Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding
these messages |
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December 31st Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 9 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for December 31st are Luminous.
December 3, 1994
Messenger: I see Him in perfect peace hanging on the cross. He is beaten, His mouth is open and blood comes from His mouth, peace. Jesus always doing His Father's will. He loves His Father's will. His eyes cast upward so often to the Father, but His face, beaten and bloodied reflects a Heart of peace. No hatred for His attackers. Their faces so ugly and filled with hate. Their bodies unblemished projecting their anger on this Lamb of God.
Jesus: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you.
Messenger: He came. He showed us the way. What little crosses compared to His cross, but Jesus always in perfect peace. I see Him under the cross in the arms of His Mother, not a breath in His body, perfect peace even to His death. The secret is compliance to the will of the Father.
Jesus: Oh child, what lessons I teach you this day. Study My passion it is the doorway to My Heart. You come to Me in My sufferings, I open My Heart and you enter into the fire of My love.
Messenger: I see ever so clearer that afflictions to His body were not His greatest suffering. It was the sufferings to His Heart. His Heart is perfect love. How His most precious Heart suffered so for love of each and every soul. How deeply the wounds of the heart.
Look to Mary she suffered by Christ's side, not one mark on her body but her heart so filled with pain we cannot describe her pain.
December 3, 1994
Come to Me, I Long for You
Jesus: My little dear children,
I am Jesus, your Savior, I remain with you in the Eucharist in My Divinity and humanity, no less present than the day I walked the earth. I love you so much. I wait for you, endless hours in the tabernacle, the same Jesus who died on the cross, I wait, I long, I yearn, I thirst for the love of souls. I want you to come and pour your heart out to Me. I give you My great graces when you come to Me in the tabernacle.
Oh little dear ones, I love you so dearly, this day, I would suffer and die for you, you are so precious to Me. I love you individually. I wait you to come and be with Me. I suffered so much for the endless hours I would sit in the tabernacle and no one would come and be with Me. Oh, I love you so dearly, I call to you in this message. I want to be so close to you.
God dwells in you in a special way when you are in the state of grace. I and My Father and Holy Spirit dwell within you. We are present within you.
I am present in My Divinity and humanity in the Eucharist. I am no less present than I was when I walked the earth. I am God, where I am, My Father and the Holy Spirit are. My Mother is forever by My side.
I, Jesus Christ, am no less present than the day Mary carried Me in her womb. I am there truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity and I wait for you this day.
Will you come and be with Me and share your love with Me? Will you come and allow Me to shower you with My great graces and love? Will you come and tell Me your love for Me? Will you come? I want to be your best friend. I outpour My Divine love to you.
Oh My sweet ones, I love you so dearly, I never abandon you. I love you with the deepest intense love every second. My Heart beats with deepest love for you, even when you forget Me.
My Heart is open, it is ablaze for love of you, this very day.
Come to Me, My precious one, I am waiting for you with deepest love.
December 5, 1994 - Monday
Messenger: I look at the person I am having trouble with and send them love. I cannot be angry at any man, I must love them. To see that person with such love. Seek the good in them.
Oh how could I be angry at you my brother, Jesus suffered such blows to His precious back because He loves you so.
See Jesus standing at the pillar being beaten.
See the hatred of men and know He withstood it lovingly for the brother I am displeased with.
Oh you dear brother are so precious to Him, how dear you are to me.
My lack of peace can come from these two things not doing His will because it is something I do not want to do and is hard, holding anger in my heart for others.
I must love, but to love, I must be aware that God truly loves me and I am trying with all my heart to please God and love my brother.
To let go and say Jesus, I make mistakes, but my greatest intention is to live to do Your holy will, no matter how hard. To love God's will because He wants us to do it and it will give us peace.
December 5, 1994 - Monday
I Give You My Grace
Jesus: Oh sweet ones I was born a little baby for love of you that you would know My immense love for you.
I came into this world that you might be with Me in heaven. I want you to share My Divine love.
My love I show you so immensely during My passion.
I want to outpour My grace to you. I give you Myself in the Eucharist. I died, I rose on the third day, I opened the gates of heaven and you My beloved ones can be with Me forever in Paradise.
I was born, I humbled Myself to share in your humanity so you could share in My life.
From the words of the MassBy the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the divinity
of Christ, who humbled himself to share in our humanity.In meditating on all the mysteries of My life, you can imitate My life and My Mother's life.
You were created in My image and likeness to love God and love one another.
This Christmas I call you to love. I call you to consecrate your lives to My Heart and My Mother's heart. I call you to pray to the Spirit to mold you more into My image and likeness. Live in My Divine love, LIFE IS LIFE only in Me.
I came as a baby, I died for your sins and I raise you to new life, you are partakers in My Divine life through baptism.
Live your consecration daily, turn your lives to Me, surrender totally to love in Our Hearts.
Oh dear ones, close your eyes, live to do the Father's will, forgive all your brothers, live to love all, think thoughts of love for those you are angered with, see Me scourged at the pillar for love of them.
Let go and let My life and My love live in you. Let go. LET MY LIFE LIVE IN YOU.
Song: A Song From Jesus
My children were about 10 and 15
December 8, 1994
Jesus: My child,
I want you home with your children. I provide opportunities for you to be alone with them and you want to be with them. Doing My will is doing My will. Your children come first before others. I want you to pray at the Center when no one is there. You have a job as a mother. You have a responsibility. Oh child, it is hard to do what you know you should, but your heart leads the way. I am Jesus and I love you so much.
December 9, 1994
See Me in Your Brothers
Messenger: To see Jesus in our brother.
Jesus: Rita, I am in your brothers. Look at your brother and see Me in their eyes. See Me as I dwell in them.
Play with your children. You are pleasing Me. Let go of this world and the glory. See Me in your children. Play with your children, when you play with them see Me in them.
See Me in others. Look for Me in their faces, in their actions, look for Me in your brothers.
I am in your brothers, starving to death. I am in your brothers. When you love your brothers you love Me.
You love Me when you love your brothers. What you do to your brothers you do to Me.
Messenger: Lord give me the grace to love as you want me to love. Help me to love others as you would love them. Help me to love my brothers. I am your hand, I am your heart, I want to give your love to this world.
Doing His will is doing His will. That is what brings me greatest peace and happiness. I am living to do His will. In this I find my peace. He calls me to love. He calls me to spread His love to this world. I turn myself over to Him.
December 10, 1994
Messenger: I long for Jesus in the Eucharist. I want to receive Him so much. I long for Him so much, I feel as if my heart hurts. My heart hurts so much some times because I want Him so much.
I WANT TO ADORE THE HOST --I want to see Him, my love. I receive Him in the consecrated host, I adore Jesus. Jesus is truly present in the consecrated host. Jesus is the Savior of the world.
My heart just aches to want Him more and love Him so much.
I know heart ache.
Opened Blue Book IV to September 9.
September 9, 1994
Agonies Of The Heart
R. I realized in church that the Mary statue in the residence chapel is the same vision I had of Mary on the Feast of St. Joseph, March 19th. She was on the left side of the altar. She was holding the child, long and slender, same form, a light came down from above and surrounded her. (St. Gertrude's Church, at the Gospel, Sat. Feast of St. Joseph).
My heart, after communion, feels as if I will break. I want union with Him so much. No tears, nothing will satisfy this intense longing to want Him ever more. I just want Him so much. I feel as if nothing can express my feelings. I know it is an intense ache for union and nothing will make it better but Him. I crave union with Him, total and complete. I want to know the Father. I want God's love so much. My heart longs for the courts of the Lord.
Such intense longing, for I love Him so much. I feel like I will die from the ache in my heart.
Jesus speaks: My soul aches for you, My precious child. How I long for your love. How I gave My very Self for you and this day I am ignored and forgotten. I am God. I am in your midst this very day, but people are so fixed on the things of this world.
Do you know how My soul longs for union with My precious ones? I allow you to experience the feeling of intense longing as if your heart will break. My love I pour out to all My beloved ones and I am ignored and forgotten. I give Myself to them. I remain with them in such intense love in the Eucharist and I am ignored.
Oh, My child, I give this to you to reach My little ones with this knowledge of My Heart. No one knows the pains of the heart as I suffered so for the neglect. To give My very own Flesh and Blood and be rejected and treated so coldly by those I died for! Agonies of the heart, the greatest of all agonies and My love so freely given for all. My Heart, a burning furnace of endless love, swelling up with such intensity and ardent love, to be ignored and forgotten!
My child, My Heart is as you cannot even comprehend, but I give Myself to you because I love them so. Tell them of My love. Your heart aches as I allow you to experience such heartache. My child, My child, suffer for Me. I love you so much. I give this to you in greatest love to be closer to Me.
You are My most precious child. I love you so very much. Draw yourself into the abyss of My love, draw yourself deep within My Heart. Let go, totally, let go and experience My Heart. My Mother leads you to My very precious Heart. It is through her Heart you are being placed so deeply into Mine. Let go and experience My most tender love for you. I am your precious Jesus. I love you so deeply, My beloved. Let go! Your resistance to let go is what keeps us from greater union. Totally surrender, giving your all to Me.
R. I know a little how He suffered because He loves us so much. Such heartache, to love so much. He is forgotten by so many. How His Heart suffered for those souls He loved that would go to hell. For some very sinful pleasures of the body, some have lost their souls. I experience this suffering before the tabernacle or after receiving the Eucharist in Mass. He suffered immense pain. He suffered for the ignorance of so many. He is truly here this day and in our midst. This is the Son of God, truly present. I feel such connection to His pain suffered in the garden. He suffered so for the indifference, neglect, ingratitude of so many souls. He suffered for the injustices to the Blessed Sacrament, the Sacrament of His greatest love.
He gives Himself and He is rejected. What pain, agonies of the heart. He loves us so much and He is rejected by so many. He is treated coldly and ignored.
Jesus took on a human body. He loves us so much. He gave Himself, His very flesh and blood that we might have life! He is, this day, ignored. People have made themselves and others their gods. Many who receive Him in the Eucharist, do not realize He is truly present. Some do not have time to spend with Him and learn to know Him. Many of His precious souls know every sports star, they know all about the sport stars' lives but do not have time for the Son of God. Many souls do not have time for Jesus who gave His life for them!
Jesus: Oh, you blind world, oh you senseless ones, I am, Who Am. God created you. Many of your hearts have turned cold and forgotten your God! I come as a thief in the night. Many souls will be lost forever. What more do you want Me to do? I give you a free will, I love you so very much, and you do not come to Me. Do not live your life in vain. You wandered down roads that led you to your own destruction.
My Mother appears to lead you to My most Sacred Heart.
My children, My Heart waits for you. I am forever loving you with the same burning love. Turn not your backs to Me. I am the Almighty God. It is through Me you will be saved. If you love and serve Me, you will live in heaven forever and ever.
* Vision: (I saw a door twice, saw His face twice in an interior vision.) Mary is the door we must go through to be placed in the inner recesses of His Heart. She carried our Beloved Savior in her womb. She taught Him how to be gentle, how to have a kind Heart. Now she is our spiritual mother, she molds us and leads us to her Son.
* Jesus wants us to pray the Prayer for Union with Him.
December 10, 1994 - Saturday
Messenger: I must be loving to unite with God. If there are any feelings of anger or division in my heart I cannot unite deeply to God. God is love.
Jesus: LOVE from your heart. Your heart is full of division, any bitterness toward others in your heart keeps us apart. Let go of all anxieties, let go of all your hurts, hidden or not, your heart must be pure. You are holding on to old hurts and lots of anger and then you expect to be close to Me.
Let all your cares at the foot of My cross. You are not being bathed by My love because you are not loving your brothers.
Love gives to the other for the sake of the other. Love cares for the other's needs. You need to go home with your son, you need to be with your children, you need to let go and experience My peace, My love within you.
Operate as I want you to. Let go, let go, let go into My loving arms. I am Jesus your Savior, you must smile and love and do the Father's will.
December 11, 1994
Jesus: My beloved children,
I am your precious Jesus, I write to you this day because I love you so dearly. I come to you. I was born in a little stable in Bethlehem, I come to you -- My Father wanted Me to come.
John 3: 16For this is how God loved the world:
he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him
may not perish
but may have eternal life.
Jesus: I come to you into this world through the Holy Spirit in the womb of My loving Mother.
I am My dear little children still with you this day. The trumpets blare, the drums roll -- I came in the quietness. Do you hear? Are you blind? I am Jesus, no less present than I was in My Mother's womb. You will reach greatest intimacy with Me this day through Mary's tender heart. I want to come to you this day through My Mother's heart.
Pray dear ones for grace to know and love Me more, beg for the virtues and gifts of the Spirit to live in you. I outpour My grace to you. I outpour My love. All through the day live to do the Father's will. Do His will with the greatest love. It is in offering your daily actions in the morning offering to the Father in union with the Mass throughout the world that you receive great benefits for all your prayers, works, joys and sufferings. Pray at this time for an outpouring of grace, pray for virtues and gifts.
I long to be ever closer to you. You will have peace and joy when you strive ever more to live in the Father's will. I love you so much.
December 12, 1994
Messenger: Oh I long to be molded more and more into the image of Jesus. As He was formed in Mary's womb, I long to be formed in Mary's heart to be pure.
Song: Give Me Your Heart Oh Jesus
Messenger: Dear Mary,
As you held the child Jesus so tenderly against your chest, hold me next to your heart. It is in your loving arms I find rest.
December 12, 1994
Messenger: Dear Jesus,
What is the wall around my heart that is keeping me from you? I want to be close to you, but something is blocking me.
Oh Jesus create in me a clean heart, to let go of all the hurts and problems I have with anyone in the past. Help me to forgive, to put all my past behind and love. I want to spread my love.
I can feel the wall lifting as I make it my goal to love all persons I have ever had a problem with, living or dead, loving my mom and dad and all those who have died and looking forward to seeing them again some day. I see them in my heart happy with you. Oh Jesus, thank you for lifting this blockage to loving you. I want to love you and love those around me. Create in me oh Lord, a heart like yours.
I bumped into a car in the parking lot and the lady was so mad, I hardly touched her.
Available a little size Blue Book for $4.00
This book is a little sweet heart,
little but mighty,
from the Heart of Jesus.
(in large print)
Call Morrow
Shepherds of Christ
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