Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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November 24, 2010
November 25th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 7 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for November 25th are Sorrowful.
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November 24, 2010
God calls us to perseverance in our Christian
lives —
Our life is perseverance that as we came
to the end of our life we persevered
so we can go to heaven —
Perseverance is to be lived to persevere
to the end — no matter what the
sufferings is —
He has won the victory —
God is not calling us to success among
men, but faithfulness to God —
Being Faithful to our vocation —
Faithful to our call
Readings from today's Mass
Revelation 15: 1-4
And I saw in heaven another sign, great and wonderful: seven angels were bringing the seven plagues that are the last of all, because they exhaust the anger of God and they were singing the hymn of Moses, the servant of God, and the hymn of the Lamb: How great and wonderful are all your works, Lord God Almighty; upright and true are all your ways, King of nations. Who does not revere and glorify your name, O Lord? For you alone are holy, and all nations will come and adore you for the many acts of saving justice you have shown.
Psalm 98: 1-3, 7-9
Sing a new song to Yahweh,
for he has performed wonders,
his saving power is in his right hand
and his holy arm.Yahweh has made known his saving power,
revealed his saving justice for the nations to see,
mindful of his faithful love and his constancy
to the House of Israel.
Let the sea thunder,
and all that it holds, the world and all who live in it.Let the rivers clap their hands,
and the mountains shout for joy together,at Yahweh’s approach, for he is coming
to judge the earth;
he will judge the world with saving justice
and the nations with fairness.
Luke 21: 12-19
But before all this happens, you will be seized and persecuted; you will be handed over to the synagogues and to imprisonment, and brought before kings and governors for the sake of my name —and that will be your opportunity to bear witness. Make up your minds not to prepare your defence, because I myself shall give you an eloquence and a wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to resist or contradict. You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relations and friends; and some of you will be put to death. You will be hated universally on account of my name, but not a hair of your head will be lost. Your perseverance will win you your lives.
Dear God help us to live our lives in
persevering to be faithful to You —
We see from these scriptures —
Our life as a battle —
Persecution —
But to those who preserve to the
end following Jesus —
loving and serving as He calls us —
we will receive an eternal reward —
The devil presses on us many times — so we feel we can't
even endure the moment, the hour,
the day
God calls us to see through His eyes —
To see through the eyes of forever —
His Plan for us to live with
Him forever in heaven and
To persevere to the end —
A constant battle —
Our life is a constant battle
Choosing to persevere for Christ —
God tells us of our conflict in the
scriptures —
The Mass
death/resurrection —
dying to self
rising in Him —
My shoulder has really been hurting me —
when your body is hurt —
like Betty in China —
you must endure the suffering —
we live in our bodies —
our spirits are free to endure
the suffering and be holy —
loving God — like Betty
Our bodies are vulnerable
we have limits —
The love of my heart is endless —
my spirit is being filled more
and more with His life —
It is almost a paradox in us —
our bodies now — if we die —
our soul goes on — hopefully
to heaven — to live eternally —
I am filled more and more with His life —
His grace —
My body gets older —
I can't walk as good —
I can't see as good
My teeth become old
Our teeth can decay
Our eyes can get cataracts
Our legs and joints can hurt —
When I had the car accident in 2004, I
hurt so bad I couldn't move —
My sternum felt as if it was broken and
I had to let go of this to go deep inside
and just be with Jesus —
I knew this light and life in oneness with
Jesus within me —
That life inside was untouched by the accident —
It wasn't physical —
It was warm and real inside of me —
Despite my wounded body —
It was my place of refuge —
It was my oneness with God —
So there is a struggle in us —
If we choose obedience and God's will we stay
one with God —
He gives us the commandments
He gives us a free will — to obey or not
We see the saints who shed their blood for their
faith —
We see Jesus who died on the cross because
of what men did to Him —
We see Jeremiah who warned the King, but
the King didn't like his warning
and so the King listened to the false prophet
and his eyes were burned and
before his death, he saw the death of
his sons —
Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
July 19, 2009
HOMILY: There was a man who worked in a museum whose job it was to explain the different exhibits. On one occasion he pointed to the bones of a dinosaur saying the bones were 100 million and 9 years old. Someone asked how they could date those bones so accurately. He said “well, when I started working here, I was told these bones were 100 million years old and I’ve worked here for nine years.”
Today I want to give everyone a little history lesson. I’m not going back to the dinosaurs, but I am going back pretty far – to King David, 1000 years before Christ. When I was in school, I hated history. It wasn’t until we studied the history of the Old Testament in the seminary that I began to appreciate it. I cannot cram 1000 years of history into a couple of minutes. I just want to touch on the parts of Jewish history that are mentioned in today’s reading. If you want to learn more, read everything in the Old Testament, but be sure you have a commentary to help you. Otherwise, you’ll give up in despair because you won’t know what it’s all about - especially the prophets and the historical books.
When David was king 1000 years before Christ, David wanted to build a house for God, since there was no Temple for God at that time. God did not give David permission to do so, however God promised David through the prophet Nathan that he would bless him and build David a house in the sense that David’s kingdom would continue forever and one of his descendants would always rule. This blessing lasted through the reign of David’s son, Solomon; but we humans somehow have the ability to sabotage God’s blessings. Solomon turned to pagan gods and over-extended the country financially by elaborate building projects and exorbitant taxes, so when Solomon died there was a rebellion and most of Israel broke away from Solomon’s successor, David’s grandson, Rehoboam. Rehoboam continued to rule over the southern part of Israel, the area we know as Judaea . For 400 years (and this is amazing) the kings of Judaea were descendants of King David. The northern kingdom that rebelled against David’s successors suffered under a succession of kings and rebellions. In less than 300 years the northern kingdom was destroyed by the Assyrians, people from northern Iraq. About 100 years after that, the Babylonians from southern Iraq conquered the Assyrians and took control of the entire Middle East. The conquest of the Babylonians brings us up to Jeremiah whom we heard in today’s first reading. At the time of Jeremiah, here was the situation: the northern kingdom no longer existed. The southern kingdom, Judaea, was still being ruled by David’s descendants but they were not loyal to God or to God’s laws. Jeremiah spoke to these kings as they came into power, the last four being: Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoikin and Zedekiah. Zedikiah, the last reigning king, died in disgrace. After the Babylonians captured him, his sons were slaughtered before his eyes, he was then blinded and led off to Babylon in chains where he presumably died. You can read how Jeremiah spoke with them in great detail in the book of Jeremiah. He told them exactly what they needed to do to survive the invading forces of Babylon. His messages were ignored. He blames them and their leadership for the destruction that came upon God’s people. As we heard in today’s first reading, God speaks through Jeremiah: “Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture.” God said he would take over shepherding his people; he would bring them back from exile; he would appoint leaders over them who would serve them well and lead them to peace and security. It took 600 years before God thought the world was ready for this king who would reign and govern wisely, who would do what is just and right in the land.
But then he came, through the announcement of an angel to a virgin who was engaged to a man named Joseph of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel said to her “Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his Kingdom there will be no end.”
In last week’s gospel, Jesus sent his apostles out to heal and cast out demons and to call people to repentance. In today’s gospel we are told of their return, excited over their experience and tired. Jesus wanted to some time off, but he couldn’t. The mission of Jesus and his apostles apparently was so successful that a great crowd caught up with them before they had chance to catch their breath. Mark describes Jesus taking compassion on them (his heart was moved with deep sympathy for them would probably be a better translation). He saw them as sheep without a shepherd, - people without leadership, and he began to teach them.
One of the important messages in today’s readings is that in love our Lord leads us, by teaching us and appointing others to teach us. But we need to listen, and we need to keep on listening. We’ll never be finished listening and learning as long as our world suffers from injustice, poverty, hunger, discrimination, war, hatred and killing of innocent people. Christ would be put to death before he would stop teaching. It is to our own great loss when we stop listening. That’s one of the reasons we are here each weekend, to listen and to learn. We call ourselves disciples. The word disciple means learner. When we’ve quit learning, we’ve quit being a disciple.
We must see through the eyes of God —
the forever eyes —
We are at battle —
The devil presses in — he wants us to be
impatient — thinking we can't endure
this — so he will try to get us to
abandon our calling —
We see Christ — who did the Father's will —
who persevered to the death on the cross —
who rose on the 3rd day —
We see the battle —
We know Genesis —
God tells us about the battle in Genesis —
Genesis Chapter
3Now, the snake was the most subtle of all the wild animals that Yahweh God had made. It asked the woman, 'Did God really say you were not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?' The woman answered the snake, 'We may eat the fruit of the trees in the garden. But of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden God said, "You must not eat it, nor touch it, under pain of death." ' Then the snake said to the woman, 'No! You will not die! God knows in fact that the day you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good from evil.' The woman saw that the tree was good to eat and pleasing to the eye, and that it was enticing for the wisdom that it could give. So she took some of its fruit and ate it. She also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened and they realised that they were naked. So they sewed fig-leaves together to make themselves loin-cloths.
The man and his wife heard the sound of Yahweh God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from Yahweh God among the trees of the garden. But Yahweh God called to the man. 'Where are you?' he asked. 'I heard the sound of you in the garden,' he replied. 'I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.' 'Who told you that you were naked?' he asked. 'Have you been eating from the tree I forbade you to eat?' The man replied, 'It was the woman you put with me; she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.' Then Yahweh God said to the woman, 'Why did you do that?' The woman replied, 'The snake tempted me and I ate.'
Then Yahweh God said to the snake, 'Because you have done this,
Accursed be you
of all animals wild and tame!
On your belly you will go
and on dust you will feed
as long as you live.
I shall put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
it will bruise your head
and you will strike its heel.'To the woman he said:
I shall give you intense pain
in childbearing,
you will give birth to your children
in pain.
Your yearning will be for your husband,
and he will dominate you.To the man he said, 'Because you listened to the voice of your wife and ate from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat,
Accursed be the soil because of you!
Painfully will you get your food from it
as long as you live.
It will yield you brambles and thistles,
as you eat the produce of the land.
By the sweat of your face
will you earn you food,
until you return to the ground,
as you were taken from it.
For dust you are
and to dust you shall return.The man named his wife 'Eve' because she was the mother of all those who live. Yahweh God made tunics of skins for the man and his wife and clothed them. Then Yahweh God said, 'Now that the man has become like one of us in knowing good from evil, he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and pick from the tree of life too, and eat and live for ever!' So Yahweh God expelled him from the garden of Eden, to till the soil from which he had been taken. He banished the man, and in front of the garden of Eden he posted the great winged creatures and the fiery flashing sword, to guard the way to the tree of life.
Matthew 10: 21
'Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will come forward against their parents and have them put to death.
Christ was handed over — by the very
men — created by God
Christ was handed over by His brothers —
Joseph in the Old Testament was handed over by
his brothers
We see the struggle of the brothers
Esau and Jacob
Who can win —
The one who does the will of God —
If you are doing God's work — the devil
wants it stopped —
He presses on emotions —
to try to stop the work —
divide husbands and wives —
So people will not be committed to
their vocation —
Jesus, the Son of God, came in such
poverty —
He lived a quiet life with His Mother
and Joseph —
Fr. Carter said — Jesus whose life was
important for us
His life, death and resurrection —
We can identify with the quiet life,
but He persevered in His mission and
His followers still teach us today
by their heroic lives —
Seeing not in a moments irritation —
Seeing with forever eyes —
How God has gifted us and been working
in our lives — giving us
talents from the beginning — to
do the work of helping to
build the Kingdom
1 Corinthians 3: 9-13, 16-17
After all, we do share in God’s work; you are God’s farm, God’s building.
By the grace of God which was given to me, I laid the foundations like a trained master–builder, and someone else is building on them. Now each one must be careful how he does the building. For nobody can lay down any other foundation than the one which is there already, namely Jesus Christ. On this foundation, different people may build in gold, silver, jewels, wood, hay or straw but each person’s handiwork will be shown for what it is. The Day which dawns in fire will make it clear and the fire itself will test the quality of each person’s work.
Do you not realise that you are a temple of God with the Spirit of God living in you? If anybody should destroy the temple of God, God will destroy that person, because God’s temple is holy; and you are that temple.
Love can last forever —
Love in our hearts never dies if
we keep loving —
Love is an act of the will —
God gives us the grace —
We, with our free will, choose
love or not to love —
Should loving depend on my painful
shoulder — Christ carried the cross
on His and fell under it and
kept going —
Should love depend on irritation, hurt
feelings —
Should we build a Kingdom of love and
then — its all black and white —
we turn on a dime —
God calls us to love —
God calls us to forgive —
We all have tainted vision —
The more we live virtuously —
loving — the more clearly we see
through forever eyes —
The more we say yes to vices — the more
we see through momentary
eyes and the devil can work on
this to get us to abandon our calling —
We are always called to
faith, hope and love —
to pray for the grace, given by God
to increase our faith —
We must pray for this grace and
We must pray for the grace to co-operate
with that grace —
so we with our free will —
choose love —
persevere in our vocation
The devil wants us to stop —
feel tired —
Look at Adam and Eve and how we still suffer
from the disorder they brought —
Look at the New Adam and the New Eve
and how through the pierced Heart
of Christ the Church was born
Act of consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary."Lord Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock, I consecrate myself to Your most Sacred Heart. From Your pierced Heart the Church was born, the Church You have called me, as a member of Shepherds of Christ Associates, to serve in a most special way. You reveal Your Heart as a symbol of Your love in all its aspects, including Your most special love for me, whom You have chosen as Your companion in this most important work. Help me to always love You in return. Help me to give myself entirely to You. Help me always to pour out my life in love of God and neighbor! Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You!
"Dear Blessed Virgin Mary, I consecrate myself to your maternal and Immaculate Heart, this Heart which is symbol of your life of love. You are the Mother of my Savior. You are also my Mother. You love me with a most special love as a member of Shepherds of Christ Associates, a movement created by your Son as a powerful instrument for the renewal of the Church and the world. In a return of love, I give myself entirely to your motherly love and protection. You followed Jesus perfectly. You are His first and perfect disciple. Teach me to imitate you in the putting on of Christ. Be my motherly intercessor so that, through your Immaculate Heart, I may be guided to an ever closer union with the pierced Heart of Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock."
Jesus' hand is out
Asking us to willingly love —
Love is an act of the will —
Jesus loved us so much —
He died for us
He gave His all —
He carried the cross on His shoulder
with our sins —
August 23, 1993 - On His Passion (excerpt)
Jesus: My dear child,
I was condemned to death, death on a cross. They gave Me a big cross and made Me carry it. They stood around and glared at Me. It weighed on My shoulder and I pulled at it until it finally moved. Every step was almost impossible as I dragged it, weighing so heavily on My shoulders.My shoulder felt as if the bones inside would crack and the cross would fall through to the ground. I couldn’t drag it any more. I tried, I fell. I fell and its weight fell on Me. A guard hit Me with something sharp. It really hurt because he wanted Me to move, and fast! People were watching — on with the show! How dare I fall in the middle of the show! He hit Me again and the blow really stung Me. I got up because it hurt so badly. I tried to walk on...
Jesus shows us — love is sacrifice
Fr. Carter says from the Constitution of the Church
Vatican II, 1965
The Church is the pro-longation of the Incarnation.
As such, the Church works with Christ, Her glorified Head,
to complete the work of the Redemption,
as previously explained.
The Church is the visible, earthly extension
of the glorified Christ who reigns in Heaven.
Fr. Carter says:
"Christ, then, continues to walk this earth
accomplishing the work of the Redemption.
However, He now walks the earth in His mystical
Body rather than according to His physical Body
as previously."
From Mystici Corporis
How does Christ continue the work of the
Redemption through His Mystical Body the Church?
Basically, He does so by re-living His earthly life
in the members of this Mystical Body.
Here is a message I got from Jesus on my
first trip to Florida
June 26, 1995
I gave it to Fr. Carter to discern that day —
June 26, 1995
The Pain - Naples, Florida
R. He spread His arms, He gave His all, Jesus, the Son of God, the greatest sacrifice, He gave Himself entirely for the good of all men. He opened His arms, He died on the cross.
His arms were covered with blood, His arms so weak and filled with pain, wounded. His arms, the pain shot up His arms and the final blow to each arm a nail through each precious hand.
All the agony He experienced, all the pain, and the crown, to each arm, a nail hammered into the hand.
All the nerves cut and severed by the nail, the pain shooting up His precious arms, the final blow given to His most precious members.
The legs that carried Him, that carried the heavy cross, the legs that were forced and cajoled, that continues to Calvary - the legs weakened, skinned, bleeding, beaten, burned, the legs that knew patience and perseverance, the legs connected to a sore foot that was rubbed and gashed and bleeding, the members of Jesus, filled with such pain and exhaustion, now is crowned with the final glory. The nail that was driven into the foot, the pain shot up this already weakened leg, covered with blood and wounds and pain, the final blow, the nerves severed by the hammered nail.
A blow to each hand, a blow to each foot, a blow to the head, a stamping that pressed down and continued in excruciating pain.
Jesus: They numbered all My bones. They gave Me vinegar and gall to drink. They gave Me a cloth to wipe My blood-covered flesh.
What did they give to Me? Love is giving, My dear ones. How many of you are wounded when you are not given things by your brothers you love?
My members were in such pain, the pain shot up My arms. My legs were so weak I could scarce move them. I was filled with pain within them.
To all who watched, they saw a man, weakened and covered with blood and wounds. They did not see the pain inside that shot up My legs and arms, the nerves inside My body that sent signals of deep pain to My central nervous system. They did not see the nerves inside sending pain signals everywhere.
The final blow being to each hand and foot, the severing of My nerves by the blunt and rusted nails.
An arm extended. A final blow. I beheld a nail pounded into My hand and the pain shot up My arms, unbearable to a human mind.
Do you know of the pain within My body? Signals sending messages of deep pain everywhere. I knew all of these sufferings in the garden. So great were the sufferings to My mind, I sweat blood.
My flesh was covered with wounds. My arms were stretched from their sockets. My body was beaten and bleeding, every inch of My body covered with deep wounds. But, My loved ones, you miss the depth of My love. My wounds were so deep, but the final wound, the pounding of the nails in My hands and feet, a severing of the nerves, an ending of the deepest pain, to experience even deeper pain, beyond your human comprehension, it was done to the Almighty God, a Divine Person, I suffered the final blow to each member.
The pounding in the hands and feet, the crown to each member, and they numbered all My bones. My nerves a network of pain running throughout My entire body.
The pain within the body, the pain recorded in My loving head, the pain sent by a network of nerves in My body, now records the final blows, the nails in the hands and feet, the pain being recorded from every thorn that pierced My skull, every gash to My body, the pain, the pain, the pain - a network of signals and pain, running through My body and the final hour, the pains recorded on the cross, arms outstretched - a surrendering to all pain. I surrendered to a body laden with pain.
You focus on your little problems, your little aches and pains. You discuss them and show the world your pin pricks and sufferings.
Do you want to know holiness and love? They gave Me vinegar mixed with gall. This was their offering. They gave Me a cross. They crowned My head with a crown of thorns.
This, My dear ones, is suffering, My beloved souls, I gave My life for and this is their return.
A severing of My nerves, the final blows to all the aches and pains recorded in My nervous system. This was one of the final blows - the rusted nails pounded into My hands.
You will feel little aches and pains in your hands and feet to remind you of this message. Your understanding of the immense pain within will deepen. What was visible to the eye on My battered body was nothing compared to the pains within. I gave My all. I gave My insides, My mind, My Heart, wounded for the love of men.
All functions in the body were stopped.
The final curtain, blood and water pouring out from My Heart, show that all functions of the body had ended.
R. All signals that carried messages of immense pain had ended, the final act of surrender for God to die to this human body and surrender His flesh.
Jesus: And end, a beginning, the water and blood flowed from My Heart, the beginning of My life in the Church, life flowing into your spirit.
R. Come give me life, abundant life. I thirst to be with Thee.
Jesus: My blood was spent. My human flesh and blood offered as the sacrifice, the sacrifice of Calvary is now made present at every Mass.
An end, a beginning, and the grace and life flow through the sacraments in the Church. My life flows to you in the Mass. Mary, the Mediatrix of all grace, stands by the side of the altar and the grace flows from the Father, through My body offered up as a sacrifice in the Holy Spirit, given through the Mothership of Mary to you in the Church.
You stand under the cross with My Mother and you receive the gift given, My Body, My Blood.
R. Man is reconciled with the Father through the Divine Person, Jesus Christ, and you receive His life poured out to you as Calvary is made present in the unbloody sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Do you feel the graces poured out to you at this sacrifice of the Son of God at every Mass? Do you feel the presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and Mary, all the angels and saints, and the souls in purgatory? Do you feel united as one at the sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present upon the altar through the priest? The priest who now puts on Christ and through Him the dispenser of this life given to man.
Jesus: Oh, My beloved ones, love so dearly your priest. Give him such reverence. He is the chosen instrument of God and you treat him with such ordinariness. You are so blind and so dumb in your ways.
And they numbered all My bones. Each nerve carrying a message of My love of mankind, each member in My Church carrying a special message, all united as one working in harmony according to the Father's will, each carrying a message of love to one another.
The body is many members, you are the messengers of My love. Christ is the head. The message does not flow as it should when some are cut off from the Head.
They nailed My hands and feet and My nerves were severed by the nails, such pain, undescribable in words, the severing of My nerves from the body, the severing of many members from the body of Christ.
My Body given for all on the cross, the network of nerves within carrying the messages of My love to all mankind. My body covered on the outside with blood and wounded, the pain recorded within.
Your Church, covered with blood on the outside, the slaughter of innocent babies, the homosexuality, the sins of the flesh, the members that have severed themselves from the source by their sins, but the pain is carried in the nerves inside. The blood of the Lamb shed for each and every soul, the real pain carried within. The life is weakened in your Church because the love of God is so weak in many members. The messages of love are not being transmitted as they should be. Your body shows the wounds, but your pain within is the root of the problems. The pain is from the messages of love that are not being transmitted.
Unless you seek to fill your priests and sisters with the fire of God's love, fill their hearts with burning love for God, your Church will continue to show the marks of the blood shed without. I give to you these letters as a mighty medicine for this world, directed to make men's hearts burn with love of God and love of one another. The rosaries are meditations and messages given from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
These messages will make men's hearts burn with fire for love of God.
You have ignored the importance of these letters.
I send to you the mighty medicine to heal a hurting world.
My priests and religious need these messages. The love of God will be transmitted to the Church from these messages when you circulate these letters.
The devil has blocked the minds of men involved in these messages because of their importance to the world and the Church.
I am speaking to you, the founder, to help to get these messages published and circulated as soon as possible. I give to you a mighty medicine for a sick world.
Read St. Thomas Aquinas about the medicine for the sick Church.
You know what these messages have done for you. I am Jesus. I give to you the mighty medicine for a sick world, for a sick Church, rosaries and letters from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Your Church shows the wounds of bloodshed, abortion, homosexuality, sins of the flesh, murder of little children's minds with sex education in Catholic schools and you hold back the gifts of God's love I am giving to the Church and this world.
My arms were weak and wounded but the final blow as the nail put in My hand. It severed the nerves.
The final blow is the bloodshed in the Church, the slaughtering of children's minds in Catholic schools. My children are pure and innocent. They are not being taught messages of God's love, they are being taught messages of sick sex and coldness.
Men's hearts have turned cold. They have been severed from the life of the body. The body is decaying from within. Only with the love of God enkindled in men's hearts will this bloodshed stop.
I beg you to publish and circulate these messages in the Church. I am Jesus. I am giving you the mighty medicine for the world. Your body wears the marks of the bloodshed, only with messages of My on-fire love will it stop.
Mary leads you to Jesus. Never is she the end. The Father has a plan. Mary's messages have led men and will lead men to Jesus. Satan has tried to stop all efforts to publish and circulate these messages. I am the Almighty God. The funds will come when you circulate and publish these messages and rosaries under the Shepherds of Christ Publishing. I am working with the founder and Rita as messenger to renew the Church and the world. Each messenger has a very vital role in the Father's plan. The significance of these messages are being overlooked. You are not studying the messages as a whole and their content. There are five unpublished Blue Books and more than four Rosary Books which I and My Mother have given to this world in the last 14 months. I have also given 15 songs of My love. I am begging you to see to the recording and publishing of this music. I beg you to listen. This is the mighty medicine for the Church and the world to draw men to the burning love of Jesus. Please harken to My call. I will send you the money. You must study and read these messages. This is a fulfillment of Fatima - these messages were given to bring priests to the burning love of Jesus. I am Jesus, your beloved Savior.
end of June 26, 1995
We as members of the Mystical body of Christ
are to live the Christ-life in our
lives —
The Liturgy is the source and center of the Church's life —
Vatican II
Constitutes on the Liturgy as noted in
Fr. Carter's writings points out
"...the liturgy is the summit toward which
the activity of the Church is directed; at
the same time it is the fount from which
all her power flows. For the aim and object
of apostolic works is that all who are
made sons of God by faith and baptism
should come together to praise God in
the midst of His Church, to take
part in the sacrifice, and to eat the
Lord's supper."
Fr. Carter says
"Since the Liturgy is the fount for the
Christian life; the Christian must be able
to encounter within the Liturgy the whole Christ,
that is Christ in all His mysteries. And so he does.
Pius XII tells us in Mediator Dei
In the Sacred Liturgy, the whole Christ is
proposed to us in all the circumstances of His life,
as the Word of the Eternal Father, as born
of the Virgin Mother of God, as he who
teaches us truth, heals the sick,
consoles the afflicted, who endures
suffering and who dies,
finally, as He Who rose triumphantly
from the dead and Who, reigning
in the glory of Heaven sends us
the Holy Paraclete and Who abides in His Church forever."
Excerpt from Response to God's Love
The Mystery of
Christ and
...In reference to Christianity, God himself is the ultimate mystery. Radically, God is completely other and transcendent, hidden from man in his inner life, unless he chooses to reveal himself. Let us briefly look at this inner life of God.
The Father, in a perfect act of self-expression, in a perfect act of knowing, generates his son. The Son, the Word, is, then, the immanent expression of God's fullness, the reflection of the Father. Likewise, from all eternity, the Father and the Son bring forth the Holy Spirit in a perfect act of loving.
At the destined moment in human history, God's self-expression, the Word, immersed himself into man's world. God's inner self-expression now had also become God's outer self-expression. Consequently, the mystery of God becomes the mystery of Christ. In Christ, God tells us about himself, about his inner life, about his plan of creation and redemption. He tells us how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit desire to dwell within us in the most intimate fashion, how they wish to share with us their own life through grace. All this he has accomplished and does accomplish through Christ.
end of excerpt
Excerpt from Response in Christ by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.
e) Relationship with Members of the Church
There is but one true Church of Christ. Yet this one Church has three different states of existence. There is the pilgrim Church, the Church of this world, composed of members who have received the grace of Christ and strive for its development. They have not yet obtained the goal of their efforts, as have the members of the heavenly Church, who enjoy God in eternal happiness. The Church suffering is an intermediate state of existence necessary for those who had not achieved the required purification as members of the pilgrim Church. Although there are these three phases of the Church’s existence, there is a profound union existing between all the members. All these members possess the same basic life of grace in Christ, and this common life establishes the most intimate bonds of love. In our preceding chapter, we discussed the pilgrim Church. Let us now consider the Church suffering and the heavenly Church.
The members of the Church suffering are those who have departed from this life in an incomplete state of Christian development. Their development is incomplete in the sense that grace has not fully taken possession of them, and, as a result, they are yet closed in upon themselves to a greater or lesser degree. They as yet cannot open themselves out in complete love to the Triune God in the beatific vision. They must undergo a further purification, a purification which could have been achieved upon earth with merit. Now the purification must be achieved with no merit attached. The pain of this purification is mixed with the certain expectation of achieving the vision of God. We can hasten the advent of this vision for this people by the offering of prayers and other good works. Scripture itself refers to our action on behalf of those in purgatory in Chapter 12 of the Second Book of Maccabees beginning with verse 38.
The members of the heavenly Church are those in whom the life of grace has taken full possession and has reached its completion in the life of glory. Faith now is unnecessary, as the light of glory gives the human intellect a new strength and capacity for seeing God face-to-face. While the Christian was a wayfarer, he received the imprint of the indwelling Trinity as he shared in God’s own life. Now in heaven that grace-life and possession of God reaches its completion—the absolute completion is not achieved, however, until the resurrection of the body. The divine persons give Themselves to the beatified in a profound union far surpassing that of the indwelling of the Trinity experienced here below.
This life of heaven is still the Christ-life, for just as we possess a share in Trinitarian life here below as mediated by Christ, and exercise this grace-life as structured by Him, so also in heaven is the mediation of Christ present. In the words of Rahner, "One always sees the Father through Jesus. Just as immediately as this, for the directness of the vision of God is not a denial of the mediatorship of Christ as man."14 And not only does the humanity of Christ unite the blessed to God, but also, in some way, to the whole of creation. This is merely a completion of what is begun here below, namely, the union with Christ in His humanity establishing the Christian in a special relationship with God, with other men, and with the whole of creation. We have a glimpse, therefore, of the fullness of life which members of the heavenly Church possess.
The heavenly Church, as St. Thomas says, is the true Church.15 The Church of this earth and the Church of purgatory are, each in its own way, reaching out in loving hope for the heavenly Jerusalem. Vatican II puts it very simply: "The Church, to which we are called in Christ Jesus, and in which we acquire sanctity through the grace of God, will attain her full perfection only in the glory of heaven."16
The members of the heavenly Church can help us in living our life of grace until we too share its fullness with them. Their power of intercession on our behalf is but another ramification of the communal aspect of Christianity. We are meant to help others grow in Christ. We, in turn, are intended by God to receive aid from others—yes, from members of the heavenly Church, as well as from those with whom we dwell here below.
Not only can we be aided by the saints’ intercession, but the example of the canonized saints can also be of great value to us. They have concretely proved that full holiness is possible. Such an inspiration is of real worth when we are tempted to think that Christian sanctity in its higher degrees is impossible of attainment. Moreover, the canonized saints, in their diversity, teach us that there are many authentic versions of Christian holiness. They can be innovators in showing us that there are numerous possibilities in assimilating the mystery of Christ, although the basic assimilation remains the same for all Christians of all times. In the opinion of Rahner this is one of the chief roles the canonized saints exert in the life of the Church.17
14Karl Rahner, Theological Investigations, Vol. III (Baltimore: Helicon, 1967), p. 44.
15 Cf. St. Thomas Aquinas, In Ad Ephes., c. 3, Lect. 3.
16Second Vatican Council, Constitution on the Church, No. 48.
17Cf. Karl Rahner, Op. cit., pp. 100-101.
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