Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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November 30, 2006
December 1st Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 2 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for December 1st are Glorious.
Rita Ring will do the prayers live
on the radio at 6:20pm
December 1, 2006
Please tune in!
The Third Newsletter is in-process for Christmas. Pray for this!
November 30, 2006
I went on a journey and I went on a
single laned highway
— it was close to the river,
windy and trees lined the windy way.
It began to rain and I love rain, so I
was content even though it now began to
grow dark and the road was hilly
— I could
see lights of the cars up ahead and a police
car lit like a Christmas tree made a
swift pass by me on the road.
Then all the cars before me stopped and like they
were being guided turned around on this hilly,
windy road and went back one by one from
where they came.
I saw an officer of some sort now come
out with some flairs and put them almost
in front of me
— Next an ambulance zoomed by
and ahead was a big wreck across the road —
The rain came down softly on my stopped
window and it was almost dark now, but
the lights from the accident were so disruptive
looking — as I gazed at gentle drops of rain
on my window, I saw a horror of how
the wreck was really a bad one and the lights
from the service vehicles screamed out for
me to pray for those involved — pray deeply,
I looked in my rear view mirror and it seemed
the cars behind me were also directed to make
a u-turn and even though this was a state
route, after one hour of waiting — it seemed
the traffic behind me never built up — for
everyone by some direction — except me — turned
and got out of there.
At long last the vehicles involved, ambulance
moved from the wreck, tow trucks etc. A car
once nice was now so disfigured it looked
as if the whole front of the car had collapsed
like an accordion and I prayed more for
those in the wreck.
I never left the scene of the accident, the
night was pitch black now, but on the hilly
road and very windy
— someone driving to
some destiny met a great obstacle that could
have taken their life, definitely changed it.
I was traveling the same road, almost at
the same time, going a moderate speed and
my car was untouched and so was I.
I really prayed and knew how God had
spared me
— for a few moments before I could
have been in that wreck.
I love silence so much in this noisy world
it almost seems to me that silence has a
noise and yet it has no noise, but has
such a presence to help me connect so
deeply inside.
When winter comes in Cincinnati it can be
so very cold, I may not want to go out sometimes
and yet I still do, when summer comes in
Florida, and I am here, it may be so hot, I may
not want to go out sometimes and I do.
I cannot control the elements, I cannot
control the light of day and the dark of night
God has rendered so many days to me — like
candles on a birthday cake, one, two, three,
how many days and years.
God created me and allowed me to grow in
my mother's womb, but five years after I
was born, my mom died and I was here
completely whole, but I had to do without
my natural mother my life long — so it was really
easy for me to know my spiritual mother —
the Blessed Mother —
There are others whose parents were taken
away when they were very young.
Jesus only lived 33 years as a man and
look at all He accomplished.
Our days are given to us as gifts from
— to grow in greater perfection likened
to Him and to love and serve Him and build
His Kingdom. Every moment, every day has its
beauty in His plan.
At the destined moment I was born on this
earth and I am alive because God wants me
here to do something
— it may be to pray right
now, to clean later, to help others, to spread
His work, but we are always working against
a force that does not want us here doing God's
One minute it may be raining and the sun
shining the next. You say
— how come
a hurricane today and tomorrow little babies
who never even know the wrath of the weather
can build little sand castles where the winds
and water ruined homes yesterday not far
To those who comprehend, the wrath of God for
this generation is being held back and His love
for the ones spreading His work is in the mercy
He is granting to the human race.
My prayers for the priests, the Church and the
world can help change things. Your prayers
with me can make a difference.
A storm came up and wiped out a whole
little village and another somewhere in the
world was experiencing a tremendous harvest.
Why when the rain comes does it water the
earth and make the flowers grow and at
the same time
— waters can cause such
destruction like Noah's flood.
I feel like the child writing for my God asking
— oh why daddy is the grass so green
and what makes the stars shine and the little
seeds I planted soon grow to a beautiful
plant — Oh why daddy — do I breathe so smooth
today and tomorrow I could get a lung problem
so bad, I could die and daddy says —
quietly —
Oh My child, the very hairs of your head are numbered.
Count the stars in the sky if you want to try,
but sweet little one
— the capabilities of
the human mind and your reason is
I am the ultimate mystery and yet I impart
to you such a treasure to share in
My life in you through baptism
— that
your knowing and loving capacity is elevated
and you think you are autonomous —
some of you —
Oh you think you know so much and
Child in this vast universe
— you know so
very little.
It is by your wounded nature
— you reach
for higher knowledge, insight into
the mysteries — then become pompous
thinking you know it all.
Little one, be as the baby at the breast
the child suckling at the breast of their
a child ready to learn
a heart pure, loving and forgiving
not an old heart surrounded with the
wraps of anger and bitterness
memories of the faults of others —
My Son's Heart carried the thorns of His Head
knowing the rejection of this day and age and
going to the cross as a lover — so purely
wanting the souls with Him forever in heaven.
What a reward
— you can be with Me forever
in heaven.
ponder this My child —
not the adverse ways of your friends —
I open your heart and give you deep
insight into the hidden mysteries.
Jesus speaks:
How it wounds My Heart you think so little
of My letters of love given to you.
Oh open your eyes, caked with the crusts of
deception and your mind wrapped in
rags of anger, fear, jealousy, bitterness
and wrath.
A lady was given a big beautiful gift
— a big
bow and wrapped to perfection —
she was so focused on disappointing things
when so richly blessed —
she screamed with the gift in hand.
How this wounded My Heart in the garden
to see you richly blessed, squander the
treasures and be filled with such
Pray for vision
pray to the Holy Spirit to see —
An old man sat by a peer and wanted some fish
he was so blinded he received fish, after fish,
after fish and yet he went away grumbling —
he wanted a certain fish —
larger than his neighbor —
bigger than the sea —
He carried his fish with him grumbling
he didn't even see the gift of gold
he carried, for he wanted it
his way,
his kind of fish.
When given lemons make lemonade
Did you ever hear this —
You must open your heart to how I am
working My plan in you and focus on
what I am saying
So you will listen and respond to help
accomplish the great work I have
begun in you.
Sailors sail on the sea
— the waves and wind are
their friends.
You see a bump in the road and want to turn
— like the people of the accident —
I sent My messenger to pray —
to see how every moment has its value —
it may not be the fish — you are looking for —
but let Me ask you
why are you so set in your ways anyway —
Are not five little fish as tasty as
one big one.
It depends what your limited thoughts
have told you and
your blinded eyes
See through My eyes
Work with My Plan
Lean in together — hands on — in one
accord —
More and more the devil blocks My work through
willful hearts
one plan —
the plan of the Father.
A little girl was out on a cold night standing
by a tree
— in the dark and the wind
came and beat against her and she began to
but right by her side was a lighted, welcoming
home and she stood by the tree
paralyzed, because she was afraid and
blinded to the real opportunities.
November 30, 2006 message continues
And the day was gloomy, windy, rainy and guess
— I knew He would work in this for
His purpose —
I just need be open to His plan and
my eyes open wide, not blinded —
A bird if chased may flap his wings and run
I am not a bird, I am the creation of My
Divine God
— set on this earth with
a calling — to help lead the souls
home to the Heart of Jesus.
Jesus speaks: Oh little strayed sheep
Come home to Me
Hear My Voice
And follow
John 10: 11 - 15
I am the good shepherd:
the good shepherd lays down his life
for his sheep.
The hired man,
since he is not the shepherd
and the sheep do not belong to him,
abandons the sheep
as soon as he sees a wolf coming,
and runs away,
and then the wolf attacks
and scatters the sheep;
he runs away
because he is only a hired man
and has no concern for the sheep.
I am the good shepherd;
I know my own
and my own know me,
just as the Father knows me
and I know the Father;
and I lay down my life for my sheep.
Ezekial 34: 11-12, 15-17
For the Lord Yahweh says this: Look, I myself shall take care of my flock and look after it. As a shepherd looks after his flock when he is with his scattered sheep, so shall I look after my sheep. I shall rescue them from wherever they have been scattered on the day of clouds and darkness. I myself shall pasture my sheep, I myself shall give them rest–declares the Lord Yahweh. I shall look for the lost one, bring back the stray, bandage the injured and make the sick strong. I shall watch over the fat and healthy. I shall be a true shepherd to them.
"As for you, my sheep, the Lord Yahweh says this: I shall judge between sheep and sheep, between rams and he–goats.
Psalm 23: 1-2, 2-3, 5-6
The good Shepherd
Psalm Of David
Yahweh is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
In grassy meadows he lets me lie.By tranquil streams he leads me
to restore my spirit.
He guides me in paths of saving justice
as befits his name.Even were I to walk in a ravine as dark as death
I should fear no danger, for you are at my side.
Your staff and your crook are there to soothe me.You prepare a table for me
under the eyes of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup brims over.Kindness and faithful love pursue me
every day of my life.
I make my home in the house of Yahweh
for all time to come.
We are printing the prayer manuals in French
and English. Can you help?Please support our work to reach the priests,
the Church and the world.
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P. O. Box 627
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