Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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December 19, 2007
December 20th Holy
Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
December 19, 2007
We were created for God-
We have this thirsting, craving to know
God - God can outpour His grace to us to be
so deeply in love with Him. We are drawn to God
like steel to a magnet. God is all good. We seek
God - We see the goodness of God - A man
may deeply love another - they see the beauty and
good of the other - they seek this goodness. We
were created in the image and likeness of God.
We love another because we seek union -
we see likeness with us. Love drives
a person to seek time with another -It is
that when God outpours His grace to me more
and more from daily Mass and adoration -
He fills my soul with His life -He lives
in me and I seek to be with my Beloved,
My lover. I long for Him, from His
writings of how He loves me so very much
over the years since 1991 as He has revealed
Himself to me more and more - He has opened
His Heart - I see with clouded vision the
mystery of God's love and I know that he
can open a crack, more and more to me showing
me greater insights into knowing Him. I thirst
after, I long for this revelation of God and I
ardently love Him so very deeply. My soul
thirsts like one in the desert.
I have an appetite for greater knowledge
of Him, that He would reveal to me insight
about Himself revelation in my heart -this
is revelation of my Beloved and it is different
than human wisdom.
It is in my heart and soul - it is active
in relationship and loving more deeply -
It is wisdom I know in my heart.
Now I can seek and want to be satisfied
by this craving for insight into the mystery
about God and He can reveal to me Himself
in many ways, it is in me, in my soul
- the Holy Spirit revealing
Himself more deeply to me that this knowledge
of God seems to live in my being - it
becomes this life alive in me that propels
me to search further, to love deeper and
to want to share this great treasure not
only with my Beloved, but to proclaim
this insight into the mystery to all to know,
to experience deeper love of God.
It can be compared like one who
sees a particular spot where the ocean
is so beautiful and seeing any man one
wants to tell them about it. For love
in its purity is not selfish, but selfless -
love is giving to the other. Adam and Eve
were selfish. The love of Christ is total self-giving.
When a man opens his heart to
Christ then God gives him great wisdom
to see the treasures their in - greater
meekness for the man - love - selfless
rather than the selfish heart of Adam and
Eve - Wisdom to know God more deeply -
treasure beyond all treasures in the
Heart of Christ - When one lets God's
love really live in them - the warmth
of His Heart is far more precious than
the finest pearls.
Man seeks, many times, being a product of
this world - the material as treasure -
when in reality - the real treasure is
found in seeking God.
When an individual becomes more and more
worldly -fixed on material gain - they go
further and further from the real goal which
is to please God and to seek God.
Lilies in the field are used to show
purity and saints have carried lilies -
white, to denote purity.
The level to which one becomes
saturated with the ways of the world is
ever deepened as one gives into
appetites for the world -
We can crave God, with such thirsting
more and more as we go to the Eucharist and
He fills us with Himself - He outpours His
grace, His life is in us -
Where others may seek and search for greater
perfection in worldly goods, - they believe
this is good for them and yet they are
searching for the good in the wrong places.
In discussing knowledge, I feel the
writings I receive have the vision of
the Father - not mere inspirations, but
they can be read always as we arrive at
a deeper understanding of God and can
be seen in a deeper comprehension as
we become more one in Him.
When God gives to us the Scriptures -
there is always greater depth - one can
always ponder more deeply the vision
of the Father - there is absolute truth
in the scriptures. The Word is a two
edged sword penetrating heart and
God has given to us the Priestly
Newsletter with the vision of the Father -
It is rooted in the scriptures, the writings
of the popes, pronound theologians and
the wisdom of the saints. How pure
is this instrument that goes out to the
hierarchy and the priests that are living
in this tainted world.
When such an instrument reaches the
hierarchy they recognize the voice of
the good Shepherd - they are strengthened
and encouraged by our prayers. We
have reached the far ends of this earth
with this Newsletter - we have covered
the earth. We have prayed now for
13 1/2 years for grace for this instrument
of Jesus to help bring about the Reign
of the Sacred Heart and triumph of Mary's
Heart as she said at Fatima would happen.
Peace comes from hearts rooted in
the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Peace comes
from love of God and others. It is God's
will we deeply love Him and love others -
It is the greatest commandment to do so -
Matthew 22: 36-40
'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?'
Jesus said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with
all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.
his is the greatest and the first commandment. The second
resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself.
On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and
the Prophets too.'
When we love someone we think of them
always - to have this great era of love
Mary spoke of at Fatima we must realize
that man would constantly be aware of
His love of God -
We are far from having the vision of the
Father always before us as our motive force,
but with frequency to daily Mass and adoration
and the tremendous grace God outpours -
God will work to bring His souls deeply
into the heart of Jesus there to taste
and dwell in the burning love of
the Savior and in His Heart Jesus takes
the soul to the bosom of the Father -
John 17: 21-23
May they all be one,
just as, Father, you are in me
and I am in you,
so that they also may be in us,
so that the world may believe
it was you who sent me.
I have given them the glory
you gave to me,
that they may be one as we are one.
With me in them and you in me,
may they be so perfected in unity
that the world will recognise
that it was you who sent me
and that you have loved them
as you have loved me.
The first Blue Book writing Jesus wanted in
the Blue Book was May 13, 1993 -
The mission of the Shepherds of Christ is in the
beginning of that writing -
My child wrote it in her little hand as
I dictated it leaving Conyers -
We are to love God and love each other -
To be so in love - like one seeking
a lover - He is in our mind -
He is loving us -
God is the ultimate mystery -
We seek to know about Him
Jesus wants us to tell us we love
Him over and over again
We sacrifice for the one we love -
We make sacrifices for Jesus
We are full of zeal for God
We are full of energy to serve God
We seek to be possessed by God
We seek God because we love Him.
We are moved to seek God -
like steel to a magnet
On November 8, 1991 I got this writing
when Jesus first wrote to me.
The object of love is good!
The object of hate is evil!
God is love.
We were created for God
November 8, 1991 - 4:00 a.m.
Jesus: From this day forward, you will have love, peace and joy.
You are drawn to Me like a magnet - come home to Me and feel the inner joy in your heart.
I am with you always to the ends of the earth.
I am your God and you shall not have other gods besides Me.
I will be with you - that is My promise. I will be with you forever more. Cling to Me for I am strong.
Do not be afraid, for I will gently show you the way of the Lord.
Matthew 11: 28-30
‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’
R. Jesus, save me from the snare of the devil, from his seed. Plant me on solid ground so I can prosper and be full and follow the ways of the Lord.
For You have gently touched my heart and I am warm and cuddly inside.
Your wish is my command. I must follow the ways of the Lord in all things and follow His path, doing His will.
You will show me this path, if I am open to You. All I need do is ask, and I will be answered.
Open my heart and my will to Your direction, Lord Jesus. You are with me in the night, in the rising of the sun and during the day. In all my trials, You are there. Open up my heart to Your word.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Give me Your direction so I might know what path You want me to take.
If I open my heart and listen, all will be revealed to me in His time. For the honor and glory of You Jesus Christ I ask these things in Your name and open my heart to Your direction.
Please help me to put aside the ways of the flesh and follow Your direction, Lord Jesus, this day and always to dwell in the house of the Lord.
Song: All My Days
R. Today is one of those days. Sing praise to God our Father, Jesus, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Honor and glory to You, GOD.
Thanks for this letter, You wake me from my sleep. I thought I heard a noise, but it was You waking me to talk to me.
Your word is the word of God, and all honor be Yours for Your direction. It came from God and I must heed these words.
God speaks: Put your anger aside, and make room in your heart for Jesus' love I pour into you right now. Replenish yourself with My love and My grace and be still, for I am with you this day. I will watch over you, and comfort you, and bring you into the land flowing with milk and honey. Listen to My word and be glad so that all might see your good works and praise your Father Who is in heaven.
I bless you and keep you ever in My Heart. Be ready to do My will and be blessed by Me. Listen and be glad, for I am with you until the consummation of the world.
Go now and live My word, My child. I love you.
Jesus: In the midst of confusion, be the light shining in the darkness, be life to those who are down-hearted. I have the power to do all things and I am within you, so you have the power to be My light to the world.
You are plugged into an undying source. I am there. I want to love, I want to give, I want to comfort and strengthen. I will do these things to My brethren through you, if you let Me.
Love your family, I have given them as gifts to you, to love and care for.
End of excerpt
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