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December 7, 2007
December 8th Holy
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The Novena Rosary
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December 7, 2007
R. Yes You are holy
Yes You are so good to us —
You suffered Jesus for us this
day —
Jesus You gave us Your precious
priests who bring us
the Mass —
Matthew 26: 26-29
Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had said the blessing he broke it and gave it to the disciples. ‘Take it and eat,’ he said, ‘this is my body.’ Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he handed it to them saying, ‘Drink from this, all of you, for this is my blood, the blood of the covenant, poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. From now on, I tell you, I shall never again drink wine until the day I drink the new wine with you in the kingdom of my Father.’
Dear God Our Father —
You gave us Your precious Son
Oh God thank You
We sing:
Glory to God in the highest
Glory to God in the highest
Glory to God in the highest
Father in heaven —
Thank You for the gift of
the Eucharist
Oh God we love You so
much —
Thank You God —
Through Him, With Him and In Him
The Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen.
We want peace in the world
We want peace in our hearts —
It is wrong to say things we don't
mean to manipulate others —
to get them to do what we
want —
We are to do God's will
Jesus is our model
To be like Jesus
To let the truth be in us
Satan is the father of lies
Jesus is the way, the truth and
the life —
Jesus: How can you deal with a
false man — he is like
a moving pole —
making promises to control
others —
I shed My Blood for your
sinful heart —
R. Help me Lord — I abandon myself
to You —
You are everything, my precious
Jesus —
When the tempest comes —
I am in the shadow of Your wing —
I have lost touch with anything
that can harm me because
I know only You at this
Take me into the shadow of Your
heart and let all that surrounds
me melt for this moment of
intimacy with You, when
I am so one with God the Father,
with You and be so filled
with the fire of the love of the Holy Spirit.
The flame of God's love is never
quenched even if the wind comes
and tries to blow hard — it is seen
ever stronger —
The glow of the love of God is
never quenched —
Oh God I have endured it all
for Thee, for what my soul craves
is only Your presence —
We have wiped away the floods
like one wiping away but a
drop of water —
We have moved mountains that
were so high one could not see
the top.
We have lifted hearts so dismal
they could have died and yet Your
letters of love — Your miracle of
Your precious grace came like
the washing waters of Victory —
You shouted and let Your winds blow —
Your waters flow — Your sun shine —
Your hand reach — Your babies sucking
at the breast — stopped to see You and
to feel the power of Your saving
grace — where once they suckled —
now they turned, an infant, to
take notice —
Oh think of how John jumped
in Elizabeth's womb for joy —
How can we not jump for joy to
be filled with Your love — How can
we not be filled with joy to go to
the table of the Lord and receive You —
Oh Jesus I taste Your Body
drink Your Blood and I gasp for the
quenching thirst of my soul —
Oh Messiah - come in robes
of glory to the starving race —
let the angels sing surrounding
You —
let priests raise the consecrated
host High, High
the chalice of Your Blood —
Let our hearts be quenched by
this love
Love of Our Savior
Oh God
We adore Your presence
We seek Your love
Given December 6, 2007
Besides, you know the time has come; the moment is here for you to stop sleeping and wake up, because by now our salvation is nearer than when we first began to believe. The night is nearly over, daylight is on the way; so let us throw off everything that belongs to the darkness and equip ourselves for the light. Let us live decently, as in the light of day; with no orgies or drunkenness, no promiscuity or licentiousness, and no wrangling or jealousy. Let your armour be the Lord Jesus Christ, and stop worrying about how your disordered natural inclinations may be fulfilled.
Lying about others may be done
to make oneself look better —
The seven capital sins are
pride, envy, gluttony, lust,
anger, slothfulness and
We are inclined to these
because of our wounded human
Pride is considering ourselves
to be better than what we are.
The virtue opposite the sin of
pride is humility.
Matthew 11: 25
At that time Jesus exclaimed, ‘I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to little children.
A greedy person wants excessive
worldly possessions and will
sin in trying to acquire these
possessions and keep them.
Gluttony and lust is to
over eat or drink too
much or lust is to have
engaged in inappropriate
sexual behavior.
The opposite virtue of gluttony
and lust is temperance. Temperance
helps us to control our drives.
An envious man looks with
disdain on the success of another
for he thinks it deprives
him of good things.
He does not have joy for the good
fortune of others.
An angry man wants to hurt somebody.
He wants something or somebody
out of his way. He wants to get
what he wants. He is frustrated.
He wants to get them out of his way.
A slothful man is lazy — not
doing what he should
for his own spiritual
We are free to choose good or evil —
We have a free will.
The devil can tempt man —
but in the end the man chooses
with his will to do good
or evil.
We have a free will and with God's grace
we can choose to do good even
though we have weaknesses from
original sin. We choose
unhappiness when we
sin — We can't say
"the devil made me do it"
We have a free will to
choose good or evil —
Our human nature is wounded
yet we have a free will to choose
good instead of evil.
Bad habits can make it easier to
choose evil.
We have a disorder in the
soul due to original sin —
We may reason incorrectly because
of habits and the desire to have
something we should not have —
We can be further driven by an
appetite, but in the end —
habit or not we have a
free will.
We have this tainted vision because
of original sin when dealing with
others and God —
Original sin is disharmony
between man and God —
There was this perfect balance
between will and reason and
the appetites were in harmony
with God's vision before the sin in the garden.
All men in the human race came
from Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were not
faithful to God — Adam and Eve sinned
against God. Adam and Eve lost the gifts
given to them for themselves and the
human race —
Genesis Chapter
3Now, the snake was the most subtle of all the wild animals that Yahweh God had made. It asked the woman, 'Did God really say you were not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?' The woman answered the snake, 'We may eat the fruit of the trees in the garden. But of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden God said, "You must not eat it, nor touch it, under pain of death." ' Then the snake said to the woman, 'No! You will not die! God knows in fact that the day you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good from evil.' The woman saw that the tree was good to eat and pleasing to the eye, and that it was enticing for the wisdom that it could give. So she took some of its fruit and ate it. She also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened and they realised that they were naked. So they sewed fig-leaves together to make themselves loin-cloths.
The man and his wife heard the sound of Yahweh God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from Yahweh God among the trees of the garden. But Yahweh God called to the man. 'Where are you?' he asked. 'I heard the sound of you in the garden,' he replied. 'I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.' 'Who told you that you were naked?' he asked. 'Have you been eating from the tree I forbade you to eat?' The man replied, 'It was the woman you put with me; she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.' Then Yahweh God said to the woman, 'Why did you do that?' The woman replied, 'The snake tempted me and I ate.'
Then Yahweh God said to the snake, 'Because you have done this,
Accursed be you
of all animals wild and tame!
On your belly you will go
and on dust you will feed
as long as you live.
I shall put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
it will bruise your head
and you will strike its heel.'To the woman he said:
I shall give you intense pain
in childbearing,
you will give birth to your children
in pain.
Your yearning will be for your husband,
and he will dominate you.To the man he said, 'Because you listened to the voice of your wife and ate from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat,
Accursed be the soil because of you!
Painfully will you get your food from it
as long as you live.
It will yield you brambles and thistles,
as you eat the produce of the land.
By the sweat of your face
will you earn you food,
until you return to the ground,
as you were taken from it.
For dust you are
and to dust you shall return.The man named his wife 'Eve' because she was the mother of all those who live. Yahweh God made tunics of skins for the man and his wife and clothed them. Then Yahweh God said, 'Now that the man has become like one of us in knowing good from evil, he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and pick from the tree of life too, and eat and live for ever!' So Yahweh God expelled him from the garden of Eden, to till the soil from which he had been taken. He banished the man, and in front of the garden of Eden he posted the great winged creatures and the fiery flashing sword, to guard the way to the tree of life.
The devil goes about tempting
man — trying to get him to
The devil tempts — man
has a free will. Man can
lead others to sin, but man
has a free will.
It is out of order against
God's rule when man sins —
The devil can tempt
us — God gives us grace to choose
good over evil —
A man who gives into passions
against God's will — intercourse outside
of marriage - has chosen his
love of himself over love of
God, wanting pleasure for
himself more than doing
God's will and obeying God's commandments.
A man giving into passions by
engaging in some activity to rouse
passions is responsible when he
gives into these passions —
God is all good —
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Given December 4, 2007
A man can be born physically only once.
A man can be baptism only once.Water is used for cleansing.
We cannot live without water.
We are baptized in the death of Christ
Baptism imprints on the soul an
indelible character.
Romans 6: 3-11
You cannot have forgotten that all of us, when we were baptised into Christ Jesus, were baptised into his death. So by our baptism into his death we were buried with him, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father’s glorious power, we too should begin living a new life. If we have been joined to him by dying a death like his, so we shall be by a resurrection like his; realising that our former self was crucified with him, so that the self which belonged to sin should be destroyed and we should be freed from the slavery of sin. Someone who has died, of course, no longer has to answer for sin. But we believe that, if we died with Christ, then we shall live with him too. We know that Christ has been raised from the dead and will never die again. Death has no power over him any more. For by dying, he is dead to sin once and for all, and now the life that he lives is life with God. In the same way, you must see yourselves as being dead to sin but alive for God in Christ Jesus.
1 Corinthians 15: 20-28
In fact, however, Christ has been raised from the dead, as the first–fruits of all who have fallen asleep. As it was by one man that death came, so through one man has come the resurrection of the dead. Just as all die in Adam, so in Christ all will be brought to life; but all of them in their proper order: Christ the first–fruits, and next, at his coming, those who belong to him. After that will come the end, when he will hand over the kingdom to God the Father, having abolished every principality, every ruling force and power. For he is to be king until he has made his enemies his footstool, and the last of the enemies to be done away with is death, for he has put all things under his feet. But when it is said everything is subjected, this obviously cannot include the One who subjected everything to him. When everything has been subjected to him, then the Son himself will be subjected to the One who has subjected everything to him, so that God may be all in all.
John 14: 21-31
Whoever holds to my commandments
and keeps them
is the one who loves me;
and whoever loves me
will be loved by my Father,
and I shall love him
and reveal myself to him.'Judas—not Judas Iscariot—said to him, ‘Lord, what has happened, that you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?’ Jesus replied:
Anyone who loves me will keep my word,
and my Father will love him,
and we shall come to him
and make a home in him.
Anyone who does not love me
does not keep my words.
And the word that you hear
is not my own:
it is the word of the Father who sent me.
I have said these things to you
while still with you;
but the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you everything
and remind you of all I have said to you.
Peace I bequeath to you,
my own peace I give you,
a peace which the world cannot give,
this is my gift to you.
Do not let your hearts be troubled
or afraid.
You heard me say:
I am going away and shall return.
If you loved me you would be glad
that I am going to the Father,
for the Father is greater than I.
I have told you this now,
before it happens,
so that when it does happen
you may believe.
I shall not talk to you much longer,
because the prince of this world
is on his way.
He has no power over me,
but the world must recognise
that I love the Father
and that I act
just as the Father commanded.
Come now, let us go.
John 6: 51-58
I am the living bread
which has come down from heaven.
Anyone who eats this bread
will live for ever;
and the bread that I shall give
is my flesh, for the life of the world.'Then the Jews started arguing among themselves, 'How can this man give us his flesh to eat?' Jesus replied to them:
In all truth I tell you,
if you do not eat
the flesh of the Son of man
and drink his blood,
you have no life in you.
Anyone who does eat my flesh
and drink my blood
has eternal life,
and I shall raise that person up
on the last day.
For my flesh is real food
and my blood is real drink.
Whoever eats my flesh
and drinks my blood
lives in me
and I live in that person.
As the living Father sent me
and I draw life from the Father,
so whoever eats me
will also draw life from me.
This is the bread
which has come down from heaven;
it is not like the bread our ancestors ate:
they are dead,
but anyone who eats this bread
will live for ever.
Mary and Jesus are completely
sinless —Where we have been baptized
we still suffer the concupiscence
of the flesh —One that seeks holiness models
their actions after Jesus and Mary,
the New Adam, the New Eve.We are the tainted children of
Adam and Eve — to act pridefully,
enviously, jealously, lustfully,
slothfully - etc. because of
our wounded human nature is
to follow Adam and Eve and to act in
imperfect ways.We see Adam and Eve acting willfully
at the tree in the garden over the forbidden
fruit — We see the New Adam and the New Eve,
Mary standing under the cross
of Jesus at Calvary.
John 19: 25-27
Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. Seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, ‘Woman, this is your son.’ Then to the disciple he said, ‘This is your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.
Mary was a descendant of Adam.
Mary had a human father and a human mother.
Mary did not have original sin like
every other human creature.God preserved Mary's soul from the
stain of original sin from the
first moment of conception in
her mother's womb.This is the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
This means Mary was preserved
from the stain of original sin
from the first moment of her conception
in the womb of her mother.We honor Mary in her Immaculate Conception.
In the Litany we say "Mary conceived
without sin"Mary was absolutely sinless.
God gave Mary the fullness of grace.
Mary is more one with Christ
than any other human person.Christ is the source of grace to all
men.Christ's body was formed in the
womb of Mary.Christ dwelt in the womb of Mary —
Christ's Heart was formed in the womb
of MaryMary received a fullness of grace
from Jesus.
Luke 1: 26-38
In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. He went in and said to her, ‘Rejoice, you who enjoy God’s favour! The Lord is with you.’ She was deeply disturbed by these words and asked herself what this greeting could mean, but the angel said to her, ‘Mary, do not be afraid; you have won God’s favour. Look! You are to conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David; he will rule over the House of Jacob for ever and his reign will have no end.’ Mary said to the angel, ‘But how can this come about, since I have no knowledge of man?’ The angel answered, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow. And so the child will be holy and will be called Son of God. And I tell you this too: your cousin Elizabeth also, in her old age, has conceived a son, and she whom people called barren is now in her sixth month, for nothing is impossible to God.’ Mary said, ‘You see before you the Lord’s servant, let it happen to me as you have said.’ And the angel left her.
We could ponder the mystery of
Christ taking flesh for a
Colossians 1: 12-20giving thanks with joy to the Father who has made you able to share the lot of God's holy people and with them to inherit the light.
Because that is what he has done. It is he who has rescued us from the ruling force of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of the Son that he loves, and in him we enjoy our freedom, the forgiveness of sin.
He is the image of the unseen God,
the first–born of all creation,
for in him were created all things
in heaven and on earth:
everything visible
and everything invisible,
thrones, ruling forces,
sovereignties, powers—
all things were created through him
and for him.
He exists before all things
and in him all things hold together,
and he is the Head of the Body,
that is, the Church.
He is the Beginning,
the first–born from the dead,
so that he should be supreme in every way;
because God wanted all fullness
to be found in him
and through him
to reconcile all things to him,
everything in heaven
and everything on earth,
by making peace through his death
on the cross.
We honor Mary in her Immaculate
ConceptionMary is pure gift.
Mary had the baby Jesus and she was
a Virgin.Mary being a Virgin is different than Mary's
Immaculate Conception.Immaculate Conception refers to
Mary being conceived without
Mary is the Virgin Mother of God —
Where normal conception has a
human father —The Holy Spirit conceived Jesus in
the womb of Mary —Mary remained a Virgin.
Mary remained always a virgin
even though she was married
to Joseph.Christ is Son of God —
Christ is the Word of God —
Christ proceeds from the Father.
Jesus and Mary - completely sinless —
The Holy Spirit the spouse of Mary —
Jesus conceived by the Holy SpiritGod has told us in the commandments
to honor over Father and Mother —Jesus needed the care of St. Joseph
Mary said
"Be it done unto me according
to thy word"Adam and Eve sinned —
Eve persuaded Adam to eat the forbidden
fruit to the destruction of the human race.Mary, the New Eve, is the Mother of God's
redeemed people.The Child Jesus formed in
Mary's womb is the most perfect
Child the world has ever knownMary is the Mother of God.
Mary is the human creature most
deeply one with Jesus.Jesus lived with Mary for around
30 years.
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.Holy Mary, pray for us (repeat after each invocation).
Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of virgins,
Mother of Christ,
Mother of the Church,
Mother of divine grace,
Mother most pure,
Mother most chaste,
Mother inviolate,
Mother undefiled,
Mother most amiable,
Mother most admirable,
Mother of good counsel,
Mother of our Creator,
Mother of our Savior,
Virgin most prudent,
Virgin most venerable,
Virgin most renowned,
Virgin most powerful,
Virgin most merciful,
Virgin most faithful,
Mirror of justice,
Seat of wisdom,
Cause of our joy,
Spiritual vessel,
Vessel of honor,
Singular vessel of devotion,
Mystical rose,
Tower of David,
Tower of ivory,
House of gold,
Ark of the Covenant,
Gate of heaven,
Morning star,
Health of the sick,
Refuge of sinners,
Comforter of the afflicted,
Help of Christians,
Queen of angels,
Queen of patriarchs,
Queen of prophets,
Queen of apostles,
Queen of martyrs,
Queen of confessors,
Queen of virgins,
Queen of all saints,
Queen conceived without original sin,
Queen assumed into heaven,
Queen of the most holy rosary,
Queen of families,
Queen of peace,Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.Let us pray: Grant, we beseech You, O Lord God, that we Your servants may enjoy perpetual health of mind and body and, by the glorious intercession of the blessed Mary, ever virgin, be delivered from present sorrow, and obtain eternal joy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
We fly to your patronage, O holy Mother of God. Despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.
FEBRUARY 22, 1995
The Prophecy of Simeon
Mary, Joseph and the child Jesus went to the temple. Simeon, the prophet, inspired by the Holy Spirit, met them and told Joseph and Mary of the great sufferings of Jesus and Mary. He told Mary that a sword would pierce her heart. From that point on, Mary ever remembered the prophecy of Simeon whenever she beheld her child. When she looked at His little body, even as an infant, she knew He would suffer. Every time she clothed Him and watched Him at play, her heart was torn in her chest as she knew what He would suffer. And a sword, too, shall pierce your Heart, O Mary!
The Flight into Egypt
Joseph was told by the angel to flee. Joseph, Mary and the child Jesus had to flee because of what might happen to Jesus. They had to pack for a long stay. The child Jesus was so small! They left on their journey, hearts full of fear, trying to protect Jesus. They were forced to flee into Egypt.Jesus Is Lost, In the Temple
Imagine the sufferings in Mary's heart when she realized the child Jesus was not with them. Think of how it would be to lose your child and not know where he was or if anything happened to him. With sorrow in their hearts, Mary and Joseph returned to Jerusalem to look for the child Jesus. And a sword, too, shall pierce your heart, O Mary!Jesus Carries His Cross
Song: See the eyes that look at Mary, her tender infant child. See the child's Heart beat so tenderly, the Savior of the world!
See the eyes of Jesus and Mary as they met on Calvary. Mary's Heart knew Jesus' Heart so well! From the first moment of conception and throughout His life, Mary was so connected with Jesus and now she peered into His eyes. The crown of thorns adorned His Head! Blood ran down His face! A heavy cross on His back! Wounded, His whole body covered with bleeding wounds! And her whole life flashed before her, the life that she had spent with Jesus. This was the beloved child that she had held in her arms when Simeon told Mary that 'a sword, too, shall pierce your Heart, O Mary!'
Jesus Dies on the Cross
Mary stood under Jesus' cross as He was put to death. The child that she had held in her arms as Simeon prophesied, And a sword, too, shall pierce your Heart, O Mary! Now Jesus is dead on the cross! He gave His flesh, He gave His blood so that we might be with Him forever in heaven. He held not back. He gave His all. He calls out to us this day to see through the eyes of His mother as she appears and calls out with a Heart of great love, "Return to the love of my Son! He is with you this day. He remains with you, no less present than the day that He hung on the cross, in the Eucharist. He longs for you to come and be with Him. He is in your brother. How can you not love your brother when Jesus died for your brother?"
Her Heart was pierced with a sword. His Heart was pierced with a lance. What came forth was blood and water, the sacramental life of the church. He lives with us this day in the Church. He gives to us His sacraments, the source of His life! He gives to us the Sacrament of Penance whereby any sin that we commit can be taken away through the priest. He wants us to be so close to Him! He gives us everything to be close to Him. But we see with such limited vision only those things that are right before our face, when the true reality is that which we don't see with our eyes, the reality of the invisible divinity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in the consecrated Host! This is reality! This is our life! This is our power! This is God! And a sword, too, shall pierce your Heart, O Mary!
Jesus Is Taken Down from the Cross
If we ever doubted for one second that we were loved, we could visualize the picture of Mary as she sat beneath the cross with the lifeless, battered, bruised and bloodied body of her Son in her arms, the same child that she held when Simeon prophesied her suffering. He gave His last breath. He gave the last beat of His Heart. He gave His all! This is the way He complied with the Will of the Father. He came to show us the way. He died in perfect peace. To His death He was in peace because He knew the Father's love. The Father loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son for love of us! The Spirit descended upon the Virgin Mary and the Word was made flesh! The love of the Two Hearts! Such immense love beating for us!
In all love there is suffering. Her Heart was pierced with a sword. His Heart was pierced with a lance. And a sword, too, shall pierce your Heart, O Mary!
Jesus Is Locked in the Tomb
And now Jesus, His body lifeless, is locked in a tomb! What cold reality for Mary to realize that His body is now gone! A stone separated her from her Son!
He gave His last breath! He gave the last beat of His Heart for love of each one of us! And she comes to us this day with her sweet, beautiful voice and she asks us to go to her Son and love Him! How can we refuse Jesus who spread His arms and gave His life for each and every one of us? How can we not trust Him when He loved us so much that He allowed them to tear His flesh, to crown Him with piercing thorns and, lastly, to hang Him on a cross? He truly gave His life for us! He, truly God, is with us this day, the same as the day He died on the cross, in the tabernacle! And we take it so lightly! Death has no power over Him! Locked in the tomb for three days, He rose triumphant on the third day as He had foretold. He comes to give us life. He gives us the sacrament of Baptism that initiates us into His life, that makes us children of God and heirs of heaven if we remain in the state of grace. He asks two things: love of God and love of one another! He came to show us the way and His way is love. To His death on the cross He loved each one of us! He calls out to each one of us here today to be His soldiers, to march on a world that has forgotten God, that has forgotten what it is like to love! It is a battle to live in this world. But the battle is won with hearts that are filled with His love, empowered by the grace and might that He pours out in the Eucharist. He calls out for us to come to the Eucharist and to the tabernacle and be fed with His very flesh and blood. To feed on Divine Life, the greatest nourishment, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God! This is the love He gives. This is the love He asks us to share.
11 Years Ago
10 days later Mary appeared in Clearwater
Our Lady of Light
Excerpt from the Daily Message
Jesus: My dear ones,
I ask you to remember Pearl Harbor.
Messenger: From the World Book Encyclopedia Year Book, I quote, "DECEMBER 7 - PEARL HARBOR DAY celebrated to commemorate the 1941 bombing of the U.S. fleet in Hawaii by the Japanese."
Jesus: I ask you to realize today is the eve of the Immaculate Conception.
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December 7, 1996 First
Saturday -
Revelations on the Light
Isaiah 30: 19-26:
Yes, people of Zion living in Jerusalem,
you will weep no more.
He will be gracious to you when your cry for help rings out;
as soon as he hears it, he will answer you.
When the Lord has given you the bread of suffering
and the water of distress,
he who is your teacher will hide no longer,
and you will see your teacher with your own eyes.
Your ears will hear these words behind you,
'This is the way, keep to it,' whether you turn to right or left.
You will hold unclean the silverplating of your idols
and goldplating of your images.
You will throw them away like the polluted things they are,
shouting after them, 'Good riddance!'
He will send rain for the seed you sow in the ground,
and the bread that the ground provides will be rich and nourishing.
That day, your cattle will graze in wide pastures.
Oxen and donkeys that work the land
will eat for fodder wild sorrel,
spread by the shovel-load and fork-load.
On every lofty mountain, on every high hill
there will be streams and water-courses, on the day of the great slaughter
when the strongholds fall.
Then moonlight will be bright as sunlight
and sunlight itself be seven times brighter
-like the light of seven days in one-
on the day Yahweh dresses his people's wound
and heals the scars of the blows they have received."Isaiah 40:1-8:
'Console my people, console them,'
says your God.
'Speak to the heart of Jerusalem
and cry to her
that her period of service is ended,
that her guilt has been atoned for,
that, from the hand of Yahweh, she has received
double punishment for all her sins.'
A voice cries, 'Prepare in the desert
a way for Yahweh.
Make a straight highway for our God
across the wastelands.
Let every valley be filled in,
every mountain and hill be levelled,
every cliff become a plateau,
every escarpment a plain;
then the glory of Yahweh will be revealed
and all humanity will see it together,
for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken.'
A voice said, 'Cry aloud!' and I said, 'What shall I cry?'
-'All humanity is grass
and all its beauty like the wild flower's.
The grass withers, the flower fades
when the breath of Yahweh blows on them.
(The grass is surely the people.)
The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God remains for ever.'Song: A Voice Cries Out in the Wilderness
Adam and Eve are given great gifts and insights into God. They sin, the light of knowing God is dimmed because of their sin. They do not know God as they did before the sin.
Christ comes, He is the Light of the World. He dies, He gives Himself. He shares His life with us through sanctifying grace.
Through Baptism we receive this sharing in His divine life. The more He shares His life, the more we are saturated with His life, the more we know Him. He reveals Himself to us--we see the light.
The Kingdom of God is at hand. It is all here: the Mass, the Eucharist, God giving Himself.
To partake more in His life we must give ourselves to Him.
Mary appears to Bernadette. She tells her she is the "Immaculate Conception." We are sinners, but through Mary, the pure and sinless one, we can unite deeply in Him.
We are in darkness in varying degrees. The more we are saturated with His life, the more we see.
The reign of God is at hand. Since He came to the earth, everything is in place to see the light.
God is giving to us great graces to see the light now. He is lifting the veil.
There will be the era of peace.
Isaiah 30:26:
"Then moonlight will be bright as sunlight
and sunlight itself be seven times brighter
-like the light of seven days in one-..."We see the darkness. As at night, we do not see the colorful leaves, they are there, we do not see them.
In the morning light, we see the glory of the beautiful day, the colorful leaves.
As the light steals across the sky, we see more and more. As the sun gradually comes up, we see more clearly the beauty of the leaves.
At first, our vision is not so clear because the light does not show in its deepest intensity. As the sun comes up we see more and more vividly until finally we see clearly the beauty of the colorful leaves.
Isaiah 30:26:
"Then moonlight will be bright as sunlight
and sunlight itself be seven times brighter
-like the light of seven days in one-..."In a message to Fr. Carter on July 31, 1994, Jesus has promised us: "I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
As stated above, the more we are saturated with his life, the more we are one in Him, the more clearly we see. It is in this union, in the depth of His Heart, that we receive such life, that we know Him with great clarity, that we are given this vision of God.
It is not with "eyes" that we see, but the illumination is in the knowing power that He gives to us. He reveals insights into the divine mysteries. We share most intimately with Him when we are one with Him in the Mass and after Communion. These are treasured moments in which He gives us a special sharing to know Him, our Divine Lover.
We see clearly when our hearts are hearts of love. We see vividly when our hearts are filled with love and peace. We were created to love, to love God and love each other.
Adam and Eve sinned. They lost the great gift given to them. The light of knowing God was dimmed because of their sin.
Christ comes into the world. He is the Word. He is the light of the world. He comes to save man from his sin. He comes in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Mary is the pure and sinless one. Jesus comes to pay the price for the sin of Adam and for our sins. We are all tainted by this sin of our first father and mother. Mary is the Immaculate and pure one, the highest human person. Divinity unites with humanity in the womb of Mary. They are one. Jesus is carried within the body of His mother. Such unity from the beginning, for His life is formed within her body. Is it surprising to us, then, if Christ comes within the womb of the Virgin Mary, that we too must go through Mary to unite to Him? Where is the pride in the hearts of men that think they do not have to go through their Mother Mary? If Christ comes in the womb of Mary to pay the price for man's sins, and we are tainted by the sin, in order to unite to the Almighty God who is all holy, we must go through the pure and sinless one.
Adam and Eve sinned. The Father sends His Son into the world to pay the price for man's sins. Jesus is the New Adam; Mary is the New Eve. Man continues to sin, greatly displeasing God. The Father allows Mary to appear to Bernadette at Lourdes as the Immaculate Conception, as having been conceived without original sin. The Father then allows Mary to appear to the children of Fatima as the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
We are sinners, we cannot unite closely to Him unless we go through Mary.
Mary is the pure and sinless one. We can unite deeply to Him. We are in darkness in varying degrees. The more we are saturated with His life, the more we see.
The reign of God is at hand. He came to the earth, He died, He rose on the third day. He gave to the Apostles the power to change bread and wine into His Body and Blood. He gave to them the power to forgive sins. He established His Church pouring forth from His pierced side. We do not see the great gifts that He has given to us. He is giving to us great insights into these gifts. God is giving to us great graces to see the light now. He is lifting the veil.
There will be an era of peace and all will see with such light as Isaiah speaks of in chapter 30, verse 26:
"Then moonlight will be bright as sunlight
and sunlight itself be seven times brighter
-like the light of seven days in one-..."Man sinned. Jesus came to redeem us. Man is still so sinful. Mary appears at Fatima. She tells us that we are offending God, that we must make reparation to her heart and the heart of her Son.
She gives us the peace plan for the world. She tells us that the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign and her Immaculate Heart will triumph but we must do what she says. The Church has approved Fatima. The devil has blocked the message. How can we disobey our Mother? How can we ignore her? Mary appeared at Fatima and was ignored. Mary appeared to me almost daily for 14 months--she does not appear as she once did. Jesus has told me that He will handle these messages, that He is in charge, that the plan of the Father will unfold despite any person's willfulness.
In August 1996, Mary spoke in the rosary: she said she could not hold back the hand of her Son any longer. On the 5th of this month, instead of Mary appearing as she had in the past, Jesus appeared alive on the crucifix with His mouth moving for twenty minutes. We are not listening to Mary or to Jesus. Man has sinned. Jesus came to redeem us. Mary tells us what we must do. Men are disobedient. They disobeyed their Mother. They do not do what she told them what they must do at Fatima. When hearts are consecrated to Jesus and Mary they become holy hearts, deeply one with God. The reign of the Sacred Heart is at hand for He has given to us abundant grace that we are seeing with such clarity this vision of God. He has imparted to us understanding into His divine mysteries.
The more we focus on what Jesus and Mary have told us, the more we will have peace. He is angered by the willfulness of man. He will get their attention. We are spreading the good news when we spread the consecration.
We must heed the words of our Mother. She will not go away because of willful men. We have angered God more by ignoring her. There is only one way: it is the plan that Mary has given to us at Fatima. He is lifting the veil for those whose hearts are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Many in the Shepherds of Christ Movement are fervently loving Him. In the Shepherds of Christ Movement, as the apostles spread the consecration to the Church, the family, and the school, the fire of His love will cover the earth and it will be lighted with this love coming from the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph.
We, in the Shepherds of Christ Movement, are spreading the fire of His love across the earth through the consecration.
The hearts of men will turn from their sick and desolate ways to hearts gentle as a little lamb. There will be one flock and one Shepherd and His staff will rule over all. Hearts consecrated to Their Hearts will lead the light across the earth. This light will be a light of intense brightness, brighter and hotter than any light from a flame. It will be the fire of God's love. The Spirit will move in all hearts consecrated to His Heart, and we will know how fire truly spreads, for the love of God is a fire, it is vibrant, it is encompassing, it is smoldering, burning deep within and speedily spreading on the outside. No fires on this earth can ever describe the burning embers that burn from the Sacred Heart of Jesus. No fire burns like the fires coming from His Heart and hearts filled with the love from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
On October 13, 1917 Our Lady gave to Lucia and 70,000 spellbound people, a great vision: the sun spun in the sky, casting off great lights. This happened three times in about 12 minutes. As quoted from Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven:
It seemed that the whole world was on fire with the sun spinning at a greater speed each time. Then a gasp of terror rose from the crowd for the sun seemed to tear itself from the heavens and come crashing down upon the horrified multitudes...just when it seemed that the ball of fire would fall upon and destroy them, the miracle ceased, and the sun resumed its normal place in the sky, shining forth as peacefully as ever.
Mary gave this tremendous sign at Fatima and people did not listen. The events that followed were as she had predicted since we disobeyed her. There was a brutal war, WWII. Mary appeared to me (Rita Ring) almost daily - very few have listened. She told me over and over again of the souls going to hell. She told me in August she could not hold back the hand of her Son anymore. Adam and Eve sinned. God, the Father, sent His Son. Man continues to sin--the Father sends Mary but she is ignored!
On July 2, 1996, my son, Joseph, was taking pictures of all of the Shepherds of Christ members at Tom Arlinghaus' farm. He took one picture of each person. Jesus told me to tell him to take two pictures of Fr. Carter. The first picture was a normal picture. The second picture was of Fr. Carter covered with a pillar of light.
In front of a statue of Our Sorrowful Mother, Mary was alive in the statue.
Jesus: "Peace will abound when nations, churches, families, and individuals are consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Shepherds of Christ a pillar of light in the darkness."
R. We must encourage all to consecrate their hearts to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to join the Shepherds of Christ chapters, and the Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Movement, to pray for our Church and our world.
Jesus: This is My Movement for renewal of the Church and the world, based in consecration, joining your every act to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, praying the rosary, and making reparation to Our Hearts, especially on first Fridays and first Saturday. It is through your prayers and sacrifices many souls will be saved. Grace will flow from those whose hearts are consecrated to Our Hearts and the fire of My love will light up this darkened world.
R. Many are living in darkness because they are not obeying Our Lady. The people will see the light when they obey her and consecrate their hearts to her heart and the Heart of Jesus.
To have this intense union with Jesus, with God, we must give ourselves to Our Lady. It is there in the intimacy with Him that we are saturated with His life and that He reveals to us great lights, great insights into His divine mysteries. Yes, indeed, the light will steal across the earth and the hearts of men will be hearts filled with His love. They will know their God with great light imparted to them by the Holy Spirit given to them because of the deep union that they have with Jesus. The reign of the Sacred Heart is at hand. He is giving to us these great lights at this time for He has lifted the veil and we see many things and the light steals across the sky and we see with clear vision.
Isaiah 30: 26:
"Then moonlight will be bright as sunlight
and sunlight itself be seven times brighter
-like the light of seven days in one-..."Isaiah 30: 25:
"On every lofty mountain, on every high hill
there will be streams and water-courses, on the day of the great slaughter
when the strongholds fall."Truly His Heart is the fountain of divine life. It flows through the Church, through the hands of His holy priests. When priests are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and celebrating the Mass, and administering the sacraments, an immense amount of His grace will be outpoured on the earth.
A people in darkness have seen a great light. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, the Light of the World!
Our Father...thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We will all love as the Father intends, for now He looks to the earth and He sees it covered with darkness. As hearts are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the earth will be covered with His light.
Revelation 12:1-12:
Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant, and in labor, crying aloud in the pangs of childbirth. Then a second sign appeared in the sky: there was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and each of the seven heads crowned with a coronet. Its tail swept a third of the stars from the sky and hurled them to the ground, and the dragon stopped in front of the woman as she was at the point of giving birth, so that he could eat the child as soon as it was born. The woman was delivered of a boy, the Son who was to rule all the nations with an iron scepter, and the child was taken straight up to God and to his throne, while the woman escaped into the desert, where God had prepared a place for her to be looked after for twelve hundred and sixty days.
And now war broke out in heaven, when Michael with his angels attacked the dragon. The dragon fought back with his angels, but they were defeated and driven out of heaven. The great dragon, the primeval serpent, known as the devil or Satan, who had led all the world astray, was hurled down to the earth and his angels were hurled down with him. Then I heard a voice shout from heaven, 'Salvation and power and empire for ever have been won by our God, and all authority for his Christ, now that the accuser, who accused our brothers day and night before our God, has been brought down. They have triumphed over him by the blood of the lamb and by the word to which they bore witness, because even in the face of death they did not cling to life. So let the heavens rejoice and all who live there; but for you, earth and sea, disaster is coming-because the devil has gone down to you in a rage, knowing that he has little time left.'
We are in her spiritual womb (heart). She is pregnant, bringing forth her children of light. As we go to her heart, she crushes the head of the serpent. Some of the brightest stars that will light up the earth are in the Shepherds of Christ Movement. We are the children of light. We are being sent forth as she brings us forth her children of light to stamp out the darkness. We must give ourselves to Mary.
End of December 7, 1996 message
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