Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.

We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome.

I appear my children on this former bank building in Florida, Our Lady Clothed with the Sun.

February 16, 1999

The Purity of the Moment - Doing the Father's Will

Messenger: My intention is always doing that which serves Him, but many times doing a "good deed", one that seems a very worthwhile thing that may produce great good, is not His will for us. And so you say "How can something that seems to produce great good not be right?" It is not right for us if it is not the Father's will. When disruption occurs in our lives and we lose our peace, something must be changed. Sometimes patterns of behavior which we have held on to all our lives are not patterns of behavior the Father wishes us to have. For example, we are to take care of our bodies. Abuse of our bodies is a form of killing or at least it is forbidden by the Fifth Commandment. It is a good thing to spend responsible time socializing with our family and others. It is God's will that a husband spends time relating with his wife. It is not God's will that he abuses himself with alcohol. If most of the time when he is relating to others he has a drink in his hand which is leading him to over-consumption of alcohol, his behavior must be changed if he wishes to do God's will. Many people spend their lives living in moments at the end of the day when they indulge in bad behavior. The message of February 17, 1994, addresses the importance of the moments of our lives.

Jesus speaks: I have asked My messenger to relate this example that I might build a case so that every moment of your lives will be spent in greater service of God as you live always in the Father's will.

Messenger: A story: A mother was to take her child to school everyday. About the time of the departure she would have an inspiration to do one last thing for someone else because it was nice. Every day the child cried, "Mom, we will be late". She was very tense inside trying to fit that one last thing in. This was a habit she had employed her whole life that made every departure very tense, that caused enormous pressure trying to beat the clock and usually the last act she performed for another made little difference. It just put the whole family under pressure. When they called out, "We are going to be late", she felt pressured and would become irritated. One day the Lord gave her a grace. After praying and praying and seeing she was very tense inside and ready to explode whenever there was a departure, by the grace of God she realized that she was always doing one last thing for others, telling herself it was a good thing and therefore she should do it.

Jesus speaks: Pressure is pressure. There are only so many hours in a day. You in a million years cannot do what I can do. With five loaves of bread and two fish I fed the multitude. You do not know My ways. I am God. I have all the power. You depend too much on yourselves and not enough on Me. Felix was to carve the crucifix in Florida, no one understood why his appendix gave him trouble when he was to carve the crucifix. In My might, I act in the soul and the job is finished with My help which is almighty and in My time. Do you understand?

I am God, you are human persons. Let your shoulders down.

You can come to My altars thinking you must study and know it all, or you can come with pure and holy hearts and let Me work in your souls. In the batting of an eye, I can reveal to you, the children, the most profound insights into the mysteries. You measure, you plan, you think. You must work to surrender more to God. Pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus, consecrate your hearts, pray. Do not force yourself to do something at the last moment that causes a chain reaction in others' lives. Satan is the master of deceit. He works in pressure, he works in hunger, he works in fatigue. He sees the opportunity to throw you off course.

In this Shepherds of Christ Movement and in your lives, you must work for that purity of the moment, always consecrating yourself to Our Hearts so that you will live more and more in the Father's will.

Many times before Mass, Satan will create havoc to drive the peace from your heart and help to create division. An episode of choosing the wrong moment to do something at 7:30 a.m. may throw you off so that you are pressured all day, your children are under pressure all day, and you will miss Mass at 3:45 p.m.

Every action must be performed so that the person focuses on the Father's will and service of Him.

Many times you do things to make yourselves feel better, to make yourselves feel important. Or Satan places "a good act" in front of your eyes which will set the whole day out of balance. You live in pressure all day because of your wrong decision.

I will tend My flock, I will care for them. At Mass, you must realize your sinfulness and participate as deeply as possible in Me as Chief-Priest and Victim. You are My instruments. I am the One with the power. Do not become dependent on yourselves, become dependent on Me as My instruments.

I am God. You must be docile, humble, little children. Work in simplicity to serve your God. Beg God for peace, you are helping to bring peace to the world.

You must strive to live in peace. Analyze your lives. Are you uptight, do you scream out and lose control?

I was beaten, My Body lacerated, I bled, I was crowned with thorns and I died on the cross, all in perfect peace. You will have a deep harmony in your heart, even under the deepest pressure, when you look at yourselves honestly and are willing to change. Many do not wish to change and they wrongfully keep doing the same thing. I am peace. To know Me is to know joy even in deep suffering.

My shepherds will be willing to die to their imperfect ways, grow more in the ways of perfected love, live in the Father's will, and depend on their God for all their needs. Ultimately you will surrender. You are My instruments to help bring about this reign of peace.

You must be willing to change your unproductive ways of behavior.

Question for married couples and others in intimately relationships:

Q: How do I feel I am loving Jesus when I am loving you?

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All scripture quotes are from the New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: February 16, 1999
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