November 21,
November 22nd Holy Spirit Novena |
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November 21, 2014
From Blue Book 15
May 11, 1997
Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony in the Garden
l. R. Think of Jesus in the garden and in His Divine knowing, knowing all things. Jesus is God. Think of Jesus in His Divine knowing, knowing the very depth of every mystery, knowing the great love of the Father for all of men, knowing the great gifts that have been given to man but in their blindness they do not see the great gifts that God has given to them. And with the Heart consumed with the deepest love for man, the Almighty God ready to give Himself to His bitter passion and His death on the cross, is now kneeling in the garden and seeing before Him all that He would undergo and knowing that He would give His all for sinful men. And they would reject Him and they would treat Him with hatred. And they would not even care that God gives Himself to them. Think of how it is, how you feel when you give and you give and you give to another and they do not appreciate that which you give. And in your heart, you feel very sad because you want them to know how much you love them. And many times they do not even recognize the love that you give to them. But think of the all-perfect Lord and the act of perfect love that He gives Himself to sinful men as He does this day. And that He is not even appreciated or loved in return or thanked. Jesus knelt in the garden and His sweat became as great drops of blood for the anguish within His being was so great, to give and to love and His all-perfect love to know all things, insights into the depths of the mystery that He wished to share with man. But man is more focused on the things of the earth. It is excruciating pain to know, to know the greatness of God, to know into these Divine mysteries and to see that man does not even care how he neglects the Eucharist. How he does not treasure the great gift that the Mass is, that God gives Himself to us and he gets up and he leaves immediately after Mass. Oh Jesus, the gift that You give to us is truly such a gift. We reach for such simple, idiotic things in our life, when You outpour Your Divine love and give us a sharing in Your life in baptism. Open our heart that we may see this great gift and treasure it and give to You great thanks and love, for Your gift given to us.
2. Hail Mary
3. Song: I will be with you, that is My promise
R. No matter how hard it is, He is always with us.
4. Song: I will be with you
5. Song: I will be with you
6. R. What is the greatest treasure? Is to approach the altar of the Lord and to see Him as the picture that’s on the front of the Apostles Manual. See Him clothed in white and see Him clothed in His red garb. See His hands outstretched with the wounds in His hand and the blood in His hands. But see the beautiful face that is on the front of the Apostles Manual with His arms outstretched. And He speaks and He says, “I give you Myself.” And He gives us Himself in the Holy Eucharist. And how is it? For we feel as if we can scarcely walk, when the Almighty, the Divine Lord, gives Himself to us in the Eucharist and we unite with Him. The Almighty God gives us a sharing in His life in baptism. Jesus gives us His Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
7. R. Why wouldn’t the devil want us stopped? When we are out there and we are spreading the messages that He has given to us to tell the world of His burning love. When we are telling the people about His immense love in the Mass, when we are telling them about the great mysteries in the rosary and Their lives in the rosary. There is so much filth that is out there and He cries out, “I am alive, I am alive, I am alive, but I am treated as a dead object. Will you spread My love to this world for Me? You are My hands. I give Myself to you.” In this act of love the Almighty God gives Himself to us. And we are as a people walking in darkness for we do not comprehend fully and we do not see the light. For the light was dimmed with the sin of Adam and Eve. And what, how are we that we can approach the altar of God, that He gives Himself to us? God comes and unites with us. And we do not fall to our face. But if God allowed us to experience the presence of God in our being in such depth when He enters our body, and we could see our own graced soul, we would fall to our face. In Heaven for all eternity, we will be full of His life in us. For we will know Divine love. We will be elevated to such heights in our humanity. We are a people walking in darkness. The Light was dimmed through the sin of Adam and Eve. And Mary is appearing to tell us this is the way to the Light. “It is through my Immaculate Heart. Come to my heart. But you must make reparation for your sins, Oh sinful men. For you are tainted in your human nature and God is offended by the sins of men.” And what do we do? We ignore the Mother that comes and we say, “not for you, my Mother, or for any mother.” For I want for a few silly pleasures. We do not need you. Why should God give us this light of knowing Him, where we would fall on our face, of having this presence as it will be in the Reign of the Sacred Heart. Why should He do this for us? When we will not even admit the sin of Adam and Eve and tell Him that we are sorry. We realize that we have a tainted human nature. We are weak. We are sorry God. We are sorry for the sins of men. We are a sinful race. We are creatures. Here is God and we are the creatures. The creatures are sinful. We must tell God we are sorry. We are one. We are His creatures. We have offended God. We must make reparation for the sins of men. We just do not get it. Mary is the new Eve to lead us to this great Light of knowing God. She comes and she appears at Fatima and we ignore her. Mary appears over and over and over again and she says, “You must make reparation to God. You are creatures. Jesus came into this world, your Savior. You are so haughty in your hearts that you won’t even tell God that you are sorry for your sins, that you recognize that you are tainted in your human nature.” And so, our beautiful Mother, the pure and Immaculate one, the one through which we will be brought forth and brought into the Light, we ignore and we disobey and we say, “Not for you, my Mother.”
Song: A Song from Jesus
8. R. I know how I feel in my heart when I love someone so much and I feel as if I have been ignored or neglected and how it hurts. Think of how it is that God remains with us this day and gives Himself to us. And we are blind and we are willful. This is the thing that angers the Father the most, is the willfulness of men for it is through the willfulness of Eve that man was cast into this dark shadow. But we persist in our willfulness. Have we learned our lesson? Why should He take us to the Light? For we all have our own little plan. Are we ready for this new age in which we will all live as the Father says, “according to His Will”. We pray for this in the Our Father. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. But we just don’t get it. We are indeed a people walking in darkness. It is through the sin of Eve that we walk with a tainted human nature. There will be the era in which we will all live in the Father’s will. When we do not obey the Father’s will we are not happy. We cause ourselves trouble and we stick out like a sore thumb. And He says, “Oh, My beloved creatures, how dearly I love you, so stupid and so silly in your ways, for you are a willful race. It is in giving your will to Me that you will be the children as the Father intends you to be.”
9. R. This message is so important of June 12th for He says, and it says all through the Blue Books about the Plan, the Plan of the Father. I see now. I did not understand so much when I was writing these books. I see now how they are our way of living this day. They will keep us on our focus for this new era, for the world is becoming further and further away from us. For we are growing more and more into the depths of the Heart of Christ. More into this great era of intimacy. He is teaching us how to be so intimate with Him, how to surrender and to give our wills to Him. And the more we go into the depth of Christ's Heart, the more He is preparing us to be the leaders of this new era. The harder it is sometimes to be out there and to operate. And we must keep going to each other. We must keep going to Him. We must keep going to the Mass and the Sacraments and the Scriptures. For these are our truths and we must keep going to the Blue Books, for they are preparing us to be the leaders in the new era. This is a way in which man has never loved God with such intimacy and in living according to the Father’s will as the Father intended. If we are to be the leaders we must be taught and instructed. He gave to us these Blue Books that we would use them everyday when we struggle. That we will go to the Blue Book, open it up and it is a tailored message for us to help us through that trial. And so He speaks in the Carpenter Message, “You are he who goes to a carpenter to learn to make a cabinet. You know nothing. You do not have any idea of what you are to do. The carpenter knows exactly. He has a procedure whereby his plan will be accomplished. Every detail must be observed. He is the Master. You do not have the talent. You need talent to do woodwork. If you were given the talent and the directions, you could accomplish this task with such beauty. I am the carpenter. You are he who needs to be taught. You lack the talent. You need the gifts of the Spirit to accomplish My task! You come to Me in total ignorance. You are open, the Spirit fills you with the gifts. You have everything you need to do My work. The Father created you to accomplish His tasks. You are perfect. You must come open. You must know the plan. The plan is His will for you. If you do not follow the plan, the cabinet will not be built correctly."
10. R. The time will come in which all of men will live according to the Father’s Will. The resistance by willful men is very displeasing to the Father. He has given to us these messages to help bring about this great era in which men will all live in accordance to the Father’s will. And there will not be any bumping of heads. There will be peace and harmony among men as the children of God as He intended. There will be our Father and our Mother and we will be one body. There will not be bumping of heads. There will be love, love of God and love of one another. Mary promised this at Fatima 80 years ago. She is the woman clothed as the sun to lead her children into the Light. Man must say to God, “I am sorry, my God for I have sinned.” For we are a willful race and we give our hearts to the pure and Immaculate one to lead us out from our sin. We are brought forth within her womb and through the workings of the Holy Spirit we are formed more and more into the image and likeness of God. Those who refuse to go to the Virgin Mary will not be brought forth as children of Light. From the beginning of the Bible to the end of the Bible, from the time of Eve when she listened to the devil in the Garden of Eden, we go to the Heart of the New Eve, Mary, our spiritual Mother. Mary crushes the head of the serpent. And we are brought forth again into the Light as children of Light, as children that will obey their Father and their Mother. Love God and love one another. We are so silly that we do not recognize our willfulness. And we persist in our ways. And we ignore the pure and the Immaculate one, the one that the Father gave to us to lead us to the Light. Mary, our Model -- Mary, our Mother, our Spiritual Mother.
Song: I will be with you
Jesus: And He says, “ because I really love you. To My death on the cross I gave Myself as a sacrifice that you will be with Me forever in Heaven. You must give Me your heart. You must surrender. The way is through the Heart of My Mother, Mary.”
Song: Immaculate Mary
The Scourging at the Pillar
2. Matthew 27: 24-26Then Pilate saw that he was making no impression, that in fact a riot was imminent. So he took some water, washed his hands in front of the crowd and said, ‘I am innocent of this man’s blood. It is your concern.’ And the people, every one of them, shouted back, ‘Let his blood be on us and on our children!’ Then he released Barabbas for them. After having Jesus scourged he handed him over to be crucified.
3. Hail Mary
4. Hail Mary5. Mary: I am the Immaculate Heart. I love you with my tender heart. I heard the blows they gave my Son. I could scarcely look up. I heard the blows, the awful blows. My Son stood in silence while they beat Him.
Jesus: All the whipping, all the brutality, the blows covered My entire body. I bled profusely. I stood in My own blood. They were My beloved ones who beat Me. They tore My flesh until it hung from My body. And they laughed at their handiwork. Do your brothers persecute you? And say mean things to you? Do as I did. Respond with love. Anyone who is hating you is suffering. Pray for their conversion. Live to help them to get to Heaven.
Song: I will be with you
6. Jesus: My dear beloved ones, I have given to you the greatest gifts. I have opened wide My Heart and I have shared with you the most intimate secrets of My Heart. The devil is pressing on your Movement. For he does not want you to spread these secrets that I have given to you. You must be strong. You must come to Me. You must pray as never before. For I am strengthening you. You are My soldiers. Soldiers need to be disciplined. Soldiers need to be strengthened. Do not be afraid for I give to you My Heart. Come to the deepest chamber of My Heart and I will give you My burning love. I am with you at every moment. I am with you. Come to Me in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and I will give you the greatest grace. When you come to Communion, your heart will burn for love of Me. I am with you and I give Myself to you in the Holy Eucharist. I love you with the greatest love. Do not be afraid. You must be strong and pray for grace that you will be able to accomplish all that the Father wishes you to accomplish. I am Jesus. I am your Savior. You will help lead the children of My Mother, Mary to My Heart.
Song: A Song from Jesus
7. R. It was so hard so many times to see the Blessed Mother before my eyes and to hear her call out about her children that would go to Hell. What do you do to know these things so deeply in your heart but not be able to do anything? And the thing that Mary called out the most was to spread the consecration to the school children and the rosary. And I tried so many times unsuccessfully to deliver this message because there were blocks that were created by satan. For he knows what will happen. If the children of America unite in their hearts in the consecration, that they will be a powerful force living in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We must unite ever fervently in trying to spread this consecration to the school children and spread the rosary. This is what Mary said over and over again that we must reach the school children with the rosary and the consecration.
8. R. It is so simple. Do you see Him there as I see Him there now at the pillar? I love Jesus so much. I just love Him. I love Him with all my heart and I see Him there with the wounds in His body. They are wide open and they are bleeding. He gives Himself to us. He gave Himself all through His passion. He gave Himself to His death on the cross. And He gives Himself to us in the Eucharist. We are blind. We are a people walking in darkness and we will see the Light if we hang in there and do what He has told us to do. And if we would see, we would fall to our face to see the great gift that we are given in this Eucharist. In the Mass, if the priest realized the great gift that God has given to them, that the most important thing that they do is to try to be one with Christ, that they are another Christ acting in this world. Christ is present in the priest. We must do as the Father has told us and help to spread this Priestly Newsletter. We are a people walking in darkness and we will continue until we give our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The priests need to be consecrating their hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We must do what the Father has told us to do. We must spread the prayer chapters. It is so simple. It hurts inside me to hear the messages over and over again and not be able to do more. But this is how it is in all of our lives. Satan does have a tailored plan for all of us that affects our emotions, that fills our heart with sorrow, that gets us sidetracked, that zaps our energy. And so here we are and here is the day and we are walking along and we are going to church. And someone says something. And satan works in our head and we keep focusing on what they said. And before we know it, our energy is zapped and we are not doing what He has sent us to do. We are in severe battle for the devil does not want us doing what God has told us to do. He does not want me to write the Children’s Rosary Book for many children will be touched by this. He does not want the Apostles Manual out in book form. The devil works to try to make confusion and division between us and the people in our lives, the people in the Movement, to keep us focused on nonsense things. When, what are we getting? We receive the greatest gifts. Mary, appearing on the building in Florida, appearing to us, Jesus talking to us. But the devil is crafty and he can work on us and try to zap our energy and make us cry and make us feel like quitting. We are our own worst enemy because we stay in our heads so much of the time and we do not go back to our hearts. This is the Age of the Two Hearts. This is the age in which love will reign. We must always act in love. This is not to be foolish, to give into those that are causing problems and will block the work of the Father. This is to say that we must love. Our primary purpose is that of loving God, ourselves, our neighbors and to help in the work of reaching the souls.
9. R. We can be so tender, so sensitive, that one little word can send us all of a sudden into a dither and we are upset. Do we not realize that it is a tailored made plan by satan to try to stop us. The devil studies us to try to trip us up. Our family can say the wrong thing that it will wound us easily if we let it. The devil tries to get to us through others we love. And so the person we love can say just the thing that hits the most tender spot in our heart. We must focus on love in our lives. We are the leaders to help bring about this great era of intimacy and love with God and with others. An era in which men will intimately love one another as never before, as we do in this core group. I remember one of the places where the devil immensely blocked the message. The people were bickering and fighting and hating each other and talking about each other. This is satan’s way. We were started as a Movement of love. We came here and we joined in love. We must realize when there is any bitterness or hatred in our heart, when we are hearing words in our minds that are telling us this person did that, that one did this, that this confusion can be an attack from satan. That we must stay in our hearts in love, that our thoughts must be rooted in love, that we must pray to the Holy Spirit to work within us so that it is not the evil spirit that is working in us but it is the Holy Spirit that is alive with vibrancy and energy. Oh, how we have been tried and tested as never before. And we will come forth from the fire, a shining star if we stay within the burning Heart of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We are to be great lovers, not foolish in our ways, but lovers that are to give His love to our brothers in this world.
10. R. And so He said several months ago that He was unveiling the workings of satan in the Movement. For it is the same in families, and it is the same in the Church and it is the same in the world. And it boils down to this: It is, there is one Plan and it is the Plan of the Father. When there is willfulness this is not of God. We must always try to be doing the Will of the Father. And this is what He says divides the Church and divides the family, when there is so many plans that are going on, the way that we stay rooted to His Plan is with the help of the daily Mass. With that hour spent in intimacy alone with Him we get a lot of grace. For it has to be His Plan. If we read the Blue Book messages He will keep us focused on Him. He is giving to us these messages. For it will get harder and harder and I say this to Fr. Carter and he says, “Oh, don’t say that now.” But it will become easier and easier for Jesus says that the answers are in these messages. I can open this book now and I can read as He speaks to me.
"Stand by Me and walk this road to Calvary. Listen and see My beaten Body. Hear the jeers of the crowd. Hear the thumping of the cross. Listen when it falls hard on Me and I can scarcely go any more. Walk with Me and be there, then think of the little crosses I ask you to carry. Do not put them down. Accept them for Me. It is in your crosses that you are drawn closer to Me. I endured all this suffering for deep and ardent love of you and I would do it today for you alone." (April 25, 1994 - Carrying of the Cross)R. And this is what the devil is blocking. I can open it up and I can read again.
Jesus: "Obey Me in everything I make clear to you in your heart. Be open and focused constantly on Me. I guard your way. Concentrate on My Passion and how I loved you to My death and love you this way, this very minute. I, God, loved you, to My death, child. " (April 29, 1994)
Jesus: "Oh, what do I say to convince you? I died for you with such love, and you ask for more! I give Myself to you, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Eucharist. I remain forever in the tabernacle with such ardent love!
Oh, child, do not listen to those who attack you. I need you to speak of My love. I give you all you need. Pray constantly for your attackers. I love them so. Your love will preach My lessons.
Never lose your peace. Love God, love one another. Eye has not seen, ear has not heard the glory that awaits him who loves and serves the Lord! I am Jesus. I am the Living God. I am with you, little one. Believe Me. Do not believe a sick world. My love will see you through." (April 11, 1994)
Song: I will be with you
R. And He speaks and He says that we will not be able to handle this as leaders, if we do not go to the weekly core meeting and if we do not go to the messages and live them. We must open the Blue Book when we are taunted. We must be alone with Him. We must realize this is His gift to us, to help us endure our suffering and our trials. And we will be that little army that He sends into the darkness to carry His Light to the darkened world.
Song: A Song from Jesus
The Crowning with Thorns
l. Jesus: "Think of someone you love very deeply yelling awful accusations at you. How it wounds your heart, My child. I sat there while they crowned Me with thorns and they hollered awful accusations at Me. They were My beloved ones, yet they stood there spitting at Me and hollering awful things at Me. Those whom I dearly loved, and they mocked Me and insulted Me and hurled their ugly hatred and lies at Me. I accepted all they did with a bleeding Heart and forgave them and loved them still." (April 25, 1994 - Crowning with Thorns)
2. R. These are the words that Jesus wishes to go into the world: We must be strong in our hearts and in the truth, know, that it is by their fruits that you will know them. Fr. Carter has stood behind all of these messages. Jesus wants this message to go to the world:
Jesus: "Oh, you do not know suffering. Suffer for Me and lessen My load. This world is wounding My aching Heart. People are indifferent and hateful. They mistreat one another and are proud of their actions. Pray for your beloved persecutors. Don’t hate them. It is as with those who tore My flesh and mocked Me. They were so engulfed in darkness! They did not know what they were doing." (April 25, 1994 - Crowning with Thorns)
3. Jesus: "All that matters is how you love Me and one another. Love those who hate you. My way is a hard way. When they hurt you and holler every ill thing at you, look to heaven and praise the Lord for the trial. It is in suffering that you are drawn closer to My precious Heart. I shed My Blood for you. I suffered for you. Will you not suffer when I ask you to?" (April 25, 1994 - Crowning with Thorns)
R. Fr. Carter said he opened up the Blue Book the other day and it said, “suffer for Me.”
4. R. And so the devil talks in our head. And in the Blue Books Jesus talked all the time about how the devil talks in your head. And I thought that He was talking about thoughts that would make you feel irritated about people. But there are people that are actually hearing the devil talking in their head. And he says things that we want to hear. He says things that we want to do. He is so crafty and he wants the Shepherds of Christ Movement stopped. Jesus defines in the first two Blue Books how Jesus talks in our hearts. It is not in a hurry. It is not in haste that we must do things. We must go sit in front of the tabernacle and let Him speak to us in our hearts. That we know for sure what His will is. Satan is attacking the Movement. He wants us stopped. We must be careful. Know that satan does talk in people’s heads and you hear a voice. The question is, what are you hearing in your heart when you feel most intimately joined to Jesus? And is it over a period of time? Or is it with anxiousness that you must act? Do you really believe that it is the will of the Father? If it is, He will make it clear. And it is through the fluttering of the Holy Spirit that we hear. Jesus has asked us to pray this Holy Spirit prayer, the Holy Spirit Novena, everyday. Just since we started it on the 5th, I have received such lights from praying the novena. I vowed to Jesus that I would try to pray the novena everyday. For I know more clearly what the will of the Father is when I do as He asked me to do. Which is to pray the Holy Spirit Novena everyday.
5. Jesus: Do you hear things in your head, My beloved ones? Negative things about your brother? Where is your focus? Are you going out to the world and trying to spread My love? You must pray for grace when you are being taunted, when you feel that you must be divided in your head. You must pray for grace. Pray to St. Michael to send the devil into Hell. It takes so much energy to think negative thoughts. It takes so much time, time is urgent.
R. Over and over again, the Father and Jesus and Mary have told us this. The messages have been majorly blocked. We need to begin the prayer chapters. This is what is our weapon against the devil, praying the prayers in the prayer chapter, praying the rosary. He is asking us to do this. The devil wants us to be focused on negative things so we do not do positive things. It is absolutely urgent that we continue with what Jesus is asking us to do.
6. Song: A Song from Jesus
7. R. And so Jesus points to His Heart and His fingers are on the sides of His Heart. And we do not get it yet. We still want to go and analyze and try to figure things out and listen many times to the negative tapes that satan wants to play in our heads. When our hearts must be hearts of love. If we are to be the leaders to spread the fire of His love across this troubled earth, how can we do it if we who He’s calling His leaders, are focused on such negativism. And here we stand each one of us by ourselves at this moment. And around us we have seen unbelievable things happen all week, such confusion. We cannot be in there trying to referee this confusion. We must turn our focus to positive things. We must move steadfastly ahead. We must not listen to satan. If we listen to the words of satan we will be zapped in our energy. I will never get the Children’s Rosary Book done from all the confusion that is going on around me. Is this an excuse? For Our Lady told me last year on Mother’s Day that she would supply the money for this book and she wanted it out. One year later after several messages from the Father, the book is not much further than it was a year ago. But there were so many things that zapped my energy. And so Jesus asked in the message: “What is keeping you from doing what He is asking you to do? What is taking your energy?” We cannot give in to satan and to emotions. We must get ourselves together in the morning if we are feeling negative. Get ourselves dressed and if at all possible get to the Church and start to read the messages. Listen to a rosary tape. He has given those to us to help us to fight the battle so that we will be doing what the Father is asking. The world is not like us. That is why He is asking us to do what He is asking us to do. We are to spread the fire of His love across this earth. We are to be people that are great lovers.
8. R. Let us praise the Lord. Let us give Him our hearts. Let us go to our knees and fall and ask Him to help us. What? To help bring about the Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that all men will fervently love God. And so we pray in the Our Father, thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
Song: I Rocked Him as a Baby
The Carrying of the Cross
l. Mary: "I could scarcely stand to walk the way with Him. I was so sick at what they had done but I wanted to be with my Son. I walked by the grace of God.
Jesus: My suffering was intensified by the sorrow and suffering of My Mother. My eyes met hers and I saw her red, teary face. All they did to Me, but to watch My beloved Mother suffer! She heard the cross as it thumped up the hill. The sounds were so loud and, at the sight, she had to look away.
Stand by Me and walk this road to Calvary. Listen and see My beaten Body. Hear the jeers of the crowd. Hear the thumping of the cross. Listen when it falls hard on Me and I can scarcely go any more. Walk with Me and be there, then think of the little crosses I ask you to carry. Do not put them down. Accept them for Me. It is in your crosses that you are drawn closer to Me. I endured all this suffering for deep and ardent love of you and I would do it today for you alone." (April 25, 1994 - Carrying of the Cross)
2. Song: I Rocked Him as a Baby
3. R. And so it is in the last book in the Bible, there appears the woman clothed as the sun and the moon is under her feet. And she is crushing the head of the serpent. For the victory has been won and we will be brought forth into this great light of knowing God with the greatest love and the greatest intimacy. But we must go to the woman, the woman clothed as the sun, the pure and Immaculate one, the one that walked by Christ and stood beneath His cross. And as she said, “I stood beneath the cross of My Son and I cried.”
Mary: For I appear, I appear, I appear and men do not hear what I tell them. Will you tell them for me? Will you tell them how I love them. That I am their Mother and that I walk by their side and that I will lead them to the Heart of My Son.
4. R. And Jesus is suppose to be the King and center of all men’s hearts.
5. R. Do we believe this? Or do we think that Our Lady of Fatima did not mean this, when she said this great era of peace would come? If we believe this, if every time we pray the Our Father and we say, thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. If we believe this, then we must realize that in the state the world is in this day, in the state of poison, in the Church and the world, in need of renewal, that God would send into this world messages to help lead men to His Heart. And that someone must be the leaders. If the religious are not leading as they should to the Heart of Christ then there must be some lay people. He has chosen this core group specially. And He has taught us through these rosaries. He has given us great gifts to draw us in the greatest intimacy with Him. But we must believe. We must go to the messages. We must read them. We must be taught. We are the leaders to help bring about this Reign. We do not know. We do not know the Father’s will. He is revealing it to us in the intimacy of our hearts. He is revealing to us His Plan in these messages. He is telling us what we must do to bring about the Reign of His Heart. We have been called leaders to help bring about the Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the renewal of the Church and the world. And satan will infiltrate our head and try to get us focused. He will create confusion around us to where we will lay on the floor and cry out, “ Oh this is so hard”. And the answer is in Their Hearts. The answer is not in our heads listening to the words of satan. The answer is in going to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and she crushes the head of the serpent. Crawling up in bed at night in the heart of Mary, being with the Father and telling Him, “I just want to do Your will, Father, I love You Jesus.” The presence of the Trinity with us at every single second. And in those quiet moments feeling that presence of God. Great gifts have been given to us. But we must keep our focus for the devil is working with all of his demons to try to infiltrate our minds and to get us to abandon ship and to leave our post.
6. R. Do you see the torn body of our Savior? Do you see the cross on His back? Do you see Jesus with blood all over His face in the corner of His eyes and in His ears? And He looks up in such stress and He sees the eyes of His Mother. And what He sees is the beautiful Mother that He loved so much covered with such stress, with such sorrow, with such pain. And in that look They share great love and suffering. This is how it is in our life. We are not alone. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would give Himself this very day for me, on the cross. The little things that He asked to help us to do to help with the salvation of souls is so small compared to all that He did, that these souls would be saved.
7. Jesus: Carry your cross for Me, My beloved ones, for you are the leaders that will help to bring about the Reign of My Sacred Heart. Do not be afraid. Do not listen to the tauntings of satan in your head to distract you and to get you focused on other things. You must come to Me. You must beg for grace. You must cast satan into the fires of Hell. And you must pray hourly for your leader, Fr. Carter.
8. Jesus: I am giving to you great grace when you come to Me at the hours of 9, 12, 3 and 6. And you remember My precious blood that I shed for you. I am dressing you in My precious blood. You will be protected against the wiles of satan. You must go to the Heart of your Mother and Mine, for she will crush the head of the serpent and he will not influence you.
9. Song: O Lady of Light
Jesus: And I walked, and as I walked, the cross seemed so heavy and it pressed down on My back. But I did not remove the cross. How is your cross this day? Is it heavy on your back? You must go a little further, a little further, always going further and knowing that it is in the cross I will give you My greatest love.
10. Hail Mary
Song: See the Eyes that Look at Mary
The Death of Jesus
l. Mary: "They hung Him on the cross. I was so weak I could barely stand. I was held up by John. I watched my Son in such agony. Oh, my beloved Son! What had He done to deserve such suffering? He loved you to His death. He was crucified for love." (May 25, 1994 - The Crucifixion)
2. Jesus speaks and He says, "
How do I tell you that I died for you? Do you even know I would do it today, just for you? They nailed My beautiful hands and feet to the cross. Big, gigantic nails they pounded into My precious hands. Such hard hearts! (I got this in August 23rd of 1993. It was one of the first things He ever said about the passion.) They pounded the nails through My feet. Blood spurted out and they continued. Such hardness of hearts. Look at your hands, My child. Would you allow someone to nail them to a cross? Would you withstand this torture for love? This is My love for you. It is not a little lip service love. It is the love that made Me lay down My life for you.Surrender. I call you to surrender. Open your arms as I did when I died on the cross. Let all your worldly possessions drop around you and you will experience the joy of being free, united only to Me, of letting go and knowing that I, God, tend to your every need. To My death on the cross I loved you and I love you this way this very day. Let go and give it all to Me. I will care for you far better than you could for yourself. I am God and I love you more than you can love yourself." (May 25, 1994 - The Crucifixion)
3. R. "Jesus is dead, hanging on the cross, arms outstretched. His feet are not even on the ground. He is hanging by nails on a piece of wood. What do we hold on to? He wants us in midair in total surrender." (May 25, 1994 - The Crucifixion)
4. Jesus: "Oh, little ones, how you squander your possessions. How you hold on to people, how you won’t let go! See Me in total surrender. I gave My very life for you. What do you hold on to, My little ones? Little bits and pieces you give to Me and you hold tightly to your lives. All will go up in smoke and only the things of God will remain. Not one pair of shoes do you take with you, only your love given to God and to others." (May 25, 1994 - The Crucifixion)
5. Jesus: "Do not put the cross down. Do not complain. Sainthood is carrying the cross with a cheerful face. Your brothers will not comfort you and they will not give you your answers. Turn to Me, My beloved ones, in the silence. I am forever present. I know the workings of your hearts. I sanctify your souls. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I ponder your ways with such love." (May 10, 1994)
6. R. And so I say to Jesus, “but my beloved Jesus, I am not a saint. I just love You so much. I love to go to the Eucharist and I love to feel the presence of God within my breast. I love you with the deepest love. But these other things seem so hard. Jesus I want to be like You, but it is so hard.”
7. R. And He says to me that we are sinners, that this is what we must admit. That we make mistakes. That we are sorry for those things that we do, that we recognize ourselves as a sinful race and that we do what God is asking us to do, to come to Him in love, to love one another. And when we sin, that we say that we are sorry. Before every Mass that we recognize that we are sinners and that we make reparation to God, that we realize that we are totally dependent on Him and His grace. That it is His grace that will make us more holy. That in every Mass that we will die more and more to our imperfections. For this is what causes the problem in our relationships, many times, is our own imperfections, our own weaknesses, our own wounds and the devil knows this. So he can touch just the right point. And we can react. And we think many times it is the other. But it is what’s going on inside of our own hearts.
Jesus: That is why I tell you My beloved ones, you must come to Me for I know the workings of your heart. I know every care and every struggle that you have. And I will comfort you and I will lead you into greater glory in My Heart.
8. Jesus: In the head, how could you figure out all of the things from your life and why you act the way that you act. I am telling you, you must give Me your cares. You must come to Me and surrender. For it is grace that will make you whole.
9. R. And so many times when we are not nice to others, we do not want to go and to tell them that we are sorry. We do not want to admit our error. And so we go on and on in our minds how maybe it was their fault or maybe it is our fault. Or who’s fault is it? And so, so much time and energy is lost when we could be doing positive things. The devil truly is working on our minds to try to divide us from one another, to try to get us focused on so many things that take us from the work that He wants us to accomplish. He is telling us about the events of the 13th. This is a major part of the completion of the Fatima message. The work in Florida is major to bringing about the completion of the Fatima message and the renewal of the Church and the world. And so satan has worked and worked and worked to try to divide us so that we will not do what He is asking us to do. How can we call ourselves lovers, children of God? When He is love. But how are we in our hearts? We must try to love and to work with each other. We must consecrate our hearts with one another. We must surrender for we are children of Eve and we have a tainted human nature and we fall. And it is very hard. Many times it is hard. But it’s through the Immaculate Heart of Mary that we will be brought forth to the Light. It is through the purity of her heart that we will unite to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and that we will know His immense love. And in knowing His immense love and in being saturated with this love, we will spread this love to others. It is not us that is acting. It is Him acting in us and we will be great lovers but we must go to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
10. Song: Give me Your Heart, Oh Jesus
Jesus: And so I say to you, My beloved ones, I give you My love. You must let go of the tauntings that satan has created in your head to lead you astray. You are the leaders that I am calling to help bring the children to the Light. It is in the Shepherds of Christ Movement that I will greatly renew the Church and the world. It is through these prayers that many priests’ hearts will be changed. You must fervently focus on starting prayer chapters and praying the prayers yourselves. The most important thing that you do is your personal holiness. I have called you and I have given you the greatest gifts. You do not realize that when you pray the Morning Offering, when you pray to the Father in union with Me in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in My name, in the Holy Spirit, through the powerful intercession of My Mother, through the angels and saints, that in the degree of holiness that you have reached, that your prayers are very powerful. I have taught you, My beloved shepherds in the core group. You must realize the power of prayer. In praying the novena every hour, you have been taught how to pray and to ask. If you ask, the Father will hear you. When you ask in My name, you will receive great gifts. You must be about your own personal holiness and come to Me. Come to Me and ask Me for help. Intercede to the Father for help in My name. I am Jesus. I have given you a heart of love. I have given you a heart that will be ever closer to Mine. When you pray, the Father hears your prayers and He is attentive to all of your needs. Do not be afraid. Come to Me and I will give you My burning love.
Song: Give me Your Heart, Oh Jesus
Jesus: You are My beating Heart in this world. If you say no, My Heart will not beat with the love that is coming through your heart. Surrender and give your heart to Me. Come to Me in the intimate moments and I will fill your heart with My Divine love. And others will know Me through you. But you must surrender and come to Me. Pray on the hours of 9, 12, 3 and 6 for the Shepherds of Christ Movement and think of the precious blood that I shed for you.
Jesus: I must warn you that you must pray for all of the members in the core group, for those that did not hear this message for they will be taunted immensely by satan. You must pray for your brothers and sisters. It is most urgent that you do this now. And pray hourly for Fr. Carter.
Jesus: I must warn you finally that those that oppose you are being pressed on by satan and causing master confusion. You must pray for those that satan is using to stop the Movement. You must also pray for all of the members that will attempt to come on the 13th for satan will try to stop them from coming. I am Jesus. It is most urgent that you continue the Holy Spirit Novena and that you pray for the events of the 13th.
Blue Book Blow Out for Christmas
Give the gift that keeps giving this Christmas
6 different Blue Books for $30.00 including postage
Books available in limited supply for this sale.
Blue Book Blow Out for Christmas
Blue Book 1 – $6.00 each plus postage
Blue Book 2 – $5.00 each plus postage
Blue Book 3 – $4.00 each plus postage
Blue Books 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7,
6A, B, C –
$3.00 each plus postage
Blue Books 4 & 5 –$2.00 each plus postage
The more you use the Blue Books and
become one with Jesus – more
intimate with Jesus –
the more your lives are a blessing and
everything you do in life can help
to bring down great grace for the world
because of your being so
one with Jesus.
Guiding Light Homily Book Series
Fr. Joe’s Books
4 for $20 plus postage of $5.95
These books can be given to:
1) All Priests
2) Good for Music Ministers
3) Good for DRE's
4) Good for Deacons
5) Good for Principals of Schools
6) Good for Teachers
7) Good for Mom and Dads
This statue was handmade and
and has a little piece of the glass
from the image face of Mary –
PV-Fatima w/glass - 27 ![]() |
PV-Fatima w/glass - 18 ![]() |
PV-Fatima w/glass - 15 ![]() |
OL-Fatima w/glass - 18 ![]() |
PV-Fatima w/glass - 12 ![]() |
OL-Fatima w/glass - 11 ![]() |
w/glass - 28 ![]() |
Carmel w/glass - 24 ![]() |
w/glass - 24 ![]() |
w/glass - 24 ![]() |
w/glass - 24 ![]() |
w/glass - 24 ![]() |
Carmel w/glass - 18 ![]() |
Ivory |
w/glass - 18 ![]() |
w/glass - 12 ![]() |
These statues are a treasure, a work of art
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
6) People going to Florida and China.
7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
9) Pray for pope helping us.
10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
11) Blue Book 14 cover; Blue Book 13 – all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
15) Donors and members and their families.
16) Healing of the Family tree.
17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
18) All who asked us to pray for them.
19) All we promised to pray for.
20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
21) 2 babies and moms.
22) Funds and insurance.
23) Jerry's garage.
24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
26) Consecrate all hearts.
27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
We need money for
Fr. Joe's new homily book
(we sent almost 40,000 to priests,
cardinals, bishops)
Can you please help us?
The Wedding Rosary
Crystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Special First Communion Rosary with Image Center
in a gift box
white blue red
and an 8 x 10 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater
and a 4 x 6 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater$10 plus postage
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box$40 plus shipping
Special Sale Statues with image glass
15" Pilgrim Virgin Fatima – $85
12" Our Lady of Fatima – $75
plus shipping
while supplies lastCall Regina 1–727–776–2763
Call Rosie 888–211–3041
In Spanish with the Imprimatur
Also we are ready to print
5000 copies of the
Parents and Children's Rosary Book
Can you help with a donation?
Give the gift that counts.
Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.
Tell My People $5.00
Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
God's Blue Books 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
$4.00 each plus postage
Blue Book 4
Blue Book 5
Blue Book 6A
Blue Book 6B
Blue Book 6C
Blue Book 7
Blue Book 8
Blue Book 9
Blue Book 10
Blue Book 11
Blue Book 12 & 13
Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
$2.00 plus postage
New Mass Book with Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
Give to your priest.
Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage
Special sale statue with glass
27" Statue of Our Lady of Fatima
$175 plus postage
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage
Dan called and gave the report to me, when I hung up I saw this rainbow and took a picture for him.
Shepherds of
Christ Ministries P.O. Box 627 China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182