Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding
these messages |
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November 25th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 8 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for November 25th are Sorrowful.
The Sidney Rosary is going to replay tonight.
Pray for Andrew who has cancer.
Retreat is December 10th - 13th.
Pray for urgent intention and all involved.
Urgent prayer is needed for another intention
November 24, 2005
Look at all we are given
November 24, 2005 message continues
Jesus speaks:
I want My messages
My Blue Books must
be published. Help Me —
These books are for the
future of the Church
the Reign of My
Sacred Heart.
Your world does not
recognize that there
will be an era of
love as the Father
intended from the
For 12 years
My Blue Books
were blocked —
Satan knows it is
like a can of worms.
You are like the world
or you would
recognize My
John 10: 4, 15
When he has brought out all those that are his, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow because they know his voice.
I am the good shepherd;
I know my own
and my own know me,
just as the Father knows me
and I know the Father;
and I lay down my life for my sheep.
November 24, 2005 message continues
Jesus speaks: Stop
tying up
My messenger —
If you don't
help someone
can find My
treasures later —
You are so blind
and worldly you
don't see the
gifts I have given
in My Blue Books —
They are My way of
People have blocked these
for 11 years —
What of all the souls
they could have helped —
because of jealousy they
were blocked —
Funds, pride etc.
November 24, 2005 message continues
Jesus appeared to me and He spoke to me and
told me He is very sorrowed how His
messages have been blocked.
There is so many who do not examine
their conscience, who work out their
anger and disappointments on others,
badgering them in an abusive way,
creating disharmony where He has
given great gifts and they should be
He said God the Father allowed Mary
to appear on the building seven years
and the attitude of many was they took
it for granted and did not even thank
God for the gift.
November 24, 2005 message continues
He said Mary has never left and that
the Virgin Mary/Building of the Two
Hearts is still one of the Most Blessed places
on the earth — that she appears there
still and He appears constantly, but
even if we do not see her, her presence
there is no different.
He has given these miracles along
with these messages as gifts and few
really have thanked God. He said He
is disappointed how people give into
satan to emotionally try to manipulate
others through their bad moods when
there have been so many gifts.
He is filled with sorrow, how people
fail to recognize the special place
the Virgin Mary Building/Building
of the 2 Hearts is and how we are
so ungrateful for this gift and
not filled with enthusiasm for
spreading the image
wallets and messages He has given.
So many give into the temptations of
satan that block His work and
so many lie to themselves about
the truth and to others.
November 24, 2005 message continues
He said holding onto imperfections,
hurting others is poison to our
joy and we will not have peace
when we hurt others through an
effort to emotionally control them.
He said people that are disappointed
with their children, their old relationships,
age, change of life, etc. weave a
web of hurt far greater for themselves
when they lie to themselves and
others about unruly children,
life states, because they camouflage
their problem and begin a new
pit of hatred in a new place
where things are working, harmoniously
and loving. They now have two
enormous places of pain, they
hurt innocent others and they
have a "big block" of lies to deal
with inside blocking union with
Him and living in untruth.
People who lie about situations
that anger them and project it
on others are the spreaders of
an evil fire that bears
nobody any good.
He said to call a "spade-a-spade".
He said to own your past anger.
He said to look at the situations
with children, x-wives and husbands, —
moms, dads, your own
habitual anger and quit
looking for a quick fix
by projecting your ugly
darkness on an innocent
His face was very deep red
as if a flame from His
Heart was shining a
deep red glow on His whole face —
There was tremendous light.
I cried for joy to see Him and
I cried for all the lies and deception
as He spoke — the way we
take His gifts for granted —
the struggle I have to deliver
something as beautiful as
Blue Book IV —
that others give into their emotions
and don't care how great
a gift His Movement
is and
I cried to think of all the souls
who never got Blue Book IV because
it was blocked.
I wonder how many more will
block Blue Book V because the devil
presses on them.
His face at times was beat red
as if He was blushing
wanting Me to know the
intensity of the Blue Book
We are hypocrites if we speak
of love and act in hatred —
manipulation — lies —
No one lies to Jesus — He knows
November 12, 1994 Saturday, In My Car: 5:30 a.m.
After Communion
Love Is from the Heart
The key to love is in the heart. If you stay in your head, you have knowledge, not love. You can't love God with your heart closed. Mary wants to lead you to the burning Heart of her Son. Jesus sweat blood in the garden from the agonies He felt in His Heart, especially from the cold hearts of His specially anointed priests.Jesus:
My agony was so great from all the priests that would talk about My love with so little emotion. Love is from the heart! If your loved one talked to you, you would respond from your heart.My Heart is on fire for love of each soul. I thirst for the love of My precious ones. So few come and pour their love out to Me. My Heart cries out to all priests who have turned their hearts cold. Love is warm - My Heart is a furnace of love! So many priests speak only from their minds and have forgotten the love involved. I cry out for your love. You do not teach that which you do not know. You must come and develop your love affair with Me.
My beloved priests, come and be with Me after communion, I give you Myself. I long to be one with you. I want a love affair with you. I love you so much. I died for you. As I gave Myself on Calvary, I give Myself to you in the Eucharist. Oh, My beloved priests, I thirst for the love of souls. I long for their love. I wait for them. Who will spend one hour with Me? Who will hear My cry to come and give Me real love?
If you spend time with Me in the Eucharist and in front of the tabernacle, our love will grow. I am there, no less present than on Calvary. I beg you to listen. When you love, My beloved priests, you will preach about love from your hearts. Your hearts have turned cold. I beg you to come and be with Me.
My Heart is an open furnace of love. I long for you. I want your love. My suffering was so immense for all the souls, especially the priests that would come to My Mass with cold hearts, that would read My Gospel without love. When you come to Me, you will enkindle love in your hearts. Make Me the center of your life. Pray for love of God from your hearts. Pray to the Holy Spirit to set your hearts on fire with the love of God.
Oh, My beloved priests, how I long, long for you to come and sit with Me! My Heart is burning for love of you. Oh, dear, special anointed ones, I love you so much. When you enkindle this love affair with Me, you will feed the starved souls that come to be fed. Feed My sheep, I beg you to come and be fed, My beloved priests and you will feed this world. Oh, how I love, how I wait, how I want each of you to come and love Me. I Am Love! How can you talk about love, love is from the heart, love is not from the head! Pray, My beloved ones and fall in love with the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is found in the Eucharist. Come and be present. I love you so. Love Me with your whole heart. I am God and you shall have no gods before Me. Happiness is found in loving God — anything not rooted in Him is useless.
November 15, 1994
Watch One Hour with Me
My little ones, you do not want to hear so you remain blind. I write here My ways. My ways are the ways to holiness, My way is in surrendering to yourself and doing the will of My Father.I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life. My life I pour out to you. Let your hearts be open that you may partake in My life. My way is in prayer and sacrifice. I ask you to come and pray with your hearts. You do not pray with your hearts because you do not know the ways of love. I am love. You must come to Me to learn My ways. Come and sit with Me. You cannot watch one hour with Me? I gave My life for you!
I cry out for your love. You look for love in your world when I am ready to give you Divine love! Your soul is only satisfied when your love is rooted in Me. Surrender yourself. I call, I knock, I am present and waiting your life given unreservedly to Me — you hold back so much of your life!
If you are to grow in your union with Me, you must die to yourself and your ways. You must allow Me to operate your being. Oh, children, you do not listen to these letters because you want things your way. You do not want to love others when they hate you, you want to be right. You fight with others to make yourself right. You want to take sides and have people that support you. You want to be right.
I call you to love. I loved those who tore My flesh, I did not argue back. I loved, I loved, I loved, I showed you the way. Meditate on My sorrowful mysteries. Oh, child, you have so much to learn, but you do not listen. You go to the world for your answers about God. Come and be taught by Me. I talk in your heart. I love you. You are missing the love your soul craves because you want to be right. You do not love your brother as your brother. You love him only if he acts the way you want him to act. I call you to see with the eyes of love. See your brother as I see him. See the Divine Creation of the Father. My Father created your brother and loves him. See Me dripping with blood, blood I shed for your brother. I ask you to love your brother as I have loved you. I gave My life for you. I ask you to spend your life loving your brother, caring for him and praying for him this day.
We are brothers in Christ. God is our Father. He gives us each such gifts. He created us so uniquely, special!Jesus:
Love, Love, Love, I give to you this day, your brother, I live in your brother. Do you see Me in him? I ask you to see the Christ in your brother. I ask you to be Christ to one another. Do you hear or will you remain deaf? I showed you the way, I hung, beaten, bloodied and broken on the cross, My life given for love of each soul! I would die for each soul this day. Do you know how I love your brother? He is your brother in Christ. Be strong, pray for grace to love as I command you to.Messenger:
To love with my heart, to be like Him, I must act like Him. He was kind, He was loving. He gave His all for love of us.Jesus:
To love My brothers as I have loved you!
November 15, 1994
Sainthood Is in Your Reach
I call you to love, love of God, love of one another. Your life is so short. You will be judged by your love shown to each other. I am the way, the truth and the life. The way to Me leads to happiness. I showed you the way to love each other. Love gives, love is not selfish. Love gives for the sake of the other. Love exists to draw the other closer to God.Oh children, pray to follow My ways. Pray to the Spirit to sanctify you. Unless you become as little children, you will not enter into My Kingdom. Your hearts must be pure and holy. You can live your lives as the saints did, I ask you to love. I ask you to follow Me. I ask you to meditate on My life and My Mother's life so you will put on Christ in all your actions. Saints followed My Father's will. I call you to holiness. I call you to love. I call you to live My Father's will. You are My special soldiers of My most Sacred Heart. Do not take your job lightly. You will be formed more and more into My Image by the Holy Spirit if you allow Mary to lead you to My Heart.
Sainthood is not out of your reach. Sainthood is in your reach. I ask you to be My special soldiers to spread the love of our hearts. I called each person here to this group to love. Come to My Heart and be fed by My love. You will give My love to others the more you put on Christ in all your actions. Meditate on the rosary as we pray here daily. Close your eyes and let go into Our lives. I call you to be My saints to this world. I love you each so dearly. I am Jesus Christ, Son of God. You are My hands, My heart, My love, given to this world this day. Come and be alone with Me. I want to give you My most tender love. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
October 12, 1994
You Are Very Dear to Me
I am the Lord, your God. You shall not have any gods before Me, not man, not possessions, not yourself. I want to be first in your life. You ask Me for greater union, union is achieved through surrendering to self, of yielding to the will of God. You cannot surrender and hold on at the same time. Let go and it will carry you deeper into My loving arms. There is nothing that happens that I do not allow. I am allowing this for a reason. Through your compliance to the Father's will, through your surrender, you are drawn closer to My Heart.You, My child, are very dear to Me. I guard your life. You give yourself to the Father, to the Holy Spirit, to Me, to Mary, then let go. Do not ever be angry at your brothers. They are My precious ones. See in their eyes the creation of the Father! Pray for a pure heart. Pray to be sanctified through the Spirit. Pray for this holiness.
Life is not easy. To get to heaven you must walk a narrow path, with bumps along the way. Will you walk over the rocks and still love? This is the test - to be so rooted in Me you will walk with love, always!
It is in your trials you learn to love always, all your brothers, even when you feel you have been wronged and hurt. I am Jesus. I love you so much. Surrender and be drawn closer to My Heart. You offer yourself, then fight to let go? Give your all. See Me as I died on the cross, I gave all My Blood. I gave the last beat of My Heart! I treat you so gently. You surrender. Be thankful for all the blessings you have, this very day.
The Eucharist is such a gift I give you. This day, I, Jesus, give you Myself. Such love I pour out to you. It offends Me to see you so focused on other things, I am God and I give you a heart on fire for love of you and you balk. Oh, child, union with Me is dying to oneself. Consecration is a giving of yourself. Give and you will receive. It is in your surrendering to Me and My ways that the Father can mold you into His special creation. You will be tested in fire and you will come forth My specially molded child. I am Jesus, come to Me and be free!