Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding
these messages |
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November 6th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 8 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries for November 6th are Glorious.
Please pray for Rita's Mom really hard.
Pray for Jim who had heart surgery.
Pray for Andrew who has cancer.
Pray for urgent intention and all involved.
Rosary of August 27, 1994
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Agony in the Garden
- Jesus went with Peter, James and John to the garden of Olives in Gethsemane.
- ..."My soul is sorrowful to the point of death. Wait here and stay awake with me." (Matthew 26:38)
- Jesus fell to His knees and prayed, " 'Father,' he said, 'if you are willing, take this cup away from me. Nevertheless, let your will be done, not mine.' " (Luke 22:42)
- The angel appeared and comforted Him.
- Jesus found the disciples sleeping and He said, '...So you had not the strength to stay awake with me for one hour?' (Matthew 26:40)
- Jesus was so alone. He suffered for all the sins of all men for all times.
- Jesus suffered so for the indifference, rejection, disrespect and lack of love He receives in the Eucharist, the Sacrament of His great love for us.
- Jesus did not want to leave us. He gives us Himself in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
- "... 'This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.' ...'This cup is the new covenant in my blood poured out for you.' " (Luke 22:19-20)
- Jesus' anguish was so great that His sweat became as great drops of Blood on the ground.
Scourging at the Pillar
- Jesus loved Judas so much but Jesus knew Judas would betray Him with a kiss.
- They led Jesus away as a common criminal. They pulled His hair, they hit Him on the cheek, they spit on Him.
- They stripped Jesus and tied Him to a pillar.
- They scourged Him, whipping Him all over His entire body.
- Mary knew from the prophesy of Simeon that Jesus would suffer.
- Jesus' whole body was beaten.
- Jesus' flesh hung from where they had beaten Him.
- Jesus stood in His own Blood.
- Jesus' beautiful back, once perfect, was now so badly beaten and bruised.
- Jesus suffered so for the sins of the flesh.
Crowning with Thorns
- These ruthless men stripped Jesus and put a scarlet robe on Him and gave Him a reed for His right hand. Then kneeling, they mocked Jesus and called out, ....'Hail, king of the Jews!' (Matthew 27:29)
- They wove a piercing crown of thorns for Jesus' precious head.
- They pounded the thorns so harshly into His beautiful head.
- Blood poured from Jesus' head and trickled into his eyes and ears and His hair was matted.
- Blood ran from His mouth, from the blows to His head.
- Then they knelt, mocking Him, spitting on Him, and saying, ...'Hail, king of the Jews!' (Matthew 27:29)
- Jesus suffered for all the sins of the head.
- Jesus suffered for love of us!
- When Jesus suffered for the horrible sins, He was comforted by the love that we give to Him this day.
- Jesus suffered for the indifference to the Eucharist.
Jesus saw us giving Him so much love when we receive Him.Carrying of the Cross
- They condemned our precious Jesus to death on a cross.
- They gave to Jesus a great cross and threw it on His shoulder. It was so immense!
- Jesus' shoulder felt as if it would crack, the cross was so heavy.
- Jesus' beloved Mother stood by and watched this massacre of her precious, beautiful Child.
- She heard the thumping of the cross and the jeers of the crowd.
- Mary's eyes peered into Jesus' eyes. Their suffering was intensified by the suffering of the other.
- Jesus never gave up His cross, He collapsed under His cross.
- Mary walked the walk with Him, always by His side, as she walks our walk of suffering with us this day.
- They poked at Jesus and treated Him with such dishonor. Our beautiful Jesus! Mary stood by and watched her beloved suffer.
- They stripped Jesus of His garments and He accepted the abuse.
He allowed all this to happen.
He loves us this much!The Crucifixion
- When Mary reached the hill of Calvary where Jesus was to be crucified, she saw all the instruments prepared for His crucifixion.
- The men pounded the nails into Jesus' precious hands and feet.
- Mary's Heart was torn in her chest as she helplessly watched the treatment of her blessed Child.
- Jesus had given His all for love of us. Battered and bruised from head to toe, He shed His Blood.
- He hung there in such agony for three hours.
- Mary stood under His cross, supported by her beloved John.
- Jesus' last thoughts were for us, when He gave us His own Mother.
- Jesus gave us the last beat of His Heart, the last drop of His Blood.
- Jesus is our Savior. He merited the SAVING GRACE BY HIS LIFE and death.
- Mary held Jesus as a Baby, now she sees His lifeless body in her arms after His death.
August 28, 1994
After Communion, 7:40 a.m.
Title: It Doesn't Matter if the World Turns Against Us
R. I want to cry to know how this is truly God and people do not know how gifted they are to receive, the one, true God! I am crying for how thankful I am to receive the one, true God. If the whole world turns against me, it doesn't matter. No one can take this union with God away!
To know I really and truly hold God within me is such a gift. Who am I that God comes and dwells in my heart? I am so thankful for Him and His great love. Love is not lip service, love is in my heart. Love is action from the heart. The Holy Spirit imparts to me the fire of His love.
Words are words, the Almighty God puts the fire in these words whereby I experience the love of God. Words are only words without the Spirit moving my heart toward the love of God.
This is what they did to Him. He was abandoned and blasphemed, called all kinds of names, dishonorably treated, condemned to death, scoffed and He remained in total peace.
Jesus: When they persecute you and holler every slander against you, hold tight to My love. I am forever with you, sustaining you.
R. He showed us the way. He accepted the most outrageous treatment in perfect peace. When the world turns cold, I look to the Master. Watch them tear His flesh like ruthless men. Watch them spit on Him. Watch them beat Him and what, what did He do? He remained in perfect peace! I do as God prompts me in my heart. I am not perfect. I want to serve Him because I love Him so. It is not what goes into a man that makes him vile, but what comes out of a man.
Jesus: Keep your hearts pure, My little one. Never, never do I go from you. I want to constantly live and dwell, in you! Do as you think the Father wills. Doubt and confusion are from Satan. You strive always to serve the Father and then your hearts will be at peace. I call you to love, Rita. Love, My child. Satan is the great deceiver. My ways are peace and joy.
I am the Good Shepherd, I know Mine and they follow Me. I truly love you so very much, My little child.
R. (I smelled incense twice). I love the person inside. I love a part of you I never see. I love your spirit. This is how I love God. I love God and we do not usually see Him. It is a gift when Jesus appears. It is a gift when Mary appears. The Eucharist is a gift.
August 28, 1994
Strive Always To Serve The Father
Jesus speaks: Keep your hearts pure, My little ones. Never, never do I go from you. I want to constantly live and dwell inside you! You should do as you think the Father wills. Doubt, confusion is from Satan. You should strive always to serve the Father and then your hearts are at peace. I call you to love. Love, My children. Satan is the great deceiver. My ways are peace and joy.
I am the Good Shepherd. I know Mine and they follow Me. I truly love you so very much, My little children.
August 29, 1994
After Communion
R. I cried so hard, realizing how much He loves everyone and they are blind. I love Him so much. I just feel so close to Him. God is truly here and in our midst this very day and everyone runs. He loves us so much!
He told me to read the messages in March and I cried because He loves us so much. I am crying so hard, realizing how He truly loves me and how I have taken His love so lightly. How I have doubted! I cry so hard for this blind world, for He is truly here, I cry for the love He has for them and they do not know!
My insides hurt to experience this feeling, so deep, like when I felt Mary's pain, and suffering, I just experience it until it goes away, it is real intense. To read my letters makes me cry because He loves us so much and everyone is so blind. I cannot express God's love in words, no words are good enough. Jesus wants us to love Him! This is why He is truly present here in the tabernacle. We should realize the great love He has for us. We should realize Mary's presence with us for she is there at every Mass, she is here in the church with Jesus. Mary and Jesus are one, united in Their Hearts.
August 29, 1994
4:30 a.m.
Title: Letter from Jesus to Fr. Carter
Jesus: I am calling you, Fr. Carter, to share in these messages from the Blue Book. I have put you two together to see to the distribution of My messages, centered on My ardent on fire love of My Sacred Heart. You are to share this as a joint effort. The contents are to be used as you see fit to promote the love of My Most Sacred Heart. This is not an easy task. You share these messages jointly to promote this devotion. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus on fire for My beloved ones.
May 1, 1993
Title: Love For Mary At First Sight
R. My first love of the Center came through the Sorrowful Mother statue. I drove up and wanted to see it through the windows. I felt so close to her, as if the statue was alive. I took pictures of the statue just to have them as I loved it so much.
All through the letters I received about the aching heart, in front of the tabernacle, I experienced somebody else's pain. It was Jesus and Mary's pain! I kept hearing the song, "The Lady is Calling". I heard that song as if on a little tape recorder when I first went to see Fr. Smith. I was awaken in the night and it was playing.
I was sent to Conyers in June and heard the song constantly.
She is calling me to the Center. My experiences are around her statue there.
At Fr. Smith's Mass, in March, I saw the precious blood outside the cup when I received it. It was July 17, 1993, the first day I went to see Fr. Smith.
Mary appeared that day in my dining room at home. It is a pail green room.
Jesus: The very hairs of your head are numbered!
August 31, 1994
Don’t Be Afraid to Love
Jesus speaks: Don’t be afraid to love. I loved until I gave My insides. Give your all in love, this is My way. I supply you with the love inside of you. My love supply is inexhaustible. This is My way, to love unconditionally and to come to God to refurbish your supply. I am consistently on fire for love of you this day. I never go in and out. Your Father still loves you, your Mother loves you, the Holy Spirit loves you! In all your actions, put on Christ. My sweet one, oh how I love you. Come to Me!
Mary speaks: I am Mary, your Mother. Let me hold you tenderly in my arms and caress your little body. I am your most loving Mother. I never leave you, child. I am caressing you now. Come and be joined in Our Hearts, cradled by Our love. Hear the beating of Our Hearts. I am your Mother and thank you for responding to this call.
September 1, 1994
Title: Do I Realize My Intense Worth to Him
R. There stood Mary, under her Son's cross. Her face, weeping, horror, distorted. We cannot comprehend! She watched the brutal death of her beloved One, hanging and calling out from the cross!
In His anguish, He had perfect peace. See Him there hanging, nails in His hands, badly bruised, bloodied, swollen, His body one tremendous wound, stripped, almost to the point of death. He told Mary that John was her beloved son and He told her that she was his Mother. He loved us so much He gave us His Mother.
His thoughts always were for us - He gave us His Mother! He could have, at the last moment, stopped it all, but He accepted His very own death in ardent love of us. He truly gave the last beat of His Heart, the last drop of His blood, so that we may have everlasting salvation.
Oh, my Jesus, who am I that You love me so much. How lightly do I take this great gift, the gift of His very own life given for me, the blood in His veins, His flesh! Do I realize my intense worth to Him? Oh, my Jesus, do I realize how You, Jesus Christ, give me Your life in the Eucharist this very day! Jesus, You died for me and You rose to give me new life in You.
Oh, my Savior, wash me, cleanse me. Spirit, open my eyes to see as You want me to see all the truths I need to see for greater union with You! I am totally Yours, Lord, through the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother forever. Place me in the most tenderest place in Your Sacred Heart.
September 1, 1994 - After Communion
Promote The Rosary
Mary speaks: My little girl, I am Mary your beloved Mother. As I have told you, you will suffer. My heart is so sad for all those who do not know the love of my Son. You know some of His intense love for all the beloved souls. I let you share in some of my emotions, to allow you to experience my suffering to know all those who would reject the love of my precious Son. Sweet child of mine, you know how He loves all. I tell you to pray, pray for each other.
Promote the rosary. I am showing you how to make the rosary alive in your life. The rosary is such a powerful prayer against Satan. Satan is running rampant. He will be squelched by praying the rosary. Promote the rosary. I appear to you as the Lady of Light. My rosary will light up the world! I am the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Who will hear if you are not speaking? Constantly be about the work of promoting Our two Hearts and praying the rosary. I show myself to you to comfort you and to lead others to my rosary. I am sorrowful to know the hearts of men. They have turned so cold when Jesus has a burning fire waiting to warm them.
September 1, 1994
They Need These Messages
Jesus speaks: I am Jesus. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. My Heart burns for love of My beloved children. It is through My Mother’s Heart and My Heart so many will turn their cold hearts and lukewarm hearts to hearts ablaze with the fire of My love.
Promote My Heart through My Mother’s Heart. You will continue to experience such emotions. My Mother is so closely united to Me. To know her is to know her suffering for the sinners that will be lost in eternal damnation. She appears to you in such light. You must preach the contents of these letters. Your words will be a light to the dark world. I speak through you. You are delivering My messages to those I love. Your tongue should forever preach of My intense, burning love for all. This world will shine with the love of My Sacred Heart. These words will illuminate their hearts. You hold words given to My loved ones from Me. Do not take this job lightly. You need to get My messages out. Souls will be lost forever because they did not know My burning love. These messages speak of My love as no others. This is the medicine for the sick world. They need these messages.
I am Jesus. I speak here to the world. These are My intense love letters to all. They need to hear these words. They are given from Me to each precious soul. This is an urgent message. Time is so short. You will know soon that the time delayed will hurt many souls.
Many souls will not know of My love, they need these messages! I speak so tenderly to My beloved ones here. Please, I beg you to spread these words to My hurting children.
Mary is appearing as a Lady of Light. These letters will light men’s hearts with My intense love for them. The world will shine with My love. Circulate the messages. This is an urgent message.
September 1, 1994
After Communion
Title: Wanting a Deeper Union with Jesus
R. I want such deep union with Jesus. I want Him so much more. I saw the Mary statue and I know of their intense love for everyone. It makes me so sad to know this. It makes me sad to see her and see how blind this world is. I know what Jesus and Mary are telling me. After Communion, I am so close to Him. I am so close to the other side. My heart is torn between being here and experiencing this touch of the other side. I know it so clearly after Communion. These experiences are tender moments I treasure that brings tears to know the reality of heaven - I experience such closeness to Him.
I love Him so much. I love God: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and I intently love my beautiful mother. I want to be in deeper union with Mary and Jesus. Oh, my God, I deeply long to have a greater union with You forever!
I love You so intently. I want to be closely united to You, my God. I love You so much, only in my heart do I know, for words are hollow and do not express a drop of the intense love I have for You in my heart. I want to be so much closer, it hurts to want Him so deeply. Such longing for this great love and thirst in my soul. I long for You, oh Lord. My heart craves union with Him!
I seek a place of quiet intimacy with Him. I want to be with Him and Him alone, no one around. (Now I am in the Residence chapel by myself and my heart is quieted and full of such love, to be alone here with my beloved Jesus in my heart and in the Blessed Sacrament.)
After Communion I want to go into a quiet deep place, far off and be alone with Him. I want Him in a little space all by myself. I love Him so much. I am at such joy to be alone here with Him. I know His presence so much in the Blessed Sacrament. All I want to do is be alone with Him.
(Inner vision: I see with my eyes closed: Hearts with a door in it, one right after the other, going upward.)
Are we this door, Jesus, to lead hearts to heaven? Are we the instruments You are using to lead souls to the on-fire, burning love of Your most Sacred Heart, through Mary's heart? Clean my heart. Purify my soul. Make me forever holy to be pure and ever closer to You and Your most Sacred Heart. I love You so. The world stands still and Your love is so real to me. I see so clearly before me the life hereafter and the purpose of this earthly existence. You are the Almighty God and You lead us to our home, waiting for us in heaven. Anything that leads us from this, our goal, is detrimental to our journey. You are the Almighty God. I long for union ever closer to You and Mary and the saints and angels. I want to be ever closer to this home in heaven, in union with You.
(I see the ladder and souls ascending this ladder to Your Kingdom, that awaits us and I see a ladder that leads to a red, dark place.)
I feel such intense need for us to pray constantly, to do the Father's will. At Mass I beg for mercy from God to help all my brothers to get to their heavenly home. I feel the need to offer my life for my suffering brothers in purgatory. This life has meaning to me in loving God and drawing my brothers ever closer to this heavenly reward.
He said that we should love God as He loved us. He laid down His life for us.
This is the call of Mary: She calls us to the love of her Son and the love of our brothers!
Oh, my Jesus, I love You so much!
September 2, 1994
Title: I Give Myself to Jesus
R. I find such comfort in the cross. No matter what is going on, I give myself to Jesus at the foot of His cross. I know Mary is always at my side.
Jesus: This is My love for you, it is not words, it is action from the heart. I gave the last beat of My Heart for love of you. I love you with the most enduring love. To My death on the cross, I loved you.
Stand beneath My cross, see Me hanging, see My bodily position, to My death I hung in such agony for you! My blood was spent, My flesh was given, and I cried out My last cry, it is finished! I am your Savior.
I am the true bread come from heaven. I give you Myself in the Mass. I give you My Body. I give you My Blood. Oh, child, My life I give to you with such everlasting love. Let your hearts be forever filled with joy. Come to My Mass. You are the favored ones, to be offering such a sacrifice! Praise your beloved God in heaven, He loves you so much, oh you are so favored!
R. I love Him so much. I know more and more His great love for me and I count myself so honored to be in His presence before the Blessed Sacrament. He is truly with me here, my beloved Savior, my most precious Jesus, my Beloved.
Words seem so weak anymore to describe this. My heart knows, my soul is on fire with His love, my soul thirsts and longs for more and more. I crave Him so. I want more time alone with Him, but I have a family and other things the Father wills me to do. These are most precious moments in my life, when I am at Mass, when I receive Him in Communion. Such precious moments. I do not know how to describe them in words.
My soul is yearning and longing for more and more each day. I cannot be satisfied. Words are not enough. My heart knows so well what my pen cannot say. I love Him so much, to the point of tears, to always be closer, united, and want more to fill my hungry soul. I love You, Jesus, with such an intense love. I love God and thirst after Him.
This is the Father's will for me. This is what He wants for me now. To do His will is my striving with much love. I love Him so much, my beloved Father, my most beautiful Spirit. Who am I to be so favored?
September 2, 1994 - After Communion
Promote My Rosary
Messenger: Such emotion I feel, looking at Mary's statues. I can hardly take it in. I feel so close to Christ in my heart and have an intense longing for Him. I felt a burning in my chest, wanting more. I felt such sorrow around Mary, I couldn't bear to look at the statue and wanted to cry.
Mary speaks: My little girl, I am Mary, your beloved mother. As I have told you, you will suffer. My heart is so sad for all those who do not know the love of my Son. You know some of His intense love for all the beloved souls. I give you some of my emotions to allow you to experience my suffering, to know all those who reject the love of my precious Son. Sweet child of mine, you know how He loves all. I tell you to pray, pray for each other.
Promote the rosary. I am showing you how to make the rosary alive in your life. The rosary is such a powerful prayer against Satan. Satan is running rampant. He will be squelched by the praying of the rosary. Promote the rosary. I appear to you as the Lady of Light. My rosary will light up the world! I am the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Who will hear if you are not speaking? Constantly be about the work of promoting Our Two Hearts and praying the rosary. I show myself to you to comfort you and to lead others to my rosary. I am sorrowful to know the hearts of men. They have turned so cold, when Jesus has a burning fire waiting to warm them.
Jesus speaks: I am Jesus. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. My Heart burns for love of My beloved children. It is through My Mother's Heart and My Heart that so many will turn their cold hearts and lukewarm hearts to hearts ablaze with the fire of My love.
Promote My Heart through My Mother's Heart. You will continue to experience such emotions! My Mother is so closely united to Me! To know her is to know her suffering for the sinners that will be lost in eternal damnation. She appears to you in such light! You must preach the contents of these letters. Your words will be a light to the dark world. I speak through you. You are delivering My messages to those I love. Your tongue should forever declare My intense, burning love for all. This world will shine with the love of My Sacred Heart. These words will illuminate their hearts. You hold words given to My loved ones from Me. Do not take this job lightly. You need to get my messages out. Souls will be lost forever because they did not know My burning love. This is the medicine for the sick world. They need these messages.
I am Jesus. I speak here to the world. These are My intense love letters to all. They need to hear these words. They are given from Me to each precious soul. This is an urgent message. Time is so short! You will know soon that the time delayed will hurt many souls.
Souls will not know of My love. They need these messages. I speak so tenderly to My beloved ones here! Please, I beg you to spread these words to My hurting children.
Mary is appearing as a Lady of Light. These letters will light men's hearts with My intense love for them. The world will shine with My love. Circulate the messages. This is an urgent message.
September 3, 1994
You Will Stand As A Mighty Oak
Messenger: I am realizing there is a constant presence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus stood before the crowd when they condemned Him to death. He was surrounded by hatred and the mob agreed that our beloved Jesus, Who is love, deserved to be crucified. He had done nothing but give love, but through the hardness of their hearts they surrounded Him and condemned Him to death.
The devil is, oh, so cunning. He is callous. He is hate-filled. He wells up in men's hearts and acts through them. When we are persecuted by those around us, by one person, by many, the example of Jesus is what we must follow. The devil is so strong. There will be more mass persecutions of us, as Christians. By mass, I mean, several or more persons taking a stand against us and persecuting us. Whenever I am innocent and being attacked by several persons accusing me of a misdeed, Satan is at work.
But, the interior awareness of God is what will sustain us! Jesus had a constant awareness of the love between Him and the Father. Jesus knew all the men who persecuted Him and loved them. Jesus had a constant awareness of each person, the divine, unique creation of the Father. He saw all this hatred before Him and still loved these people as the Father loved them.
Jesus speaks: They may persecute you, My child, several in number, and you will stand as the mighty oak. Your roots are rooted firmly in the love of God, and you are aware of My presence within you always. You are never abandoned. Everything that happens, I am allowing. The very hairs of your head are numbered.
Messenger: Jesus stood condemned to death. Jesus, tied to a pillar, allowed men to tear His precious Flesh away. He bled the very Blood in His veins. How did Jesus still love such ruthless men? The constant awareness of men as "divinely created" allowed Him to love them as God the Father's creatures. He saw the divine creation of the Father and loved them. He is one with the Father. He knew the Father's love. He knew the Father's will and He, Who is God, could have stopped all of it, but He wanted to do the will of His Father. He thought of us and His love, so deep for us, and endured all He had to suffer for our salvation.
Jesus speaks: My Blood was spent. My Life was given. I am He Who died and has risen so that you might have new life! In every death there is the resurrection into new life.
Messenger: To constantly keep the Resurrection before our eyes when we experience suffering is a key factor in living the new life.
Jesus speaks: I come to bring you life that you may have it to the fullest. When they persecute you and holler every slander against you, keep your eyes forever set on your heavenly Kingdom.
First Saturday, September 3, 1994
I went to Falmouth with Fr. Carter - that morning I had an experience with Mary's suffering in the back of the same chapel where Mary was appearing to me daily. I suffered so much and was so weak I thought I would not be able to go to Falmouth with Fr. Carter that day. I was suffering in the morning. At 5:00 p.m. I again went to the chapel at the old seminary. I sat in front of the Sacred Heart picture at the main altar, in front of the tabernacle and started to cry. This went on for 20 minutes. The Sacred Heart picture illuminated. The picture remained illuminated for 20 minutes. There was a candle with the Sacred Heart image on it, it was by the picture and it too was lighted. Then the light on the picture, the candle, and the sunlight in the room simultaneously grew dark. I could faintly see the image of Jesus in the picture, it was covered with a black covering. I sat there and stared at the picture, trying to see Jesus, but could barely see through the black covering or darkness - I saw Him a little. It remained this way for about 3 or 4 minutes. Then, slowly, the lights came on, simultaneously they grew brighter and brighter. It took about one minute. Then the lights were brighter than before.
September 3, 1994
Messenger: I am realizing more and more the Presence of God at all times. Interiorly, I am constantly aware of this Presence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This Presence is so strong that I cannot feel abandoned.
I am as the baby at the breast. I know my loving Father more and more and I know He will care for me. I know that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are forever with me. I feel as if I have a coating on me, between me and the world, and I am so protected by this interior union.
No one can ever touch this union with God. This is why I live to be forever connected as one with Him. The more I become one in Him, the more I experience this protection.
The wind may come and blow, you may be rocked in your place, but the interior life of the love of God is forever in my breast.
I have an awareness more and more that I love my brothers so much as I see them as created by my loving Father. He loves them so much. He is one with them. How can I not love them? I see less their faults and more their beauty as His creation. I know Jesus gave the last drop of His Blood for them and would die for them this very day. How could I hate anyone that He loves so much! To love Jesus is to love my brother. I cannot love Jesus and hate my brother. He is one with them. He is so good and loving. I love Him. I am one in Him and He is one in me. My brother is one in Him. If I am one with Jesus and I love Jesus, then I must love my brother because he is one with Jesus and we are all one, united in Him.
I am constantly aware that He allows everything that happens and I must accept it. If He allows me to suffer, it is with great love He allows this suffering. He forever watches us and guards us and loves us. A little child doesn't stop and think about its mother's care and love. The child knows and operates with the assuredness he will be taken care of.
Lord, give to me the assuredness of a little child. Let me know I am forever loved by You. Let me operate with this certainly of Your love.
God is loving and caring for me.
To feel the oneness with You, Lord. I want to know oneness with Jesus. Jesus knew oneness with the Father in His passion. Help me to know God's love without stopping and thinking, "God loves me so I will be okay." The more I grow in this oneness of Him, I have a constant awareness of the love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and Mary and I do not have to think about it. I act with this assuredness. I don't feel frightened because I know Their love. I don't have to stop and think, They love me, I know it, I am united to Them!
Put on Christ, be Christ to one another, let Him dwell within you, become one in Him. I am living more and more in Him. I realize His presence, the presence of the Trinity within me. I am thirsty for God's love!
Jesus: I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the Life. He who abides in Me will live forever. I give you My very own flesh. The way to the Father is through Me, the Holy Spirit is the love between the Father and Me. You, My children, are the chosen ones. The more you realize Our presence within you, the more you become one in God.
I am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am Who Am. I am God and I, child, write this to you. In 40 minutes you receive this teaching. I love you dearly. I want you, My precious one, to share My love with this world. If you, who I talk to, hold back, who will know the love I pour out to you here? I am God, one, true, magnificent - without end. Do not tarry for I go before you.
September 3, 1994
I Cry For The Souls
Messenger: Notes: When the Host was raised, I kept hearing with emotion the song, "This is My Body". He was talking about passion before Mass. I heard, "This is My Blood". This triggered all His explanations of how He gave His very Flesh and Blood for us.
I wanted to cry. Tears came down. I was filled with immense emotion, couldn't look at Mary's statue. I love Him so much. I am aware of all the souls that will be lost because they do not know His love. I know it so well. I can't speak.
The world stands still and it is so clear to me about the existence of the other side. It is as if I am not here. I know His love so much. He is so much ONE with me. I want to help others to know this love!
He died so they would go to heaven and what do I do to tell others of this love?
I love Him so much and I love all others because they are one in Him and I want to spread His love.
My heart is torn apart in my chest for souls that I know will be lost because they did not know Him and He wants to love them so much. He loves them so much that He gave His Flesh and Blood for them.
I cry for the souls that are on the way to hell if they do not change. I cry for the senseless ones. I cry for my beloved brothers whom I love so deeply.
Crying is no way to release agonies of the heart. That is why He sweat Blood. That is why Mary appears crying blood, her face cracked.
This is reality. This is the world. These are His beloved ones. God, the Father, loves them so dearly. Jesus died for them. The Holy Spirit loves them so. Mary is by their sides and with all this, they will be lost forever to hell if they do not change.
Prayer is the answer. No drop of water will ever quench their thirst if they go to hell. Our prayers are our love for our brothers.
Mary speaks: My children, my heart was pierced with a sword to watch my beloved Son suffer so for love of you. Pray the rosary for our beloved brothers. Sacrifice, offer your days in union with the Mass for their souls. Time is so short, my beloved ones. Pray, pray, pray. Your prayers can help save the lives of your brothers. Time is short. I am Mary, your Mother and thank you for responding to my call.
On September 3, 1994 - First Saturday
Messenger: I suffered the greatest sorrow within my heart for the sorrows of Mary. I had gone to Mass and the priest had done the peace rosary.
This is what would happen to me at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center. My heart would be in such anguish because of the sorrows of Mary I experienced. I would be buckled over in pain. This day I was before the Sorrowful Mother statue in the back of the main chapel. We were going to the Falmouth, Kentucky Farm, that day to pray. I was so drained and weak from this experience, I thought I could not go. I was weakened, so weakened, the experience lasted about an hour and was so intense. I existed in this intense pain of the Immaculate Heart.
That afternoon we came for the 6:30 p.m. prayers where Our Lady would appear. At 6:00 p.m. I went to the tabernacle in the Rosary Chapel and there was this picture of Jesus to the left of the tabernacle
and a candle with the Sacred Heart of Jesus on it. There was sunlight in the room from the rosary windows. I sat before the tabernacle on the altar as I had done so many times, before the picture and left of the tabernacle. I began to experience the deepest agony of His Heart. I knew the sorrow of His Heart for all who do not come before Him in the Blessed Sacrament. I knew His sorrow so deep within me for all the blocks I had experienced in delivering the messages. I was so weakened and I was suffering. Then the lights in the room dimmed and the picture of the Sacred Heart turned black before me. I could very faintly see His outline behind the blackness. The candle of the Sacred Heart went out. I sat on the end of my chair in pain and suffering and a fear shot through me. I wondered what had happened. It remained this way for about 5 minutes.
Then the light in the room returned, the candle went on and the picture became bright, all instantaneously, brighter than ever before. I went to the back of the chapel where Mary would appear, to do the 6:30 p.m. prayers and I cried. I was so shaken from the experience. Father Carter was there for the prayers. I was told to tell Father Smith, which I did.
September 5, 1994
One In Him
Messenger: To be separate from God is to be lonely. I am to be one in Him. I was created, and my being craves union with Him. The further I am from this union, the more my soul needs this union. The craving becomes stronger the closer I get to Him.
But this union cannot be on this earth as close as my soul craves. The awareness of this desire for union makes me closer to Him. He is one in me and I am one in Him.
The more I reach an awareness that God truly dwells within me, the more this awareness brings me my peace.
The longing in my soul is a longing for completeness, only found in God.
I do not want to be alone. God unites Himself to us and we are made whole in Him.
Any existence without Him is an intense state of loneliness.
The soul craves Him as steel is drawn to a magnet. The closer the soul gets to Him, the more it is pulled as steel is pulled to a magnet. Other things surrounding the steel have little significance because the pull is so strong to the magnet.
I am pulled to Jesus. I want ever so much more. There is a pull that exists, that pulls me to Him and Him alone. In the earlier letter He said, "You are drawn to Me like steel to a magnet". I thought of a little pull, a wanting to be united. I understand this day that this pull is such a pull that it is almost impossible to be separate! It is a drawing together in power of one to the other. This is the power I feel in front of the tabernacle. I feel a sadness to leave.
I feel a presence in my chest after Communion, sometimes immense fullness when I am meditating on the Trinity and Mary. There is definitely a presence within my heart.
As I realize this presence within me, I realize I cannot mistreat others or myself. My awareness of His oneness with you compels me to love you because you are one in Him.
We are all one in Him and I see my brothers as true brothers in Christ with God the Father as our Father. It becomes harder for me not to love as I grow in my awareness of God. We are all one in Christ. How can I not love my brothers when you are the divine creation of my Father and Jesus gave His very Blood and Life for you?
How can I not love you, my bothers, when your very own Father and Mother are my very own Father and Mother?
We are all one body in Christ. To hate you is to hate part of the Body of Christ. I feel so much more united to all of humanity, the more I grow in my love and union with Him.
To die to myself and put on Christ happens in varying degrees. As I love, I love more intently. I surrender more fully. I am in a state of union with Him, to a more intense union with Him.
The more I die to myself, the more He possesses my soul, the more I am united in Him.
Love provides the warmth, the spark, the flutter in my heart, the flicker in the fire, the roaring emotion in my heart. God wants love and union with us.
Song: Let There Be Peace on Earth
His greatest commandment: "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself."
I want to know about God because I crave this greater union with God. To be as steel to the magnet, I am pulled closer to God, the closer I get. It is an attraction, it powers my very being. I am powered, I thirst after, as a dry and weary desert land, my soul is thirsting for the one I love.
Song: "Your Love is Finer than Life".
Jesus: I am your beloved Jesus. I love you with such an intense love, in your feeble minds you will never comprehend the immensity of this love for you! I impart to you secrets into My love. I want such union with you. You must realize this intense presence within your being. Remember the vision. Remember the intense light on the picture. My light never goes out. (He refers to the vision of September 3, 1994). Your days may be darkened by the times but My love forever burns brightly in your heart. The lights dim, the sun ceases to shine, your interior union with Me forever burns brightly. I am Who Am. I am the Almighty God. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Do not fear for I am forever within you, dwelling and burning brightly. I am one in your soul. You are My precious one. I never go from you, My Heart is forever one in yours.
My Mother is one with Me, our Hearts beat together in such love. This is union dwelling in the Two Hearts - meditate on your oneness to Our Two Hearts. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus, illuminated with the most ardent love for you. I am Jesus, your beloved One. Meditate on your union with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is this protection that gives you peace and keeps you from the scorching sun. This, little one, is the mystery of life: Union with God!
Messenger: Notes: I first went to the tabernacle because of my struggles. I prayed more and more. Now I am drawn like a pull so strong and do not want to leave. No matter how dim and dark my life, His love is forever there. Even if I can't attend Mass, no one can take away my union with Him. I am forever free. He is what matters. He allows things to happen. Think of God, truly inside you!
Lady of Light
Remember Your Love
I Have Loved You
You Are Near
Take and Eat
Oh Lord, I Am Not Worthy
Hail Mary, Gentle Woman
R. When I realize His presence within me, I do not want to hurt anyone. I know how He loves me and how precious I am to Him.
I am one in God. You are one in God. I cannot love God and not love you!
September 7, 1994
Title: This Is Reality!
R. What a feeling! I feel oneness with the Holy Trinity, a feeling of flutters in my chest, as in being in love. I am at peace to know the Holy Trinity dwells within me. I am so filled in my heart to know Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I cannot explain. I love God so much and I feel this constant awareness of God in my heart.
He gave me intellectual visions in which I was so aware of the presence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit that it felt as if the world stopped, it wouldn't have mattered. I received such awareness of the other side, such an awareness of God's love, there is such peace to know this in my heart, my heart feels so full. I feel the presence of the indwelling of the One, Triune God within me!
It is so clear: why do we worry when this is reality? Such an awareness of God - I feel His presence within me.
September 8, 1994
Focus On This, My Presence
Jesus speaks: Be, My child, of a clean heart. I come into your heart in a special way. The interior awareness of the Holy Trinity is what I want you to always have. Such awareness that I, God, am so closely bonded to your heart. This bond is like glue, My Godly glue. I bind Myself to you in your heart. Your interior union with Me will light up your chest and your heart will beat as one with Mine.
Focus on this, My Presence. I am united to you in the deepest love. Bonded to your heart, your heart set ablaze by My power and My might. You will have peace and joy when you realize My intense union with you.
I am here, child. I am joined to your heart in such union. I live and dwell within your breast. Die totally to yourself and live only in My love.
Read and reread this letter. Keep it in your purse. I want this complete union with you. The immensity of the Father's love for you and the love of the Holy Spirit and Mary will forever fill your chest. I am espoused to your heart. I am your most precious Jesus, Son of God. My child, surrender yourself to Me. I love you.
September 8, 1994
Visions during the Shepherds of Christ Meeting
Mary appeared to me
Sept. 7: Mary appeared during the first decade of the first rosary and then was greatly illuminated during two decades of the second rosary. People from the chapter were present.
Sept. 8: I saw Jesus' face two times when Sr. Rita and I prayed over a baby. I saw a green square, same color of green as around Mary's statue in Medjugorje.
I saw a green square on Sept. 9th when I got a letter and was crying. I saw His face on the shroud. It was during the reading of my letter on Sept. 9th.
Mary was so illuminated, all white, she was holding something dazzling, and she remained this way a long time. I saw her eyes move and look at Cathy. Jesus' mouth moved as Father Carter read the Sacred Heart Litany.
Sept. 9: Mary's face was so beautiful. They turned on the lights and I saw her, so white and so beautiful and bright. (I had seen the same thing happening on Sept. l and 2).
September 8, 1994
I Go to Light Your Path
Jesus speaks: I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. My child, keep your mind forever fixed on Me. You wander not this barren desert alone, I go with you to light the path. The miracles are all around you. I never ever go from your side. I dwell forever in your heart.
You may wander, you may feel as if the road is crooked and you are going alone, but never do you go by yourself -- never do I abandon you, never do I wander from your side!
Oh, sweet one, keep your eyes forever fixed on your heavenly Father. Do not take your eyes from Him. Your Kingdom awaits, your day is at hand. You counted yourself blessed by the glories of the Lord you encountered in this life, you do not know what awaits you in your heavenly home!
Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, what God has ready for those who love Him. Keep your eyes forever fixed on this reward. You wait not in vain. You wait for a treasure far beyond any words. You will see the face of God and live.
Live in My love. Let your life be filled by My life that you will live it to the full in the years to come. You are My chosen ones. You are My heirs. Keep your hearts pure and your eyes on the Father. He loves you so much. Alleluia. Alleluia.
September 9, 1994
Agonies Of The Heart
R. I realized in church that the Mary statue in the residence chapel is the same vision I had of Mary on the Feast of St. Joseph, March 19th. She was on the left side of the altar. She was holding the child, long and slender, same form, a light came down from above and surrounded her. (St. Gertrude's Church, at the Gospel, Sat. Feast of St. Joseph).
My heart, after communion, feels as if I will break. I want union with Him so much. No tears, nothing will satisfy this intense longing to want Him ever more. I just want Him so much. I feel as if nothing can express my feelings. I know it is an intense ache for union and nothing will make it better but Him. I crave union with Him, total and complete. I want to know the Father. I want God's love so much. My heart longs for the courts of the Lord.
Such intense longing, for I love Him so much. I feel like I will die from the ache in my heart.
Jesus speaks: My soul aches for you, My precious child. How I long for your love. How I gave My very Self for you and this day I am ignored and forgotten. I am God. I am in your midst this very day, but people are so fixed on the things of this world.
Do you know how My soul longs for union with My precious ones? I allow you to experience the feeling of intense longing as if your heart will break. My love I pour out to all My beloved ones and I am ignored and forgotten. I give Myself to them. I remain with them in such intense love in the Eucharist and I am ignored.
Oh, My child, I give this to you to reach My little ones with this knowledge of My Heart. No one knows the pains of the heart as I suffered so for the neglect. To give My very own Flesh and Blood and be rejected and treated so coldly by those I died for! Agonies of the heart, the greatest of all agonies and My love so freely given for all. My Heart, a burning furnace of endless love, swelling up with such intensity and ardent love, to be ignored and forgotten!
My child, My Heart is as you cannot even comprehend, but I give Myself to you because I love them so. Tell them of My love. Your heart aches as I allow you to experience such heartache. My child, My child, suffer for Me. I love you so much. I give this to you in greatest love to be closer to Me.
You are My most precious child. I love you so very much. Draw yourself into the abyss of My love, draw yourself deep within My Heart. Let go, totally, let go and experience My Heart. My Mother leads you to My very precious Heart. It is through her Heart you are being placed so deeply into Mine. Let go and experience My most tender love for you. I am your precious Jesus. I love you so deeply, My beloved. Let go! Your resistance to let go is what keeps us from greater union. Totally surrender, giving your all to Me.
R. I know a little how He suffered because He loves us so much. Such heartache, to love so much. He is forgotten by so many. How His Heart suffered for those souls He loved that would go to hell. For some very sinful pleasures of the body, some have lost their souls. I experience this suffering before the tabernacle or after receiving the Eucharist in Mass. He suffered immense pain. He suffered for the ignorance of so many. He is truly here this day and in our midst. This is the Son of God, truly present. I feel such connection to His pain suffered in the garden. He suffered so for the indifference, neglect, ingratitude of so many souls. He suffered for the injustices to the Blessed Sacrament, the Sacrament of His greatest love.
He gives Himself and He is rejected. What pain, agonies of the heart. He loves us so much and He is rejected by so many. He is treated coldly and ignored.
Jesus took on a human body. He loves us so much. He gave Himself, His very flesh and blood that we might have life! He is, this day, ignored. People have made themselves and others their gods. Many who receive Him in the Eucharist, do not realize He is truly present. Some do not have time to spend with Him and learn to know Him. Many of His precious souls know every sports star, they know all about the sport stars' lives but do not have time for the Son of God. Many souls do not have time for Jesus who gave His life for them!
Jesus: Oh, you blind world, oh you senseless ones, I am, Who Am. God created you. Many of your hearts have turned cold and forgotten your God! I come as a thief in the night. Many souls will be lost forever. What more do you want Me to do? I give you a free will, I love you so very much, and you do not come to Me. Do not live your life in vain. You wandered down roads that led you to your own destruction.
My Mother appears to lead you to My most Sacred Heart.
My children, My Heart waits for you. I am forever loving you with the same burning love. Turn not your backs to Me. I am the Almighty God. It is through Me you will be saved. If you love and serve Me, you will live in heaven forever and ever.
* Vision: (I saw a door twice, saw His face twice in an interior vision.) Mary is the door we must go through to be placed in the inner recesses of His Heart. She carried our Beloved Savior in her womb. She taught Him how to be gentle, how to have a kind Heart. Now she is our spiritual mother, she molds us and leads us to her Son.
* Jesus wants us to pray the Prayer for Union with Him.
September 9, 1994
Be The Light That Shines In The Darkness
R. The devil wants to put out the light of Christ that shines from your hearts.
Jesus speaks: You are the light that shines in the dark night.
To be My light shining forth to this world you must come and take refuge in My most Sacred Heart. I came as a little Child into your midst. The star shone bright above Me and I entered into this world. I am He Who lights the dark night. You will cast this light to this world if you are fixed in Me. Be the light that shines in the darkness. I am the Light of this world. You are My little lights that shine so deeply into the darkness. My Heart is a burning flame. When you take refuge in My Heart you are a light to the dark world. Come and dwell deeply in My most Sacred Heart, placed there by My most dear Mother.
Be as you are called by the Father, to shine forth to this world. I am He Who calls you now to go forth and light up this world with the fire of My most Sacred Heart. The love of the one, triune God, is that which powers you. If you are in the state of grace, Our life is so alive in you. You will radiate Our love to this world. My flame of love never falters. Take shelter from every affliction in My Sacred Heart.
I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I want to light this world with My love. Let Me shine and operate from you. Pray My Prayer for Union with Me. Offer yourself totally to the Father with Me in the Holy Spirit at every Mass. Stand under the cross with Mary and give yourself in total surrender to the Father. He has such plans for you. He loves you so much. You are the light that shines in the darkness. Let your light shine and they will see the God Who dwells in your breast. You are so loved, My most precious child. I am Jesus, My Heart is aglow for love of you.
R. The devil comes and brings with him a mask of darkness. He is deception. He is confusion. It takes a step to willingly open our hearts to God, to let the Holy Spirit in our hearts and let Him fill us with His life! We cannot close our heart. Let go! We must be open and surrendering.
Jesus loved us so much He gave His life. The Father loved us so much He gave His only Son. The Spirit is the love between the Father and the Son. The Son knows the Father's love. It was this that gave Him strength on Calvary. He always knew the Father's love. It is love that gives us peace. The more we realize the intense love of the Father, the greater our peace. We are so loved by Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They love us in a way we cannot imagine. God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell within us in a special way when we are in the state of grace.
It is this love that fills me and gives me peace and joy. God is love. His love within us gives us our peace.
Oh, Holy Spirit, come and fill me, as You did the apostles and Mary, with the fire of God's love, so I am no longer afraid but fearlessly in love with God, that I preach His gospel in my being to all I meet. Make me holy, oh Spirit, sanctify me with Your love. I am Yours, open and surrendering. I am Your servant, You are my God!