December 19,
December 20th Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
We are trying to publish
Blue Book 14 -
Can anyone help us with donations?
Title of the book
"God the Father Speaks After Clearwater"
January 1, 1997 to March 31, 1997
We need postage to mail
Fr. Joe's new homily book
to priests in New York.
Can you help us?
Pray for Dan, Jimmy, Blue Book 14,
Fr. Joe's homily book, &
for special intentions.
Please pray for funds & grace.
New Cycle B - Guiding Light Homily Book
Available $10 plus postage
Please call 1-888-211-3014
December 19, 2014
December l9, l996
Jesus: My dear Fr. Carter and Rita,
I have given to you these great gifts of the Mass. You have offended Me greatly by holding back these gifts from this world.
There will be an era of peace and love, centered in the gifts pouring forth in the Mass, through the hands of consecrated priests.
Within the chamber room I shared with you the secrets of My Heart. You must take these great gifts out to the world.
I will reinstate your gifts when you comply with My demands. Because of blindness and willfulness, you have not treasured, as you should, the gifts I have given to you.
You must read the messages and comply with all My demands.
I tell you of the urgency of this call. You will suffer greatly because of the decision made, but you must obey your superior. The gift of the Mass will be reinstated when you do as I have requested.
I will renew the Church and the world greatly through these writings. Do not underestimate the power in these writings. You must focus on the events at hand, prayer and sacrifice.
Sacrifice for the souls that will never know Me if you do not respond to this urgent request. This is the request of My Father to spread the Mass books and the Newsletters to the very ends of the earth.
My hand is struck with power. You must let go of the distractions in your life. All you do must be centered in carrying out the Plan of the Father. I will greatly renew the Church and the world through the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Your writings will help to greatly bring about the reign of My Sacred Heart and the triumph of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart.
The Mass book must be published as soon as possible. My messages must circulate. The funds will come when you do as I have requested.
I am communicating to the Shepherds of Christ Movement through these messages.
Put distractions aside and focus on My messages. I beg you, I beg you! When I strike, I get the attention of those I press on.
Would you heed My messages if I took anything else away from you? I want you to study My messages.
My hand is struck with power on you, My beloved ones, on you - now you must respond as I have directed you.
The Center is My Mass offered through the hands of holy priests. You cannot hold the information I have given you back from the world any longer.
The Church is suffering from decay. You contain the anecdote for the poison in the church and the world.
I love you so much. You must be strong soldiers of love.
I love you, Jesus
R. God wants union with us. He wants fire. Many try to love God with a cold heart. They tell Him words that they think they should say that are loving.
When one loves, they do not need to be prompted to say words. From the depth of their being they cry out their words of love. It is a cry from within, from the fire within their chest, behind the words. The words are burning in their chest and must be released because of the fire behind them.
Jesus: Oh, you little blind children, you know so little of love! You stand by the shore and throw little words at Me. I was consumed with such love for you. I gave Myself to My death on the cross.
R. We are as blind men. We do not see the great gifts that God gives to us. It is as if we stand by the shore of the sea and throw little words at Jesus. We must not be afraid to jump into the water and be completely immersed in His love. He was consumed with such love for us. He gave Himself to His death on the cross.
There is a man on a cross and he tells us so many things. He does not have to speak. When we study Him on the cross, He speaks to us with His pierced hands, His head covered with blood, His body withered and beaten. He speaks to us of His undying love.
Oh, beloved Savior, I am blind. I am selfish. I do not see the great reservoir of love that you give to Me. I see the man dying on the cross. How do I see Him? Do I see a figure and think, oh, is it a pretty cross, would it look good in my living room? Do I see the cross and think, oh, I guess I should have one in my house, others will think I am holy then? Holy people do have a cross in their homes.
Do I see the body of a man, a live man? Do I see His labored breath? Do I see His chest move as His Heart beats within? Do I see the real skin of a man? Do I see the real blood He shed? Do I see the light that silhouettes His withered body? Do I see the Light of the World? Do I see the tender skin of an infant laid on bare wood in the manager and then the torn, lacerated, bloodied skin of this man?
Jesus: Oh, My children, this is love! There is a man on the cross. A child is born in Bethlehem. I am the Light of the World. My light is shining in the darkness, but people do not see. They see the wood on the cross, but they view it for the beauty it will create in their newly decorated living rooms.
R. The cross is not a thing of the past, the cross is with us today. We carry it on our backs as He showed us we would, but we try to take it off and throw it away.
It is in the cross there is the resurrection. It is by meditating on the crucifix, we see His undying love. We must open up our eyes and see. Pray for vision to see clearly the man Who gave Himself for love of us, Our Divine Lord.
And how do we return His love?
Love is spontaneous, love is fire in our hearts, love is alive and emitted with force. God is love.
Do we realize that His last thoughts on the cross were for us. In this agony, as He hung on the cross, He was consumed with burning love for us. When He was scourged at the pillar, He was comforted by our acts of love that we give to Him today. Our burning love for Him was sweetness to His most Sacred Heart in the moments of His bitter Passion.
Love gives and wants to give its all. A person in love does not need to be prompted and told to love. Love wants to give.
Love is given spontaneously, it is not controlled. Love is tenderness pouring forth from the heart. Love is not concerned with commitment, love by itself is committed. It pours forth from the mouth of the lover because of the fire burning deep inside.
Let us study the battered body of Christ on the cross. As I study His pierced hands and feet, His head crowned with thorns, the blood pouring forth from His Heart, as I view the lacerations covering His body, I feel His word well up in my heart. He speaks to me in the depth of my soul and I hear Him say, "I love you. I love you. I love you, to My death on the cross."
Jesus: I love, I love, I love you. Study My crucifix.
R. He gives, He gives, He gives to us constantly. He gives and how is He treated by us? We take and we take and we take and we don't even say thanks. Thanks for our breath, our heartbeat, the beautiful sky, the sunlit day, the moon at night, the beautiful eyes of our friends. Oh, how many things He gives to us and how ungrateful we are!
On April 18, 1994 Jesus gave this message in God's Blue Book III: "How is your day? Is your glass half-full or half-empty?"
How often my glass is half empty, as I am reminded by my spiritual director, Fr. Carter. How often I do not thank Our Divine Lord for His gifts!
When I am filled with love, I see more clearly. The secret is to know God's love. We must pray for the grace to know His love more and for the grace to love Him more.
There is a man on the cross. Do we see His undying love for us? He speaks no words. He shows us the crucifix. The words are alive in our hearts.
The Father created us to love and to be loved. God is love. He wants union with us. He gives Himself to us. This is love. There is union in proportion to how I give myself to Him.
Jesus gives and gives and gives and we treat Him "nonchalantly". He gives us love, but we must give ourselves to Him to have union with Him. He wants us to be one with Him.
In Blue Book II, February 2, 1994, Jesus speaks about how He wants us to come to Communion.
“Think of how it will be when you receive God in Communion. Anticipate the event with such eagerness that, when you go to Communion, you are so filled with love that you scarce can breathe”...
In the song He wrote for us to sing to Him, “I love you, Jesus”. He wrote: “Oh burning heart, oh love divine, I scarce can breathe when you come into me”...
Jesus further states on February 2, l994 the same message:
“When you awake at night, think of Me and how you will receive God the next day. Anticipate this union with such eagerness. A King comes to you. I enter your body and unite with your soul. I am the King of the Kingdom of Heaven...I am your lover, I am a person, I want you to visit Me with such longing. You must think of Me all day to be able to long for Me. Think of Me as you do a lover. I am crying out to you, My little ones, I am crying out. I love you and I long to be with you. I come to be united with you in the Eucharist. I come to you in the tabernacle. I am your love. I am waiting to be with you and share so much love with you.
“You swoon to have your lover with you, yet you come to Me with such coldness. I want your ardent love. I want you.”
Ps. 63:1-8:
God, you are my God, I pine for you;
my heart thirsts for you,
my body longs for you,
as a land parched, dreary and waterless.
Thus I have gazed on you in the sanctuary,
seeing your power and your glory.
Better your faithful love than life itself;
my lips will praise you.
Thus I will bless you all my life,
in your name lift up my hands.
All my longings fulfilled as with fat and rich foods,
a song of joy on my lips and praise in my mouth.
On my bed when I think of you,
I muse on you in the watches of the night,
for you have always been my help;
in the shadow of your wings I rejoice;
my heart clings to you,
your right hand supports me.The priest says in the Mass at the Offertory, "By the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the Divinity of Christ, Who humbled himself to share in our humanity." He gives Himself to us. He shares His Divinity with us. We are human creatures and He shares Himself with us. My heart burns when the priest puts the drop of water in the wine. This is, indeed, a great mystery that God remains with us today, truly present in His Divinity and humanity in the Holy Eucharist, that He gives Himself to us in Communion, and that He waits for us to come to the tabernacle and be with Him. He wants to outpour His divine love and His divine life to us.
We should swoon for our Lover the Almighty, Divine God, yet we go to Him with such cold hearts. He wants our burning love.
Oh Burning Heart, Oh Love divine, how sweet You are to me. I see the Host, I know You're here to love and care for me. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee. I cannot say. There are not words to say what my heart feels. I love You so, I scarce can breathe when You come into me. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee. Your tender Heart, Oh how it beats for love of each this day. I want to give You all my love, surrender totally. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee.
December 19, 1996
My companions in the Shepherds of Christ Movement,
We live in one of the most critical periods of all time. The darkness of sin covers the earth in vast proportions. Please, please answer the call of Jesus and Mary. Listen from the depths of your hearts to what Mary is saying. Help spread the light of Jesus throughout the world!
In Their Hearts
Fr. Ed Carter, S.J.
Spiritual Director
Shepherds of Christ
Message given through Rita RingDecember 19, 1996 - Message from Mary
Mary: My little Children in the Shepherds of Christ Movement,
My Son and I give you this gift this Christmas, Rosaries from Our Hearts. We will write the messages of Our love on your hearts. You will hear Us speak to you in your hearts whenever you read the rosaries in this book or listen to any tapes recorded from Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
I am your Mother. My Son is giving to you abundant graces to dwell in Our Hearts when you read, study or pray these Rosaries from Our Hearts.
I appeared at Fatima on the 13th of the month.
My Son, Jesus, has called you on the 13th of the month to hear His messages.
My Son, Jesus, is asking you to help in the completion of the Fatima message. These messages, given from Him on the 13th, are of major importance to the completion of my mission given at Fatima.
You are His shepherds He is sending into the world to lead the strayed ones to His Heart through the consecration.
The Ministries in the Shepherds of Christ Movement must spread to all souls on the earth.
You are His apostles to spread the consecration to the world. You must contact the Church, the schools, and the family as we have instructed in the Shepherds of Christ Apostles Manual.
Please, my beloved shepherds, let go of other distractions in your life and focus on what my Son, Jesus, is asking you today.
Will you commit yourself to His Movement to renew the Church and the world? Will you be His apostles to lead the strayed ones to His Heart?
You were given a special calling from Him to be an apostle. Oh, the world needs His light. You will make ready a pathway for Him. Carry His light into the darkness.
My Son is majorly communicating to you in this Movement in the Blue Book messages. We are communicating to you in the Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Please help Us. Please come on the 13th of the month.
This is a major part of the completion of the Fatima message.
My Son, Jesus, calls you now. Will you say 'no' to Him? The rosaries, with messages from my Son, are available on live tapes, discerned by Fr. Carter. Please listen each day to a small amount of the tape. Advance the tape to any place and listen for at least five minutes. He will talk to you. He will speak in your heart.
Included is my message on tape for you, titled Mary's Message. I have requested and My Son, Jesus, has requested you spread my message and this the tape to the world. I have requested the tape be made on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Please pray to me under this title and pray to the Infant of Prague for the funds to circulate these messages to the world.
This is the gift I ask you to give my Son this Christmas. Commit yourself to serving Him in this Movement and live the messages you are given in God's Blue Books and Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
I am your Mother. The Child Jesus gives you Himself. Will you give Him yourself?
Message given through Rita RingDecember 19, 1996 - Message from Jesus
Jesus: My Children,
I am Jesus. I am calling you on the l3th of each month. I will give you, My apostles, My special messages to light the world with My love. You are My lights. I send you into the darkness. Please study My messages. I am operating through you. You must live your consecration to Our Hearts. You will lead the strayed ones home to My Heart. I want your tender love. Oh, please give your hearts to My Mother and Me. I want your hearts. I love you.
I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
December 19, 1996
Mary: My dear children, I give to you, my Son, Jesus, born in a stable in Bethlehem on Christmas morn. He is the Almighty God, the Light of the World.
I appear to you, my children, on a (former) bank in Florida. You have made money your god! Do you know how cold are your hearts? You turn away from my Son, Jesus, for your money. Your money is your god.
I am Mary, your Mother. I do not appear as I once appeared to you. I am asking you today to circulate my message given on a tape on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 1996. Please circulate this tape now. Give it to as many people as you can. I am Mary, your Mother. Please circulate my Rosary Book.
I ask you, Fr. Carter to write a letter stressing the urgency of my message. I wish the chapters to receive the tape and Rosary Book as soon as possible. It will be my message to them on Christmas, 1996.
It is through the Shepherds of Christ Movement my Son Jesus will greatly renew the Church and the World.
Circulate this letter with the tape and Rosary Book:
Message given through Rita RingDecember 19, 1996
Jesus: My Beloved Ones,
You will know a great time of trial and darkness. I have written to you of the great sufferings to come. The sinfulness of this world greatly displeases Me. I beg you to pray for forgiveness and turn your hearts to love.
And darkness covered the earth and the light was cast in little corners of the earth. Those who were willful remained in intense darkness, those who were rooted in God, and giving themselves to consecration, were the children of the light.
And the light shown in the darkness and the darkness grasped it not, but to as many as responded, they became the children of the light and from them His life flowed into the hearts that were cold and dark and slowly, very slowly, the light began to steal across the darkened sky and the moon was covered with blood. The blood was the blood of the Lamb. The blood represented the blood He shed to give us life. But the blind just saw ordinary blood and were scared to death. They responded with the greatest fright and lacked peace, but those rooted in God, those whose hearts were consecrated to Mary and Jesus, knew the sign was from God—that the time of reckoning was at hand. Many were punished and suffered a great chastisement. Many were left to death, but the children of light prayed the rosary and trusted in God.
And the night was no more for the light of day came stealing across the sky and myriads of angels filled the sky and the heavens. Sing Alleluia, Praise the Lord, you saints and angels, show yourselves to the survivors for they walked in darkness and could not see, but the light was alive in their hearts and they dwelt within the furnace of His Heart.
Have no fear now, My people, for you are the children of the light and My hand is forever upon you. You may suffer now a little, but it is nothing compared to the splendor to come.
R. Oh, reign of peace, reign of the Sacred Heart, triumph of her Immaculate Heart, we wait for you anxiously for the nights have been cold and dark and we cried a bitter cry in the darkness but we knew of the glories to come for we forever trusted in You and Your mighty hand.
Your hand is struck with power. The Virgin Mary warned the poor children that died an eternal death to mind their ways and they cried out, "Not me, oh, no, God — your ways are stiff necked and cruel. I want for foolish pleasure now and tomorrow will care for itself."
And the Lord called and called and they marched into the darkness with cold hearts, telling the Almighty God, 'no'.
Mary: Oh, my children, my little children of light, the time is nigh and many will be lost forever. I appeared and warned and told all to mind their ways and come to the Heart of my Son and they said "No, my Lady, not for you or any mother. We are children of darkness and that we remain, for we seek our pleasure by day and feast on sin all night and when you called, mother, we laughed at your Son and ignored Him and His ways." And He called and His call fell on deaf ears.
Please, my children of light, come to my heart now for although you walked next to the children of darkness. I smite the dragon that whirled around you and protected you in my heart and you will now feast on the glories of His Kingdom, my little children of light.
![]() Mary by day |
![]() by night |
Our Lady of Clearwater Florida
We chose to put more than just one of each of these 5ths because of they're importance. |
![]() November 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() November 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() December 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() December 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() December 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() December 5, 2003 |
![]() January 5, 2004 |
![]() January 5, 2004 |
![]() January 5, 2004 |
![]() January 5, 2004 |
![]() February 5, 2004 |
![]() February 5, 2004 |
5, 2014 Rosary
Clearwater, Florida
R. Apostles Creed
I want to pray for some special intentions. I want to ask that the blood of Jesus is spread on all these people, consecrate their hearts, cast the devil out, and ask for a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Pray for Amanda and that whole situation. Pray for John and pray for the mailing that we sent out. Pray for the Blue Book 14. Pray for God's will to be done. Ask that the blood of Jesus is spread on all these people, consecrate their hearts, cast the devil out, ask for a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Just surrender everything to Your will, dear God, ask You to protect us and help us.
And on this 5th we have to remember all the years of 5ths, that go all the way back to the first 5th, which Our Lord told me to do, and that was July the 5th, of 1994. So almost 20 1/2 years of 5ths, that we have been doing, and then the Blessed Mother appeared here on the building for 7 1/2 years and it was wonderful outside. And we thank You, God for all these gifts. Praying for the mailing and all the intentions that Sheila prayed for, Jerry's list and my list, and your list too, for the priest, the Church and the world, and the hierarchy that we sent the mailing to, for Dan, hope that he will have complete recovery. Our Father
So we are going to pray the rosary tonight and I would also like to pray for the protection against the evil one and spreading the blood of Jesus on everything here, and all the people that touch us in any way, and our families, and anybody that touches them, and our work that everything that we do is for the honor and glory of God.
For an increase of faith, hope and love. 3 Hail Mary
Glory Be
R. I remember in December, and it was one year, and Our Lord really, was telling me a lot about His passion, even though that Christmas time was coming. Today I really did focus on the Joyful Mysteries. But we have to see the life of Christ, and we know that Jesus came and we are preparing for this wonderful time of celebration that Jesus came to this earth and that He took flesh. And so tomorrow is the Second Sunday of Advent, and so we are really preparing. But we know that in the Old Testament, that we see a lot, that the prophets warned, and that many times they ignored the prophets, and they brought down that suffering, that they had to endure, on themselves because of their disobedience. And so we see that in the readings, and we see that in Fr. Joe's new book, which is terrific. So order Fr. Joe's new book. It's really wonderful.
Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony in the Garden
1. R. And so today for me, I remember when Jesus appeared to me at the point of death on the cross. And so Our Lord really wants me to go through the Sorrowful Mysteries tonight. We did the Joyful this afternoon. But after Mary appeared to me, on all those 5ths, and that went on for like 2 1/2 years, then on December the 5th of 1996, I went down to Holy Cross-Immaculata, and that's where she had been appearing to me, and it was always before I went to a Mass at Fr. Carter's, and I went in there and Mary didn't appeared, and I prayed my rosary, and she didn't appear and then Jesus appeared, at the point of death on the cross. It was like horrifying for me, to look at Him. I cried so hard and I cried for 3 days afterwards. And He showed Himself to me like that at the end of 1996. At the beginning of 1996, and this is in the Blue Book 10, He showed Himself to me transfigured in the front of the church at the beginning of the year, adorned in light, and it was such a joy for me, to be able to see Him, and I cried there because of the joy. But God gives to us so many gifts, and yet in the death, there is the resurrection. The Agony in the Garden. Did you say the Our Father?
2. R. And God is a just God, and God will judge us justly. So even though others may do things in this life that are wrong, and they can be smug about it, or they can be secretive, because satan does work in secret – God is a just judge, and we know that justice and peace will kiss.
3. R. Sometimes one of the hardest things for us to do, is when we have had a surprise, and we really don't understand, even, the actions of others, or we do not understand what happened, that we still have to do the will of God. And so there was a Blue Book writing, and it was in Blue Book 3, and the Blue Book writing said, clearly, that we are to do the will of God despite the action of others. And sometimes that can entail lots of suffering, when we are called by God to do something and it's really important to Him. So satan can attack and try to take us off our course, and in the end we have to discipline ourselves, and continue along the path that God has asked us to do. And so I want to ask God to help give us the grace to live according to His will and not be swayed by emotions or ways that we may feel, when things happen around us, that may really hurt, disappoint us, make us lose heart in what God is calling us to do. I pray for that grace that we will not lose heart and do the will of God, despite how we feel, in suffering or in joy.
4. R. And so we can plan and we can figure that many, many things are going to be a certain way, and when everything is harmonious and according to God's plan, there can be such tremendous joy in syncranation. And then the devil can come and he can knock something so that it almost takes our focus off of what God is calling us to. We may think that, oh on Sunday, I'm just going to walk in there at Church and I'm going to be so united to Jesus, like He talks about in the Blue Book, and I'll just be happy as a lark. And then the person that sits next to us at Mass, it maybe somebody that's really divided with us, in competition with us, and then we will have to deal with that situation if they come into the pew.
Whatever the case is, it may be very disappointing to us, when we think that we are even going to have a spiritual high. It may be something that kind of rocks that spiritual high, to where it's not what we thought. And maybe that's what God is calling us to. God is allowing us to suffer, and many of those things where we may have thought everything was going to be 'hunky-dory'. We may be called to be with someone in our family, that can demand a lot of our attention, and really have tremendous problems, where we thought we were going to go out and have a nice lunch, or go out and enjoy a movie, or just enjoy their company. And God may call us to something that is really going to affect their lives, and yet it can be tremendous suffering to us, but our being there, our doing it God's way, can be the very thing, that may help something else happen, even help a person so that someday when they really are threatened by things in their life, they might turn the right way because of our example, because of our love, because of our compassion.
And so we have to just keep discerning, to do God's will, to know that there will be suffering. A lot of times when we expect something to be something of joy, it can be something of suffering, and then we still have to say 'yes' to it. Mary said 'yes' to the will of the Father. Mary had a lot of sufferings and when we meditate on the 7 Sorrows of Mary, we meditate on those sufferings that Mary endured, and how tremendous they must have been for her, and yet Mary said 'yes'. Mary's fiat is what we meditate on. Mary said 'yes' always to the will of God.
5. R. And He took me down a road, and I thought that the road would be covered with pretty flowers and bushes, green trees, and that the birds would be singing and the sun would shine, that the air would be warm against my skin, and that I would walk with Jesus. And instead it wasn't like that at all. The day was cold, it was bleak looking. There were rocks and thistles and briar bushes. It was not the pretty flowers that I had envisioned, or the bushes and the trees that I thought, would accompany me on my way. I did not hear the sounds of the sweet birds singing in the trees, but instead a big dog came and I even ran part of the way, for fear that he may bite me. And long last, at the end of that path I sat on a rock and said, "this is not how I thought it was to be, Lord." And He said:
Jesus: Follow Me, My child, for the way that I walked was a way of suffering. Some days, you will experience great joy in seeing the creation and the great gifts that I have given to you. And some days I will call you to carry the cross, as I did on My way to Calvary. And it is in your heart and how you accept things. It is in the knowing that I am with you at every moment, that you are not to fear that I never go from you, child, that you know Me, so intimately within your breast.
Come to Me, little heart, come to Me and lay your head upon My Heart, that you will hear the beating love that God has for you. You are precious to God, child. You will be called to many different things in your life. If you study the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you must know that she had much joy in her life, and yet you have been asked to meditate on the sufferings of the Virgin Mary, to see her all the way as she walked the Way of the Cross, as she experienced the invisible wounds within her heart, as she suffered so much all through the passion. But My precious one, I will never leave you abandoned. Do not fear for I am with you. I am with you always.
Stay steadfastly united to Me, always, little one. I have given to you My writings in the Blue Books, that you will know how much, I really love you. They are My letters of love. Share them with your friends. Write to Me, your letter and open the Blue Book, that you will hear the love letter that I write back to you, that you will know that I always call you to love, love, love and love. And that you will be called to discern, you will be called to do what is right. You are called to be moral. You are called to live the life as God is calling you to live, and yet those around you may disappoint you, may even try to cause you great harm.
Study the Way of the Cross, My child, study the Resurrection, study the Ascension into heaven. Know that the Holy Spirit is always with you, giving you greater wisdom and knowledge and love. I am with you today and always, My precious child. Do not be afraid.
Song: Be Not Afraid
6. Jesus: Do not make a mountain out of a molehill, for it was water you say. For they are material things. It may cause you anxiety and suffering. And yet if you know that I am always with you, you will look at all the blessings, that you have been given and you will be filled with gratitude, seeing how it was Me who moved the box. It was Me who helped this go out. It was Me who showed Myself and lifted the load for you. It was Me, your beloved Savior, it was Me, child. You will know it was Me, if you stop and you think about all you have accomplished, and the little things that are material that may break, mud pies thrown in your face, bananas that you slip on, when I caught you and you didn't fall at all. Huh! Did you say thanks, or did you talk about that mishap as if it had some kind of glory? Instead of coming to Me, like those that were healed of leprosy – how many came back to say thank you, for the gifts that were given? Do you come back right away or do you talk endlessly about the same thing and miss the gift given?
7. R. I think that I shall never see a poem a lovely as a tree, or the beauty of a rose, as the sign by the Divine Almighty God, or some of the fish beneath the sea with such brilliant colors, that I can hardly believe, that they are real. And there is all the other things, in that world, so many times, that is unseen by many eyes, all the corals, and all the beauty. The beauty of the brilliant blue waters, that maybe only a few may see. It is the seen and the unseen, that we must think about. For there is so much that we do not know, and there is so much for us to see, that we cannot see, for God created the seen and the unseen. And we cannot know it all. God is the ultimate mystery, and our knowledge of things may be quite shallow. How prideful to think that we know it all, and really miss the opportunity to learn more and more and more, that will help us for all eternity to know God even more deeply, more vibrantly.
Dear God, let our relationship with You, be a relationship in which we really see ourselves as on a journey, in which we are like the little children, that are just learning to see things – he says, and they can hardly talk, – box – sun – floor. And their eyes are big and their hearts are ready and they want to see and they want to know – sky – dog. They see their baby brother, they look into the eyes of their mother. They see the smile of their father, eyes that are bright-eyed and wide.
What happens to man that as he goes and he goes and he goes, he may not hardly see at all. He listens to that dark ho-hum that maybe satan tells him inside, how 'so and so' pinched his tail or pulled his pig-tail or stole something that was that dear, was it really that dear, all these material things, are they really that dear? What really counts is each other, right? What really counts is the love of a friend. What really makes the difference, is that we know that there are others that are close to us that we can trust, that are faithful. Gifts given - like love -can be gifts given that last forever. That is love, for love never dies.
8. R. I took voice lessons in college and I had this most wonderful voice teacher. He was Italian and he was very, very talented. He came in one day and he was never the same after that. As he was backing up, a small child, about 2 years old, had gone into the street behind his tire, and he rolled over the child and the child died. He got up that morning thinking that he would go to college, which was where I was, and that he would teach singing and lift people's hearts with voice, all day. And when he left his house, and it wasn't his fault, a small child ran into the street behind his car and he ran over the child. Now for the rest of his life, he had to deal with the fact, that when he got out one morning, unbeknown to him, that he would carry this cross with him for the rest of his life, that his family would carry the cross, that the woman that had the child would carry the cross, and nobody wanted it to happen, and yet it did happen. It happened and it seemed like it took the smile out of his heart. He went his way for quite awhile after that, but he never seemed like he was the same and it affected his whole family.
You know we can't plan everything. He did not plan that. He did not want that. A person that is robbed, does not want the person to come into their house and to rob their things or to kill them. There are victims in this world, victims of others that are doing unkind things to them, and yet because of evil, others have to put up with things, that maybe are nobody's fault, or maybe are the results of evilness that has been projected into the world. We can't control everything, can we? I can't control the weather tomorrow. There are many things in my life that I can control, but I can't control everything. A person that goes on a plane and the plane crashes, had they known that, that plane would have been a plane that would have gone down and 240 people died, lost their lives in it – would they have boarded that plane? What about the people that lost so much in the hurricanes that ravaged Florida in 2004, especially if it uprooted the whole house? Don't you think that it is time to realize, that we have to depend on God, that we can't control it all. How foolish indeed!
If one reads the scriptures from the beginning to the end – the reason why I love to read Fr. Joe's book is because I can see the picture in Salvation History. I can see the prophecies, I can see the prophets, I can see how the people of God disobeyed, and I can see how they made themselves suffer because of what they did. And I can see it all through Salvation History how man keeps on doing more and more damaging things by disobeying God. I can see the messages that God has given to me for 23 years. I can see the gift of the priest at Mass, the Sacraments, Baptism. Doesn't it make you want to shout? And then I can see somebody else, that can just do something evil, because of jealousy and anger and envy, and they can spend their whole life trying to get away with that. Eventually it catches up, because God is just. It is up to us here today, to pray for the people of the world and of the Church and our priests, that soon, very soon, God will help us to spread His love letters, these messages throughout the whole world, that the hearts of the people of this earth, will be hearts that are consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Jesus was in the garden, and He took with Him His Apostles, and they slept. I guess they were tired, after they had eaten the dinner. They slept! They did not understand what Jesus was going through, and He went away and He said to them, "Can you not wait with Me?" And He did it 3 times! And then they came and Judas betrayed Him with a kiss. We may suffer betrayal by people that we love, and it really hurts. It hurts when others are mean to us, it hurts when others that we trust, are not trustworthy. And yet Jesus shows us, that He suffered because He loved Judas. He chose Judas and Judas betrayed Him with a kiss.
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail MaryR. Let's all say this with all of our hearts –
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, etc.
Jesus was Whipped at the Pillar
R. His flesh was torn. His Blood flew in the air. They whipped Him and they tore His back, and His flesh and His legs, and they laughed, and they took turns beating the Son of God, for our sins. So if we think that somebody did something to us, let's measure what they really did and then let's focus on the truth. The more we are one with Him, the more that we know He is with us, in all things - all things! And it takes faith, and it takes hope and it takes love, and it takes the grace that God outpours to us, to increase in us those virtues of faith, hope and love, and for us to cooperate with that grace, and to want to have that faith, to want to believe, to believe the seen and the unseen. If all you are going to believe is what you see, then we are just like Thomas.
John 20: 29 Jesus said to him: You believe because you can see me. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.
1. R. How little indeed we really know, insight into the hidden mysteries. He tells us many things to help us be drawn ever closer to Him, but we just don't know that much. Do you know? Do we know the day that we will be taken? Do we know the diseases that we may have? Do we know what will happen tomorrow? Do we know if we will have a goodnight's sleep? Do we know that He may call us to blindness or to some physical handicap? Do we know? Do we really know? Do we know what will happen to the people that are in our lives? Do we really know? Then isn't it so idiotic for us to try to manipulate, to control, to coerce with the devil, to listen to what he is trying to say, that we can control, when we know we can't control? Isn't it far better that we spend that time alone with God, every day, sometime during the day, and try to communicate with Him, in a way in which He reveals to us, insight into the will of the Father, and that we don't oppose the will of the Father because we don't like it that way. Dumb, isn't it? To oppose the will of the Father, and then expect to have any kind of joy in our life, to keep isolating ourselves, until we get to be old and we are all by ourselves, and then find out that we are really lonely, but we pushed everybody away because we didn't want to trust anybody. How do we learn to trust God when we don't trust other people down here? God didn't intend it that way. God has put people with us to work together. Is it hard? Yes, it's hard, because we are all imperfect. But, it is in Him, that we will bear much fruit.
2. R. What do we really learn in relationships? The message that He gave me today, and I went through Blue Book 14 – every place that I opened Blue Book 14, it was talking about relationship - relationship with God, relationship with others. Fr. Carter said, in one of his Newsletters, not being slavishly dependent, being, just exactly, how God wants us to be. Not being lustful, in a relationship, not doing something we shouldn't with somebody that's married. Relationship. Think about it. Don't you think we should think about it, about relationship, that God intends us to have relationship, that God commanded us to love Him first, and to love our neighbor, as our self. Doesn't that demand relationship? Can we really spend our whole life, trying to be, by our self, and pushing the people that God has put into our life - out. Think of our place in salvation history, we don't want to push people, God wants us to work with - out. How can we expect joy in our life, when God is knocking at our door and He is bringing somebody to us and we push them away, to do it alone? And He said you got to work with this guy. The two of you can do a lot of 'stuff', that will help a lot of souls." And you say, "Oh, I don't want that guy here. No, no. I don't want to work with anybody". Relationship. God is love. He is teaching us about relationship.
3. R. And then we have a responsibility, that if somebody is just rebellious, and God has called us to have order, like in a religious order, or in our family – we just don't let anybody in there, to disturb the family and say, 'come on in' when God doesn't want that. So there's that balance between what we tolerate and what is God's will and how to be loving. And so if somebody is not even suppose to be working with us, in our lives, because this is not our responsibility, it may be hard if they keep coming, trying to manipulate, so that they can force their way in, because by letting them in, then we are not doing what God wills. God has called us to obey His will and serve Him for His glory – not our will for our glory.
And so a priest has to look at that, he has to see if a person keeps coming and coming and coming and coming. Is it his responsibility? Is 'this' his responsibility? Is 'that' his responsibility? What is God calling him to do and that takes time alone with God, that takes grace to be able to discipline ourselves to discern, to beg for a more virtuous way of living. And that's why the time before the Blessed Sacrament is so important, because God outpours His grace in the Eucharist, when we go to Mass and sit in front of the Blessed Sacrament, God fills us more and more abundantly with His life. And the more we are filled with His life, the more that our decisions are the decisions that are God's will, are the decisions that God wants us to make. And the more that we know that God has called us, especially to be 'a leader', in teaching others about religion, we want to do what is holy, what is God's will. We must go to God and pray for direction to be filled more with His grace, like a priest before the Blessed Sacrament. We may suffer ourselves and others may suffer. God has called us to this intimate union, especially religious - and we do want adoration chapels all over the world, the Mighty Medicine.
4. Jesus speaks and He says: Spread the consecration to My Sacred Heart and to My Mother's Immaculate Heart, as I have asked you in this Movement. For I have called the Movement, Shepherds of Christ to help in the renewal of the Church and the world, that you will be praying for the priests, that have so many demands that are placed on them today, because they are fewer and fewer. And yet I have given you these tremendous messages to help prepare the way, for the Reign of My Sacred Heart, but you must have faith, little ones. You must reach more and more for that grace that I am outpouring to you, by being before the Blessed Sacrament and doing adoration and being in love with God. I call you to love Me. I call you to give to God the love that is His due. I am Jesus, listen to Me and have a life of joy. Even in suffering, you will have joy, if you live the Father's will, first and foremost in your life.
5. Jesus: I am calling you, in your life, to do the Father's will, not to have a plan of your own, where you set things up and then you try to manipulate, how you can make these things happen, so that you try to force disorder, not according to the will of God the Father, but according to your disordered will. Foolish little ones, running down the wrong road, that leads to a dead end.
6. Jesus: Pray My little ones, these prayers, for you do not understand how much grace I am pouring out to you as you pray the Shepherds of Christ Prayers, for your priests, the Church and the world. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the Flock. And if you want to see, pray the prayers and you will see the gifts, that will be given, for I am faithful to this promise that I made to Fr. Carter 20 years ago. Do you dare to hear the request I gave to him? Do you want peace and joy in your life? Spread the prayers throughout the world. Pray that the hierarchy will listen to the letter given to them and begin the prayer chapters, with great devotion to My Heart and the heart of My Mother. But you can look the other way, and you can watch the football games all day, and you can come with the next sport that comes, and you can hide, as if you are not in the world, and all of a sudden you too, will be in your 60's, and the things that you once counted on, are quiet different than they were.
Where were you when you had the chance to be praying, so that things would be in justice, the way that they should be, in harmony, in order, rooted in the Christian life. Where were you - turning your head the other way and saying it didn't matter what I did. Whenever you come to Me and listen to what I have told you, I give to you this promise, the promise I made to Fr. Carter – that to those who pray the prayers, I will take them deeply into My Heart and into My Mother's heart. There you will know the riches to help to bring about the renewal of the Church and the world, in which the priests will receive many graces, to be able to discern and to live more deeply, intimate union with God.
This is a major promise that I am making to you, to those who pray these prayers on this December 5th: December 5th I appeared to Rita at the point of death on the cross. Mary appeared 2 1/2 years on the 5th.
All 5ths -
Our Lady of Clearwater Florida
![]() November 5, 2003 |
![]() December 5, 2003 |
Jesus: Mary appeared all these 5ths in Clearwater, Florida. A handful of people come on the 17th of December, and many say it doesn't matter. You have children and grandchildren. You have people that are growing up in the world today. You have priests that need these prayers. Pray for the Church. I am promising to you this night, tremendous grace will be outpoured to those who pray the prayers that I gave to Fr. Carter, to pray for the priests, the Church and the world, centered in devotion to My Heart and to the heart of My Mother. This is My Movement, I have been sent by God the Father to you, for these 20 1/2 years. Listen to Me.
On December the 5th of 1996, I appeared on the cross with My mouth moving because, no one was listening. Now 18 years later, I am speaking to you, because no one is listening. Do you see your world? Do you see the priests that need your prayers? Do you see how they are dwindling, and yet you bury your heads in the sand and you say, "It's just a happening. Things won't affect me and my family - this is for somebody else." Wake up - open your eyes - Listen to Me – You are like the people who ignored the warning I gave to the prophets of old. Can you say it won't happen to you, when the world is so much different when you are 65 and 70, when your grandchildren are just being born and they will live in this mess? I am telling you, to those who pray these prayers, they will be richly blessed. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the Flock. The world focuses on the physical life, day and night, and ignore the spiritual life.
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail MaryGlory Be
The Crowning With Thorns
R. And Jesus was crowned with a crown of thorns. Jesus was not given a crown of gold or silver or jewels, but He, the Divine Almighty God, the Son of God, withstood this treatment for our sins. And today as the world just shrivels more and more, in the selfishness and the focusing on the things of the world, they ignore, the little simple directions that He has given to us, the rosary meditations, the letters of His love, the homily books, so that men will rely more and more on His Word and the Eucharist, that they will pray for the priests, the Church and the world, weekly. In Fr. Joe's book, at the end, are the prayers, besides the homilies rooted in the Word and the Eucharist, the Bread of Life.
"Come unto me all who are weary, He says, and I will give you rest." Where will that rest come from, when men seek more and more the things of the world, when the little things that mean so little, become the focus, and the things that do mean a lot, to eternal salvation, are not even looked at or examined.
1. Jesus: I have given the directions that have come from My Father. I have given to you the Blue Book 14, which are the messages given after Mary's apparition in Clearwater. And many will ignore what I have given to them. And they will say it means little or no difference. And yet, I am preparing men for the Reign of My Sacred Heart. What I have called you to do here, can help to change the world. I appeared on December the 5th, of 1996, 18 years ago, only days before Mary's apparition in Clearwater, December 17, 1996, I appeared at the point of death, My mouth was moving and it was to tell you that no one is listening.
2. R. And I went to Holy Cross-Immaculata after seeing Mary for almost 2 1/2 years on the 5ths appearing to me and I began to pray the rosary, and she did not appear. And before me was the crucifix and Jesus became so big. And Jesus looked like a man that was dying on the cross, a full-bodied man, and His mouth was moving. At the point of death, and His mouth was moving so exaggeratedly that I could not even see how He could end up doing this. And I did not understand and in horror, I sat there and I cried because of the sight and cried for 3 days. And later that night, at the rosary on the 5th, which we do like we do now, He said that He appeared that way with His mouth moving, because nobody was listening to Him. This was 18 years ago today. So here we are at the 5th and there is only a few of us here.
And Jesus says: And no one is listening to Me today.
3. R. And Mary appeared here then, on December the 17th, of 1996, Mary appeared, and it is in Blue Book 13. And for 7 1/2 years Mary appeared on the building here, until somebody knocked her image head off, the image head, with a slingshot, around 5:00 a. m. in the morning, and that was March the 1st, of 2004. And since we have still put out probably now, 18,000,000 Priestly Newsletters, in books and loose, since 1994. But the prayers that Jesus asked us to pray are so important to Him, and I have watched what has happened to those who pray these prayers. If you want to complain about the priests or if you think the priest isn't exactly what you think he should be, then stay there every day at Church and pray these prayers Jesus gave Fr. Carter. If you can't go to church, pray them in your house for him, because he needs a lot of grace. He has a hard job. God has asked us for 20 years to pray in this Movement, for our beloved priests, for the Church and the world, and they have a hard job. How selfish can we become, to go to Church one hour a week and go in there and criticize our priests, when he is on duty day and night. And maybe they all aren't perfect, then let us pray for them, because they have a hard job, and they are such a gift.
Song: A Priest is a Gift From God
4. R. Help me spread these prayers, please, 20 1/2 years later, all the books and gifts that God has given. Look at the world, look at our grandchildren. Look at how the health insurance and all the stuff has changed, ever since we started, and you have got one more thing to accept that you have almost no control over. God has asked us for such a little thing, to pray these prayers in the Prayer Manual, and I have watched the results. To those who pray these prayers, they have been given tremendous blessings, and they have been taken deeper and deeper in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. People that started these prayers in 1994 are still praying these prayers because praying the prayers has changed their lives. The Shepherds of Christ Prayers are so powerful. Our priests need these prayers that Jesus asked us to pray. Our Church needs the prayers. The world needs the prayers. Jesus told Fr. Carter to pray these prayers, we have them in 8 languages. Please listen!
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of Shepherds of Christ Associates:
"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994, feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
R. Jesus appeared on the cross at the point of death, a full-bodied man, and His mouth was moving and I cried and cried and cried and cried, and that night He said "nobody is listening to Me." And still after that, He put Our Lady on this building, here, for 7 1/2 years, and you watch, there is like 3 or 4 of us here tonight. Isn't that great. I know they are praying in China. I don't know who else is praying, but I will tell you things all around us are changing. And the more that He told me about World War II, I saw 66,000,000 people were killed in World War II, because they did not listen to the message of Our Lady of Fatima. Let us give the Sacred Heart of Jesus devotion. Doesn't God deserve it?
5. And He says: I love you. I love you. I love you. I was crowned with thorns.
R. And the blood ran down His face and in to His ears, and His teeth went through His mouth, and His eyes was sealed shut from the blood from the whacks to His head, and His whole body was a bloody, raw mess, because of our sins. Faith, if there was faith like a mustard seed, it would make a big difference. But the faith is waning in the whole world. The faith to believe that God would give these messages, even after Our Lady of Clearwater appeared here. It's funny, but her image head was knocked off and now there is all these beheadings. It just is strange.
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail MaryThe Carrying of the Cross
1. Jesus: I come to you with greatest love, My precious one, I have given to you the secrets of My Heart. Do not turn away. I ask you to listen to the message that I have given to you this night, that you will support the Shepherds of Christ Ministries, that you will help to spread the materials that I have given in these books to the world, that you will pray the prayers with this devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart, and that you will spread the consecration throughout the whole world, that bishops will consecrate their dioceses to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that people will consecrate their homes to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that children will consecrate themselves in the schools, that there will be unity and order, that Jesus will be the King and Center of the hearts of the men on this earth. Your power is in this, that God is the King of your hearts.
2. R. You know, He asked us to write a letter, this is all in that Blue Book 14, too, and then you write this letter to God, and then like I was opening up the Blue Book 3, and that was Fr. Carter's favorite book he said. It is so beautiful. Every book is different and they are so beautiful. Like the one, that when I opened it up and then it said, doing God's will, is not dependent upon what other people are doing around you. Doing God's will is doing God's will, and we may have to do God's will in suffering. But you know, if you look at the Old Testament, you see how they were disobedient to God, disobedient to God, disobedient to God, and they made their own sufferings. The prophet would say this is what's wrong, this is what's wrong, this is what's wrong. They would disobey and then they made a bunch of suffering, for themselves. It just went on over and over and over again.
Isn't it the same thing, that you know what is right, but we just keep on pushing, in rebellion against the rules God has given to us, to love, unity, order. The marriage is the way that God has called us to be married, the families that we are to have, like, Olive plants around the table, that we are to work with each other, that we are to work in religious orders with each other, to try to not be jealous and envious, but to work as one glove on a hand, so that we can really accomplish a lot, that we don't try to manipulate, so that we can end up making God, do it our way. What a farce is that! To be in a religious order and then try to do your own will. It is just a paradox! Being in a religious order means that there is order and God is on the top and you are under. Right? Sorry! I get excited! After 23 years of messages, this is excitement. It is so simple to do what He has called us to do, and it is like Eve in the garden. All she had to do was just not eat of that one tree. That's all He told her. Do not eat of the forbidden fruit, but sure enough, she had to go over there and listen to the devil. The devil lured her, she had to eat of that. And then she disobeyed God, after all the gifts she was given.
3. R. I want to pray for all those intentions that we have been praying for, since we came down here on the 2nd, having great faith, that God will hear our prayers and answer those prayers. We love You God, so deeply. Hear our prayer, please, for healing, for love, for the priests, the Church and the world, for the hierarchy, for the prayer chapters, for our families, for ourselves, for any of the particular problems that we brought, for Blue Book 14, for the cover of Blue Book 14, to spread the rest of the books, and for funds and grace. We need funds. Help us to do this.
4. Hail Mary
5. R. You know, you watch the devastation of World War II, and it is like the Old Testament, where they were given so many warnings and they wouldn't listen to what they were suppose to do, and then there was the Babylonian Exile. And then the Jewish people suffered so much, and the loss of their homes and brought into exile. It was just so sad. And it is like they made their own bed, because they wouldn't listen to the message that God gave to them. And then you look at World War II, and you see that Our Lady gave this message at Fatima, and I have seen Mary for 20 years appear to me. I saw Jesus at the point of death on the cross, 18 years ago. I am not going to change my story. That is how it is. Read Blue Book 13, December 5th, 1996, 18 years ago. Read the story. And then Mary appeared on the building here, 12 days later. Wow!
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail MaryMary: I stood beneath the cross of my Son and my heart was in such anguish, for the little ones that would lose their souls. I appear, I appear, I appear and I am ignored.
Jesus is Crucified and Died on the Cross
1. R. So two months ago on October the 5th, I saw Our Blessed Mother praying with us. And she is praying with us.
Dear Heavenly Mother, please, through your powerful intercession, pray with us that we can spread these prayer chapters, spread the messages of Jesus, that the world will listen to the message, of devotion to the Sacred Heart and to your Immaculate Heart. Help us Heavenly Mother, despite all the weird-o things that may go on, where there are just glitches in our life, help us to stay focused on you.And Mary speaks and she says: And you must do, my messenger, the will of God. For it may be in his timing that he thinks that this will happen, or in her timing that she thinks this will happen, in trying to tell you what you are to do. But it is in God's way that this mission is to be led. As the co-founder, I call you, my child, to do as Jesus calls you to do. Doing the will of God, is not being coerce by others and in their timing. It is listening to Him, and it is doing as He asks you to do.
2. Mary: My dear child, there was a small hole that was drilled in a board. And along came one man and he stuck in a small screw and it was just too big of a hole for the little screw. Another man came and he tried to stick in a screw that was too big, and it did not fit. And so finally, the third man came and he put the exact screw into the hole and it was a perfect fit. When God chose you as the co-founder, Fr. Carter was chosen as the founder, and the fit was the way that God the Father intended it to be. When I appeared as Our Lady of Clearwater, here, in this building, it is still the Building of the Two Hearts, to spread the devotion as you have been called by God, not as others see fit, not as others want you to run this Movement. It is the Movement of God the Father, who called Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the Flock. Look at the book, the Guiding Light and see the shepherd, for he leads his flock to the light.
3. Mary: So if you have been called by this great honor, to help in this Movement, you are to serve God. You are not to serve yourself. You are not to decide how it is for your gain. It is by the will of the Heavenly Father, as you will see in the Blue Book 14, that I was called by Him, to appear as Our Lady of Clearwater.
4. Mary: The date was the date given by your Heavenly Father, of December 17th, that this date is an anniversary that is to be celebrated with a procession, that you will honor Our Two Hearts, that you will honor me as Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas, Our Lady of Clearwater, December 17th, is the day that God the Father chose for my apparition here.
5. Mary: I am Our Lady of Clearwater.
6. Mary: I am Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas, tremendous grace of healing are given from this site in Clearwater, Florida and I still appear here as I appear to you this day. I am Our Lady of Clearwater.
7. Mary: I am Our Lady of Clearwater.
8. R. As Our Blessed Mother appears, God the Father spoke to me and He said He wants His book, Blue Book 14 to be published right away.
And Mary said once again as she appeared: 'I am Our Lady of Clearwater' - She is adorned in light.
R. Mary is appearing and so beautiful. Mary is Our Lady of Clearwater.
9. R. And the light is just beautiful, the lights all around Jesus and the crucifix and around Mary.
And she says one more time: I am Our Lady of Clearwater.
R. The book, Blue Book 14, as God the Father Speaks After Clearwater – It is a book in which God the Father spoke all through the book, giving to me two very important messages that Fr. Carter took very seriously in the beginning. And Our Lady appeared as Our Lady of Fatima on March the 20th, so big. And that rosary too, has been out there for years, that Fr. Carter discerned long ago, and the rosaries that he led.
Mary: I am Our Lady of Clearwater. You have been given a great gift here. Pray fervently, that the world will listen, after 18 years to the voice of Jesus, sent by God the Father, that the book, Blue Book 14, will be printed and His message after Clearwater will reach the world. This is your confirmation, that God wants this book published. Hear me, the Lady of Clearwater. God the Father Speaks After Clearwater, in Blue Book 14.
10. Hail Mary
Hail Holy Queen
The MemorareMary: I am Our Lady of Clearwater. I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my heart was in such anguish, for my little ones that would be lost forever. God the Father has asked you, my children, to print the Blue Book 14, for He speaks to the world after Clearwater.
R. We will have activities on the 16th and the 17th of December, so we will put those on the internet. Hope that you can come. The retreat will be the same in China, Indiana and I hope you can tune in or come to China. Amen.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
December 9, 2014
R. Relationship with God –
Dear Holy Spirit please give to me the gift of
wisdom to see more the Plan of
our Heavenly Father, to see in deep
perspective how man is to be
in his relationship more and more
in greater unity with God and
thus see himself in unity with
his fellowman –
Dear Holy Spirit let me see myself
as the Father wants me to see
myself in His Plan, in the Plan
of relationships with God and
fellow man –
See the world in greater unity in the
Plan of the Father – all men under
God, and to spread these prayers Jesus
gave to Fr. Carter to pray for greater unity
in my relationship with God and greater
knowledge to comprehend God's Plan for us
of unity
among men and how to spread these
prayer chapters.
Jesus: You have been told to spread the
prayer chapters especially to the
priests and the bishops – that
the bishops will consecrate their
dioceses to My Sacred Heart and My
Mother's Immaculate Heart –
Continue to send this mailing of Fr. Joe's
book with the prayer brochure and
prayers in the back –
Tell your members to listen –
to pray the prayers and to help you
to spread the prayers –
Tell Sheila and Jerry and Regina to have
available discs of her saying
the prayers - always – when you
do retreats – Don't limit these
discs like this – I have given this
message, I want you to listen.
My Mother has asked for Image Rosaries
in crystal – you must listen to
her now to Me –
Advertise these rosaries –
Tell Josephine I am thankful for
her helping and want her to always
make these rosaries – with
earnest – keep the supplies –
I am a God of love – My calling to
the devotion of My Sacred Heart is
paramount –
Devotion Rita - I give you
these prayers –
these images
I want love, devotion to Me as
the Sacred Heart –
I want people to make Me –
the King and Center of their hearts –
God the Father wants the rosary
of December 5th transcribed to be
released December 13th –
I want this to happen –
Blue Book 14 has a most important message –
Do not tarry –
Pray for the cover, the book, the
reception of the Blue Books
by all –
This is your answer to
greater intimacy with God –
to spread the messages I give
you –
My message here is about
relationship – Prepare a highway
for the Lord – greater knowledge
and wisdom of the Heavenly Father's
plan for the era of love of Our
Two Hearts –
the era of peace –
You need to pray tomorrow in
retreat for what satan is doing
right now to set a big fire
in the world – a scandal –
to rowel the tempers of those
planning to tear things apart –
Pray in earnest – spread My Blood,
in your prayers in the whole world –
Consecrate the hearts of men to
My Heart and Mary's Heart in
as far as you are able –
Cast out the devil from the men
of the earth –
Pray to St. Michael –
Beg for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
especially on leaders of the Church,
leaders of the world –
Pray, My little people – NOW
don't forget your prayers –
Jerry, Betty, please pray
in earnest on the half-hour –
on the hour –
today – listen to Me –
Pray with devotion to My Sacred Heart –
Pray through the intercession
of Mary, your Heavenly
Mother –
Pray, Pray, Pray –
Pray in China during this retreat
for the Church and the world –
the devil is trying to provoke
greater division among
men –
Spread My Blood on the world
and Church at the hours
of 3, 6, 9, 12 around
the clock –
Pray for love and unity –
Devotion to My Sacred Heart –
Consecrate the world and the Church
to My Sacred Heart and Mary's
Immaculate Heart in as far as
you are able
Devotion to My Sacred Heart and My Mother's
Immaculate Heart
Pray little ones –
Pray for the funds needed to
do all I ask –
Pray for those who call themselves
LEADERS and ignore
Me –
Leaders - leaders aren't selfish –
You are in a spiritual desert – you
need to promote this devotion
to My Sacred Heart –
Isaiah 40: 1-11
'Console my people, console them,'
says your God.
'Speak to the heart of Jerusalem
and cry to her
that her period of service is ended,
that her guilt has been atoned for,
that, from the hand of Yahweh,
she has received
double punishment for all her sins.'A voice cries, 'Prepare in the desert
a way for Yahweh.
Make a straight highway for our God
across the wastelands.
Let every valley be filled in,
every mountain and hill be levelled,
every cliff become a plateau,
every escarpment a plain;
then the glory of Yahweh will be revealed
and all humanity will see it together,
for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken.'A voice said, 'Cry aloud!' and I said,
'What shall I cry?'
-'All humanity is grass
and all its beauty like the wild flower's.
The grass withers, the flower fades
when the breath of Yahweh blows on them.
(The grass is surely the people.)
The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God remains for ever.'Go up on a high mountain,
messenger of Zion.
Shout as loud as you can,
messenger of Jerusalem!
Shout fearlessly,
say to the towns of Judah,
'Here is your God.'Here is Lord Yahweh coming with power,
his arm maintains his authority,
his reward is with him
and his prize precedes him.
He is like a shepherd feeding his flock,
gathering lambs in his arms,
holding them against his breast
and leading to their rest the mother ewes.
Jesus: Prepare the way, My people,
spread these books, spread the
Blue Books, tell people to
come to the Centers for the retreats,
pray on the radio with the
retreats –
Are you serious about making
My messages available to others –
or are you a desert –
using them for yourself, but
not spreading what I call you
to do –
Spread the Blue Books –
They are My gift to you –
Your world is in a desert of
spiritual focus –
tell them –
pray hourly –
spread My Blood hourly on the
Church and the world –
Give to the people this message –
I have proclaimed to you –
Give it away, My people –
Change your lives to be more and
more as the Father intends
and be serious about your
calling –
not self-centered
not selfish –
The world needs these materials –
those who you know would
pray –
Ask them to pray –
Pray for your priests to spread
this devotion to My Sacred Heart and
Mary's Immaculate Heart and watch
the world change –
Listen to Me.
18 Years Ago
December 5, 1996
R. On December 5, 1996, Our Lord appeared to me at Holy Cross-Immaculata Church, after Mary had appeared on most of the 5ths since July 5, 1994. Our Lord now appeared, dying on the cross.
His withered body was horrifying to me. I cried and looked at Him in horror. This lasted about twenty minutes. It looked as if He could exert no effort, but His jaw moved and moved and moved. It was a big movement as His mouth moved. I heard no words. I was sickened.
I was horrified at the sight of His weakness, the vision I saw and I cried from the depth of my soul as I watched I could hardly stand it.
It was in the church, Holy Cross-Immaculata. He appeared on this crucifix. It was horrifying for me. I was in such anguish and tears. I know this experience so well, He implanted it in my soul. This was after Mary appeared for 2 years and 4 months on the 5ths. Jesus appeared on the 2 1/2 year anniversary on the crucifix.
At the traditional rosary (I had done them now for 2½ years of 5ths) that evening at 6:30 with all the Shepherds of Christ people there, He said He moved His mouth because no one was listening.
This was December 5, 1996, after all those visits of Mary on the 5ths when very few came and listened.
Mary did not appear. Jesus is handling it. He is speaking in the rosaries and in the Blue Book messages.
In the year 1996 Mary began to speak less and less in the live rosary messages because she said people were not listening.
I wish you would envision our Lord at the point of death as I saw Him December 5, 1996. See the weakened body, see the body of a full size Man in anguishing pain, see a Man dying on the cross, nailed to the cross by our sins.
Excerpt from January 18, 1997
The Father said:
I am angered at your ways for they are not My ways, you have run amuck, you have offended your God, you have disobeyed your Mother and My beloved Son who died to save you. . .
Disobey My messenger, ignore your Mother, ignore the Son in these messages. Ignore My Son who died for you. . .
You worry for funds, worry more, I am God the Father, the Almighty God. You disobeyed Mary, you disobeyed Jesus, now you will disobey Me?
end of excerpt
Jesus: On December 5, 2014
God the Father said –
You have ignored Me for
almost 18 years now
after this message
Publish Blue Book 14 – I want them
out there –
Publish Blue Book 14 – January 1, 1997
– March 31, 1997
God the Father Speaks After Clearwater
Come to the 17th and pray for the
world –
Pray your Morning Offering
for devotion to Our Two Hearts
Today's Readings
Isaiah 40: 1-11
'Console my people, console them,'
says your God.
'Speak to the heart of Jerusalem
and cry to her
that her period of service is ended,
that her guilt has been atoned for,
that, from the hand of Yahweh,
she has received
double punishment for all her sins.'A voice cries, 'Prepare in the desert
a way for Yahweh.
Make a straight highway for our God
across the wastelands.
Let every valley be filled in,
every mountain and hill be levelled,
every cliff become a plateau,
every escarpment a plain;
then the glory of Yahweh will be revealed
and all humanity will see it together,
for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken.'A voice said, 'Cry aloud!' and I said,
'What shall I cry?'
-'All humanity is grass
and all its beauty like the wild flower's.
The grass withers, the flower fades
when the breath of Yahweh blows on them.
(The grass is surely the people.)
The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God remains for ever.'Go up on a high mountain,
messenger of Zion.
Shout as loud as you can,
messenger of Jerusalem!
Shout fearlessly,
say to the towns of Judah,
'Here is your God.'Here is Lord Yahweh coming with power,
his arm maintains his authority,
his reward is with him
and his prize precedes him.
He is like a shepherd feeding his flock,
gathering lambs in his arms,
holding them against his breast
and leading to their rest the mother ewes.
Psalm 96: 1-3, 10-13
Sing a new song to Yahweh!
Sing to Yahweh, all the earth!
Sing to Yahweh, bless his name!Proclaim his salvation day after day,
declare his glory among the nations,
his marvels to every people!Say among the nations, 'Yahweh is king.'
The world is set firm, it cannot be moved.
He will judge the nations with justice.Let the heavens rejoice and earth be glad!
Let the sea thunder, and all it holds!
Let the countryside exult, and all that is in it,
and all the trees of the forest cry out for joy,at Yahweh’s approach, for he is coming,
coming to judge the earth;
he will judge the world with saving justice,
and the nations with constancy.
Matthew 18 12-14
‘Tell me. Suppose a man has a hundred sheep and one of them strays; will he not leave the ninety–nine on the hillside and go in search of the stray? In truth I tell you, if he finds it, it gives him more joy than do the ninety–nine that did not stray at all. Similarly, it is never the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost.
Jesus: Prepare the Way of the Lord –
Comfort My People
Pray, My People,
Pray as I have directed
20 Years Ago
Through Him, With Him, In Him
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
Jesus: In My retreat I call you to sing
to Me – I call you to come
with a heart open to
pray and praise Me –
Give devotion to My Sacred Heart –
I will give to you a just hand –
You are to spread My message
here –
spread My words here
Tomorrow's December 10th Readings
Isaiah 40: 25-31
'To whom can you compare me,
or who is my equal?' says the Holy One.
Lift your eyes and look:
he who created these things
leads out their army in order,
summoning each of them by name.
So mighty is his power,
so great his strength,
that not one fails to answer.
How can you say, Jacob,
how can you repeat, Israel,
'My way is hidden from Yahweh,
my rights are ignored by my God'
Did you not know? Had you not heard?
Yahweh is the everlasting God,
he created the remotest parts
of the earth.
He does not grow tired or weary,
his understanding is beyond fathoming.
He gives strength to the weary,
he strengthens the powerless.
Youths grow tired and weary,
the young stumble and fall,
but those who hope in Yahweh
will regain their strength,
they will sprout wings like eagles,
though they run
they will not grow weary,
though they walk they will never tire.
Matthew 11: 28-30
‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’
December 11th 1st Reading
Isaiah 41: 13-20
For I, Yahweh, your God, I grasp you by your right hand; I tell you, 'Do not be afraid, I shall help you.' Do not be afraid, Jacob, you worm! You little handful of Israel! I shall help you, declares Yahweh; your redeemer is the Holy One of Israel. Look, I am making you into a threshing-sledge, new, with double teeth; you will thresh and beat the mountains to dust and reduce the hills to straw. You will winnow them and the wind will carry them off, the gale will scatter them; whereas you will rejoice in Yahweh, will glory in the Holy One of Israel. The oppressed and needy search for water, and there is none, their tongue is parched with thirst. I, Yahweh, shall answer them, I, the God of Israel, shall not abandon them. I shall open up rivers on barren heights and water-holes down in the ravines; I shall turn the desert into a lake and dry ground into springs of water. I shall plant the desert with cedar trees, acacias, myrtles and olives; in the wastelands I shall put cypress trees, plane trees and box trees side by side; so that people may see and know, so that they may all observe and understand that the hand of Yahweh has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it.
Jesus: Come to Me –
Prepare a place for devotion
to My Heart
Blue Book Blow Out for Christmas
Give the gift that keeps giving this Christmas
6 different Blue Books for $30.00 including postage
Books available in limited supply for this sale.
Blue Book Blow Out for Christmas
Blue Book 1 – $6.00 each plus postage
Blue Book 2 – $5.00 each plus postage
Blue Book 3 – $4.00 each plus postage
Blue Books 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7,
6A, B, C –
$3.00 each plus postage
Blue Books 4 & 5 –$2.00 each plus postage
The more you use the Blue Books and
become one with Jesus – more
intimate with Jesus –
the more your lives are a blessing and
everything you do in life can help
to bring down great grace for the world
because of your being so
one with Jesus.
Guiding Light Homily Book Series
Fr. Joe’s Books
4 for $20 plus postage of $5.95
These books can be given to:
1) All Priests
2) Good for Music Ministers
3) Good for DRE's
4) Good for Deacons
5) Good for Principals of Schools
6) Good for Teachers
7) Good for Mom and Dads
This statue was handmade and
and has a little piece of the glass
from the image face of Mary –
PV-Fatima w/glass - 27 ![]() |
PV-Fatima w/glass - 18 ![]() |
PV-Fatima w/glass - 15 ![]() |
OL-Fatima w/glass - 18 ![]() |
PV-Fatima w/glass - 12 ![]() |
OL-Fatima w/glass - 11 ![]() |
w/glass - 28 ![]() |
Carmel w/glass - 24 ![]() |
w/glass - 24 ![]() |
w/glass - 24 ![]() |
w/glass - 24 ![]() |
w/glass - 24 ![]() |
Carmel w/glass - 18 ![]() |
Ivory |
w/glass - 18 ![]() |
w/glass - 12 ![]() |
These statues are a treasure, a work of art
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
6) People going to Florida and China.
7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
9) Pray for pope helping us.
10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
11) Blue Book 14 cover; Blue Book 13 – all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
15) Donors and members and their families.
16) Healing of the Family tree.
17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
18) All who asked us to pray for them.
19) All we promised to pray for.
20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
21) 2 babies and moms.
22) Funds and insurance.
23) Jerry's garage.
24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
26) Consecrate all hearts.
27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
We need money for
Fr. Joe's new homily book
(we sent almost 40,000 to priests,
cardinals, bishops)
Can you please help us?
The Wedding Rosary
Crystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Special First Communion Rosary with Image Center
in a gift box
white blue red
and an 8 x 10 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater
and a 4 x 6 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater$10 plus postage
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box$40 plus shipping
Special Sale Statues with image glass
15" Pilgrim Virgin Fatima – $85
12" Our Lady of Fatima – $75
plus shipping
while supplies lastCall Regina 1–727–776–2763
Call Rosie 888–211–3041
In Spanish with the Imprimatur
Also we are ready to print
5000 copies of the
Parents and Children's Rosary Book
Can you help with a donation?
Give the gift that counts.
Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.
Tell My People $5.00
Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
God's Blue Books 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
$4.00 each plus postage
Blue Book 4
Blue Book 5
Blue Book 6A
Blue Book 6B
Blue Book 6C
Blue Book 7
Blue Book 8
Blue Book 9
Blue Book 10
Blue Book 11
Blue Book 12 & 13
Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
$2.00 plus postage
New Mass Book with Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
Give to your priest.
Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage
Special sale statue with glass
27" Statue of Our Lady of Fatima
$175 plus postage
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage
Dan called and gave the report to me, when I hung up I saw this rainbow and took a picture for him.
Shepherds of
Christ Ministries P.O. Box 627 China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182