December 27, 2010
December 28th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 5 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for December 28th are Joyful.
December 27, 2010
What makes us happy?
Our goal must be God —
We were created for God —
A man made a pair of shoes and
when a woman came to
buy them she wanted them
for mittens —
'Mittens' the man said — 'they are
shoes' —
She said she would use them
as she pleased — she
bought them — she owned
them —
God created us for Him —
To give honor and glory to Him —
Our life is a journey —
A man went to a doctor and
he had cerebral hemorrhages —
The doctor wanted to treat him
for he had a very serious
problem —
The man said he would ignore
it —
We cannot ignore our wounded
human nature —
Jesus came to save us from
our sins, but we have
to do God's will to receive
our reward —
Our life is a journey —
Our memories, experiences are
still part of us —
We have a choice to be positive —
living in love —
living in joy —
building God's Kingdom or
We can choose to go deeper and
deeper into darkness —
It is a choice to have a bad
attitude —
It is a choice to expect
someone else to make us happy
while we live as a rival to
God's will —
Living with a negative attitude
day after day is being a
rival to God's will —
Our memories, we choose, become
deeper and deeper in darkness —
images we put in our
minds — we control —
We are to follow Christ
We are to walk in His footsteps
Our goal is to be rewarded in
heaven for living in love
according to God's will —
We have a choice —
to have a positive attitude —
to help others according to
God's will —
to give in love —
to choose the light —
to see beautiful gifts in our
mind — God has given us —
We have a choice to be
harmonious or to
choose disharmony —
I know Jesus asked us to
spread the devotion of
His Heart of perfect love —
Devotion to the Sacred Heart
who did the Father's will
to His death on the cross —
To walk in the truth —
When we sin — we admit it —
so we walk in the truth —
The devil wants people to lie,
to live and say they did
nothing wrong when they
sin —
Living negatively hurts all
who should have been
touched by watching us
be children of the light —
The Blue Books are a prescription,
the Mighty Medicine for living,
positively, in love, according
to God's will —
A prescription for leading us to
the table of the Lord — where
we feast on the Body and Blood
of Jesus —
July 16, 1994
Our Father Loves What He has Created
R. The soul thirsts after love. I have a loving Father Who created me. I am hungry for the love of God.
Jesus: Do you stalk this barren world in search of love and find none? The Father is ever vigilant in His love for you. He created you and loves you as the most loving Father.
Come, My children, come and sit and pray. Pray in silence, pray to your Father. "Our Father, Who art in heaven..." Sit and focus on His love for you. He loves what He has created. You are so precious to Him.
Come and be with your Father.
Holy Spirit Prayer
Come, Holy Spirit, almighty Sanctifier, God of love, who filled the Virgin Mary with grace, who wonderfully changed the hearts of the apostles, who endowed all Your martyrs with miraculous courage, come and sanctify us. Enlighten our minds, strengthen our wills, purify our consciences, rectify our judgment, set our hearts on fire, and preserve us from the misfortunes of resisting Your inspirations. Amen.
Sing: The Prayer for Union with Jesus
Song: Prayer for Union with Jesus
(refrain)Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart. (refrain)
I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
(refrain)When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart. (refrain)
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart. (refrain)
Sing: In My Heart
Jesus wants devotions to His Heart and
Mary's Heart —
Praying the 7 Sorrows
Praying the Litany to Mary
Praying the Litany to the Sacred Heart
Praying the Promises —
These devotions - Jesus wants —
shows great love to His Sacred Heart
and Mary's Immaculate Heart —
Loving Jesus more and more - gives
us a positive attitude
It is in harmony with God
We were commanded in the greatest
commandment to love
Matthew 22: 36-40
'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too.'
15 years ago I received this prayer and
I wrote this writing
A Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Let me be a holy sacrifice and unite with God in the sacrament of His greatest love.
I want to be one in Him in this act of love, where He gives Himself to me and I give myself as a sacrifice to Him. Let me be a holy sacrifice as I become one with Him in this my act of greatest love to Him.
Let me unite with Him more, that I may more deeply love Him. May I help make reparation to His adorable Heart and the heart of His Mother, Mary. With greatest love, I offer myself to You and pray that You will accept my sacrifice of greatest love. I give myself to You and unite in Your gift of Yourself to me. Come and possess my soul.
Cleanse me, strengthen me, heal me. Dear Holy Spirit act in the heart of Mary to make me more and more like Jesus.
Father, I offer this my sacrifice, myself united to Jesus in the Holy Spirit to You. Help me to love God more deeply in this act of my greatest love.
Give me the grace to grow in my knowledge, love and service of You and for this to be my greatest participation in the Mass. Give me the greatest graces to love You so deeply in this Mass, You who are so worthy of my love.
-Mass Book, December 27, 1995
December 27, 1995
How great was the act of love, God gave to this world, when He gave Himself and died on the cross. He gives Himself to us this day in the Holy Eucharist.
The greatest commandment is that we must love God with our whole heart, our whole soul, and our whole being. This is a commandment. If we are to enter heaven, we must follow the commandments. They are commands given by God for us to follow.
The greatest act we can do on this earth is an act of loving God. The reason for our existence is to love God. In the sacrament of His greatest love, He gives Himself to us. This is an act of love on His part. We are called to respond by giving ourselves in love to Him.
This is the purpose of the Holy Eucharist: to unite in such oneness with our Holy, Loving God. Our all consuming passion should be that of loving God. How many go to the Eucharist with the sole purpose of giving great love to God? He wants us to love Him. He wants souls to tell Him how much they truly love Him. This is the most intimate act of love when Jesus gives Himself-Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity to man. If it is such an act of love, how are we receiving Him in Communion? We should beg God, in this most intimate union with Him, to help us to love Him with greatest love.
Jesus is a Person. He wants our love. The Holy Spirit wants such intimacy with us. Our Father wants us to love Him. In the Eucharist, we unite with God. In this intimate act of uniting with our beloved God, with Divinity, we must pour out our love to God. We must pour out our heart to the most adorable Heart of Jesus. Jesus is so unjustly treated by many of His beloved souls He loves so much. Let us help make reparation to the Almighty God by loving God with our whole heart, our whole soul, and our whole being in the sacrament of His greatest love. This is the Gift of Himself.
Think of how it is to love someone and give your all for that person, to pour out your heart to him or her and then be treated with coldness and neglect. It hurts our heart so much more when we deeply love someone to be rejected by that person. Jesus loves us with the deepest love. We cannot fully comprehend this love. Let us love Him with the deepest love. Let us love Mary and her Immaculate Heart. Let us love her as the Mother of God. Let us love her as the virgin who bore the Son of God. May we, in the reception of the Eucharist pour out our love to Him, to this adorable Heart. May we pour out our love to His Holy Mother.
Mary said at Fatima that Jesus wants His Heart venerated next to the heart of His Mother. Let us love these two Hearts as we receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Then we are so deeply united with God. We see Their two Hearts surrounded with thorns for the injustices against Their Hearts. Let us help make reparation daily as we receive Him in the Eucharist. This is a special time to help make reparation to Their wounded Hearts.
Let us remember how He poured His love out to us on the cross and how He pours out His love to us now when He gives us Himself in the Eucharist, the Eucharist which contains His Heart of burning love. His Heart was pierced with a lance. Her heart was invisibly pierced with a sword. As the wounds in Their Hearts are deep, so too is Their love so deep.
He does not want "surface love". He wants hearts filled with deep burning love.
end of December 27, 1995
Feast of St. John the Evangelist
1 John 1: 1-4
The Incarnate Word
and sharing with the Father and the SonSomething which has existed
since the beginning,
which we have heard,
which we have seen with our own eyes,
which we have watched
and touched with our own hands,
the Word of life-
this is our theme.
That life was made visible;
we saw it and are giving our testimony,
declaring to you the eternal life,
which was present to the Father
and has been revealed to us.
We are declaring to you
what we have seen and heard,
so that you too may share our life.
Our life is shared with the Father
and with his Son Jesus Christ.
We are writing this to you
so that our joy may be complete.
Psalm 97: 1-2, 5-6, 11-12
Yahweh is king! Let earth rejoice,
the many isles be glad!
Cloud, black cloud enfolds him,
saving justice and judgement the foundations of his throne.The mountains melt like wax,
before the Lord of all the earth.
The heavens proclaim his saving justice,
all nations see his glory.Light dawns for the upright,
and joy for honest hearts.
Rejoice in Yahweh, you who are upright,
praise his unforgettable holiness.
John 20: 1-8
It was very early on the first day of the week and still dark, when Mary of Magdala came to the tomb. She saw that the stone had been moved away from the tomb and came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. 'They have taken the Lord out of the tomb,' she said, 'and we don't know where they have put him.'
So Peter set out with the other disciple to go to the tomb. They ran together, but the other disciple, running faster than Peter, reached the tomb first; he bent down and saw the linen cloths lying on the ground, but did not go in. Simon Peter, following him, also came up, went into the tomb, saw the linen cloths lying on the ground and also the cloth that had been over his head; this was not with the linen cloths but rolled up in place by itself. Then the other disciple who had reached the tomb first also went in; he saw and he believed.
We celebrate the Feast of St. John
John was the brother of James —
Sons of Thunder —
1 John 1: 1-4
The Incarnate Word
and sharing with the Father and the SonSomething which has existed
since the beginning,
which we have heard,
which we have seen with our own eyes,
which we have watched
and touched with our own hands,
the Word of life-
this is our theme.
That life was made visible;
we saw it and are giving our testimony,
declaring to you the eternal life,
which was present to the Father
and has been revealed to us.
We are declaring to you
what we have seen and heard,
so that you too may share our life.
Our life is shared with the Father
and with his Son Jesus Christ.
We are writing this to you
so that our joy may be complete.
a belief in the Trinity
John saw Jesus
John was under the cross
John saw Him after the resurrection
St. John gives us testimony —
God gives us faith —
We should believe —
Pray for faith —
Believe in the Lord Jesus —
John went to the tomb of Jesus
with Peter —
John looked in, but waited
for Peter to go in —
John is a witness to the resurrection —
We believe because God gives us faith —
Usually our parents told us about Jesus —
We can accept their word or
reject it —
We give witness to the fact we believe
in Jesus —
Jesus came a baby —
Jesus became a man —
Jesus is the Son of God —
Jesus is God-made-man —
Jesus suffers for us —
Jesus is the Savior —
Song: A Song from Jesus
John's Gospel is a testimony —
John goes deeper —
John 1: 1-14
In the beginning was the Word:
the Word was with God
and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.
Through him all things came into being,
not one thing came into being
except through him.
What has come into being in him was life,
life that was the light of men;
and light shines in darkness,
and darkness could not overpower it.A man came, sent by God.
His name was John.
He came as a witness,
to bear witness to the light,
so that everyone might believe
through him.
He was not the light,
he was to bear witness to the light.The Word was the real light
that gives light to everyone;
he was coming into the world.
He was in the world
that had come into being through him,
and the world did not recognise him.
He came to his own
and his own people did not accept him.But to those who did accept him
he gave power to become children of God,
to those who believed in his name
who were born not from human stock
or human desire
or human will
but from God himself.
The Word became flesh,
he lived among us,
and we saw his glory,
the glory that he has from the Father
as only Son of the Father,
full of grace and truth.
John had great insights —
Jesus is the Son of God —
John gives testimony so we
believe —
John describes himself as
the disciple Jesus loved —
John knew how much Jesus
loved Him —
Hear Jesus say:
"I love you, I love you,
I love you."
How do we respond if we
hear Jesus say
"I love you, I love you,
I love you."
Please pray for Jimmy.
We need funds for the mailing
of Fr. Joe's book
Our Lord wants out.
Call 1-888-211-3041
Can anyone please help us payoff
our loan on the building?
We need to print the
Tiny Tot Rosary Books.
Can anyone please help us with the this?
We need to reprint the Cycle A Homily Book
Please help us to reprint the book
to send to the priests.1-888-211-3041
$10.00 plus shipping
Cycle A Homily Book
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Homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson
$10.00 each plus shipping
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Fr. Joe Robinson |
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Fr. Edward J. Carter |
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and
a little bottle of
Jesus and Mary water.The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.Cost — $200.00
Also available
a cup with a Mary's image on it
Cost — $15
Call Doris
Rosaries with Mary's Image Available
Aurora Borealis Beads6mm - $30.00
8mm - $40.00
Call Doris
Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass - 18
Our Lady-Guadalupe w/glass - 12
Limpias - 8
Immaculate Heart w/glass - 18
I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 18
Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 18
Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 18
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 18
Infant of Prague w/glass - 24
Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass - 24
Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass - 24
Sorrowful Mother w/glass - 24
I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 24
I Heart of Mary w/glass - 24
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 24
Our Lady-Guadalupe w/glass - 28
Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 24
Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 24
St. Padre Pio
St. Joseph
St. Therese
St. Francis
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Jude
Divine Mercy
Holy Family
St. Philomena
Pieta - Marble
Pieta - Color
Holy Family
St. Anthony - 18
St. Francis - 18
St. Joseph - 18
St. Therese - 18
St. Rita - 18
St. Clare - 12
St. Rita - 12
St. Padre Pio - 12
Divine Mercy - 12
St. Michael - 11
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 627
China, IN 47250
Toll free - 1-888-211-3041
Local - 1-812-273-8405
fax - 1-812-273-3182
Size Price Quantity Holy Family
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Francis
St. Joseph
St. Jude
St. Padre Pio
St. Therese
Divine Mercy 22"
$125 Angel 22"
$100 St. Philomena 20"
$100 St. Philomena 16"
$65 St. Joseph 18"
$65 St. Francis 18"
$65 St. Anthony 18"
$65 St. Rita 18"
$65 St. Therese 18"
$65 Pieta - Color 15" $75 Pieta - Marble 15" $75 Holy Family 12"
$60 St. Padre Pio - standing 12"
$40 St. Padre Pio - sitting 8"
$50 St. Michael 11"
$40 St. Rita 12"
$40 Divine Mercy
$40 St. Claire 12"
$40 Limpias 8"
$25 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 28"
$500 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass 24"
$500 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass
$500 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass
$500 Infant of Prague w/glass
$500 Our Lady of Grace w/glass
$500 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass
$500 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 24"
$500 Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass 24"
$500 Sorrowful Mother w/glass
$500 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass 18"
$300 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass 18"
$300 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Grace w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass
18" $300 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 12"
$200 Fatima w/glass
$150 Fatima w/glass
$250 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 12"
$160 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 15" $200 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 18" $250 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 27"
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Immaculate Heart and Sacred Heart Pictures Available
with & without frames - different sizes available
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© 2010 Shepherds
of Christ.
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May be copied in its entirety, but neither re-typed nor edited.
Translations are welcome but they must be reviewed for moral and
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before any distribution takes place. Please contact us for more information.
All scripture quotes are from the
New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: December 24,
Contact Information for Shepherds
of Christ
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627
China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182