Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding
these messages |
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November 23rd Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 6 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for November 23rd are Joyful.
Pray for Andrew who has cancer.
Pray for Emily's grandma who died and the family.
Pray for urgent intention and all involved.
Urgent prayer is needed for another intention
November 22, 2005
From Blue Book V
October 16, 1994 - After Communion
Experience More Deeply God’s Love
He gave Himself on the cross. He gives Himself to us now. He, God is no less present than when He died on the cross. He comes to me in such oneness. God comes to me and gives Himself to me. The Spirit is the fire of God's love. The more I get in touch with the Spirit, my heart is on fire and burning with the love of God. The Spirit adds the fire to my heart for this intense love I have for Jesus. I love Him so much.To know Jesus is to love because He is love. I cannot know Jesus and not love you. Harboring anger in our hearts blocks our deep union with God. I must forgive. I act in love. I do not wish to block my union with God. God is love. To be deeply united to God I must be loving. The more my heart is filled with dissension, the further I go from Him. To unite in His love deeply, I must try to free my heart and be loving to men.
I cannot be likened to Him Who is love if I am not loving. To be united to Him, I must let go of hate and anger and forgive. God comes to us and wants us to be joined in deepest love with Him.
I am the way, the truth and the life. I come to you in the deepest love. I want to be so closely united to you. Rid yourself of impurities so I can be one with you. I am love. I want to be so close to you. Your impurities block My oneness with you. Oh, beloved of My dear Father, I loved you to My death. Open up your heart and feel the fire of My love. I want to pour Myself out to you and become so united to you. It is you, your impurities, that block My union with you. Open your hearts to the fire of My love. I give you Myself, this day. I, God, come to you. Oh beloved, let go and be so close to Me, so in love with Me! I am love and I want to be united in this love with you. What a gift — your feeble minds cannot fathom. I love you so.
October 30, 1994
I Am the Bread of Life
Little one, creation of My dear Father, if you knew the Father and His great love you would love yourself.The Father is love. He created you. He gave you life. This very day it is the air you breathe that keeps this life existing. He wants you to be. You exist, God loves you so much.
See My lifeless body under My cross in the arms of My beloved Mother. You see the Father's love poured out to you. He sent Me into the world. See Me under My cross, not a breath in My body. My dear ones, I gave the last beat of My Heart, I chose to die for you. See My beloved Mother, your Mother under My cross. She suffered so, always walking by My side. Mary believed, Mary suffered for love of you.
Oh, dear and beloved child, listen when I speak to you. You were conceived in the womb of your mother, you are loved with the greatest love. The Father loves you and gave you life and gives you life now. He gave you your life. It is in baptism you have special sharing in My life. Life: I died to give you life! I give you Myself today in the Eucharist! I am the bread of life. I come to you and dwell in you.
John 6: 51
I am the living bread which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world.
What dignity for you that you are given My very own body and blood in the Eucharist. God comes to you and you receive Him.Song:
I Am the Bread of LifeJesus:
Dignity, honor, love, I pour out to you. I show you an open Heart, filled with such intense love of yellow and white flames. Tell all to come and dwell in My Heart, come and be lost in the beloved Heart of My Mother, let her carry you to the inner sanctuaries of My Heart.Oh, dear one, the Father has so much to share with you. Embrace Him forever in love. This is reality. I died, I have risen. I give you life in abundance this very day. Come to the Eucharist and the Tabernacle for My life. I am the bread of life.
John 6: 51
I am the living bread which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever...
My Heart is an open furnace of love given for you. Come and be alone with Me, the Father and the Holy Spirit. If the world rejects you, you will find strength in My love.My Heart is your sign. It is open for you. It is wide open. Live for My love. Die to yourself. Live in Me. Do not worry what other's think, you live to draw yourself closer to My love.
Jump into the abyss of My love through My Mother’s Heart. Live to love. To love Me is to give of yourself. I am watching you. Pick yourself up and learn this lesson. It is in dying to self that you will love.
To get back to the little, pure heart I was born with, I must realize God's immense love for me. The Father created me, so special. Jesus gave His life for me. I must realize this love to give love. Jesus, please help me to have a pure heart rooted in the Father's love. I love You so much. All I want to do is be with You. I love You so much - You know what I need this day to grow in Your love.Jesus:
But, My child, I call out to you to love. I give you My love to share. I want you to be My apostles to spread the love of My most Sacred Heart. Love for Me. You are My hands. You are My feet. You are My Heart to this world. Love and tell them of My Heart of fire. As I give My love, so sweetly to you, I ask you to give this same sweet love to all. I pour My open Heart out to you. It is open and on fire. Pour My love out to your brothers. I live in them. To love Me is to love one another. “Create in me a Pure Heart, Oh Lord”Song:
Teach Me to Love with Your Heart
November 11, 1994
The Life I Give You Is Myself
The bread of life is the Eucharist and My Word. I come to give you life that you will have it more abundantly. The life I give you is Myself. Oh, you little dumb ones, you do not like these words. What do I call you when I, Who Am God, give you Myself. I come to dwell in your hearts and be united one with you and you treat Me so lightly.I am the bread of life. I come that you might have life and have it abundantly and you count your silver and care for every detail of your life. Oh, child, Life is Life rooted in Me! Happiness is happiness only as you seek life in Me! Little dumb ones, bicker about My words to you and miss My life — My life given to you in the Eucharist. I come, no less present than when I walked the earth and you run from My altars to K-Mart. You do not like these words because you are blind to the true words spoken here. You will be rocked off your rockers and then you will be sorry you did not look beyond your silly blindness.
Every word I write here, I want to be obeyed. I am telling you how to light your city with love. God speaks to you. If you do not listen, you will suffer and many souls will never know My intense love for them.
I write, I am ignored as you go about your busy lives. I Am the bread of life — I come in the Eucharist with a Heart ablaze with My infinite love! I sit in the tabernacle. (You, at the Center, why is your church not packed?) I beg you to read these letters. I beg you to read them from your hearts. They are love letters. If your lover read you a letter, you would read it from your heart.
I am Jesus, My Heart is a burning furnace of endless love and I wait for you in the tabernacle. My love burns for you this very day. I am He who died for you. I gave My flesh, I gave My blood, I gave every breath in My body. Study Me in My Mother's arms under the cross, read My letters and her letters, her suffering for love of you. Oh, you little blind ones, worry about K-Mart and the rockers — you will know one boom was not enough.
I beg you to circulate My letters. They are not Rita's letters. Why would she continue to talk when no one is listening? I am begging you to listen to Me. I am God. I profess My ardent love here, this day. Souls will suffer while you hold up these letters. I am Jesus Christ. I am the Son of God. I write every day to you. Your workers will stay divided as long as you ignore Me. My third Blue Book speaks of love of one another. No one is reading any of it, but you fight and fight and hate one another.
My intense love is poured out in My second book. I beg you, I beg you to listen to Me. I am the Almighty God. I can rock this earth. I come sweetly, I ask gently, I wait patiently. I professed My on-fire love for you since February, it is almost a year later. What do I do to get you to listen? Do not forsake Me. I will never forsake you.
A Song From Jesus
My Heart is open, it is ablaze, it is on fire for love of you. Your city will shine with the love of God when you circulate My letters of Love! I beg you to take Me seriously. Faith, My little ones, Faith in He Who died for you and wants your on-fire love relationship with Me!
I am talking to all of My beloved children at the Center. I profess My love for you this day. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I Love you. Come to Me in the Eucharist.
Every word in the message of November 11 is from Me. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I speak to you. Harken to My call. You listen not - you will lament.
November 12, 1994 Saturday, In My Car: 5:30 a.m.
After CommunionLove Is from the Heart
The key to love is in the heart. If you stay in your head, you have knowledge, not love. You can't love God with your heart closed. Mary wants to lead you to the burning Heart of her Son. Jesus sweat blood in the garden from the agonies He felt in His Heart, especially from the cold hearts of His specially anointed priests.Jesus:
My agony was so great from all the priests that would talk about My love with so little emotion. Love is from the heart! If your loved one talked to you, you would respond from your heart.My Heart is on fire for love of each soul. I thirst for the love of My precious ones. So few come and pour their love out to Me. My Heart cries out to all priests who have turned their hearts cold. Love is warm - My Heart is a furnace of love! So many priests speak only from their minds and have forgotten the love involved. I cry out for your love. You do not teach that which you do not know. You must come and develop your love affair with Me.
My beloved priests, come and be with Me after communion, I give you Myself. I long to be one with you. I want a love affair with you. I love you so much. I died for you. As I gave Myself on Calvary, I give Myself to you in the Eucharist. Oh, My beloved priests, I thirst for the love of souls. I long for their love. I wait for them. Who will spend one hour with Me? Who will hear My cry to come and give Me real love?
If you spend time with Me in the Eucharist and in front of the tabernacle, our love will grow. I am there, no less present than on Calvary. I beg you to listen. When you love, My beloved priests, you will preach about love from your hearts. Your hearts have turned cold. I beg you to come and be with Me.
My Heart is an open furnace of love. I long for you. I want your love. My suffering was so immense for all the souls, especially the priests that would come to My Mass with cold hearts, that would read My Gospel without love. When you come to Me, you will enkindle love in your hearts. Make Me the center of your life. Pray for love of God from your hearts. Pray to the Holy Spirit to set your hearts on fire with the love of God.
Oh, My beloved priests, how I long, long for you to come and sit with Me! My Heart is burning for love of you. Oh, dear, special anointed ones, I love you so much. When you enkindle this love affair with Me, you will feed the starved souls that come to be fed. Feed My sheep, I beg you to come and be fed, My beloved priests and you will feed this world. Oh, how I love, how I wait, how I want each of you to come and love Me. I Am Love! How can you talk about love, love is from the heart, love is not from the head! Pray, My beloved ones and fall in love with the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is found in the Eucharist. Come and be present. I love you so. Love Me with your whole heart. I am God and you shall have no gods before Me. Happiness is found in loving God — anything not rooted in Him is useless.
I Ask You to Obey
May 11, 1994 5:00a.m.
Jesus: Put your trust in Me. I do not ask you to analyze what I am doing. I ask you to obey. I truly will take care of you. If the whole world goes one way, you do as you are told. I want obedience even when you do not want to do what I am asking you to.
I ask for a clean heart. I ask you to act as I have acted. This is hard in this world. The world tells you to stand up for yourself and be aggressive. I tell you to love your brothers and be kind to them, to love your brothers as yourselves, to be willing to die for your brothers. This takes submission. It takes letting your ego go and yielding to love. It hurts sometimes to let go of self and love your brother. This is My way. They tore My flesh and I forgave them. Like an innocent lamb led to the slaughter, I was crucified. Did I fight back and justify Myself? Live to love. When others are haughty and mean, you think of Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and how I love you. Then forgive them and let go.
The way you act when you model yourself after Me is not the way the world acts. Do not be attached to this world. Be attached to Me. Your purpose is to love. No one has any power over you. They may persecute you but I am guarding you in your suffering. Suffer with Me. Be a fool for Christ. Love for Me. This world needs the love of Christ. If you respond as the world does, I cannot love through you.
Your will is entirely free. I call you to model yourself after Me. I in no way took up the sword! My way is love! I cannot love your brothers through you if you choose to follow the world. The way of the world is the self. My way is selflessness. This takes submission of your self and yielding to a higher cause.
Rita, this is the way to peace in your heart. When you do My Will, even when you do not want to, you have peace. You will not have peace until you deliver the letter I told you to. You must obey Me, child, in every detail. You do not know My mind and My ways and it is not up to you to analyze them. I want obedience from you. You are making things harder by stalling. You, My sweet one, will be tested in fire. You will be molded in My special oven. I will melt you in the oven of My Heart. Come and enter there and put all your trust in Me.
Remember the furnace of My Heart. Come to Me. It is hot with the fire of My love, but it is your refuge. You enter there, you are changed into My special soldier of love. Nothing to fear for it is a vat of love. You jump in where others fear to tread. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He who enters My Heart will be refreshed and molded by My love. Nowhere else will you find such love and peace!
Oh, child, I love you. Please do not tarry. Trust the God Who loves you and talks to you daily. How will others trust and have faith if you do not have it yourself? You preach the gospel in your being. When you surrender to Me, you will be free.
You are running your life. Let go, child. You will feel a surge, as if someone lifted a load. Let go to Me. I will not lead you astray. You are holding on when you need to let go. Do not test Me. I know every little thought you have. You cannot fool Me. I know your heart better than you.
Tell Me your faults and ask for help. Don't hide any. I am there to help you. If you do not admit them yourself, you cannot improve. I know every way you need to improve far better than you. Come to Me. Come into My Heart. Be free in My love. This is the way, the only way to peace of mind.
If you go to the heavens, I am there. You, child, can never run from Me. I ardently love you. Surrender and be free.
end of May 11, 1994