Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.

We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome.

I appear my children on this former bank building in Florida, Our Lady Clothed with the Sun.

December 30, 1998

A letter to the youth from Mary.

Mary speaks: My child, it is God's will that you are connected to one another in love. I am your spiritual Mother, God gave me to you to lead you to Him. The Fourth Commandment tells you that you must obey your mother and your father. The authority for the earthly mother and father comes from your heavenly Father. I have been given authority by God to be your spiritual Mother.

Today the video games, the noise, the excitement, the television, the computers are driving many of my young children from their hearts to an exciting life outside of their hearts.

The video games cut off the children from their hearts, they overly excite a youngster, they create a situation in which the child is taught to react quickly. I am very displeased with the Christmas presents of the youth this day. If one parent allows children to use these games, the other parent has no influence over them. Most of the games are very damaging to the development of interior emotions. High levels of excitement from the outside drive children away from their hearts.

God creates a human heart, a child learns to respond to feelings with sensitivity, interchanging thoughts and feelings with one another. Your television, computers and video games are teaching your children very sick things. I am not saying these things are bad in themselves, but when improperly used against God's will they can teach the children very sick things. Children practice this behavior for hours, their whole being is completely absorbed in the video game. They experience it to a very intense degree which is hurting the sensitive hearts.

On Christmas very few of my children even joined to pray the rosary. I ask you to read the writing of December 26, 1995, from the daily messages. This was a writing from the Mass Book recorded in the daily messages December 27, 1998.

My children, authority comes from God. God gives authority to parents, teachers and priests and to others. All authority comes from God. All who act in authority act in His name.

I am sick at the way the devil has manipulated the minds of the young through games. When my Son gave messages of His love in December 1993, He gave two messages which should be reviewed: December 8, 1993, and December 19, 1993. But my children, when my Son and I gave messages on December 19, 1996, two days after I was discovered on the building in Clearwater, Florida, the world was so much worse.

But on December 30, 1998, I am sick and saddened at the lack of response to Our messages. The games have advanced to such levels of pulling children out of themselves to a sick reality. The movies have advanced to greater and greater degrees of evil. The Internet is used by youth late at night communicating with friends far away without any screening of who the friend is. Children use lap top computers and little portable televisions watching evil all through the day. I state again: of themselves electronics can be used to teach about truth and love, but your children are being seduced by the evil electronic beasts of this age.

The parents are becoming brainwashed themselves, and do not even see the lack of sensitivity that has occurred in this machine age of electronics. Where will your children go to be fed? They have been conditioned to seek intense pleasures, far beyond their imaginations, by crafty men that create games to give a magnificent thrill.

I tell you to pray with your children. Fight the games that give your children intense excitement and experiences.

It used to be said that home is where the heart is. Now, my children, many parents are gone, and the baby sitter is a monster movie or an intense video game. You have lost the sensitivity in your hearts. You have lost the deep connection of heartfelt love. Many families rarely engage in the family meal and when it does take place the topic of discussion is often the sordid affairs of the outside world. The news is watched with all its violence upon rising and retiring, and people have little time to get in touch with their own thoughts and the feelings in their hearts.

A parent today who wishes to teach the truth is faced with the untruth being piped into their children even in restaurants. Music is played that keeps people focused on loud clamoring noises that excite and drive men from their hearts.

This is a message I give you today. There is only one way, it is God's way.

God has all the power. The devil wants to steal your hearts, my children, and take you to hell with him. He is cunning and crafty. He has usurped the power of many.

This is your lesson from your Mother. God gives you a free will. You must prove to God that you will live according to His will.

In the garden, Eve did her will, she was cast from the garden. You, the children of Eve, have all suffered from her willfulness. Every time a person does his will when it is opposed to God's will, people suffer. It is God's will that you help each other to go to heaven.

Your whole life is to be conformed more and more into a life lived according to God's will.

You are given Our lives as models for your life. You are to model your life according to your beloved Savior's life and my life. We lived our lives according to the Father's will. God has all the power. In one moment He can wipe out the earth. Man has no power except as God allows. Man can follow the Master or he can allow the devil to become his master. God has given men a free will. They must choose to love and serve Him. To those who love and serve the Lord, He gives the eternal reward of heaven. Heaven is a gift from God, man determines his own fate through his actions.

Many in the world have taught men to ignore God and His Commandments and to do their own will.

The story of Adam and Eve is a story similar to many of the world below. God punished the whole human race because of the sin of Adam and Eve.

When you think you have all the power, you should remember how it could be if you are in an automobile accident, or if all the lights are suddenly turned out because of a power failure.

Only God has all the power. God can take your breath away.

There is but one life, it is life in Him. Our connection in love to God and to each other is in the heart.

You may not think that you will die at a young age, my little children. It is a fact many youth die every year in car accidents. At the point of impact many times the person is killed instantly. When this happens, my children, all the golf, video games, the money--nothing matters but how you loved and served God and others and tried to live according to His will. You are all members of God's family. You were put here to love God and love one another. No man has power on his own.

The devil has waged a war to keep men outside of their hearts, to get men to seek pleasures in the outside world.

Where does a child go after so much exterior excitement? Children are being led by the devil to seek excitement on an intense level from the outside. So the child looks for sex, drugs, gratification from the world, for he has been taught to use these intense games for hours of intense gratification. Many games keep the child isolated and excited. When they are finished playing the games, they are edgy, their cheeks are red and they are very prone to abrupt behavior. Many games are evil. They take a person from the interior center of life, his heart.

My children, if you knew you were dying at this very moment, where would you go? Would you go inside and turn to your God? When you die, you go out of this world naked. You do not take any possessions with you. You cannot take your money or even your greatest treasures with you. All that matters are the things of the heart.

Your were created to be likened to God. He is love. God commands you to love Him and to love one another as you love yourselves.

Your world has suffered because you ignored me at Fatima. Men were less focused on their hearts after Fatima. Many made their minds their gods. The world suffered far more than the devastating physical effect of Work War II. Men were cut off more and more from their hearts.

My Son, Jesus, shows you His Heart. The grace flows from His Heart. Grace is life. My children, do not look at His Heart and cover your eyes. Jesus tells you that you must stay connected to your heart. Your heart is the center for your love.

My child, you are a child of God. He created you to be likened to Him, to grow in your ways of loving. My child, the devil wants to take your heart. He has staged ways of tricking you into surrendering your heart. Peace is found within the heart. You must live in the truth and lead others to the truth. You must stay connected in your heart to my Heart and the Heart of my Son. We are the Hearts of pure love. My child, the television, video games and computer games are teaching many untruths. Many are used as brainwashing techniques by the devil to trick you to sin. I am not saying the television, computer, etc., are evil in themselves. It is the programming that has led many of my children into a life of sin. From an early age, children are being brainwashed with very many sick lessons. All things used should connect a soul with the truth. All should connect one to what is right and lead one into living according to God's will. All things should be used for the honor and glory of God, to help you to grow more and more in your ways of loving God, others and yourself according to God's will.

I am Mary your Mother, guard your heart and give it to me and my Son. We are the Hearts of pure love.

Put song God's Love.
God's Love

Question for married couples and others in intimate relationships:

Q: What is most important to me in this relationship with you?

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All scripture quotes are from the New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: December 30, 1998
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