Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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February 12, 2007
February 13th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 4 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for February 13th are Luminous.
There will be a big Apostle Retreat in February
10th thru the 13th.
The Priestly Newsletter mailing
will take place then.
February 13 - Retreat begins at 9:00am
February 13 - Mass at 12:00
February 12, 2007
Colossians 1: 15-20
He is the image of the unseen God, the first–born of all creation, for in him were created all things in heaven and on earth: everything visible and everything invisible, thrones, ruling forces, sovereignties, powers—all things were created through him and for him. He exists before all things and in him all things hold together, and he is the Head of the Body, that is, the Church. He is the Beginning, the first–born from the dead, so that he should be supreme in every way; because God wanted all fullness to be found in him and through him to reconcile all things to him, everything in heaven and everything on earth, by making peace through his death on the cross.
Hebrews 11: 1-7
The exemplary faith of our ancestors
Only faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for, or prove the existence of realities that are unseen. It is for their faith that our anestors are acknowledged.
It is by faith that we understand that the ages were created by a word from God, so that from the invisible the visible world came to be.
It was because of his faith that Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain, and for that he was acknowledged as upright when God himself made acknowledgement of his offerings. Though he is dead, he still speaks by faith.
It was because of his faith that Enoch was taken up and did not experience death: he was no more, because God took him; because before his assumption he was acknowledged to have pleased God. Now it is impossible to please God without faith, since anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and rewards those who seek him.
It was through his faith that Noah, when he had been warned by God of something that had never been seen before, took care to build an ark to save his family. His faith was a judgement on the world, and he was able to claim the uprightness which comes from faith.
February 12, 2007 continues
Messenger: Like
a big tapestry being rolled
back, a drape over a
priceless statue —
the night sky was rolled
back, a crescent moon was
seen in the blue lighted
partially dark sky and —
oh, then it began to peek
in and out as the clouds
puffy and blue gray slid over it like
puffy feathers and then it would
be crescent shaped — disfigured
gone and back again in full view
Now the once Ohio River was a mask
of glass — covered with a bed of
white snow — it didn't look like
water at all, but was solid
Morning is now breaking — the crescent
moon will soon be put to bed until
night fall when it appears again
A mantle like the softest pale blue
velvet are the clouds and the light
is coming through like such
beautiful patches breaking in
a streaked sky —
velvet clouds and luminous light streaked
Why when in Indiana, I see barn silos
now coming out of the sleepy
night and fences, barren trees and
lines and lines of telephone, cable wires
that were busy — some night long —
bringing all kinds of messages to the
snow roofed houses
The roofs here - covered with snow - and a
few casinos are seen like
lighted cities that never took notice
of the night —
So odd — the simplicity of white and red bricked
churches - covered with snow — the
very simple rural houses — a very
few pop machines — barn silos and
yes a big casino with pillars
lights and humongous garages —
It almost looks silly against little simple
farm fences — what is going on here
Cars on a rural highway can speed as
fast as ones on the freeway even
through the narrow pass should slow
them down.
Fields once covered with corn are now just
hard little sticks in the ground
peeking up over the snow covered
ground —
February 12, 2007 continues
Messenger: Now I want
to focus on the earth —
Here the bridge I cross above the water is
showing me the stream of icy water below —
like a skating rink without skates and
patches of drifted snow landing on parts
Little old barns - are almost falling down, trailers
and such simplicity — why would
casinos of monstrous grandeur
have the nerve to move in on
such tranquility.
A night watchman is usually one watching when
most are asleep — is this not true —
Why are so many today carousing night long
ignoring the lights in the sky.
I just studied the gifts of the Creator and I
watched the day break — it is with such
beauty, but the carousers sleep when it
is light.
I have no answers for this day will unfold
and the Murphy bed will be put in the
wall for a good many who still follow the
ways of the day — In day we wake — in
night we sleep, but some, have turned
their days upside down so in night they
wake and day they sleep — burning the candle
sometimes on both ends.
Once upon a time, people left their
doors unlocked and didn't even worry that
someone could harm them.
Our T.V.'s are so full of fear — I walked
through and caught a little of an informative
show about how inmates were being treated and it
has disturbed my heart so very deeply — I wish
I never even would have lingered for a moment,
for I so want man to love each other and not to
hate or be inhuman to one another, but respect —
but where there is manipulation, judgementalness,
hearts filled with violence — there is violence
that can come from the man's heart inflicted
on others —
And yet school buses still come and pick up
little ones for school and what is discussed on the
bus for their little ears is not what it was 55
years ago when I was young.
Later I went through the room with a TV
again and I saw the awful fear again — this
time some parasite you could have gotten
in your body for life if you were ever in the middle
East and ate food. The pictures on the TV of the
parasite were movie screen size in high
density since that is how the TV is in the
family room today — I shuttered with real
fear — they were huge parasites that were
blown up on a monster TV and I have
been over in these countries less than 2
years ago.
I quickly left the room again with a heart
of fear wishing I had never seen it.
Does this run day long in some men and
children's eyes and they take it
in life size and are numb to it — do the kids
watch life size violence on the screen at
home and then get on the bus and use it on
other kids.
I remember when one of my grandchildren
was just born — they were in a pumpkin seat and
the noise on the TV made the newborn jump —
hands out and shutter — so little was the baby
I thought it couldn't move like that — then
the baby began to cry and cry at the noise —
Are we numb —
Why if "stuff" is so violent and makes us afraid
do we make our TVs so big they are like
movie screens and high density — you can count
the pores on somebody's face.
I see the beautiful bodies of water, I see
heavy people in churches up here and models in
churches down south —
We don't even look the same in our
churches — depending where we live.
I want the people to see the beauty of
the new day with the splendor of how God
painted the glorious morning — like a big dramatic
play — with only the sensitivity of God —
rolling back the morning with such dignity —
I see a casino — a castle — a big parking
garage - in the middle of nowhere —
a little rural town — silos — across
the street from "Valet Parking"
an old cemetery, rural fences on little
barren snow-capped hills
Are we seeing better on the big TV screens and
missing the morning splendor of the entrance God
paints for a new and glorious sky — to herald a
day of beauty on the earth — beauty that is —
right now — right now as I look —
The dream I had was a lady said
how do you get rid of that weight when
you have put so much on — a prophetic
dream because a lady called 6 hours
later and told me she had a message from
God she believed and she said
"Rita, you have become too fat"
So much for prophetic dreams
But layers and layers of fat are hard to take off —
but what of layers and layers of violence —
numbness — we have in our hearts
from these TV shows and movies —
I will never forget the graphic details
of the fear ridden shows I saw
on a big TV in my own living room —
I am so sensitive to God's nature because I don't
want to watch TV
I want reality — not men showing me parasites
as big as my head to scare my sensitive
heart —
I am not advocating every one turn off the
TVs — I want to make an awakening
to the sensitivity of dealing with
what is happening and my heart —
When I am in Florida — I see the vastness of
the ocean and I feel its magnificence and I ponder
the magnificence of the Creator —
I meditate on the gift of the Eucharist —
I act from what is happening NOW —
TO me — NOW —
I am in the reality of my space —
the people who are with me are
present — they are people with hearts
beating blood — I look in their eyes — I see their
hearts —
Babies look at you —
They want interaction — there is oneness —
there is connection — if you
don't play with them they
grab your legs — wipe their
noses on your legs and put up
their arms to be picked up —
I interact in a big way with a baby
They got eye contact —
On television — someone picks the agenda - to
sell you something —
a story —
a philosophy —
television has graphic details and experts —
Our children go from babies screaming at
violent noises — to grabbing at
our skirts for attention to -
some being hypnotized almost by willful —
selfish - disobedient violent cartoons and
if they don't get to watch much TV
they can go to school with children
with layers and layers of violence
with kids who have learned to "kill"
on video games —
Help me do what the Mother of us all
asks —
Mary is the spiritual mother
Are we filled with God's life in us.
Are we aware how close God is to us
in the Eucharist —
Are we letting men teach us on TV
through graphic detail the
ways of the world —
What is the beast in revelation
How can we unite in our hearts
the poor banished children of
Adam and Eve —
A man had layers of hatred on his heart —
he was tense — he tried to blame
his tension on others, but that
was all he knew — he thought
everyone was like him —
He judged others by his tainted vision —
We want the vision of God the Father —
The vision I had of St. Patrick and some
nun saints in heaven
There was love
They all had the vision of the Father
There was not competition
Think of how they saw before the fall
of Adam and Eve —
Vision —
My human nature is tainted
I want the vision more like God wants me to have
Vision —
What is Faith
In the vision of heaven there was peace —
love harmony —
the poor banished children of Eve are
tainted — to watch shows with your eyes
with sexual promiscuity - gives you more
tainted vision —
To watch violence — more tainted
vision — kids shouldn't hit or harm
each other —
We are to obey God the Father, the commandments,
the Church —
The TV, cartoons can teach children to
dominate for dominating sake —
There is already a weakness to tension
because of the tainted human nature to
want to dominate against God's will
why teach little children all day in cartoons
about willfulness — disobedience — dominance —
Our vision is getting more tainted because
of the media —
We do not control the heart of the one
instructing us and they are or can be coming
from a very untrue source and then we can
I have no time to pray —
Religious and priests need time alone with
Jesus —
Why did God give us the experience of the
Garden of Olives
They slept and Jesus was sweating Blood
Today Mary is appearing —
The beast can be carrying off our
minds and hearts —
Our vision must be filled with light —
the things of God — we need to spend time
filling our hearts with truth — God's truth —
the Word, the Mass, the Eucharist —
The Pope's writings
The saint's writings
We have hearts created for God —
Here is a writing I wrote — not long ago
January 30, 2007
Subject: Mystery - Union with the Divine GodI reached to even try to grasp the sights of the ocean and I could not take it in.I cannot take it in- the beauty of a child so beautifully carved by the hand of God.The eyes of any human being- the intricacies to see-Look at the mechanism the eye- to see; the ear to hear- the detail- the finest engineer- GodGod in His infinite goodness lets us know weight and time -the finite years of our life on earth.God allows man to be a co-creator in marriage to bring forth a marvelous child.I reach to explain mystery and there are never any words that I speak to describe the depth of my knowing greater insight and depth into the Divine God.But I reach as one who can scarcely-when seeing the vastness of the ocean-the ever changing tide-the beauty of the sky above it-constantly changing-how numerous indeed is the magnificence of God- I can never describe for depth is non existentIf I go to the deepest ocean floor -I can finally find the endThere is an endBut even to the human mind there is an infinitude to our thoughts and comprehension.We who have been baptized have this elevated knowing and loving capacity-God gives a sharing in His life in baptism.Insight into the Divine mystery.Oh I ponder the oneness of the Trinity- to know more the capability of man to know unity- rooted in loveOneness beyond our imagination of this relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spiritbut it is very real to me and unfolding in fullness-studying what God wants for us men to be unitedmodeling ourselves after this magnificent community- the TrinityI know the endlessness of my comprehending it - this "inexhaustible aspect" is so real to memy endless realization of the oneness of the TrinityThus I seek it so ardently-like one thirsting after treasure that they know they can findThirsting for knowledge of the unknown-the hidden mystery- and yethaving such a light ofits existence as so real to me that I can comprehend ever deeper this magnificent reality - I seek - I thirst -My life lived to go deeper into this mystical marriage with God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.The existence of my not having comprehended greater depth is a real drive within me to be ever more deeply one in God.Reaching into the abyss of this magnificent mystery is beyond my expression to even explain my thirsting for it, but myGod beckons me to write this to make it more real- the existence of the hidden mystery and its endless knowledge in my soul.Ever reaching-Ever deeper-That which has no depth-and yet is the story of my soul-The life here after in the beatific vision-The existence of oneness of God for all eternity-The existence of my life growing ever deeper in this reality of the Divine God.I am not faint, but vibrantly alive in my expression of how deeply I comprehend the unconceivable reality of knowing the fullness of life for all eternity- and yet- I do not know it allonly a scratch of the surface of this existence of this magnificent reality in my soul.I hurt, my heart, to see those wrapped in evil and giving expression to lead others to follow their sorted ways-And yet if God did not love us so very much He would not have come-but God is love and the love God has for us-too- we can never understand, but under a veil here below and then in heaven as He reveals this to us in varying measures-but I am like a thirsty deserta spongea hole waiting to be filleddo words exist and yet my God beckons me to speak about the ineffablethe reality of my knowledge as He has communicated to me in my soul through rapturous visions of His love for meThe vision in my soul December 15, 1995I speak of in the Mass book.This mission of the Shepherds of Christ to lead to this wider vision of what it is to be the spouse of Jesus.what it is to know Jesus- the bridegroom of my soul.To know relationship here below- mystical marriage with the Trinity- preparation for the heavenly banquet-the marriage of the Lamb to me.I go to the altar of my God and I receive Him.He is so very real to me- my Divine Bridegroom- and He is so one with meHis Word lives in my soulThe Spirit so alive in my heart- that I know so very deeply my Divine GodI know each PersonI am in relationship- a personal relationship with each Divine Personand I know so very deeply the ineffable reality of oneness of God- ever growing in me in deeper knowledge- that which I can never comprehend here below.Rapture of my God.Come away with me and taste the heavenly banquet He wants us to taste a little here below.What does God want of His priests but this very special union to those He gives this gift of priesthood- persona ChristiOh I know the wonder- the heights to be ever more filled in, as He removes the veil of those who seek Him and come begging to be saturated with His graceGrace- life in Him- this to me is my life here below-to make one my mission of deepest love with His precious souls as I lay down my life in service of HimWalking behind Him through my life- my mother at my side- my life lived in greater oneness with Himbeing more identified with Him in all things to be as St. Paul saysGalatians 2: 19-20
...I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me.
Marriage-what word could be used for depth of life in Him the Divine Godto me marriage is only a description- it is beyond wordsbut God uses thisand yet a marriage between two human persons can be so one with the Divine God, but can never in any way take the space and top priority of this sacrifice to be wrapped in this embrace with GodFor we die and our love in heaven is in this relationship in the Beatific Vision and it is not like human marriage here belowRelationship between Mary- a human person is a model for us to knowrelationship between us a human person and Jesus a Divine Person with a human nature,I know what is in the inner chamber of my soul I wish to express- I know the endless love of the Sacred Heart- the red abyss of His infinite lovewhy would men choose evil with such goodness God wants to share with us.Everlasting Happiness in heaven.
end of January 30, 2007
February 12, 2007 continues
Messenger: God has
imparted to me this vision
God wants us to see with eyes unveiled —
God wants us to be focused on what heaven is like —
The vision is being given to us through so
much of the media —
be right
everybody a chief —
St. Therese had her "little way" —
But she did God's will with her
holy heart —
God wants love of Him
God wants love of others
People with deep wounds can be so
inside of themselves — they are
always working on fixing their wounds
always trying to win an argument and be right
because the tension — sorrow
is in them
Tension — seeking dominance —
It says in the catechism —
Tension between men and women
seeking dominance
We must seek truth —
We must seek God's will
Trying to make ourselves right by fighting
with others over-us is silly —
We need to seek God's plan and
Unwrap layers of violence, hate
competition to be right for dominance sake —
that may have our hearts tied up —
We need to go to the Pure and Holy Hearts of
Jesus and Mary
Doing God's will in love is seeking
God's vision
In this lies our peace, our joy —
Tension comes from wanting our will
against God's will many times
Tension can come from insecurity
On the other side can be numbness —
We don't ever think of the other —
We are so self-focused we can
become numb —
We have to let go to God —
Admit we are not perfect —
Drop the burial cloths
Put our tainted hearts in the Hearts of
Jesus and Mary.
Jesus' Heart is consumed with fire
to burn off our imperfect ways —
February 12, 2007 continues
Messenger: We must let go of pride to think we
are perfect —
God wants us to love —
Give in love —
The devil wants people to dominate for
dominance sake like Eve
The devil wants people self-focused
rather than other focused
The devil wants us to think our
vision is "THE VISION"
Think we should change — everybody
else should change
The VISION is God's
The devil wants us blaming
each other —
isolating and not sharing when we
need to
We are at battle
Mary tells us the Vision of God —
The Spirit leads the way —
There is the Holy Spirit
There is the evil spirit