promise to give the greatest graces when you pray these prayers for renewal of the Church and the world and take all who pray them deeply into My Heart. The prayers I give will bring about the reign of My Sacred Heart and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart. I am Jesus Christ, this is My message of January 22, 1998, Please circulate this message to your world. I am the Good Shepherd, I know Mine and Mine know Me and they follow Me. Grace My Shepherds, I will give you the greatest graces for spreading these words to this earth and to your Church. I love you, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, it is the Plan of the Father that Prayer Chapters are begun immediately and the Priestly Newsletter is given to all priests. The Voice of the Good Shepherd speaks through it.
end of January 22, 1998
July 4, 1996
This message was received before a live statue of the Sorrowful Mother after Communion.
Message from Jesus: "Peace will abound when nations, churches, families and individuals are consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
"Fr. Carter is a pillar of light to the dark world. This is the explanation of the photo. It is through him, I will turn darkness to light. Circulate this message with the picture. Encourage all to consecrate their hearts to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to join the Shepherds of Christ Chapters, and the Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Movement to pray for your Church and your world. This is My Movement for renewal of the Church and the world, based in consecration, joining your every act to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, praying the rosary, and making reparation to Our Hearts, especially on First Fridays and First Saturdays. It is through your prayers and sacrifices many souls will be helped to be saved. Grace will flow from those whose hearts are consecrated to Our Hearts and the fire of My Love will light up this darkened world."
As you look at the picture, you see Fr. Carter's arm and hand on your left. This picture of Fr. Carter was taken July 2, 1996 at the Tuesday Shepherds of Christ Meeting at Tom Arlinghaus' Farm.end of July 4, 1996 message
Song: I Am Your God and I Love You
April 13, 2004
You Were Blind, But Now You See (excerpt)
June 21, 1994
Jesus speaks: Dear one, I am in control of your life. Let go entirely. Surrender totally to Me. I am God. I am your beloved, loving, loving Jesus. Oh, dear one, tell My dear ones of this love-burning, smoldering, intense, ardent. Oh, sweet one, do not hold back. You have the messages to help so many be drawn to My most Sacred Heart. They need this message. I have entrusted it to you. I ask this of you this day, that you speak from your heart to every soul you meet. I will guide you. Love for Me, child. Do not hold back! You were blind, now you see. Pray to the Holy Spirit, My beloved ones. Souls are at stake and time is, oh, so short! Oh, beloved, I intently love you and long to be united to your heart. Come to Me and be so close to Me here. I love you. I love you. I love you.
end of excerpt June 21, 1994
Sing: Immaculate Mary
Sing: Let There Be Peace On Earth
Sing: Come With Me Into the Fields
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
PO Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513) 932-4451
FAX: (513) 932-6791