Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.

We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests
with the Holy See of Rome.

I appear my children on this former bank building in Florida, Our Lady Clothed with the Sun.

November 3, 2003

November 4th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 4 Period I.
The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for November 4th are Luminous.


The 5th will be broadcast
live from Clearwater, Florida
on Wednesday at 6:20 p.m.
So be ready to tune in!


November 3, 2003

Jesus speaks:      Dear child,

                                I love you with such love you will never know
                            here below. Oh child I love you, I want you to focus
                            now on our love affair.

                                I am the Light that shines in the darkest night.

                                When you obey God and live according to His
                            laws, when you live for love of Me, when you love
                            deeply one another according to God's will, when
                            you give yourself to Me in loving surrender you
                            will be a light shinning in the darkness.

                                I come to you in the night and I ask for your
                            hand to help Me. Some say, oh no, I have to do my
                            own things, I don't want to help you God.

                                And I say oh, you I have called and you are so
                            busy about many things, but some of your time is
                            wasted, some are very selfish about their time
                            given, they could help Me promote the Kingdom,
                            but they choose not to.

                                Like a thief in the night, I will come in your
                            lives to take you home and all your wasted time,
                            you will not be able to go back then and change
                            the way you lived.

                                Oh the night watchman labored in the night
                            guarding against the attacks of the enemy. When others
                            slept steadfastly, he was awake at the dark hour with
                            the purpose of watching, being vigilant, loving,
                            guarding, helping and taking care of the safety of
                            those in the house and the belongings.

                                You do not know what today may bring. You can
                            prepare as if you are in control and in fact you
                            really control so little. The sun shines on you or the
                            rains come and wind can blow you off course, your
                            electric power is controlled by the Power Company, bugs
                            can infest your dwellings, fires start from a burned
                            cigarette butt, the forest fires can rage out of
                            control — heat, heat and more heat, fire that burns and
                            destroys. A mad man can stalk at your door and
                            peer into your windows, one can invade the privacy
                            of your home by harassing you with phone calls,
                            e-mails, faxes or following you. People under the
                            influence can visit your public buildings and be
                            a constant threat to your customers. Irritations —
                            problems. One man can serve you, another attempt
                            to harass you.

                                What will become of the ones that have led a life
                            of disharmony and causing pain, because they
                            choose to be this way habitually.

                                I am God. I am peace and love.

                                A man walked into a building and began yelling
                            and hurting others with his noise and vile speech.
                            He was like a porcupine, he carried a bag of pain and
                            when in the presence of others he screamed to be
                            treated the way he desired. He argued, he hated, he
                            wanted excitement.

                                I am order. I am love. I am peace. I come to
                            bring you joy.

                                Those who visited that place, felt the unrest,
                            they ran away in pain to free themselves of
                            this enslavement.

                                Oh is a home, a home at all when there are those
                            who fight because it is habitual. Life is short and
                            every day is precious, every day is a day to learn
                            to love one another, but never to ignore My
                            Word, My commandments.

                                Live in purity. Enter by the narrow gate. Do not
                            enter like the bellowing serpent making a scene
                            he screams to cause disharmony, he screams to have
                            his way, he steps on everyone else and thinks only
                            of himself.

                                Satan comes in to disrupt, to cause disharmony,
                            to cause division.

                                When I live in the hearts of the people there is
                            peace, love and joy. I do not enter in the man coming
                            screaming with his angry speech.

                                I come in like the soft music that blows as
                            gentle notes on an overcast day. A mist of
                            sweetness, a sunny shine, a spray of gold over
                            your belongings reflected from the autumn 
                            leaves outside.

                                I have painted the country side, in reds and browns
                            and gold, I have sprayed My fur trees with little
                            snow flakes of lace, I have given you sun rays to
                            dance on the waters, and summer sun to warm your
                            little gardens and flowers.

                                I have called the night and adorned the sky with
                            silver stars and a beautiful red, goldish, moon
                            that has hung like a big lantern in the skies
                            and into My world comes the wretched —

                                the ones screams, causing disharmony,
                            the ones unloving and selfish.

                                My walls are sweet with the smell of peace
                            and a fresh aroma of fragrant flowers.
                            My world I give you with the beauty of snow
                            caped mountains and glistening lakes and like
                            the alcoholic who can enter a peaceful home
                            and cause disruption, you have walked My
                            earth, slandered My Name, screamed obscenities
                            filled the air with violent angry tones and
                            fought with a broom beating your brothers
                            to the ground. Even mothers have jerked little
                            babies from their wombs and destroyed their
                            little bodies.

                                Oh how hard your hearts and how selfish
                            the ways of many.

                                I give you the surface of the earth and
                            the beautiful play grounds. Water-falls,
                            mountains, oceans, gardens of the sweetest
                            flowers. I remain with you truly present in
                            the Eucharist in My Churches.

                                Some have yelled in My Churches before Me in
                            the Blessed Sacrament. They think no one is watching.
                            Where angels have bowed in reverence to Me and
                            honored My Sacred Name, others have spit on Me
                            and dishonored My Name, My images, and talked
                            dishonorably about My Church in ways that are
                            not true.

                                I am the way, the truth and the life. You must
                            want truth in all things. Do not lie or stretch
                            things to prove something that is not really the

                                How will children learn about real peace when
                            every television they see from day one speaks of
                            war and blasphemes Me and uses My Name in vain.
                            Oh the eyes and ears of children, they come sweet
                            and innocent and then your world shows them
                            the violent scenes of the movies, the television
                            and the news.

                                Little ones with ears so pure and eyes wide
                            open looking for beauty watch a man on television
                            mane his brother and then you wonder why the
                            violence in the real world. Children of ten are given
                            violent video games, with My beautiful woman
                            depicted as sexual, sensuous figures, hard with
                            guns and ready to fight.

                                You are breeding children of confusion.
                            Where the gentle breath and heartbeat inside
                            are soft and luring, the noise in the world is
                            so hard, so ugly, so cruel and so violent — 

                                I hear you play soft music on shows,
                            pleasing the heart, only to come down twice as
                            hard with the ugly violent tones of disharmony,
                            anger, disobedience and cold violent bloody
                            murder. It's like lulling a baby to sleep to make
                            the rude sounds of terror knock the heart from
                            the cradle into fear and more terror then ever

                                You were created for love.

                                You were created to love Me and love one

                                Oh the rude man walks into a quiet house
                            and bangs the pans.

                                The lady who is looking for a peaceful home
                            says to herself, oh I am getting far from here,
                            I never heard such a thing.

                                The rude man grew up with the violent
                            noise, he will never stop unless he stops
                            to listen to the voices around them, "People don't
                            act like you, you act crazy."

                                He leaves a world of wounded soldiers just
                            like those who taught him to be this way.

                                In the quiet, loving house is heard the
                            sound of birds chirping from an open window,
                            a warm freshly made bed, and an apple pie
                            with the aroma for those who want feeding.

                                In the house of fear comes the angry man,
                            wanting his way, throwing the dishes and holding
                            a bottle of liquor close to his chest. His children
                            go into the world thinking this is normal and
                            model their lives after him. To get others going
                            they are violent, loud, angry and just
                            mean and abuse. They attempt everywhere they go
                            to make "homes" like this.

                                Children from quiet, loving homes are in
                            fear when the angry man approaches. They
                            know they grew up in a normal home. Dad
                            held them as a child and told them of his love,
                            where those in the angry house were hit,
                            screamed at and not recognized as very
                            valuable, the people in the loving house-
                            hold constantly told the children how good
                            were their accomplishments.

                                The wounded children then go through life
                            wounded. Why does one enter a room to make
                            peace and another to play sick games of
                            manipulation, control and violence.

                                The wounded children of the earth hid their
                            mistreatment many times or do not even know
                            what normal love relationships are.

                                While others are building homes and relationships
                            with love and doing many things to build My
                            Kingdom, the wounded ones are ready to fight,
                            looking for the recognition they never had as
                            a child, arguing over little matters to be
                            the one on top, their hearts are at unrest, they
                            live their lives trying to rectify their wounded
                            self-concepts, hurt feelings and disharmony
                            which is deep down in their hearts.

                                Some project their ugly feelings on innocent
                            bystanders in an attempt to once and for all
                            work out their problems from the past. And
                            the sad things are, they are often unaware of
                            their battered past and really believe these innocent
                            acquaintances have caused them the pain they
                            feel inside. Some live in their mind, writing a
                            script, the same as a movie producer, some
                            real, but mostly fiction about the players
                            they interact with in life. To have an acquaintance
                            is not to openly interact with them, but to make
                            up a scenario and play in their mind to work out
                            their hidden pain and sorrow and then like in
                            a play the triumph comes when all have
                            accepted them as a leader, a hero, and they
                            will live happily ever after as the King instead
                            of a mere henchman taking orders from an
                            oppressive King.

                                When the interaction begins, the plays start
                            to be written in their minds, they often are
                            people that spend a lot of time alone away
                            from others so they can put together this
                            play, putting the new people in their roles
                            and making the roles of these people very
                            real to them.

                                Writing letters, journaling can become
                            dangerous, because the person actually writes
                            up a script and the players.

                                My letters I give you in God's Blue Book are
                            letters of love. I want letters of love in return.
                            I want letters of peace and harmony and truth.
                            Some people think if they think it and believe it
                            it is true.

                                Mary thought Fred loved her. She envisioned
                            him doing things to win her favor. She assumed
                            innocent coincidences were special things he did
                            to win her favors. She wrote letters of what she
                            thought about their relationship. She spent a
                            lot of time "day-dreaming", thinking so this story
                            would seem real to her. She isolated herself from
                            others. When she did not get the reaction she wanted
                            from Fred, she became angry. She knew Fred would
                            fill her and make her happy and then he went
                            by her and didn't notice her. How could he
                            do that. She loved Fred (she thought) so deeply.
                            She then began watching Fred, she went to his
                            work to see his car and she didn't want him
                            to even talk to other women. She became very
                            jealous of anyone he spent time with. She
                            was very sick because what she believed she
                            made up in her mind. She believed it was true
                            and it wasn't, she acted on her fictitious
                            story she made up in her mind. She prided
                            herself into believing she could help Fred. She
                            began projecting her own dysfunctional life
                            on Fred. She was an abused child. She saw Fred
                            as an abused child and she wanted to help him
                            get over his problems. She thought, oh he needs
                            me, I must watch him, love him more, . . .
                            She made herself the one not having a problem and
                            projected her own problem on Fred.

                            There are some people that are in need of deep
                            healing that work out all sorts of sick behaviors
                            on others, just because they believe in their mind
                            they are true when in fact they are not true at all.

                            Writing letters to Me, must be done in truth, not
                                fantasy, not in anger.

                            My Blue Book messages are a vital part of this

                            Always pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus.  

                            It is important to interact with others.

                            Many people stay to themselves and live in their
                                own sick reality — it is a reality they make
                                up in their mind — when they begin assuming
                                things about others and have little contact
                                with the others, that can be a serious problem.
                                They can write the script in a fantasy and they
                                    can then begin acting on it.

                            Living the life of Consecration —

                                Consecrating your hearts to Our Two Hearts can
                                    help you live in the truth.

                                You must seek the truth.

                            Some people don't feel good inside, they have years
                                of built up anger and then they look for
                                someone who has been nice to them and then
                                "pin" all their built up anger on them. It can
                                be generations of anger that is passed down
                                and down. A man or woman may date a person
                                and be nice at first, then when they get
                                married begin to work all their built up anger
                                on the other or expect the other to make them
                                happy. They may get married to get love only
                                for themselves, to have the wife that will
                                dote on everything they do and may use
                                force to try to get what they want — Recognition

                            Because some one is convinced something is real or
                                is true, this does not mean it is true.
                                Relationships are made by real interaction.

                            In My Families Shepherds of Christ, I want centers
                                of peace and of love

                            I want China to be a place, people will come and
                                feel the peace, the love, as they focus on
                                My true presence in the Blessed Sacrament.

                            I want My houses to be houses of love, of
                                respect of joy, of living out your
                                Spousal union to Me.

                            My houses do not exist so a person who isn't
                                married can come and expect people in the
                                community to be like a wife or husband.
                                I am the Spouse, you come and you are
                                filled by Me.

                            Ann Marie never married. She entered a community
                                and she expected those in the community to
                                fill her and make her feel whole. She was
                                wounded as a child and very hurt and
                                needed much recognition and love.
                                At first she struggled because her intentions
                                was to get love for herself.
                                Soon she had a healing and realized the more
                                she lived her Spousal union with Me
                                the more she could be happy and give
                                love to others.

                            She no longer was trying to figure out how
                                everyone was thinking bad things about her
                                and not filling her — She knew how important
                                her role was as a sister to help others and
                                love them.

                            She was set free. She helped to build a community
                                of love and peace. She quit looking for
                                individual recognition and tried to do
                                the work of promoting the Kingdom in
                                the way the community was striving to do.

                            I want oneness in My communities. People
                                working for a common goal, praying
                                as a body, working together, in joy,
                                being one.

                            In China, I want the focus on the way of
                                life, Eucharistic Adoration. Living
                                in community and peace and love,
                                doing the work of duplicating and
                                some mailings, going to some conventions.

                            In Florida, I want homes of love.

                            Satan will send people to the site to distract
                                you — you must keep the focus.
                                You are there to serve the pilgrims by
                                providing prayer services and spreading
                                this important message I give you.

                            In Cincinnati, besides the humble store — this is 
                                where the Movement is run from — It is the
                                Capitol — correspondence by letter, e-mail,
                                phone, prayer chapter leaders, Eucharistic
                                Apostles leaders — all go through Cincinnati —
                                This includes Morrow and outreaching areas.
                                The main leaders are in Cincinnati.
                                Other leaders at other sites are very important.

                            Jasper is the Rosary Center for now.

                            School Rosary Programs and others are coming
                                some from Toledo.

                            Prison Ministry now is mainly in Cincinnati and New York.

                            Living in communities help you grow to be
                                more perfected in your ways of loving.

                            In seeing yourself in the eyes of others,
                                you work together with a common
                                goal to do this work.

                            There should be centers and homes of love and

                            You work as a unit.

                            Some come to a community seeking a time when
                                they will run things —

                                A person entering a marriage to get love
                                    rather than give love has a problem.

                                You join the Movement, because you
                                    love Me and love the Movement.




Schedule for November 4, 2003

4:00 a.m. - Mass

4:37 a.m. - Morning Offering & Prayers

4:49 a.m. - Children's Rosary December 25, 1994

5:23 a.m. - Soothing Mary Songs

5:51 a.m. - Mary's Message

5:58 a.m. - Songs in Spanish sung by Fernando

6:20 a.m. - 6:20 prayers led by Father Carter
                 Holy Spirit Novena
                 Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual

7:24 a.m. - Songs

7:58 a.m. - Live Rosary from December 13, 1996

9:21 a.m. - Songs from Jesus

10:14 a.m. - Morning Offering

10:18 a.m. - Mary's Message

10:24 a.m. - Nursing Home #4

11:06 a.m. - Seven Sorrows

11:21 a.m. - Children's Rosary March 20, 1997

12:07 p.m. - Songs

1:27 p.m. - Special Messages from Jesus 
                    given to Father Carter

1:55 p.m. - Newsletter 2000 Issue 2 
                    (Suffering: A Source of Life)

3:29 p.m. - Songs

4:00 p.m. - Mass

4:37 p.m. - Songs & Messages October 24, 1995

5:41 p.m. - Mary's Message

5:47 p.m. - Mysteries of Light July 10, 2003 #1

6:20 p.m. - 6:20 prayers led by Father Carter
                 Holy Spirit Novena
                 Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual

7:24 p.m. - Glorious Rosary April 16, 1995

8:08 p.m. - Tell My People read by Father Carter

9:39 p.m. - Daily Messages December 11-12, 1998

11:08 p.m. - Mary's Message

11:14 p.m. - Songs

12:34 a.m. - The Spirituality of Fatima 
                     read by Father Carter & Rita Ring

1:16 a.m. - Instrumental Songs

1:49 a.m. - Nursing Home #2

2:26 a.m. - Sorrowful Rosary Aves

2:58 a.m. - Morning Offering

3:02 a.m. - Mary's Message

3:08 a.m. - Children praying the 
                   Shepherds of Christ prayers

3:26 a.m. - Songs

4:00 a.m. - Mass



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All scripture quotes are from the New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
November 3, 2003
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