Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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November 9, 2006
November 10th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 8 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for November 10th are Glorious.
Come to the Retreat in China, Indiana
November 10 - 13th til 5:00 p.m.
Exposed Eucharist
November 10 Mass at 1:30 p.m.
November 11 Mass at 12:00 noon
November 13 Mass at 12:00 noon
Dinner on 13th at 5:00 p.m.
Eucharist will be reposed on Tuesday November 14 with Mass at 10:00 a.m.
November 9, 2006
Sing: "Before the sun burned bright and rivers
Dear God give us love in our hearts.
God has called us to circulate this Newsletter
and begin a network of prayer chapters
praying for the priests and the Church
and world.
Dear Holy Spirit fill us — Come oh Come oh
Spirit, fill us with the fire of your
love —
Give us the fire of your love.
Come oh Holy Spirit
Fill us —
Let our hearts be holy hearts —
Free of debris
Move our hearts oh God —
Fill us —
Oh Divine Almighty God — truly present in
the Blessed Sacrament help us to
be so thankful for this great gift
that God has given to us.
To spread the good news to the world —
Oh God fill our hearts in this time
of darkness.
Let your sun shine so bright in our
hearts that we focus on your
gifts and your greatness.
Fill us with your grace Oh Holy Spirit
Come — Come to us abundantly.
Sing to the babies a song of joy
Jesus the Savior has come —
He is the Savior
Sing with joy —
Shout the Good News to the Earth
For the poor banished
Children of Eve
Sing with a heart of gentleness and joy
wash your hearts clean
Ask for grace.
Let us Praise Him —
Praise with a heart filled with
such joy and love —
Let our voices be raised high
For we are called to be a light —
I was in Florida one day and it was so
windy, I could not believe it and
there was this beautiful bird
flying in the air — spreading his
wings — he was over the water
and I was by the bridge and
He would fly with such swiftness and
grace and then - then - the wind would
come and he looked like he would
lose control and maybe fall
in the water below and then —
He would recuperate with such
beauty and swiftness and grace and this
went on and on —
he would look like he would lose control
and then he would fly with swiftness and
grace and spread his wings with such beauty —
it reminded me of us.
When we are filled with God's grace and living
to do His will — we fly with such
swiftness and grace —
when we are focused on love,
thinking of the other and doing all things
for the honor and glory of God.
Then when we get full of self — we are
like crippled, stumbling, full
of dominating others against God's
will —
We look like a clumsy duck.
Sing: On Eagles Wings
Life is so short — we are here to love and serve
Our God —
to give Him ourselves —
to serve Him
to love Him with our whole heart, our
whole soul and our whole being.
From Sunday's Gospel
Mark 12: 28b - 34
One of the scribes who had listened to them debating appreciated that Jesus had given a good answer and put a further question to him, ‘Which is the first of all the commandments? Jesus replied, ‘This is the first: Listen, Israel, the Lord our God is the one, only Lord, and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: You must love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. The scribe said to him, ‘Well spoken, Master; what you have said is true, that he is one and there is no other. To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself, this is far more important than any burnt offering or sacrifice. Jesus, seeing how wisely he had spoken, said, ‘You are not far from the kingdom of God.’ And after that no one dared to question him any more.
First Reading
Deuteronomy 6: 2-6
And hence, if, throughout your lives, you fear Yahweh your God and keep all his laws and commandments, which I am laying down for you today, you will live long, you and your child and your grandchild. Listen then, Israel, keep and observe what will make you prosperous and numerous, as Yahweh, God of your ancestors, has promised you, in giving you a country flowing with milk and honey. Listen, Israel: Yahweh our God is the one, the only Yahweh. You must love Yahweh your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength. Let the words I enjoin on you today stay in your heart.
Sing Be Not Afraid
November 9, 2006 message continues
Evilness lurks in the hearts of those filled
with selfishness.
And those filled with love of God are
consumed with joy.
Therefore do not give into satan who
wants to get you bowed down.
Rejoice for our time is always a
time of victory when we
live by God's will for His
honor and glory.
Rejoice oh faithful ones.
God is with us, truly present
in the Eucharist.
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8
There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation under heaven:
A time for giving birth,
a time for dying;
a time for planting,
a time for uprooting what has been planted.
A time for killing,
a time for healing;
a time for knocking down,
a time for building.
A time for tears,
a time for laughter;
a time for mourning,
a time for dancing.
A time for throwing stones away,
a time for gathering them;
a time for embracing,
a time to refrain from embracing.
A time for searching,
a time for losing;
a time for keeping,
a time for discarding.
A time for tearing,
a time for sewing;
a time for keeping silent,
a time for speaking.
A time for loving,
a time for hating;
a time for war,
a time for peace.
November 9, 2006 message continues
Sing the Psalm : The Lord is Kind and Merciful
Meditate on God's gifts to us — be filled with
thanks and praise Him
not selfish and self-focused — looking
for more things that fill the self,
but are not serving God.
1 Corinthians 12:31—13:1-13
Set your mind on the higher gifts. And now I am going to put before you the best way of all.
Though I command languages both human and angelic—if I speak without love, I am no more than a gong booming or a cymbal clashing. And though I have the power of prophecy, to penetrate all mysteries and knowledge, and though I have all the faith necessary to move mountains—if I am without love, I am nothing. Though I should give away to the poor all that I possess, and even give up my body to be burned—if I am without love, it will do me no good whatever.
Love is always patient and kind; love is never jealous; love is not boastful or conceited, it is never rude and never seeks its own advantage, it does not take offence or store up grievances. Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but finds its joy in the truth. It is always ready to make allowances, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.
Love never comes to an end. But if there are prophecies, they will be done away with; if tongues, they will fall silent; and if knowledge, it will be done away with. For we know only imperfectly, and we prophesy imperfectly; but once perfection comes, all imperfect things will be done away with. When I was a child, I used to talk like a child, and see things as a child does, and think like a child; but now that I have become an adult, I have finished with all childish ways. Now we see only reflections in a mirror, mere riddles, but then we shall be seeing face to face. Now I can know only imperfectly; but then I shall know just as fully as I am myself known.
As it is, these remain: faith, hope and love, the three of them; and the greatest of them is love
November 9, 2006 message continues
Love never fails.
Faith, Hope and Love — the greatest of these is love.
Mark 10: 13-16
People were bringing little children to him, for him to touch them. The disciples scolded them, but when Jesus saw this he was indignant and said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. In truth I tell you, anyone who does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’ Then he embraced them, laid his hands on them and gave them his blessing.
Jesus was criticized who He spent time
with — imagine criticizing Jesus —
Jesus has called the weak to run this
Movement, but He has taught us to be
strong — He has led us in His ways —
Let us be true to our hearts.
Let the Spirit move in us like little
children of the Father and Mary.
Let us be more perfect like our
Heavenly Father —
not follow the imperfections of
our earthly parent —
God the Father wants us perfect
more and more like our heavenly
Father who is perfect.
God wants us to know Mary our
spiritual mother and be baked in
her Immaculate Oven her
Immaculate Heart.
Love is Love.
Love is like Jesus.
God is love.
Loving is why we were created —
Selfishness is a flow from the garden.
Seeing the other and loving is being like
God wants, living for why we were
Eternity for those who love and serve the
Lord and follow God's commandments
will be lived in love
according to God's will.
Sing: Holy God we Praise Thy Name
Immaculate Mary
On This Day
What is love —
It is helping others to live according to God's
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P. O. Box 627
China, IN 472501-888-211-3041
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